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View Full Version : 11.22.63 A new miniseries based on the Stephen King book.

11-20-2015, 08:20 PM
This is for you,Stehle. Next to Annie Wilkes, the biggest Stephen King fan I know.:alien:



Too bad they couldn't have landed Matthew McConaughey for the lead like they wanted though.

11-21-2015, 11:59 PM
Thank you IDOL!!! :) I read / listened to the book a couple of years back.... EXCELLENT!!! :)

One bad ass JFK conspiracy! Time travel, alternate futures.... I won't give anymore away.

(It will make "Under The Dome" look like an episode of "Barney" if they stick to the 8 parts or even close to the book!) :alien:

01-27-2016, 07:47 PM
New "Official" Trailer...


EDIT: Okay, it looks like one episode per week starting Feb15, 8 episodes spanning three months (No binge watching on Presidents Day. :( ), but here is what I have found from snooping around the Hulu site. (NOTE! This below link will contain SPOILERS!), but for those brave book purists who may want to know how closely it may follow the book... Remember you have been warned!

The Real Stuff (https://hulu.app.box.com/s/ebxld2j5uyfcv2o1j2ku12exk3ny1jyg)

Read the book then enjoy! :)

02-10-2016, 12:50 AM
"What if you could change the past?"

6 more days...:thumbsup:

(Link above is from my "Press Kit" , but so far it seems it may be pretty close to the book!) :alien:

02-11-2016, 09:03 PM
A review.


I shall watch if only because it has to be better than what else is on.

02-12-2016, 06:13 PM
“Time is a flat circle.” - Matthew McConaughey’s (Rust Cohle)

Too True and thank you for that review Idol! :)

Only 3 days left! ;)

(Your review link only confirmed my close to the book position.) :alien:

02-12-2016, 06:47 PM
Yeah there's a website that gives a episode by episode breakdown of the series( very spoilerish so I didn't post) and it seems to stay pretty close to the book.

You know that I'm not overly big on sci-fi but I think that's because a lot is based on concept and doesn't worry about humanizing the situation.I think the book at least, like most of King's work, does this well.

02-12-2016, 10:06 PM
It also can be a... love story. :rolleyes:

(Over the ages... {sigh}...) :mushy:

02-23-2016, 11:59 PM
Okay, after two episodes it seems a bit out of the books order, but close in many ways. I still look forward to the third installment in this miniseries.


(Dramatizations Mr King? In the future when you have written a winner please don't let Hollywood mess with it.) :alien:

(...you definitely shouldn't need the money. 'nuff said.) :alien:

03-18-2016, 06:11 PM
I'm liking this show. Never heard of it, but came across it by accident. Glad I gave it a chance. Since I know nothing of the story, I'm really wondering how it's going to end. Wondering if it will stay true to history or go off on a tangent.