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View Full Version : To be fair on Donald Trump

02-19-2016, 09:50 PM
At least he is trying to protect the rest of the World from merkin mentalism.


Something Else
02-20-2016, 12:14 AM
He's the Paul Nuttall of Merkin Mass-debaters, or something else.


02-21-2016, 01:29 PM

The irony of that is that you could most probably find more shining examples of humanity in Guantanamo Bay.

At this point I think the Americans should just cut their loses and elect a monkey.

02-24-2016, 12:25 PM
Or Canada. Canada would make a great president

02-28-2016, 09:32 PM

03-05-2016, 04:31 PM
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Feb 29/16 episode). He breaks his silence on Trump. 22 skewering minutes for the whole family to enjoy.

03-05-2016, 07:16 PM
Honestly if given a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump I'd be leaning towards Trump.:dabs:




03-05-2016, 07:36 PM
I'm actually pretty far left but Hillary is as close to pure evil as someone can be without horns and cloven hooves.

03-05-2016, 08:57 PM
I'm actually pretty far left but Hillary is as close to pure evil as someone can be without horns and cloven hooves.

They do seem to be intent on limiting themselves between bat shit crazy and very scary.

03-05-2016, 09:07 PM
I'm actually pretty far left but Hillary is as close to pure evil as someone can be without horns and cloven hooves.

They do seem to be intent on limiting themselves between bat shit crazy and very scary.

Sleep well, World. Sleep well...

03-05-2016, 10:00 PM
The solutions to most of the USA's problems are out there, there's just a bunch of small-minded power-hungry, greedy, selfish bastards standing in the way.


03-07-2016, 04:42 AM
The solutions to most of the USA's problems are out there, there's just a bunch of small-minded power-hungry, greedy, selfish bastards standing in the way.


I already know what to expect from a Michael Moore film, so the bulk of the trailer didn't really share anything that surprising... but... that bit at the end was hilarious.

03-07-2016, 06:02 PM
Trump will win this thing Don't want Hillary in there She is the "DEVIL"

03-07-2016, 06:37 PM
Donald Trump is an opportunistic, the second form of idiocy. Clinton will take the west a step closer to it's eventual demise. On the other hand Trump will make it faster. Apparently Americans don't have to choose between two directions, they just have to choose the delay, I guess.

03-07-2016, 07:01 PM
Clinton will take the west a step closer to it's eventual demise.

If you understand that all things eventually fail then you begin to understand that it's not so much that you achieve power but rather how choose to wield that power in the limited time you are given it.

Both Trump and Clinton are so consumed with the former that they have given little to no thought to the latter.That, more than anything else makes them unworthy of the office.

03-08-2016, 12:45 AM
Clinton will take the west a step closer to it's eventual demise.

If you understand that all things eventually fail then you begin to understand that it's not so much that you achieve power but rather how choose to wield that power in the limited time you are given it.

Both Trump and Clinton are so consumed with the former that they have given little to no thought to the latter.That, more than anything else makes them unworthy of the office.

Or said simpler: They only want the job for their own egos.

03-08-2016, 05:36 AM
This probably isn't as funny as the amount it made me laugh, but thought I'd post it here.


03-08-2016, 05:47 AM
I LOVE the interwebs!


03-13-2016, 09:25 PM
Could you imagine Donald Trump and Michael Moore in a room together?

03-13-2016, 09:51 PM
Could you imagine him in charge of the U.S. Economy?

He would make the country bankrupt and bring the rest of the world down with him.

03-13-2016, 10:09 PM
Could you imagine him in charge of the U.S. Economy?

He would make the country bankrupt and bring the rest of the world down with him.

No he wouldn't. Do you think the US President is "in charge" of the economy?

03-14-2016, 12:31 PM
I think I'm voting for Cthulhu- the only sane choice available...

03-14-2016, 06:19 PM
I was thinking of writing in JJ Watt. :unsure:

03-14-2016, 06:41 PM
Wouldn't he be a better choice for the Secretary of Defense?

03-15-2016, 12:52 AM
I celebrated the primary season with a heart attack, troo story.

I want to hang in long enough to cast my vote.

Anyway, there would be a method to the madness of voting for Trump; I won't bore you with the particulars. ;)

03-15-2016, 03:57 AM
I celebrated the primary season with a heart attack, troo story.

I want to hang in long enough to cast my vote.

Anyway, there would be a method to the madness of voting for Trump; I won't bore you with the particulars. ;)

I'm dying to know the particulars since Trump has never stated any policies to date. :huh:

03-15-2016, 05:22 AM
Even during my Conservative days, I do not think I could have mustered excitement for Trump besides, "Not Hillary".

I have to say I expect the election will be handed to Clinton, which makes me convulse in disgust. May she pick a likable Vice President, and here's hopes to that person taking the primary spot soon after. I fucking despise her.

03-15-2016, 12:16 PM
I celebrated the primary season with a heart attack, troo story.

Extremely sorry to hear that and also more than a little surprised as I never pictured conservatives having actual hearts.

03-15-2016, 12:20 PM
I'm dying to know the particulars since Trump has never stated any policies to date. :huh:

To be fair, Hillary doesn't have any policies of her own either unless holding up a finger to determine which way the wind towards power is blowing the most strongest and then going with that is considered a policy and not merely just a total absence of principles.

03-15-2016, 08:02 PM
The fact arguably half the country sees Hillary as electable at all is a stinging indictment of politics, politicians, the major media, and the public that abides it.

Trump just happens to be the manifestation of a generalized dissatisfaction with politics which, quite frankly, began when the Clintons appeared on the scene.

Politics has always been a dirty game, but the things that are pissing people off stem from the little tactical tract authored by Saul Alinsky, and put into practice by Hillary and Bill....but I digress.

Trump's numbers are fueled by republican dissatisfaction (conservatives + the Tea Party Movement, essentially) augmented to a great extent by ideological fence-jumpers from the democrat side who aren't charmed by Hillary - and there are plenty of them.

The major media has only recently noticed the phenomenon, but isn't discussing/polling any hard numbers because they want to keep the air under her skirts.

Stay tuned for legal news, possibly in May - I don't know how much longer than that the lid will stay on, because Obama is thinking about his legacy - which includes Hillary - and he's got to decide which of 1) letting her fend for herself, or 2) shielding her from an indictment will result in more shit on his shoes.

An adjunct issue is the Supreme Court; the next president may assume he/she will be appointing 2 or 3 new justices, and if it's Hillary, they will be liberals, who will proceed to willy-nilly chuck the founding documents.

At that point America will cease to be an idea, it will be naught but a word.

There you go, peoples. ;)

03-15-2016, 08:28 PM
I understand the importance of combating Hillary, but I see nothing in Trump that makes me see him as a savior or stand-up guy who protects the Constitution. Fuck, I can see him trying to get his name written in BIG GOLD LETTERING at the top of it.

Trump is as much a media darling (because of his ego and loud mouth) as Hillary.

If the Conservatives really cared about joining together to save the country, they would not be joining hands behind such a silly, cartoon character. There has got to at least one good Conservative, right?

03-15-2016, 08:43 PM
I understand the importance of combating Hillary, but I see nothing in Trump that makes me see him as a savior or stand-up guy who protects the Constitution. Fuck, I can see him trying to get his name written in BIG GOLD LETTERING at the top of it.

Trump is as much a media darling (because of his ego and loud mouth) as Hillary.

If the Conservatives really cared about joining together to save the country, they would not be joining hands behind such a silly, cartoon character. There has got to at least one good Conservative, right?

The conservative of choice is Cruz, clumsy as he may be.

The problem is the old-line republican establishment, which, by-and-large, is most often described as the 'country-club types' - this includes the RINOs, the Wall Street crowd...the crony capitalists, etc.

The fact is, they care less for Cruz than for Trump, when the rubber hits the road.

Historically, conservatives got on the map when Goldwater lost in '64, and they got two fingers on the steering wheel with Reagan in the 80's.

The 'establishment' has been chopping off any conservative 'opposable thumbs' that present since that time.

03-15-2016, 08:51 PM
Even though I am now no longer Conservative, I am in awe of John Roberts (Supreme Court). We need someone like him to step up (either party) and be a true leader. Compare him to either Hillary or Trump and it becomes very clear how hideous they are.

03-15-2016, 10:00 PM
Even though I am now no longer Conservative, I am in awe of John Roberts (Supreme Court). We need someone like him to step up (either party) and be a true leader. Compare him to either Hillary or Trump and it becomes very clear how hideous they are.

Roberts blew it on Obamacare, which idiocy overshadows any positives.

03-15-2016, 11:24 PM
A good leader requires vision but it's also imperative that they be able to compromise.This is why extremes on either side of the political fence tend to make such bad ones.

If for nothing else, the reason that Clinton makes a better candidate than Trump.

03-16-2016, 01:08 AM
A good leader requires vision but it's also imperative that they be able to compromise.This is why extremes on either side of the political fence tend to make such bad ones.

If for nothing else, the reason that Clinton makes a better candidate than Trump.

Trump wrote a little book extolling his ability to compromise, called The Art of the Deal - maybe you've heard of it.

I know things about Trump that disgust me; my sister knows him fairly well, she's worked with him on many occasions - she's a very exclusively retained court recorder; she was contracted to do interrogatories for the go-'round Trump had with Leona Helmsley over ownership of the Empire State Building back in the 80s.

He decided he liked her and would request her whenever he sued someone or was himself sued, which was quite often.

This went on for years, but about three years ago she decided never again.

He actually called her attempting to change her mind; she refused to be dissuaded.

Her opinion of Trump is that he is, for the most part, beneath contempt.

That said, she would agree with me wholeheartedly when I say that Hillary isn't a better candidate than anyone.

The question has been asked of various and sundry supporters and pundits:

What's she done?

Ever, in any of her assumed capacities?

Her gender is of no worth but a token - as has been said recently, 'Voting for Hillary because she's a woman is akin to eating a turd because it looks like a Tootsie Roll'.

03-16-2016, 06:15 AM
Compare him to either Hillary or Trump and it becomes very clear how hideous they are.

They're both outright nationalists. People are so polarized by the two but you can barely stick a hair between the differences in policy (if anyone would EVER challenge the two of them to actually state a policy).

How about today's big topic? Russia withdrawing troops from Syria. For two days now that's the biggest story in the news and no one has challenged the candidates on their positions. Trump said he supported Putin being in Syria so how does he feel now that Putin has done an about-face and said he's now leaving? Why doesn't someone ask?

The whole thing is ridiculous. There isn't a candidate worth voting for. I didn't agree with Rand on as many things as I did with his father, but that's who would have gotten my vote.

03-16-2016, 06:29 PM
Even though I am now no longer Conservative, I am in awe of John Roberts (Supreme Court). We need someone like him to step up (either party) and be a true leader. Compare him to either Hillary or Trump and it becomes very clear how hideous they are.

Roberts blew it on Obamacare, which idiocy overshadows any positives.

Obamacare is not about making things better for everyone, it is about improving conditions for the lower 1/3. The corrupt healthcare system we have needs an overhaul. Obamacare is a step, not a complete solution. Roberts showed his ability to see the greater good- which is exactly what a leader needs to do.

03-16-2016, 07:27 PM
Roberts blew it on Obamacare, which idiocy overshadows any positives.

Obamacare is not about making things better for everyone, it is about improving conditions for the lower 1/3. The corrupt healthcare system we have needs an overhaul. Obamacare is a step, not a complete solution. Roberts showed his ability to see the greater good- which is exactly what a leader needs to do.

I've not heard anyone call Obamacare "a step", and Roberts is a Supreme Court Justice; he is NOT supposed to be a "leader" - neither is anyone else on the court.

03-16-2016, 11:19 PM
Obamacare is not about making things better for everyone, it is about improving conditions for the lower 1/3. The corrupt healthcare system we have needs an overhaul. Obamacare is a step, not a complete solution. Roberts showed his ability to see the greater good- which is exactly what a leader needs to do.

I've not heard anyone call Obamacare "a step", and Roberts is a Supreme Court Justice; he is NOT supposed to be a "leader" - neither is anyone else on the court.

There is no single way to help the poor receive proper medical attention that fixes the corruption of the medical system and pharmaceutical industries (which are both private). Yes, Obamacare is a step. It will be replaced by something that takes things that work better, reducing the number of issues that are currently in it.

Roberts stepped across partisanship (justices are not members of either 'party', but have shown their leanings prior to receiving the position) to make this step towards helping people in need. THAT is leadership by definition. Doing what is just even in the face of pressures against you.

EVERYONE in public office is supposed to be a leader.

03-17-2016, 08:27 PM
I've not heard anyone call Obamacare "a step", and Roberts is a Supreme Court Justice; he is NOT supposed to be a "leader" - neither is anyone else on the court.

There is no single way to help the poor receive proper medical attention that fixes the corruption of the medical system and pharmaceutical industries (which are both private). Yes, Obamacare is a step. It will be replaced by something that takes things that work better, reducing the number of issues that are currently in it.

Roberts stepped across partisanship (justices are not members of either 'party', but have shown their leanings prior to receiving the position) to make this step towards helping people in need. THAT is leadership by definition. Doing what is just even in the face of pressures against you.

EVERYONE in public office is supposed to be a leader.

That last is incorrect, at least as it applies to the Supreme Court.

The Senate MAKES the laws, SCOTUS' job is to examine those laws relative to our Constitution with the rigor of their presumably superior intelligence - PERIOD, END OF STATEMENT.

To state otherwise indicates a fatal misapprehension of the U.S. Constitution - personal opinions to the contrary are not allowed.

In a nutshell, the problem with healthcare is cost, and cost alone; this arises - surprise, surprise - from the fact of 'insurance'.

The minute there was no one on the other end of the line to ask "why in the ever-loving fuck are you charging me $100 for a fucking band-aid", it was off to the races - now whole bureaucracies exist between doctor and patient for no reason other than to extract our cash.

Frankly, if Obama had outlawed insurance, we'd have had about a month's worth of horror stories before the doctors started saying "Hey, c'mon in here; I'll fix that broken leg for $50".

It really is just that simple.

03-17-2016, 09:38 PM
What was unconstitutional about healthcare for the poor?

You say the above, then give Obama power to outlaw insurance?

I believe we are mad about the same things, Kev. We just see symptoms of the disease differently.

03-17-2016, 10:52 PM
What was unconstitutional about healthcare for the poor?

You say the above, then give Obama power to outlaw insurance?

I believe we are mad about the same things, Kev. We just see symptoms of the disease differently.

True enough, but it is/was up to the SENATE to get the particulars in order, NOT the court.

As to 'outlawing' insurance, witness Obama's reliance on Executive Orders.

Relative to Obamacare, if he was as serious about it as he should have been, why, beforehand, were we extolled from every quarter with the need (easily discerned) for tort reform as well as the allowance of interstate trafficking of insurance coverage (to allow market forces to have their competitive effect), then we have a mile-thick bill that no one can be bothered to read (remember Ms. Pelosi's admonition to pass the Affordable Care Act so we "can see what's in it") only to discover neither of those absolute necessities was included?

03-17-2016, 11:05 PM
Average wait time in Emergency in Canada is so long that it's even money on whether you die,heal naturally or get treatment first. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/hospital-emergency-room-wait-is-more-than-28-hours-for-10-of-patients-report

Two of those are basically free and the other the government ie your taxes cover so at least it's cheap.

03-18-2016, 12:41 AM
Average wait time in Emergency in Canada is so long that it's even money on whether you die,heal naturally or get treatment first. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/hospital-emergency-room-wait-is-more-than-28-hours-for-10-of-patients-report

Two of those are basically free and the other the government ie your taxes cover so at least it's cheap.

A member here from back in the day, NikkiD, lived in Port Dover - she owned a landscaping business, and, as I recall, she supported two children as a single parent.

She suffered a knee injury which precluded her working; things could have been (and eventually were) corrected by a very simple arthroscopic procedure, but they took so long to get to her, she lost the business.

Everything I've heard about Canada's NHS is along the same lines, only mitigated if you live (essentially) in Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, or some other metro area.

03-18-2016, 12:10 PM
The ironic thing about universal health care is that the quality of your care is still partly subject to who you are and how much money you make.

03-18-2016, 06:56 PM
When I think that there's a chance that Trump could be POTUS, I recall that scene in the Dead Zone movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj9M34DzAKo and I think, yup he's gonna destroy the world.

03-18-2016, 07:17 PM
Roberts blew it on Obamacare, which idiocy overshadows any positives.

Obamacare is not about making things better for everyone, it is about improving conditions for the lower 1/3. The corrupt healthcare system we have needs an overhaul. Obamacare is a step, not a complete solution. Roberts showed his ability to see the greater good- which is exactly what a leader needs to do.

If it was a step then it was a step in the wrong direction. Fewer minorities have health insurance today than 5 years ago.

03-18-2016, 07:28 PM
You can see the probs with nationalized healthcare all over the place. Idol just mentioned one of the problems regarding wait times. Mulder said something about it in the mental/bus thread:

... but it's the NHS so it'll prolly be just a plant pot in a wig with a tape recorder inside.

I can't remember who had the kid a few years back (skweeky?) and was constantly posting about her frustrations and going in circles with NHS.

03-18-2016, 08:04 PM
Well, I took a peek at Obamacare (I don't have insurance, haven't for over 20 years) - I am NOT rich, not even well off (Obama's economy sucks, I've been winnowed down to one contract), but the cheapest plan Obamacare can offer me would cost $1200/month, with a $14,700 deductible...and I don't qualify for a subsidy.

Quite a deal, eh?

On top of all of that, I can't rightfully get it for myself if I don't get it for my employees, can I?

If I told Saint-Gobain my contract was going to cost them an additional $150,000, they'd say, "We love you, baby, but this is goodbye".