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View Full Version : best dvd player to watch dvds on your laptop for window 10

08-04-2016, 08:28 PM
I've looked but cant find it, since my laptop installed windows 10 it wont let me watch dvds on my laptop. could anybody recommend a good dvd player/media player to watch dvds.
many thqnks,

08-05-2016, 02:49 AM
MPC-BE or SMPlayer. The former supports hardware-accelerated decoding (not that it matters a lot for DVDs, even a 15-year-old computer can play them without a hitch).

08-05-2016, 08:10 AM
Many Thanks.

08-05-2016, 08:16 AM
While we are kinda on the subject, what other media players have most codecs built-in like VLC? I'd like something that either the kids or non-tech savvy friends could play shows I make available for them. VLC isn't the easiest, but I don't want to have to install codec packs, either...


08-05-2016, 08:24 AM
I always stick with MPC-HC. No codec extras required, small installation and has not let me down. Not that I watch that much on the PC, usually all streamed to KODI Pi boxes around the house. I do also use NextPVR as well for streaming TV from the PC tuner stick around the house (again KODI being the requesting device)

08-05-2016, 03:28 PM
While we are kinda on the subject, what other media players have most codecs built-in like VLC?

Anything based on MPC or mplayer. Splash Pro too, and it's easy to use, although not free. Codec packs are a relic from when all media players relied on DirectShow and Windows shipped with very few filters. They're more trouble than they're worth nowadays.

Microsoft allegedly saved $1 million in licensing fees by removing DVD playback from Windows 8 and above. And I don't blame them, I've never watched a DVD in my computer :idunno:

08-07-2016, 08:12 AM

not sure if winamp does video

08-08-2016, 12:54 AM
not sure if winamp does video

It does, but using Winamp to play video feels like using a knife as a light switch :eyebrows:

09-15-2016, 11:30 PM
Why not VLC?

10-18-2016, 09:44 PM
I swear by Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) as well though "back in the day" when I used to use my PC to watch DVD's (before dedicated DVD players weren't remotely affordable), Cyberlink PowerDVD was the one.

10-19-2016, 02:56 AM
Cyberlink PowerDVD

I remember that and WinDVD used to come bundled with DVD rewriters (so that you could watch the legal backup discs you burned :shifty:). Man, those things also cost a fortune back then they first came out.

11-27-2016, 03:33 AM
VLC is all you will need to watch anything.