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View Full Version : Comcast Sandvine is Cutting off ALL My Peers

08-12-2016, 07:50 PM
I had about a week of screwy service that was requiring me to restart every device connected to the internet, now peers have gone to none existent. Yes, I'm connectable. No firewalls. Cleared all of that. IPT even sees my torrents, just nobody can connect to me...

I've found some Sandvine workarounds from like 2006-2009, but don't want to do all of that if there is a better, easier solution. And I'm suspicious of trying fixes so old. Somebody got an easy-to-install program.

Yeah, I've considered a VPN. I've also considered setting fire to Comcast corporate office. Still 50/50...

08-12-2016, 09:47 PM
Is the modem or router faulty Meg?? Do you use separate modem and router??

Try connecting the modem right to the PC and see what it does?? If you can....

Can you download things??

Can you send an Email??

Being a Usenet guy, i still assume Peers or people connecting to you would be using your Upload source right??
Is your amazon boxes connecting and working??

I was having shorting out issues with my modem/router , as it kept shutting down the connection...My cable provider just gave me a new box and it was fixed, plus i kind of knew it had to be that because my cable boxes all worked...

Plus i assume you have no download/upload limit?? and u did a speed test as well??

08-12-2016, 10:47 PM
I appreciate the thoughts, Shay, but i'm about 99% positive it is Sandvine. I can do everything else. And I've done my share of making my router 'connectable' on torrents.

I'm mainly hoping either someone like Skiz has solved this, or anon will shine his infinite wisdom in my direction. :)

08-12-2016, 11:00 PM
I appreciate the thoughts, Shay, but i'm about 99% positive it is Sandvine. I can do everything else. And I've done my share of making my router 'connectable' on torrents.
I'm mainly hoping either someone like Skiz has solved this, or anon will shine his infinite wisdom in my direction. :)

No worries Meg...

Is this something you can reference ??

To be honest if have no idea what Sandvine is:idunno:?? Is it something used normally with torrents??

08-13-2016, 01:33 AM
hehehe Thanks, Shay. Comcast uses it to disconnect filesharing (torrent) peers because they are dicks.

08-13-2016, 04:56 AM
Where are you? I can understand if you don't want to give exactly the location but can you give us an idea of region? I have had Comcast for a decade and never had a single issue. Wondering why sandvine affects some people and not others.

Other than that, what client do you use and are you encrypted? You say no firewall but I assume you have a router which means you have one built in. What port are you using also? Start with those questions and we'll see what we can do. Also windows version

08-13-2016, 03:14 PM
hehehe Thanks, Shay. Comcast uses it to disconnect filesharing (torrent) peers because they are dicks.

So is it something that all Internet providers use?? Never seen it mentioned anywhere??

And did you figure how to bypass it ??

Plus i would figure there would be some kind of stealthing someone provides to not show what you are doing??

Meaning they see the bandwidth used but have no clue what it is(like downloading Usenet)?? Plus i thought you can't use VPN's on private Torrent Sites??

08-13-2016, 07:26 PM
Where are you? I can understand if you don't want to give exactly the location but can you give us an idea of region? I have had Comcast for a decade and never had a single issue. Wondering why sandvine affects some people and not others.

Other than that, what client do you use and are you encrypted? You say no firewall but I assume you have a router which means you have one built in. What port are you using also? Start with those questions and we'll see what we can do. Also windows version

I, too, have (unfortunately) been stuck with Concast for over a decade. I believe Sandvine is implemented in different regions. This came on quickly without me changing anything in my system. I've gone through all of those.

Eastern Washington state, Windows 7 Ultimate, separate router (all settings checked- I am connectable AND torrents appear in my user profile, just with no connected peers), encryption settings are on, I've tested various ports and finally settled on ones in the higher range, qbittorrent (updated after problem occurred, no improvement afterwards).

08-13-2016, 08:03 PM

Is this all happening from one specific torrent site/user??

Did you try retrieving something from another torrent site and see if it seeds then??
Being honest... if everything seems to work and you did a speed test?? How does comcast know what to block?? And i assume there is some sort of encryption there??

I really don't download anything in Florida which is comcast, but i run all sorts of streaming and stuff and never seen any blocks ??

If nothing in your settings has changed?? Why it is happening to you is strange?? Do you know anyone else in your neighborhood that does torrenting ??
Or have you looked up on the net if anyone else is having the same problem in your neighborhood??

PS. And i know you are for from stupid!! and i am not talking down to you (well typing), but it does sound really strange that you are targeted for this??
As i have said before, i had some problems with download speeds (Usenet), and internet kicking in and out, I removed every connection from the modem/router from my provider (Rogers), and did the process of elimination to find the problem, usually it was the Modem/Router and occasionally it was the Usenet provider connection, but being honest it was not the service from the cable company. Plus i have never herd someone mention or complain about Sandvine?? Until you mentioned it and when i key it into Google not a lot comes up??
I know you are having a problem and it is a pain in the ass but why they are targeting your area or you is even more strange??:idunno:

I would see if you have a buddy or someone you can test the connections at there house and is having the same problem?? Even if the equipment is different at least you know it is not working and then you need some sort of bypass to fix it??
That's what i would do :D
Sorry i can't help you more Meg....

I, too, have (unfortunately) been stuck with Concast for over a decade. I believe Sandvine is implemented in different regions. This came on quickly without me changing anything in my system. I've gone through all of those.
Eastern Washington state, Windows 7 Ultimate, separate router (all settings checked- I am connectable AND torrents appear in my user profile, just with no connected peers), encryption settings are on, I've tested various ports and finally settled on ones in the higher range, qbittorrent (updated after problem occurred, no improvement afterwards).

Bored and watching Olympics (Before you yell at me:whistling), and finally found shit about this and it was posted umteen years ago...

This was posted recent??

"I went into my router settings in my browser, went into the firewall and changed both Ipv4 and Ipv6 to custom settings instead of Moderate or Minimal setting."

read it here



08-13-2016, 11:22 PM
Thanks again, Shay. But I read all of that before posting. You can pretty much count on me exhausting all easy answers before coming here.

08-13-2016, 11:27 PM
Have you tried kicking it?

No wait, that's for horses and serfs.

08-13-2016, 11:34 PM
Thanks again, Shay. But I read all of that before posting. You can pretty much count on me exhausting all easy answers before coming here.

I figured you did:D
I just find it strange that it was working, then all of the sudden it is fucked?? Yet no real complaints on the net??
Like if there was an internet outage in an area you see posts right??

OH well... Hope Skiz or Anon have the right answer for you :)

Have you tried kicking it?
No wait, that's for horses and serfs.

No one could ever say you are not a great help Idol:lol:

08-13-2016, 11:41 PM
Ask me about bikes or weight training or being annoying because I'm ace at any of those.

So far Canada has


at the Olympics and they're all be women or in the case of rugby, sort of women.

08-13-2016, 11:44 PM
Ask me about bikes or weight training or being annoying because I'm ace at any of those.



08-13-2016, 11:55 PM
Have you tried kicking it?

I'm not driving to Canadia just to kick Shay. :no:

08-14-2016, 12:59 AM
I'm not driving to Canadia just to kick Shay. :no:

First off i live in Canada..
Second everyone needs a kick in the ass once in a while :unsure:

And i wouldn't hold it against you Meg...

Now figure out how to fix your torrent shit!!! Idol should be able to figure it out:huh: Give him more details....

I am going for dinner now speak to you later

Good Luck!!!

08-14-2016, 01:44 AM
Unless tests lie,and I wouldn't put it past the evil bastards, I'm actually pretty smart so I'm sure if I cared in the least I could come up with some solution.

Btw you're fine with it involving at least one death I assume?

First off i live in Canada..

Guy once told me that he lived in Cleveland and I said that's not possible as no one lives in Cleveland. :drummer:

08-14-2016, 03:09 AM
Unless tests lie,and I wouldn't put it past the evil bastards, I'm actually pretty smart so I'm sure if I cared in the least I could come up with some solution

I figure it is like patching a bicycle tire tube on a tubeless tire:unsure:

Again i live in Ontario Canada, part of North America, not Canadia:D

On a food note... Tried a new Pho' place tonight and it was excellent!!!!

Meg did you figure out and fix the frigging problem yet??!! If not, you are going to have a lot of people pissed off that they can't use your bandwidth:whistling
That's Idol included......

08-14-2016, 03:57 AM
I'm just curious where anon is... He normally appears whenever there is a glitch in the Matrix... :(

08-14-2016, 05:43 AM
VPN, you also get the benefit of ad blocking and you can watch your favorite canadian shows on Netflix

08-14-2016, 05:49 AM
I know you are right, pooty. I've had a VPN page open in a tab since the issue occurred. But $3.33 /mo... I'm not made of $$$$$. :P Actually, just stubborn and spoiled by the fact that a no-cost solution often pops up around here.

Thank you for the good suggestion, my friend.

Does Canadia even have its own television? :idunno:

08-14-2016, 08:47 AM
I know you are right, pooty. I've had a VPN page open in a tab since the issue occurred. But $3.33 /mo... I'm not made of $$$$$. :P Actually, just stubborn and spoiled by the fact that a no-cost solution often pops up around here.
Does Canadia even have its own television? :idunno:

You don't use Usenet you cheap bugger and you are complaining about $3.33US(and that is cheap!!) a month??.. And i assume you loose speed using VPN's??

As for Pooty's comment on the Canadian Netflix you potato farmer!!! The American one is usually better:whistling, plus there is only certain VPN's that still work with Netflix, they are blocking them now as well:cry:, and it is not the one that cost $3 n change LOL!!

You can really say Piracy is not a cheap venture Meg:noes: And every day you are down, you are upsetting more cheap fucks!!!

PS..I got a response from Skiz Meg, maybe he doesn't like you anymore :lol: (Just kidding!!)

Send Idol some pictures of your setup.... I have a feeling he can do the job... I mean he can fix a flat bicycle tire he can do anything:unsure:

08-14-2016, 11:06 AM
I mean he can fix a flat bicycle tire he can do anything:unsure:


08-14-2016, 11:50 AM
It is strange that this is happening in some areas and not others. I'm on Comcast, and I haven't noticed any changes in peer connections. I get slow downs in the evening when a lot of people are on line, but that's par for the course with Comcast.

If this Sandvine thing is responsible, I wounder how they're deciding what areas it's being used in?

Also, I know you seem adverse to paying for Usenet, but you might want to consider it. I use Frugal Usenet to get most stuff now, and torrents for stuff I can't find otherwise. It only has 600 day retention, but the speeds are great and it's only $5 a month. Free ssl & 50 connections too. And best of all, no seeding...

08-14-2016, 01:08 PM
Does Canadia even have its own television? :idunno:

Yeah but just the one and it's crt . :mellow:

Also why does everything always have to be so "me me me" for you? Did you every stop and think how you stealing stuff might effect the bottom line of the billionaire who owns Cumcast?

08-14-2016, 03:53 PM
Does Canadia even have its own television? :idunno:

Yeah but just the one and it's crt . :mellow:

I hate to boost your ego but that was just brilliant

08-14-2016, 05:03 PM
i don't know , get a different internet connection ... much better that way .... whats up with all this crap and cap on bittorrent users ... ditch comcast..

08-14-2016, 05:30 PM
It's not as simple as "get a different internet connection" for some people. The only options available here where I am, are Comcast, Verizon DSL or satellite. I had Verizon DSL at one point, and it sucked monkey ass. Satellite is no better. Only other option is moving, and I'm not doing that just for an internet provider.

And actually, other than price, I don't have any complaints about Comcast. I've read many horror stories on line about them, but I've never had problems with them in the 3 years I've been with them. Great speeds, decent customer service, and only like 2 outages the whole time. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

08-14-2016, 08:12 PM
And actually, other than price, I don't have any complaints about Comcast. I've read many horror stories on line about them, but I've never had problems with them in the 3 years I've been with them. Great speeds, decent customer service, and only like 2 outages the whole time. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

I have had relatively good service, but HATE the corporation itself. Their goals run counter to internet freedoms of all levels. And their prices are too high.

08-14-2016, 11:53 PM
I have had relatively good service, but HATE the corporation itself. Their goals run counter to internet freedoms of all levels. And their prices are too high.

Why... Because they get pressure to slow down piracy?? Gee!!:unsure:

And the pricing thing??.. Well if you wants its, you must pays its:whistling

It amazes me on some providers be it anything giving deals to try to grab market share, and yet you end up going back to the one that you complain cost more!!!
There are times when cheaper things work out, but it is usually for a short period and then you are forced back, or the case here the big companies just buy them up..

Dam those rich people!!!!!:angry:

It's not as simple as "get a different internet connection" for some people. The only options available here where I am, are Comcast, Verizon DSL or satellite. I had Verizon DSL at one point, and it sucked monkey ass. Satellite is no better. Only other option is moving, and I'm not doing that just for an internet provider.
And actually, other than price, I don't have any complaints about Comcast. I've read many horror stories on line about them, but I've never had problems with them in the 3 years I've been with them. Great speeds, decent customer service, and only like 2 outages the whole time. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

Same with me teflon....We have Rogers and Bell, Telus, and everyone else feeds off there structure or they end up buying them up... I had Bell for a few years, which would be like At&T or Bell South, and it sucked the big one, having to put those stupid blocker things on all the telephone jacks and hearing a buzzing noises while talking(the good old days when people actually did use there voices). And then i thought... Hmmm lets try Rogers cable internet??, and it worked !!! no buzzing and the speeds were great!!, plus you could put a good splitter on the connection and bingo!!! free cable (good old days of pirating Direct TV and free Cable heaven!!!!), now they found a way to stop free cable by forcing you to get a small digital boxs and now those bastards can monitor what you have, and stop free cable... How dare Those Pricks stopping piracy....
Now you have to get faster internet (which rogers is great for!!), and steal local and outside feeds from XMBC/Kodi, oh the frustration and inconvenience this causes!!

My end point would be the consumer to have more choices?? Even if the illusion is multiple companies out there offering Cell phone or Internet or TV services, for a little guy to get into the service, it has to feed off of the few big guys infrastructure.. You get what you pay for sooner or later, depending on your expectations ... Then it just comes to being happy and staying on top of pricing for your budget ...

Also, I know you seem adverse to paying for Usenet, but you might want to consider it. I use Frugal Usenet to get most stuff now, and torrents for stuff I can't find otherwise. It only has 600 day retention, but the speeds are great and it's only $5 a month. Free ssl & 50 connections too. And best of all, no seeding...

And if you go one step up... For $10 US a month for Usenet, they are now giving you access to a great a VPN service as well (and there cost is $10 for that means Free to me!!), so occasionally when you need to use Torrents for something (it happens occasionally), you are set up....

The question is... How is Frugal service 5 days later to get a popular PC game or and HBO show you forgot to download the same day (really asking Teflon:D), and the speeds for real(50 connections mean little in speed difference)?? I have never tried there service??

I am using a Usenet provider now that reading up more on them (took a while to find information on them), and there retention is unbelievable!!!
They are doing it in a very corrupt and unethical way , but being i am getting what i want, i don't give a shit!!!!, and the price is right :D

08-16-2016, 06:21 PM
I'm just curious where anon is... He normally appears whenever there is a glitch in the Matrix... :(

My apologies, I was busy with saving Zion (not to be confused with Israel) from the machines, but I'm here now :smilie4:

After reading the entire thread, I would suggest starting with the easiest things. First, go here (http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/bttest-mlab.php) to be sure there's foul play at work against BitTorrent traffic. Lack of connections on your torrents could be a coincidence, or caused by a completely different issue.

Should you confirm that, I'd like to point out this is a good observation:

I just find it strange that it was working, then all of the sudden it is fucked??

You apparently went from everything being okay to this problem just by power-cycling all your Internet stuff. So here's what I would do: write down which IP address you have right now, then reboot your router and modem again, or perhaps even turn both off for an entire day. By doing this, you're looking to get a different IP; back when my ISP shaped P2P traffic and put everyone behind a transparent caching proxy that often went down (it was the only way to cut costs and keep selling those "$10/mo. for 1 year" promos), there were some IPs that weren't as crippled as others; I kept a list of them and used a self-made script that probably doesn't work anymore to obtain them whenever possible. If similar mechanics are at work here, you may have been unfortunate enough to get a "bad" address this week, which would be solveable by obtaining a different one.

Please get back to us on that, and I'll post some more suggestions (including thoughts on using a VPN) if there's still no difference.

And actually, other than price, I don't have any complaints about Comcast. I've read many horror stories on line about them, but I've never had problems with them in the 3 years I've been with them.

There are two sides to every coin, and some of the horror stories are a bit economical with the truth. I have read a thread on another forum where some Comcast employees (who weren't shills for the company, as they were community regulars) posted their experiences and answered questions, and apparently the following concepts are too hard for some people to understand:

upgrading your Internet speed or purchasing more services costs extra;
if you subscribe to porn channels, a subscription to porn channels will show up in your bill;
not paying the bill past the first expiration date results in a surcharge, and not paying it past the second one gets you disconnected (one customer in particular wanted all the late fees they'd been paying every month for 27 years refunded).

All in all, though, I'm surprised Comcast is still doing this in a country where McDonald's was successfully sued for several hundred thousand dollars because their coffee was too hot :unsure:

Yeah, I've considered a VPN. I've also considered setting fire to Comcast corporate office. Still 50/50...


08-16-2016, 07:44 PM
Very helpful but I still maintain that anything worth doing is worth killing someone over.

08-16-2016, 08:30 PM
Thanks, anon. You lose credibility by saying Shay had a good observation. I won't hold it against you, though... :P

I cannot see the attachement you posted regarding the VPN. FST is soooo hit and miss with those. As in hits the attachment with a baseball bat, then misses its job of making it visible.

I have been using a Docsis 2 modem. Upgrade will arrive tomorrow. Concast has been phasing those out. Might have something to do with it. Maybe not.

A VPN won't entirely piss me off, if necessary. I did find an old method for countering Sandvine's forced reset of peer connections- just seems like a fair amount of work. Was hoping someone wrote a program to automate the process over the past few years.

08-17-2016, 02:06 AM
Thanks, anon. You lose credibility by saying Shay had a good observation. I won't hold it against you, though... :P

A good observation is good no matter the source :mushy:

Anyway, if you have a new modem incoming tomorrow, I'd definitely wait to try it before attempting anything. The Sandvine fixes I'm aware of must be installed on both computers involved in the transfer. Technically speaking, they are a solution, but try convincing the entire world to apply it...

And the attachment is related to the second half of the quote. Look up the deeds of Mona "The Hammer" Shaw and you will readily find a legal precedent for your planned act of domestic terrorism :P

08-17-2016, 02:36 AM
Found her. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/17/AR2007101702359.html?nav=E8


08-17-2016, 02:48 AM
Thanks, anon. You lose credibility by saying Shay had a good observation. I won't hold it against you, though... :P
I have been using a Docsis 2 modem. Upgrade will arrive tomorrow. Concast has been phasing those out. Might have something to do with it. Maybe not.

That is mighty White of you Meg:D

As for your equipment?? Phone ask for Retention.... Negotiate renting equipment(i get it free with the service/speed i have) and monthly service.... Pay your frigging bill LOL!!

I am a cheap fuck when it comes to certain things and some things you just have no choice but to use the right equipment to do the right job, but you can always ask if there is a better price, and if you don't ask how do you know??

And to be honest Canada is behind on technology when it comes to modems and routers compared to you guys, so every once and a while pick up the phone or look on the internet and see what Comcast is offering in new stuff, not wait 5-10 years of old crap you are using and blame something is not working in the wrong place:)

And keep thanking Israel for the new technology they are inventing and sharing with the world:D

Good luck and keep us informed on the problem and hope it gets fixed on something you just didn't want to admit is the actual problem??


My apologies, I was busy with saving Zion (not to be confused with Israel) from the machines, but I'm here now :smilie4:

:lol: :lol:

Anon... Thanks for the suggestions..
But all i did was go through process of elimination, UN-Plugged everyone, shut down the wifi, connected only my computer and tried the speeds and connection of the internet and Usenet??

Saw it was shorting in and out on the modem/router, called Rogers, they checked on there end there was a voltage problem in the connection, and go pick up another modem/router to see if that corrects the problem, if not we will further investigate???
It fixed the shorting in and out problem, but the speeds were still not the greatest (but they were acceptable but i thought they could be better, or at least wanted to try!!), so they sent a rogers repair guy out and changed all the splitters i had in the basement to the brand new ones they now use and bingo!!! the speeds did improve!!! even the picture quality got a touch better as well...

The truth and bottom line is i am always looking to see if there is something new or improvements they are doing that i can take advantage of, Like they have the Gigabit connection available in my neighborhood and 4k Cable boxes (i don't have 4k tv's tho), and i have been waiting and keep calling if there is a promotion they will offer me to get the higher speed at a rate i am willing to pay and if i really want it and that is the best price at the time i will switch, i already have the modem/router to get it, they just have to flick a switch and that will be that:D

"A good observation is good no matter the source"

Thank you for the help Anon and the Quote as well:D

Meg, the truth is...

It is not like a bicycle that has many parts to break :unsure:
When you go through the process of correcting the internet connection or speeds?? really what could go wrong??

The provider??
The equipment(modem/router, splitters, cable connections(use rg6 not rg59 with better ends, cat5E minimum Ethernet cat6 better:D)??
The connection??
Your PC or what you are using to connect to the internet??

Way less complicated than changing a tire or chain or a brake line?? Right Idol :D

PS.. Meg when you get the modem, don't forget the settings on the firewall for that :lol: And this torrent shit seems like a alot of work to save $10 a month for pirated shit??!!
And i know you are a busy guy and all, but why can't you go to the nearest Comcast service center and pick it up?? Are they checking something else??

08-17-2016, 04:20 AM
I bought my own.

ARRIS SURFboard SB6141 DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem

08-17-2016, 04:32 AM
I bought my own.


I looked at doing that to save money, but they are constantly changing shit and now you are locked into old crap!!!

When i spoke to a few different Rogers Tec guys, and remember they represent the company right??:unsure:
They have always said for the savings you really think you are doing on purchasing be it modem/routers and or cable boxes the longevity of the technology becomes obsolete even before the renting cost exceeds it...
You can do what you want Meg ... It is your money, but that is just my observation, plus i think they offer you a better service or an upgrade speed and give you the Modem/router free with the service???

Edit.. You just bought your own i see , and you called them to make sure you can activate it as well, and it will give you the performance on there networks??

Again your choice and i really hope it solves your problem:D

08-17-2016, 04:38 AM
I got a good deal. And it isn't like they upgrade modems frequently.

I've already negotiated my deal with them for the next year- I do so *every* year, btw. And did not feel it worth spending an unknown number of months at $5 per...

...And *what* is old about my modem? :dry:

08-17-2016, 04:55 AM
I got a good deal. And it isn't like they upgrade modems frequently.
I've already negotiated my deal with them for the next year- I do so *every* year, btw. And did not feel it worth spending an unknown number of months at $5 per...
...And *what* is old about my modem? :dry:

Not true!! on updating hardware or software patches....and it is made for there services...
I am checking every few months for pricing and what they offer?? and i have no locked in contract either, they do the same at Comcast in Florida..
Again depending on the service or speeds of service they give the modem free??

When is the last time you switched up your modem?? by the sounds of it a while!! or you wouldn't be changing it by the sounds of it??

Again no sense in bickering, if you are happy and it works for you great!!

With a household of kids in my house and constant streaming and downloading i stay on top of new shit quite often not every year or 2, and normally the modem i have is $8-12 a month and i get it for zero dollars....
And not long ago i paid $150(less 15%)for less speed and charged for the modem, now keeping on top i pay less than $90 (less 15%), and get a faster service and the newest modem/router they offer ...
And nothing to do with contracts or lock in prices?? I can cancel any time i want and no penalties....
Easy to do and i am already usually on the computer and doing something else and always looking for savings and newer things they offer...

Remember Meg.. it costs me over $400 a month in cell phone bills (wait your kid are little still!!), and if i don't stay on top of it, it use to be $700 a month and less data...

Plus when there is a problem in the service and i use there products they service in my house as well at no charge if upgrades are needed...

I do that in Florida in the condo as well...
Buying the modem i have is like $400, not worth the upfront cost for the longevity of the modem , plus if something goes wrong after 90 days or a year, you are on your own...
With technology advancements today how long is something good for?? I have a bunch of 10/100 routers and switches lying around?? what are they good for today??

The thing that bother me the most about all of these companies is they never send you personally about the savings, you have to look around the net or maybe one of your friends just signed up with the cheaper better service and told you about it??
In agreeing with you that they just don't give a shit how much you pay, but i have been lucky with some guys/girls in retention that take the time and try to save you money, but it still starts with my initiation, not theirs, that is a big problem with these super monopoly providers when it comes to long time users....

Oh well

Just my opinion right or wrong??

EDIT.....Here is a Question for you Meg... I would consider you a Guru on Torrents meaning you know a hell of a lot more than i do:D
(Yet that Sandvine shit, there wasn't any real trouble post on the net for at least 5 years:D??)

Answer this (or anybody that can??)??....

I have a few Usenet providers i use and i see all of these posts on NZB sites... The File/Movie/Tv show/Game is down or gone and i can't download it??

So i click on the NZB and i use one of my providers and it would be correct and it is gone??
Now i switch to another provider i use and click on the same NZB and wow!! it is downloading??
Yet everyone is frantic and saying it is gone , be it from the servers or the link is broken, and i have gone back a while with some hbo shit and i still can get it from the newer Usenet provider i am using
Can you or anyone else explain this??

08-17-2016, 05:50 AM
Answer this (or anybody that can??)??....

I have a few Usenet providers i use and i see all of these posts on NZB sites... The File/Movie/Tv show/Game is down or gone and i can't download it??

So i click on the NZB and i use one of my providers and it would be correct and it is gone??
Now i switch to another provider i use and click on the same NZB and wow!! it is downloading??
Yet everyone is frantic and saying it is gone , be it from the servers or the link is broken, and i have gone back a while with some hbo shit and i still can get it from the newer Usenet provider i am using
Can you or anyone else explain this??

Services only have access to things they control on their own servers. They delete the links on their system, but cannot delete what has already been passed through the NZB system on other networks.

08-17-2016, 06:20 AM
Services only have access to things they control on their own servers. They delete the links on their system, but cannot delete what has already been passed through the NZB system on other networks.

Ok that would be false....

The servers are controlled by a few large companies and they in turn they sell access to said other companies correct yes or no??

Meaning... Like someone that posted they use frugal news, which pays to get service access to the Binary groups on said usenet service, which also is used for bank information and said so other private information where access is restricted and moved in pieces all around the world, basically a way of encryption...
But Frugal only leases so much of the Binary information and we all know there is way more information on that said groups, because you pay for a better provider you can access more information on said Binary Group...

When we(or myself), choose a usenet provider , they are given access to those said servers (that the few big companies control and service the large servers), and restricted access is given to those re-sellers that provide access Right or Wrong??

Now the question i asked you is how can you say the Same NZB from let say even here, and people are posting that is dead on the provider they are using and i click on the same one and i am getting the files?? or they use the term DMCA??

Meaning the files are and must still be there on the Binary group that it has been uploaded too, or this conversation or debate would be mute right?? and one of the providers i use know exactly what i want and downloads it to there servers from the Binary Groups??

To me i highly doubt some like even Frugal News could afford to keep up servers to keep all the information they would need for the members that joined correct??
They are given access to the larger servers and blocked access to what they lease or pay for, hence some don't have access to some Binary groups to get what you want or know where things are being uploaded....??

Giganews is one of the Big providers and owners of the servers that control a high percentage of legal storage for large corporations:D
And when a takedown request is sent to them they abide for being an large and honest provider of Binary space it is just done.....

People controlling and monitoring piracy really suck ass!!!

08-19-2016, 07:25 PM
So, any luck with the new modem?

08-19-2016, 11:00 PM
So, any luck with the new modem?

Good question anon??:idunno:

08-20-2016, 12:18 AM
No, but I did get to spend an hour and a half of my time on getting it activated by Concast. :(

08-20-2016, 06:50 AM
No, but I did get to spend an hour and a half of my time on getting it activated by Concast. :(
