View Full Version : How could i file sharing ?

01-04-2016, 12:50 PM
I am not known...How could i file sharing ?

01-04-2016, 01:16 PM
Download some random torrents, install everything, don`t run a firewall (or windows).... You`ll be sharing much more than you ever expected :D

That said I got a nice guide for nntp share if you want to search (this is the only factual part of this post, and wasn`t me that wrote it), torrent wise no idea. I have a totally fake VPN to idoleyes network but I think it is monitored by the reality police. They all hate me.

01-04-2016, 01:24 PM
For all your imperfections, I still love you, Gilbert.

01-04-2016, 02:00 PM
I am not known...How could i file sharing ?

Welcome to FST. Do not listen to these people they are worthless leechers who lacks basic understanding in this matter. Take it from someone who has 4 FServ running as I setup 4th server just yesterday. Now since you use windows I'm guessing go download a client which will let you do so, the best is eMule as that is the ONLY last form of file sharing client alive which connects to ED2K (2G-P2P; centralized) and KAD (3G-P2P; decentralized) networks.

Now download these files below in order.

1: eMule-v050a.exe (http://sourceforge.net/projects/emule/files/latest/download)
Download and install it and when it runs then close it.

2) server.met (http://upd.emule-security.org/server.met)
Download this to get all safe ed2k servers and place it inside eMule config folder.

3) node.dat (http://upd.emule-security.org/nodes.dat)
Download this to get safe KAD nodes and place it inside eMule config folder.

4) ipfilter.dat (http://upd.emule-security.org/ipfilter.zip)
Download this to block bad IP ranges and make sure you unzip the file and rename it to ipfilter.dat and place it inside eMule config folder.

Once you install the client and update ipfilter.dat, node.dat, server, met rerun the eMule program and you will see list of new server, kad nodes and block IP ranges not to connect to. Just go in preference and setup based on your liking and share the folder you want to share with public. Let it hash and then connect to the network and leave it open and let it do your job while you leave. If you want to share something new just drag and drop and hit reload shared folder and thats it.

PS: One other thing just remember to open these ports to function properly.

TCP port 4662 is used for client to client transfer. (This is needed to obtain HighID on ED2K)
UDP port 4665 [in/out] is used for global server queries.
UDP port 4672 [in/out] is used for KAD and extended ED2K quires. (This is needed to obtain Ok status on KAD along side TCP 4662)

If you have any other questions let me know.

Download some random torrents, install everything, don`t run a firewall (or windows).... You`ll be sharing much more than you ever expected :D

That said I got a nice guide for nntp share if you want to search ([I]this is the only factual part of this post, and wasn`t me that wrote it), torrent wise no idea. I have a totally fake VPN to idoleyes network but I think it is monitored by the reality police. They all hate me.

That has to be the dumbest thing I heard... Thats like saying I have $5 dollar I want to give away... but you telling me before I can give that to the homeless guy he has to pay me first so I can pay him after. Stop telling people to use torrent none uses it other than worthless leechers.

01-04-2016, 02:06 PM
Do not listen to these people they are worthless leechers who lacks basic understanding in this matter.

I know my limitations buddy, I don`t pretend or say I know much about p2p stuff but I not a leech either way mate :)

01-04-2016, 02:11 PM
Do not listen to these people they are worthless leechers who lacks basic understanding in this matter.

I know my limitations buddy, I don`t pretend or say I know much about p2p stuff but I not a leech either way mate :)

That's good. Then join me part of the Tera-club and upload TB per month :) I have setup FServ #4 so if you share files and want me to help you with content distribution as 2nd source as your the primary then let me know. I'm accepting files there now as so far only 30GB uploaded from general public.

01-04-2016, 02:16 PM
[QUOTE=Gribley;3778391].... join me part of the Tera-club and upload TB per month :)
You only know p2p sharing not nntp..... we don`t upload, we can share with obscurity via a suitable newserver (provider) and let it propagate but it isn`t really your idea of sharing (seedbox, ratio based).

Embrace the difference I say, you carry on doing your p2p and I`ll be most happy not being a leech with nntp

01-04-2016, 02:21 PM
You only know p2p sharing not nntp..... we don`t upload, we can share with obscurity via a suitable newserver (provider) and let it propagate but it isn`t really your idea of sharing (seedbox, ratio based).

Embrace the difference I say, you carry on doing your p2p and I`ll be most happy not being a leech with nntp

And what gave you the idea I don't know about UseNET? I don't live in dark age... I was using UseNET before you even had an eMachine to connect to AOL so you could be online. I actually used UseNET for what it was designed for in BBS/News manner. Not try to download utf8 binary and convert it. That my friend is not what file sharing is and whats it about.

01-04-2016, 02:28 PM
And what gave you the idea I don't know about UseNET?

'K.... the fact you mentioned joining an upload 'club' is why I assumed you were all p2p. I was there too with base64 (edit: forgot uuencode, uudecode... yEnc being a future thing beyond imagination) and joining post from "forte agent", well before the joy of PAR and PAR2(3 if you count that). Wasn`t trying to suggest anything.

Yes I too know how to actually post a 7bit message in a newsgroup :)

01-04-2016, 03:02 PM
Well Tera club is not an actual club with memebers. Its unofficial name coined by major ISP's which labels top 1% of its users who uploads. Oh yes they have special type of hate for us lol setting up powerful SPI/DPI switch to id network traffic so they can setup draconian QoS policies to sharp traffic, to bad we were always steps ahead of them.

I remember when I had 512kbps upload link which translates to about 56kB/s due to basic in/out transmission overhead and avoid bandwidth bottleneck. Even then I shared max my line had to offer:

56kB (448kb % 1kB (1kB=8kb)) x 1440sec/day (60sec x 24hours) = 4838400kB (si prefix) % 1024KB (binary prefix) = 4.725GB x 30days = 141.75GB/month

Sig from 2008: http://hypernodesthns.webs.com/FServ/OldStats.png

01-04-2016, 06:36 PM
Surely there must be a plaice where people can discuss this type of shite.

Who in their right mind cares about it.

01-04-2016, 07:40 PM
And what you think this forum is about? buying/selling 1950's US made car from Cuba?

01-04-2016, 07:54 PM
Seriously, JPaul, what you think this forum about?

01-04-2016, 08:49 PM

01-04-2016, 09:49 PM
Just surpassed 2TB traffic :)

01-04-2016, 09:51 PM
In STDSv3 case, more like masturbatory talk.

01-05-2016, 08:54 PM
In STDSv3 case, more like masturbatory talk.
Nah, I passed along some of his tips about how to perform fellatio and some other pros said he's legit.

01-05-2016, 09:38 PM
In STDSv3 case, more like masturbatory talk.
Nah, I passed along some of his tips about how to perform fellatio and some other pros said he's legit.

How does it feel to be the 2nd biggest running joke on this forum? right after worthless IdiotEye. I bet the world is real nice looking though the eyes of both of you simpletons huh? Not knowing basic understanding of anything or have the cognitive function to approach anything logically.

PS: My offer still stands why don't MGay/IdiotEye show 3posts out of their 10k+ post that was worth anything other than piss/shit, JK you can't both of you combine have IQ below 90.

Star Trek Axanar - Prelude To Axanar (2014 Full Film 720p).mp4 (684.39 MB)

01-05-2016, 10:00 PM
JK you can't both of you combine have IQ below 90.

Don't take this the wrong way but you are grammatically retarded.

Also what does John Kennedy have to do with any of this?

01-05-2016, 10:14 PM
JK you can't both of you combine have IQ below 90.

Don't take this the wrong way but you are grammatically retarded.

Also what does John Kennedy have to do with any of this?

I wouldn't take it any other way as your posts are worthless as all of MGay's. I'm still waiting for 1 single post where you actually offered anything constructive. How does it feel to be so worthless that every single one of your 26k posts didn't help anyone. As I have pointed out endless times in my past 100x posts that you have yet to offer basic cognitive function in logical manner which will even remotely suggest you have any valid reason to be on this forum. Can you please tell me the domain name of this forum? along with thread title? Now in this very thread show me where you have actively participated and suggest something to the OP.

01-05-2016, 10:17 PM
Just surpassed 2TB traffic :)

Woman who was a total stranger just told me that I have a great ass.

Win, me.

No sorry what apparently she actually said was that I am a great ass but either way still win, me, loser

01-05-2016, 10:29 PM
You first please understand that no one and certainly no one that you disparage is under any obligation to fulfill your wishes.

If you aren't simply the pretentious unlikable dullard that you appear to be and honestly want the truth of the matter then I strongly suggest you peruse my post history for yourself as fuck as I have any intention of doing to for you.

As for this thread, if you had the wit that God gave a goldfish then you would understand that The Lounge is and forever has been reserved for lighthearted bullshit, not essays on filesharing.

01-05-2016, 10:38 PM
JK you can't both of you combine have IQ below 90.

Don't take this the wrong way but you are grammatically retarded.

Also what does John Kennedy have to do with any of this?

LOL @ JK = John Kennedy. God damn stupid Canadians, I knew they were special but damn LOL you sure validated that for us all. BTW its JayKay, keep googling you will figure it out. I mean not like you have anything else to offer us on this forum.

Right now I'm doing local to remote sftp push from STHNSv4x1 to STHNSv4x2 and STHNSv4x4. Since the current released content has very low ratio with high demand because of recent lawsuit thus causing mitigated bandwidth. So to be more redundant in load balance for content distribution.

In simple term as of last week since Paramount and CBS filed joint copyright infringement lawsuit against Axanar Productions regarding its fan flim; Star Trek Axanar - Prelude To Axanar. There is a lot of curious folks who wants to see what the fiasco is about and only thing these idiot Corp has done is advertise it to more mainstream as they gave it spotlight in media. The short 21min flim which was made for 1million is far far superior than some of these jokers make.

Star Trek Axanar - Prelude To Axanar (2014 Full Film 720p).mp4 (684.39 MB)

01-05-2016, 10:50 PM
Don't take this the wrong way but apparently "grammatically retarded" was one word too many.

01-05-2016, 11:00 PM
Don't take this the wrong way but apparently "grammatically retarded" was one word too many.

This is what I did between my last post and your simpleton post.

[hkm@STHNSv4x2 ~]# sftp [email protected]:xxxx
Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
hkm@STHNSv4x4's password:
sftp> cd /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
Changing to remote: /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
sftp> lcd /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
Changing to remote: /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
sftp> put * ./
Uploading Star Trek Axanar - Prelude To Axanar (2014 Full Film 720p).mp4 100% 684MB 28.5MB/s 00:24
sftp> exit

What did you do retard?

01-06-2016, 12:04 AM
[hkm@STHNSv4x2 ~]# sftp [email protected]:xxxx
Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
hkm@STHNSv4x4's password:
sftp> cd /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
Changing to remote: /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
sftp> lcd /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
Changing to remote: /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
sftp> put * ./
Uploading Star Trek Axanar - Prelude To Axanar (2014 Full Film 720p).mp4 100% 684MB 28.5MB/s 00:24
sftp> exit

What did you do retard?

Sweet! Not like it can't be had from the official youtube page, genious...


Unless you've got the 2016 version, which is still being filmed- that would be kind of impressive...

01-06-2016, 12:35 AM
Yes with logic like that is why some of us with higher intellect stand apart from those who share your way of thinking. Just because you can take plane to Canada to visit IdiotEye does not mean you can't go there by land (car/bus/train) or by sea (boat/ship). There is very old saying: most obvious answer is usually correct. In this case "DOWNLOAD" duh maybe someone wants to download it, did you think of that?

01-06-2016, 12:40 AM
Don't take this the wrong way but apparently "grammatically retarded" was one word too many.

This is what I did between my last post and your simpleton post.

[hkm@STHNSv4x2 ~]# sftp [email protected]:xxxx
Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
hkm@STHNSv4x4's password:
sftp> cd /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
Changing to remote: /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
sftp> lcd /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
Changing to remote: /sthns/plc/Video/Documentary
sftp> put * ./
Uploading Star Trek Axanar - Prelude To Axanar (2014 Full Film 720p).mp4 100% 684MB 28.5MB/s 00:24
sftp> exit

What did you do retard?

Don't take this the wrong way but that honestly doesn't amount to doing anything.

Anyway while you were misdirectedly attempting to get anonymous strangers to like you ,something you at least have in common with your Mum, I wrote a song, had a good laugh and spoke kindly to a homeless person.

I realize that's not right up there with being a minor felon punk who only retains his anal virginity because he cowers in his father's shadow but one must work with what one has.

01-06-2016, 12:46 AM
Yes with logic like that is why some of us with higher intellect stand apart from those who share your way of thinking.

If you were actually smart you would know how to form a fucking sentence.

01-06-2016, 12:48 AM

!2016-01-05 19:37:36: ServerUDP: Got server search reply with additional packet.

Filename: Star Trek Axanar - Prelude to Axanar - Full Film (720p).mp4
Size: 684.39mb
Sources: 17


Damn when I checked it had 3 total global sources and 1 of them were me. As I was one of the main sources propagating release of this content as I saw higher demand which is consistent compared to upload bandwidth reflecting current sources over accepted total requests. As my upload queue was full with those I had to drop it in STHNSv4x2 and STHNSv4x4 as result now you have total of 17 sources and to which 3 of them are mine under first come first serve release status.

01-06-2016, 12:49 AM
I realize that's not right up there with being a minor felon punk who only retains his anal virginity because he cowers in his father's shadow but one must work with what one has.

You assume much, young Jedi. :yup:

01-06-2016, 12:49 AM

!2016-01-05 19:37:36: ServerUDP: Got server search reply with additional packet.

Filename: Star Trek Axanar - Prelude to Axanar - Full Film (720p).mp4
Size: 684.39mb
Sources: 17


Damn when I checked it had 3 total global sources and 1 of them were me. As I was one of the main sources propagating release of this content as I saw higher demand which is consistent compared to upload bandwidth reflecting current sources over accepted total requests. As my upload queue was full with those I had to drop it in STHNSv4x2 and STHNSv4x4 as result now you have total of 17 sources and to which 3 of them are mine under first come first serve release status.

It's like stupid stepped into a radioactive cloud and became Megastupid.

01-06-2016, 12:51 AM
Could a Mod please change all of SRDSv3 posts to "Look at me!!!!!" because they all basically amount to that.

01-06-2016, 12:52 AM
Yes with logic like that is why some of us with higher intellect stand apart from those who share your way of thinking. Just because you can take plane to Canada to visit IdiotEye does not mean you can't go there by land (car/bus/train) or by sea (boat/ship). There is very old saying: most obvious answer is usually correct. In this case "DOWNLOAD" duh maybe someone wants to download it, did you think of that?

[right click] [save as]

Can even be had in 1080p, just like yer mum's dogging videos...

01-06-2016, 12:54 AM
LOL how cute the simpleton faggot IdiotEye is trying to fight back with his knowledge of nothing. How is being "grammatically correct" working out? You should AskJeeves what JK (JayKay) is you fucking retard. LOL for someone who "form a fucking sentence" you sure have not 1 post that is worth reading, how is that working out? Stick to being a pedophile faggot and being laughing stock of this forum. lol @ you thinking I give a rats ass if you lie or die, let alone care if you like me or hate me. Your life is irrelevant, your worthless posts are irrelevant. You should find a new forum to spam in i'm sure Canadian gay movement will welcome you.

01-06-2016, 01:01 AM
You spend an awful lot of time ranting for someone who "doesn't care" so it's very well disguised that you don't.

Again I will say that if you are sincere,which a doubt since there doesn't seem to be a sincere,likable,tolerate,self aware bone in your body then I suggest you check my post history.:mellow:

01-06-2016, 01:04 AM
"I got big gums."-STDv3
View My Video (http://tinypic.com/m/ilf1ad/3)

01-06-2016, 01:09 AM
Yes with logic like that is why some of us with higher intellect stand apart from those who share your way of thinking. Just because you can take plane to Canada to visit IdiotEye does not mean you can't go there by land (car/bus/train) or by sea (boat/ship). There is very old saying: most obvious answer is usually correct. In this case "DOWNLOAD" duh maybe someone wants to download it, did you think of that?

[right click]

Can even be had in 1080p, just like yer mum's dogging videos...

LOL spoken like a true Windows user. So that's you idea of download? Do you know what happens when you upload video to streaming website? how A/V compression works in converting and playing it? So you think if you download *.flv from uTube and convert it to *.avi/*.mp4 it will be same as original source? LOL

[S]You spend an awful lot of time ranting for someone who "doesn't care" so it's very well disguised that you don't.

Again I will say that if you are sincere,which a doubt since there doesn't seem to be a sincere,likable,tolerate,self aware bone in your body then I suggest you check my post history.:mellow:

Thats very clear with near 27k posts LOL with average 9 posts per day. Go ahead tell me how I calculated that be sure to break it down to show logical approach. Watch this guys as being the most worthless faggot LOL he can't even do simple math.

01-06-2016, 01:10 AM
"I got big gums."-STDv3
View My Video (http://tinypic.com/m/ilf1ad/3)

I know actual tough guys.
In any conceivable situation, the guy in the video would be the first to die.
That includes sitting a the family breakfast table because I can't believe anyone could put up with that ghey shit.

01-06-2016, 01:15 AM
LOL spoken like a true Windows user. So that's you idea of download? Do you know what happens when you upload video to streaming website? how A/V compression works in converting and playing it? So you think if you download *.flv from uTube and convert it to *.avi/*.mp4 it will be same as original source? LOL

You spend an awful lot of time ranting for someone who "doesn't care" so it's very well disguised that you don't.

Again I will say that if you are sincere,which a doubt since there doesn't seem to be a sincere,likable,tolerate,self aware bone in your body then I suggest you check my post history.:mellow:

Thats very clear with near 27k posts LOL with average 9 posts per day. Go ahead tell me how I calculated that be sure to break it down to show logical approach. Watch this guys as being the most worthless faggot LOL he can't even do simple math.

I'm smart enough to know a pathetic little girl pretending/yearning to a big man when I see one. :idunno:

01-06-2016, 01:16 AM
"I got big gums."-STDv3
View My Video (http://tinypic.com/m/ilf1ad/3)

I know actual tough guys.
In any conceivable situation, the guy in the video would be the first to die.
That includes sitting a the family breakfast table because I can't believe anyone could put up with that ghey shit.

LOL irony this faggot has obsession with lil boys as he posted more than once video/image and endless talk about young kids. You know all about knowing guys don't you? Is that common among Canadian faggots? loL @ Canada having tough guys. It would take half hour to invade your worthless country as you have virtually no way to protect yourself even from South American countries.

01-06-2016, 01:17 AM
"I got big gums."-STDv3
View My Video (http://tinypic.com/m/ilf1ad/3)

I know actual tough guys.
In any conceivable situation, the guy in the video would be the first to die.
That includes sitting a the family breakfast table because I can't believe anyone could put up with that ghey shit.

"FFS, get your 95lb ass out of my house and go to Florida."-STDv3's dad

01-06-2016, 01:24 AM
I know actual tough guys.
In any conceivable situation, the guy in the video would be the first to die.
That includes sitting a the family breakfast table because I can't believe anyone could put up with that ghey shit.

"FFS, get your 95lb ass out of my house and go to Florida."-STDv3's dad

Hey retarded faggot didn't I tell you this before last month. My mom/dad is not in USA? you have long/short term memory retention problem huh? Are you not the same retard who asked me to post shit when I called your faggot ass out as I perfectly remember you were unable to post 1 single thing. Didn't your own friend Sha even laugh at you for unable to post shit? lol its kind of cute your retarded ass thinks you belong in this forum coming in just 2009.

01-06-2016, 01:33 AM
I would say this was the point at which you stopped making any sense at all but frankly you never really made any sense.

01-06-2016, 01:36 AM
You do know that your avatar picture is literally the universal symbol for closeted queer don't you?

01-06-2016, 01:36 AM
"FFS, get your 95lb ass out of my house and go to Florida."-STDv3's dad

Hey retarded faggot didn't I tell you this before last month. My mom/dad is not in USA? you have long/short term memory retention problem huh? Are you not the same retard who asked me to post shit when I called your faggot ass out as I perfectly remember you were unable to post 1 single thing. Didn't your own friend Sha even laugh at you for unable to post shit? lol its kind of cute your retarded ass thinks you belong in this forum coming in just 2009.

The point of the above post was that daddy doesn't even want you in the same country.

What am I supposed to post evidence of? I guarantee your 'stacks' of cash wouldn't pay my tuition. My money is in my house, wife, kids, education...you know (no you don't), life.

I don't need to prove myself. I don't live in empty hotel rooms with cheap prostitutes who disappear when the drugs do. You wreak of loneliness, emptiness, and desperate need to show to ANYONE that you are 'living large', when anyone who has any kind of substance to his life sees through you like torn cellophane.

Please, oh please, post more pics of your empty, puffed-up, vacuous existence. Show us one person who gives a drop of ball sweat about you. Show us anything of permanence. Show us something that doesn't have a price tag attached. FFS, you post pictures of scratch tickets- losing ones. :frusty::glagpinch:

Get a fucking life, kid. :dry:

01-06-2016, 01:40 AM
Hey retarded faggot didn't I tell you this before last month. My mom/dad is not in USA? you have long/short term memory retention problem huh? Are you not the same retard who asked me to post shit when I called your faggot ass out as I perfectly remember you were unable to post 1 single thing. Didn't your own friend Sha even laugh at you for unable to post shit? lol its kind of cute your retarded ass thinks you belong in this forum coming in just 2009.

The point of the above post was that daddy doesn't even want you in the same country.

What am I supposed to post evidence of? I guarantee your 'stacks' of cash wouldn't pay my tuition. My money is in my house, wife, kids, education...you know (no you don't), life.

I don't need to prove myself. I don't live in empty hotel rooms with cheap prostitutes who disappear when the drugs do. You wreak of loneliness, emptiness, and desperate need to show to ANYONE that you are 'living large', when anyone who has any kind of substance to his life sees through you like torn cellophane.

Please, oh please, post more pics of your empty, puffed-up, vacuous existence. Show us one person who gives a drop of ball sweat about you. Show us anything of permanence. Show us something that doesn't have a price tag attached. FFS, you post pictures of scratch tickets- losing ones. :frusty::glagpinch:

Get a fucking life, kid. :dry:

LOL @ you posting anything, that be the day as that alone is oxymoron. So from me living with my daddy now I don't? god damn you change theories more often than IdiotEye suck dicks. Ill ask you again show me anything, you can't. Kind of ironic it was your faggot ass who called me out lol and it was your own best friend from forum who told you its real as you being the slow bitch made you couldn't even post one thing.

01-06-2016, 01:45 AM
You seem to fixated on "faggots".Maybe this brief video will help.

v (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transference)ideo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transference)

01-06-2016, 01:49 AM
You seem to fixated on "faggots".Maybe this brief video will help.

v (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transference)ideo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transference)

Kinda ironic coming from the pedophile faggot who was obsessed with kids, i'm still waiting for that single post with you posting anything remotely informative.

01-06-2016, 01:53 AM
I think you mean iconic and like I said, look for yourself, poseur.

01-06-2016, 01:53 AM
The point of the above post was that daddy doesn't even want you in the same country.

What am I supposed to post evidence of? I guarantee your 'stacks' of cash wouldn't pay my tuition. My money is in my house, wife, kids, education...you know (no you don't), life.

I don't need to prove myself. I don't live in empty hotel rooms with cheap prostitutes who disappear when the drugs do. You wreak of loneliness, emptiness, and desperate need to show to ANYONE that you are 'living large', when anyone who has any kind of substance to his life sees through you like torn cellophane.

Please, oh please, post more pics of your empty, puffed-up, vacuous existence. Show us one person who gives a drop of ball sweat about you. Show us anything of permanence. Show us something that doesn't have a price tag attached. FFS, you post pictures of scratch tickets- losing ones. :frusty::glagpinch:

Get a fucking life, kid. :dry:

LOL @ you posting anything, that be the day as that alone is oxymoron. So from me living with my daddy now I don't? god damn you change theories more often than IdiotEye suck dicks. Ill ask you again show me anything, you can't. Kind of ironic it was your faggot ass who called me out lol and it was your own best friend from forum who told you its real as you being the slow bitch made you couldn't even post one thing.

What is it you want to see? I'm guessing my cock based on your fixation.

And I dismantled your phony 'evidence' of wealth and prosperity. Not one thing you claimed was actually anywhere near what you said it was. I gave you 'credit' for not being a complete liar- however, EVERYTHING was either not really yours (casino's money), was an exaggerated high school education, you stay in empty out-of-season hotels, and fuck passed-out skanks.

You've shown MUCH. None of it good.

01-06-2016, 02:04 AM
He rans away and I wasn't even warmed up yet.

01-06-2016, 02:08 AM
I'm uploading this video for you all because my Dad never loved me.:(


01-06-2016, 02:14 AM
I think you mean iconic and like I said, look for yourself, poseur.

That holds alot of weight coming from the dick sucking faggot who is in FileSharingTalk forum inside thread "How could i file sharing ?" but has yet to talk about it. Make me laugh again how worthless your life is you poser (correct as it fits you for being among us and unable to do what we do).

01-06-2016, 02:14 AM
Aw pshaw. That's not even an avi. :no:

Those women are now 6 years of sexual abuse, coke, crack, and alcohol older- STDv3 may have recently hired one or two of them...

01-06-2016, 02:15 AM
LOL @ you posting anything, that be the day as that alone is oxymoron. So from me living with my daddy now I don't? god damn you change theories more often than IdiotEye suck dicks. Ill ask you again show me anything, you can't. Kind of ironic it was your faggot ass who called me out lol and it was your own best friend from forum who told you its real as you being the slow bitch made you couldn't even post one thing.

What is it you want to see? I'm guessing my cock based on your fixation.

And I dismantled your phony 'evidence' of wealth and prosperity. Not one thing you claimed was actually anywhere near what you said it was. I gave you 'credit' for not being a complete liar- however, EVERYTHING was either not really yours (casino's money), was an exaggerated high school education, you stay in empty out-of-season hotels, and fuck passed-out skanks.

You've shown MUCH. None of it good.

Oppose to what? A retard who couldn't post a single thing? How often do you ask someone else to post? when they do and call you out you can't? It made me laugh when you said DOWNLOAD.

01-06-2016, 02:29 AM
Thats very clear with near 27k posts LOL with average 9 posts per day. Go ahead tell me how I calculated that be sure to break it down to show logical approach.

My guess is that you opened his profile page and scrolled down to "Posts Per Day".

01-06-2016, 02:56 AM
I just checked few profiles I don't see average posting stats. All it shows are the sections where number of posts were made by the user. I don't think FST has that stat feature.

I did it the old fashion way using my brain. It doesn't say exact date so lets give him benefit of the doubt and say was Feb 1st, 2008. So based on that as its Jan 5th, 2016 so not including the end date. It would translate to 7years 11months 4days or 2895 days total.

ROUNDED: 27,000 posts % 2895 days = 10 posts/per day

01-06-2016, 09:08 AM
You first please understand that no one and certainly no one that you disparage is under any obligation to fulfill your wishes.
If you aren't simply the pretentious unlikable dullard that you appear to be and honestly want the truth of the matter then I strongly suggest you peruse my post history for yourself as fuck as I have any intention of doing to for you.
As for this thread, if you had the wit that God gave a goldfish then you would understand that The Lounge is and forever has been reserved for lighthearted bullshit, not essays on filesharing.

:yup: :frusty: :yup:

For that post you should get your stars back.........

01-06-2016, 09:40 AM
How does it feel to be the 2nd biggest running joke on this forum? right after worthless IdiotEye. I bet the world is real nice looking though the eyes of both of you simpletons huh? Not knowing basic understanding of anything or have the cognitive function to approach anything logically.

PS: My offer still stands why don't MGay/IdiotEye show 3posts out of their 10k+ post that was worth anything other than piss/shit, JK you can't both of you combine have IQ below 90.

That one must have really upset you. It has almost made me feel bad for abusing a defenseless animal. I'm going to try and pacify my pacifist side and do a good deed in your service. This is what your post would look like if you gave the pursuit of education another chance:

I'm curious, how does it feel to be the second biggest running joke on this forum (right after that other worthless clown whose name escapes me, IdiotEye)? I can only presume that the world that graces your eyes is quite pleasant given that the pair of you are simpletons, which I presume you to be since you demonstrate a lack of basic understanding and you fail to show a sound logical approach in your cognitive abilities.

P.S. My challenge remains open to MGay/IdiotEye to point out 3 of their >10k posts that can be valued above excrement. I jest, for the sum of your intellectual quotients likely shies below 90.

I love running gags. You must have read some of my posts to gather enough insight to incorporate that into your reply.

Oh, I have some other friendly advice. Actually, my words may fail to reach you, so I'll opt to draw you a picture. It's actually a plot (graph), but I don't want to deter you, so we'll call it a picture.


01-06-2016, 09:41 AM
You're running away with it on the x-axis.

01-06-2016, 10:07 AM
You're running away with it on the x-axis.

Very interesting Macky.... In a University/College viewpoint
And above my pay grade, you will have to wait for Idol to wake up from his beauty sleep for his response:D and i know there will be one coming :yup:

01-06-2016, 10:21 AM
And what you think this forum is about? buying/selling 1950's US made car from Cuba?

Well if you know anyone with low miles selling?? (since you know everything else)
This one was good enough for Bond.....

I owned and drove one of these for a while....

Always looking for a deal on vintage cars, more interesting to talk about in the lounge then running vintage servers for torrent sharing:01:

01-06-2016, 10:43 AM
I just checked few profiles I don't see average posting stats. All it shows are the sections where number of posts were made by the user. I don't think FST has that stat feature.

I did it the old fashion way using my brain. It doesn't say exact date so lets give him benefit of the doubt and say was Feb 1st, 2008. So based on that as its Jan 5th, 2016 so not including the end date. It would translate to 7years 11months 4days or 2895 days total.

ROUNDED: 27,000 posts % 2895 days = 10 posts/per day

You have my gratitude for breaking up my routine of correcting your language to instead correct errors in your arithmetic, or rather its attempted proof. First, I'll show you one correct approach.

Since these dates are close to each other, you could just start with 8 years minus 27 days, but then add 2 days because of the occurrence of leap years (Feb 2008 and Feb 2012).
8 × 365 – 27 + 2 = 2895

You could use weeks or years to accurately calculate the number of days, but to propose that you can use a multiple of months would be erroneous. Let me show you the error in the proof you tried to provide (all rounded to the nearest integer).
7 * 365 + 11 × 30 + 4 = 2889
7 * 365 + 11 × 30.4 + 4 = 2893
7 * 365.25 + 11 × 30.4 + 4 = 2895

The third calculation, which factors in the quarter of a day we bank each year and the average days of the month, may seem correct, but an offset of the dates or too few months would force an error. You fail to demonstrate a grasp of these nuances in your explanation. This leads me to conclude that you used a method that doesn't require any calculations on your part, but then you tried to reverse engineer with the goal of tricking an audience into believing you're capable of something that simple. It was rather transparent given the lack of critical thought.

Lastly, the conventions for division are to use a forward slash in place of the division symbol. The division symbol, ÷, can be produced using the Alt code Alt+0247. There is no standard convention for using the percent symbol for division. It has one use in programming, in which it is used to return the remainder of a quotient, but that's hardly equivalent.

Furthermore, if you divide 27,000 by 2895, that gives 9.3 (to two significant digits), which would round to 9 posts/day rather than 10 posts/day because you'll want to round down if the subsequent digit is less than 5. If you calculated 9.5, you could round that up to 10 as the nearest integer.

I started this post expressing gratitude, but I take that back. Your arithmetic is rife with errors, and I don't want to encourage you to give me more knots to comb.

This is all pretty simple math, but you seem to ask for credentials for the simplest of things. I have developed equations for quantifying the hemispherical migration of redox species to a nanoscale active surface based on varying sheath diameters, active surface recession, and active surface protrusion. They're useful for determining whether your ultramicroelectrode can be considered planar (disk) or not. A widely used equation already existed for planar ultramicroelectrodes, so the point is to compare predicted currents against those of a recessed and protruded profile to validate the electrode's fabrication.

Wake up people. This probably helped like a half a dozen people. Oh, academia, you've got the charm.

01-06-2016, 11:11 AM
This is all pretty simple math, but you seem to ask for credentials for the simplest of things. I have developed equations for quantifying the hemispherical migration of redox species to a nanoscale active surface based on varying sheath diameters, active surface recession, and active surface protrusion. They're useful for determining whether your ultramicroelectrode can be considered planar (disk) or not. A widely used equation already existed for planar ultramicroelectrodes, so the point is to compare predicted currents against those of a recessed and protruded profile to validate the electrode's fabrication.

This would have sufficed you are a smart guy:idunno:
The rest is just smoke and mirrors to me, and to be honest.... Who fuckin cares how many posts a day Idol and Meg make?? As long as they keep posting, i am a happy camper:yup:(Ok i will include you as well:D, I will PM you later to remind you ok:hug:)

01-06-2016, 12:31 PM
I just checked few profiles I don't see average posting stats. All it shows are the sections where number of posts were made by the user. I don't think FST has that stat feature.

I did it the old fashion way using my brain. It doesn't say exact date so lets give him benefit of the doubt and say was Feb 1st, 2008. So based on that as its Jan 5th, 2016 so not including the end date. It would translate to 7years 11months 4days or 2895 days total.

ROUNDED: 27,000 posts % 2895 days = 10 posts/per day

You have my gratitude for breaking up my routine of correcting your language to instead correct errors in your arithmetic, or rather its attempted proof. First, I'll show you one correct approach.

Since these dates are close to each other, you could just start with 8 years minus 27 days, but then add 2 days because of the occurrence of leap years (Feb 2008 and Feb 2012).
8 × 365 – 27 + 2 = 2895

You could use weeks or years to accurately calculate the number of days, but to propose that you can use a multiple of months would be erroneous. Let me show you the error in the proof you tried to provide (all rounded to the nearest integer).
7 * 365 + 11 × 30 + 4 = 2889
7 * 365 + 11 × 30.4 + 4 = 2893
7 * 365.25 + 11 × 30.4 + 4 = 2895

The third calculation, which factors in the quarter of a day we bank each year and the average days of the month, may seem correct, but an offset of the dates or too few months would force an error. You fail to demonstrate a grasp of these nuances in your explanation. This leads me to conclude that you used a method that doesn't require any calculations on your part, but then you tried to reverse engineer with the goal of tricking an audience into believing you're capable of something that simple. It was rather transparent given the lack of critical thought.

Lastly, the conventions for division are to use a forward slash in place of the division symbol. The division symbol, ÷, can be produced using the Alt code Alt+0247. There is no standard convention for using the percent symbol for division. It has one use in programming, in which it is used to return the remainder of a quotient, but that's hardly equivalent.

Furthermore, if you divide 27,000 by 2895, that gives 9.3 (to two significant digits), which would round to 9 posts/day rather than 10 posts/day because you'll want to round down if the subsequent digit is less than 5. If you calculated 9.5, you could round that up to 10 as the nearest integer.

I started this post expressing gratitude, but I take that back. Your arithmetic is rife with errors, and I don't want to encourage you to give me more knots to comb.

This is all pretty simple math, but you seem to ask for credentials for the simplest of things. I have developed equations for quantifying the hemispherical migration of redox species to a nanoscale active surface based on varying sheath diameters, active surface recession, and active surface protrusion. They're useful for determining whether your ultramicroelectrode can be considered planar (disk) or not. A widely used equation already existed for planar ultramicroelectrodes, so the point is to compare predicted currents against those of a recessed and protruded profile to validate the electrode's fabrication.

Wake up people. This probably helped like a half a dozen people. Oh, academia, you've got the charm.

I stop reading half way when you tried to tell me about Windows Symbol Map. I'm on a platform you can't deploy let alone compile and don't talk about ASCII as you have no idea what they are, as that being said lets move on. So you spent few hours trying to break down what I did in few mins and you did in hours? LOL how did you miss ROUNDED? he didn't exactly have 27k posts now did he? I was graceful and gave him that. Now the calculation of date elapsed is correct but even then its an estimate due to not knowing exact date when he register. Now please tell us how one make 0.3 posts you worthless retard. If the value already exceeded it would be rounded off to nearest post, which is the scale here. Please don't make me clown you as you don't have IQ to do the math problem I do.

x^4 - 2 sq3 x^2 + 4 = 0

Here is something however you can find using alg2/cal/trig2. Let me know when you know what type of problem that even is... hint: 4DE.

01-06-2016, 01:05 PM
I just checked few profiles I don't see average posting stats. All it shows are the sections where number of posts were made by the user. I don't think FST has that stat feature.

I did it the old fashion way using my brain. It doesn't say exact date so lets give him benefit of the doubt and say was Feb 1st, 2008. So based on that as its Jan 5th, 2016 so not including the end date. It would translate to 7years 11months 4days or 2895 days total.

ROUNDED: 27,000 posts % 2895 days = 10 posts/per day

You have my gratitude for breaking up my routine of correcting your language to instead correct errors in your arithmetic, or rather its attempted proof. First, I'll show you one correct approach.

Since these dates are close to each other, you could just start with 8 years minus 27 days, but then add 2 days because of the occurrence of leap years (Feb 2008 and Feb 2012).
8 × 365 – 27 + 2 = 2895

You could use weeks or years to accurately calculate the number of days, but to propose that you can use a multiple of months would be erroneous. Let me show you the error in the proof you tried to provide (all rounded to the nearest integer).
7 * 365 + 11 × 30 + 4 = 2889
7 * 365 + 11 × 30.4 + 4 = 2893
7 * 365.25 + 11 × 30.4 + 4 = 2895

The third calculation, which factors in the quarter of a day we bank each year and the average days of the month, may seem correct, but an offset of the dates or too few months would force an error. You fail to demonstrate a grasp of these nuances in your explanation. This leads me to conclude that you used a method that doesn't require any calculations on your part, but then you tried to reverse engineer with the goal of tricking an audience into believing you're capable of something that simple. It was rather transparent given the lack of critical thought.

Lastly, the conventions for division are to use a forward slash in place of the division symbol. The division symbol, ÷, can be produced using the Alt code Alt+0247. There is no standard convention for using the percent symbol for division. It has one use in programming, in which it is used to return the remainder of a quotient, but that's hardly equivalent.

Furthermore, if you divide 27,000 by 2895, that gives 9.3 (to two significant digits), which would round to 9 posts/day rather than 10 posts/day because you'll want to round down if the subsequent digit is less than 5. If you calculated 9.5, you could round that up to 10 as the nearest integer.

I started this post expressing gratitude, but I take that back. Your arithmetic is rife with errors, and I don't want to encourage you to give me more knots to comb.

This is all pretty simple math, but you seem to ask for credentials for the simplest of things. I have developed equations for quantifying the hemispherical migration of redox species to a nanoscale active surface based on varying sheath diameters, active surface recession, and active surface protrusion. They're useful for determining whether your ultramicroelectrode can be considered planar (disk) or not. A widely used equation already existed for planar ultramicroelectrodes, so the point is to compare predicted currents against those of a recessed and protruded profile to validate the electrode's fabrication.

Wake up people. This probably helped like a half a dozen people. Oh, academia, you've got the charm.

That was comedicly brilliant and being brilliant, obviously SPCFv5 then missed the entire point.

01-06-2016, 01:07 PM
And what you think this forum is about? buying/selling 1950's US made car from Cuba?

Well if you know anyone with low miles selling?? (since you know everything else)
This one was good enough for Bond.....

I owned and drove one of these for a while....

Always looking for a deal on vintage cars, more interesting to talk about in the lounge then running vintage servers for torrent sharing:01:

Big deal.My Dad drove a 50's car for years.

01-06-2016, 01:09 PM
Note to STUPIDv1.Could you please change your avatar as the underlying closeted ghey symbolism is starting to freak out my dog.

01-06-2016, 01:21 PM
Note to STUPIDv1.Could you please change your avatar as the underlying closeted ghey symbolism is starting to freak out my dog.

Oh look guys the simpleton halfwit faggot woke up, don't "phear" it as the simpleton is totally harmless. Do you use your dog do knot and mount you for doggy? How does it feel to be so retarded you have to suck dick of other retards as I single handed dismantle you; IdiotEye, MegaBitch and MGay.

01-06-2016, 01:26 PM
Delusion.Ironically it's an actual thing.

01-06-2016, 01:28 PM
Delusion.Ironically it's an actual thing.

It sure is i loved the part where you were to stupid to realize I was making fun of you and MGay made fun of you indirectly yet you tried to suck his dick. Now tell me about that bright idea JK (JayKay) you never had any you fucking retard.

01-06-2016, 01:29 PM
By appearances you, SROPv6 are the type of loser that other people tend to use while they laugh behind his back.

Obviously you just can't take it when they have the affront to laugh directly to your face.

01-06-2016, 01:30 PM
Post another video of how tough you are because frankly I could use a good laugh.

01-06-2016, 01:30 PM
By appearances you, SROPv6 are the type of loser that other people tend to use while they laugh behind his back.

Obviously you just can't take it when they have the affront to laugh directly to your face.

This is coming from the biggest running joke of FST lol a simpleton so stupid he has yet to show his worth. I wish I could spend 8years on a forum and have nothing to show for it and get laughed at by all. JK (JayKay; no retard its not John Kenndy).

01-06-2016, 01:31 PM
Delusion.Ironically it's an actual thing.

It sure is i loved the part where you were to stupid .

Irony.It's also a thing.

01-06-2016, 01:34 PM
By appearances you, SROPv6 are the type of loser that other people tend to use while they laugh behind his back.

Obviously you just can't take it when they have the affront to laugh directly to your face.

This is coming from the biggest running joke of FST lol a simpleton so stupid he has yet to show his worth. I wish I could spend 8years on a forum and have nothing to show for it and get laughed at by all. JK (JayKay; no retard its not John Kenndy).

Keep talking.The more you babble the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.

Kenndy.:blink: Obviously It's JFK.John Fitzgerald Kenndy.

01-06-2016, 01:34 PM
Post another video of how tough you are because frankly I could use a good laugh.

Will do but will you post one with you in it? JK (JayKay no retard its not John Kenndy) you can't just like MegaBITCH you would run like the little bitch made Canadian faggot that you actually are.

Irony.It's also a thing.

01-06-2016, 01:37 PM
Will do but will you post one with you in it?

Will do but you first because apparently you're actually that stupid.

01-06-2016, 01:40 PM
Will do but will you post one with you in it?

Will do but you first because apparently you're actually that stupid.


Keep saying it few more times I'm sure you will start to believe it lil fella. LOL as we sure don't as we see you for the worthless retarded faggot that you actually are, what are you going to do about it? get disconnected?

01-06-2016, 01:42 PM
You're running away with it on the x-axis.

Very interesting Macky.... In a University/College viewpoint
And above my pay grade, you will have to wait for Idol to wake up from his beauty sleep for his response:D and i know there will be one coming :yup:

I'm pretty sure that you just said that you think I'm beautiful.:wub:

01-06-2016, 01:45 PM
Big deal.My Dad drove a 50's car for years.

It was not intended to be a big deal:idunno:

It was actually intended to change the subject to something more interesting....

What car/model did your dad drive Idol ??

01-06-2016, 01:47 PM
I'm pretty sure that you just said that you think I'm beautiful.:wub:

Was that gay offensive to you??:hug:

01-06-2016, 01:51 PM
Big deal.My Dad drove a 50's car for years.

It was not intended to be a big deal:idunno:

It was actually intended to change the subject to something more interesting....

What car/model did your dad drive Idol ??

I dunno.It's was the 50's and I wasn't born yet.

01-06-2016, 01:52 PM
If later life is any judge though and piece of shit is technically a model, then piece of shit.

01-06-2016, 01:53 PM
I'm pretty sure that you just said that you think I'm beautiful.:wub:

Was that gay offensive to you??:hug:

It was the opposite of STDSv3 so not offensive in the least.

01-06-2016, 01:54 PM
Was that gay offensive to you??:hug:

It was the opposite of STDSv3 so not offensive in the least.

So what are you saying? Your openly self identified homosexual male?

01-06-2016, 02:03 PM
If later life is any judge though and piece of shit is technically a model, then piece of shit.

Well that doesn't sound interesting:noes:
Can we say "Judge" being a GTO and you got the years mixed up??:idunno:
My brother had one and i was airborne a few times in that (York Mills hill near Yonge St):fear:

01-06-2016, 02:10 PM
So what are you saying? Your openly self identified homosexual male?

Does that bother you??

You live in Florida!! I guarantee you have done a few he/shes in your day right?? No need to be shy on FST, everyone has a open mind here.....
You must have some photos with your pink sandals riding one of those electric scooters with your boy toy on the back on South Ocean Drive with your boy toy on the back ???

Oh wait are you even old enough to have a drivers license?? or you don't need one for the electric scooters ??

01-06-2016, 02:17 PM
So what are you saying? Your openly self identified homosexual male?

Does that bother you??

You live in Florida!! I guarantee you have done a few he/shes in your day right?? No need to be shy on FST, everyone has a open mind here.....
You must have some photos with your pink sandals riding one of those electric scooters with your boy toy on the back on South Ocean Drive with your boy toy on the back ???

Oh wait are you even old enough to have a drivers license?? or you don't need one for the electric scooters ??

Sorry I was busy digitally hacking your friend IdiotEye, he is now officially shutdown temporarily.

01-06-2016, 02:19 PM
Sorry I was busy digitally hacking your friend IdiotEye, he is now officially shutdown temporarily.

And what was the purpose of that???

01-06-2016, 02:24 PM
Sorry I was busy digitally hacking your friend IdiotEye, he is now officially shutdown temporarily.

And what was the purpose of that???

lol when IdiotEye return ask him what has happened, its going to get very very very worse for him starting from this point :)

01-06-2016, 02:25 PM
Heh,man a loser's got to do what a loser's got to do.

01-06-2016, 02:26 PM
If losing the interweb is the worst thing that happens to me them big,fucking deal, loser.

01-06-2016, 02:26 PM
Heh,man a loser's got to do what a loser's got to do.

Welcome back bro lol I heard you ran into little trouble, uMADbruh?

01-06-2016, 02:29 PM
I guess this is what small penis wrath feels like.

01-06-2016, 02:30 PM
Welcome back bro lol I heard you ran into little trouble, uMADbruh?

No but I'm pretty sure that you're still a loser.

01-06-2016, 02:31 PM
Getting out of hand clearly. If you managed to shut down Idol for a while then rather impressive but maybe time to back off and mellow out a bit.

Impressed with whatever voodoo skill you used for that but really it ain`t Cricket old boy :)

01-06-2016, 02:33 PM
I guess this is what small penis wrath feels like.

Are you speaking from personal experience simpleton? Notice what Win8.1 got you? You should be flattered I didn't own you before, as your officially victim #1 of 2016.


01-06-2016, 02:33 PM
Impressive isn't the sort of word most sane individuals would use but hey that's just me.

01-06-2016, 02:36 PM
Getting out of hand clearly. If you managed to shut down Idol for a while then rather impressive but maybe time to back off and mellow out a bit.

Impressed with whatever voodoo skill you used for that but really it ain`t Cricket old boy :)

lol i'm not an amateur... and I'm not new in this forum... If anyone had half of brain they would know who and what i'm.

01-06-2016, 02:36 PM
Notice what Win8.1 got you? You should be flattered I didn't own you before, as your officially victim #1 of 2016.

Like any coward you only do things because you think that you will suffer no consequences.

Colour me duly unimpressed,girly man.

01-06-2016, 02:37 PM
If anyone had half of brain they would know who and what i'm.

A punk.Yeah we pretty much already established that.

01-06-2016, 02:39 PM
Notice what Win8.1 got you? You should be flattered I didn't own you before, as your officially victim #1 of 2016.

Like any coward you only do things because you think that you will suffer no consequences.

Colour me duly unimpressed,girly man.

LOL you do not have the basic skillset to do a full backtrace or know what happened to you for that matter. I control you, I run you, I own you. Freedom is an illusion as your here because I allow it, do NOT ever forget that.

01-06-2016, 05:48 PM
I stop reading half way

You mean you stopped reading halfway through the post. I could have predicted said outcome given that most of it was likely over your head.

when you tried to tell me about Windows Symbol Map. I'm on a platform you can't deploy let alone compile and don't talk about ASCII as you have no idea what they are, as that being said lets move on. So you spent few hours trying to break down what I did in few mins and you did in hours? LOL how did you miss ROUNDED? he didn't exactly have 27k posts now did he? I was graceful and gave him that. Now the calculation of date elapsed is correct but even then its an estimate due to not knowing exact date when he register. Now please tell us how one make 0.3 posts you worthless retard. If the value already exceeded it would be rounded off to nearest post, which is the scale here. Please don't make me clown you as you don't have IQ to do the math problem I do.

x^4 - 2 sq3 x^2 + 4 = 0

Here is something however you can find using alg2/cal/trig2. Let me know when you know what type of problem that even is... hint: 4DE.

I used to tutor algebra online. I would work through this with you by first having your properly format the equation. Actually, we had a whiteboard, which may have made it easier for your. In any case, the square root of a number can be also represented as being raised to 1/2 or 0.5. So, x^4 – (2)(3)^(0.5)x^2 + 4 = 0 would be a better way to type it. From that though, we get (X^2 – 3^0.5)^2 = –1, which simplifies to x^2 - 3^0.5 = i. There are four complex roots that correspond to x = (i + 1.732)^0.5: one of them being (-0.5 – 3^(0.5)/2) – i(-0.5 + 3^(0.5)/2) or -1.366 – 0.366i when rounded to three decimal places. I'm not going to type out the other three roots because I am suspicious that you're trying to trick me into doing your homework, and only little girls are allowed to do that. Are you a little girl?

In any case, get back to me when you've scratched out the solution to a physical chemistry calculus problem across 3–4 sheets of paper (in sequence). Or you can go back to trying to place problems that fit inside a paragraph on some kind of pedestal.