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View Full Version : REQUEST: Accepting Rare Files

12-27-2015, 03:09 AM
As the name says I'm accepting rare files from all users here which in turn will be shared in ED2K/KAD via very fast mirrors: STHNSv4x1 (100mbps), STHNSv4x2 (1gbps), STHNSv4x3 (1gbps). Think of it this way if you share files and you have files thats always on upload but none otherthan you have it as your the main source and always being downloaded, then send it to me. As the size does not matter, content does not matter long as you know its a file everyone always getting it of you since high demand. So you would like someone else to help you with the load balance to mitigate high ratio/high bandwidth

Exclude: Hollywood Movies, Gay/Kiddy Porn, Windows Softwares

PS: If you have it then upload it to fast web host and send me the URL. I will have other servers running very soon so far only 3 active, thanks.

12-27-2015, 06:13 AM
This is a very nice and generous offer, STHNS.

My eyes actually skipped over the word 'Exclude', and briefly thought you were requesting people share gay/kiddy porn. Not kidding. :O Glad I was mistaken. :D

12-27-2015, 10:05 AM
Homosexuality and pedophilia are interchangeable?

You wouldn't happen to be running for presidency, would you?

12-27-2015, 10:06 AM
Lesbians munching on each other's beavers counts as gay porn. If you don't like that, you're a fag.

12-27-2015, 10:47 AM
Well as you can see File Sharing is serious biz on this end... Keep in mind I don't make any money or am I trying to make even dollar out of this. Nor am I collecting stats/user informations, ect trying to spam them with ads or other BS. But bandwidth (gbps pipe) and qouta (SSD storage) is costly so I will be accepting donations via PayPal as amount does not mattr to cover the costs as its mostly paid by me and some friends since its not cheap.

Now why do it via ED2K(2G-P2P)/KAD(3G-P2P)? As its the ONLY "true" form of real P2P that still dominates all others. Now I know torrent in essence does better job as its mostly due to source exchange since its file trading and not pure form of file sharing. But however ED2K/KAD became the default /bin for all files as it all ends up there in the end via pure or multi-network hybrid clients. As it was desgine to be file sharing in mind and takes in account leechers who unshare after they download and disconnect.

12/27/2015 5:45 AM EST
Users on Working Servers: 213786
Files on Working Servers: 47698459

Server Name Users Files
eMule Security No1 110761 27769962
eMule Security No2 44074 8840497
eMule Security No3 38365 7143757
eMule Security No4 20586 3944243

The users/files are more these are just verified full ED2K server with no content filtering. So its simple just dump all your files in ED2K/KAD and be done with it and let mule/donkey slowly carry it on their back for you.

PS: Lezbo porn is most welcome :) as I have FULL paid websites cURLed and dumped.

12-27-2015, 01:37 PM
Homosexuality and pedophilia are interchangeable?

Whatever 2 or more consenting children do in their own treehouse/fort (while under adult supervision) is their own business.

12-27-2015, 01:41 PM
Exclude: Hollywood Movies, Gay/Kiddy Porn, Windows Softwares

Just to be perfectly clear, the loving depiction of two human beings having sex is forbidden but Romanian snuff films are OK?

The reason I ask is that dion has a ton of that stuff, some of which he made himself.

Normally at this point I'd stop and clarify which of two I was talking about but since this is dion the answer is obviously, "both".

12-27-2015, 01:44 PM
The types of material aren't as important as order of events in your above scenario, Idol.

12-27-2015, 01:44 PM
Well as you can see File Sharing is serious biz on this end... Keep in mind I don't make any money or am I trying to make even dollar out of this. Nor am I collecting stats/user informations, ect trying to spam them with ads or other BS. But bandwidth (gbps pipe) and qouta (SSD storage) is costly so I will be accepting donations via PayPal as amount does not mattr to cover the costs as its mostly paid by me and some friends since its not cheap.

Now why do it via ED2K(2G-P2P)/KAD(3G-P2P)? As its the ONLY "true" form of real P2P that still dominates all others. Now I know torrent in essence does better job as its mostly due to source exchange since its file trading and not pure form of file sharing. But however ED2K/KAD became the default /bin for all files as it all ends up there in the end via pure or multi-network hybrid clients. As it was desgine to be file sharing in mind and takes in account leechers who unshare after they download and disconnect.

No but seriously, what's in it for me?

As a wise old Jew once told me, magnanimity is all well and good but warm and fuzzy never put gas in anyone's Lexus.

I mean if this is some sort of charity then I'd rather give my money to orphans and starving puppies and no fucking way am I doing that.

The types of material aren't as important as order of events in your above scenario, Idol.

Doesn't matter.I'm pretty sure that post alone will get me my stars back.

12-27-2015, 03:08 PM
Why does this cock sucking faggot always spamming every thread? Idol you worthless fag stop spamming we don't care about your useless worthless post. Every single thread you post in thread it never has anything to do with anything as its always off-topic, why are you even on this forum? stop wasting everyones time and delete your account.

12-27-2015, 03:10 PM
Also we don't care about SNUFF or any other homo faggot shit you watch, go cry to DION we don't care.

12-27-2015, 03:27 PM
Yeah, Idol, keep your snuff to yourself. Either incest or Michael Jackson (assumably both would be acceptable) or GTFO. :angry:

12-27-2015, 04:33 PM
Sorry.Trying to make boring egocentric stuff interesting was my one fatal flaw as an air traffic controller.
In the future I'll try to stay more on topic if only because you asked so nicely.:)

Anyway sticking completely to the topic at hand, you say that you're looking or as you would put it "your lookin' " for rare files.

I have this old album by Rare Earth but checking around there seem to a million of them so I'm sort of confused to if it qualifies or not?

12-27-2015, 05:59 PM
Why does this cock sucking faggot always spamming every thread?

cuz yo sis retired.

Anyways, we are sharing/uploading our stuff just fine. Really don't need a new channel/server/protocol or any other donkey shit. Also, if you're doing it for sharing only, lick the Scene's balls, I tell you man, thy're huge.

12-27-2015, 06:36 PM
Why does this cock sucking faggot always spamming every thread?

cuz yo sis retired.

Anyways, we are sharing/uploading our stuff just fine. Really don't need a new channel/server/protocol or any other donkey shit. Also, if you're doing it for sharing only, lick the Scene's balls, I tell you man, thy're huge.

Hey fruity pebble sig faggot, did i ask what minor league lobby rat torrent you share? kid I upload more per day than you do a month. If i were to reroute those traffic to your lil eMachine you would be disconnected.

12-27-2015, 07:35 PM
My goal in life is to discharge the responsibilities of the people who are dependent on me. That's where most of my resources are allocated. I want my legacy to last long after I'm gone which obviously can't be a music album/movie soon forgotten after a new one has released. A day will come when you'll realize that you've wasted yourself on some shit that wasn't worth it.

Edit: Also, it tells a lot about a person what they've queued in the download list.

12-27-2015, 07:56 PM
My goal in life is to discharge the responsibilities of the people who are dependent on me. That's where most of my resources are allocated. I want my legacy to last long after I'm gone which obviously can't be a music album/movie soon forgotten after a new one has released. A day will come when you'll realize that you've wasted yourself on some shit that wasn't worth it.

Edit: Also, it tells a lot about a person what they've queued in the download list.

LOL that made me actually laugh, as the whole thing is simple minded. So what gave you the slightest idea we don't work and take care of family? My legacy is already set lol and I don't need any simpleton who can't tell the difference between UPLOAD screen from DOWNLOAD screen to tell me that. How often you do unable to read what you see on the screen? go play outside leave real file sharing to professionals as your an amateur, guess you wasted your time for sure.

PS: My offer even extends to you as you don't have the sense so people of my status who knows better have to make sure that other are able to access it.

12-27-2015, 08:10 PM

Why so angry? You appear to be somebody who is deluded in believing that he has his life intact and under control. Anyways, as your post history suggest, your comprehending ability is really weak. Your responsibility as human extends beyond your family.

Also, if you're judging somebody in accordance to what they share, it hardly matters if it's uploading or downloading. Anyways, I'll leave you at this for the moment and I Hope you find peace.

12-27-2015, 08:54 PM

Why so angry? You appear to be somebody who is deluded in believing that he has his life intact and under control. Anyways, as your post history suggest, your comprehending ability is really weak. Your responsibility as human extends beyond your family.

Also, if you're judging somebody in accordance to what they share, it hardly matters if it's uploading or downloading. Anyways, I'll leave you at this for the moment and I Hope you find peace.

Spoken like true tree hugging hippie... peace/control/angry is all illusion. Now what did you do so great that you think that you helped humanity? ironic and you say deluded? also ironic you talk about comprehension as coming from someone who though upload is download. But the most comical part of all of it is your in file sharing forum and you think what we will talk about? don't answer that as its rhetorical. I also see you took the time to change your sig, care much?

PS: This is FileSharingTalk as I avid by forum/thread topic, which you some how manage to fail. Spend another 6 years here maybe you will grasp it, until then don't talk about comprehending. Now go plant flower somewhere or occupy the wall street or whatever the hell you hippies do.

12-27-2015, 11:58 PM
ironic and you say deluded? also ironic you talk about comprehension as coming from someone who though upload is download. But the most comical part of all of it is your in file sharing forum and you think what we will talk about? ?
..... Spend another 6 years here maybe you will grasp it....


Spoken like true tree hugging hippie... peace/control/angryanger isare all (an) illusion. Now what did you do (that's) so great that you think that you helped humanity? iIronic and you say deluded? (What's) also ironic (is that ) you talk about comprehension(and it's) as coming from someone who though(t) upload is download. But the most comical part of all of it is youryou're in (a) file sharing forum and you think (this is ) what we will talk about? dDon't answer that as its it's rhetorical. I also see you took the time to change your sig,. cCare much?

PS: This is FileSharingTalk as I avid by( honestly no idea) forum/thread topic, which you some how somehow manage(d) to fail. Spend another 6 years here (and) maybe you will grasp it, .uUntil then don't talk about comprehending. Now go plant flower(s) somewhere or occupy the wWall sStreet or whatever the hell (it is) you hippies do.

Yay, I'm not most illiterate person here anymore.

Still illiterate, just not the most.:(

Wham, right in the face with that glass house.

12-28-2015, 07:15 AM
Spoken like true tree hugging hippie... peace/control/angry is all illusion. Now what did you do so great that you think that you helped humanity? ironic and you say deluded? also ironic you talk about comprehension as coming from someone who though upload is download. But the most comical part of all of it is your in file sharing forum and you think what we will talk about? don't answer that as its rhetorical. I also see you took the time to change your sig, care much?

PS: This is FileSharingTalk as I avid by forum/thread topic, which you some how manage to fail. Spend another 6 years here maybe you will grasp it, until then don't talk about comprehending. Now go plant flower somewhere or occupy the wall street or whatever the hell you hippies do.

I meant to say that there are more ways, better ways to accomplish the sense of self identity and self respect then merely file sharing. You care so much in proving your superiority over other random strangers you've just came across on an interweb forum but you fail to realize, the harder you try, the more stupid you look.

Also, you've got me wrong all together. If I'll reveal my dick, you'll get scare and your mom would fall in love by the sheer size of it.

And as for your offer, I deal mostly in the Ethnic, Folk, Country music from Africa/Eastern Europe/Middle East which I suppose is neither rare nor complicated enough to make to your drives so thanks, but no thanks.

12-28-2015, 10:34 AM
I meant to say that there are more ways, better ways to accomplish the sense of self identity and self respect then merely file sharing. You care so much in proving your superiority over other random strangers you've just came across on an interweb forum but you fail to realize, the harder you try, the more stupid you look.

Also, you've got me wrong all together. If I'll reveal my dick, you'll get scare and your mom would fall in love by the sheer size of it.

And as for your offer, I deal mostly in the Ethnic, Folk, Country music from Africa/Eastern Europe/Middle East which I suppose is neither rare nor complicated enough to make to your drives so thanks, but no thanks.

Very interesting storray, how often do you tell it? Often as you come on a thread and get clowned? how often you drop momma jokes? often as you show your dick photo to random strangers that you "came across on an interweb forum"? as I said boy go play outside this is not hippie forum.

12-28-2015, 01:24 PM


01-04-2016, 12:53 AM
Ok just setup 4th server and accepting files. Same as before you can PM on site/GMail me with hotlink to the file repo. But I can also do sftp pull from your end if you want to save time/bandwidth.

STHNSv4x1 = Online (FULL)
STHNSv4x2 = Online (FULL)
STHNSv4x3 = Online (FULL)
STHNSv4x4 = Online (FREE)

Cowboy Bebop - Knockin' On Heaven's Door.avi (576.76 MB)

01-04-2016, 03:49 PM
BUMP: Still accepting files so far only:

Number of Shared Files: 213
Total size of Shared Files: 28.747 GB

Here are current stats below of active uploads and bandwidth:

Active Uploads: 8
Upload Rate: 415.92 kB/s

Active Uploads: 11
Upload Rate: 847.14 kB/s

Active Uploads: 21
Upload Rate: 1.43 MB/s

Active Uploads: 29
Upload Rate: 1.86 MB/s

01-04-2016, 05:39 PM
windows_nt_4_source_code.zip :shifty:

01-04-2016, 07:38 PM
windows_nt_4_source_code.zip :shifty:

Never used NT 4.0 just 2K, XP. But yes ANON send me all of your high end files that consume bandwidth.

01-04-2016, 09:12 PM
I have the Windows 2000 source code leak too... and MS-DOS 5 or 6...

I'll take you up on your offer, just need to scout my hard disks to see what's worth sharing first.

01-04-2016, 09:47 PM
Why would anyone want Win2K source code decade and half later... you can use *nix. All my servers as of now is converted to Linux-CentOS while I use Unix-FreeBSD for my PC.

But yes do find something your already sharing and collect them all inside folder and compress it. Ill just directly download from your local to remote FServ via sftp. As STHNSv4x4 is hosted on optimized 1gbps route I just did remote to remote sftp at 72MB/s.

01-05-2016, 01:43 AM
Why would anyone want Win2K source code decade and half later...

Don't ask me - it says "rare files" on the thread title. :idunno:

My upload speed isn't great, so let me see how much stuff I've got first, and then I'll decide which method is best.

01-05-2016, 02:24 PM
I've got a photo of STDv3's mum sober. :D

Even more rare would be a copy of his dad's cleared child support check. :yup:

01-05-2016, 08:34 PM
I've got a photo of STDv3's mum sober. :D

Even more rare would be a copy of his dad's cleared child support check. :yup:

HA HA HA that was almost funny. People of my race we don't pay child support as we step up as man and take care of our child, a concept alien to you which is the reason you lack actual male role model and confused this tread title. It said RARE not REAR as you prefer it up your gazooskie, in simple terms your a guy that does with another guy.

01-05-2016, 10:33 PM
I've got a photo of STDv3's mum sober. :D

Even more rare would be a copy of his dad's cleared child support check. :yup:

HA HA HA that was almost funny. People of my race we don't pay child support as we step up as man and take care of our child, a concept alien to you which is the reason you lack actual male role model and confused this tread title.

You have a race? And what exactly was your 'role model' shooting for besides pursuing cops? :unsure:

01-05-2016, 11:13 PM
You have a race? And what exactly was your 'role model' shooting for besides pursuing cops? :unsure:

Yes, i'm not inbred redneck nor am I half breed negro as i'm full blood Indian; not the chief kind. Cops? lol I was arrested just few months back they had me on CCTV, found it on me when they arrested me, I told the cops I did it as knowing they can hold it against me for admission of guilt. I was charged with 3rd degree felony but I bailed out and DA couldn't file the charges with overwhelming evidence mounted against me and circuit judge was force to close the case due to my A2-DIS. Best part I didn't even have a court date nor did I send my lawyers :) good to be son of someone.

01-05-2016, 11:47 PM
Yes, i'm not inbred redneck nor am I half breed negro

I've heard you speak. Well, try to. You aren't convincing anyone. :no:

01-06-2016, 12:30 AM
Yes, i'm not inbred redneck nor am I half breed negro

I've heard you speak. Well, try to. You aren't convincing anyone. :no:

What are you babbling about? Oh you mean the video I myself posted regarding those 3 simpletons? I don't have to convince anyone as truth is absolute as its known fact.

01-06-2016, 12:40 AM
I've heard you speak. Well, try to. You aren't convincing anyone. :no:

What are you babbling about? Oh you mean the video I myself posted regarding those 3 simpletons? I don't have to convince anyone as truth is absolute as its known fact.

It's interesting (telling) that you chose redneck and half bred negro and not 'Mexican', 'Polynesian', whatever. Seems you've been "mistaken" for a redneck-negro hybrid before. :D

Y'all got big gums, don't you? :happy:


01-06-2016, 12:42 AM
I could take him in any kind of fight were the winner wasn't determined by who cries the most.

01-06-2016, 12:50 AM
I could take him in any kind of fight were the winner wasn't determined by who cries the most.

Is that why you suck any dick you can find? How is that working out? Able to still show 1 post that was worth anything other than being totally worthless?

01-06-2016, 12:55 AM
Ignoring my previous post doesn't invalidate what it said.

As for your apparent issues with gays, T R A N S F E R E N C E.

01-06-2016, 12:57 AM
Babbling on and on does not invalidate what I said over and over about not single one of your posts worth anything. Other than sucking dicks and spamming this forum what did you ever do?

01-06-2016, 01:03 AM
For one thing I'm mostly not a snot-nosed punk so there's that.

Also I try to keep my delusions to a bare minimum.Say like, three.

01-06-2016, 01:12 AM

View My Video 2 (http://tinypic.com/m/ih3bd1/3)

01-06-2016, 01:12 AM
LOL only thing you manage to keep is not even your dignity as I tarnish that worthless reputation for being homosexual and worthless spammer who derail threads and every posts while not contributing shit/piss in anything. How does it feel to be so worthless? that your daddy should have left you in used condom that you belong in.

01-06-2016, 01:21 AM
Recapping the thread for those who just tuned in.
STDSv3 is a bigoted, homophobic retard poseur who spends his days posting videos to the internet in a forlorn attempt to try to find the respect that his father never gave him.

01-06-2016, 01:36 AM
Recapping the thread for those who just tuned in.
STDSv3 is a bigoted, homophobic retard poseur who spends his days posting videos to the internet in a forlorn attempt to try to find the respect that his father never gave him.

Compared to dick sucking faggot from Canada who been here for near 8years and has nothing to show for it other than worthless post after post dumber than the last one.

01-06-2016, 01:38 AM
Good comeback, Sparky.Took a lot of intellect to come up with that I suspect.

See the difference between us other than there are actually women in the World who would sleep with me, is that anything bad I say about you is true.

01-06-2016, 01:42 AM
Good comeback, Sparky.Took a lot of intellect to come up with that I suspect.

See the difference between us other than there are actually women in the World who would sleep with me, is that anything bad I say about you is true.

Well compared to being simpleton from Canada it would be alot coming from you LOL JK (JayKay), were you able to google it eFtard? Hint: NOT John Kenddy LOL fucking retard.

01-06-2016, 01:46 AM
Recapping the thread for those who just tuned in.
STDSv3 is a bigoted, homophobic retard poseur who spends his days posting videos to the internet in a forlorn attempt to try to find the respect that his father never gave him.

Compared to dick sucking faggot from Canada who been here for near 8years and has nothing to show for it other than worthless post after post dumber than the last one.

Here's one of the many things in life you don't understand- Idol (and several others here) would be welcome in my home if he/they ever happened to wander to this part of the country. If he were within a couple hundred miles, I'd meet him for a beer and introduce him to my family. He would not need to spend a dime, nor has he, for that kind of welcome.

He has also received the same invitation from a friend in Ireland.

Now sit alone in your hotel of the night, or with a coked-out whore- who you will undoubtedly take a creepy picture of, and ponder the value of friendship...

01-06-2016, 01:49 AM
The fact that you seem ignorant to the fact that my use of John Kennedy was a joke pretty much sums up your life.

Well compared to being simpleton from Canada it would be alot coming from you LOL JK (JayKay), were you able to google it eFtard? Hint: NOT John Kenddy LOL fucking retard.

Actually I'm Indian.The Maple Leaf is just there to throw the Feds off my tail.

Assumption.One of the reasons people drive off cliffs.

Here's one of the many things in life you don't understand- Idol (and several others here) would be welcome in my home if he/they ever happened to wander to this part of the country. If he were within a couple hundred miles, I'd meet him for a beer and introduce him to my family. He would not need to spend a dime, nor has he, for that kind of welcome.


Like I'll ever fall for something like that again.

Trusting in the good intentions of internet types is why I only have one leg.

01-06-2016, 01:57 AM
Actually I'm Indian.

I take back that invitation. :P

01-06-2016, 01:59 AM
Not East Asian ghey Indian but full-bloodied Cherocrow.

01-06-2016, 02:08 AM
You missed my clever 'Indian Giver' reference. Here, in the spirit of America, have a blanket. :shifty:

01-06-2016, 02:12 AM
Sorry I was in bed giving a girl backrub as both of you faggots were busy sucking each others dick. So simpleton Megabitch can you tell me again how to download a video LOL I need another laugh maybe you can break it down so disabled IdiotEye can understand it.

01-06-2016, 02:15 AM
Your Indian giver reference was an insult to my red heritage.

You leave me little choice but to react in the manner that my forefathers would have done so I shall now proceed to die from cholera.
I see little recourse, STDSv3 at this point but to ignore you as you seem incapable of ...well, basically anything worthwhile, even a good insult.

Please before that though tell me honestly how old you are because and I'm not even trying to be mean, you come off as 14 going on 12

01-06-2016, 02:18 AM
Actually I'm Indian.

I take back that invitation. :P

He knows all about taking it in the "back" though invitation. Earlier he confused rare with rear.

01-06-2016, 02:29 AM
I'm confused I looked up "petulant child" and "one note dullard" and they both linked me to your picture.

Is Google saying that "petulant child" and "one note dullard" are the same thing?

01-06-2016, 02:37 AM
That joke was original as Canadian invitation. You should look it up also just as you did JK; JayKay.


01-06-2016, 05:18 AM
Your Indian giver reference was an insult to my red heritage.

You leave me little choice but to react in the manner that my forefathers would have done so I shall now proceed to die from cholera.
I see little recourse, STDSv3 at this point but to ignore you as you seem incapable of ...well, basically anything worthwhile, even a good insult.

Please before that though tell me honestly how old you are because and I'm not even trying to be mean, you come off as 14 going on 12

Yeah, I'm bored enough of him to put him on ignore. I highly doubt anyone is going to donate to his Emule revival campaign. He'll just go away once he realizes that no one really cares about that. Yeah, 17 whole people (he's 3 of them) grabbed a youtube-available video! Celebration time!!!! :w00t:

The rest of the network is devoted to 1970's incest/besialiity porn renamed as Star.Wars.Episode.8.(2018).REAL.NoFake.aXXo :yup:

01-06-2016, 07:32 AM
You missed my clever 'Indian Giver' reference. Here, in the spirit of America, have a blanket. :shifty:

Was bored...... But i assume you mean a Hudson Bay blanket since you American guys own that now too:cry:


01-06-2016, 07:39 AM
*cough* small pox *cough*

Old white man trick. :shifty:

01-06-2016, 08:12 AM
*cough* small pox *cough*

Old white man trick. :shifty:

*cough* chicken soup *cough*

Old Bubbie trick:whistling

It is like windex for Greeks.... you can use that shit to fix anything:whistling

01-06-2016, 08:21 AM
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts...

"Windex makes terrible lube."-Idol :'(

01-06-2016, 08:53 AM
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts...
"Windex makes terrible lube."-Idol :'(

:yikes: :noes::noes: :yikes:

Well... I hear Chicken Schmaltz works well, but i have never tried it:whistling

01-06-2016, 12:18 PM
Yeah, I'm bored enough of him to put him on ignore. I highly doubt anyone is going to donate to his Emule revival campaign. He'll just go away once he realizes that no one really cares about that. Yeah, 17 whole people (he's 3 of them) grabbed a youtube-available video! Celebration time!!!! :w00t:

The rest of the network is devoted to 1970's incest/besialiity porn renamed as Star.Wars.Episode.8.(2018).REAL.NoFake.aXXo :yup:

Keep in mind guys this is what happens when you try to troll and get trolled. lol this simple faggot also PMed me trying to welcome me as newcomer only to realize I was here decade before he ever heard of this forum and I laughed at him. Stick to giving bad advice on howto download via Youtube as that alone will get few of us a good laugh. Only some retarded simple faggot who has no idea how video a/v compression works would try to download via youtube by pulling the *.flv with adon lol as this simple faggot has no idea howto even do it manually.

01-06-2016, 12:58 PM
I'd be very careful of making fun of anyone if I was you, STDSc2.

I've seen the videos where you're flaunting your weapons and your money and I'm honestly not making this up, it took my brain a while to process the fact that I wasn't watching some sort of parody.:mellow:

You missed my clever 'Indian Giver' reference. Here, in the spirit of America, have a blanket. :shifty:

Was bored...... But i assume you mean a Hudson Bay blanket since you American guys own that now too:cry:



*Cheers reference to you returning.

I think it best at this point that we just spoil our own jokes by assuming no one knows what we are talking about.

01-06-2016, 01:13 PM
I am retarded simple faggot but I do know how compression and indeed encryption works but still pull crappy cat videos from utube. Give me a P box, give me an S box... give me you have no idea box....

01-06-2016, 01:17 PM
I think you're selling yourself short , man as I've personally always considered you to be a retarded complex faggot.:smilie4:

01-06-2016, 01:18 PM
I am retarded simple faggot but I do know how compression and indeed encryption works but still pull crappy cat videos from utube

I was not talking about you as I was laughing at Megabitch's comical attempt at suggesting downloading via uTube with 3rd party browser ad-on since he can't even pull the data of temp since he can't put them together as its part buffer. You can download it but its not the original source now is it? so in another word you wasted your bandwidth and time and none will download it from you. Go ahead and do a controlled test and let me know when result is zero.

01-06-2016, 01:24 PM
You seem again supremely ignorant to the fact that no one cares if it's the original source or not .

Then again you seem ignorant to the fact that whatever their relative merits, given the choice people decided on a filesharing method other than yours.

You,sir are literally the Beta to everything else's VHS and consequently just as irrelevant.

01-06-2016, 01:26 PM
You seem again supremely ignorant to the fact that no one cares if it's the original source or not .

Then again you seem ignorant to the fact that whatever their relative merits, given the choice people decided on a filesharing method other than yours.

You,sir are literally the Beta to everything else's VHS and consequently just as irrelevant.

They don't? and you found this out how? lol hey guys a simpleton faggot who can't even share is telling us about it.

01-06-2016, 01:33 PM
I was not talking about you ...

I have no problem with you either, you use a different share method and that is fine. Me and Idle on the other hand.....

01-06-2016, 01:37 PM
I was not talking about you ...

I have no problem with you either, you use a different share method and that is fine. Me and Idle on the other hand.....

I'm not saying you have problem with me or me having problem with anyone. This is not about using different file sharing protocol it was about the content which you downloaded as MegaBITCH would have it directly from uTube thus getting alternative worthless content in fucked up format not even close to original published content. Far as IdiotEYe goes he is uneducated faggot and total laughing stock, which I don't need to tell you as you already known.

01-06-2016, 01:39 PM
I was not talking about you ...

I have no problem with you either, you use a different share method and that is fine. Me and Idle on the other hand.....

I'm being seriously here.That's scary,bro.

01-06-2016, 01:44 PM
That's scary,bro.

I ignore/filter the hate. Makes reading much easier. Yes indeed I still hate you but then I filter that out so it is all good :)

01-06-2016, 01:49 PM
As I don't actually hate anything then presumably all you do is self admittedly filter yourself then.

01-06-2016, 01:52 PM
As I don't actually hate anything then presumably all you do is self admittedly filter yourself then.

You should refresh the page I don't think you can see correctly, hit the F5 few times. Let us know when you see the changes.

01-06-2016, 01:55 PM
OK something funny is going on here because although those are words you are using , they consistently don't make any sense.

01-06-2016, 01:56 PM
Possibly a good option, did you ever consider yourself a forum counselor, maybe you can get a coloured star back

Sure you must hate me at least a 'ittle bit ;)

01-06-2016, 01:58 PM
Possibly a good option, did you ever consider yourself a forum counselor, maybe you can get a coloured star back

Sure you must hate me at least a 'ittle bit ;)

Watch this very carefully, i'm about to disconnect that simpleton IdiotEye.

01-06-2016, 05:31 PM
WTF? Unban it.

01-06-2016, 06:05 PM
WTF? Unban it.

Maybe you should have tried to keep up instead of throwing a hissy fit. If you practice with us some more, your speech could possibly improve, and that takes into account the fact that Idol makes some kind of typo every post.

01-06-2016, 06:21 PM
That should be least of his worries now :)

01-06-2016, 07:51 PM
It speaks volumes of STDSc3 character that this site has been around since 2003 and had tens of thousands of members and he's still literally the worst one.

Then again he is some sort of ghey faux gangster. :mellow:

That should be least of his worries now :)

Why did my X-rays turn up something unforeseen, oh odious one?

No serious, DoS me again because I could use a new router anyway.

...and that takes into account the fact that Idol makes some kind of typo every post.

Yeah but when I do it it's endearing in a spastic sort of way.

01-06-2016, 10:35 PM
Yeah but when I do it it's endearing in a spastic sort of way.

No, it's in a forgiving, overlooked sort of way from a distant but unconditionally loving father who hides his disappointment.

01-07-2016, 12:33 AM
Watch this very carefully, i'm about to disconnect that simpleton IdiotEye.

That should be least of his worries now :)



01-07-2016, 03:03 PM
Keep it up MegaBITCH, see how it turns out for you also.

01-07-2016, 03:15 PM
Keep it up MegaBITCH, see how it turns out for you also.

King of Neverlearnsland?

01-07-2016, 03:26 PM
King of Neverlearnsland?

I'm still waiting for that DoS attack via McAfee-UDPFlooder.exe, how goes it? Let me guess not working out so well huh?

01-07-2016, 03:40 PM
Seriously, dude how pathetic is your life that this is what you do in "retaliation" for someone questioning your particular view of things?

Instead of telling me how I should be "worried" you should instead be asking yourself what the fuck is wrong with your own head.

As far as I see it and that's fairly clearly, you are on step away from having someone shoot you or being thrown into some CIA black site because you are a deluded foreign national who's solution to your imaginary problems seem to resort to misdirected violence against total strangers.

Feel free to try to do what you will because I will remain neither impressed nor frightened by you.Like most of the World.

PS Insist of keeping this up and I shall see that the first thing that pops up on every search engine is how untrustworthy and terrible a person STDSv3.
See how that works out for your attempt at magnanimous filesharing. :ermm:

01-07-2016, 04:00 PM
Seriously, dude how pathetic is your life that this is what you do in "retaliation" for someone questioning your particular view of things?

Instead of telling me how I should be "worried" you should instead be asking yourself what the fuck is wrong with your own head.

As far as I see it and that's fairly clearly, you are on step away from having someone shoot you or being thrown into some CIA black site because you are a deluded foreign national who's solution to your imaginary problems seem to resort to misdirected violence against total strangers.

Feel free to try to do what you will because I will remain neither impressed nor frightened by you.Like most of the World.

PS Insist of keeping this up and I shall see that the first thing that pops up on every search engine is how untrustworthy and terrible a person STDSv3.
See how that works out for your attempt at magnanimous filesharing. :ermm:

VERY interesting stoooray, how often do you tell it bro? you seem lil mad, IzUmadBRUH? LoL

Did I just take off your blindfold? lol they all get abused and end up on Google.com I have legions of followers all have one thing in common get owned. If I want talk from some old Canadian fella who has no life and spam threads with posts not anyways related i'll just abuse you and there is nothing you know or you can do to stop it as your misguided.

PS: I just hacked a paid porn website and now cURLing its content don't worry in an hour the whole website is gannabe published, REPORT IT BRUH.

01-07-2016, 04:28 PM
Well, this is a lesson in why you should never directly share files with random interweb turds.

You connect/share, they see your IP, they get mad down the road, they use some stupid stresser/flooder/script, you go offline for all of 5 minutes while you hit the reset button on the back of the modem to pull a new IP (at worst).

So yeah, that's a great big no thanks on the "upload to my server, or just let me download it from you myself", also seems like the "not collecting your stats/info" was a load of poop too.

01-07-2016, 05:13 PM
Keep it up MegaBITCH, see how it turns out for you also.

Tell me how this is ANY different from a 4 year old who's just lost at Candyland and throws the board over while flailing his balled fists and crying...

If you are going to act like a terrorist, at least make your list of demands. I assume being allowed to stay up past 8PM and greater access to cookies are at the top of your list. :mellow:

01-07-2016, 05:26 PM
Keep it up MegaBITCH, see how it turns out for you also.

Tell me how this is ANY different from a 4 year old who's just lost at Candyland and throws the board over while flailing his balled fists and crying...

If you are going to act like a terrorist, at least make your list of demands. I assume being allowed to stay up past 8PM and greater access to cookies are at the top of your list. :mellow:

How about I make example out of you? So you want to be #2?

PS: LOL @ ecvkfed, I C U whats wrong kid?

01-07-2016, 05:32 PM
Tell me how this is ANY different from a 4 year old who's just lost at Candyland and throws the board over while flailing his balled fists and crying...

If you are going to act like a terrorist, at least make your list of demands. I assume being allowed to stay up past 8PM and greater access to cookies are at the top of your list. :mellow:

How about I make example out of you? So you want to be #2?

PS: LOL @ ecvkfed, I C U whats wrong kid?

Seriously, answer the question. How are your threats anything but childish tantrums? The site is even referred to as 'the board'. Is the irony missed here?

BTW, you are FAR from the first to do this, either. Nothing special. :mellow:

01-07-2016, 05:52 PM
Seriously, answer the question. How are your threats anything but childish tantrums? The site is even referred to as 'the board'. Is the irony missed here?

BTW, you are FAR from the first to do this, either. Nothing special. :mellow:

There is old expression it goes like: "Do you know what happens when you step inside the lion's den?" you do not have a way to even fight back but your under the impression you can retaliate? lol I think its time for level2.

01-07-2016, 05:53 PM
As far as I see it and that's fairly clearly, you are on step away from having someone shoot you or being thrown into some CIA black site because you are a deluded foreign national who's solution to your imaginary problems seem to resort to misdirected violence against total strangers.

Certainly, dad must be soooo proud. No wonder he sent junior off to another country. The fucked up son of a politician- how original. :yup:

01-07-2016, 05:58 PM
Seriously, dude how pathetic is your life that this is what you do in "retaliation" for someone questioning your particular view of things?

Instead of telling me how I should be "worried" you should instead be asking yourself what the fuck is wrong with your own head.

As far as I see it and that's fairly clearly, you are on step away from having someone shoot you or being thrown into some CIA black site because you are a deluded foreign national who's solution to your imaginary problems seem to resort to misdirected violence against total strangers.

Feel free to try to do what you will because I will remain neither impressed nor frightened by you.Like most of the World.

PS Insist of keeping this up and I shall see that the first thing that pops up on every search engine is how untrustworthy and terrible a person STDSv3.
See how that works out for your attempt at magnanimous filesharing. :ermm:

VERY interesting stoooray, how often do you tell it bro? you seem lil mad, IzUmadBRUH? LoL

Did I just take off your blindfold? lol they all get abused and end up on Google.com I have legions of followers all have one thing in common get owned. If I want talk from some old Canadian fella who has no life and spam threads with posts not anyways related i'll just abuse you and there is nothing you know or you can do to stop it as your misguided.

PS: I just hacked a paid porn website and now cURLing its content don't worry in an hour the whole website is gannabe published, REPORT IT BRUH.

Needless to say I expected nothing more from you as scum like you are basically immune to reason.

Seriously,dickhat and realize that as you would put it "This is coming from someone with 27000 posts on some wank internet website", get a life.

PS I"m not angry, it's more a sense of sadness that the World has to suffer people like you.

Now come back with another laughable post about how liked/feared/worshiped you are. I'm absolutely positively sure that anyone with even one of those attributes doesn't spend his time, alone unloved in his room perpetrating nastiness just because. maybe he can.:mellow:

01-07-2016, 05:59 PM
As far as I see it and that's fairly clearly, you are on step away from having someone shoot you or being thrown into some CIA black site because you are a deluded foreign national who's solution to your imaginary problems seem to resort to misdirected violence against total strangers.

Certainly, dad must be soooo proud. No wonder he sent junior off to another country. The fucked up son of a politician- how original. :yup:

How cute the simpleton is trying to think. But anyways soon as i'm done cURLing this paid website I accessed by session token exploit. I'm going to abuse you :)

01-07-2016, 06:03 PM

There is old expression it goes like: "Do you know what happens when you step inside the lion's den?" you do not have a way to even fight back but your under the impression you can retaliate? lol I think its time for level2.

First you need to be a lion though and seriously, STDSv3 all you are is a wannabe punk. Nothing you have either done nor said shows otherwise than that sad truth.

If you are sooo tough and sooo rich then step up and meet me in real life.You can even bring that penis substitute of a thing that you call a knife. :ermm:

01-07-2016, 06:03 PM
Yeah, no inferiority complex in you, STDs. Nope. :yup:

01-07-2016, 06:04 PM
VERY interesting stoooray, how often do you tell it bro? you seem lil mad, IzUmadBRUH? LoL

Did I just take off your blindfold? lol they all get abused and end up on Google.com I have legions of followers all have one thing in common get owned. If I want talk from some old Canadian fella who has no life and spam threads with posts not anyways related i'll just abuse you and there is nothing you know or you can do to stop it as your misguided.

PS: I just hacked a paid porn website and now cURLing its content don't worry in an hour the whole website is gannabe published, REPORT IT BRUH.

Needless to say I expected nothing more from you as scum like you are basically immune to reason.

Seriously,dickhat and realize that as you would put it "This is coming from someone with 27000 posts on some wank internet website", get a life.

PS I"m not angry, it's more a sense of sadness that the World has to suffer people like you.

Now come back with another laughable post about how liked/feared/worshiped you are. I'm absolutely positively sure that anyone with even one of those attributes doesn't spend his time, alone unloved in his room perpetrating nastiness just because. maybe he can.:mellow:

LOL I didn't forget about you, do not worry i'm like Death im absolute and in the end I reap all the souls. You always wanted to know what my Avatar was it comes from UNIX's BSD daemon Beastie. But in simple terms i'm THE END.

Yeah, no inferiority complex in you, STDs. Nope. :yup:

I do what I want, when I want, how I want. Who is going to stop me? LOL legally I'm immune due to A2-DIS. You don't have the technical skillset to retaliate against me. Which will be clear very soon as I'm done with publishing this hacked paid website. I'm going to make example out of you and teach you both manner.

01-07-2016, 06:06 PM
You're a malicious deluded fool. I don't think that's precisely the same thing.

01-07-2016, 06:08 PM
You're a malicious deluded fool. I don't think that's precisely the same thing.

You seem little angry, whats wrong? what are you going to do? LOL type at me with worthless posts? LOL you can't even fight back lol

01-07-2016, 06:08 PM
Come on,tough guy meet me in real life and stop hiding in the shadows like the coward that we both know you are.:ermm:

01-07-2016, 06:08 PM
Retaliate? Why? :idunno: All you've got is a tantrum- that's NOT winning.

01-07-2016, 06:09 PM
You're a malicious deluded fool. I don't think that's precisely the same thing.

You seem little angry, whats wrong? what are you going to do? LOL type at me with worthless posts? LOL you can't even fight back lol

See previous post about me not being angry, delusional one.

01-07-2016, 06:10 PM

an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child.
"he has temper tantrums if he can't get his own way"

fit of temper, fit of rage, fit (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+fit&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIHTAA), outburst (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+outburst&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIHjAA), pet (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+pet&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIHzAA), paroxysm (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+paroxysm&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIIDAA), frenzy (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+frenzy&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIITAA), bad mood (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+bad+mood&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIIjAA),mood (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+mood&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIIzAA), huff (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+huff&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIJDAA), scene (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+scene&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIJTAA); informalhissy fit
"how can you tolerate his tantrums?"

01-07-2016, 06:11 PM
I'm going to make example out of you and teach you both manner.

That's going to be extremely hard considering that you've shown time and time again that you don't have any.

It's "manners" btw.

01-07-2016, 06:12 PM
Come on,tough guy meet me in real life and stop hiding in the shadows like the coward that we both know you are.:ermm:

LOLLLLLLLL that made me laugh irl. You don't possibly think you will walk alive if you were to foolish enough to lay your hand. I'm in FL, USA we have what we call stand your ground law, this is not Canada I can put G2R-RIP in your head and cop's can't touch me.


an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child.
"he has temper tantrums if he can't get his own way"

fit of temper, fit of rage, fit (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+fit&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIHTAA), outburst (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+outburst&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIHjAA), pet (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+pet&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIHzAA), paroxysm (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+paroxysm&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIIDAA), frenzy (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+frenzy&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIITAA), bad mood (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+bad+mood&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIIjAA),mood (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+mood&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIIzAA), huff (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+huff&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIJDAA), scene (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enUS532US532&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=635&site=webhp&q=define+scene&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikvJjwpZjKAhVS1GMKHYptBUsQ_SoIJTAA); informalhissy fit
"how can you tolerate his tantrums?"

For the simpleton who was able to post a thing you sure cry alot. This is going to be fun lol i'm going to enjoy demolishing you both, you have no idea lol what is going on or who I even am LOL this is going to be great.

01-07-2016, 06:12 PM
Meet me in real life, tough homo.

Guns: the homosexual coward's great equalizer. :mellow:

01-07-2016, 06:14 PM
Meet me in real life, tough homo.

Guns: the homosexual coward's great equalizer. :mellow:


01-07-2016, 06:16 PM
Come to Canada rich man.I will give you two free swings at my face with your pipe cleaner arms.

Come on, you're so tough, do it.

01-07-2016, 06:18 PM
“What can you do when everyone around you is strong and clever?”
― Tarjei Vesaas (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/79875.Tarjei_Vesaas), The Birds (http://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/887838)

01-07-2016, 06:18 PM
Meet me in real life, tough homo.

Guns: the homosexual coward's great equalizer. :mellow:


You already established that you ignore any truth that you don't like so further pulling up of someone else's original thoughts is sort of redundant at this point, poseur.

Honourless coward.Not surprising considering that your based you life on Hip-Hop music videos.

01-07-2016, 06:21 PM
Come to Canada rich man.I will give you two free swings at my face with your pipe cleaner arms.

Come on, you're so tough, do it.



You already established that you ignore any truth that you don't like so further pulling up of someone else's original thoughts is sort of redundant at this point, poseur.

Honourless coward.Not surprising considering that your based you life on Hip-Hop music videos.

LOL can't do shit fa8 you seem kind upset, why don't you cry about how I digitally abused you LOL why can't you do shit?

01-07-2016, 06:21 PM
I feel DoS attack coming on, oh physically impotent one.

Now seriously, coward how does it feel to literally have no spine?

Must make standing up kinda hard, right?

01-07-2016, 06:23 PM
I feel DoS attack coming on, oh physically impotent one.

And what are you GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? LoL

01-07-2016, 06:25 PM
Not be a coward for one thing, so in that sense at least I'm one up on you.:ghey:

01-07-2016, 06:25 PM

01-07-2016, 06:26 PM
Meet me in real life, oh ye of little spine.:ghey:

I feel DoS attack coming on, oh physically impotent one.

And what are you GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? LoL

Unplug my router and go online directly through my modem.Worst case scenario have my IP changed at the source.

01-07-2016, 06:31 PM
Meet me in real life, oh ye of little spine.:ghey:

And what are you GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? LoL

Unplug my router and go online directly through my modem.Worst case scenario have my IP changed at the source.

LOL see how that works out, I already have you lol you can change modem, router even your IP LOL won't matter now LOL you have no idea what I did to you or HOW I'm tracking you.

01-07-2016, 06:31 PM
Hey,homo I have before me a dull butter knife and I could still gut you with it like an angry child guts a Teddy Ruxpin.:01:

LOL you have no idea what I did to you or HOW I'm tracking you.

Well we can definitely rule out class and decency so that narrows it down a bit.:mellow:

Btw if you're "tracking me" how do you like the view of my ass?

Still waiting for the tough midget to agree to meet me in real life.

Something tells me that it's going to be an extremely long wait.

STDSv3 is ghey is trending on Twitter.:O

01-07-2016, 06:37 PM
LOL another fa8 falls victim to my abuse...

01-07-2016, 06:38 PM
LOL see how that works out, I already have you lol you can change modem, router even your IP LOL won't matter .

Not actually how the internet works but...OK.:unsure:

LOL another fa8 falls victim to my abuse...

Yeah I hear that you've abused a lot of fags.

Some you apparently didn't even have to pay.

01-07-2016, 06:40 PM
LOL see how that works out, I already have you lol you can change modem, router even your IP LOL won't matter .

Not actually how the internet works but...OK.:unsure:

LOL and your going to tell me how Internet works? if you had any idea you wouldn't have gave me access to your pos.

01-07-2016, 06:40 PM
I think there must be something wrong with me because personally I find this entertaining as fuck.

01-07-2016, 06:42 PM
I think there must be something wrong with me because personally I find this entertaining as fuck.

That I do, which is why I have digitally abused you as you cry like the can't do shit fa8 I sit and laugh at your pain LOL for my amusement.

01-07-2016, 06:42 PM
LOL and your going to tell me how Internet works? if you had any idea you wouldn't have gave me access to your pos.

Correct me if I'm wrong but what you're trying to say here is that you're an unconscionable dick who can't be trusted.

No, that's another one that we've already established.

01-07-2016, 06:44 PM
LOL and your going to tell me how Internet works? if you had any idea you wouldn't have gave me access to your pos.

Correct me if I'm wrong but what you're trying to say here is that you're an unconscionable dick who can't be trusted.

No, that's another one that we've already established.

LOL @ TRUST, that made me laugh. I don't care if you trust me or not I have already abused you and now your upset. That is classic signature of harmless fella who was abused and can't retaliate, why don't you fight back lol what are you going to do? SPAM the thread? LOL silly child.

01-07-2016, 06:45 PM
I will say once again, coward, you are an extremely pathetic little excuse for a man who needs to be pitied, not feared.

Truth.See above.

Correct me if I'm wrong but what you're trying to say here is that you're an unconscionable dick who can't be trusted.

No, that's another one that we've already established.

LOL @ TRUST, that made me laugh. I don't care if you trust me or not I have already abused you and now your upset. That is classic signature of harmless fella who was abused and can't retaliate, why don't you fight back lol what are you going to do? SPAM the thread? LOL silly child.

Like I said not act like coward like you for one thing.

It's only one thing but it's a least a glorious big thing.

01-07-2016, 06:46 PM
STDs sings...


01-07-2016, 06:49 PM
LOL @ TRUST, that made me laugh. I don't care if you trust me or not I have already abused you and now your upset. That is classic signature of harmless fella who was abused and can't retaliate, why don't you fight back lol what are you going to do? SPAM the thread? LOL silly child.

Again not upset.When I am you will know it by the tears.:cry:

Btw the "silly child" thing was a nice touch of irony considering the source.

01-07-2016, 06:50 PM
LOL IdiotEYE who hacked you?

01-07-2016, 06:50 PM
“Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.”
― George Bernard Shaw (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5217.George_Bernard_Shaw)

01-07-2016, 06:51 PM
It's literally true that they've determined that the vast majority of men or STDSv3s who resort to terrorism do so because of sexual frustration.

This is why George Clooney is a safe bet to never bomb anything.

LOL IdiotEYE who hacked you?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say.......a coward.:unsure:

Sorry that should have been "a pathetic,friendless coward".

See so in that regard, whatever you do, homo I still win.

Win me!!!!:01:

01-07-2016, 06:59 PM
Fixations on homosexuality and abuse. Hmmm, I think we know a bit about STDs' childhood and relationship with his father. :O

01-07-2016, 06:59 PM

Did you win? when I forcefully took you offline? Did you win when I accessed your Win8.1?

Fixations on homosexuality and abuse. Hmmm, I think we know a bit about STDs' childhood and relationship with his father. :O

MegaBITCH i'm going to enjoy demolishing your harmless ass and make example out of you LOL you will know it the hard way. When i'm done with you LOL you will think twice you newbie and welcome to my FST.

01-07-2016, 07:19 PM

01-07-2016, 07:56 PM

Did you win? when I forcefully took you offline? Did you win when I accessed your Win8.1?

Fixations on homosexuality and abuse. Hmmm, I think we know a bit about STDs' childhood and relationship with his father. :O

MegaBITCH i'm going to enjoy demolishing your harmless ass and make example out of you LOL you will know it the hard way. When i'm done with you LOL you will think twice you newbie and welcome to my FST.

People who get banned and then are weird enough to create another account just so they can get banned again
Are the saddest people of them all.....

Did you win? when I forcefully took you offline? Did you win when I accessed your Win8.1?

I use Windows 10.I can even show you a screenshot if you like.
I don't know exactly who you "hacked" but I'm thinking he's really wondering what's going on.

PS I will be attaching a malicious code to the screenshot just because I'm a cowardly asshole with no friends.:mellow:

MegaBITCH i'm going to enjoy demolishing your harmless ass and make example out of you LOL you will know it the hard way. When i'm done with you LOL you will think twice you newbie and welcome to my FST.

Anyone ever tell you that you talk like a semi-retarded 12 year old or as everyone been too polite up til now?

01-07-2016, 09:59 PM
Since the thread's starter has been permanently banned, and it has degenerated into posting bait for his dupe accounts, I'm going to close it.