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View Full Version : Malware on p2p

03-12-2015, 01:35 AM
How likely is it to download something off a p2p program that is infected with some virus that will actually change your p2p sharing setting to make your files available to the network? I've heard of hackers getting a back door to your files but never heard of malware making your whole computer available to everyone on the p2p network. How likely is that to happen

03-13-2015, 12:20 PM
How likely is it to download something off a p2p program that is infected with some virus that will actually change your p2p sharing setting to make your files available to the network? I've heard of hackers getting a back door to your files but never heard of malware making your whole computer available to everyone on the p2p network. How likely is that to happen

Never expect something to not be infected and you`ll be OK. People will keep seeding regardless so you can`t really use that as a benchmark you will need to use you own common sense or setup a VM for installs that you can trial and trash as required.

I also only do torrents in their own little VM and also then own VPN = because I can (as can anyone) as really I don`t want people hitting my public IP with every exploit chance they`ve got.

03-13-2015, 04:34 PM
Don't waste your time with this guy, Grib. He's asked the same question 7 different times, and he's been thoroughly answered. Check his post history, you'll see what I mean...

He's a troll. An odd troll, but a troll nonetheless...

03-13-2015, 05:15 PM
I haven't asked this. Doung a project on malware risks and causes of it. So any insight would be great.

03-13-2015, 06:30 PM
Doing a project on malware risks and causes of it

You can include the obvious social engineering, phishing, spear phishing. Delivery via email, download, bait site (depending on browser).... you can find all this stuff elsewhere online so for a site that doesn`t actually condone that crap you might want to try somewhere more appropriate for your project.

Sure there are many sites out there unfortunately which will be more than happy to guide you (even if your intent is perfectly benign)