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01-12-2016, 09:57 PM
I seem to be getting a 'larger than random chance' number of wrong numbers on my cell phone. :ermm:

No one doubts your ability to be an asshole. What was doubted was your ability to be a friend or father. I tried to welcome you here, both in open forums and via PM. You kept encouraging both Idol and myself to continue mocking you.

Here is what you've managed to do today:

People called while my 5 year old son with Down syndrome was taking a nap.

If this was your work, feel free to masterbate yourself to sleep now.

Seriously, can you find no other use for your hacking skills than to attack people who made fun of you on a forum? Seems like a waste of your time.

Kudos, though. Not just anyone can mess with a 5 y/o Down syndrome kid's naptime with their mad hacking skills. :mellow:

01-12-2016, 10:28 PM
How do you know it was him? Do you keep a copy of your phone in your system32? :O

01-12-2016, 10:31 PM
Like I said, I've had an above 'random chance' number of wrong number calls today. Maybe it's paranoia, but I've had more today than I've had in the last full year. If he's poking around in my PC, there are most likely documents that have personal info on them.

Would be happy to be overestimating him, TBH...

01-12-2016, 10:56 PM
You probably are. Even if he does have your IP address, you probably use a router/firewall and don't have any unnecessary ports open, which makes it actually pretty hard to just bust in and copy your files. The possibility of obtaining your phone number through other means shouldn't be discarded, though (for example, some online profile where you posted it and that can be traced to your account here; why don't you google your number and see what you get?). My biggest assurance that he has nothing to do with this, though, is that he's yet to come here and make another account to flaunt about his would-be skills ;)

I'd like to mention that something similar happened to me years ago. I kept getting these calls every other day. Picked up the phone, asked who was calling, never got an answer. You could hear noises and sometimes people talking in the background, which suggested at least some calls were made from a public phone (I don't have caller ID, so I wouldn't know). Eventually, they stopped on their own.

I also once received a call from an unknown number on my mobile phone (back when I used one). Once again, I asked whom it was, and received no response. I left the call running just to see what happened - past the first minute, there were some screeching sounds, as if the phone was being dragged through the floor, then a thud, and a TV or radio playing in the background for the remainder of the call. I hung up after half an hour since nothing else was happening. Maybe a child playing with a parent's phone and dialing my number in the process, but what are the odds? Creepy stuff.

01-12-2016, 10:59 PM
Come to think of it, it was probably Windows 95 calling me.


01-13-2016, 12:27 AM
Hehe, these were all different numbers, each saying they were returning my call. :idunno:

Not a massive 'attack', but strange...

I am going to say his username in the mirror 3 times with the lights off to see if my shampoo bottle gets hax0red. :fear:

01-13-2016, 01:06 AM
LoL eftards always cracks me up.

01-13-2016, 01:08 AM
LoL your son will get tricked into suxin blk c0ck of pedo when he hands your slow disabled son lollipop and then gives him the D up the a55.

01-13-2016, 01:10 AM
MegB!TCH why dont you cry some more like the fa8 that you actually are, show us how I abused you as I did with your g4y lover Idol.

"You kept encouraging both Idol and myself to continue mocking you."

LOL you/him mocked me? Who got abused me or you both?

01-13-2016, 01:17 AM

LoL you should let your simpleton son play on the road and record it, I bet it will be SMASH HIT l0l

01-13-2016, 01:25 AM

Unlike your dad, I'd never ship my retarded son out of the country.

Post my phone number here, proving you have it, or gtfo.

01-13-2016, 01:25 AM
Posts above: STHNSv3's version of the Glomar response.

01-13-2016, 01:30 AM

I'd like to amend my previous "sociopath" comment to "psychopath".

I also now know why STDSv4's father disowned him and it's not what you think, that STDSv4 is such a vile, sexually frustrated blight on society.

STDSv4's father desperately wanted a boy and couldn't accept the fact that what he had was a little girl.:(

Back to you mon coward but I'm fairly sure that whatever brilliant reply you come back with will include"fag8" , "lol" and something about pedophilia. :ermm:

01-13-2016, 01:33 AM
STDSv4, owned by that virus guy.:ghey:

01-13-2016, 01:35 AM
Notice that I didn't say to STDSV4 that he's the lowest of the low because homos like him get off on that because.... homo.

01-13-2016, 01:38 AM
How many banned accounts is that, like six?

Congratulations, homo on entering the realm of Dave level crazy.:wacko:

01-13-2016, 01:40 AM
If STDSv(x) can't produce my phone number in the next hour, please just delete this thread, anon. Silly me, I thought he might have had some skilz beyond ip cannon (or whatever the script kiddies use these days).

I have no doubt he's good at hiding cowering, though.

01-13-2016, 01:41 AM
LoL you can tell Idol is upset after being hacked. Ironically Virus also is KNOWN verified Special ED (outted by his own mother). Now if you could read so well how come you couldn't read it where fa8 spent 4hours posing as a girl to grab my EYE PEE? It took me 3sec to h4x0r him and expose his for pretending to be a girl. LOL its even more funny as his son even has Down Syndrome lol


PS: Meg you mad bruh? LoL

01-13-2016, 01:41 AM
STDSv4, owned by that virus guy.:ghey:

Was it a guy that gave him the admitted STI? Makes sense.

01-13-2016, 01:44 AM
LoL you can tell Idol is upset after being hacked. Ironically Virus also is KNOWN verified Special ED (outted by his own mother). Now if you could read so well how come you couldn't read it where fa8 spent 4hours posing as a girl to grab my EYE PEE? It took me 3sec to h4x0r him and expose his for pretending to be a girl. LOL its even more funny as his son even has Down Syndrome lol


PS: Meg you mad bruh? LoL

LOL. I've never hidden the fact that I have a son with Down's. Ever. Not a source of embarrassment for me- unlike you are to your father.

I've posted about my son for nearly 6 years now. :mellow:

How often does your dad mention you to his friends? :glag:

01-13-2016, 01:44 AM
You can tell why Meg's son is mentally disabled LOL boy is stunning like his FaDaH, must be in the gene pool aya? Idol is slow just as you both of you worthless butt fux3d fa8s have no idea in anything. As I sh!t on you LOL both of you cry to each other like lil B!TCHs.

01-13-2016, 01:48 AM
LOL you can tell Meg is upset and projecting his inner feelings how he is ashamed of his special ed son. Now it all make sense why he babbles on and on regarding father/son relationship as his son is disappointment just as Meg was to his father LOL

Cry for us MEG show us where your worthless p0s son got his gene from. WHAT? You need some help? LOL Idol why don't you help him? JK (JayKay and no not John Kenndy still dumfuq) you can't.


LoL Meg is certified.

01-13-2016, 01:52 AM
LOL you can tell Meg is upset and projecting his inner feelings how he is ashamed of his special ed son. Now it all make sense why he babbles on and on regarding father/son relationship as his son is disappointment just as Meg was to his father LOL

Cry for us MEG show us where your worthless p0s son got his gene from. WHAT? You need some help? LOL Idol why don't you help him? JK (JayKay and no not John Kenndy still dumfuq) you can't.


LoL Meg is certified.

Not how that works. Chromosomal abnormality- not received from either parent. Try reading before...nevermind... :pinch:

01-13-2016, 01:54 AM
Very QR storrahhh bruh, tell it again you retarded fa8.


lol why does your handicapped son look like that? Bash his head and then end your life you g4y fa8.

01-13-2016, 01:59 AM
retarded fa8

Retarded fate? Retarded faith? :unsure:

01-13-2016, 02:03 AM
Actually, anon, let this thread stay. STDSv(x) is doing what he does BEST- show how utterly stupid he really is.

Let's leave this and his comments as a shrine commemorating that stupidity. :happy:

01-13-2016, 02:04 AM
Alright, I guess having another shrine wouldn't hurt :ninja:

01-13-2016, 02:14 AM
Alright, I guess having another shrine wouldn't hurt :ninja:

He tries so hard, though, doesn't he. Like The Little Injun Who Could... but fails.

01-13-2016, 02:33 AM
How often does your dad mention you to his friends? :glag:

In the case of his male friends, whenever they need a "date".:unsure:

01-13-2016, 02:36 AM
LoL you can tell Idol is upset after being hacked. Ironically Virus also is KNOWN verified Special ED (outted by his own mother). Now if you could read so well how come you couldn't read it where fa8 spent 4hours posing as a girl to grab my EYE PEE? It took me 3sec to h4x0r him and expose his for pretending to be a girl. LOL its even more funny as his son even has Down Syndrome lol

What you are saying is that you were completely fooled into believing that a guy from special ed convinced you that he was a girl for 4 hours AND got your IP and dick pics.

You are just a smooooth muther fucker, aren't you. :lol:

01-13-2016, 03:03 AM
As soon as my son learns to type (he can already do as well as you, but I've got standards for him), I'll have him spend 4 hours fooling you into thinking he's a girl.

Obviously you are either stupid enough to be convinced for an entire evening, or you enjoy flirting and sending pics of your dick to guys- which is it?

EDIT- taking a nap now. Feel free to be stupid while I'm gone. Or you can go find some guys to get you to send your dick pics to- we know you enjoy that.

01-13-2016, 07:53 AM
retarded fa8

Retarded fate? Retarded faith? :unsure:

I tried to give him language tips, but after I embarrassed him by outing his pretend attempt to do simple math, I think he's steering clear of me, so the message went unheard. The professor loses a student.

01-13-2016, 07:57 AM
I'd like to amend my previous "sociopath" comment to "psychopath".

I'd say please don't insult psychopaths, but that might fail to convey my point. I don't think he's smart enough to exhibit a pathology. If you had a fungus on your skin, would you tell it to be more considerate?

01-13-2016, 08:07 AM
I seem to be...

Meg, you're being paranoid. We all have reasons to become paranoid, and yours seems to be out of concern for your kid, so there's really not much motivation to abandon the perspective. Even though the dim can highly develop a very specific skill, he has demonstrated only that he needs most of the work done by someone else.

Also, remember that only you can commit an act of self-pleasure, so there's a u in masturbate. You'll probably realize that you already knew that, and if you need something to blame, blame Latin.

01-13-2016, 08:23 AM
I seem to be...

Meg, you're being paranoid. We all have reasons to become paranoid, and yours seems to be out of concern for your kid, so there's really not much motivation to abandon the perspective. Even though the dim can highly develop a very specific skill, he has demonstrated only that he needs most of the work done by someone else.

Also, remember that only you can commit an act of self-pleasure, so there's a u in masturbate. You'll probably realize that you already knew that, and if you need something to blame, blame Latin.

He's apparently just a script kiddie who hides/cowers well.

Goddamn Latins taking our self-employment jobs!!!

01-13-2016, 01:17 PM
Meg, you're being paranoid.

Yeah, I'm basically a detective and I think if he somehow does have your phone number then a far more likely scenario is that he got it off a ghey bar bathroom wall.

01-13-2016, 01:21 PM
LoL you can tell Idol is upset after being hacked.

And again yet I'm not.

Seriously, Miss, just because you want to believe something doesn't make it true or else you'd actually be good at sex.

01-13-2016, 06:20 PM
why, just why

I hate idol too because I can and that is my option, (he hates me too but will not admit and just adds random letters to my avatar name).

Just give it up and move to a board that wants and appreciates you.

Good luck

01-13-2016, 06:45 PM
why, just why

I hate idol too because I can and that is my option, (he hates me too but will not admit and just adds random letters to my avatar name).

Just give it up and move to a board that wants and appreciates you.

Good luck

I don't hate you but considering that you are siding with someone who is malicious and cowardly to the degree that he thinks it fine to make "fun" of Meg's son simply because he believes that he can get away with it, then I will admit that you, like he, are probably seriously disturbed.

Btw can we all agree to ignore the coward because he is simply seeking the attention he neither warrants or deserves?

01-13-2016, 07:02 PM
For one thing it''s "gonna do" so to answer your question, apparently endlessly correct you.:unsure:

Also for the record, no one truly gets away with anything.

Only a fool thinks that, so in your case I understand the confusion, Miss.

01-13-2016, 08:00 PM
blah, blah... considering that you are siding with someone who is malicious and cowardly to the degree that he thinks it fine to make "fun" of Meg's son

Really at which point do you think either of those statements was true?

P.S. Oh that other post wasn`t for you by the way, it was for {insert other name here}..

01-13-2016, 10:15 PM
You'd think Sleeps with Transvestites Hourly but Never Satisfies would have more empathy for Meg's situation given that his own father dealt with a similar situation with his only child.

01-13-2016, 10:51 PM
You'd think Sleeps with Transvestites Hourly but Never Satisfies would have more empathy for Meg's situation given that his own father dealt with a similar situation with his only child.

Needs less subtlety for those who just joined us...

01-13-2016, 11:45 PM
Btw can we all agree to ignore the coward "guy with many names" because he is simply seeking the attention he neither warrants or deserves?

Corrected.... And the best post out of the last five you made that made sense .:)

01-13-2016, 11:47 PM
Really at which point do you think either of those statements was true?


01-14-2016, 12:28 AM
You'd think Sleeps with Transvestites Hourly but Never Satisfies would have more empathy for Meg's situation given that his own father dealt with a similar situation with his only child.

Needs less subtlety for those who just joined us...

I guess so. He's an Indian, and that's his Indian name.

01-14-2016, 03:16 AM
Needs less subtlety for those who just joined us...

I guess so. He's an Indian, and that's his Indian name.

Other kind, though. In their caste system, he's an 'untouchable'- unfortunately, his dad couldn't keep his hands to himself...

01-14-2016, 03:43 AM
I guess so. He's an Indian, and that's his Indian name.
Other kind, though. In their caste system, he's an 'untouchable'- unfortunately, his dad couldn't keep his hands to himself...

:noes: :slap::slap: :noes: :frusty:

01-14-2016, 06:39 AM
I guess so. He's an Indian, and that's his Indian name.

Other kind, though. In their caste system, he's an 'untouchable'- unfortunately, his dad couldn't keep his hands to himself...
Why don't you just go ahead and change your alias to UnderMineYou

01-14-2016, 08:13 AM
It's a fine Art... :drummer:

01-15-2016, 05:00 PM
How many banned accounts is that, like six?

Congratulations, homo on entering the realm of Dave level crazy.:wacko:

Cheers Idol :)

01-15-2016, 05:02 PM
LOL. I've never hidden the fact that I have a son with Down's. Ever. Not a source of embarrassment for me- unlike you are to your father.

I've posted about my son for nearly 6 years now. :mellow:

How often does your dad mention you to his friends? :glag:

Despite my personal dislike of you, that is to your credit.

EDIT: And, for the record, it makes you more of a man than the sad fuckwit who you've allowed yourself to get wound up by.

01-15-2016, 05:04 PM
Where's Chavis when you need him, he could have torn the spastic a new arsehole.

01-15-2016, 05:26 PM
Where's Chavis when you need him, he could have torn the spastic a new arsehole.


01-15-2016, 05:40 PM
LOL. I've never hidden the fact that I have a son with Down's. Ever. Not a source of embarrassment for me- unlike you are to your father.

I've posted about my son for nearly 6 years now. :mellow:

How often does your dad mention you to his friends? :glag:

Despite my personal dislike of you, that is to your credit.

EDIT: And, for the record, it makes you more of a man than the sad fuckwit who you've allowed yourself to get wound up by.


01-15-2016, 05:42 PM
Look at David, being all human and stuff. Brings a tear to my eye.

Fucking depresses me that such a reprehensible cunt would use a kid with Down's to slither his way back in.

That said, I've missed the cunt.

01-15-2016, 05:52 PM
I just came back to this thread to note what a sewer crawler STDSv(x) is that even Dave distances himself. :glag:

01-15-2016, 07:28 PM
Where's Chavis when you need him, he could have torn the spastic a new arsehole.


So like where the fuck were you?

01-15-2016, 07:30 PM

So like where the fuck were you?

Nowhere and everywhere, Dave. Like norms.

01-15-2016, 07:31 PM
Look at David, being all human and stuff. Brings a tear to my eye.

Fucking depresses me that such a reprehensible cunt would use a kid with Down's to slither his way back in.

That said, I've missed the cunt.

There's nothing to miss, I've been here all along. I would have contributed more, but you and your mates made it clear I (and so many others) are not welcome here.

01-15-2016, 07:32 PM
So like where the fuck were you?

Nowhere and everywhere, Dave. Like norms.

So hiding from the scary interwebs hardman, like normal then.

New job going well I assume?

01-15-2016, 07:38 PM
Look at David, being all human and stuff. Brings a tear to my eye.

Fucking depresses me that such a reprehensible cunt would use a kid with Down's to slither his way back in.

That said, I've missed the cunt.

There's nothing to miss, I've been here all along. I would have contributed more, but you and your mates made it clear I (and so many others) are not welcome here.

Anyway, a very happy new year to you. How's the psychopathy thing going? I, for one, have, admittedly, felt the Davelessness from time to time.

It's like a rare spastic bird coming back at intervals to remind us about nature and stuff.

01-15-2016, 07:47 PM
You know how it's going, we've covered that over and over again. There is a psycho here, but it isn't and was never me.

01-15-2016, 07:54 PM
You know how it's going, we've covered that over and over again. There is a psycho here, but it isn't and was never me.

Wasn't it good, though, Dave? Wasn't it fine? Isn't it madness you can't be mine?

01-15-2016, 08:42 PM
Bits of it were highly amusing, but I think you took it too far. Scaring off wanker and his bitch was a bit much imo. Its OK though I forgive you, I understand you're a dull Irishman who can't help himself.

01-15-2016, 08:47 PM
How many banned accounts is that, like six?

Congratulations, homo on entering the realm of Dave level crazy.:wacko:

Cheers Idol :)

If it's any comfort, Dave I was mostly joking.You may be spiteful but at least your malice has a point of focus and isn't arbitrarily sent out into the World.

On that note I feel compelled to point out though that you therefore cannot claim "white hat" status as heroes may seek justice but never revenge.
You can still be an antihero if you like though. :)

Btw unlike some others whom I won't mention Meg, I never take sport in making fun of anyone.

Also unlike some others whom I won't mention here chalice, I don't pretend to know the full truth or in my case any truth of the situation.

I'm a pretty decent judge of character though, even through the fog of the internet, so if someone were to tell me that the woman in question isn't the nicest person in the World then I wouldn't have a lot of trouble believing them.

01-15-2016, 08:52 PM
Well meg has some good characteristics, I'll avoid mentioning chalice, and she isn't the nicest person in the world, but then most of us aren't. As I pointed out in the very beginning she'd be a fucking star if she could get past her need/desire to lie, and that she isn't doesn't detract from all the other good characteristics she has.

01-15-2016, 08:54 PM
Hitler was a compelling speaker so you'll need to do better than that.

01-15-2016, 09:05 PM
I heard he didn't die in that bunker, but that he escaped to Ireland, and fathered a son.

01-16-2016, 02:19 AM
I heard he didn't die in that bunker, but that he escaped to Ireland, and fathered a son.

I heard he fled to a secret nazi base in Antarctica and remains alive to this day, planning his return to power. One of us has been lied to.

01-16-2016, 09:09 AM
Cheers Idol :)

Also unlike some others whom I won't mention here chalice, I don't pretend to know the full truth or in my case any truth of the situation.


01-16-2016, 10:04 AM
Btw unlike some others whom I won't mention Meg, I never take sport in making fun of anyone.

I find a 'trial by fire' approach weeds out those who don't have anything to add here. Worst case scenario, they are good, brief entertainment while they last.

I am also the first to recognize and welcome those who do have something to contribute.

STDSv(x) could have been a suitable shady, untrustable misfit, however, he insisted we pay him undue respect for his eMule uploads and script kiddie skillz. That didn't work out so well for him, it seems... RIP his poor widdle psyche.

Idol called that one correctly, I must say.

01-16-2016, 01:48 PM
Idol called that one correctly, I must say.

Yeah I'm basically brilliant plus I have this system worked out where anyone who posts here who isn't mistakenly thinking that they are posting on some other site, is most probably a dick.

01-16-2016, 01:49 PM
I am also the first to recognize and welcome those who do have something to contribute.

So in essence, you're a greeter at Walmart.

01-16-2016, 01:53 PM
Also unlike some others whom I won't mention here chalice, I don't pretend to know the full truth or in my case any truth of the situation.



01-16-2016, 02:14 PM
I am also the first to recognize and welcome those who do have something to contribute.
So in essence, you're a greeter at Walmart.

I just came back from Walmart, and i could really see him doing that:lol:

01-16-2016, 07:11 PM
So in essence, you're a greeter at Walmart.

I just came back from Walmart, and i could really see him doing that:lol:

I believe this shows that people who shop at Walmart are not valuable contributors. :dry:

01-17-2016, 04:12 AM
I believe this shows that people who shop at Walmart are not valuable contributors. :dry:

:cry: :cry: :cry:

The question is... Walmart has been in the US for so long, I can't believe it is taking you so long to Apply:unsure: Or did you and they turned you Down??:whistling

Excuse of being Over-Qualified :unsure::D :P

01-17-2016, 08:18 AM
My first 5 minutes on the job would go like this....

"Welcome to Walmart."

"Welcome to Walmart."

"Welcome to Walmart."

"Welcome to Walmart. Please get control of your children."

"Welcome to Walmart."

"Welcome to Walmart. You look like you've been here before, ma'am..."

"Welcome to Walmart."

"Welcome to Walmart. Good gawd, there's A LOT more of you than you have clothing there..."

"Welcome to Walmart. NOT!"

"Welcome... WTF is wrong with you people?!!!!."

"You people just keep coming, don't you. FFS."

"Lady, there is no way those are ALL your kids, but I can't imagine them NOT being yours..."

"You've found Walmart, you seem too intoxicated to find your own shoes, so congrats, I guess...."

"Is it true what they say about single mothers being better lovers?" "REALLY? I was joking, but if you're willing, fuck this shit. I'm down."

01-17-2016, 08:34 AM
My first 5 minutes on the job would go like this....
"Welcome to Walmart."
"Welcome to Walmart."
"Welcome to Walmart."
"Welcome to Walmart. Please get control of your children."
"Welcome to Walmart."
"Welcome to Walmart. You look like you've been here before, ma'am..."
"Welcome to Walmart."
"Welcome to Walmart. Good gawd, there's A LOT more of you than you have clothing there..."
"Welcome to Walmart. NOT!"
"Welcome... WTF is wrong with you people?!!!!."
"You people just keep coming, don't you. FFS."
"Lady, there is no way those are ALL your kids, but I can't imagine them NOT being yours..."
"You've found Walmart, you seem too intoxicated to find your own shoes, so congrats, I guess...."
"Is it true what they say about single mothers being better lovers?" "REALLY? I was joking, but if you're willing, fuck this shit. I'm down."


Ok then.... Apply at Target :)

01-17-2016, 10:49 AM
I find a 'trial by fire' approach weeds out those who don't have anything to add here.

My initial reactions are pretty much the same as they are in person, those of a facetious asshole. Although, my tone may not translate well in this medium.

Exclusive to the Internet is my manner of insulting someone in the third person when I actually don't like them.

Idol thinks he's brilliant, but he doesn't hold a candle to a candle.

01-17-2016, 10:53 AM
Idol thinks he's brilliant, but he doesn't hold a candle to a candle.

:lol: :drummer: :lol:

01-17-2016, 01:49 PM

Idol thinks he's brilliant, but he doesn't hold a candle to a candle.

OK that does it.BRAIN FIGHT!!!!!
As the injured party, I shall begin.

If you could be any kind of tree, what kind of tree would you be?

Btw the only correct answer is Walnut, moron.

01-17-2016, 02:06 PM
I'd be a coconut tree.

01-17-2016, 02:16 PM
I'd be a coconut tree.

Clearly you're a Butternut.

01-17-2016, 02:25 PM

OK that does it.BRAIN FIGHT!!!!!
As the injured party, I shall begin.

If you could be any kind of tree, what kind of tree would you be?

Btw the only correct answer is Walnut, moron.

Don't misattribute me, mutherfucker. :ermm:

01-17-2016, 02:33 PM
I'd be a coconut tree.

Clearly you're a Butternut.


OK, let's talk serious business.
How deep is the snow in yer backyard? I imagine you posting underneath a snowhill.

01-17-2016, 02:52 PM
Don't misattribute me, mutherfucker. :ermm:

At the risk of overusing the word "nut", Nutmeg

01-17-2016, 02:58 PM
OK, let's talk serious business.
How deep is the snow in yer backyard? I imagine you posting underneath a snowhill.

Around the Great Lakes you are subject to a lot of things - Alberta Clippers, Colorado Lows, the backwash of big Nor'easters and potentially the worst - Lake Effect but so far it's basically been too warm and in truth I've got like 3-4 cm tops,eh.

01-17-2016, 03:01 PM
I'd be a coconut tree.

Would that be a palm tree and you play with your matured coconuts ;)

01-17-2016, 03:05 PM
OK, let's talk serious business.
How deep is the snow in yer backyard? I imagine you posting underneath a snowhill.

To be honest i live not far from Idol, and there is fuck all on the snow situation, but it is cold enough to hang meat outside:whistling

01-17-2016, 03:09 PM
Don't misattribute me, mutherfucker. :ermm:

Is that code that you want Idols mother to play with your private parts??:unsure:

01-17-2016, 03:30 PM
To be honest i live not far from Idol.......

Scariest thing I've ever heard and I've actually fist fought werewolves.

01-17-2016, 03:35 PM
To be honest i live not far from Idol.......

Scariest thing I've ever heard and I've actually fist fought werewolves.

You mean for me right??:P
But i assume you are not in a snow belt right?? I really have very little snow here(melted) but my friends in Barrie can't say the same:cry:

01-17-2016, 03:43 PM
Or Prince Edward County.


01-17-2016, 03:49 PM
Or Prince Edward County.

Lake affect troubles there:yikes:

01-17-2016, 07:30 PM

OK that does it.BRAIN FIGHT!!!!!
As the injured party, I shall begin.

If you could be any kind of tree, what kind of tree would you be?

Btw the only correct answer is Walnut, moron.
I am the logger, not the tree, for I do away with the pleasantries.

Let's switch it up for our next encounter. We'll meet in Chicago and have a ballet of blades. Winner condescends to a silent loser for 10 minutes.

01-17-2016, 11:32 PM
I am the logger, not the tree, for I do away with the pleasantries.
Let's switch it up for our next encounter. We'll meet in Chicago and have a ballet of blades. Winner condescends to a silent loser for 10 minutes.

Shit Idol would cheat to win that!! Silent for 10 minutes??:yikes:

01-17-2016, 11:41 PM
Or Prince Edward County.


I'm fairly certain this is a still from a Stephen King movie. You staying in an isolated lodge, perhaps?

01-18-2016, 12:08 AM
Or Prince Edward County.
I'm fairly certain this is a still from a Stephen King movie. You staying in an isolated lodge, perhaps?

There is a mixture of folks in that area...

-There is eccentric males that masturbate a lot and like to do it near a log or stove fireplace..
-There is a few mass murderers that like to masturbate and hide out there (a few have been on the news, the other side of the pond "TRUTH")
-There is some middle aged guys that like to masturbate and fool around on internet sites
And there is just a few normal guys that like to masturbate because they can't leave there snowed in house from the bad weather keeping you in....
But all and all it is mostly a friendly place to visit and Masturbate!! :happy:

01-18-2016, 03:10 AM

Shit Idol would cheat to win that!! Silent for 10 minutes??:yikes:

I don't need to cheat as I have dumb luck on my side.

01-18-2016, 03:15 AM

I don't need to cheat as I have plum duck on my side.

Is that what you meant to say?? To me that makes sense :unsure:

01-18-2016, 03:27 AM

I don't need to cheat as I have dim muck on my side.

Or maybe that:idunno:

01-18-2016, 09:27 AM

I don't need to cheat as I have dumb luck on my side.
I'm going to be the only one to show up, and it'll be on the one day it starts raining daggers. You're right, for that would be a pretty dumb situation.