View Full Version : Whatsis? No Brexit thread?

06-24-2016, 01:20 AM
No one cares? :blink:

06-24-2016, 03:55 AM
Wow, I thought it would be another chicken out like Scotland...

06-24-2016, 08:10 AM
Too depressed.

06-24-2016, 08:48 AM
Here's a lot of the details for those just learning about this: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32810887

06-24-2016, 04:57 PM
I went to the store this morning and I haven't got enough money for a Pepsi. :frusty:

06-24-2016, 05:06 PM
On the upside if there is one, it's giving Americans some insight on what electing Trump would be like.
On the downside, there are strong parallels to be drawn here between this and pre-WWII Europe.

Nationalism, is it ever really a good thing?

Yeah, Pepsi.Whatever.

06-24-2016, 07:14 PM
I hope Supreme Leader Trump keeps those filthy Brit peasants from taking our jobs! We need to begin building a wall sooooo high that they cannot fly in on commercial aircraft (such is the way their devious kind gains entrance)!!!! Once they're here they begin their deception by masking their accents and playing House.

06-24-2016, 07:17 PM
Would it be asking too much for WW3 to begin on July 4th? I kinda want to see more spectacular fireworks this year.


06-24-2016, 09:34 PM
For what it's worth, I don't think there's a shred of doubt the immigration issue in Britain lit the fuse for the "leave" voters.

06-24-2016, 09:43 PM
​Tiny fact I recall, prompted by Trump's recent mention of the Vince Foster story, which got a 'tired of it', ho-hum, old news response from the media:

Current Sec'y of HHS, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, cut her teeth in first Clinton administration as an aide - she happened to be tasked, by HRC herself - with stealing Vince Foster's garbage in an effort to stay ahead of the 'official' investigation into his death.

This was noted at the time, but judged to be of no moment, cuz Clintons.

Whatever Foster's trash may have divulged is, of course, lost to history...

I realize very few here know the first thing about the Foster ordeal, but Google is, as they say, your friend, ;)

06-25-2016, 08:25 PM
For what it's worth, I don't think there's a shred of doubt the immigration issue in Britain lit the fuse for the "leave" voters.

Totally agree. The attempt to topple the Syrian government led to the immigration problem which resulted in most people preferring to opt out.

I bet CIA didn't see this coming :O

06-25-2016, 11:22 PM
I seriously doubt we will actually see Britain leave EU. the vote was 52% to 48% and with the following shitstorm and financial plunge, I'm certain more than 3% have changed their mind about the issue. This still needs to be ratified by standing members of Parliament (iirc) as this was only a referendum.

What I see resulting from this: Other EU members will be *far* less likely to try to exit anytime soon, and with the sudden plunge in the markets, the rich are scoring some quick bargains that will go up again quickly. Members who stand against Brexit will be seen as heroes, and not going against the 'will of the people'.

End result: Status quo is maintained, rich get a quick cash bonus, and politicians get to grandstand. Yeah!

06-29-2016, 07:20 AM
JO as on-point as always...


06-30-2016, 03:00 PM
Boris Johnson who lead the leave campaign has now decided he won't run for prime minister? Very confusing.

10-27-2016, 11:46 AM
Brexit means Brexit, it WILL happen, 100%.

Immigration was a big part of it, but so was the inability, because of the European Court of Human Rights, to kick the foreign criminal arseholes out of the country for fear of impinging on THEIR human rights.