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07-14-2018, 01:25 PM
Unfortunately the system is broken and for any politician that wants a long career they need to play the game. Republicans just go to extremes because they can't win on merit. They move the bar lower and lower and drag everyone with them.

Mr. Mulder
07-16-2018, 08:20 PM
I have no idea wtf you're all talking about, it sounds like House of Cards which means each of you are secretly (and barely) molesting children in the past.

07-16-2018, 09:01 PM
When the World goes to hell, being on an island won't save you this time. I've read that since 1945 they've invent boats and stuff.

Also Meg say he hasn't molested any children "in the past" as it's still ongoing.

07-17-2018, 05:22 PM

I suppose it's possible to go lower than this, I just don't know how.

07-17-2018, 07:23 PM
Thank god for checks and balances. This way DJT can lick Putin's bollocks while the American Armed Forces place hardware in Finland.

07-17-2018, 08:35 PM
The only checks that the Republicans seem interested in are the ones they get from dark money donors. :ermm:

07-17-2018, 09:26 PM

I suppose it's possible to go lower than this, I just don't know how.

Stupid victims being all victimy...

The argument is something like

Lawyers: "Your honor, we installed seat belts in the automobiles we sell, which follows federal safety requirements--- therefore, we cannot be held accountable for any injuries that result when the vehicles crash."

Trump Era Judges: "Case dismissed. We also find that all court costs must be paid for by said victims due to the spurious nature of their claims, as well as any financial losses accrued from the negative publicity associated with the incident and this lawsuit."

07-18-2018, 12:12 AM

07-18-2018, 02:39 AM
Can you pick out which part part of Trump's speech correction was written by speech writers and which was written by Trump?

"I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place...I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t. The sentence should have been, ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia."...."It could be other people also. A lot of people out there. There was no collusion at all."

It's like he knew he needed to backtrack and correct his fuck-up/slip-up but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

07-18-2018, 05:58 AM
"I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place...I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t. The sentence should have been, ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia."...."It could be other people also. A lot of people out there. There was no collusion at all."

If we are playing spot the missing word then he didn`t say would (so that is his bit). But that could be your typo and I don`t care until we are all glowing and the zombies are roaming.

Fun fact when I was 16-18 I thought they`d all fuck up the world (nukes) and we`d die..... I`m doing well so far and hope that when all the polar caps melt it drowns the politicians before they nuke our collective arses off the planet. As always a waiting game

07-18-2018, 12:19 PM

Sort of feel like I'm living through the remake of Being There except in this one Chauncey Gardiner is wholly evil.

In other non-Fox news, Trump spends two full days on the eve of one of the most important meetings of his presidency playing golf at one of his clubs ( of note a bottomless money pit bought inexplicably with cash by the self proclaimed "king of debt"). He then charges the US taxpayer $65k for his holiday.

Nice work if you can get the Russian government to steal it for you.

07-18-2018, 01:53 PM
Although I suspect 90% of "fake news" is either correct or just lucky we should still all give that wiggy a hug. Towers good, the low level population bad.

07-18-2018, 02:45 PM

Sort of feel like I'm living through the remake of Being There except in this one Chauncey Gardiner is wholly evil.

In other non-Fox news, Trump spends two full days on the eve of one of the most important meetings of his presidency playing golf at one of his clubs ( of note a bottomless money pit bought inexplicably with cash by the self proclaimed "king of debt"). He then charges the US taxpayer $65k for his holiday.

Nice work if you can get the Russian government to steal it for you.

He probably bought the golf courses with money he laundered for Russian oligarchs. You need legitimate businesses to clean dirty money. He's certainly "king of debt" when it comes to running this country.

07-18-2018, 03:20 PM

Sort of feel like I'm living through the remake of Being There except in this one Chauncey Gardiner is wholly evil.

In other non-Fox news, Trump spends two full days on the eve of one of the most important meetings of his presidency playing golf at one of his clubs ( of note a bottomless money pit bought inexplicably with cash by the self proclaimed "king of debt"). He then charges the US taxpayer $65k for his holiday.

Nice work if you can get the Russian government to steal it for you.

He probably bought the golf courses with money he laundered for Russian oligarchs. You need legitimate businesses to clean dirty money. He's certainly "king of debt" when it comes to running this country.

I would agree with you (since your are SG1) but your Bevis/Butthead avatar thing makes me ill. At least go southpark

07-18-2018, 06:14 PM
Someone tried to order a gift card on my NewEgg account. Luckily the credit card was declined probably due to the CCV having been recently changed due to the last fraud.:ermm:

Please stop hacking my accounts, Gribley.

07-18-2018, 06:22 PM
South Park is alright, but Beavis and Butt-Head is much better (UNCUT episodes). I watched B&B when I was in junior high and high school (when the show originally aired). South park started when B&B was ending. I just wasn't interested in South Park then. It seemed too childish. Plus I went from B&B to King of the Hill.

07-18-2018, 06:27 PM
Someone tried to order a gift card on my NewEgg account. Luckily the credit card was declined probably due to the CCV having been recently changed due to the last fraud.:ermm:

Please stop hacking my accounts, Gribley.

I had my PayPal hacked into years ago. Luckily the checking account associated with it was old and the credit card backup was out of date. They tried to transfer $400 from checking to PayPal. Luckily they didn't change password or personal info.

07-18-2018, 09:03 PM

As soon as I saw her posing with those leering old conservative guys my first thought was obliviously she's screwing them.

I think my mind went there due to a combination of The Americans, Homeland and Pornhub. :mellow:

07-18-2018, 10:19 PM

As soon as I saw her posing with those leering old conservative guys my first thought was obliviously she's screwing them.

In papers seized by the FBI, Butina allegedly “complained about living” with the man – 27 years her senior – and “expressed disdain for continuing to cohabitate” with him.

She's a patriot for sure. :glag:

07-18-2018, 11:29 PM
Her whole problem is when signing up she thought they said she'd be influencing American elections.

07-19-2018, 08:00 AM
Someone tried to order a gift card on my NewEgg account. Luckily the credit card was declined probably due to the CCV having been recently changed due to the last fraud.:ermm:

Please stop hacking my accounts, Gribley.

You do know the CVC/CVV/CVV2 doesn`t change, do you not know your APACS30/70 standards. I`m shocked and ever so slightly disappointed

07-19-2018, 08:08 AM
South Park is alright, but Beavis and Butt-Head is much better (UNCUT episodes). I watched B&B when I was in junior high and high school (when the show originally aired). South park started when B&B was ending. I just wasn't interested in South Park then. It seemed too childish. Plus I went from B&B to King of the Hill.
MTV generation.... it was just that snigger thing he did that I couldn`t stand and could never watch the episodes. Maybe I missed out and should of tried harder but like you and Southpark just didn`t work for either of us. Anyway keep on doing that odd fist pump action avatar and I`ll carry on with 80's Braybrook weird alien thing :D

07-19-2018, 12:32 PM
You do know the CVC/CVV/CVV2 doesn`t change, do you not know your APACS30/70 standards. I`m shocked and ever so slightly disappointed

Answering inane questions from people I would term as foes is sort of beneath me so I've enlisted Sarah Huckabee Sanders to do it for me. Sarah if you please....

When you get a new credit card all the numbers change so Gribley is clearly spewing fake news for political reasons. Also there is no law that statements by IdolEyes in some wank thread on some wank forum need to be 100% accurate so fuck off before we impose some sanctions on you. Thank you and now moron letters and numbers.


07-19-2018, 03:20 PM
Now if you want to throw toys out that is fine. As you said cards have the number generated when they are sent out and hence have it written of the sig strip so can`t be changed.

I would love to accept I am wrong but I`m not and I have no odd video to prove it.

Mr. Mulder
07-19-2018, 03:57 PM
My PayPal got h4X0r3d this year, some Russian IP got into the account and bought a load of in-game currency for some shitty online rpg I'd never heard of, 50 squids worth! I called PayPal and told them to have the person killed and I got the monies back on the same day, they were pretty decent about it. I'm pretty sure this all happened via my phone. Its riddled with ads and pop-ups from constant porn site use. I ended up factory resetting it and not restoring a single thing.

King of the hill > Beavis & Butthead. I remember when I was a young supple boy and B&B was on too late so I used to record it on VHS as it was on at around 2am and as a result I'd get loads of commercials for sex chat lines, they were hot as fuck.

07-19-2018, 10:19 PM

As soon as I saw her posing with those leering old conservative guys my first thought was obliviously she's screwing them.

I think my mind went there due to a combination of The Americans, Homeland and Pornhub. :mellow:

All of those righteous conservatives talk about family values, but they are the worst when it comes to sex scandals. It's the religious background that makes them crazy. Look at the Japanese. Repression creates extremes.

07-19-2018, 10:21 PM
l Its riddled with ads and pop-ups from constant porn site use.

Some people don't hold anything sacred. :no:

07-19-2018, 10:22 PM
My PayPal got h4X0r3d this year, some Russian IP got into the account and bought a load of in-game currency for some shitty online rpg I'd never heard of, 50 squids worth! I called PayPal and told them to have the person killed and I got the monies back on the same day, they were pretty decent about it. I'm pretty sure this all happened via my phone. Its riddled with ads and pop-ups from constant porn site use. I ended up factory resetting it and not restoring a single thing.

King of the hill > Beavis & Butthead. I remember when I was a young supple boy and B&B was on too late so I used to record it on VHS as it was on at around 2am and as a result I'd get loads of commercials for sex chat lines, they were hot as fuck.

I have UNCUT copies of all the episodes. Some are not the greatest quality (VHS sources, first USA airing). Most of them are pretty good though (European MTV or VH1 sources).

07-19-2018, 10:23 PM
...I have no odd video to prove it.
Or at least none that are strictly legal, perv.

07-20-2018, 07:12 PM

The Batwoman series now in development for The CW will not only feature TV’s first gay lead superhero character, but an out lesbian actress will ideally fill the title role.

Sources tell TVLine that the would-be Arrowverse addition is seeking an out lesbian actress, open ethnicity, to play age 25 to 29. (TVLine has reached out to The CW and Warner Bros. for comment.) Batwoman aka Kate Kane will first be introduced in this fall’s four-way crossover event between Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, before potentially fronting her own series.

The offshoot — which at this point has a script development deal — is set up at Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. The Vampire Diaries‘ Caroline Dries, an out lesbian, will pen the script.

A wealthy socialite who calls Gotham home, Batwoman’s Kate Kane is described as “armed with a passion for social justice and a flair for speaking her mind,” while physically she is a “highly trained street fighter primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence.”

“But don’t call her a hero yet,” the potential series’ logline adds. “In a city desperate for a savior, Kate must overcome her own demons before embracing the call to be Gotham’s symbol of hope.”

Other LGBT characters within the Arrowverse include Arrow‘s gay Curtis Holt, Legends‘ bisexual Sara Lance, Supergirl lesbian Alex Danvers — who was briefly engaged to Detective Maggie Sawyer, one of Kate Kane’s most noteworthy love interests in comic book lore — The Flash‘s Captain Singh and and “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover visitor Ray Terrill (who is currently engaged to his Earth’s Leo Snart).

Additionally, Supergirl for Season 4 is casting a transgender actress to play investigative reporter Nia Nal. And though Black Lightning is not an official part of the Arrowverse, Anissa Pierce aka Thunder is a lesbian.

If the rise of man hating shows.. I'm sorry I meant female empowerment shows like A Handmaid's Tale and Dietland wasn't bad enough.

On the positive side it's becoming increasingly easy to embrace the concept of of my own mortality.

07-20-2018, 08:20 PM
Well, since the beginning it was only men in the lead roles, had the power and influence. Now it's shifting towards women alittle. The majority are still men. It's just all the publicity today that makes it seem like it's only women now.

I don't care if the actors or their characters are straight, gay, lesbian, trans. If the show/movie is good, I'll watch it. Same thing with music. I know a lot of guys that say they hate Queen (one of the greatest rock bands ever) because Freddy Mercury is/was gay. I don't judge artistic material based on the artist's personal life. What people do in their personal life is their own business, as long as they are not hurting anyone.

07-20-2018, 10:28 PM
I don't believe that casting should hinge on someone having an agenda. It's as simple as that.

07-20-2018, 10:39 PM
Speaking of which... I watched Jumanji Black Panther a while back. Was rather amused that the most advanced and richest civilization on earth would resort to spear chucking and battle rhinos. You'd at least expect 40" adamantium rims, super gats, and adamantium teefs... :idunno:

07-20-2018, 10:58 PM
The best part of Black Panther was when the hippo ate Jack Black. If on the other hand the Jonas brother had died that would have been the best part.

Mr. Mulder
07-21-2018, 07:52 AM
Just read they're rebooting Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a black lead. Not because they auditioned loads of people and this one talented black actress stood out. Instead they're going to the black actress shop in search of their darkest, hardest worker. They've also said its going to tackle more modern issues so that would be vaping, anything that has a penis that shouldn't and school shootings.

07-21-2018, 12:18 PM
The vampires in this reboot better be played by actual vampires or I for one will be morally outraged.

07-21-2018, 08:29 PM
Hollywood has run out of original ideas. That's why all of these reboots and remakes are going on. If they can't get the original cast, they get actors that are the opposite of the originals. Female replace male lead. Black replace white. Rich to poor, poor to rich. They will all still be terrible, but a young audience that never saw the originals won't know any better.

07-21-2018, 08:33 PM
I don't believe that casting should hinge on someone having an agenda. It's as simple as that.

Isn't that how casting has always been done? They like to think it's not that way, that they hire the best person for the job, but someone always has an agenda. Now that people can speak out, it gets more attention and people feel the need to look impartial. Affirmative action for Hollywood.

07-22-2018, 04:26 AM
The vampires in this reboot better be played by actual vampires or I for one will be morally outraged.

A black girl named Buffy. The show already lacks credibility. Pretty sure a Google search will return 0 results and ask "Did you mean a *white* girl named Buffy?"

Mr. Mulder
07-22-2018, 07:01 AM
I was the right age to watch Buffy, it was basically porn for me. One of them was absolute filth, Giles I think she was called...

07-22-2018, 11:38 AM
Giles is going to be Russian in the reboot becasue apparently the Midwest is at war with England now.

07-22-2018, 04:35 PM
The vampires in this reboot better be played by actual vampires or I for one will be morally outraged.

A black girl named Buffy. The show already lacks credibility. Pretty sure a Google search will return 0 results and ask "Did you mean a *white* girl named Buffy?"

I think the last season of the show they had Buffy hanging out with a bunch of slayers. They had young women of all skin colors. So a reboot doesn't have to be a white slayer. They could get Sarah Michelle Gellar to train a new slayer that is not white. I assume there are slayers all over the world to keep the vampire population in control. The fact the show was about a white slayer in southern California doesn't mean the new show should be the same.

I don't care who they pick, I won't be watching the new show. I don't watch any of these reboots/remakes, especially if I watched the previous version. They will most likely ruin the memory of the original.

07-22-2018, 04:37 PM
Giles is going to be Russian in the reboot becasue apparently the Midwest is at war with England now.

Well, the religious people always need an enemy. The orange fatso can't say anything bad about Russia (Putin), so someone has to take the place. Putin told orange fatso to use England.

07-22-2018, 07:31 PM
I don't care who they pick, I won't be watching the new show.

Mulder kept saying the same thing until they announced it's starring Gal Gadot and it's on Cinemax.

07-24-2018, 08:43 PM
If the rise of man hating shows.. I'm sorry I meant female empowerment shows like A Handmaid's Tale and Dietland wasn't bad enough.

On the positive side it's becoming increasingly easy to embrace the concept of of my own mortality.

They think this is all really exciting and they're sticking it to the man - "go get 'im, girl!" - but in the long run this will do nothing positive for society.

For girls: encouraged to be masculine, they're becoming harder for men to approach and deal with, because more intimidating

For boys: constantly seeing masculinity made a mockery of, deprived of any proper male role models, becoming confused, androgynous and/or gay

There has never been a better time to go savage, Robinson Crusoe-style

07-24-2018, 09:02 PM
Trump is really confused. He seems to think it's 1984.:ermm:


The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

I'm at the point of believing that this Administration needs to be removed by any means necessary.

07-24-2018, 09:12 PM
Meg says "Quick, someone print me out an AR-15".

Mr. Mulder
07-25-2018, 08:09 AM
I've been playing that No Man's Sky, it's pretty decent. I hit some rocks and stuff came out and I put that stuff into a machine that made stuff that made my spaceship work. I'll probably never play it again now.

Fucking 10 hour shift today because the nutsack I work with called in sick, only been here an hour if my maths is correct there's another 9 to go :dabs:

07-25-2018, 10:11 PM
Trump is really confused. He seems to think it's 1984.:ermm:

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

I'm at the point of believing that this Administration needs to be removed by any means necessary.

This is definitely one of the worst administrations ever (Bush/Cheney). They are not only destroying America, they are bringing the world down too. Of course that means big money for the corporations that fund them.

07-26-2018, 01:03 PM
What the face of true evil looks like. Willing to sacrifice the existence of whole species on the altar of greed.


07-26-2018, 02:42 PM
I wouldn't expect anything less from republicans. They don't care about the environment. They don't think about the future except when it concerns their job.

07-26-2018, 04:14 PM
What the face of true evil looks like. Willing to sacrifice the existence of whole species on the altar of greed.


Noooooo, not the Delta Smelt!!! That is absolutely my favorite smelt...

07-26-2018, 04:36 PM
You smelt it, you dealt it.

07-26-2018, 07:29 PM
I wouldn't expect anything less from republicans. They don't care about the environment. They don't think about the future except when it concerns their job.

As long as people keep seeing and dividing politicians as R's and D's, they will continue to succeed in doing whatever they fuck they want. Once people stop doing that and start looking at individuals and their individual records, voting trends, and donors, and keeping politicians accountable for what they do, only then will any real change begin. Until then it just furthers the finger pointing and distracts from what is actually going on.

07-26-2018, 07:45 PM
Politicians love this sort of polarization because they don't feel the need to constantly defend their actions.


07-26-2018, 08:00 PM
What should bother people is how nothing changes with these assholes because no one holds them accountable. Like the concept of spending less money. That concept gets tossed around incessantly but its never actually on the table. Whats sad is that it never really matters to the average voter either bc it gets lost in the polarization (again this is why politicians love the republican/democrat finger pointing). Even when the curtain is pulled back and you're shown in black and white how despicable all of them are, it doesn't really matter to most people bc they feel better about just hating on one side or the other. For example, I spent some time with this over the weekend, The 2018 Congressional Pig Book put out by the Citizens Against Government Waste. LINK (https://www.cagw.org/reporting/pig-book). The notables here are 232 earmarks in fiscal year 2018, a 42% increase over 2017 which is a 116% over 2016! All these fucks do is spend more and spend more and spend more. None of them spend less. To monetize that, the 42% increase from '17 to '18 was $14.7 billion!

All these fucks care about is their power trips and getting reelected. And how do they get reelected? They spend our money of course on all these little pet projects for their constituencies and they earmark it all so it doesn't get scrutinized. Stop finger pointing and start holding all of them accountable.

07-26-2018, 08:03 PM
Jimmies have been rustled.

07-27-2018, 05:54 PM
Look at the overwhelming support trump gets from the Rs. They are afraid to loose their jobs if they go against him. No individuality there. Individual records means shit when they are all complicit to what is going on now. Plus , the R's always vote the party line. The only Rs speaking up are leaving (nothing to lose). Unfortunately there is no way to hold politicians accountable. You can't vote them out and their campaign financing comes from corporate interests. That's why we need term limits for ALL elected politicians (and appointed ones). Get rid of lobbyists and dark money.

07-27-2018, 07:22 PM
I agree with you up to a point Skiz. Individuals matter, but they don't act in a vortex. Especially politicians; they're part of a political party, and necessarily one's overall appraisal of any individual politician's performance hinges also on how congruent his actions and words are to his party's political programme.

Political parties are the the cement of representative democracy.

07-27-2018, 08:37 PM
Look at the overwhelming support trump gets from the Rs. They are afraid to loose their jobs if they go against him. No individuality there. Individual records means shit when they are all complicit to what is going on now. Plus , the R's always vote the party line. The only Rs speaking up are leaving (nothing to lose). Unfortunately there is no way to hold politicians accountable. You can't vote them out and their campaign financing comes from corporate interests. That's why we need term limits for ALL elected politicians (and appointed ones). Get rid of lobbyists and dark money.

D’s vote along party lines as well. Proof in just about any legislation you want to look up.

Agreed about term limits.

08-07-2018, 07:33 PM
Doubt rsrs

08-08-2018, 11:44 PM
Nice job on the human rights violations, Canada.

08-09-2018, 01:08 AM
I dunno, I think on the whole if Saudi Arabia is mad at you then you must be doing something right.


Is that what you are talking about or is it about how we insist on making children eat poutine?

08-09-2018, 02:45 AM
Yeah, that's the current issue I'm talking about. The Saudis are condemning Canadia for arresting a Holocaust denier (I'm guessing there's more to his offense list than that), but are literally crucifying people for being homosexual (you'd better strike that area off your vacation list, queer).

As for poutine, I'm surprised Merika hasn't adopted that as a breakfast staple yet...Maybe it lacks the required percentage of high fructose corn syrup :idunno:

08-09-2018, 03:03 AM
Speaking of Canada, has anyone heard from shaina lately? Not getting any response on either PM or email...

08-09-2018, 12:49 PM
Yeah, that's the current issue I'm talking about. The Saudis are condemning Canadia for arresting a Holocaust denier (I'm guessing there's more to his offense list than that), but are literally crucifying people for being homosexual (you'd better strike that area off your vacation list, queer).

As for poutine, I'm surprised Merika hasn't adopted that as a breakfast staple yet...Maybe it lacks the required percentage of high fructose corn syrup :idunno:

As a scientist, the question I always ask myself is if there was an actual holocaust, then why are there no zombies?

On the subject of Shay, I just assume that he became suddenly aware to the fact he lived in Toronto and killed himself.

08-10-2018, 02:11 AM
Toronto must be pretty horrible if escaping to *Florida* each year seems like a vacation...

08-10-2018, 04:19 AM
I would spend my winters in Florida if I could. When you get older the cold weather isn't fun anymore. Not all of Florida is bad. There are some nice areas, but it's not cheap.

Mr. Mulder
08-10-2018, 11:07 AM
Me and t'misses are looking at doing a big holiday in November, we've never really been outside the EU and wanna see some stuff before we ruin our lives with children.

We were looking at Orlando, it's expensive as fuck from here. We could get there but then it's $99999999 to go and finger Micky mouse and his mates.

We've narrowed it down now to Mexico or the Maldives. The Maldives look insane but it also looks like there's fuck all to do there that isn't going in or on the sea. I googled Is the Maldives boring and the top TripAdvisor thing was a woman saying its not boring I read 11 books while I was there :dabs:

08-10-2018, 01:34 PM
Go stay with Idol. He's got a spare room now that Mary is off roaming the lands of K-pop.

08-10-2018, 05:24 PM
Me and t'misses are looking at doing a big holiday in November, we've never really been outside the EU and wanna see some stuff before we ruin our lives with children.

We were looking at Orlando, it's expensive as fuck from here. We could get there but then it's $99999999 to go and finger Micky mouse and his mates.

We've narrowed it down now to Mexico or the Maldives. The Maldives look insane but it also looks like there's fuck all to do there that isn't going in or on the sea. I googled Is the Maldives boring and the top TripAdvisor thing was a woman saying its not boring I read 11 books while I was there :dabs:

Mexico is nice if you want to get kidnapped. Unfortunately Mexico has turned to shit with the cartels running loose. It was nice back in the 80's. The tourist areas were off limits and protected by the cartels to bring in tourist money. It's a free-for-all now.

Disneyworld and the other parks are going to be expensive. That's where tourists go and the parks can charge whatever they want. Unfortunately corporations only care about having record profits every quarter. If they have fewer customers, then they charge more to compensate. When attendance goes back up, they don't lower the prices. They keep them the same because people are used to the higher prices, and they have record profits.

The good thing is you go there for a week and have fun, then go back home. It's a vacation, you need to splurge a little.

08-10-2018, 10:42 PM
Mexico isn't that bad. Just treat it like you would a bad area of town. Once you get to the resort areas you should be just fine. The toughest part of Mexico for someone from Europe is going to be wrapping your head around all the tipping. Every time you pull out money for something, be prepared to tip. Even for the most basic stuffs.

Check out Isla Mujeres. Translates to Island of Women. :smilie4: It's a pretty small island off the coast of Mexico and near Cancun. You can spend you entire trip there. It's super chill, fantastic food. Night life. All you need is either taxis or a golf cart to see the entire island. I've been twice. Beautiful beaches. Would totally go again. Definitely won't break the bank either.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico is cool as well. Spent a week there for a wedding once.

Check out Turks and Caicos as well. Super clear water like the Maldives. Pretty low key.

I've been to Grand Cayman as well. Awesome beaches but a bit more family oriented imo.

Never been to south Florida oddly enough.

08-13-2018, 08:55 PM
They're all rapists.

08-18-2018, 06:20 AM
As long as the ads were still up I assumed the site was in good shape. Seems the ads are all going away now. :no:

08-18-2018, 06:25 PM
As long as the ads were still up I assumed the site was in good shape. Seems the ads are all going away now. :no:

We still have donations :naughty:

08-18-2018, 09:38 PM
As long as the ads were still up I assumed the site was in good shape. Seems the ads are all going away now. :no:

We still have donations :naughty:

Ah yeah that’s true. :thumbsup:

08-19-2018, 04:08 AM
I haven't seen an ad on this site in years :shifty:

08-19-2018, 06:58 PM
I haven't seen an ad on this site in years :shifty:

Yeah, maybe that's the reason no one advertises here then :eyebrows:

I must say I at least respect RealitY for not adding pop-under or cryptocurrency mining crap... but who knows what the future holds.

08-20-2018, 02:37 AM
RealtY has done far more damage to this site than my adblocker will ever do. He killed its spirit and drove away good, constantly-contributing members.

08-20-2018, 02:59 AM
I can't argue with that, I'm afraid.

08-20-2018, 01:19 PM
Don't blame RealitY. The real answer to why people left this site in droves is that the question "What's in it for me here?" stopped being relevant to them.

08-20-2018, 01:33 PM
Those 'people' were never the heart and soul of the site-- generally just cannon fodder.

08-20-2018, 04:08 PM
I'm sorry but as a white American you really need to disqualify yourself in any discussions regarding heart or soul.

08-20-2018, 04:55 PM
I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. You're basically my go to guy in all matters asphalt though.

08-20-2018, 07:06 PM
I'm sorry but as a white American you really need to disqualify yourself in any discussions regarding heart or soul.

You need to add "rich" to that. There are plenty of white Americans that have heart and a soul. It's when they become rich that those two go away (for most anyways).

08-20-2018, 08:50 PM
I don't know Rich so unlike yourself I didn't want to make this a wholly personal attack. I can however understand him being a Dick considering that's basically his name anyway.

I guess besides my good looks that's the real difference between you and I. I'm still capable of a little empathy, you heartless, soulless bastard.

08-21-2018, 02:23 AM
I wish I was rich. I'm lower middle-class. If I was rich I wouldn't be here.

Mr. Mulder
08-21-2018, 08:02 AM
If I was rich I'd make someone else rich too and we'd get butlers and make them kiss and then fight to the death.

08-21-2018, 11:45 AM
It would be hot if you make them fight to the death and then in the middle of it they realize their love for one another and then start kissing.

08-21-2018, 01:49 PM
It would be hot if you make them fight to the death and then in the middle of it they realize their love for one another and then start kissing.

Updating my sigy with this for the complete 'what context was that???!' effect. :D

Mr. Mulder
08-21-2018, 02:35 PM
It would be hot if you make them fight to the death and then in the middle of it they realize their love for one another and then start kissing.

Two men loving one another, why don't we just allow them to marry too while we're living in fantasy land :rolleyes:

08-21-2018, 06:10 PM
I can see now why Parliament has never elected you Queen.

08-22-2018, 01:48 AM
Change it to two women and I'm in.

08-22-2018, 07:54 AM
Change it to two women and I'm in.

I didn't realise you were a woman. Good job!

08-22-2018, 11:21 AM
I'm not a woman. I'd just rather see two women kissing.

08-22-2018, 12:34 PM
Change it to two women and I'm in.

I didn't realise you were a woman. Good job!

Funny that you thought that. I've never seen evidence of MacGyver wanting my money.

08-22-2018, 12:34 PM
If you like that you might like Assassins Creed: Syndicate which I did although like basically every video game ever Tomb Raider , the ending left something to be desired.

08-25-2018, 07:21 AM
If I was rich I'd make someone else rich too and we'd get butlers and make them kiss and then fight to the death.


A butler would come in handy. I'd make mine wear livery. Was just thinking about this last night as I watched The Big Sleep, in which the Sternwood family have a butler called Norris.

But then if you have a butler you need to live in an estate in the old Anglo-Saxon style, and have a driver and a Rolls. A family coat-of-arms with some dragons and swords would handsomely complete the picture.

08-27-2018, 08:46 PM
Superfly (2018) just not released on the pirate sites. 'Member when black movies where more about just allowing white liberals to feel better about themselves?


08-28-2018, 03:40 AM
The Meg is in theaters now :cool:

The Idol is still awaiting an all ghey male cast...

08-28-2018, 09:30 AM
That movie looks terrible. Don't know how it was top at the box office.

Mr. Mulder
08-28-2018, 10:31 AM
I'd rather see the ghey than the Meg but can sharks be gay if they don't have dicks? :eyebrows:

08-28-2018, 12:10 PM
The Meg is in theaters now :cool:

The Idol is still awaiting an all ghey male cast...

Considering you're American I suppose it's expected that that would have racist overtones.


08-29-2018, 07:10 AM
Well, it isn’t racist as long as it’s directed at white males.

08-29-2018, 12:41 PM
I found the end of the internet once before and then a new generation was born and i had to look to see what had changed.

08-30-2018, 11:37 PM
The Meg is in theaters now :cool:

The Idol is still awaiting an all ghey male cast...

Considering you're American I suppose it's expected that that would have racist overtones.


This guy looks like the guy from perfume , the story of a murderer

09-01-2018, 12:00 AM
Well, it isn’t racist as long as it’s directed at white males.
...wow, so much truth there

09-01-2018, 12:47 PM
I assume you are basing that on the premise that white males are the predominate ruling class and historically have actively opressed anyone that wasn't them.

If that is the case I can't wait to go to China so that I can start calling people there Chinks.

09-02-2018, 03:08 PM
I found an avatar for a life time :lol:

09-02-2018, 04:45 PM
This is the summary of my everyday states , it starts from the morning and ends sometime late at night

09-02-2018, 05:12 PM
Just curious. Do you ever have transitory moments of clarity where you aren't an insufferable asshole?

09-02-2018, 05:14 PM
I had words coming out of mouth , proper ones .But i am not typing it
Are we practicing french literature here ?

I really thought you were simply a guy behind some computer

09-06-2018, 01:02 PM
I assume you are basing that on the premise that white males are the predominate ruling class and historically have actively opressed anyone that wasn't them.

White males weren't the most successful because they oppressed anyone who wasn't them. They were simply the most successful - in more recent history, at least -. Other races have been dominant in the past, as I'm sure you know.

The whole white male only achieved supremacy because he enslaved black Africans shtick is very wide of the mark. Black Africans were enslaving black Africans long before white males entered the game. Before that, Arabs had been enslaving them too - and much more than white males ever did -.

White males in the West achieved supremacy because they worked their assess off, and had the best framework - the Judeo-Christian one (and the UK had classical liberal representative democracy, with political parties and freedom of the press since the late 17th century, and the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846). The Muslim framework got stuck in the 8th century AD and never really progressed.

Nothing justifies the racist affirmative action policies in the US, which are unfair and one of the main reasons for increased racial tension in that country since the 1950s.

09-06-2018, 03:43 PM
They had the best framework precisely because they opposed other people. Or are you telling me that the real reason that women didn't get the right to vote until 1920 and it wasn't enshrined for racial minorities until 1956 is because they simply lacked the motivation?

So essentially what you are telling me is that Mexicans are lazy and urban Black people have the same opportunity to education as Walter Whitebread from the suburbs . Am I understanding you correctly there, Mr. Trump?

09-06-2018, 09:10 PM
I assume you are basing that on the premise that white males are the predominate ruling class and historically have actively opressed anyone that wasn't them.

White males weren't the most successful because they oppressed anyone who wasn't them. They were simply the most successful - in more recent history, at least -. Other races have been dominant in the past, as I'm sure you know.

The whole white male only achieved supremacy because he enslaved black Africans shtick is very wide of the mark. Black Africans were enslaving black Africans long before white males entered the game. Before that, Arabs had been enslaving them too - and much more than white males ever did -.

White males in the West achieved supremacy because they worked their assess off, and had the best framework - the Judeo-Christian one (and the UK had classical liberal representative democracy, with political parties and freedom of the press since the late 17th century, and the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846). The Muslim framework got stuck in the 8th century AD and never really progressed.

Nothing justifies the racist affirmative action policies in the US, which are unfair and one of the main reasons for increased racial tension in that country since the 1950s.

You had many of us fooled into thinking you were smart before typing this crap.

09-06-2018, 09:27 PM
To be clear, I'm not a proponent of identity politics - white, black, or anything else. The best example of white identity politics we've seen was Hitler's Third Reich and that wasn't pretty.

And no, I'm not "Mr. Trump." Trump is a reaction to the radical left's black, gay, women, etc. identity politics. He's a nincompoop, but signals the rise of a backlash of white identity politics in America.

What I've said about affirmative action I took from a black American Harvard graduate and Stanford professor:


Also, I recommend you watch Jordan Peterson on the significance of the biblical stories. He's looked at them through the lens of a psychologist. He'd probably class as an agnostic. I'm not religious either. This is if you believe the West didn't have the best framework, merely the most power via force.

09-06-2018, 10:15 PM
What I've said about affirmative action I took from a black American Harvard graduate and Stanford professor....

Both The National Review and I agree with you that holding some prestigious academic title somehow renders you immune from being totally full of shit.


Also last time I checked, self hatred among a certain percentage of black people was still a thing.

Geez his name is even Tom. It's like his parents knew in advance how he was going to turn out.

09-07-2018, 07:48 AM
Got done for speeding a few weeks ago lads, opted to go on a speed awareness course instead of taking a fine+license points :unsure: (Still cost me £90 though)

So the course is at 7:45 tomorrow morning; the town where it's at normally takes about 30 minutes to get to, but I reckon at that time in the morning, if I really peg it on the motorway I should be able to get there in about 15 :cool:

09-07-2018, 09:21 AM
I like posting here :)

09-07-2018, 12:14 PM
I like posting here :)


09-07-2018, 01:10 PM
Did you know that India also declared the gay independence day today
+1 more for Democracy

09-07-2018, 01:20 PM
+1 billion for the bad aids.

09-07-2018, 01:22 PM
I support that move

09-07-2018, 01:24 PM
I too support your movements.

09-07-2018, 01:29 PM
This is why i keep changing accounts
Somebody i talked to said that these are all bad examples for kids

09-07-2018, 01:36 PM
I support all moves up down left or right. Anyway going a bit to side is clearly an anarchist

09-07-2018, 01:48 PM
To be clear, I was talking about shite. And that only goes vertically unless you're an Indian.

09-07-2018, 01:51 PM
To be clear, I was talking about shite. And that only goes vertically unless you're an Indian.
Perpendicular to you a-hole for sure

09-07-2018, 01:54 PM
To be clear, I was talking about shite. And that only goes vertically unless you're an Indian.
Perpendicular to you a-hole for sure

Indeed. A fecal pendulum. Like these politically pendulous times we're all wading through at present.

09-07-2018, 02:17 PM
That was more axis than anyone could counter for. I would dampen your swing but why not give it some positive feedback

09-07-2018, 02:22 PM
Shucks. I was gonna continue about how homosexuality was equated under the same law as oral and anal sex, notwithstanding the fact that they're all done on a daily basis anyway.

In India, you understand. Not in my gaff.

I've got a bad back and a toothache.

09-07-2018, 02:23 PM
There are worse things other than homoses sexuality

09-07-2018, 02:27 PM
There are worse things other than homoses sexuality

Yep. Bad spelling for a fucking start.

09-07-2018, 02:32 PM
You see i have a problem , its this guy in my avatar

09-07-2018, 02:35 PM
I have a fucker who is the root of all my personal evil

09-07-2018, 02:43 PM
Welcome back, my friend. A bad back and a toothache simultaneously *clears path and runs for cover*

09-07-2018, 02:51 PM
Welcome back, my friend. A bad back and a toothache simultaneously *clears path and runs for cover*

I'll be tickety boo, mate. I'm a survivor. A cock a roach. Like you. We've made the last season of the swalking dead.

09-07-2018, 03:08 PM
Oh hello anon , you may delete all my other accounts , my threads and all my history and all my existence
But , i would like to keep this one account forever
This is the most important account of my life , So please can i just keep this one account to myself

09-07-2018, 03:14 PM
Nothing was making sense until i made this account

09-07-2018, 03:27 PM
I made my kid pre-order Spiderman for his birthday. It's fucking amazing but I can't play it cos I'm too busy getting fucked up on stuff cos I've got a mangy mouth.

I fucking love Spider Man, too. Unacceptable.

Mr. Mulder
09-07-2018, 05:41 PM
I'm somewhat of an amature Web slinger myself...

Currently I'm sat on the dirty airport floor in Rome, gate 52E to be precise waiting for a delayed flight home. Rome was OK, not great but OK. I'm far too uncultured to enjoy it. T'misses and I went on a walking tour of the Vatican. The tour guide was telling us the names of statues and paintings and the dates they were created and who created them and all I thought was so what!? Who the fuck cares!!! Their pizzas are shit too they don't even have a Dominos or at least not one that I could find.

09-07-2018, 05:44 PM
I'm somewhat of an amature Web slinger myself...

Currently I'm sat on the dirty airport floor in Rome, gate 52E to be precise waiting for a delayed flight home. Rome was OK, not great but OK. I'm far too uncultured to enjoy it. T'misses and I went on a walking tour of the Vatican. The tour guide was telling us the names of statues and paintings and the dates they were created and who created them and all I thought was so what!? Who the fuck cares!!! Their pizzas are shit too they don't even have a Dominos or at least not one that I could find.

Sounds fucking pulitzer prize winning goeographical reportage to moi, Peter. Glad you didn't die yet.

09-07-2018, 06:01 PM
I have hated everywhere I have gone. Not just globally, I've been around. Well, not just everywhere. I have never located a vicinity where I could say I actually like it here, and I could dig getiing down with the skaters and other dickheads like that.

I am going to try to practice TM and write a book. It will be a violent transendental social noir with Dada fourishes.

I will use many K's and V's and confuse and bore any daft bastard who got to the end of this sentence.

09-07-2018, 06:39 PM
I have only been able to travel approximately in an 800 mile radius from my home-- covered most everything in that circle. No matter where I've gone, it all seems like touristy crap with inflated prices. I've seen Jellystone, Californian red woods, coastal areas of 3 states, Seattle, Portland, British Columbia, Alberta (including Edmonton :sick: and Banff :w00t: ). Sadly, lots of flat desolation between here and anyplace not here :emo: Montana, Wyoming, Utah (barely, was on a field trip while surviving residing in southern Idaho)... I've been inside a nuclear power plant, too. We all gotta get our super powers from somewhere. Coincidentally, I hear Idol got his while working a gloryhole-- now he can expand his stomach to eat an entire watermelon in one kneeling...

09-07-2018, 06:46 PM
Idol has never left Iceland. Never went and never left.

09-07-2018, 07:09 PM
Iceland is what Trump calls Alaska.

09-07-2018, 07:13 PM

Mr. Mulder
09-07-2018, 11:43 PM
I have returned home from the airport, the flight was delayed by over 30 minutes. I was sat next to a homosexual, like a real one. He ordered a ham and cheese toastie and then paid for it, they never brought it to him. In a panic and about an hour later, moments before landing he pressed the passenger alarm button and the homosexual in charge minced over. He explained to him that he had ordered a ham and cheese toastie but it never arrived, the head homo appolagised and came back not with the ham and cheese toastie but with a card machine saying that will be £4.50. The passenger said Uwotm8!? I already paid where is it!!! More apologies followed and finally the ham and cheese tostie was given to him except it was time to put the passenger trays up as we were landing. This story ends there.

09-08-2018, 02:32 AM
Could it be Jesus Christ sitting next to you ?

09-08-2018, 02:35 AM
You think Jesus Christ is a good for nothing homosexual ?

09-08-2018, 03:04 AM
Iceland is what Trump calls Alaska.

Do you think Trump sucks bawls ?

Mr. Mulder
09-08-2018, 02:24 PM

I've been playing a lot of that PUBG recently, it's class. I got it on t'xbox on early access but a few days ago they considered it to be finished and released it properly, it's almost no different to the early unfinished version :dabs: I'm also shit at it. There's always some cunt 100s of miles away with a sniper rifle ready to pop my head off when I venture out from whatever bathtub I've been hiding in for the past 20 minutes. All my kills come from accidently running people over in wide open areas. i don't even stop to loot them as some cunt will end me from one million miles away, I'm starting to think it's the same person everythym...

I'm max looking forward to that new Assasins creed wots set in greece, I think it's the origin of their financial crises. It starts off in ancient thymes on a boat but eventually leads to you withdrawing all your money and hiding it under the seats of your sports cars where the government can't touch it. The one they did before this one set in Egypt was max enjoyable, I never thought I could find an Arab that likable its a shame they didn't make a sequal with him in it.

Red dead 2, hitman 2, resident evil 2 remake - I'll be playing all of these instead of making better life choices or progressing in any wai.

I'm disappointed the new fallout is online only as I don't have any friends what with being a massive cunt :smilie4:

09-12-2018, 02:55 AM


09-12-2018, 03:27 AM
Nice way to deliver packages , +1

09-12-2018, 05:42 PM


"It's Friday, fuck this shit."

09-12-2018, 11:26 PM
Sicario: Day of the Soldado is pretty good in a Better Call Saul why are they unnecessarily spending all this time on a scene sort of way.

At least you can watch it and not feel the tiniest bit ghey. At least.

Mr. Mulder
09-13-2018, 11:08 AM
Why don't you just marry it if you love it so much :ghey:

09-13-2018, 11:59 AM
Because polygamy is illegal and I'm already married to Predator, moran.

09-14-2018, 04:40 PM
What is up with all the noise pollution's ?

09-14-2018, 07:31 PM
You would know more about noise pollution than any sane person wouldn't you though, Jdye?

09-14-2018, 07:36 PM
Yea i am a noise specialist and a bit lost because i have an accounting exam in 3 days
Its full of incomprehensible calculations which i have been trying to make sense of since the past few days

09-14-2018, 07:48 PM
Some day you won't be entirely self-involved or will post something not doing with your studies, quitting smoking or religion and on that day I will know that hell had indeed frozen over.

09-14-2018, 09:08 PM
I should be learning Assembly language in MASM32 to make my life a bit more interesting

09-15-2018, 12:08 AM
Some day you won't be entirely self-involved or will post something not doing with your studies, quitting smoking or religion and on that day I will know that hell had indeed frozen over.

I wish he posted more random pictures, those at least had redeeming value :(

09-15-2018, 05:17 PM

09-15-2018, 07:39 PM
Some day you won't be entirely self-involved or will post something not doing with your studies, quitting smoking or religion and on that day I will know that hell had indeed frozen over.

I wish he posted more random pictures, those at least had redeeming value :(

A picture from his autopsy would be good.

09-23-2018, 07:50 PM
He fought bravely but in the end physics was the victor.


09-24-2018, 02:06 AM
Looks to me like the Hand of God. His own fault for not sacrificing a quality goat before the race. :no:

09-24-2018, 01:09 PM
It sounds a lot classier in ​I talian but the literal translation of the commentary is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdOPBP9vuZA

Also I'm assuming that close to Greece there couldn't find any virgin goats.

09-26-2018, 07:11 PM
Also I'm assuming that close to Greece there couldn't find any virgin goats.

Wrong again!


09-26-2018, 08:25 PM
This place is so dead that it has me even missing your witty repartee, dion.

Also as I'm always wrong but in a very unentertaining yet unlovable sort of way.

So basically Meg but hunkier.

09-26-2018, 11:34 PM
Sadly, my first reaction was, "Yay, dion is back!"

I soon came to my medicated senses, but still...

Interestingly, I failed to experience the same knee-jerk reaction with Grimley's return :idunno:

09-27-2018, 12:34 AM
I thought that thing was dead.

09-27-2018, 05:34 AM
Interestingly, I failed to experience the same knee-jerk reaction with Grimley's return :idunno:

I don`t know if I should have extra love or be insulted.... I didn`t leave so couldn`t return and that isn`t my name anyway so would have to be having a senior moment

09-27-2018, 07:40 AM
Somebody should make this 200 dollars

09-27-2018, 07:43 AM
New Greek god , Lol

Mr. Mulder
09-27-2018, 08:49 PM
Hello peasants. :smilie4:

Just watched the new murican horror story it's dope as balls! Also watched the new south park, it was good but I don't know what they were making fun of. School shootings being normalised but I don't know what cartman was doing in that leather jacket doing stuffs?

In other news I just got back from Dublin, migrating 30 users to Win10. I had 4 nights in a hotel at the edge of an industrial estate. One night I went to bed at 7:30pm out of boredom, another night a ate a whole can of pringles also out of boredom. Another night/morning they refused to bring me a pint up to the room so I went down and carried two of them back up 4 flights of stairs spilling almost all of both of them. On the flight home I watched robocop 2.

Something Else
09-27-2018, 11:27 PM
Noice trip mate. The new South Park was good. There's Better Call Saul every week still, otherwise knot much on the tellybawx.

09-28-2018, 03:21 AM
TV is really getting bad. I've been watching more TV shows from the past than current ones.

09-28-2018, 03:32 AM
If we go that route then I watch Psych, Chuck and burn notice. Leverage comes up too as does old eps of Lovejoy and Jonathan Creek, I like the classics

The southpark ep was alarming close to real life. I hate reality.

09-28-2018, 06:52 AM
I love Psych, but I've seen every episode at least 5-6 times. Same thing with Monk. Never saw Chuck. Leverage is alright (I'm from Boston area), if nothing else is on. Burn Notice is another one I watch if nothing else is on. I've been watching Magnum P.I. (1980) and Stargate SG-1 this summer. I plan on watching Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Dream On, MacGyver (1985), The X-Files, and many more 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's shows in the future.

09-28-2018, 08:14 AM
Go direct to Chuck if you`ve never had the pleasure. I`d be happy to watch it again for the first time if it were possible :(

I have all the originals of Mac on my tv drive along with all the SG-1 and Atlantis. I don`t mind the Mac remake so much either.

09-28-2018, 11:20 AM
No remakes for me. They will never compare to the originals. I'll be watching Atlantis when I finish SG-1. Too bad they ended it early. Atlantis had another 4-5 seasons to go. SG-1 was slowly dying.

Mr. Mulder
09-28-2018, 03:06 PM
Was The Shield popular in 'murica when it was on? No one ever talks about it here and its never on anywhere, I thought it was a work of art! Not a single bad episode.

09-29-2018, 02:32 AM
I watched The Shield, admittedly after the show had ended. I never watch TV shows when they first air on TV, these days. The Sopranos was the last show I actually watched when the episodes first aired. The Shield is a great show, BTW. It's being released on BluRay in November. From what I have read the picture quality might not be much better than the DVDs, if at all. I would definitely like to rewatch The Shield again, soon. I'll wait to see how the BluRays look, first.

09-29-2018, 09:56 AM

10-01-2018, 08:10 PM

10-02-2018, 12:50 PM
I watched The Shield, admittedly after the show had ended. I never watch TV shows when they first air on TV, these days. The Sopranos was the last show I actually watched when the episodes first aired. The Shield is a great show, BTW. It's being released on BluRay in November. From what I have read the picture quality might not be much better than the DVDs, if at all. I would definitely like to rewatch The Shield again, soon. I'll wait to see how the BluRays look, first.

I don't watch shows that revel in cruelty. I watched the first episode of The Shield. It was unpleasant. I figured there would be nothing here that I could draw on later in life to cheer, inspire or give me strength so I didn't see the point of beyond that.
Ditto The Sopranos and Sons of Anarchy.

10-02-2018, 05:48 PM
I started to watch The Outer Limits cuz TWD is on vacation.

10-02-2018, 07:31 PM
I started to watch The Outer Limits cuz TWD is on vacation.

Try Night Gallery if you haven't or maybe the original Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Both are a little dated in presentation but the stories hold up. Also Carl Kolchak is just a terrific character.

If you are going retro, The Invaders with Roy Thinnes is pretty great too.

10-03-2018, 05:09 AM
I watched The Shield, admittedly after the show had ended. I never watch TV shows when they first air on TV, these days. The Sopranos was the last show I actually watched when the episodes first aired. The Shield is a great show, BTW. It's being released on BluRay in November. From what I have read the picture quality might not be much better than the DVDs, if at all. I would definitely like to rewatch The Shield again, soon. I'll wait to see how the BluRays look, first.

I don't watch shows that revel in cruelty. I watched the first episode of The Shield. It was unpleasant. I figured there would be nothing here that I could draw on later in life to cheer, inspire or give me strength so I didn't see the point of beyond that.
Ditto The Sopranos and Sons of Anarchy.

That's because you are not American. We love violence. :wacko:

10-03-2018, 05:23 AM
That's because you are not American. We love violence. :wacko:

Ya but we are now part of the "USMCA" :D

And not all Canadians dislike good ol fashion violent tv shows.....

10-03-2018, 07:21 AM
I wonder if you guys are getting as screwed as we are by Tr*mp.

10-03-2018, 07:29 AM
I wonder if you guys are getting as screwed as we are by Tr*mp.

I guess you can say i have more issues with Trudeau than i do Trump MacGyver:idunno:

But i can say i am following the Judge Kavanaugh hearings, and switching between Fox News and CNN, and then reading between the lines, you guys have some serious troubles with the Left there, that is for sure........
Do you think he is going to be Appointed??

Edit: Not sure if i should move this subject to the other forum section or not??

And being honest, if you take away Trumps mouth!!!, really what has he done bad for the Country??
He is going through all of his agenda that is he said he would do being elected, how many other presidents can you say have done that??

Now the Democrats?? If you take the liberal old fucks still in the party, you may have some sort of sane Country, Maybe?? but take the far left Democrats that have taken over, and there fucked up ideas!!. If they have control, i would think you guys are really Fucked!!!

Just my opinion :)

10-03-2018, 11:32 AM
Just because he is accomplishing some of the things he said he would, doesn't make him a good president. Implementing bad ideas is not good for the country. They are good for him (all that matters). If you look at the past, it's all going to come crashing down. Republicans keep doing the same thing hoping for different results (or maybe not). Juice the economy and then grab as much wealth as you can (during and after crash). When it all comes crashing down, blame it on Democrats. Then Democrats fix it. Complain about the fixes. Take power again and fuck it up again. Vicious cycle.

I'm sure Kavanaugh will get in. The one week FBI investigation (controlled by white house) is a joke. Tr*mp wants him, republicans are afraid of Tru*p. Evangelicals want abortion illegal. The guy is a scum bag. Reminds me of Swaggart.

I don't know about you, but I want clean drinking water, clean air to breathe, and food that won't slowly kill me. Republicans just deregulate everything so companies can just do whatever they want. The EPA is a joke now. Our National Parks are shrinking in size so fossil fuels can be extracted. Our education system is run by a silver spoon cunt. Keep the people stupid, the republican way.

There are many more old fart conservatives around.

10-03-2018, 12:27 PM
I personally don't feel that any country should be run by someone who is entirely corrupt regardless of how well the economy is doing.

It's not like the US is a homeless person pathetically pawing at garbage hoping to get enough crumbs to last another day. No, anytime this economic bullshit is thrust to the forefront by conservatives they are speaking directly to the greed of .01% of the population who frankly have way more than they deserve already.

The US really is at a point of being an aristocracy where the majority's wishes play second fiddle to the demands of the robber barons.

Btw for the record, violence in media does not have to equate to the type of nihilistic cruelty that in my opinion shows like The Sopranos represent. Me loves a good action movie just not a Killing Them Softly sort of action movie.

10-03-2018, 01:24 PM
The US has plenty of homeless people pathetically pawing at garbage hoping to get crumbs to last another day. A lot of people pretend it doesn't exist, others just ignore it, and others try to do something about it. Unfortunately those that control the money (that could fix the problem), rather spend it on the military and keeping rich people rich. The way things are going, the US will be like a homeless person. The US has so much debt, and it is only getting worse. We'll have to start selling land to Canada and Mexico.

10-03-2018, 03:19 PM
I personally don't feel that any country should be run by someone who is entirely corrupt regardless of how well the economy is doing.
It's not like the US is a homeless person pathetically pawing at garbage hoping to get enough crumbs to last another day. No, anytime this economic bullshit is thrust to the forefront by conservatives they are speaking directly to the greed of .01% of the population who frankly have way more than they deserve already.
The US really is at a point of being an aristocracy where the majority's wishes play second fiddle to the demands of the robber barons.
Btw for the record, violence in media does not have to equate to the type of nihilistic cruelty that in my opinion shows like The Sopranos represent. Me loves a good action movie just not a Killing Them Softly sort of action movie.

Well you look around the world and to be honest socialism doesn't work, (again my opinion and just seeing those countries), you say greed is not good Idol and everything is kind of based on the 1%??. Well either the ones that work hard or inherit there wealth, what you do with it makes the difference to me, saying that if you take Amazon in the news today, he is increasing the wages of there workers to way above minimum wage, is he making them millionaires? No, but again he is not obligated to do anything more than follow the standards or the law legislated. And really those filthy rich people are the ones giving the middle class jobs, so saying they dictate how the world runs or get away with say tax breaks, well if they are producing jobs and using there wealth for good to me that is great!!.. If you choose to live an a socialist Country, well there is a few still around, and can always move there, but i will say if they tried to do it in Canada i can tell you my bags would be packed fast and i would be moving somewhere else....

Again my opinion :)

Not that i am knocking your opinion on your choice of Movies or TV shows Idol, but being real Sex and Violence sells, and saying that, that is real life shit!! Using the Sopranos as an example, made into a show or even exaggerated, i can tell you personally it is real life, being friends with some shady people, and seeing some bad shit happen, i am not bragging or saying i agree with some things, me saying something is not going to change it, peoples choices are there own, and the same with the consequences that could happen to them..
Saying that really i do understand your feelings toward stuff like that, and would never think of changing your views...
Again saying that, i remember when the first Jurassic Park came out and my son was really excited to go see it, he really loves nature and Dinosaurs and stuff, well, i never thought it was going to be that violent!!!, but being real, never really showing him that knowing that a T REX or a Rapture is a carnivore, seeing that movie and bringing the 21 century into an environment that was extinct, really what can you expect??

Do you consider that kind of violence bad or over the top?? Or is it just reality or common sense ?? I can say my son loved it!!, and he didn't grow up and think to go buy a Uzi and shoot up a school or kill the neighbors dog:happy:

I don't understand this comment Idol "The US really is at a point of being an aristocracy where the majority's wishes play second fiddle to the demands of the robber barons"

Do you have an example of this??

10-03-2018, 03:30 PM
shaina , you are a strange dick nothing else , you and the other guy hi doll eyes 7 8 9 is another dick who wants to win some sort of special presents from the dog almighty himself

10-03-2018, 03:47 PM
The US has plenty of homeless people pathetically pawing at garbage hoping to get crumbs to last another day. A lot of people pretend it doesn't exist, others just ignore it, and others try to do something about it. Unfortunately those that control the money (that could fix the problem), rather spend it on the military and keeping rich people rich. The way things are going, the US will be like a homeless person. The US has so much debt, and it is only getting worse. We'll have to start selling land to Canada and Mexico.

Everyone has been saying this for generations MacGyver:), and what has really changed, you have Filthy Rich, Rich, Comfortable Rich , Middle Class, Poor, and Government Assisted, what has changed other than the names and the people that fit in those categories??

Thinking of TV shows.... Lets go all the way back to the show All in the Family (Not sure how old you are buddy), and take the spin off show The Jeffersons, an African American family, that lived in a poorer section in a considered Middle Class white neighborhood . Now George Jefferson opens his first Dry Cleaning store, and expands to more, now he moves to a deluxe apartment in the east side!!:D Boy Berni Sanders thinking really would have worked then:rolleyes:..

Seeing how old that show is and how in that day having African Americans starring in a TV series that ran for 11 seasons, Wow!! who would have expected that!!! And i am thinking that most Black Americans (or Canadians)today never even watched one episode of it, i can tell you i sure did and it was hilarious!!! a really great show!!!

Edit: Your comment on war?? Well what would happen if you didn't have protection?? Do you think you could survive without it??
My opinion Buddy, not a fuckin chance!! Trump or any Republican President protects your country!!, and keeps the shit out!!, and is now thinking America First!! really what is wrong with that??
I wish Trudeau would do that here, all the shit ejected and can't get in to the US is coming here!!, and before it is too late!!, and i can tell you if it wasn't for legalizing the "Gunga" here, he would have never got in, and can't see him winning a second term!!, or at least i hope!!!! I can tell you i am not voting for him!!!!

10-03-2018, 03:54 PM
shaina , you are a strange dick nothing else , you and the other guy hi doll eyes 7 8 9 is another dick who wants to win some sort of special presents from the dog almighty himself

What are you talking about?? Do you have a disagreement with my opinion/comments. Instead of knocking or acting like the Left Wing cattle that doesn't have a mind of there own, and need a leader with a megaphone tell you what to think and disrupt:unsure:...

Why not debate/comment/explain what you agree/disagree with??

10-03-2018, 04:13 PM
Your posts are simply annoying like the rest of the puddle group , its either irony or really low class jocks .

What is it that your are trying to send to people , how lame the color of your flags and fellow fags are ?

10-03-2018, 04:16 PM
Also whatsup with all the mightier than god almighty attitude ?

You are a huge pile of shit , that is what i think about you most of the time , what is all this httrack stuff ?

What ? What is it that you and your people are busy doing , you annoying prick , you don't make any sense

That 4000 plus posts are a load of strange shit

10-03-2018, 04:24 PM
You are still an alright guy or an old fart compared to the other guy hi doll eyes 7 8 9 .

I really want to punch that guy in the face as hard as i possibly can someday .

So hard that even your wife would have a hard time recognizing your butt or face paradox

10-03-2018, 04:31 PM
Also think positive you old fart ones , i have not put much thought process into my posts lately and it feels good

10-03-2018, 04:45 PM
Your posts are simply annoying like the rest of the puddle group , its either irony or really low class jocks .

What is it that your are trying to send to people , how lame the color of your flags and fellow fags are ?

Well you just answered that question fast.....

Wrong site buddy, i know they closed the Al Jazeera comment section, but if you are for real, and not just a fuckface paid troll (I can't believe i used the word Troll at my age:huh:), you can go on Twitter and see how long it takes to get banned there??

10-03-2018, 04:53 PM
Also think positive you old fart ones , i have not put much thought process into my posts lately and it feels good

What did i say that wasn't positive?? Protection of your Country is negative?? Having free enterprise and having the opportunity to better yourself is negative??
Wanting better for your kids and family is negative??

Again wrong site for you Fartman, if you want some suggestions on sites that may suit you better let me know, i will try to help you out??

10-03-2018, 04:53 PM
Well i will be a good person if the moderators can give me one last chance through this account

It was nice practicing a foreign language and venting some frustrations with it , It feels good .

10-03-2018, 05:02 PM
You are still an alright guy or an old fart compared to the other guy hi doll eyes 7 8 9 .
I really want to punch that guy in the face as hard as i possibly can someday .
So hard that even your wife would have a hard time recognizing your butt or face paradox

Which one do you want to punch??

Not a good idea to Punch Idol, he will run you over with his Bicycle , and that has some very serious spiked tires for grip for the ice and snow travels . And MacGyver lives in a State in the US that it is mandatory to have multiple hand guns in the glove box, and at least 2 assault rifles in the trunk and you better hope he runs you over first, that may be a more preferable death for you to see the many old harry women in the sky..

Just saying......

10-03-2018, 05:08 PM
Wait wait wait , i think my ex girl friend is a fucking whore

That could be the root of my problem

But that is a whore from the past

I have left my past behind and i no longer would be bothered by that brothel and the whore

10-03-2018, 05:17 PM
Well i will be a good person if the moderators can give me one last chance through this account

It was nice practicing a foreign language and venting some frustrations with it , It feels good .

I know i am kinda helping you, not sure if you are paid by letter or by post no matter what site you are told to fuck up??
And i say this because i do assume you have no mind of your own considering your posts are gibberish and repetitive nonsense...

Did you actually think that maybe your presence here could be useful if you actually did want to participate in a conversation..
Or the person that monitors your spam posts (shit another word i didn't think i use), actually have true meaning, you may be shot in the head, or your feet tied and your body dragged by a motorcycle??

Again just saying and trying to help you out??

I don't care of your beliefs or where you live, i would just like to see if you actually have a brain of your own and are allowed to use it

10-03-2018, 05:26 PM
Wait wait wait , i think my ex girl friend is a fucking whore
That could be the root of my problem
But that is a whore from the past
I have left my past behind and i no longer would be bothered by that brothel and the whore

Ok seeing comments like this to make you sound like you actually come from a country that you would be allowed to speak like this...

Sneaky and effective:sly:

10-03-2018, 06:25 PM
Note to shay. Anytime you see a new user with a "3" in their username take it for granted that it's that asshole jdye.

I think the inclusion of 3 every time is some wank nod to his ego thinking that he's somehow getting the better of anyone when in fact he's just some dime a dozen mental dickwad.

10-03-2018, 06:30 PM
That's because you are not American.

How dare you, sir. When someone cuts me I bleed racist same as the next hillbilly.

10-03-2018, 06:38 PM
I really want to punch that guy in the face as hard as i possibly can someday .

As hard as you possibly can doesn't seem like much of a threat. If you really want to scare me then threaten to procreate.

10-03-2018, 06:49 PM
Note to shay. Anytime you see a new user with a "3" in their username take it for granted that it's that asshole jdye.

I think the inclusion of 3 every time is some wank nod to his ego thinking that he's somehow getting the better of anyone when in fact he's just some dime a dozen mental dickwad.

Idol.... Again being myself and being honest it was not like i had something else to to. I have my laptop with me and i am flicking channels between Fox news and CNN and screaming at the TV every time i see the comments on CNN, i can tell you without a doubt they hate Trump , or better yet i think it goes as far as hatting Republicans period. I am trying to think of the Canadian news stations if they actually pick between PC, Liberals, NDP?? I would add the Green Party, but if any news station would focus on them they go Broke :)

And really why do you call him jdye??

I don't think he/she is mental i truly think he is a paid web site instigator, or what the young people call Troll:D

I use to see stupid posts like that all over middle east news sites, and i assume there is a few of them or again like here change there name all the time and open multiple accounts. And funny as i have always said this is the only site i post on, all the others i go to i just read the comments, and it is really funny all the back and forth you see, just repetitive nonsense. The best one use to be Al Jeezera, and they finally shut it down and you were forced to now go to twitter or Facebook, and they are monitored much more closely (i assume:unsure:)...
They also shut down the comment section on CNN but Fox is open, and the funniest one is RT news:lol:, That has more conspiracy theories posted and Israel/Jewish bashing than the top KKK sites:yup:, it just make me laugh!!!!!
But using your thoughts on News Sites, it does come down to the dollars on who is funding it, again really don't watch too many Canadian news channels, do you ever notice any bias in the Different parties ??

I do hope you liked my comment on your pimped up all weather Bicycle tho??

And are you watching any of the judge kavanaugh nomination??

10-03-2018, 07:06 PM
And are you watching any of the judge kavanaugh nomination??

I've been keeping up on it. Politics aside I think the only point that really matters as to his (un)suitability is how he craves the position so much that he's willing to lie under oath to get it. Pretty sure perjury is still a crime in most States.

As for the bike, gift me 20k so I can get this because Space Force.


10-03-2018, 07:07 PM
I really want to punch that guy in the face as hard as i possibly can someday .

As hard as you possibly can doesn't seem like much of a threat. If you really want to scare me then threaten to procreate.

I would bet dollars to doughnuts that this is a he/she from overseas or representing them, and the only way to try to get rid of people like this is to report it to all USAGov or UK.Gov
or here RCMP.grc, that usually stops it or at least tracks the source and investigates;)

But do you really want to take hers/his livelihood?? UNRAW and UNHCR (just guessing :unsure:) only give so much:idunno:

10-03-2018, 07:14 PM
And are you watching any of the judge kavanaugh nomination??

I've been keeping up on it. Politics aside I think the only point that really matters as to his (un)suitability is how he craves the position so much that he's willing to lie under oath to get it. Pretty sure perjury is still a crime in most States.

As for the bike, gift me 20k so I can get this because Space Force.

Really he lied under oath?? I have not seen that?? What news stations are you watching or should say websites?? So i am either assuming you believe Ford?? or drinking beer is a crime??

As for the Bike?? Even if i was willing to give you the money to purchase the really cool ride:cool:
Unless you plan on moving, or just using it on a track?? Not sure where you live will you really get use of it?? If i am wrong?? Explain??

Edit: Is there a place or store you can go to and see bikes like that here in person??


10-03-2018, 07:31 PM
Cervelo is and has always been based in Toronto. I had a couple of friends that use to work there before they moved the manufacturing overseas.

As for stores https://labicicletta.com/ caters to the country club crowd. For sheer 'hey Mom look at me" I guy who a long time ago use to be my bestest friend runs a boutique shop https://www.the11inc.com/ . It's the kind of place where if you need to ask the price you can't afford it.:no:

10-03-2018, 07:43 PM
Small lies are still lies I assume. He could have told the truth and apologized for being a bit of a dick when he was a teen but he or whoever coached him decided that the nomination was so in the bag let's just bullshit all we want anyway because it won't change anything. Remember he's a fucking Federal judge so he understands that small details can make a big difference.


Also in all seriousness, someone kill Mitch McConnell.

10-03-2018, 08:58 PM
Small lies are still lies I assume. He could have told the truth and apologized for being a bit of a dick when he was a teen but he or whoever coached him decided that the nomination was so in the bag let's just bullshit all we want anyway because it won't change anything. Remember he's a fucking Federal judge so he understands that small details can make a big difference.


Also in all seriousness, someone kill Mitch McConnell.

Find somewhere else to get your news please;)

Talk, hurt a few drama queens

This Guy is the biggest bullshit artist!! And i can tell you he is one of the moderate Democrats

This guy is the Drama Queen and the new pleaser/ass kisser of the far left gets huge donations from far left non profit organizations mostly funded by George Sorros (you want more background on this piece of work if you don't sincerely know just ask:shifty: A lot of people died in the Holocaust because of this Hungarian piece of shit!!!)

This guy has been caught in so many lies too many to count, and ya he looks like he has never touched a drink right:lol:

Again you can go through both sides and oh ya there is lots of stories of these senators, Idol i have been really watching this and i can tell you Democrats are trying everything to not get this Judge in, The Dems are going to loose a ton of the Lefts money and the roe vs wade issue. And if you go back to the begining even before Kavanah was announced the Majority of the Democrats said they will do anything stall and not get this guy on the supreme court...

Now we just have to wait, seems the FBI reports should be in soon......

Edit: Now In!!!!! Finestein (you want to talk how much pressure this broad is getting from the left!! if Kavanah gets in she is finished!!) is complaining on why Ford or Kavanah are not being questioned from the FBI?? They were questioned in fucking person from the committee, what the fuck else is there to say..

Delay Delay Delay!!!!!!!!!!!

10-03-2018, 09:10 PM
And are you watching any of the judge kavanaugh nomination??

I've been keeping up on it. Politics aside I think the only point that really matters as to his (un)suitability is how he craves the position so much that he's willing to lie under oath to get it. Pretty sure perjury is still a crime in most States.

As for the bike, gift me 20k so I can get this because Space Force.


I love that split fork. Cyclo-computers and lights are always oddly mounted. That seems like it had potential to make things easier but then I realized nothing is going to attach well on that aerodynamic, thin handlebar.

Also, shaina is back? I thought he went off for good to make his own forum with blackjack and hookers and the old testament.

In other news I've moved back south. Fuck it's hot. :dabs:

10-03-2018, 09:16 PM
Your defense time and time again seems to be if one person does a bad thing then it becomes more or less acceptable for another person to do the same thing. I guess Hitler is OK then as Stalin also killed a lot of his own people. Let me put it another way that you may better understand. Down here in Alabama we have a saying "Two Wongs don't make a White".

Btw I'm curious.Just for the record did the brainwashing hurt?

In short, please for the love of God and all this holy, stop watching Faux News. I have to believe that it's like smoking and if you go long enough without it the toxins will slowly leave your body. :flowers:

I'll give you Corey Booker though as he's clearly shaping everything he does in hopes of enhancing a presidential bid. Way too phoney for me.

10-03-2018, 09:25 PM
I've been moving and doing home buying and selling. I feel like I did it at the optimal time as I've been able to dodge this Kav stuff entirely.

10-03-2018, 09:28 PM
So now that your back in Texas when the civil war happens does this mean that are you going to fight for the Confederacy?

10-03-2018, 09:34 PM
Yer darn tootin'

10-03-2018, 09:35 PM
But only if they bring back the Texas v Texas A&M game.

10-03-2018, 09:39 PM
But only if they bring back the Texas v Texas A&M game.

I can't believe some patriot didn't start a war over that. First they take away your football and next thing you know we're all speaking Ruski.

10-03-2018, 09:54 PM
I feel like starting a war over that. Fucking long standing Texas tradition ruined by money grabbing university presidents. Fuckers.

I abandoned TWD and now with Rick leaving it might be worth watching again. I'll prolly just watch the last few episodes of the season bc you just know they're gonna tease it the entire season. I am curious how its going to happen tho. Are they going to kill him or is it going to be some lame ride off into the sunset type thing?

And FTWD went to shit now too. S2 and S3 were decent but S4 was total shit. I can't say I didn't see it coming what with how terrible TWD has been.

10-03-2018, 10:29 PM
Your defense time and time again seems to be if one person does a bad thing then it becomes more or less acceptable for another person to do the same thing. I guess Hitler is OK then as Stalin also killed a lot of his own people. Let me put it another way that you may better understand. Down here in Alabama we have a saying "Two Wongs don't make a White".
Btw I'm curious.Just for the record did the brainwashing hurt?
In short, please for the love of God and all this holy, stop watching Faux News. I have to believe that it's like smoking and if you go long enough without it the toxins will slowly leave your body. :flowers:

You know honestly Idol i thought the same way as you with Fox News, but funny when there is live announcements and or watching the live senate outburst with the actual facts in front of others, all the Fox news reporting is never disputed by Democrats or yet they have no proof, just speculations and crap, and CNN is really good at that, including the Election and all about Trump, and really that is what changed my views..

Really the Dems keep changing there reasons to stop Kavanah period, the guy blasts them about accusing him of Gang raping, and he doesn't have the temperament :lol: , and when Hillary Clinton and Kerry agree with that, now you know it is bullshit!!!

As for a bad thing i assume you mean Sorros, well buddy killing millions of people or sending them to there deaths to me is the same thing, if you don't agree that is your opinion, and i will leave it at that. And bringing Hitler in to this conversation because i mention the Holocaust, really doesn't change the fact that many family members were lost right;)

Again the debate was on the funding of Left wing movement, and i should have known who i was dealing with and in the future just leave anything with Jews out of the post....

10-03-2018, 10:36 PM
I think they get rid of Rick fairly early if I'm remembering the internet correctly.

FTWD S04 started off OK but the last few episodes were total shit. People way more into the ins and outs of this stuff than me say that the series was doomed because Scott Gimple the man they blame for ruining TWD took over as showrunner of Fear.

Personally as I've always said, these shows suffer the more they turn towards human conflict and away from fighting zombies. Nobody tunes into something like this to be lectured on anything.

10-03-2018, 10:42 PM
Again the debate was on the funding of Left wing movement, and i should have known who i was dealing with and in the future just leave anything with Jews out of the post.... There isn't a Left Wing "movement". Like the cries of socialism! it's merely more fear mongering by the Republicans because at the end of the day that's basically all they've got. I mean jaiing babies and "our President is better at crime than you" isn't really a selling point even in the South.

10-04-2018, 12:38 AM
Again the debate was on the funding of Left wing movement, and i should have known who i was dealing with and in the future just leave anything with Jews out of the post.... There isn't a Left Wing "movement". Like the cries of socialism! it's merely more fear mongering by the Republicans because at the end of the day that's basically all they've got. I mean jaiing babies and "our President is better at crime than you" isn't really a selling point even in the South.

Jailing Babies!! now that is a laugh!!, There are 100's if not 1000's of kids and they are sent over the border and the parents stay on the other side??

What do you suggest you do with them?? Put them up in Trump Towers:)

And if you really don't think there is a left wing movement?? The two women that went after Flake in the elevator Ana Maria Archila did you know that she is the executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy,look at her facebook/twitter page and but we can brush that aside and not worry that there is no such thing as left wing groups right;)..
They are in the halls and storming all the Republican politicians, you go out for a nice dinner with your wife and you are accosted and harassed, I guess that is the new Democracy, and i agree with you they don't cry socialism!!, they cry we have tons of backers with deep pockets and we can do what we want and accuse everyone and not worry about innocence or what the consequences that you do to that person, and if it affects your movement, we will just put another face in charge and keep going....

I actually kept thinking hitting the Delete button but i figured I will send the post anyways..

PS. And saying this doesn't happen on both sides would be ignorant, and have no credibility, and i will say it should be unacceptable period!!!!!
But you should be innocent until proven guilty, and not the other way around, the left now and a lot of these new movements, or better yet the old/veteran movements have changed by these radicals that end up in charge...

Again just my opinion......

10-04-2018, 02:31 AM
Well Idol, the FBI report is in, and Fox and CNN (yes even CNN!!!) are saying no new evidence really in it, Kavanah will be the next Supreme Court Justice:)

After all the stalling, Delay, stalling, Delay, now Dems have nowhere to go, and really it comes down to Five votes, the rest were locked on both sides...
Now you hear if it is split, Pence is the deciding vote and opens up for him to be the Next president :)

I hear Whoopee Goldberg is going to be marching/boycotting, that is the big star the Left is advertising :O

Edit: Well Looks like Friday and Saturday vote, In or out Idol??

10-04-2018, 07:14 AM
How can the FBI find anything in a week with the white house (who wants Kavanaw) telling them who and what they can investigate?

10-04-2018, 07:19 AM
Again the debate was on the funding of Left wing movement, and i should have known who i was dealing with and in the future just leave anything with Jews out of the post.... There isn't a Left Wing "movement". Like the cries of socialism! it's merely more fear mongering by the Republicans because at the end of the day that's basically all they've got. I mean jaiing babies and "our President is better at crime than you" isn't really a selling point even in the South.

There is a ton more money going to the right wing movement (rich people agendas). That's where the money is.

10-04-2018, 12:22 PM
Well Idol, the FBI report is in, and Fox and CNN (yes even CNN!!!) are saying no new evidence really in it, Kavanah will be the next Supreme Court Justice:)

After all the stalling, Delay, stalling, Delay, now Dems have nowhere to go, and really it comes down to Five votes, the rest were locked on both sides...
Now you hear if it is split, Pence is the deciding vote and opens up for him to be the Next president :)

But I thought CNN was fake news and that the FBI was run by the deep state and couldn't be trusted? As for "delaying" you do know that the average federal judge not even Supreme court mind you takes many months to confirm. By comparison Kavanaugh is basically the bullet train.

As for not finding anything, I suppose if a mailman didn't actually check the inside of the mailbox every day he could claim there isn't anything new in there either. ie what MacGyver said.

Btw my previous allusion to Hitler was just to highlight the irony of you now literally siding with the Nazis. Literally.

Again just my opinion...... Sadly not your own opinion but rather talking points fed to you by radical right wing media. If you Trump supporters were animals then you would be sheep being led to slaughter. Except sheep don't appear to hate and let us be fair most of this Make 'Merica Grate Again is founded in hatred.

Want to know the only difference I care about between the Right and the Left? The Left wants everyone to be free and share in the opportunities that society provides and the Right clearly doesn't.

PS I'm not going to read your PM because I'm afraid of what it may contain and I want to escape all this with still some respect for you.

10-04-2018, 12:28 PM
In other news the Mounties just did a deep background check on me where they were limited to only interviewing my Mum. She swore on her life that she's never seen me take drugs so I think I'm a shoo-in for PM.

10-04-2018, 03:28 PM
Well i guess we all can say that this would never happen to Kavanah in Russia or Saudi Arabia ,but i shouldn't use Saudi Arabia , it is a bad example now that women can now drive there :sick:

So Let them vote and see what happens, because the question i asked myself?? Who the fuck can name the other Judges on the Supreme Court in Canada:huh:

Cheating on the Internet doesn't count Idol

10-04-2018, 03:45 PM
In other news the Mounties just did a deep background check on me where they were limited to only interviewing my Mum. She swore on her life that she's never seen me take drugs so I think I'm a shoo-in for PM.

i would vote for you no problem after seeing all of your posts here, and i would not have to see any witnesses in person, and may even say you are over qualified to be the PM of Aladeen..

10-04-2018, 03:53 PM
There is a ton more money going to the right wing movement (rich people agendas). That's where the money is.

I would now agree with you Macgyver, but before the Trump/Clinton election i wouldn't say the same..

To Add the reason.... The new generation of the Democrat Party is not the same anymore... They have gone to the extreme Left, and the Republicans have moved more to the center....

You can agree or not that is up to every individual, that is what a Democracy is all about right...

10-04-2018, 04:54 PM
How can the FBI find anything in a week with the white house (who wants Kavanaw) telling them who and what they can investigate?

I am not sure?? But you could always ask Julie Swetnick’s lawyer :lol:

Really if they took a month, year , 10 years!! The guy drinks beer, masturbates to pictures of the Virgin Mary, he rapes cantaloupes and he warms them in the microwave first, they say he may have fucked a pie and preferred apple instead of peach.
Realistic.....The guy is not a rapists, the Democrats dropped the ball on trying to accuse him of rape, they should have tried something else..
All kidding aside, there is no real evidence of Ford being raped by Kavanagh, and the Democrats now don't trust the FBI!!! What a joke!!!

PS. Watching this circus, Do i really think something happened to Ford?? Yes i do, do i think Kavanagh did it?? Not a chance!!, and if i was in a jury box and was allowed to see all the media be it TV news or internet, on all sites and read between the lines, there is no evidence the guy did this....
2 years of Russian collusion in the Trump Campaign?? Nothing!!! The FBI is really shit..

10-04-2018, 06:04 PM
How can the FBI find anything in a week with the white house (who wants Kavanaw) telling them who and what they can investigate?

I am not sure?? But you could always ask Julie Swetnick’s lawyer :lol:

Really if they took a month, year , 10 years!! The guy drinks beer, masturbates to pictures of the Virgin Mary, he rapes cantaloupes and he warms them in the microwave first, they say he may have fucked a pie and preferred apple instead of peach.
Realistic.....The guy is not a rapists, the Democrats dropped the ball on trying to accuse him of rape, they should have tried something else..
All kidding aside, there is no real evidence of Ford being raped by Kavanagh, and the Democrats now don't trust the FBI!!! What a joke!!!

PS. Watching this circus, Do i really think something happened to Ford?? Yes i do, do i think Kavanagh did it?? Not a chance!!, and if i was in a jury box and was allowed to see all the media be it TV news or internet, on all sites and read between the lines, there is no evidence the guy did this....
2 years of Russian collusion in the Trump Campaign?? Nothing!!! The FBI is really shit..

The fundamental question though isn't is he raped someone but rather is he fit to be a judge. If you take the opinion of many of his peers the answer is a resounding no.
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/03/opinion/kavanaugh-law-professors-letter.html Of note is more than a couple of those professors are from Yale. According to Brett if you are from Yale you basically can do no wrong.

As for Russian collusion, several indictments disagree. That and they aren't going to release all their finding until all the investigating is done.

Weren't you the very one complaining about Kavanaugh being unfairly judged before all the facts were known?

10-05-2018, 03:16 AM
I am not sure?? But you could always ask Julie Swetnick’s lawyer :lol:

Really if they took a month, year , 10 years!! The guy drinks beer, masturbates to pictures of the Virgin Mary, he rapes cantaloupes and he warms them in the microwave first, they say he may have fucked a pie and preferred apple instead of peach.
Realistic.....The guy is not a rapists, the Democrats dropped the ball on trying to accuse him of rape, they should have tried something else..
All kidding aside, there is no real evidence of Ford being raped by Kavanagh, and the Democrats now don't trust the FBI!!! What a joke!!!

PS. Watching this circus, Do i really think something happened to Ford?? Yes i do, do i think Kavanagh did it?? Not a chance!!, and if i was in a jury box and was allowed to see all the media be it TV news or internet, on all sites and read between the lines, there is no evidence the guy did this....
2 years of Russian collusion in the Trump Campaign?? Nothing!!! The FBI is really shit..
The fundamental question though isn't is he raped someone but rather is he fit to be a judge. If you take the opinion of many of his peers the answer is a resounding no.
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/03/opinion/kavanaugh-law-professors-letter.html Of note is more than a couple of those professors are from Yale. According to Brett if you are from Yale you basically can do no wrong.
As for Russian collusion, several indictments disagree. That and they aren't going to release all their finding until all the investigating is done.
Weren't you the very one complaining about Kavanaugh being unfairly judged before all the facts were known?
You Don't need to watch Fox News to know this.....
--You say some professors say this and 20 others say that, all Crap!!..
--He is not fit?? The guy has worked for Democrats and Republicans in his career, Crap!!
--I don't remember saying Kavanaugh was unfairly judged?? But was he?? They have ruined this guys reputation, and they ruined Fords too....Fact!!!
--The Russia thing is not only Trump involved, Clinton is no angel with them either!! Fact!!
--Clinton is the one that should be locked up, not those innocent babies/kids that there parents pushed them across the border, oh wait!! The Left did it!!! Only Part Fact you choose:lol:
More Truth... I never in a million years thought Trump would have got in, and Think about it who thought Trudeau was going to get in, no neutral polls showed that??
But they are both in and yet can i say either one has done any harm to there countries that i have experienced. And you would say they are both Dumb and both not fit to run a country, but hey, they are, but for the future i can see Trump getting a second term and Trudeau?? well i don't think so....

This is something to think about.... Trump has everyone scared shit around the world, and the guy knows fuck all about International Politics!! Yet i don't see any troops deployed or invading anywhere?? But they are all scared shit that Trump is unpredictable..
And lets be real as well. Canada folded didn't they!!! I don't really watch to much Canadian politics to be honest, but i can say Trudeau lost Quebec, really what is that going to do?? Fuck all i would think, and if Quebec paid there debt owed to Canada, they can fuck off and be part of France if they want!!, and as far as i know France doesn't want them anyways.....
Trudeau has opened the borders here and there in trouble and bleeding money on these immigrants, and really who is going to have to pay for all of this in the long run?? Fuckin Me and You!!!..
A true story that was in the news (reliable site), there was a Syrian family that was brought in and was put up in a hotel downtown Toronto, until they found more permanent residence for them. They got room service with 4 star food, they complained and disliked it, the space in the room was too small, it was a 2 double beds with pull out couch and a cot, but i guess they were thinking there wasn't enough room for there goats:idunno:..
The true end of the story is they wanted to go home they felt very uncomfortable and scared....
Solution... Trumps idea is to not let them in but make and negotiate Save Zones in there own country and how long it takes to end wars??? Well Syria has been going for what 7 years :yikes:

Edit: Another real thought, the guy has been a judge for years, and was really respected, worked for presidents, he has accomplished many many things!! I assume we all agree on that...Now before all of this crap!! Who the fuck even cared or knew this guy!!!
The guy is brilliant, power or not, if the guy is really that smart do you think he would have gone through everything he has and did what he was accused of?? He is not Clinton, Hillary or Bill, he is not Trump, this guy is way above in intelligent s than all of them put together!!
I would hope you agree??
What does Ford really have to lose Idol?? What does Kavanagh have to lose??
He blew up!! no question, but if they didn't accuse him of sexual assault to the whole world!! would all of this happened?? Not a fuckin Chance!!! The Democrats and the Left don't like his political views of the laws and that really is what it boils down too, and yet they questioned him on that and he said he would be fair and just on all issuers and laws, that was not good enough for the Dems and they ruined this guy for it!!!
That really is the bottom line and the truth, even when they talk to the protestors, they have no idea why the fuck they are protesting him.. They have gone from rape with no evidence to temperament, other than being accused of rape and sodomy not a flinch!!
But none of them will say because of Abortion laws !!!Pro life instead of Pro Choice, that is it Idol!!, and really when the leaders of these rallies are pressed it finally comes out it is his political views......

I will end with this is my own opinion with the facts that i see...

Mr. Mulder
10-05-2018, 09:52 AM
Level 4 media consumption update: I finished that new tomb raider, it was average and somehow didn't look as good as the previous two gheyms, weak ending too. Also sunk 7 hours into the new Assasins Weed. Origins was perfect but Odessy just doesn't seem right, I think it's because you basically have super powers and I'm instantly annoyed at the level of grind needed to progress. It's just one fetch and kill quest after another that's tried to be presented differently from the last.

I've also started watching The Young Pope, I'd been avoiding it because religion is for gays but its actually more like House of Cards which coincidently ended due to boy molestation.

Also Murican Horror Story is absolute quality this season.

10-05-2018, 09:59 AM
There is a ton more money going to the right wing movement (rich people agendas). That's where the money is.

I would now agree with you Macgyver, but before the Trump/Clinton election i wouldn't say the same..

To Add the reason.... The new generation of the Democrat Party is not the same anymore... They have gone to the extreme Left, and the Republicans have moved more to the center....

You can agree or not that is up to every individual, that is what a Democracy is all about right...

The republicans are extreme right also.

10-05-2018, 10:56 AM
The fundamental question though isn't is he raped someone but rather is he fit to be a judge. If you take the opinion of many of his peers the answer is a resounding no.
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/03/opinion/kavanaugh-law-professors-letter.html Of note is more than a couple of those professors are from Yale. According to Brett if you are from Yale you basically can do no wrong.
As for Russian collusion, several indictments disagree. That and they aren't going to release all their finding until all the investigating is done.
Weren't you the very one complaining about Kavanaugh being unfairly judged before all the facts were known?
You Don't need to watch Fox News to know this.....
--You say some professors say this and 20 others say that, all Crap!!..
--He is not fit?? The guy has worked for Democrats and Republicans in his career, Crap!!
--I don't remember saying Kavanaugh was unfairly judged?? But was he?? They have ruined this guys reputation, and they ruined Fords too....Fact!!!
--The Russia thing is not only Trump involved, Clinton is no angel with them either!! Fact!!
--Clinton is the one that should be locked up, not those innocent babies/kids that there parents pushed them across the border, oh wait!! The Left did it!!! Only Part Fact you choose:lol:
More Truth... I never in a million years thought Trump would have got in, and Think about it who thought Trudeau was going to get in, no neutral polls showed that??
But they are both in and yet can i say either one has done any harm to there countries that i have experienced. And you would say they are both Dumb and both not fit to run a country, but hey, they are, but for the future i can see Trump getting a second term and Trudeau?? well i don't think so....

This is something to think about.... Trump has everyone scared shit around the world, and the guy knows fuck all about International Politics!! Yet i don't see any troops deployed or invading anywhere?? But they are all scared shit that Trump is unpredictable..
And lets be real as well. Canada folded didn't they!!! I don't really watch to much Canadian politics to be honest, but i can say Trudeau lost Quebec, really what is that going to do?? Fuck all i would think, and if Quebec paid there debt owed to Canada, they can fuck off and be part of France if they want!!, and as far as i know France doesn't want them anyways.....
Trudeau has opened the borders here and there in trouble and bleeding money on these immigrants, and really who is going to have to pay for all of this in the long run?? Fuckin Me and You!!!..
A true story that was in the news (reliable site), there was a Syrian family that was brought in and was put up in a hotel downtown Toronto, until they found more permanent residence for them. They got room service with 4 star food, they complained and disliked it, the space in the room was too small, it was a 2 double beds with pull out couch and a cot, but i guess they were thinking there wasn't enough room for there goats:idunno:..
The true end of the story is they wanted to go home they felt very uncomfortable and scared....
Solution... Trumps idea is to not let them in but make and negotiate Save Zones in there own country and how long it takes to end wars??? Well Syria has been going for what 7 years :yikes:

Edit: Another real thought, the guy has been a judge for years, and was really respected, worked for presidents, he has accomplished many many things!! I assume we all agree on that...Now before all of this crap!! Who the fuck even cared or knew this guy!!!
The guy is brilliant, power or not, if the guy is really that smart do you think he would have gone through everything he has and did what he was accused of?? He is not Clinton, Hillary or Bill, he is not Trump, this guy is way above in intelligent s than all of them put together!!
I would hope you agree??
What does Ford really have to lose Idol?? What does Kavanagh have to lose??
He blew up!! no question, but if they didn't accuse him of sexual assault to the whole world!! would all of this happened?? Not a fuckin Chance!!! The Democrats and the Left don't like his political views of the laws and that really is what it boils down too, and yet they questioned him on that and he said he would be fair and just on all issuers and laws, that was not good enough for the Dems and they ruined this guy for it!!!
That really is the bottom line and the truth, even when they talk to the protestors, they have no idea why the fuck they are protesting him.. They have gone from rape with no evidence to temperament, other than being accused of rape and sodomy not a flinch!!
But none of them will say because of Abortion laws !!!Pro life instead of Pro Choice, that is it Idol!!, and really when the leaders of these rallies are pressed it finally comes out it is his political views......

I will end with this is my own opinion with the facts that i see...

I don't agree with anything above. Kavenaw never worked with/for a Democrat. He was always with republicans and only respected by them (He was hired by Kenneth Starr to help impeach Clinton). A Supreme Court Judge should NOT be partisan. They should be neutral as possible. Kavenaw is definitely extreme right. That is why Democrats don't like him. Allegations of sexual assault just added to it, but republicans seem to like that. Someone who blows up like that should not hold a position on the Supreme Court. When guys are drunk they do stupid things, especially during high school and college. His privileged upbringing unfortunately breeds that kind of behavior. Look at Tr*mp.

The only time parents and kids were separated at the border when Democrats were running things is when the parents broke the law. The same thing happens to legal citizens. Tr*mp was separating them to scare anyone else from crossing the border. Big difference.

Trump won the election because of voter suppression. All of the polls showed Hillary of having a lead. Problem with those polls, they don't take into account voter suppression (Gerrymandering, voter registration laws). She received 3 million more votes. She lost three key states by less than 20,000 votes (states with crazy gerrymandering and voter registration laws that easily account for the upset). Why do you think republicans wouldn't let Obama pick a replacement for Scalia (open Supreme Court seat for a year)? They knew they had the election in the bag. They saw an opportunity to take power and now they don't want to give it up. Cheat at all costs.

Tr*mp will get reelected. The same rigged system is still in place. With the Supreme Court locked up, the US will be under republican rule for many years. All in the name of corporate greed.

Tr*mp knows shit about International politics. He doesn't even know how the US government works. And the world is not afraid of him. They laugh at him. He is a joke.

War will never end. War is big money. The US has troops deployed all over the place. Safe Zones in their own country is a joke.

10-05-2018, 12:55 PM
I have a neighbour who I've never considered to be a political sort of guy. A couple of days ago when I was helping him close his pool, out of the blue he launches into this rant about how Trump and his cronies are evil fucks wrecking a lot of things.

In short, this is some insight how if sometimes unspoken the rest of the World feels about what is going on in the US.

Hopefully someone down there will find the courage to fix it before it gets any worse. And no doubt unchecked it will get worse.

10-05-2018, 01:03 PM
There are republicans that are extreme right also.

Statement Corrected;)

Any one that would disagree with this should never debate politics ...