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View Full Version : Things I've been putting inside my self

Mr. Mulder
03-19-2016, 01:57 PM
Inside my mind, mostly. :eyebrows:

I watched this moviefilm the other day, it’s called Exists. It was ok. Only worth watching if you have other stuff to do and don’t want to watch something. If you have other stuff to watch then watch that, but if you don’t want to watch anything yet have stuff to do and want something on then watch this.

I liked Bigfoot in it, they’ve come a long way with bigfoot designs since Harry and the Hendersons. I think it’s made by the guy wot made blair witch and so its all filmed on phones and stuffs.

If you like films that have your mum going mental at kids in the woods then watch it.


I've mostly been playing The Culling, it is a good game. Ewe should buy this game. It's Battle Royale without the japanese, I don't know why though. You're on an island with a load of others, a 25 minute count down starts, you have to kill everyone. you can find and make weapons and stuff. It's proper good. I've played for 4 hours and not killed anyone :emo: i came close, this guy had almost no health left and started to run away from me but then this other guy came out from nowhere with pepper spray, possibly his boyfriend - i don't know. :dabs:


I've also started watching Deadwood, it's been out for ages now but i've never seen it before - half way through season 2 atm. It's max win, if i were alive in cowboy times i'd definitely say cunt a lot and pay $4 to touch boobs. I don't like whisky though and water is boring so that leaves coffee but i have decafe and i don't think they had that back then? :eyebrows:


Also i've started reading the Dexter books, I think i read the first 2 and half of them ages ago but im starting from the beginning. I know stuff happens differently in them to the series which got rubbish after the trinity killer. I hope that the ending if different...

I'm also excited in the trouser region for this on Tuesaday


I've started listening to Bill Burr's podcast on the way to work, he is a funny 'murican. I don't follow any comedians, i pretty much hate 99% of them. I found out about Burr from F is for Family on Netflix which is kwality. I like how angry he is.


03-23-2016, 06:37 AM
Deadwood was choice. I was peeved when it ended.

Not sure about bigfoot movies... :ermm: