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View Full Version : [UP.UsNtX] Upload to usenet via web without need to have usenet account

08-18-2015, 08:36 AM
Upload.UsNtX Choose file, and let our service upload your file into one of 9171 usenet groups.

https://upload.usntx.pw/ or https://up.usntx.pw/

Your file(s) will be uploaded to usenet and stored for about 2 years. Allowed are file(s) ONLY smaller than 500MB. Our service randonly choose one alti.binaries.* group from 9171 groups and upload your file there. All of your upload(s) will end with your own unique hash ******* We DO NOT host any of these files. We DO NOT log anything (the unique id is just random unique).

08-18-2015, 02:49 PM
This looks pretty good (I've been meaning to upload some stuff but don't have an NSP account). However, why two years? Shouldn't the retention period be up to each provider once the articles have propagated?

08-19-2015, 05:33 PM
You God damn idiot this is not what Usenet is for.

08-21-2015, 03:38 PM
@anon, oops seems something need to be fixed, anyway most nowadays USP have about 1000-2000 days, sure there are some small providers ...

@hdjunky oh we all love you too :-] times change and usenet changed too :-] also if you want use usenet as "message board" you can but do not tell who is idiot ;)