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View Full Version : hey this is pone44. i was disabled from BTN just for being a member here and that im

12-22-2014, 02:15 AM
what's up FST. Its been a while since I have posted here as I do not have access to my account- Pone44. I went to login into BTN yesterday and it said I was disabled! I have never been disabled from a private tracker in the 8-9+ years that I have been torrenting except for maybe inactivity. Anyway, I went to their disabled irc channel and a staff member told me that I was disabled for being a trader which is complete bullsht!! When I asked him what he was talking about,he said "are you a member of any invite forums". I told him that I used to post at FST but NEVER once did I engage in any type of trading activities! He claimed that I was lying and basically that I trade on FST!

This is my FST account -http://filesharingtalk.com/members/172534-pone44 Anyone can go through them posts and see that I am against trading and I do not give out invites recklessly! I do not give out invites at all and was new to BTN so its not like I gave away invites to their site and invited a trader! I know that a lot of members know me here and know that I never trade or break any tracker\site rules! I keep to myself! Never made a thread like this before as I had no reason too! I not want my account renabled there! Any site that tars rule abiding members for no reason is not a site I want to be apart of no matter how good the site is! I want my name cleared. If I EVER made any type of trade here,please post here! Has this happened to anyone else? Please don't post if you trade or made trade offers( unless your claiming that I offered or traded with you! I know its not possible though because I never traded anything nor offered to.) I have never been treated like this by any staff on a private tracker and BTN was supposed to have fair staff members!? If I was a trader and posted this here,I'm positive that I would be called out!

Again my account here is-http://filesharingtalk.com/members/172534-pone44

If any older members that know me can vouch for me to BTN staff or even here in this thread,I would really appreciate it! I do not want to lose anymore sites over this nonsense! I'm really disappointed in their staff for blindly banning me! Someone must have a grudge with me there and told the staff that I'm a trader but they would have NO PROOF! They shouldve really looked into it instead of being jerks and banning me off of some idiots word and no actual proof!! Its literally impossible for them to have any proof because I never traded,ever!!!! Sorry,I sound like a broken record. I'm just extremely pissed off! Nothing is worse then being accused of something you never did and despise the actions they accuse you of.

FST staff, please check my report in the report section so I can verify my identity to you and change the email i originallu registred here with. I no longer have access to that email and forgot my password. I can't recover it. I haven't posted on FST in a year or two.

BTW, why is the trade and giveaway \request section merged?

12-22-2014, 11:05 PM
I know some trackers treat you as a trader just for having an account on FST. Doesn't matter whether you trade or not. They just see FST as some sort of evil domain whilst in reality there appears to be very little trading here now as a lot of the torrent-invite sites have taken most of that.

I know you're not a trader but unfortunately I'm not on BTN. All trackers have different levels of staff, some are very helpful whilst some are total shitheads. Maybe you just got the shithead.

If it was me I would persist and ask them for some sort of proof. What you traded, who you traded with and when this supposedly happened. Simply being a member of a site where there just happens to be trading does not make you a trader ffs.

12-23-2014, 03:34 AM
Thanks Ghurka. I must have asked 20 times for the staff member that I spoke to in IRC to give me proof of when,who,where(they claim I traded on FST), they couldn't tell me anything obviously because they have absolutely no proof, there's no way they can. I just don't want to be labeled as a trader by other sites. I could careless about BTN as most of the television shows I care about are easily found elsewhere plus this whole situation pisses me off to the point where I wouldn't want them to Renault my account at BTN! Hopefully other sites staff will see that they pulled this out of their ass or banned me just because some tool claimed I was a trader with no possible proof.

12-24-2014, 01:18 PM
Do you mind posting his name here?

P.S. Merry Christmas :happy:

12-25-2014, 01:16 PM
I should not have posted this.

12-25-2014, 01:40 PM
. We know the truthI think the problem is that you've run into some omniscient beings and your best recourse is to tremble while prostrating yourself before them.

In other non-delusional news, I hear that they have invented something called "the court system" because strangely enough most thinking people over the age of 14 know that the obvious isn't always the case and truth and justice are sometimes murky things.

12-25-2014, 01:50 PM
. We know the truthI think the problem is that you've run into some omniscient beings and your best recourse is to tremble while prostrating yourself before them.

In other non-delusional news, I hear that they have invented something called "the court system" because strangely enough most thinking people over the age of 14 know that the obvious isn't always the case and truth and justice are sometimes murky things.

That's the talk of a mere mortal, if I ever heard it. :no:

"Ascend, or GTFO."- BTN staff, apparently :idunno:

BTW, why is the trade and giveaway \request section merged?

Because RealtY said FUCK YOU to everyone, and did it on his own even after a poll was HUGELY against doing so. He also managed to drive away most of the remaining members here, so it's almost moot...

Donations are up, though. RealtY sells donation-based subscriptions to those who want to download NZBs and not contribute anything. So, we've got that going for us... :mellow:

12-25-2014, 01:58 PM
On the positive side you can earn credits to buy digital pictures of stamps of your favourite shows because God knows I need people to know I watch New Girl.

Also Merry Christmas but I'm saying this in a Aaron specific way because frankly pretty much everyone else here strike me as cunts.

12-25-2014, 02:04 PM
Merry Christmas IdolEyes. LOL. I never understood why anyone would wast hard earned bonus points to buy stamps to put on their profile "i watch "DeGrassi" or whatever their favorite show is around there. ;)

. We know the truthI think the problem is that you've run into some omniscient beings and your best recourse is to tremble while prostrating yourself before them.

In other non-delusional news, I hear that they have invented something called "the court system" because strangely enough most thinking people over the age of 14 know that the obvious isn't always the case and truth and justice are sometimes murky things.

I doubt even that would've worked. I guarantee most BTN members have been here sometime or another. The staff,the owner if i'm not mistaking used to trade here or other shadier invite-account selling sites site. maybe it's what they deserve. I also would assume if i was a trader/invite seller, posting ,claiming to be an against trader and never traded on FST,i would've been called out a while back.
thanks for the christma spirit Betrayed. Fill your site with traders and sellers and kick the one that follow site rules out..

12-27-2014, 04:53 AM
It's funny because the founder of BTN was a member of many invite forums. Then again, he also stole the tracker's donations that one time.

12-27-2014, 06:26 AM
Should make that my Sig. Jking

They really hurt me. I hate being blamed for things that do not have anythinto do with me!

12-27-2014, 07:16 AM
Looks like a great sigy to me. :happy:

FST loves hypocrites. :naughty:

12-27-2014, 01:39 PM
It's funny because the founder of BTN was a member of many invite forums. Then again, he also stole the tracker's donations that one time.

Hey I'm into irrational hatred as much as the next guy but I'm still sort of stuck in this silly rut where if you are going to make allegations about someone you should also be offering up some proof with those allegations.

Btw I hear you're a big fat queer baby-eating terrorist. Video maybe to follow or else take my word for it.

12-27-2014, 05:19 PM
what's up FST. Its been a while since I have posted here as I do not have access to my account- Pone44. I went to login into BTN yesterday and it said I was disabled!

C'mon mate. You have been here since 2007. It is hardly the first time some staffer has gone rogue and thought himself God and gone on the rampage banning people here.

You know better.

12-27-2014, 07:54 PM
It's funny because the founder of BTN was a member of many invite forums. Then again, he also stole the tracker's donations that one time.

Hey I'm into irrational hatred as much as the next guy but I'm still sort of stuck in this silly rut where if you are going to make allegations about someone you should also be offering up some proof with those allegations.

Btw I hear you're a big fat queer baby-eating terrorist. Video maybe to follow or else take my word for it.

Proof? :ghey:

12-28-2014, 10:42 PM
can i make this my sig here,Respawn40? LOL. I'll cross your name of if you want. Those bastards. Maybe they thought I was staff here and would announce to their members that they participated in many trades at FST,donation stealing on BTN and banning non trading members for trading. Hypocrites!!!! I really just want my name cleared! Nothing more.

It's funny because the founder of BTN was a member of many invite forums. Then again, he also stole the tracker's donations that one time.

That was PTP btw. (sysop was called Pham) ;)

12-28-2014, 11:38 PM
That was PTP btw. (sysop was called Pham) ;)I'm not familiar with PTP as I'm not a member, but was it not also then BTN?... http://torrentinvites.org/f31/azza-has-stolen-btn-s-donations-35205/

12-29-2014, 01:05 AM
Very interesting. Betrayed,come give your side of this fiction about banning me and stealing donations,having trading histories at FST. Please

12-29-2014, 01:05 PM
Not for nothing pone but this has long past reasonable territory and is now firmly in the crying like a little girl vicinity.

Honestly what type of person did you think runs these type of sites?Or maybe you are also of the opinion the pornographers are mostly terrific,caring people just trying to get by in the World?

Btw as far as I understand how stuff works,pretending to be a nice person and actually being a nice person are two completely different things.

PS Torrentinvites.:mellow:

12-29-2014, 02:06 PM
Not for nothing pone but this has long past reasonable territory and is now firmly in the crying like a little girl vicinity.

Honestly what type of person did you think runs these type of sites?Or maybe you are also of the opinion the pornographers are mostly terrific,caring people just trying to get by in the World?

Btw as far as I understand how stuff works,pretending to be a nice person and actually being a nice person are two completely different things.

PS Torrentinvites.:mellow:

I want to troll the scumbags Idol.
I thought they were a decent staff.anyway, Torrent invites?

12-29-2014, 04:18 PM
If you want to be a dick and troll properly I suggest you check out Meg's life posts.

12-29-2014, 11:26 PM
If you want to be a dick and troll properly I suggest you check out Meg's life posts.

The Original poster? I'm new here so im modeling myself after mega and you.! I like your stars:view::view::view::01:

12-30-2014, 12:48 AM
They're not actually stars they're black holes.At one time they were stars but somewhere along the line they just gave up and said fuck it.

12-30-2014, 11:09 PM
Hiya Pone4444 :wave:

12-31-2014, 02:52 AM
Hiya Pone4444 :wave:
What's up. You know any BTN staff?? Happy holidays

12-31-2014, 04:38 AM
Why dont you post on /trackers ?

12-31-2014, 10:25 PM
God no. They'll all take BTN Betrayed's side and call me a trader.No way I get a word through to anyone of meaning. Why would subject that to myself?
Readable is staff and seems cool so I'm going to PM him on a tracker and get down to it,hopefully. It's weiord because the guy that recruited me say a month again was replaced from the site i was recruited from and readable took over. They swore that was not the reason.

Why dont you post on /trackers ?

01-01-2015, 02:58 PM
Hiya Pone4444 :wave:
What's up. You know any BTN staff?? Happy holidays

Not really, I was just saying hi to someone I know :P

01-02-2015, 02:33 PM
What's up. You know any BTN staff?? Happy holidays

Not really, I was just saying hi to someone I know :P

Happy new year guys.

10-30-2015, 12:18 PM
He did. He got chewed up by the usual ass kissers

10-30-2015, 01:16 PM
Only Gurus, Masters, Torrent Celebrities are allowed to bid.

Does one also have to belong to a whites only country club because I'm pretty sure this amounts to the same thing.

11-18-2015, 02:18 PM
He did. He got chewed up by the usual ass kissers

Great advice to whoever told me to post it at redditt.I was attacked by all the usual ass kissers trying to suck up to Betrayed for a invite... R\trackers should be called \suckupforinvites.

Results https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/3ph5us/banned_from_btn/

At least freshon is back.

Reality, wtf??? Why can't I log into my pone44 account???? I reported it last year!!

11-18-2015, 08:39 PM
I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn't look the same

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself.

La Da Da Da.

11-19-2015, 08:29 AM
You are not losing anything really . You can get most of your content from any general tracker

11-30-2015, 10:26 PM
We're continuing with the English auction. Keep in mind that this means you may bid multiple times, although in the case of a tie the earlier bid will win. Bid early and bid often! Due to low turnout, we're auctioning only 25 invites this month, but we are also decreasing the minimum bid to encourage more participation. Before bidding, you must read the auction rules as well as the invite rules. Send a Staff PM before bidding if anything is unclear.

Only Gurus, Masters, Torrent Celebrities are allowed to bid.

Bids must be at least 10,000,000 bonus points.

You may bid using lumens at a rate of 1 lumen to 1,200 bonus points.

Don't take this the wrong way,people in charge of BTN, but what the fuck is wrong with you? :mellow:

I mean besides the obvious.

12-01-2015, 05:17 PM
We're continuing with the English auction. Keep in mind that this means you may bid multiple times, although in the case of a tie the earlier bid will win. Bid early and bid often! Due to low turnout, we're auctioning only 25 invites this month, but we are also decreasing the minimum bid to encourage more participation. Before bidding, you must read the auction rules as well as the invite rules. Send a Staff PM before bidding if anything is unclear.

Only Gurus, Masters, Torrent Celebrities are allowed to bid.

Bids must be at least 10,000,000 bonus points.

You may bid using lumens at a rate of 1 lumen to 1,200 bonus points.

Don't take this the wrong way,people in charge of BTN, but what the fuck is wrong with you? :mellow:

I mean besides the obvious.

For all those hurdles, the thing I take issue with the most is:

If you win an invite and do not use it within 72 hours, it is forfeited.

I have enough stresses.

12-01-2015, 05:47 PM
They need to protect the integrity of their illegal site.

12-01-2015, 07:07 PM
They need to protect the integrity of their illegal site.

No they do that now by renting an apartment in the Netherlands and setting up there, the Dutch don't give a shit about anything....Just ask Austin Powers or his Fassher!!
That sounds kind of English right??:unsure:

12-12-2015, 01:33 PM
I was disabled cause of SUSPICIONSness and can't explainingness and cause Romanians are gypsies...allegedly.
<<By guess who?!

04-24-2016, 12:20 AM
I was disabled cause of SUSPICIONSness and can't explainingness and cause Romanians are gypsies...allegedly.
<<By guess who?!

Wow. Sorry Antibody. You're one of the best staffers I know. That tells it all. If they could bam Antibody, nobody is safe.

04-24-2016, 12:21 PM
If been torrenting stuff for a very long time in dog years or an extremely short time if you happen to be a Redwood and I've learned that most torrent sites are like The Lord of the Flies.. starts out OK then quickly goes to shit and sooner or later some guy is going to end up with his brains bashed in.

So the moral of the story is that you either have power or at some point you wind up fighting against it.
I'm fairly sure that's how everything works unless you're a communist and even then it doesn't.