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View Full Version : [Request] Torrentllech or similar tracker

Albo Da Kid
09-08-2014, 07:04 AM
i dont usually do requests but i havent been active in a long time. Can anyone help me out with a torrentleech invite or a similar tracker with good content?

09-08-2014, 10:07 AM
Pm sent :)

09-08-2014, 10:56 AM
Don't invite him.

I've done it not long ago and he ensured me that it was is first account there and have never been banned. 5 minutes after account creation he was banned and i lose my invite privileges.

You have been warned.

09-08-2014, 02:07 PM
Don't invite him.

I've done it not long ago and he ensured me that it was is first account there and have never been banned. 5 minutes after account creation he was banned and i lose my invite privileges.

You have been warned.

I haven't yet!! Thanks for letting me know, that's the last thing I need

Albo Da Kid
09-09-2014, 03:03 AM
Don't invite him.

I've done it not long ago and he ensured me that it was is first account there and have never been banned. 5 minutes after account creation he was banned and i lose my invite privileges.

You have been warned.

You never asked me if I was banned or not and I never assured you. Why are you lying?!

09-09-2014, 11:12 AM
Don't invite him.

I've done it not long ago and he ensured me that it was is first account there and have never been banned. 5 minutes after account creation he was banned and i lose my invite privileges.

You have been warned.

You never asked me if I was banned or not and I never assured you. Why are you lying?!

I'm not and i'm 100% sure if that even matters. I told you to go to their IRC if you had a previous account to see if everything was ok, like i do with all my invitees, and you assured me it was. Also waiting all this time without making a post to see if everyone forgets and failing to provide this kind of info when you're asking for the same invite says a lot about character.

Fuck off.

Albo Da Kid
09-09-2014, 11:01 PM
What do I look like to you some type of clown? You really think i would wait this long to see if everyone forgot? No one knew what happened anyway. You jumped the gun and sent me an invite without even asking me if I had been a member before and I hadn't used torrentleech in so long that I had forgotten that I had used that email before. Why would i give you an email i had used before if I knew? Do you think I was trying to get you in trouble on purpose?

And you said yourself you had sent me an invite "Not so long ago" and now youre saying that I waited a "long time". Which one is it not so long ago or it was a long time ago? The trush is that it was about a year and half ago or two years ago.

Youre a loser man. Youre putting too much effort into this. I could give a fcuk about any of these lowlife garbage bitorrent drama i was done with this a long time ago. Im surprised to be honest youre still hanging around here get a life.

And for the record you never asked me to go in irc and check. You just asked me to give you an email so you can send the invitation to. Stop lying

09-09-2014, 11:52 PM
Not long ago for me to forget unfortunely for you. And the only liar here is yourself. I sent you a PM and i asked you if you had a previous account and in case you did to go to their irc see if it was ok to join, like i do with all my invitees. But this doesn't even matter anyway because it's your duty as an invitee to tell me that you had a banned account and check if it was ok to join again in their irc.

It's also amazing how you forget again in this request to mention that. You tell me to get a life because i'm still here, and then you seem to return always when you need someting. Shows well your selfishness and how trustworthy you are.