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02-13-2015, 10:50 PM
Yeah where's manky

doesn't seem to be here much these days

We were like besties here, miss him :(

Something Else
02-15-2015, 10:41 AM

02-15-2015, 02:46 PM
Yeah where's manky

doesn't seem to be here much these days

We were like besties here, miss him :(

I think back at the day, he banned you, didn't he?

02-15-2015, 11:57 PM
Yeah where's manky

doesn't seem to be here much these days

We were like besties here, miss him :(

I think back at the day, he banned you, didn't he?

Barely cos I was let back like the next day cos I PM'd him. but that wasn't sarcasm. He was my bestie here. He made me stay<3

02-16-2015, 12:50 AM
This is the appropriate section where I can call people horrible but true things isn't it?

02-16-2015, 01:00 AM
This is the appropriate section where I can call people horrible but true things isn't it?

Am I horrible? I actually liked manker~

02-16-2015, 01:02 AM
Idol, you don't just step into someone's thread and call them horrible.

I'm gonna report you to the mods. you were a staff member, soon YOU'll be banned

Idol, nah, yu dunno who I'm. But I was friends with you too.

02-16-2015, 01:06 AM
I mean do yu Like remember when I was desperate to kmow how to circumvent bans, Idol and yu informed me about evercookies? The point was along those lines

02-16-2015, 01:10 AM
No and who's Yu ? Is he related to Rart because he's a cunt.

02-16-2015, 01:11 AM
No and who's Yu ? Is he related to Rart because he's a cunt.

I'm she

02-16-2015, 01:12 AM
I don't like pure trolls so forgive me if I pass.

02-16-2015, 01:25 AM
No I wasn't a pure troll. I.. Yeah I trolled a load of forums but I'm not gonna troll here, K?

I acc enjoyed manner though

02-16-2015, 01:27 AM
Oh no sorry did I misunderstand? I'm slightly baffled. What ummm

02-16-2015, 06:41 AM
Last time you came here you were 13 and now you appear to be 10.

02-16-2015, 06:46 AM
Now I know the meaning of 'degrade', which this thread is rapidly becoming.

02-16-2015, 06:50 AM
Is this a Dave clone, or just some almost-as-stupid individual? :unsure:

02-16-2015, 09:11 AM
Not Dave.

02-16-2015, 10:40 AM
Is this a Dave clone, or just some almost-as-stupid individual? :unsure:

May God save FST from Dave. Amen

& this is that sexually frustrated teen who is apparently in somewhat same situation as Oleg is.

02-16-2015, 01:30 PM
I think I know who this is but since I can't remember his name and even if I could it's just a pseudonym I guess technically I don't know who this is.

02-16-2015, 03:23 PM
Is this a Dave clone, or just some almost-as-stupid individual? :unsure:

May God save FST from Dave. Amen

& this is that sexually frustrated teen who is apparently in somewhat same situation as Oleg is.

Shit, another autistic virgin. Just our luck. :no:

02-16-2015, 03:29 PM
Or, as Rart would say, "We have no ruck."

02-16-2015, 04:17 PM
I'm must be old because I can remember back to the time when Rart still had a sense of humour.

02-16-2015, 04:21 PM
Btw love manker but like similar traitors who played fast and loose with my emotions only to drop me like a hot potato when the mood strikes them, I intend seek revenge by boiling his pet rabbit if I ever get the chance. :)

02-16-2015, 04:50 PM
I think I know who this is but since I can't remember his name and even if I could it's just a pseudonym I guess technically I don't know who this is.

I'm female.
Something like Beastly/XxAmazingstarxX but think they were all lost during some crash e.e
I'm someone who had like 10 accounts here.

I'm autistic but am not OLeg, I told you this when I was initially here, another hint

Something Else
02-16-2015, 05:05 PM
Poor grammar. Lack of correct punctuation. It can only be someone who nobody remembers :dabs:

02-16-2015, 05:09 PM
I'm female.
Something like Beastly/XxAmazingstarxX but think they were all lost during some crash e.e
I'm someone who had like 10 accounts here.

I'm autistic but am not OLeg, I told you this when I was initially here, another hint

The only thing that is factual about any of that is that you likely had ten accounts here,seeing that you're mental.

02-16-2015, 05:10 PM
My other guess is that you're bizarro Something Else.

02-16-2015, 05:33 PM
Now I know the meaning of 'degrade'

You've been here for eight years and didn't know it? :eyebrows:

02-16-2015, 06:16 PM
I'm female.

This I can believe since Idol is repulsed by you. :yup:

02-16-2015, 06:31 PM
I'm female.
Something like Beastly/XxAmazingstarxX but think they were all lost during some crash e.e
I'm someone who had like 10 accounts here.

I'm autistic but am not OLeg, I told you this when I was initially here, another hint

The only thing that is factual about any of that is that you likely had ten accounts here,seeing that you're mental.

And that I'm autistic
and that I'm not oLeg

and some were lost during the crash unless anon lied
and my username was what I say

02-16-2015, 06:49 PM
And that I'm autistic

Do you thank your mom every day for getting you vaccinated?

02-16-2015, 07:11 PM
Now I know the meaning of 'degrade'

You've been here for eight years and didn't know it? :eyebrows:

Fuck me. Only seems like yesterday since I joined. Where has time gone?

02-16-2015, 07:20 PM
Hey, OP, were you officially diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder?

02-16-2015, 07:32 PM
I'm female.

This I can believe since Idol is repulsed by you. :yup:

To be fair it's mostly the smell.Oh no wait that's you.

02-16-2015, 07:35 PM
And that I'm autistic
and that I'm not oLeg

and some were lost during the crash unless anon lied
and my username was what I say

I have a remarkable memory for names and I don't remember any of those,Fred.

Also I will pay you actual Canadian tire money if you prove you're either autistic or female.

02-16-2015, 07:59 PM
autistic or female.

Autitstic, then. :sly:

02-16-2015, 08:10 PM
Dude I'm waiting for a answer and if you really are autistic it's not like you have anything better to do than sit in a corner and rock back and forth.

02-16-2015, 08:30 PM
autistic or female.

Autitstic, then. :sly:
I've been telling people for years my persistent breast fixation was a side effect of being vaccinated. The eye contact aversion too. Honest. Yeah it's gender specific, so what?

02-16-2015, 08:40 PM
Dude I'm waiting for a answer and if you really are autistic it's not like you have anything better to do than sit in a corner and rock back and forth.

I'm on the mild end.
It affects me socially, but I won't inform you since you're being so rude. I don't appreciate being mocked

02-16-2015, 10:16 PM
I don't appreciate being mocked

Oh, come now. Why join a forum such as this if you don't want to be mocked. The whole purpose of this place is to digest, dissect, then discern each statement made, then tell the author that they are a twat.

If you don't want the abuse, log off.

02-16-2015, 10:20 PM
If you don't want the abuse, log off.

50 Shades of FST.

02-16-2015, 10:27 PM
Oh does 50 shades of grey have humour?

02-16-2015, 10:52 PM
But you're totally not a liar or a troll.

Btw good move,genius.

02-17-2015, 04:46 AM
Oh, come now. Why join a forum such as this if you don't want to be mocked. The whole purpose of this place is to digest, dissect, then discern each statement made, then tell the author that they are a twat.

:lol: Post of the week.

02-17-2015, 10:54 AM
But you're totally not a liar or a troll.

Btw good move,genius.

Idol it got banned and all my posts deleted :'(

My trolling sucks

03-17-2015, 07:44 PM
Dave? Is that you, kid?

03-18-2015, 11:10 AM
Is that you Dave?

03-18-2015, 12:14 PM
Dave's not here and now ffs just let it die already.

03-18-2015, 08:35 PM
I reckon Dave is around here somewhere.

03-18-2015, 11:14 PM
Dave sees all.

03-19-2015, 06:53 AM
If you don't want the abuse, log off.

50 Shades of FST.

Don't you mean, '50 Shades of FOX'?

03-19-2015, 10:49 AM
Gonna be 7 shades of shite for Dave when his mates find out how sloppy he is

03-20-2015, 12:22 AM
I reckon Dave is around here somewhere.


Dave sees all.

Not "all", but enough to ensure that the price will be paid.

03-20-2015, 12:41 AM
Hello MBM. No need to sit and stare at the screen in bewilderment, you surely aren't stupid enough to think I'd gone away. No, if you were that stupid you'd think that you and your little clique of tossers could stalk someone without consequence... oh hang on...

03-20-2015, 12:59 AM
Not much left of the life you screwed up, eh, Dave?

03-20-2015, 01:01 AM
My life is just dandy thanks.

Why didn't you let your retarded kids burn in the pool fire? Surely they'd have been better dying like that, than living with an utter fuckwit like you for a father.

For reference you might like to have a read of the other thread I've replied to, the one where bigbonehead proves he's an utter fuckwit like you. It'll save you making yourself look even more stupid (like that's even possible) as you assume that bigbonehead has some kind of valid position.

03-20-2015, 01:03 AM

03-20-2015, 01:07 AM
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not FST is still owned and operated by the same fucked up administrators.

03-20-2015, 01:09 AM
Never thought we'd find common ground. Let's be friends now. :)

03-20-2015, 01:11 AM
I can't be your friend, I'm banned remember, you all had me banned.

03-20-2015, 01:14 AM
Sure that wasn't on some other board? You get booted a lot. :idunno:

03-20-2015, 01:18 AM
Nope, this is the only board which ever banned me. You'll be getting confused with the one your lying friend told you about, where my account was banned when I pointed out to the lass who owned it that she'd already banned someone for exactly the same thing I stood accused of. She'll have forgotten to mention the details of that, she was like that... her holiday photos look nice btw, walking around in America with her ex-husband.

03-20-2015, 01:21 AM
Hello MBM. No need to sit and stare at the screen in bewilderment, you surely aren't stupid enough to think I'd gone away. No, if you were that stupid you'd think that you and your little clique of tossers could stalk someone without consequence... oh hang on...

Excuse me for being blunt but ....


Now that's all I've got to say so if you've got nothing better to do than tell people that you wished their children died in a fire , please do fuck off post-hastily as you can.:)

03-20-2015, 01:26 AM
I never said I wished it Idol. Do stop making things up, there's a good chap.

Oddly you never had a problem with the scum who run this board using my real life details and my childrens lives to attack me. Indeed that's how come we're all here, and all fixed in our positions about what was done here.

03-20-2015, 01:36 AM
What was done, Dave? We made fun of you. You cried (and continue to do so), and we laugh. Same old story.

03-20-2015, 01:38 AM
Nope, this is the only board which ever banned me. You'll be getting confused with the one your lying friend told you about, where my account was banned when I pointed out to the lass who owned it that she'd already banned someone for exactly the same thing I stood accused of. She'll have forgotten to mention the details of that, she was like that... her holiday photos look nice btw, walking around in America with her ex-husband.

And just imagine, we accused you of stalking. Some nerve we have. :idunno:

03-20-2015, 02:55 AM

03-20-2015, 05:29 AM
What was done, Dave? We made fun of you. You cried (and continue to do so), and we laugh. Same old story.

See there you go again, believing that the thoughts which occur inside your head are in some way representative of the truth, when in actual fact they bear no resemblence to the truth at all.

No I'm not going to bother covering it all again, I did that, and stated the facts, but they didn't matter to scum like you.

And just imagine, we accused you of stalking. Some nerve we have. :idunno:

You really do amuse me, it's like you set yourself the challenge of making yourself look more stupid with every post.

Why would I need to stalk someone to see information they put in public places which I go to?

As I told manker way back then. I never had any need to stalk her, she was for five years someone I held to be one of my closest and most trusted friends. She was consequently very important to me. I don't need to think about her birthday for example, my brain automatically prompts me about it in the days immediately proceeding the actual day. I know automatically how old she will be, because my brain has already done the calculation for me. As it does for every family member, and all of my closest friends. I know all the details of her life, they are embedded into me, because long ago I made a series of mistakes. Starting with joining a board she wanted me to join (when I barely knew her), all the way through to allowing her to manipulate her way into my life, and being stupid enough to trust her, as she lied to me.

You all proved me right beyond my wildest dreams.
I started with "all women are manipulative lying scum", you proved all of humanity is utter scum.
You all proved that truth and evidence are meaningless concepts, that all that matters are the thoughts which occur inside peoples heads.
You all proved that based soley upon the thoughts in their heads most of the scum who comprise humanity believe in their right to damage other peoples lives.

You should be proud MBM, you enlightened me, and I came to understand that I am as entitled to behave like a complete piece of scum towards other human beings, as each of you was/are. That I am as entitled to damage someone elses life based upon nothing more than it being what I want to do, just like her and all of you did.

Now I go back to waiting... you won't find me anywhere, I steadfastly refuse to interact with a humanity which is primarily composed of utter scum like you. I just sit and watch as utter scum like you (who are utterly convinced that the thoughts in their heads represent some kind of truth) slaughter more utter scum like you. Waiting for my time to come.

I think that about ends the usefulness of this account. Bye.

03-20-2015, 05:49 AM
See there you go again, believing that the thoughts which occur inside your head are in some way representative of the truth, when in actual fact they bear no resemblence to the truth at all.

No I'm not going to bother covering it all again, I did that, and stated the facts, but they didn't matter to scum like you.

And just imagine, we accused you of stalking. Some nerve we have. :idunno:

You really do amuse me, it's like you set yourself the challenge of making yourself look more stupid with every post.

Why would I need to stalk someone to see information they put in public places which I go to?

As I told manker way back then. I never had any need to stalk her, she was for five years someone I held to be one of my closest and most trusted friends. She was consequently very important to me. I don't need to think about her birthday for example, my brain automatically prompts me about it in the days immediately proceeding the actual day. I know automatically how old she will be, because my brain has already done the calculation for me. As it does for every family member, and all of my closest friends. I know all the details of her life, they are embedded into me, because long ago I made a series of mistakes. Starting with joining a board she wanted me to join (when I barely knew her), all the way through to allowing her to manipulate her way into my life, and being stupid enough to trust her, as she lied to me.

You all proved me right beyond my wildest dreams.
I started with "all women are manipulative lying scum", you proved all of humanity is utter scum.
You all proved that truth and evidence are meaningless concepts, that all that matters are the thoughts which occur inside peoples heads.
You all proved that based soley upon the thoughts in their heads most of the scum who comprise humanity believe in their right to damage other peoples lives.

You should be proud MBM, you enlightened me, and I came to understand that I am as entitled to behave like a complete piece of scum towards other human beings, as each of you was/are. That I am as entitled to damage someone elses life based upon nothing more than it being what I want to do, just like her and all of you did.

Now I go back to waiting... you won't find me anywhere, I steadfastly refuse to interact with a humanity which is primarily composed of utter scum like you. I just sit and watch as utter scum like you (who are utterly convinced that the thoughts in their heads represent some kind of truth) slaughter more utter scum like you. Waiting for my time to come.

I think that about ends the usefulness of this account. Bye.

LOL, Dave. LOL. :wave:

Everyone laughs at you, Dave. Not just us 'scum', but everyone who reads what you write.

03-20-2015, 08:19 AM
Everyone laughs at you, Dave. Not just us 'scum', but everyone who reads what you write.

But the same could be said about you. Come to think about it, it probably also applies to everything I write as well.

Dave, you write a well constructed piece. Just a shame it is too long to hold my limited attention span. As you get older, you'll realise that bite size posts are far more digestible.

As for Idol, well he is still the God of FST in the eyes of many here.

03-20-2015, 09:41 AM
My life is just dandy thanks.

Why didn't you let your retarded kids burn in the pool fire? Surely they'd have been better dying like that, than living with an utter fuckwit like you for a father.

For reference you might like to have a read of the other thread I've replied to, the one where bigbonehead proves he's an utter fuckwit like you. It'll save you making yourself look even more stupid (like that's even possible) as you assume that bigbonehead has some kind of valid position.

Dave, all this pent up rage is doing you no good. Think of your heart. Think of your blood pressure. It's just as well you're young, fit and healthy.

03-20-2015, 11:56 AM
See there you go again, believing that the thoughts which occur inside your head are in some way representative of the truth, when in actual fact they bear no resemblence to the truth at all.

Still haven't come to terms with the fact that there are no universal truths(as opposed to physical Laws),Dave? I've been around a good while and I have yet to bump into any.

OK maybe "put enough people together and sooner or later one is going to do the absolute worst thing possible" but that's about it.

What was done, Dave? We made fun of you. You cried (and continue to do so).

OK maybe two.If you make a habit of crying at some point people are going stop listening.

03-20-2015, 12:09 PM
I never said I wished it Idol. Do stop making things up, there's a good chap.

Semantics,Dave.Intent also gets you two to four.

Oddly you never had a problem with the scum who run this board using my real life details and my childrens lives to attack me. Indeed that's how come we're all here, and all fixed in our positions about what was done here.

If you can give evidence of any time I supported anything like that then feel free.If you want fact as opposed fiction then you may recall that I was the only person that showed you any sympathy.That and I purposely remain ignorant to the sordid details as it is frankly none of my business until it falls into realm of the criminal.

03-20-2015, 12:43 PM
As for Idol, well he is still the God of FST in the eyes of many here.

I guess that make me a lesser god among a lesser people then doesn't it?:01:

Rart I command you to have a sense of humour Medamn it.

03-20-2015, 02:03 PM
As for Idol, well he is still the God of FST in the eyes of many here.

I guess that make me a lesser god among a lesser people then doesn't it?

The All Seeing Dave is an enigma. He is widely known as The Oracle on his @EnglandsTerrier Twitter account.

03-20-2015, 02:36 PM
... I purposely remain ignorant to the sordid details as it is frankly none of my business until it falls into realm of the criminal.

It fell into the realm of criminal when she broke the laws of the land she lives in and instigated what was done here with that PM of lies to chavis. You never made it your business, because you don't have a problem with criminals breaking laws as long as it doesn't affect you personally. Stop trying to make out you're more than you are Idol, you're not. You're the same as the rest of the non-participatory providers of tacit support. The moderators who crept around behind the scenes joining in. The admin team members who sat and ignored any board rules or rules of basic human decency, and deliberately and knowingly facilitated, participated in and tacitally provided support to the stalking of me... no, you're no better than the rest of them.

03-20-2015, 03:26 PM
... I purposely remain ignorant to the sordid details as it is frankly none of my business until it falls into realm of the criminal.

It fell into the realm of criminal when she broke the laws of the land she lives in and instigated what was done here with that PM of lies to chavis. You never made it your business, because you don't have a problem with criminals breaking laws as long as it doesn't affect you personally. Stop trying to make out you're more than you are Idol, you're not. You're the same as the rest of the non-participatory providers of tacit support. The moderators who crept around behind the scenes joining in. The admin team members who sat and ignored any board rules or rules of basic human decency, and deliberately and knowingly facilitated, participated in and tacitally provided support to the stalking of me... no, you're no better than the rest of them.

Reigniting old battles among your old friends because your new dodgy scam was exposed by others won't stop the impending doom Davey.

03-20-2015, 03:28 PM
I'm honestly more or less surprised that the jihadists haven't tried to recruit you Dave as bitter and ignorant to the facts as you are.

If it seems that I tacitly support some people more than others here then it's only because some come off a tad less mental.As for '"decency" and apparently this whole mess falling under the heading "Personal problems" I being more or less a gentleman understand, as stated that it's really none of my fucking business.

Btw I'm not staff as you're abundantly aware or else if there was some wrong done and there was anything I could do about it ,which in this case there isn't and probably never was I would try to rectify it.

If you like I'll encourage Rart that all "scum" involved including myself (if that be the case) be banned but as everyone intrinsic to this has long deserted the site I'm pretty sure that solves nothing and all this whining does is shine a light on you being unreasonable.

As for the whole thing being "criminal" as stated I know nothing of that but if you truly want to pointless further wash your dirty linen in public feel free to PM the details or if that is impossible post them here and I shall read them and maybe it will change my mind.

PS I've sent a report about this billybonehead dupe twat posting your twitter name and for the record if possible he seems to me even more an asshole than you.:)

03-20-2015, 03:44 PM
I'm honestly more or less surprised that the jihadists haven't tried to recruit you Dave as bitter and ignorant to the facts as you are.

If it seems that I tacitly support some people more than others here then it's only because some come off a tad less mental.As for '"decency" and apparently this whole mess falling under the heading "Personal problems" I being more or less a gentleman understand, as stated that it's really none of my fucking business.

Btw I'm not staff as you're abundantly aware or else if there was some wrong done and there was anything I could do about it ,which in this case there isn't and probably never was I would try to rectify it.

If you like I'll encourage Rart that all "scum" involved including myself (if that be the case) be banned but as everyone intrinsic to this has long deserted the site I'm pretty sure that solves nothing and all this whining does is shine a light on you being unreasonable.

As for the whole thing being "criminal" as stated I know nothing of that but if you truly want to pointless further wash your dirty linen in public feel free to PM the details or if that is impossible post them here and I shall read them and maybe it will change my mind.

PS I've sent a report about this billybonehead dupe twat posting your twitter name and for the record if possible he seems to me even more an asshole than you.:)

This place is even more retarded than Twitter. No wonder you're a public joke now Dave.

03-20-2015, 03:47 PM
I didn't ask that you prove my point but thanks I guess.:unsure:

03-20-2015, 03:49 PM
PS I've sent a report about this billybonehead dupe twat posting your twitter name and for the record if possible he seems to me even more an asshole than you.:)

As previously stated I don't have a Twitter name, I am not on Twitter, so I can't have a name there.

As for billynomates, he does have a twitter name, so it was obvious he was a twat from the outset.

You might have a point regarding the statement I made about you providing 'tacit support'.

03-20-2015, 03:58 PM
Thanks I occasionally try to make sense to add the element of surprise.

03-20-2015, 04:18 PM
I didn't ask that you prove my point but thanks I guess.:unsure:

Seems like FST are the naive idiots who got taken in by an obvious neo-Nazi and conman.

03-20-2015, 04:19 PM
No I've never liked RealitY.

03-20-2015, 04:40 PM
No I've never liked RealitY.

What would you know about reality? You're sat here while Muslims take over the world. At least Dave and his friends are out there being proactive. 158145

03-20-2015, 05:33 PM
PS I've sent a report about this billybonehead dupe twat posting your twitter name and for the record if possible he seems to me even more an asshole than you.:)

As previously stated I don't have a Twitter name, I am not on Twitter, so I can't have a name there.

As for billynomates, he does have a twitter name, so it was obvious he was a twat from the outset.

You might have a point regarding the statement I made about you providing 'tacit support'.

Dave, you silly man. If you're not on twatter then how do you know i am? Hasn't it occurred to you I may just be a conduit for information?

03-20-2015, 08:06 PM
This thread has the distinct stink of Dave talking to himself. No change there then.

Let's gather round young billybonehead there and cock an ear to his story. How has this situation transpired, Bill? Be as lengthy as you like. Idol likes it lengthy. Give us all the low down brown on how Dave has effected your life, if you will. There's a good chap.

03-20-2015, 09:00 PM
This thread has the distinct stink of Dave talking to himself. No change there then.

Let's gather round young billybonehead there and cock an ear to his story. How has this situation transpired, Bill? Be as lengthy as you like. Idol likes it lengthy. Give us all the low down brown on how Dave has effected your life, if you will. There's a good chap.

Where do we start? It's all TL;DR, but to cut a long story short, Dave brings much joy and happiness to the hearts of many. The day he truly embraced his neo-Nazi self and created his Bluehand cult was the day the lulz were realized. After much trolling it turns out he's nothing short of a sex pest, rape afficionado and a website scammer. We're still investigating, but it does seem to appear that he may have managed to get himself involved in some kind of money laundering operation with some very shady characters indeed, which will only become a catalyst for even more lulz. Time will tell.

03-20-2015, 09:06 PM
This thread has the distinct stink of Dave talking to himself. No change there then.

Let's gather round young billybonehead there and cock an ear to his story. How has this situation transpired, Bill? Be as lengthy as you like. Idol likes it lengthy. Give us all the low down brown on how Dave has effected your life, if you will. There's a good chap.

Where do we start? It's all TL;DR, but to cut a long story short, Dave brings much joy and happiness to the hearts of many. The day he truly embraced his neo-Nazi self and created his Bluehand cult was the day the lulz were realized. After much trolling it turns out he's nothing short of a sex pest, rape afficionado and a website scammer. We're still investigating, but it does seem to appear that he may have managed to get himself involved in some kind of money laundering operation with some very shady characters indeed, which will only become a catalyst for even more lulz. Time will tell.

Then by all means start a thread about it in this very lounge. Consider it a spunk deposit for all things Dave. Dave will always know where to look, and we might not confuse him as much. All this sounds terribly fascinating, and of course, utterly unbelievable. Though, knowing Dave like I do, which is intimately, (he fellated me for a time, we don't like to talk about it) anything is unpossible.

Please continue.

03-20-2015, 09:25 PM
Then by all means start a thread about it in this very lounge. Consider it a spunk deposit for all things Dave. Dave will always know where to look, and we might not confuse him as much. All this sounds terribly fascinating, and of course, utterly unbelievable. Though, knowing Dave like I do, which is intimately, (he fellated me for a time, we don't like to talk about it) anything is unpossible.

Please continue.

It'll get messy and full of screenshots and all kinds, but I suppose we could call it DaveBin

03-20-2015, 09:27 PM
Then by all means start a thread about it in this very lounge. Consider it a spunk deposit for all things Dave. Dave will always know where to look, and we might not confuse him as much. All this sounds terribly fascinating, and of course, utterly unbelievable. Though, knowing Dave like I do, which is intimately, (he fellated me for a time, we don't like to talk about it) anything is unpossible.

Please continue.

It'll get messy and full of screenshots and all kinds, but I suppose we could call it DaveBin

Do it. Do it like a Strawberry Chewit.

03-20-2015, 10:13 PM
Dave, you silly man. If you're not on twatter then how do you know i am? Hasn't it occurred to you I may just be a conduit for information?

You have to be a complete fucking idiot. I know because you stated it here:

Apologies for reviving an ancient thread but we've just come across Dave ourselves on Twitter. It's highly likely he's keeping an eye on this thread so thought it would be fun to give him the attention he so craves.

I mean I thought chavis and his band of spastics were thick, but fuck me man, you really are special.

03-20-2015, 10:24 PM
It'll get messy and full of screenshots and all kinds, but I suppose we could call it DaveBin

Do it. Do it like a Strawberry Chewit.

Looks like someone baleeted muh thread.

03-20-2015, 10:24 PM
You have to be a complete fucking idiot. I know because you stated it here:

Apologies for reviving an ancient thread but we've just come across Dave ourselves on Twitter. It's highly likely he's keeping an eye on this thread so thought it would be fun to give him the attention he so craves.

I mean I thought chavis and his band of spastics were thick, but fuck me man, you really are special.

It's alright, Dave. You've got rart on your side. He's got that special slant on things.

03-20-2015, 10:27 PM
You have to be a complete fucking idiot. I know because you stated it here:

Apologies for reviving an ancient thread but we've just come across Dave ourselves on Twitter. It's highly likely he's keeping an eye on this thread so thought it would be fun to give him the attention he so craves.

I mean I thought chavis and his band of spastics were thick, but fuck me man, you really are special.

Dave, you have a choice, and as was already explained to you, witness protection isn't as bad as you think.

03-20-2015, 10:28 PM
Do it. Do it like a Strawberry Chewit.

Looks like someone baleeted muh thread.

Yep, nice try, though. I appreciate the effort. Doesn't matter anyway. Dave's here now. You've resurrected him.

You can still post stuff here.

03-20-2015, 10:32 PM
Dave, you have a choice, and as was already explained to you, witness protection isn't as bad as you think.

Why don't you go take it up with whoever the twatter is that you have a problem with, it's not me.

03-20-2015, 10:32 PM
You have to be a complete fucking idiot. I know because you stated it here:

I mean I thought chavis and his band of spastics were thick, but fuck me man, you really are special.

It's alright, Dave. You've got rart on your side. He's got that special slant on things.

We don't allow personal information to be posted on the board, ever. I am not familiar enough with the situation to know exactly what information is real or not, but until Skiz/Anon come online and can confirm what's going on I'm going to err on the side of caution and keep the thread trashed.

03-20-2015, 10:33 PM
Dave, you have a choice, and as was already explained to you, witness protection isn't as bad as you think.

Why don't you go take it up with whoever the twatter is that you have a problem with, it's not me.

David, we admire your tenacity, but this is just stupid now.

03-20-2015, 10:41 PM
It's alright, Dave. You've got rart on your side. He's got that special slant on things.

We don't allow personal information to be posted on the board, ever. I am not familiar enough with the situation to know exactly what information is real or not, but until Skiz/Anon come online and can confirm what's going on I'm going to err on the side of caution and keep the thread trashed.

Lame board is lame.

03-20-2015, 11:05 PM
We don't allow personal information to be posted on the board, ever.

Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

I am not familiar enough with the situation to know exactly what information is real or not, but until Skiz/Anon come online and can confirm what's going on I'm going to err on the side of caution and keep the thread trashed.

I can tell you now if you allow this troll to libel me here, I will be posting the personal details of a whole load of people, as you can see in the thread you already have, where [Rart edit: NO PERSONAL INFORMATION] personal address is already posted. For every one of the stupid attempts he posts I will hunt down the real owner and put their personal details on your board.

Whoever this nasty little troll is, I am not his target, and I will not sit here and be treated as one.

03-20-2015, 11:10 PM
Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

I am not familiar enough with the situation to know exactly what information is real or not, but until Skiz/Anon come online and can confirm what's going on I'm going to err on the side of caution and keep the thread trashed.

I can tell you now if you allow this troll to libel me here, I will be posting the personal details of a whole load of people, as you can see in the thread you already have, where -snip- personal address is already posted. For every one of the stupid attempts he posts I will hunt down the real owner and put their personal details on your board.

Whoever this nasty little troll is, I am not his target, and I will not sit here and be treated as one.

David, taking revenge on your old buddies isn't going to help your situation.

03-20-2015, 11:13 PM
I can tell you now if you allow this troll to libel me here, I will be posting the personal details of a whole load of people.....

I'm like six foot with the kind of piercing blue eyes that seem to look right through you and pretty buff if that helps.

03-20-2015, 11:14 PM
I can tell you now if you allow this troll to libel me here, I will be posting the personal details of a whole load of people, as you can see in the thread you already have, where -snip- personal address is already posted. For every one of the stupid attempts he posts I will hunt down the real owner and put their personal details on your board.

I'm not here to give preferential treatment. Just because I trashed that thread doesn't mean I'm "helping" you out. NO ONE is allowed to post personal information, and that includes your post. If you ignore my warning and post personal information again, I will put you under moderation.

03-20-2015, 11:15 PM
And as Rart lacks even the hint of a sense of humour you better believe he means it.

03-20-2015, 11:18 PM
David, taking revenge on your old buddies isn't going to help your situation.

The only situation I have is the one created by this board about two years ago, and the woman who created that will pay the price for it. It is the sole reason for my continued existence, that I will one day exact retribution upon her. Until that day arrives, I have no reason to want to interact with you or any of the rest of the scum who comprise the bulk of humanity. Not here and definitely not on Twitter. So why don't you go find out who this bloke you have a problem with is and take it up with him. I have no interest in who you are, or what your problem is. Unless you want to make it my problem, then I'm willing to go the whole way... just as I will for the vicious little bitch who created all of this who I intend to publicly eviscerate.

03-20-2015, 11:20 PM
Is that like an olive branch and I'm just not getting it?

03-20-2015, 11:22 PM
I'm not here to give preferential treatment. Just because I trashed that thread doesn't mean I'm "helping" you out. NO ONE is allowed to post personal information, and that includes your post. If you ignore my warning and post personal information again, I will put you under moderation.

Noted, and I apologise for my use of his name in the example I posted.

03-20-2015, 11:23 PM
I personally intend to publicly eviscerate some Dim Sum.

03-20-2015, 11:24 PM
Is that like an olive branch and I'm just not getting it?

No, that's "you have the wrong bloke, now fuck off".

And to think this fucking idiot thinks I could use twitter and make anything I say fit into 140 characters.

03-20-2015, 11:28 PM
I personally intend to publicly eviscerate some Dim Sum.

Come on don't tell me that you didn't crack a smile at that one especially since by Dim Sum I meant Rart.

03-20-2015, 11:29 PM
Hopefully that doesn't fall under the heading too racist as I was going for just moderately racist.

03-20-2015, 11:31 PM
I can tell you now if you allow this troll to libel me here, I will be posting the personal details of a whole load of people.....

I'm like six foot with the kind of piercing blue eyes that seem to look right through you and pretty buff if that helps.

Do you even lift bro?

03-20-2015, 11:33 PM
David, taking revenge on your old buddies isn't going to help your situation.

The only situation I have is the one created by this board about two years ago, and the woman who created that will pay the price for it. It is the sole reason for my continued existence, that I will one day exact retribution upon her. Until that day arrives, I have no reason to want to interact with you or any of the rest of the scum who comprise the bulk of humanity. Not here and definitely not on Twitter. So why don't you go find out who this bloke you have a problem with is and take it up with him. I have no interest in who you are, or what your problem is. Unless you want to make it my problem, then I'm willing to go the whole way... just as I will for the vicious little bitch who created all of this who I intend to publicly eviscerate.

So if you're not the Jezza's retard who got exposed, then why so edgy Dave? Why did you threaten to cut open someone *we* don't even know?

03-20-2015, 11:35 PM
Only to the point and I'm God help me not making this up,I changed exercise routines to a four day on one day off split a few months ago and now I lose track of what day of the week it is. :unsure:

03-20-2015, 11:39 PM
Were any of you mongs involved in his Praetorian bullshit? Where are those lame ass poets?

03-20-2015, 11:42 PM
So if you're not the Jezza's retard who got exposed, then why so edgy Dave?

I have no idea what that refers to.

Why did you threaten to cut open someone *we* don't even know?

It's not a threat, it's a promise. See if you're the kind of scum who thinks you can go around lying to have someones life gutted in public by scum, because it entertains you and the scum you lie to. Then it shouldn't come as a massive surprise when you find your life being gutted.

03-20-2015, 11:47 PM
I have no idea what that refers to.

Why did you threaten to cut open someone *we* don't even know?

It's not a threat, it's a promise. See if you're the kind of scum who thinks you can go around lying to have someones life gutted in public by scum, because it entertains you and the scum you lie to. Then it shouldn't come as a massive surprise when you find your life being gutted.

Kinda compelling David.

03-20-2015, 11:52 PM
Kinda compelling David.It works for me, and of course it's backed by an the remains of an entire hate campaign which was waged against me based upon nothing more than some creepy little lie filled PM sent to chavis. Anyway, those are my plans for the future, butcher nasty slag, then rest in peace.

Who is *we*? You referenced *we* in your previous post.

03-21-2015, 12:03 AM
Kinda compelling David.It works for me, and of course it's backed by an the remains of an entire hate campaign which was waged against me based upon nothing more than some creepy little lie filled PM sent to chavis. Anyway, those are my plans for the future, butcher nasty slag, then rest in peace.

Who is *we*? You referenced *we* in your previous post.

So, Dave, if you're not Jezza Dave, then what's the problem? Why the venom? We're all friends here.

03-21-2015, 12:09 AM
So, Dave, if you're not Jezza Dave, then what's the problem? Why the venom? We're all friends here.

What venom? You consider me pointing out that I'm not on Twitter to be venomous? Or calling you thick for misidentifying me as this twatter user Jezza, is that what you think is venomous?

You didn't answer my question, presumably *we* have all agreed upon the misidentification you've made here? Who is *we*?

03-21-2015, 12:15 AM
So, Dave, if you're not Jezza Dave, then what's the problem? Why the venom? We're all friends here.

What venom? You consider me pointing out that I'm not on Twitter to be venomous? Or calling you thick for misidentifying me as this twatter user Jezza, is that what you think is venomous?

You didn't answer my question, presumably *we* have all agreed upon the misidentification you've made here? Who is *we*?

So all that "I'm going to cut people open" stuff was just a joke? I'm confused Dave.

03-21-2015, 12:19 AM
So all that "I'm going to cut people open" stuff was just a joke? I'm confused Dave.

I've have never said "I'm going to cut people open" I am going to cut one specific person open, she earned it.

Do feel free to tell us all about this *we* you claim to be part of, and how you all came to incorrectly identify me as a twatter user.

03-21-2015, 12:26 AM
So all that "I'm going to cut people open" stuff was just a joke? I'm confused Dave.

I've have never said "I'm going to cut people open" I am going to cut one specific person open, she earned it.

Do feel free to tell us all about this *we* you claim to be part of, and how you all came to incorrectly identify me as a twatter user.

Tell us about this specific person you're going to cut open Dave. We'd like to hear this story. As for the Bluehand, you know we cannot divulge such secrets ;)

03-21-2015, 12:40 AM
Tell us about this specific person you're going to cut open Dave. We'd like to hear this story. As for the Bluehand, you know we cannot divulge such secrets ;)

You come here with a whole load of venom about how you're going to destroy me, then keep going on about stuff which has sfa to do with me. So no I won't be telling you anything. Do feel free to read the posts on the board, she is clearly identified in those. Or I'm sure some of the scum who occupy and run the site will be more than happy to explain who she is to you. In some ways that would be more fitting, being as how all of the stalking of Dave was facilitated and carried out by them.

Bluehand means nothing to me. Have fun in your little fantasy world, be sure that you have evidence and accurate information though, getting that wrong can see you left with enemies like me. I'd advise against that.

03-21-2015, 12:45 AM
Tell us about this specific person you're going to cut open Dave. We'd like to hear this story. As for the Bluehand, you know we cannot divulge such secrets ;)

You come here with a whole load of venom about how you're going to destroy me, then keep going on about stuff which has sfa to do with me. So no I won't be telling you anything. Do feel free to read the posts on the board, she is clearly identified in those. Or I'm sure some of the scum who occupy and run the site will be more than happy to explain who she is to you. In some ways that would be more fitting, being as how all of the stalking of Dave was facilitated and carried out by them.

Bluehand means nothing to me. Have fun in your little fantasy world, be sure that you have evidence and accurate information though, getting that wrong can see you left with enemies like me. I'd advise against that.

Well from what we could see, the stories were based around you being a big bad bully, yet here you are pretending you don't like big bad bullies.

03-21-2015, 12:48 AM
Well from what we could see, the stories were based around you being a big bad bully, yet here you are pretending you don't like big bad bullies.

I don't care. You have a problem with some other bloke, go take it up with him.

03-21-2015, 12:57 AM
Well from what we could see, the stories were based around you being a big bad bully, yet here you are pretending you don't like big bad bullies.

I don't care. You have a problem with some other bloke, go take it up with him.

We've tried many times Dave. Really, we have, and somehow, you're the Dave we've ended up with. See, what it is, is Jezza's Dave has created a few really shitty websites. Anyhow, one of his "friends" seems to run a charity based website which has SCAM written all over it. Further inspection shows that whoever created their shitty layout (not dissimilar to Dave's shitty layout) used templates from the same source as Jezza's Dave for his shitty layout websites. As for the scam, well it looks like it runs into quite a lot of money, and it's the money we're interested in that's seemingly being laundered through the charities. We'd like to take it, and donate it to some worthy causes, like CAGE UK or the Liberal Democrats. God knows, they need it.

03-21-2015, 02:05 AM
You come here with a whole load of venom about how you're going to destroy me, then keep going on about stuff which has sfa to do with me. So no I won't be telling you anything. Do feel free to read the posts on the board, she is clearly identified in those. Or I'm sure some of the scum who occupy and run the site will be more than happy to explain who she is to you. In some ways that would be more fitting, being as how all of the stalking of Dave was facilitated and carried out by them.

Bluehand means nothing to me. Have fun in your little fantasy world, be sure that you have evidence and accurate information though, getting that wrong can see you left with enemies like me. I'd advise against that.

Well from what we could see, the stories were based around you being a big bad bully, yet here you are pretending you don't like big bad bullies.

LOL. This, except here, he got his ass handed to him. Repeatedly. Now he's obsessed with regaining his lost manhood. :kiss:

03-21-2015, 02:29 AM
So all that "I'm going to cut people open" stuff was just a joke? I'm confused Dave.

I've have never said "I'm going to cut people open" I am going to cut one specific person open, she earned it.

Do feel free to tell us all about this *we* you claim to be part of, and how you all came to incorrectly identify me as a twatter user.

Well, that's a relief none of us made the short list. Apparently, your mentalness has its limitation. Was not aware.

03-21-2015, 02:36 AM
Well from what we could see, the stories were based around you being a big bad bully, yet here you are pretending you don't like big bad bullies.

LOL. This, except here, he got his ass handed to him. Repeatedly. Now he's obsessed with regaining his lost manhood. :kiss:

He's clearly telling the truth... So where does Jezza's Exiles fit into it all?

03-21-2015, 02:41 AM
LOL. This, except here, he got his ass handed to him. Repeatedly. Now he's obsessed with regaining his lost manhood. :kiss:

LOL, you think the hate campaign you all ran, which was based upon nothing but lies, took my manhood. That's funny MBM, I knew you were a spastic, you don't need to keep proving it.

Well, that's a relief none of us made the short list. Apparently, your mentalness has its limitation. Was not aware.

The post history, proves you wrong. It's always been crystal clear that I only hold her responsible, and that I would only be holding her accountable. I posted it more than once.

03-21-2015, 02:47 AM
You spent hours deleting your post history, cockroach. :dry:

03-21-2015, 02:50 AM
He's clearly telling the truth... So where does Jezza's Exiles fit into it all?

I still don't care.

I'm kinda interested in who *we* are, but only because I'm interested to find out who it is whos got it 'in for me'.
I'm kinda interested in the mentioned stories, but only because I'm wondering who has been creeping around telling yet more lies about me.

FYI. You can't destroy me, that was already done by the bullies who operate and occupy this site. What you're talking to now is the shell they left behind, filled with hatred for the individual who started the hate campaign which was waged against me.

It's interesting to note that you hate bad bullies so much that you decided to be one. Attacking people with no fucking evidence other than the thoughts you made up from stories you read. You'll fit right in here, on a site which is owned, operated, and occupied by bullies.

Now if you'll exuse me, I'm not welcome here. The owners and administrators dislike me because I keep telling people of their activities and involvement in stalking people. The occupiers don't like me because they believe I have no right to behave in an unreasonable fashion towards them, but that they were perfectly entitled to do so to me for an entire fucking year. That's why I'm banned from here, because scum (bullies) don't like being treated as they treat others.

03-21-2015, 02:53 AM
You spent hours deleting your post history, cockroach. :dry:

What did you expect me to do when it was made clear to me that you scum were hunting through it to find any information which would allow you to stalk my real life? Fuckwit.

03-21-2015, 03:01 AM
Oh look anon is online, do you think he's going to come here and repeat Rarts message about how my name isn't all over this board, because they never allow personal information to be posted?

Sorry Rart, I know it wasn't you, you'll no doubt get a better reception to that message from someone who the mods didn't allow their mates to break every board rule against.

For the record, calling me Dave, is in breach the the board rules. It was leaked by the moderation team to one of their mates to be used in the subsequent bullying campaign which was waged against me.

03-21-2015, 03:22 AM
He's clearly telling the truth... So where does Jezza's Exiles fit into it all?

I'm kinda interested in who *we* are, but only because I'm interested to find out who it is whos got it 'in for me'.
I'm kinda interested in the mentioned stories, but only because I'm wondering who has been creeping around telling yet more lies about me.

FYI. You can't destroy me, that was already done by the bullies who operate and occupy this site. What you're talking to now is the shell they left behind, filled with hatred for the individual who started the hate campaign which was waged against me.

It's interesting to note that you hate bad bullies so much that you decided to be one. Attacking people with no fucking evidence other than the thoughts you made up from stories you read. You'll fit right in here, on a site which is owned, operated, and occupied by bullies.

Now if you'll exuse me, I'm not welcome here. The owners and administrators dislike me because I keep telling people of their activities and involvement in stalking people. The occupiers don't like me because they believe I have no right to behave in an unreasonable fashion towards them, but that they were perfectly entitled to do so to me for an entire fucking year. That's why I'm banned from here, because scum (bullies) don't like being treated as they treat others.

Of course you are interested in who is ruining your online experiences Dave. You want revenge. You want to cut them open. But you're not the same Dave, so that can't be right.

The mentioned stories... So many to tell Dave... Are you really interested in the tales of an inept and unsuccessful internet psychopath also named Dave?

We empathize with your self-pity, but that has nothing to do with this situation.

Since you're not the same Dave, then you're right. There's no evidence to implicate you whatsoever, therefore no problem.

That's odd, our Dave isn't welcome in many places on the internet either. Have you tried the chans? Good place for similarly minded people.

03-21-2015, 03:25 AM
Oh look anon is online, do you think he's going to come here and repeat Rarts message about how my name isn't all over this board, because they never allow personal information to be posted?

Sorry Rart, I know it wasn't you, you'll no doubt get a better reception to that message from someone who the mods didn't allow their mates to break every board rule against.

For the record, calling me Dave, is in breach the the board rules. It was leaked by the moderation team to one of their mates to be used in the subsequent bullying campaign which was waged against me.

No-one here is to blame for anything Dave. This forum is just a means of obtaining other juicy gossip from your sordid past. Bitchfest wasn't so active.

03-21-2015, 03:26 AM
Oh look anon is online, do you think he's going to come here and repeat Rarts message about how my name isn't all over this board, because they never allow personal information to be posted?

Sorry Rart, I know it wasn't you, you'll no doubt get a better reception to that message from someone who the mods didn't allow their mates to break every board rule against.

For the record, calling me Dave, is in breach the the board rules. It was leaked by the moderation team to one of their mates to be used in the subsequent bullying campaign which was waged against me.

Play nice with anon, Dave. He's the kind of guy who could find out where you had breakfast.

03-21-2015, 04:06 AM
Play nice with anon, Dave. He's the kind of guy who could find out where you had breakfast.

If only to avoid that place in the future.

03-21-2015, 06:34 AM
Play nice with anon, Dave. He's the kind of guy who could find out where you had breakfast.

If only to avoid that place in the future.

Signs that say "We reserve the right to refuse service..." follow in his path.

03-21-2015, 08:33 AM
If only to avoid that place in the future.

Signs that say "We reserve the right to refuse service..." follow in his path.

Isn't that the same as, 'Fuck off! You're not welcome here...'? Sounds like the first one is just a more pleasant way of saying, 'fuck off'.

I do enjoy a lively board, but it beggars belief when I spend half an hour trying to catch up with all the posts in one single thread. It is like reading War and Peace, over and over again.

As for personal information, I would hardly call 'Dave' personal, since I bet a quarter of the men on this board are called Dave. Dave has to be one of the most common names ever. Dave springs from David, one of the most ancient of names, belonging to a Hebrew King of the Old Testament. Of course, KIng David would not have had his name shortened to King Dave.

The use of Dave is now considered more Scottish in nature.

The Urban Dictionary defines Dave as being to coolest person in the group. Maybe they should visit here, because our Dave isn't, by a country mile.

03-21-2015, 09:00 AM
Isn't that the same as, 'Fuck off! You're not welcome here...'?

That seems to be beyond Dave's comprehension. :idunno:

03-21-2015, 11:39 AM
Of course you are interested in who is ruining your online experiences Dave. You want revenge. You want to cut them open. But you're not the same Dave, so that can't be right.

The mentioned stories... So many to tell Dave... Are you really interested in the tales of an inept and unsuccessful internet psychopath also named Dave?

We empathize with your self-pity, but that has nothing to do with this situation.

Since you're not the same Dave, then you're right. There's no evidence to implicate you whatsoever, therefore no problem.

That's odd, our Dave isn't welcome in many places on the internet either. Have you tried the chans? Good place for similarly minded people.

I don't have online experiences, my online existence is only about following certain things now. Having online experiences would require me to interact with people like you and the scum who occupy this board, no human should want such a dismal existence for themself.

No-one here is to blame for anything Dave. This forum is just a means of obtaining other juicy gossip from your sordid past. Bitchfest wasn't so active.

Yet oddly your bully, the one you're after, he is to blame for things. Really? You and your 'Bluehand' (really? You couldn't think of a name which didn't make you sound like a gang of fictional 10 year olds from a 1950s childrens book) gang who hate bullies so much think bullies like these aren't to blame for their actions? Really? Try again.

They never got any gossip, just lies she and they made up. All they ever ended up with was my name. They did their best, you can't blame them for being utterly useless fuckwits.

03-21-2015, 11:41 AM
Play nice with anon, Dave. He's the kind of guy who could find out where you had breakfast.

Don't try to intimidate me fuckwit, we all already know you can't do that. Scum like you don't get to tell me anything.

03-21-2015, 11:47 AM
That seems to be beyond Dave's comprehension. :idunno:

Well you wanted to make it personal MBM, so it is. So you don't get to turn it off because it turns out to have all been based upon lies, it's not your hate campaign anymore, now it's mine. It can only go way if I allow it to, and I'm not minded to do so. I like that scum like you feel uncomfortable by the fact that I can come here whenever I want and point out just what utter scum you are. If you didn't want to end up in that position maybe you shouldn't have tried to bully me. Funnily enough, she knew all along that I would stand up to scumbag bullies, she knew I had a history of it. So all this which you dislike, the results of the bullying you did for her, she knew that was what you were all creating as you created it. She enjoyed it, the patting you on the head posts where she encouraged you to continue your verbal assualt... she played you all fucking brilliantly. It's no good moaning now about not being happy with what you created here.

03-21-2015, 11:49 AM
Play nice with anon, Dave. He's the kind of guy who could find out where you had breakfast.

Don't try to intimidate me fuckwit, we all already know you can't do that. Scum like you don't get to tell me anything.

So, how are you anyway, Dave? D-Day is getting closer by the year, innit. Nine years to go? I've greyed somewhat, I must confess, in the waiting. All of my kids died, Dave. You wished it and it came true. That'll teach me to mess with the likes of you.

It's been kinda quiet without them. Though, I have been able to redouble my efforts when it comes to blowing up stuff and eating potatoes and drinking blindness-inducing extracts.

Please undo your wish, Dave. I just want my children back.

03-21-2015, 11:53 AM
For some reason the phrase "whiny little bitch" comes to mind.

Please for the sake of testosterone everywhere try to be a bit more stoic when it comes to your problems.

03-21-2015, 12:03 PM
So, how are you anyway, Dave? D-Day is getting closer by the year, innit. Nine years to go? I've greyed somewhat, I must confess, in the waiting. All of my kids died, Dave. You wished it and it came true. That'll teach me to mess with the likes of you.

It's been kinda quiet without them. Though, I have been able to redouble my efforts when it comes to blowing up stuff and eating potatoes and drinking blindness-inducing extracts.

Please undo your wish, Dave. I just want my children back.

Hello chavis.

How I am is none of your business.

D-Day isn't fixed, it can't be fixed because it depends upon her. See she has to be content with her life, value it more than she did then, or does now. Only then will it be worth the cost to me of cutting it out of her.

You don't have any kids, they're some other blokes kids, you were just the sap some woman choose to use as a dad. You were only ever for picking up the tab.

03-21-2015, 12:06 PM
As for personal information, I would hardly call 'Dave' personal, since I bet a quarter of the men on this board are called Dave.

To be fair, I did post his full name up which was promptly removed, although I'm fairly sure none of you are Floridian based FBI agents, so I doubt the revelation of his personal details on a forum like this will be a problem for a man like Dave.

03-21-2015, 12:10 PM
For some reason the phrase "whiny little bitch" comes to mind.

Please for the sake of testosterone everywhere try to be a bit more stoic when it comes to your problems.

I agree, the whining about how they don't like me treating them as they treated me is deafening at times.

03-21-2015, 12:10 PM
As for personal information, I would hardly call 'Dave' personal, since I bet a quarter of the men on this board are called Dave.

To be fair, I did post his full name up which was promptly removed, although I'm fairly sure none of you are Floridian based FBI agents, so I doubt the revelation of his personal details on a forum like this will be a problem for a man like Dave.

So basically what your saying is that you're mjmacky.

03-21-2015, 12:12 PM
For some reason the phrase "whiny little bitch" comes to mind.

Please for the sake of testosterone everywhere try to be a bit more stoic when it comes to your problems.

I agree, the whining about how they don't like me treating them as they treated me is deafening at times.


03-21-2015, 12:14 PM
The plus side of this is that I've gained a new found appreciation for Fox.:mellow:

03-21-2015, 12:14 PM
As for personal information, I would hardly call 'Dave' personal, since I bet a quarter of the men on this board are called Dave.

To be fair, I did post his full name up which was promptly removed, although I'm fairly sure none of you are Floridian based FBI agents, so I doubt the revelation of his personal details on a forum like this will be a problem for a man like Dave.

Everyone and his giddy aunt knows Dave's name is *********. This was never classified information. He left an internet trail like a diacritic skunk. Rart is just oblivious to all this wank, and as such, unqualified to delete threads pertaining to them.

I would certainly like to know what fresh atrocities he's been performing. Moreover, I would like to know what brought you to this forum specifically. Please explain.

03-21-2015, 12:35 PM
I don't have online experiences, my online existence is only about following certain things now. Having online experiences would require me to interact with people like you and the scum who occupy this board, no human should want such a dismal existence for themself.

No-one here is to blame for anything Dave. This forum is just a means of obtaining other juicy gossip from your sordid past. Bitchfest wasn't so active.

Yet oddly your bully, the one you're after, he is to blame for things. Really? You and your 'Bluehand' (really? You couldn't think of a name which didn't make you sound like a gang of fictional 10 year olds from a 1950s childrens book) gang who hate bullies so much think bullies like these aren't to blame for their actions? Really? Try again.

They never got any gossip, just lies she and they made up. All they ever ended up with was my name. They did their best, you can't blame them for being utterly useless fuckwits.

Yes Dave, we get it. You hate this forum because of all the harassment, yet you keep returning to interact with scum like this, bravely battling on with this dismal existence. A glutton for punishment, or just masochistic?

Pretending Bluehand is our movement won't wash either. We may own Bluehand now, but you were the original creator, until the general public ceased ownership. Dave.

03-21-2015, 12:37 PM
See this is why I hate the interweb.

03-21-2015, 12:38 PM
See this is why I hate the interweb.

This is why I love it.

03-21-2015, 12:43 PM
Because it's filled with idiots with too many opinions and too few brains? We already have politics for that.

03-21-2015, 12:43 PM
I would certainly like to know what fresh atrocities he's been performing. Moreover, I would like to know what brought you to this forum specifically. Please explain.

We merely ended up here through much googling for references of "Dave" and "Jezza". I believe Dave. We think it's just a coincidence.
As for the scams... Well it's still a little circumstantial (for now) but it would appear that Dave could well end up in serious danger if the private security contractors and millionaire yacht owners he seems to be involved with are anything to go by.... And not just the internet kind of danger where you cut people open on forums. Outwardly, it would appear that Dave has somehow become the internet whizzkid of a bunch of lunatics, creating the websites and the IT infrastructure required for their devious little tax scamming operation. Whether it's just a tax-dodge or amounts to a more sinister money laundering operation, we're still investigating. Current ballpark figures estimate the operation we've uncovered is valued at almost £20m.

03-21-2015, 12:46 PM
To be honest, none of this sounds like our Dave. From what I'm gathering from billybonehead's posts, Dave is some kinda nazi movement firebrand. Are we sure we're talking about the right Dave?

The Dave that publicly posts death threats and ties himself in interknots as a general procedure? I'd like to get to the bottom of this, because I trully do not think we're talking about the same Dave. Our Dave is the one and only true exemplification of internets spastichood. Yours is some spastic racist.

Don't get me wrong, Dave is a racist, but that's the very least of his shortcomings.

03-21-2015, 12:48 PM
I would certainly like to know what fresh atrocities he's been performing. Moreover, I would like to know what brought you to this forum specifically. Please explain.

We merely ended up here through much googling for references of "Dave" and "Jezza". I believe Dave. We think it's just a coincidence.
As for the scams... Well it's still a little circumstantial (for now) but it would appear that Dave could well end up in serious danger if the private security contractors and millionaire yacht owners he seems to be involved with are anything to go by.... And not just the internet kind of danger where you cut people open on forums. Outwardly, it would appear that Dave has somehow become the internet whizzkid of a bunch of lunatics, creating the websites and the IT infrastructure required for their devious little tax scamming operation. Whether it's just a tax-dodge or amounts to a more sinister money laundering operation, we're still investigating. Current ballpark figures estimate the operation we've uncovered is valued at almost £20m.

Nope. Not the same Dave.

03-21-2015, 12:48 PM
You do that.Me I'm off to take drugs and lift weights in that order.

03-21-2015, 12:53 PM
To be fair, I did post his full name up which was promptly removed, although I'm fairly sure none of you are Floridian based FBI agents, so I doubt the revelation of his personal details on a forum like this will be a problem for a man like Dave.

So basically what your saying is that you're mjmacky.

No, although we did come across mjmacky and based on the similarities we thought it was Dave, or a close ally to Dave.

03-21-2015, 12:56 PM
We merely ended up here through much googling for references of "Dave" and "Jezza". I believe Dave. We think it's just a coincidence.
As for the scams... Well it's still a little circumstantial (for now) but it would appear that Dave could well end up in serious danger if the private security contractors and millionaire yacht owners he seems to be involved with are anything to go by.... And not just the internet kind of danger where you cut people open on forums. Outwardly, it would appear that Dave has somehow become the internet whizzkid of a bunch of lunatics, creating the websites and the IT infrastructure required for their devious little tax scamming operation. Whether it's just a tax-dodge or amounts to a more sinister money laundering operation, we're still investigating. Current ballpark figures estimate the operation we've uncovered is valued at almost £20m.

Nope. Not the same Dave.

Oh right, well this must be a coincidence then. See our Dave is definitely the same Dave who owns Jezzasexiles.


03-21-2015, 12:59 PM
Nope. Not the same Dave.

Oh right, well this must be a coincidence then. See our Dave is definitely the same Dave who owns Jezzasexiles.


Interesting. More.

03-21-2015, 01:03 PM
Oh right, well this must be a coincidence then. See our Dave is definitely the same Dave who owns Jezzasexiles.


Interesting. More.

There is zero doubt that our Dave is Jezzas Dave simply because he's so retarded that he hosts both sites from the same private server, along with his crappy Praetorian site back from when he was honing his masterful web-design skills.

03-21-2015, 01:05 PM
Interesting. More.

There is zero doubt that our Dave is Jezzas Dave simply because he's so retarded that he hosts both sites from the same private server, along with his crappy Praetorian site back from when he was honing his masterful web-design skills.

Yeah, but what has he done? What has upset you so much? You're clearly a bit hellbent on vengeance. I require information.

03-21-2015, 01:09 PM
There is zero doubt that our Dave is Jezzas Dave simply because he's so retarded that he hosts both sites from the same private server, along with his crappy Praetorian site back from when he was honing his masterful web-design skills.

Yeah, but what has he done? What has upset you so much? You're clearly a bit hellbent on vengeance. I require information.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BUTTHURT AND WE WANT VENGEANCE!!!! Shut the fuck you idiot. This isn't srs bsns. Criminal fraud is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and David knows it.

03-21-2015, 01:11 PM
Yeah, but what has he done? What has upset you so much? You're clearly a bit hellbent on vengeance. I require information.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BUTTHURT AND WE WANT VENGEANCE!!!! Shut the fuck you idiot. This isn't srs bsns. Criminal fraud is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and David knows it.

Don't you think that was a bit of a mental reaction? I was only trying to get the lay of the land.

03-21-2015, 01:11 PM
When was the last time you guys had contact with Dave, prior to this latest drama?

03-21-2015, 01:13 PM
When was the last time you guys had contact with Dave, prior to this latest drama?

He drops in whenever someone mentions his name. He's always here. I hurt him pretty badly.

03-21-2015, 01:14 PM
AHAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BUTTHURT AND WE WANT VENGEANCE!!!! Shut the fuck you idiot. This isn't srs bsns. Criminal fraud is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and David knows it.

Don't you think that was a bit of a mental reaction? I was only trying to get the lay of the land.

Well, here's the situation. We have a Dave mixed up with far-right "nationalist" groups, trying to run his own, praising the hero military. Then he gets involved in a scam worth a lot of money, off the backs of military charities. Just a slight conflict there. It's about vigilance, not vengeance. Remember that.

03-21-2015, 01:16 PM
Oh right, well this must be a coincidence then. See our Dave is definitely the same Dave who owns Jezzasexiles.


Well that's an interesting leap, no where does the post you link to say I owned a website. I did own a website, in fact I still own many, none of them are the ones you're concerned about though. I know because unlike you I am capable of doing a whois lookup and finding out who owns websites. Of course you can't see that because I'm not allowed to post it here, suffice to say none of the websites you've mentioned so far are owned by anyone called Dave.

Not only is your gang names after a 1950s fictions childrens gang, but you apparently have the technical skills of a gang of 10 year olds. If you're going to set about hassling bullies you're going to need to up your game, trust me if I was as useless as you all seem to be, their banning (think of it like a Twitter spam filter) would have stopped me shitting all over their board.

03-21-2015, 01:17 PM
Oh right, well this must be a coincidence then. See our Dave is definitely the same Dave who owns Jezzasexiles.


Well that's an interesting leap, no where does the post you link to say I owned a website. I did own a website, in fact I still own many, none of them are the ones you're concerned about though. I know because unlike you I am capable of doing a whois lookup and finding out who owns websites. Of course you can't see that because I'm not allowed to post it here, suffice to say none of the websites you've mentioned so far are owned by anyone called Dave.

Not only is your gang names after a 1950s fictions childrens gang, but you apparently have the technical skills of a gang of 10 year olds. If you're going to set about hassling bullies you're going to need to up your game, trust me if I was as useless as you all seem to be, their banning (think of it like a Twitter spam filter) would have stopped me shitting all over their board.

So this definitely doesn't relate to you then, Dave? 158220

03-21-2015, 01:17 PM
Don't you think that was a bit of a mental reaction? I was only trying to get the lay of the land.

Well, here's the situation. We have a Dave mixed up with far-right "nationalist" groups, trying to run his own, praising the hero military. Then he gets involved in a scam worth a lot of money, off the backs of military charities. Just a slight conflict there. It's about vigilance, not vengeance. Remember that.

Fair enough. That's more forthcoming than you have been willing to be previously. Were you a member of this far-right group at all?

03-21-2015, 01:18 PM
Well, here's the situation. We have a Dave mixed up with far-right "nationalist" groups, trying to run his own, praising the hero military. Then he gets involved in a scam worth a lot of money, off the backs of military charities. Just a slight conflict there. It's about vigilance, not vengeance. Remember that.

So you are a pathetic internet bully like the idiots here.

03-21-2015, 01:20 PM
So this definitely doesn't relate to you then, Dave? 158220

Oh it relates to me, but not to the site you're talking about. jezzasexiles.com isn't the site that is talking about.

03-21-2015, 01:27 PM
Here's a free one for you.


That's the site that post refers to. It's the site the creator of the site you're interested in was banned from, leading him to go setup jezzasexiles.com. It's a site I ran for the woman who owned it. Mr P was her pet troll, who thought he would troll me (much like you and the scum here did). Someone I know set about him for that. That's what that post refers to.

Now please take your childish skills and fuck off. None of what you are interested in is anything to do with me.

03-21-2015, 01:30 PM
Well, here's the situation. We have a Dave mixed up with far-right "nationalist" groups, trying to run his own, praising the hero military. Then he gets involved in a scam worth a lot of money, off the backs of military charities. Just a slight conflict there. It's about vigilance, not vengeance. Remember that.

Fair enough. That's more forthcoming than you have been willing to be previously. Were you a member of this far-right group at all?

Member of a far right group?? Really? No. We ruin far-right groups.

03-21-2015, 01:33 PM
Member of a far right group?? Really? No. We ruin far-right groups.

You support CAGE, so you support far right groups.

03-21-2015, 01:34 PM
Fair enough. That's more forthcoming than you have been willing to be previously. Were you a member of this far-right group at all?

Member of a far right group?? Really? No. We ruin far-right groups.

How do you do that? How do you know when you've comprehensively ruined something? I'd just like to know cos I reckon I've ruined more than a few things. Did you get official confirmation of ruination?

03-21-2015, 01:37 PM
How do you do that? How do you know when you've comprehensively ruined something? I'd just like to know cos I reckon I've ruined more than a few things. Did you get official confirmation of ruination?

Stop winding him up chavis, you can see he's a fantasist who believes he is making a difference. Leave him be, and let him go.

03-21-2015, 01:38 PM
Member of a far right group?? Really? No. We ruin far-right groups.

You support CAGE, so you support far right groups.


03-21-2015, 01:39 PM
How do you do that? How do you know when you've comprehensively ruined something? I'd just like to know cos I reckon I've ruined more than a few things. Did you get official confirmation of ruination?

Stop winding him up chavis, you can see he's a fantasist who believes he is making a difference. Leave him be, and let him go.

I'm not winding anyone up, Dave. though, he is quicker to caps than you ever were. I'd just like to get to know the fellow.

03-21-2015, 01:40 PM

Makes fuck all difference to me. I don't interact with the scum of this world anymore, neither left or right. I exist for one purpose only.

03-21-2015, 01:40 PM
How do you do that? How do you know when you've comprehensively ruined something? I'd just like to know cos I reckon I've ruined more than a few things. Did you get official confirmation of ruination?

Stop winding him up chavis, you can see he's a fantasist who believes he is making a difference. Leave him be, and let him go.

Sounds like mutual masturbation there Dave. Kinda like when our Dave and his friends spread paedophile rumours about people they dislike.

03-21-2015, 01:42 PM
I'm not winding anyone up, Dave. though, he is quicker to caps than you ever were. I'd just like to get to know the fellow.

@ billynomates,

See that, run. He's reeling you in, getting you to give him information, which he will then use against you. He's is very good at this, he's spent years practicing against anyone and everyone who wanders by this place.

03-21-2015, 01:42 PM
Member of a far right group?? Really? No. We ruin far-right groups.

How do you do that? How do you know when you've comprehensively ruined something? I'd just like to know cos I reckon I've ruined more than a few things. Did you get official confirmation of ruination?

Usually, the ringleaders end up in jail for other offences. Like theft. Fraud. Assaulting Paki's then bragging about it. Nice stuff like that.

03-21-2015, 01:44 PM
Kinda like when our Dave and his friends spread paedophile rumours about people they dislike.

I couldn't care what you think it sounds like, trust me I'm a paedophile, chavis says so. That's the same chavis who shows an extraordinary interest in the children of people who come here... be careful. This is the lions den.

03-21-2015, 01:45 PM
I'm not winding anyone up, Dave. though, he is quicker to caps than you ever were. I'd just like to get to know the fellow.

@ billynomates,

See that, run. He's reeling you in, getting you to give him information, which he will then use against you. He's is very good at this, he's spent years practicing against anyone and everyone who wanders by this place.

We best be careful then Dave. Wouldn't want to be as sloppy as our Dave.

03-21-2015, 01:47 PM
Kinda like when our Dave and his friends spread paedophile rumours about people they dislike.

I couldn't care what you think it sounds like, trust me I'm a paedophile, chavis says so. That's the same chavis who shows and extraordinary interest in the children of people who come here... be careful. This is the lions den.

Well if our Dave is anything to go by, you share nothing in common with him. See, our Dave likes to make the point that he lusts after women, not kids. With emphasis on not lusting after kids.

03-21-2015, 01:49 PM
We best be careful then Dave. Wouldn't want to be as sloppy as our Dave.

It's far too late for me to be careful. I made the mistake of taking him on, he didn't like being beaten. So when offered the opportunity to make it personal, he jumped at the chance, and despite knowing all along it was based upon lies, he wouldn't let it go. He was having too much fun damaging my real life, and he was stupid enough to believe that was free.

03-21-2015, 01:50 PM
Kinda like when our Dave and his friends spread paedophile rumours about people they dislike.

I couldn't care what you think it sounds like, trust me I'm a paedophile, chavis says so. That's the same chavis who shows an extraordinary interest in the children of people who come here... be careful. This is the lions den.

You make him sound like the guy who said this. I'm sure Chavis is nothing like this.158221

03-21-2015, 01:52 PM
You make him sound like the guy who said this. I'm sure Chavis is nothing like this.158221

Yeah, that's exactly the kind of thing chavis does.

03-21-2015, 01:52 PM
We best be careful then Dave. Wouldn't want to be as sloppy as our Dave.

It's far too late for me to be careful. I made the mistake of taking him on, he didn't like being beaten. So when offered the opportunity to make it personal, he jumped at the chance, and despite knowing all along it was based upon lies, he wouldn't let it go. He was having too much fun damaging my real life, and he was stupid enough to believe that was free.

Do you honestly think we're worried by anyone in this forum... If anyone here's involved in David's scam, they should be more worried about us, but evidently, nobody is involved, including you, therefore no need for veiled threats. Dave.

03-21-2015, 01:54 PM
Do you honestly think we're worried by anyone in this forum... If anyone here's involved in David's scam, they should be more worried about us, but evidently, nobody is involved, including you, therefore no need for veiled threats. Dave.

veiled threats? You lost me there.

03-21-2015, 01:59 PM
The thing with myself and Dave is simple. It's a matter of not being aware of your geography. When Dave decided to have an extramarital affair on this internets, everyone was oblivious. They were vaguely aware of a spastic by the name of ManicGeek, who just couldn't seem to stop being a dick. He got banned over something unmemorable and his married bint remained.

Flash forward about two years. Bint is now divorced. Dave is still married, but somewhat miffed, yet completely in love with divorced bint. Dave threatens to post am-porn pics in this very lounge. I then spend the next year and a half dissecting Dave's psyche to great hilarity.

And it's still true, I do worry for his children. The fellow is unstable and kids shouldn't be around him.

03-21-2015, 02:01 PM
Dave threatens to post am-porn pics in this very lounge.

It's no good chanting that lie chavis, everyone knows it couldn't have been true, when she sent her creepy little PM to you. Everyone knows you knew I didn't have any porn of her that I could have posted, and that she knew I didn't have any porn of her, because everyone can read where you were told that at the very beginning of your little hate campaign. The posts are still there.

You can admit the truth, that I h4r5ed you into not wanting to post, and that her lies were your chance to get back at me.

03-21-2015, 02:02 PM
The thing with myself and Dave is simple. It's a matter of not being aware of your geography. When Dave decided to have an extramarital affair on this internets, everyone was oblivious. They were vaguely aware of a spastic by the name of ManicGeek, who just couldn't seem to stop being a dick. He got banned over something unmemorable and his married bint remained.

Flash forward about two years. Bint is now divorced. Dave is still married, but somewhat miffed, yet completely in love with divorced bint. Dave threatens to post am-porn pics in this very lounge. I then spend the next year and a half dissecting Dave's psyche to great hilarity.

And it's still true, I do worry for his children. The fellow is unstable and kids shouldn't be around him.

You make him sound just like our Dave, but based on your Dave's words, I am 110% convinced they are completely unrelated.

03-21-2015, 02:13 PM
Dave threatens to post am-porn pics in this very lounge.

It's no good chanting that lie chavis, everyone knows it couldn't have been true, when she sent her creepy little PM to you. Everyone knows you knew I didn't have any porn of her that I could have posted, and that she knew I didn't have any porn of her, because everyone can read where you were told that at the very beginning of your little hate campaign. The posts are still there.

You can admit the truth, that I h4r5ed you into not wanting to post, and that her lies were your chance to get back at me.

Dave, I always knew that you didn't have any porn images of her. However, she didn't. She was unsure. This is why she freaked when you started a thread called 'What's The Best Place To Upload Amateur Porn?'. It was a tacit threat on your part, Dave. I'm over you not admitting that.

The rest was just horseplay. And I've gotta say, I fucking loved it. It honed me. My lappie was like a fucking gigglebox for over a year. And I couldn't have done it without you.

You've done nothing for me lately, though. :dabs:

03-21-2015, 02:17 PM
Dave, I always knew that you didn't have any porn images of her. However, she didn't. She was unsure. This is why she freaked when you started a thread called 'What's The Best Place To Upload Amateur Porn?'. It was a tacit threat on your part, Dave. I'm over you not admitting that.

The rest was just horseplay. And I've gotta say, I fucking loved it. It honed me. My lappie was like a fucking gigglebox for over a year. And I couldn't have done it without you.

You've done nothing for me lately, though. :dabs:

Oh I see... Let me guess, your Dave pretended to "r00t her b0x" and steal her saucy pics for emotional blackmail reasons?

03-21-2015, 02:18 PM
You can't even add 2 + 2 and get the right answer chavis.

She stated that "if I did post anything of her she'd happily sign it, and hang it off of a bridge for public display"... because she was unsure and freaking... yeah fuck off.

She played you brilliantly, but you went too far. The cost of that is me being a twat towards you all, and when I'm happy the time is right killing her.

Honestly, how the fuck you manage to hold down a job adding up numbers when you can't even put together the facts ,and see how you were played is fucking beyond me.

03-21-2015, 02:20 PM
Oh I see... Let me guess, your Dave pretended to "r00t her b0x" and steal her saucy pics for emotional blackmail reasons?

Nope. She lied to chavis that I was threatening her with uploading porn of her, despite knowing I didn't have any porn of her. He thought he was 'leaping to defend a damsel in distress', when she was never in distress, because she always knew I couldn't possibly have been threatening her.

03-21-2015, 02:25 PM
Does she really deserve to die for that, Dave? I can hardly remember her name.

Don't you consider yourself lucky she never called the cops? If she was half the cunt you project her as, that would've been her first recourse, innit.

03-21-2015, 02:31 PM
Does she really deserve to die for that, Dave? I can hardly remember her name.

Don't you consider yourself lucky she never called the cops? If she was half the cunt you project her as, that would've been her first recourse, innit.

Ummm I never portrayed her as a cunt, in fact I distinctly remember telling you all that she was a perfectly nice lass, but that she had a penchant for lying. Something she didn't need to do. My opinions might have changed some what in the intervening period since I made those statements.

chavis, your lies, the ones which stemmed from her lies to you, damaged my real life. You knew you were doing that at the time, I told you all. The lady from the vetting service didn't care about the fact that your crap was lies. If you shit all over someone elses life you deserve to have your life shat upon. I'm just not the same kind of bloke as you. I don't think doing that as you all did anonymously, hiding yourself away is the right way to damage someone. If you're going to do that you should have the courage to do it to them in person. Face to face.

She couldn't call the cops, you fucking idiot. She knew it was all based upon lies, she knew she'd broken the law with those lies, because I posted up the relevant article of law.

03-21-2015, 02:32 PM
Does she really deserve to die for that, Dave? I can hardly remember her name.

Don't you consider yourself lucky she never called the cops? If she was half the cunt you project her as, that would've been her first recourse, innit.

Perhaps if she had done, Dave wouldn't have went on to threaten so many others, as well as get involved in highly illegal franchises. smh

03-21-2015, 02:38 PM
Perhaps if she had done, Dave wouldn't have went on to threaten so many others, as well as get involved in highly illegal franchises. smh

Come on then, show us these threats.

I'm going to be interested to see where I've threatened people, when I don't interact with anyone on the internet anymore.

03-21-2015, 02:39 PM
Dave, even if it was based upon lies, you're still threatening to kill her. I think the filth tend to take that kinda stuff seriously. I hear they're even policing the internets. Though, that couldn't possibly be true.

All she has to do is lift the blower and say Dave ********* is threatening to kill me. She didn't though. So, either she welcomes bloody death or knows for a stark fact that you're absolutely full of bollocky bullshit.

Seems like a waste of time for you to me.

03-21-2015, 02:41 PM
Yes, of course such a report to the police might have fallen a wee bit flat when they read the posts where you and her threatened to kill me first.

So, either she welcomes bloody death or knows for a stark fact that you're absolutely full of bollocky bullshit.

I'm unsure how to respond to that.

I could point out that expecting me to care what she thinks or feels is incredible given what you all did at her behest.
I could point out that there's a reason why I was banned by manker immediately after you revealed the truth about her instigating it with that creepy PM. There's a reason why she was on here so early to ask manker to ban me. The reason is fear, she suddenly found herself fearful of what she'd created, because she knows me, and she knows I have damaged everyone who ever tried to bully me.

You created that chavis, you created all of it. So if she is living in fear, that'll be because of you. Personally I couldn't give a fuck, fear can't change her part or responsibility for what went on here. It doesn't undo the damage already done, and it can't be allowed to stop the inevitable results of that damage.

03-21-2015, 02:45 PM
Yes, of course such a report to the police might have fallen a wee bit flat when they read the posts where you and her threatened to kill me first.

I think you'll find we never threatened, we conspired. There's a difference. It was my birthday and I made a palpable joke about having my fully incarcerated brother murder you. Good times. First and only.

Every second post of yours contains a death threat, Dave. Strangely, everyone is still breathing.

How's your mum's lung rot?

03-21-2015, 02:49 PM
Yes, of course such a report to the police might have fallen a wee bit flat when they read the posts where you and her threatened to kill me first.

I think you'll find we never threatened, we conspired. There's a difference. It was my birthday and I made a palpable joke about having my fully incarcerated brother murder you. Good times. First and only.

Every second post of yours contains a death threat, Dave. Strangely, everyone is still breathing.

How's your mum's lung rot?

Well, this is all a little tit for tat. We won't be murdering our Dave, but we will be ruining his already shambolic real life.

03-21-2015, 02:53 PM
I think you'll find we never threatened, we conspired. There's a difference. It was my birthday and I made a palpable joke about having my fully incarcerated brother murder you. Good times. First and only.

Every second post of yours contains a death threat, Dave. Strangely, everyone is still breathing.

How's your mum's lung rot?

No you threatened. Then went all childlike when the threats didn't achieve the results you expected, but were instead returned.

Hows that childlike whining about being treated as you treat others working out for you?

03-21-2015, 03:00 PM
I think you'll find we never threatened, we conspired. There's a difference. It was my birthday and I made a palpable joke about having my fully incarcerated brother murder you. Good times. First and only.

Every second post of yours contains a death threat, Dave. Strangely, everyone is still breathing.

How's your mum's lung rot?

No you threatened. Then went all childlike when the threats didn't achieve the results you expected, but were instead returned.

Hows that childlike whining about being treated as you treat others working out for you?

Well, I have no immediate desire to murder anyone, so better than you, I suppose. After I single-handedly won the Modern Irish War Of Independence and exploded the Brits out of Ireland, I tend more towards artistic pursuits, Dave.

I'm currently making a mosaic from your mates' guts, depicting you hiding behind some bunker wall while they're all getting blew to fuck. By me.

Damn that war.

03-21-2015, 03:51 PM
I could point out that there's a reason why I was banned by manker immediately after you revealed the truth about her instigating it with that creepy PM. There's a reason why she was on here so early to ask manker to ban me. The reason is fear, she suddenly found herself fearful of what she'd created, because she knows me, and she knows I have damaged everyone who ever tried to bully me.

Put your dick away sunshine.

03-21-2015, 04:19 PM
billybonehead, there's no point coming on here being obtuse. We need data. Loads of it.

Now, you might think I'm a dick. That's perfectly natural. I am. But I'm an extremely proficient dick. Drip-feeding tweets just won't cut it in this place. We've already eviscerated Dave on every conceivable level. To the point where we're perpetually surprised that he hasn't killed himself yet.

If these Daves truly are one in the same, Dave has just shot up past the boiling point of international money laundering and fraud. He isn't really that clever. As evidenced by his posts on this board. I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just a bit incredulous.

03-21-2015, 04:35 PM
billybonehead, there's no point coming on here being obtuse. We need data. Loads of it.

Now, you might think I'm a dick. That's perfectly natural. I am. But I'm an extremely proficient dick. Drip-feeding tweets just won't cut it in this place. We've already eviscerated Dave on every conceivable level. To the point where we're perpetually surprised that he hasn't killed himself yet.

If these Daves truly are one in the same, Dave has just shot up past the boiling point of international money laundering and fraud. He isn't really that clever. As evidenced by his posts on this board. I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just a bit incredulous.

We have all the information we need. Just needed further clarification as to whether your David was Jezza's David, but it appears not, therefore this thread is void now. Also, if you had been paying attention, you'd know that we've already pointed out that it appears that our Dave is just an IT bitch within a far wider operation. Our Dave is certainly no mastermind.

03-21-2015, 04:39 PM
billybonehead, there's no point coming on here being obtuse. We need data. Loads of it.

Now, you might think I'm a dick. That's perfectly natural. I am. But I'm an extremely proficient dick. Drip-feeding tweets just won't cut it in this place. We've already eviscerated Dave on every conceivable level. To the point where we're perpetually surprised that he hasn't killed himself yet.

If these Daves truly are one in the same, Dave has just shot up past the boiling point of international money laundering and fraud. He isn't really that clever. As evidenced by his posts on this board. I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just a bit incredulous.

We have all the information we need. Just needed further clarification as to whether your David was Jezza's David, but it appears not, therefore this thread is void now. Also, if you had been paying attention, you'd know that we've already pointed out that it appears that our Dave is just an IT bitch within a far wider operation. Our Dave is certainly no mastermind.

So you're going to apologise to our Dave, then?

03-21-2015, 04:43 PM
We have all the information we need. Just needed further clarification as to whether your David was Jezza's David, but it appears not, therefore this thread is void now. Also, if you had been paying attention, you'd know that we've already pointed out that it appears that our Dave is just an IT bitch within a far wider operation. Our Dave is certainly no mastermind.

So you're going to apologise to our Dave, then?

No. As you've previously stated, he's a cunt whose methods of harassment are identical to our Dave (who's also a cunt) and we certainly won't be offering him any apologies for putting him in jail.

03-21-2015, 04:46 PM
So you're going to apologise to our Dave, then?

No. As you've previously stated, he's a cunt whose methods of harassment are identical to our Dave (who's also a cunt) and we certainly won't be offering him any apologies for putting him in jail.

Fair enoughski. Just checking.

You do feel like a bunch of spastics, though, right?

03-21-2015, 04:48 PM
No. As you've previously stated, he's a cunt whose methods of harassment are identical to our Dave (who's also a cunt) and we certainly won't be offering him any apologies for putting him in jail.

Fair enoughski. Just checking.

You do feel like a bunch of spastics, though, right?

Nope. This forum has been a treasure trove ;)

03-21-2015, 04:49 PM
Oh I see... Let me guess, your Dave pretended to "r00t her b0x" and steal her saucy pics for emotional blackmail reasons?

Nope. She lied to chavis that I was threatening her with uploading porn of her, despite knowing I didn't have any porn of her. He thought he was 'leaping to defend a damsel in distress', when she was never in distress, because she always knew I couldn't possibly have been threatening her.

Dave, you know as well as the rest of us that "someone" made a post saying that they had pictures of someone else's unfaithful wife they wanted to share, or something to that effect, just as she started posting on the board after a long absence. That's how that started. Maybe that really wasn't you, I no longer care. But surely you can see how you'd be implicated there. It is after all in line with the kind of obsessive behavour you're displaying right now, even, by proving that you've kept track of the board for this long.

As for these new guys, well, they accurately predicted that you'd be back to protect your honour, or whatever the hell you think you are doing. I'd say that they sure have your number.

If the person they're chasing isn't you, maybe you should look him up. You might be soulmates.

03-21-2015, 04:52 PM
Fair enoughski. Just checking.

You do feel like a bunch of spastics, though, right?

Nope. This forum has been a treasure trove ;)

I'm going to take that as a compliment.

03-21-2015, 04:54 PM
nope. She lied to chavis that i was threatening her with uploading porn of her, despite knowing i didn't have any porn of her. He thought he was 'leaping to defend a damsel in distress', when she was never in distress, because she always knew i couldn't possibly have been threatening her.

dave, you know as well as the rest of us that "someone" made a post saying that they had pictures of someone else's unfaithful wife they wanted to share, or something to that effect, just as she started posting on the board after a long absence. That's how that started. Maybe that really wasn't you, i no longer care. But surely you can see how you'd be implicated there. It is after all in line with the kind of obsessive behavour you're displaying right now, even, by proving that you've kept track of the board for this long.

As for these new guys, well, they accurately predicted that you'd be back to protect your honour, or whatever the hell you think you are doing. I'd say that they sure have your number.

If the person they're chasing isn't you, maybe you should look him up. You might be soulmates.

boom boom!!

03-21-2015, 04:56 PM
Nope. This forum has been a treasure trove ;)

I'm going to take that as a compliment.

Loose lips sink ships :P

03-21-2015, 05:00 PM
I'm going to take that as a compliment.

Loose lips sink ships :P

What does that even mean in this context? Could you not think of anything else to say?

You're fascinating me now. Came in all blusterous and out like a lamb, but it must be a bit embarrassing for you that you got it all wrong.


03-21-2015, 05:06 PM
Loose lips sink ships :P

What does that even mean in this context? Could you not think of anything else to say?

You're fascinating me now. Came in all blusterous and out like a lamb, but it must be a bit embarrassing for you that you got it all wrong.


Lame troll is lame.

03-21-2015, 05:08 PM
What does that even mean in this context? Could you not think of anything else to say?

You're fascinating me now. Came in all blusterous and out like a lamb, but it must be a bit embarrassing for you that you got it all wrong.


Lame troll is lame.

I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Baden Powell.

03-21-2015, 05:10 PM
Lame troll is lame.

I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Baden Powell.

You're really butthurt about something. Is it because we insulted this forum, or are you genuinely engaging in subterfuge on behalf of a man of Dave's character?

03-21-2015, 05:12 PM
I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Baden Powell.

You're really butthurt about something. Is it because we insulted this forum, or are you genuinely engaging in subterfuge on behalf of a man of Dave's character?

I'm laughing at you, mate. You embarrassed yourself. Came here to destroy the wrong mong.

It's hilarious watching you do the old back-shuffle.

03-21-2015, 05:14 PM
Was his surname Smith?

I bet a third of the male world is called Dave Smith, with two thirds being called Chin Yung Fung.

As for me, I am Robert Arthur Michael John Henry Ralph Peter Chow Mein. I am of Anglo Irish descent with a hint of American (yup, Italian, Spanish and French, all rolled in to one). I also have Canadian in my blood, as well as African and Asian heritage. Mind you, my great great great great great grand dad was an Inca, or so I have been told.

Oh, and I live on planet Earth.

(Rart, you don't have to delete this personal information, if you don't want to. Who am I to order you about?)

03-21-2015, 05:17 PM
You're really butthurt about something. Is it because we insulted this forum, or are you genuinely engaging in subterfuge on behalf of a man of Dave's character?

I'm laughing at you, mate. You embarrassed yourself. Came here to destroy the wrong mong.

It's hilarious watching you do the old back-shuffle.

That's what they all say. Sounds like your integrity's under some strain there.

03-21-2015, 05:20 PM
I'm laughing at you, mate. You embarrassed yourself. Came here to destroy the wrong mong.

It's hilarious watching you do the old back-shuffle.

That's what they all say. Sounds like your integrity's under some strain there.

What integrity? As I say, you have no idea where you are. You read a few (wrong) Dave related posts and thought you owned the place. Hilarious.

Off you go back to righting wrongs. You're a fucking trooper, mate. Admirable.

03-21-2015, 05:22 PM
Was his surname Smith?

I bet a third of the male world is called Dave Smith, with two thirds being called Chin Yung Fung.

As for me, I am Robert Arthur Michael John Henry Ralph Peter Chow Mein. I am of Anglo Irish descent with a hint of American (yup, Italian, Spanish and French, all rolled in to one). I also have Canadian in my blood, as well as African and Asian heritage. Mind you, my great great great great great grand dad was an Inca, or so I have been told.

Oh, and I live on planet Earth.

(Rart, you don't have to delete this personal information, if you don't want to. Who am I to order you about?)

Nope. As can be found on magnumdave.wordpress.com that was helpfully posted into yesterdays deleted thread. (We already found that blog months ago)

03-21-2015, 05:25 PM
That's what they all say. Sounds like your integrity's under some strain there.

What integrity? As I say, you have no idea where you are. You read a few (wrong) Dave related posts and thought you owned the place. Hilarious.

Off you go back to righting wrongs. You're a fucking trooper, mate. Admirable.

Oooh, you bitch! lol

03-21-2015, 05:49 PM
What integrity? As I say, you have no idea where you are. You read a few (wrong) Dave related posts and thought you owned the place. Hilarious.

Off you go back to righting wrongs. You're a fucking trooper, mate. Admirable.

Oooh, you bitch! lol

You could be out there pwning honest to goodness racists, but you just resurrected Dave instead. This was a placid forum before you got here with your accusations and your naive condensation.

Dave was in his box. Now it's Saturday Night Dave all over the place. Fuck off and help some cripples, you fucking oil slick.

03-21-2015, 05:50 PM
Oooh, you bitch! lol

You could be out there pwning honest to goodness racists, but you just resurrected Dave instead. This was a placid forum before you got here with your accusations and your naive condensation.

Dave was in his box. Now it's Saturday Night Dave all over the place. Fuck off and help some cripples, you fucking oil slick.

You're not going to cry are you?

03-21-2015, 05:52 PM
You could be out there pwning honest to goodness racists, but you just resurrected Dave instead. This was a placid forum before you got here with your accusations and your naive condensation.

Dave was in his box. Now it's Saturday Night Dave all over the place. Fuck off and help some cripples, you fucking oil slick.

You're not going to cry are you?

Yes, mate, I'm crying. Where are your twitter friends? You seem somewhat bereft.

Can't you feel the hole you're digging here?

03-21-2015, 05:54 PM
You're not going to cry are you?

Yes, mate, I'm crying. Where are your twitter friends? You seem somewhat bereft.

Can't you feel the hole you're digging here?

You're the one dragging out Dave's pain. You almost sound like him.

03-21-2015, 06:00 PM
Yes, mate, I'm crying. Where are your twitter friends? You seem somewhat bereft.

Can't you feel the hole you're digging here?

You're the one dragging out Dave's pain. You almost sound like him.

Death throes from a wounded animal. Were you requisitioned to come here, or did you volunteer out of pure righteousness?

Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate Dave. He's deranged. But do-gooders like you, alone in these moral backwaters are fucking fodder. Almost doesn't seem fair.

Were your middle-class folks CND campaigners? I bet they were.

03-21-2015, 06:03 PM
You're the one dragging out Dave's pain. You almost sound like him.

Death throes from a wounded animal. Were you requisitioned to come here, or did you volunteer out of pure righteousness?

Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate Dave. He's deranged. But do-gooders like you, alone in these moral backwaters are fucking fodder. Almost doesn't seem fair.

Were your middle-class folks CND campaigners? I bet they were.

Do gooders? You should speak to our Dave about how much good we do. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

03-21-2015, 06:06 PM
I have no idea who your Dave is and no interest in finding him.

Clearly you don't either, or you wouldn't have ended up here getting laughed at.

03-21-2015, 06:09 PM
I have no idea who your Dave is and no interest in finding him.

Clearly you don't either, or you wouldn't have ended up here getting laughed at.

Okay okay, let's call a truce. Tell me about ManicGeek.

03-21-2015, 06:10 PM


03-21-2015, 06:13 PM


Clearly you're still butthurt about something. Almost as if Dave has some hold over you. Surely it can't be the casual insults, I mean, you're a Veteran.

03-21-2015, 06:18 PM


Clearly you're still butthurt about something. Almost as if Dave has some hold over you. Surely it can't be the casual insults, I mean, you're a Veteran.

If you want to know about our Dave, you have the facility to read back It's epic. But that's Dave.

He deleted a fuckload of his post but myself and other cunts quoted them anyway so they're all there for the most part. It's really not that interesting. Just some ex-squaddie having a mental breakdown on the internets.

03-21-2015, 06:18 PM
I haven't kept up mainly because I don't do mental so could someone please tell me who is this "we" this dumbfuck keeps referring to?

Unless of course it's a ghey internet -type thing full of pasty fat people and fey little children in which case I 'd actually prefer to remain ignorant.

03-21-2015, 06:22 PM
Clearly you're still butthurt about something. Almost as if Dave has some hold over you. Surely it can't be the casual insults, I mean, you're a Veteran.

If you want to know about our Dave, you have the facility to read back It's epic. But that's Dave.

He deleted a fuckload of his post but myself and other cunts quoted them anyway so they're all there for the most part. It's really not that interesting. Just some ex-squaddie having a mental breakdown on the internets.

Ex-squaddie certainly fits the bill for our Dave. Any idea when he served, or which regiment?

03-21-2015, 06:23 PM
I couldn't care what you think it sounds like, trust me I'm a paedophile[...]

Thanks for the new sigy, Dave. :lol:

03-21-2015, 06:28 PM
I couldn't care what you think it sounds like, trust me I'm a paedophile[...]

Thanks for the new sigy, Dave. :lol:
