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View Full Version : Any way to bypass Comcast's Sandvine throttle?

03-13-2015, 01:27 AM
I'm fairly certain Concast is screwing with my ability to upload torrent bandwidth on some trackers. Download speed is great, and I've done port forward, and have eliminated all firewalls.

Not necessarily having trouble with ratios, but am a bit irritated with Concast fuckery. I should be in control of what/how much I want to upload... :angry:

All of the info I came across was from 2007. Anything newer?

03-13-2015, 02:11 AM
How does the fuckery work exactly? Do you get very slow upload speeds, or do they begin to rise, then plummet to zero? There's a fix for the latter (wipfw set to ignore the RST flag on your client's outgoing ports), but it requires both sides to install it, so it's not very effective. In both cases, changing your uTorrent's bt.transp_disposition to use uTP only is a possible fix, at the cost of increasing bandwidth usage somewhat. And of course, a VPN should also work.

Have you already run the Glasnost (http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/bttest.php) test to confirm Comcast is at fault?

03-13-2015, 07:37 AM
They begin to rise, then plummet. I have not run any tests, but have noticed this long term. Will play with the options you gave me.

Thanks, anon. :)

03-13-2015, 07:53 AM
Have you already run the Glasnost (http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/bttest.php) test to confirm Comcast is at fault?

Thanks for that link. Didn`t know someone had done a test tool for checking but most useful

03-13-2015, 04:31 PM
You're both welcome, and for the record, here's the solution for ignoring the RST I mentioned above.
