View Full Version : Are you confused/have you ever been confused by the colour of someone's star?

12-01-2015, 08:15 PM
Vote or do something else.

So far this is going even better than I thought.

12-01-2015, 10:16 PM
There i did my contribution for you!!

It is really stupid what they did to you and i am not afraid to say it:fear:
Next you should do a donation thing so you will be an actual member and get some stars...Just don't ask me i am a cheap fuck!!

12-01-2015, 11:15 PM
So I should donate to a site that refuses to acknowledge years of contribution and generally treats me like shit.

Who do you think I am, Mulder or something?*

*Subtle enough for you, Mary?

Btw I hoping against all hope for two votes then I can play them off against each and instigate some kind of brilliant coup.

According to the internet a coup is
A highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment. 2. (among the Plains Indians of North America) a brave or reckless deed performed in battle by a single warrior, as touching or striking an enemy warrior without sustaining injury oneself. so I could totally see at least one of those happening.

12-02-2015, 12:25 AM
So I should donate to a site that refuses to acknowledge years of contribution and generally treats me like shit.

Who do you think I am, Mulder or something?*

*Subtle enough for you, Mary?

Who the fuck is Mulder?

12-02-2015, 12:48 AM
Who the fuck is Mulder?

You don't have to worry who Mulder is... He won't reply, you live in the wrong side of the world and i assume you don't play too many video games, so you are out...

So I should donate to a site that refuses to acknowledge years of contribution and generally treats me like shit.
Who do you think I am, Mulder or something?*.

I know you are not Mulder... You will communicate with everyone and have more to say than having a bad day at work popping E and playing video games:O

But i wonder what would happen if we flooded someones Email and PM box to give you back your Stars??

On second thought... a ban could be involved in that?? Yet it might be worth it LOL!!!
You do look so bare without them:cry:

12-02-2015, 03:06 PM
When I found this forum, I thought the (then) green stars given to former staff members and the corresponding "Forum Star" title were for those who had merely contributed a lot. The other ones were self-explanatory.

When I was the only one with gray ones in the BitTorrent section, several people mistook me for a moderator and sent me PMs asking to edit or delete posts, to which I replied they should ask an actual staff member instead.

After titles were added underneath the stars on 2011, there should be no room for confusion, really.

12-02-2015, 03:30 PM
When I found this forum, I thought the (then) green stars given to former staff members and the corresponding "Forum Star" title were for those who had merely contributed a lot. The other ones were self-explanatory.
When I was the only one with gray ones in the BitTorrent section, several people mistook me for a moderator and sent me PMs asking to edit or delete posts, to which I replied they should ask an actual staff member instead.
After titles were added underneath the stars on 2011, there should be no room for confusion, really.

To me Anon...
Stars on all sites i go to are for gratification or status or some sort of reward, what is underneath the stars is the title or your purpose here...
This is a reading site not a talking one. If people can't see what it says underneath the stars?? Well?? that i can't answer :noes:
If Confusion is an excuse to take someones stars away.. Did anyone ask Idol if he got PM's (other than hate ones:D), confusing him as some sort of authority here??
Stars underneath a Avatar are just Stars.... Your title or Job here is written in plain English, not hard to spot....

Just my opinion....

PS. This is a Odd forum as well here, there is not too Many NZB site forums like it anywhere(at least none i have found), and you guys participate here (which is great!!), i don't see too many sites where Moderators do what you guys do here...:)

12-02-2015, 05:03 PM
According to the internet a coup is
A highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment. 2. (among the Plains Indians of North America) a brave or reckless deed performed in battle by a single warrior, as touching or striking an enemy warrior without sustaining injury oneself. so I could totally see at least one of those happening.

I keep my birds in a coup. If this site has given you anything, it resembles what is at the bottom of that.

12-02-2015, 05:05 PM
PS. This is a Odd forum as well here, there is not too Many NZB site forums like it anywhere(at least none i have found), and you guys participate here (which is great!!), i don't see too many sites where Moderators do what you guys do here...:)

Anon,I'm fairly sure that he just called you ghey.

12-02-2015, 05:21 PM
Anon,I'm fairly sure that he just called you ghey.

"As a board certified psychiatrist I believe the technical term for your post is 'projection'." (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/125697-FileSharingTalk-com-Welcome-**READ-THIS**?p=3764932&viewfull=1#post3764932)

12-02-2015, 06:36 PM
The problem with trying to use my own words against me is that they so rarely make any sense.

12-02-2015, 07:01 PM
The problem with trying to use my own words against me is that they make No sense.


12-16-2015, 10:31 PM
Please ban everyone who doesn't vote in this poll.

You can start with the English because no one will really miss them anyway.

12-17-2015, 12:12 AM
Please ban everyone who doesn't vote in this poll.
You can start with the English because no one will really miss them anyway.

:01: :artist: :01:

01-11-2016, 06:42 AM
So do the stars affect how many downloads you can have in one day? Or is that something else?

08-02-2016, 02:33 PM
So do the stars affect how many downloads you can have in one day? Or is that something else?
fairly sure stars are interplanetary bodies and don`t give a f@ck about your downloads. This thread was dead as my blackhole so a pointless revive really.

08-02-2016, 05:07 PM
Have I posted this already?

.rank {
overflow: hidden !important;
/* Don't show anything that overflows out of our WIDTH*(HEIGHT-16) area. */

margin:0px 0px -16px 0px !important;
/* Remove 16px at the bottom. */

.rank img[src="images/ranks/retired.png"] {
width: 0!important;
height: 0!important;
background: url(http://filesharingtalk.com/images/ranks/btgod.png) top !important;
padding: 0 0 20px 100px !important;

.retired {
color: green !important;

.rank img[src="images/ranks/btgod.png"] {
width: 0!important;
height: 0!important;
background: url(http://filesharingtalk.com/images/ranks/retired.png) top !important;
padding: 0 0 20px 100px !important;

.btgod {
color: purple !important;

img.repimg[src="http://i.fststatic.com/reputation/reputation_pos.png"] {
width: 0!important;
height: 0!important;
background: url() center!important;
padding: 0 0 10px 8px !important;

/* Make the BT rep text visible under Opera */
.postbit_reputation {
font-size: 11px !important;

08-02-2016, 07:14 PM
I'm going to say maybe to preclude any possibility of me being wrong.

08-03-2016, 02:26 AM
Where are all the forum stars?

08-03-2016, 07:35 AM
Wait until dark and then look up.

Anon, can I be a not not important and see what colour my star is, was brown as far as I know but your script could change the world