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View Full Version : Clowns and The Purge

10-22-2016, 06:46 AM
Well in my little corner of the world the whole clown thing is out of control. Threatening elementary and middle schoolers mostly. But now the buzz is they are just hanging back quietly now until the 30th, not the 31st, and they're gonna purge.

My only concern is that stores around me has stopped selling clown masks, and after things got a little out of hand at a party I refuse to wear make up anymore. So how will I be able to join in on this purge?

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10-22-2016, 10:11 AM
Well in my little corner of the world the whole clown thing is out of control. Threatening elementary and middle schoolers mostly. But now the buzz is they are just hanging back quietly now until the 30th, not the 31st, and they're gonna purge.

My only concern is that stores around me has stopped selling clown masks, and after things got a little out of hand at a party I refuse to wear make up anymore. So how will I be able to join in on this purge?

Sent from my KFFOWI using Tapatalk

My first thought was it is an elaborate prank, though I haven't really followed. If it was a well-organized prank, then we have stumbled upon a new medium for designed horror... reality. Isn't the election scary enough? No. Clowns with bigger hands are needed.

Also, here's a Tapatalk tip because I had the same problem you're having (I assume it's a problem for you because they enabled it by default in one of the updates). When you're at the screen that lets you select FileSharing Talk, swipe to the Me tab to the right of the notifications. Go to Settings from there (vertical ellipsis). You'll find the Signature settings toward the bottom of the General section. Posts per page can also be edited from that same settings menu at the bottom of the Topic & Thread section.

10-22-2016, 11:42 AM
Maybe he just wants people to know that he's got a Kindle Fire. They're pretty good :smilie4:

I'd never be so gauche but there are four in my house, none are mine but I'm responsible for their upkeep and topping up with stolen books and videos.
Understandable with teh missus (female) but I thought kids were supposed to be fantastic with tech. Mine are fecking rubbish.

10-22-2016, 12:56 PM
[...]and after things got a little out of hand at a party I refuse to wear make up anymore.


10-22-2016, 05:25 PM
Maybe he just wants people to know that he's got a Kindle Fire. They're pretty good :smilie4:

This. I paid $35 for mine last black Friday and modded the fuck out of it to a lean mean Android machine. Got rid of that Amazon crap. So I gots to shows it off, yo.

Thanks for that tip macky.

I don't know, people around here are taking this shit seriously. Saying they will not go out in daytime or night, will bring their pets in, etc. I don't mind if they purge on some douchebags, but they need to leave the poor animals alone. Killing whatever wildlife they can find and stringing it up in trees in people's yards isn't cool. I once used to get a hard on to that but then I grew a heart.

I got some friends buying rifles and shotguns as well. My bitch wants me to get a shotgun. I told her if this really happens(which...come on...) then I'd like to get up close and personal Negan style and take a barbed wire wrapped bat to one of them and then roll around and play in their aftermath. Shooting just seems so, impersonal(sp?)

10-22-2016, 07:41 PM
Maybe he just wants people to know that he's got a Kindle Fire. They're pretty good :smilie4:I don't know, people around here are taking this shit seriously. Saying they will not go out in daytime or night, will bring their pets in, etc. I don't mind if they purge on some douchebags, but they need to leave the poor animals alone. Killing whatever wildlife they can find and stringing it up in trees in people's yards isn't cool. I once used to get a hard on to that but then I grew a heart.

I got some friends buying rifles and shotguns as well. My bitch wants me to get a shotgun. I told her if this really happens(which...come on...) then I'd like to get up close and personal Negan style and take a barbed wire wrapped bat to one of them and then roll around and play in their aftermath. Shooting just seems so, impersonal(sp?)Okay that's all a bit weird. It hasn't really exported well to these exalted climes but I'm dimly aware of the phenomenon.
I've seen a few 'Clown Spotted in Aberdyfi' type headlines, but it's generally a 14 year old skipping school, dressing up and standing outside his old junior school to scare the we'ans.

I think you should go all medieval on their arses. Rig yourself up a cauldron, hoist it above the porch, fill with boiling piss and empty it on any and all clowns who impinge upon your threshold.
Refill with boiling piss as necessary. You may need a second cauldron to boil the piss in the first place, thinking about it.

Whatever, your inventiveness could even make the papers :eyebrows:

10-26-2016, 02:32 PM
Four days is when the fan is supposed to hit the shit around here. I'm genuinely looking forward to it.

Whatever, your inventiveness could even make the papers :eyebrows:

I didn't even think about this. Time to wake up the handful of brain cells that I have left and come up with some creative.

10-26-2016, 04:08 PM
Good man.
Please Post pics of the piss-stained Pierrots.

10-29-2016, 03:58 AM
well, one more day and we find out. a high school soccer coach was fired last week for dressing up in a clown mask, he said it was because its his year-end tradition to dress-up, and this year he just happened to pick a clown unaware of the clown madness going on. I feel bad for the poor idiot, but really, watch the news or feeds or old paper (arghh i still get shivers of how it feels to hold a newspaper going down my back-thank god they are dying)

10-29-2016, 04:37 AM
I'll be going out the 31st w/the kiddo's as usual roaming the neighborhoods on foot. I'm old school like that (they are still young)
Fuck the clowns. One warning, if I'm feeling nice.

10-29-2016, 03:37 PM
Is it about halloween ? we dont have halloween here

10-30-2016, 03:20 AM
Supposed to start at midnight tonight. Two and a half hours...

I got my dog outside in the backyard as bait. If I see ANYONE come near that back yard, clown or not, I'm pouncing with a crowbar. Not too original, but it'll get the job done.

10-30-2016, 08:04 AM
pics please ...

10-30-2016, 10:31 AM
Crowbar the fuck out of them.

I love the modern English. You can basically take any noun and use it as a verb.

10-30-2016, 11:50 AM
Supposed to start at midnight tonight. Two and a half hours...

I got my dog outside in the backyard as bait. If I see ANYONE come near that back yard, clown or not, I'm pouncing with a crowbar. Not too original, but it'll get the job done.

Make sure you dress your dog up real slutty like, too. Will draw 'em in for sure.

Idol can lend you some of his weekend attire if you don't have anything...

10-30-2016, 01:22 PM
Supposed to start at midnight tonight. Two and a half hours...

I got my dog outside in the backyard as bait. If I see ANYONE come near that back yard, clown or not, I'm pouncing with a crowbar. Not too original, but it'll get the job done.
That seems excessive but as you are clearly mental, the question you are probably asking yourself is " But is it excessive enough?".

Protip. Don't overthink it. Simple pit filled with alligators. End of clown problem.

Sure there's bound to be collateral damage but that's a given in any conflict so man up, homo.

Make sure you dress your dog up real slutty like, too. Will draw 'em in for sure.

Idol can lend you some of his weekend attire if you don't have anything...

Poor, poor Meg. This close to male menopause and you still haven't figured out that clothes don't make the dog, the dog makes the clothes.

11-02-2016, 01:46 AM
So, Funkin', what was your high score body count yesterday? :D

11-02-2016, 11:24 AM
I wouldn't like to think mister funkin' was all mouth and no trousers, but maybe he got over-powered by a couple of thirteen year old clowns.
They're more difficult to subdue than they look :eyebrows:

11-02-2016, 11:30 AM
Last I heard the clowns custard-pied him in the face, and then ran away in their big floppy shoes.

Funkin' jumped into a car and gave chase, but then the car fell apart in a puff of shiny confetti.


11-02-2016, 11:30 AM
I wouldn't like to think mister funkin' was all mouth and no trousers, but maybe he got over-powered by a couple of thirteen year old clowns.
They're more difficult to subdue than they look :eyebrows:

If I know Funkin, he'll have no problem putting his mouth where trousers once were...

11-02-2016, 11:36 AM
I wouldn't like to think mister funkin' was all mouth and no trousers, but maybe he got over-powered by a couple of thirteen year old clowns.
They're more difficult to subdue than they look :eyebrows:

If I know Funkin, he'll have no problem putting his mouth where trousers once were...He's an autofellatio aficionado, you think.
I'm disturbed that you know this much about him - not all that surprised though, to be fair :turned:

11-02-2016, 06:08 PM
maybe he got over-powered by a couple of thirteen year old clowns.

Considering they were thirteen year olds, you probably meant "over-excited" :eyebrows:

11-02-2016, 06:09 PM
I'm disturbed that you know this much about him

It's just intuition (see above).

11-02-2016, 09:15 PM
Oh well that's put a different light on his absence. He's probably having a fantastic time with the wee scamps as we speak.

11-02-2016, 09:48 PM
Not a bad halloween this year.

We had 92 weans come round to do the "trick or treat" thing. When did we all become merkins.

They don't sing songs or tell jokes any more, they basically say "Give me stuffs or I will stab you in the eye."

Modern weans, what are they like.

11-02-2016, 10:07 PM
Not a bad halloween this year.

We had 92 weans come round to do the "trick or treat" thing. When did we all become merkins.

They don't sing songs or tell jokes any more, they basically say "Give me stuffs or I will stab you in the eye."

Modern weans, what are they like.I was a we'an who did trick or treating back in the olden daze. I can't say I ever told jokes or sang songs (isn't singing only at xmas anyway).
We just had squirty bottles full of, idk, piss or something and threatened people with squirtage unless they gave us sweets. Which they invariably, and understandably, did.


Are you sure you're from Scotchland and not Upper-Chomdley Chapelhampton.

11-02-2016, 11:10 PM
Really, I thought "trick-or-treat" was a merkin import.

Where I came from it was known as "guising" (ph). And it involved offering some form of entertainment in exchange for sweet comestibles.

Most people would make the payment whilst not demanding the show, however it had to be at the very least implied.

True story.

11-02-2016, 11:38 PM
I believe it is as merkin an import as those great big £1 bags of crisps that are now outselling their more culturally ingrained 25g ancestors by four packs to one.

That's what I did, though, on Hallowe'en as a nipper. Late 80s too, so it's fecking ages ago.
Never heard of that 'guising' malarkey. I'm seeing another side to what I naturally assumed was an aids and heroin ridden formative period on the Wyndford.

11-04-2016, 04:25 PM
Now this is interesting

11-07-2016, 03:42 AM
Sorry fellas. I wish I would have been overpowered by a couple sexy 13 year old clowns. And I wish I would have had the chance to have one lunatic'd one icepick'd a few of them, but unfortunately just as I thought, they punk'd out.

Nothing but cool weird people walking around in clown garb. No actual purging...

11-07-2016, 09:10 AM
That's probably what I'd say too if I had a couple of hawt 13 year old clowns in my basement.
Well played, sir.

11-16-2016, 06:46 AM
I knew at least one person here would read between the lines and see what I was really trying to say. Maybe we can exchange some of prisoners at some point.

11-16-2016, 06:47 AM
Ever see The Girl In The Photographs?