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03-11-2019, 10:07 PM
In other news Trump wants to increase miltary spending by 5% while cutting every other department's budget by 5%. That's your real basic dictator shit right there.


So is wrapping yourself in the flag with naming stuff perfidiously like "A Budget for a Better America". :ermm:

03-11-2019, 10:14 PM
Iran Tries to Expand Business in Iraq to Blunt US Sanctions

Geez, nobody but anyone with a brain could have seen that coming.

Most times it's more important to deal with one's enemies that it is one's friends.

03-11-2019, 10:44 PM
Seriously though, Shay, it's the corruption and the hypocrisy that upsets to a much greater extent than most of the policies do. Although there is a good argument to be made that most of the policies stem from the corruption. And yes, when the Left are corrupt or hypocritical as in cases like Clinton or Trudeau it bothers me just as much. Still for what it's worth there seem to be at least some uncorrupt people left on the Dems with the true progressives and maybe the NDP.
Btw say what you will about Bernie but he was marching with King Jr. when it was dangerous and not just politically expediate to do those sort of things.

Just to get out of the way first.....Sure Bernie did do what you say, and yes that is great, but what is around him now is a different story, and just to get it out there he is not Jewish!! , and his analogies are far from protection of the race, again that may not be important to you but i have to say it is to me, and who he has as advisers are defiantly not pro Israel, so that is just me right...On free Schooling?? I had a really good conversation with my son and his girlfriend on Saturday, about free College/University ,I will make a separate post on that and please read how the younger generations think now, even on abortion buddy......

And you other points Idol, i couldn't agree with you more!!!, but the bigger problem is once you are put into the limelight Idol, and you know that every piece of dirty laundry comes out!! Even pre school incidents are open game with media today!!!! It is ridiculous!!!!
And seeing your examples of NDP or Dems, and not reading everything into it honestly, knowing you did type that shows me your views on politics, where i would have posted there are good people that could be in PC or Republicans now we do have to add our views on there agendas/policies and go from there right??
Because the other problem really Idol, I have to say that Trump didn't win just because of Trump!!, the party won because the people chose how the country should move forward, I say that because people in the US saw that if Clinton did get in in it would be an extension of Obama's policies and nothing new?? and remember before the Election, honestly i never watched Fox News that much (I didn't have the channel on my cable package), i did watch CNN., and thought Clinton was going to win by a landslide!!!. Now i have fox news and see all sides and try to read in between the lines, but the problem may be that i do agree with a lot of the Republicans policies, i think you don't??(or not sure??)....
The same if you take the Dems winning back the house and how they did it?? There is only a handful of left wingers in the party, most of them are Moderates/Liberals/Center, but it only takes a few to fuck up and corrupt a whole party, and that is on both sides!! Dems and Reps.. Now you have to watch and see how they vote on things and see on both parties which way they go on policies?? You are seeing that the Dems are not voting together the way they used too, there is splits, where you don't see it as much on the Reps side,plus on simple things you would always see both sides overwhelming together not now on the Dems side just saying Idol.....
But really on an ending note to have.... I do agree with you that it would be great to find a Candidate that didn't have any dirty laundry and was incorruptible.....Good luck on that.....

Edit: Not sure if you saw the reporting the other day about Ilhan Omar interview she had?? She went after Trump and his immigration policies and basically said that is was the same as Omam's policy, just wrapped and told with a pretty bow. Now you go to every left wing or especially CNN, they all went livid!!!!!! How dare you knock Obama!!!!. Fox News just reported it and really didn't pick sides or say i told you so!!, more they said they couldn't believe Omar said that, and she tried to back track it and say it was i lie, but the whole interview was recorded and the reporter posted it word for word that she said, so she deleted the tweet that she slammed the reporter for!!! Again got caught in a lie!!!..
Please answer this!... I really want your opinion on what i said in the other post??
Is there a difference in saying someone is "Anti" or "Hate"??


03-11-2019, 10:53 PM
In other news Trump wants to increase miltary spending by 5% while cutting every other department's budget by 5%. That's your real basic dictator shit right there.


So is wrapping yourself in the flag with naming stuff perfidiously like "A Budget for a Better America". :ermm:

That is false!!! Fake news!! The budget increases everything, but the military was lacking from the Obama administration, both sides would have no problem voting all of that in, except maybe the far left Dems (not enough to change anything either way), but it was canned as soon as they saw Border Wall Funding LOL!!!!, again there is a real border crisis for sure, will the wall work?? Well it does in Israel and pushes them to the border crossings, and it decreased a ton of terrorist activities issues, will it work there in the US to the degree they need ?? I don't know?? But it will decrease illegal's/drugs etc. for sure....

03-11-2019, 11:05 PM
Iran Tries to Expand Business in Iraq to Blunt US Sanctions

Geez, nobody but anyone with a brain could have seen that coming.

Most times it's more important to deal with one's enemies that it is one's friends.

What did you expect?? They off shoots/factions, are there just like Syria Lebanon, what did you expect?? The sanctions are killing them and war is more important, than the people. And Russia will milk off of all of them LOL!!!, They are the biggest instigators, and you know that Russia dislikes any Democracy run system ;), But the Feud of Shiites and Sunnis, the US has some Allies to protect them from slaughter!!!. But it is funny that no one cares when there are millions of innocent Muslims are slaughtered by there own kind, it's really sad what radicalism and greed of power/dictatorship does:idunno:


You don't have to worry it will be destroyed whatever Iran tries in Iraq;). Either by the US,and it's allie force there, or by some unnamed other state. It really is too bad that the Mullahs are not happy taking care of there people in there own land/country, and prosper, even if they choose to live under radical Sharia law, that is there choice, but don't spread it and try to take over the middle east.. Someone tried to do that in Europe and look what happened to that plan. And think about this?? Muslims started off with how many practicing countries?? Now there is over 50 plus moving into the majority of the population?? And we are talking a lot of these countries had Majority Christians... Again if that is what the people choose to live like?? I don't have a problem with it, but don't make people change by force!! when that is not the law of the land, Then i got a problem with it!!!

Again my opinion.....

Edit: How real is this news Idol?? Then ask why US the spending/Budget?? I think it is fake news but.....


There is nothing on American News outlets yet on this but here we go!! I guess Trump may make a statement for others here??


And Russia ain't happy!! They been fronting and bankrolling the Maduro’s government, that will be history!!, and oh oh!! there will be really upset with there ally Trump LOL!! and the Left Democrats are going to be upset that the US is trying to help the people of a failing socialist country:idunno:, but i do have to say not all the Democrats feel that way, that is truthful.........

03-11-2019, 11:33 PM
Idol: I will try to keep this short.....
Socialized University/College....
Well i had this conversation on Saturday with my son and girlfriend, again both now have great jobs and highly educated!!. So there true perspective is it will work, but there is catches on this, in other words it is not like everyone is going to be able to just go and get a BA degree, The free education will be geared to the environment, meaning that if you live in a city and they need plumbers, the degrees will open up and the highest grades will have the option of taking the spot, or electrician, or dentist, or General Doctor, or MD specialists??. So now if there is no need for any more doctors in your city/state?? Well then you are shit out of luck if you want to study that!!. Now i asked what if you want to go into a family business?? Well if it is not considered an open field by the government!!! too bad !!, What happens if you choose to pay?? The answer is not sure if the placements will be available the way it has to be structured?? What do you think about that?? And now saying that between you Idol and Meg and all of your education is absolutely useless in this concept!
No offense to either one of you:).
Really i am not sure how any system will work?? You can't take away freedom of choice?? And where does the money come from/generated to pay the Staff/Professors/Assistance etc??

Have at it LOL!!...

I think i will stay away from Roe v. Wade/Abortion on an open forum:D, I will say my views that i am a modified Pro Life, and will say that a baby that is gone to term and born, and say that the choice should be between the Mother/Doctor/G-D is just ridiculous !!!!!!, and saying that the Father/Spouse (LGBTQ thing) has no say??
If you want to comment on this Idol, it would be interesting to see your views??


03-12-2019, 12:00 AM
That is false!!! Fake news!! The budget increases everything, but the military was lacking from the Obama administration, both sides would have no problem voting all of that in, except maybe the far left Dems (not enough to change anything either way), but it was canned as soon as they saw Border Wall Funding LOL!!!!, again there is a real border crisis for sure

There is no crisis at the border in terms of either migrants or drugs and if anything the Canadian border is far less secure and terrorists would be coming in from here and yet there is no talk about walling off The Thousand Islands.
As for needing more military spending let us compare the US to the seven next most militarized countries and see if that pans out.

03-12-2019, 01:02 AM
Are you doing this just to instigate or something:lol:

Israel spends more than five of those countries LOL!!!!!!And sells to 4+ as well LOL!!! Where are they??

It is fake crap, China is selling and producing, as well as Russian, right now they are pretty close in budgets for there specialty arms productions...

Gimme a break Idol ........

And second.... I assume you are thinking that our Government lets all the crap in our country.We are really lucky that they are not more strict at the Canadian borders, considering we harbor many terrorist here and many have been caught by intelligence from various sources that stopped plotted attacks..And being true the bridge borders to the US are pretty strict when it comes to non Canadian citizens trying to cross, but you being a legal citizen in Canada wouldn't notice that, I have, and noticed/experienced when i had to go in and declare i was carrying more than 10 thousand dollars cash into the US. Do you think the Americans have milk and cookies ready for non Canadian citizens try to cross?? They are refused and turned around back into Canada or the Canadian customs is notified and they have to deal with deportation if necessary...
Again there is a crisis on the US/Mexico border and they are trying to seek asylum but not the legal way, so it is jammed up and needs more workers and increase the legal system to process all of the people.... Again an interesting fact from the Homeland security on having to give 10 year olds pregnancy test because of what is going on in the large immigrant packs trying to get in, raping young children on the long journeys!!! i guess you didn't hear that on CNN, but it was in the Homeland Security Briefing in front of the Committee, not really that important tho............
Now the Democrats want to pass a bill/law that lowers the age to 16 to vote and you don't need to be an American Citizen!!???
Perfect for Trump!!, he can let in all the Russians he colluded with to vote LOL!!!!
All Crap!!!!

And of course Forget everything else i posted like usual and avoid the one question i did want answered :happy:

Edit:Jeez Idol!! What about Iran's spending and they are broke!!!

I can make a bar graph and show my penis length compared to yours and Megs, and mine will be just 2 inches longer but the graph will make it like it is 10 just to boost my ego, and make you feel worse LOL!!!!
How many propaganda or so called real accurate sites i go to and Israel is erased off the map and Palestine is put in its place is that real ?? LOL!!!!. Yet you Google Map /Waze Israel and wow it pops up and can't find Palestine anywhere?? Which one is real/reality???
Yes America is a super-power and they spend and manufacture a ton of military things and also buy, and sell, that is why they are a super-power and wars /protection costs tons of money!!! Now Trump is telling them to pay there share (Not Obama!!!), and NATO as well to increase there budgets to match what the US contributes.. Trump is trying to say no more free rides unless there is a benefit for the US interest.. There is nothing wrong with that in my eyes.. And it is a good thing Canada is not a super-power, but more peacekeeper roll, because we couldn't afford it, and thank G-D the US has our backs!!. I hope you feel the same way even know you don't like war (neither do i!!), but someone has to protect our way of life right??....

How many countries out there :unsure:


03-12-2019, 02:24 AM
Word of the day: Nomenklatura

Quote of the Day:
"But we don't currently have a capitalist system. In 2008 the banks were bankrupt and the state bailed them out. Our entire financial system is now underwritten by the state. Its just a really mean state, which is only prepared to give money to rich people.
So we already have socialism. We just need equality now."

A little bit older article but very interesting to read.....


How much money does the Fake socialists Netherlands budget for Military?? Fucking Zero!! They expect the US to bail them out if they have troubles!!, and right now with open borders all the shit is moving in there and taking over!! Good luck with open borders, and i am praying it won't fuck up Canada!! and the same a one term Liberal in charge and Hopefully the PC party gets back in, even second choice NDP will be better......

03-12-2019, 05:14 AM
Idol: Funny post for you:D

Hint: Take a close look at one of the storefront names :lol:


03-12-2019, 12:09 PM
Word of the day: Nomenklatura

How people with KKK leanings spell nomenclature.

03-12-2019, 12:29 PM
Are you doing this just to instigate or something:lol:

Israel spends more than five of those countries LOL!!!!!!And sells to 4+ as well LOL!!! Where are they??

If you don't believe me then take one of the World's top think tank's word for it. Either that or believe fringe conspiracy websites and Fox propaganda and continue to poopoo the notion that facts are facts whether you believe them or not.


If it makes you feel any better Israel is third to only North Korea and Saudia Arabia in terms of defense spending as a percentage of GDP. Not that I'd personally want to ever find myself sharing company with either of those countries though.

Btw Saudia's next three biggest investiures are in bribes, yachts and polo ponies and I'd not completely sure I just made that up.

03-12-2019, 12:32 PM
Idol: Funny post for you:D

Hint: Take a close look at one of the storefront names :lol:


I literally can't read any of those names so either I need a new monitor or new eyes.

03-12-2019, 02:37 PM
Idol: Funny post for you:D

Hint: Take a close look at one of the storefront names :lol:


I literally can't read any of those names so either I need a new monitor or new eyes.

Better than both of those ideas, how about just zooming the page size (170% should do the trick), but don't forget to put it back, things seem closer than they should:happy:

03-12-2019, 03:44 PM
If you don't believe me then take one of the World's top think tank's

This will be my last post in this topic Idol, and i will end it with saying it is really sad that any country has to spend one cent on Military to really be free and survive/live the way they choose. Or everyone can live the way they want in the Countries they choose and the leaders can stay the fuck out of others and be happy to rule/govern/dictate what they got!!. And if you as a citizen of a Country do decide to leave your what you would call home land , that you will abide by the rule of law there and not try to change that way of living when you are around others!!, or better yet if you get into Government. Saying that concept, if you choose to live a certain way?? Pick the Country that suits you best and go there!!! I am hoping we can both agree on that..

Now it is better we talk about the weather and how small your penis really is:01:

03-12-2019, 03:46 PM
Word of the day: Nomenklatura

How people with KKK leanings spell nomenclature.


03-12-2019, 03:59 PM
Speaking of small penises ?? I wonder how many guys with small penises end up with chicks with large gaping vaginas ?? Do you think that those women should move to say a African Country :unsure:. And the guy may end up having self esteem issues and end up joining the LGBTQ society??

03-12-2019, 04:20 PM
I can honestly say that I've never given thought to anyone elses penis. I hope that doesn't make me a homophobe.

Also and I could be wrong there is no real thing as bisexual as your just ghey but unwilling to admit to it or trans unless genetics are fake science and as for queer, what the fuck is that suppose to even mean that isn't basically covered by gay or lesbian? All I'm getting from looking up the definition online is that it probably denotes you may have real mental problems which personally I wouldn't want to spread around.

03-12-2019, 04:22 PM
Maybe Meg can help me with this as I've always considered him to be really queer.

03-12-2019, 04:23 PM
Better than both of those ideas, how about just zooming the page size (170% should do the trick), but don't forget to put it back, things seem closer than they should:happy:

If I actually knew how to use computers I'd be off hacking into some bank instead of wasting my time on this fucking site.

03-12-2019, 05:57 PM
Better than both of those ideas, how about just zooming the page size (170% should do the trick), but don't forget to put it back, things seem closer than they should:happy:

If I actually knew how to use computers I'd be off hacking into some bank instead of wasting my time on this fucking site.

LOL!!:artist: Whatever you are using be it Firefox, Chrome etc it is usually in the top right corner in Menu>Zoom :D

03-12-2019, 05:58 PM
I'd like to play that new Devil May Cry that's just come out, the stabbing looks fun enough but 60 quid for 10 hours of goth teens... Also that Sekiro looks pretty good, like dark souls except apparently it's not like watching paint dry?

Capcom's QA team accidentally uploaded the DRM free version of the game's executable file (.EXE) on Steam and took it down a couple hours later. Thing is, it's the internet. People had already grabbed the file and shared it around well before Capcom's QA team realized their (huge, pretty sure people got promptly fired after such a ***** up) mistake.
Because the file is DRM free, it means it does NOT need to be cracked to function. So long as the game's files are present, it'll work perfectly fine.
The game is not cracked because it didn't need to be cracked. Denuvo was not beaten because there was no need to. Meaning, Sam is NOT a new scene. It was simply a matter of sharing the DRM free executable, hence the "P2P" mention in the NFO.
Also yes, it's already been confirmed, the game runs MUCH better without Denuvo. We're talking a 20FPS+ in some cases.

Devil May Cry 5: Deluxe Edition (+ 19 DLCs, MULTi12) [FitGirl Repack]
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition SteamRip-InsaneRamZes if you are able to play it on PC. There's currently a sweet 60 quid discount on it I hear.

03-12-2019, 06:14 PM
I can honestly say that I've never given thought to anyone elses penis. I hope that doesn't make me a homophobe.

Also and I could be wrong there is no real thing as bisexual as your just ghey but unwilling to admit to it or trans unless genetics are fake science and as for queer, what the fuck is that suppose to even mean that isn't basically covered by gay or lesbian? All I'm getting from looking up the definition online is that it probably denotes you may have real mental problems which personally I wouldn't want to spread around.

But do women want the term Gay used?? or is that sexist for not calling them the proper vernacular PMF (Professional Muff Diver) Lesbian ??
Another question is when are you really considered a Transgender? if you haven't taken some sort of horse piss injections to balance testosterone levels?? Or is that just if you want to compete in the opposite sex sporting events??

And i know you are fabricating on the giving thoughts to genitals, and the proof would be in your saved browser history that without a doubt any real CSI actors could easily retrieve, and the fact that your nose and penis were growing at the same rate while you were typing that comment in:P
Or am i completely off track there and you just prefer girl on girl porn because you can relate to that easier :unsure:.


PS. On the Queer thing?? Ya i think we need Meg and Anon to try to explain the use of that word in that context........

Mr. Mulder
03-12-2019, 07:31 PM
I can honestly say that I've never given thought to anyone elses penis. I hope that doesn't make me a homophobe.

Also and I could be wrong there is no real thing as bisexual as your just ghey but unwilling to admit to it or trans unless genetics are fake science and as for queer, what the fuck is that suppose to even mean that isn't basically covered by gay or lesbian? All I'm getting from looking up the definition online is that it probably denotes you may have real mental problems which personally I wouldn't want to spread around.

I don't care if someone is ghey, transformer or normal as long as they don't go to HR about what I said in the staff room after tricking me into small talk and asking me leading questions.

03-12-2019, 07:44 PM
I don't care if someone is ghey, transformer or normal as long as they don't go to HR about what I said in the staff room after tricking me into small talk and asking me leading questions.

Does that mean you give off the vibe of being a rump roaster:naughty: I thought video games and watching porn makes you masculine,and givies you psychopathic raging suicide skills, and great aim for going on a shooting rampage?? Plus i thought that this is the new generation parenting skills taught for raising children:unsure:.. And in interest i know Idol locks himself in a cage at night to make sure when his alter ego comes out it doesn't end him up in jail......

Am i way off the reservation here??

Mr. Mulder
03-12-2019, 08:17 PM
I don't care if someone is ghey, transformer or normal as long as they don't go to HR about what I said in the staff room after tricking me into small talk and asking me leading questions.

Does that mean you give off the vibe of being a rump roaster:naughty: I thought video games and watching porn makes you masculine,and givies you psychopathic raging suicide skills, and great aim for going on a shooting rampage?? Plus i thought that this is the new generation parenting skills taught for raising children:unsure:.. And in interest i know Idol locks himself in a cage at night to make sure when his alter ego comes out it doesn't end him up in jail......

Am i way off the reservation here??

I only vape massive dicks and play games about even massive'er dicks. It's not gay because I don't think about them and they could just as easily be massive woman dicks.

03-12-2019, 08:20 PM
Hello , i was drunk today but i don't remember today

03-12-2019, 08:22 PM
I also quit smoking , that was 3 months ago

03-12-2019, 08:23 PM

Wildlife video of a snake.

03-12-2019, 08:25 PM
I bought a new diary today and i am calling it semester 6

It has a 2019 date in it

I can't believe i have reached the final semester

03-12-2019, 08:26 PM
Fuck off, jdye

03-12-2019, 08:33 PM
Are you all busy talking about the next president ?

Trump is in the newspapers walking with king kong 3 .

That is all i can see whenever i pick up the newspaper

Is it over yet ?

03-12-2019, 08:54 PM
I only vape massive dicks and play games about even massive'er dicks. It's not gay because I don't think about them and they could just as easily be massive woman dicks.

Interesting... Thinking this way that Vaping has actually taken over Fags, and some video games include Ferry's , but the kicker would be that if you think of sex box video games and beavers?? I would think the emphasis is always put more in the Tata's region with a hint of beav :), but i will give you the benifit of the doubt that you could be imagining a chick with a strap-on or prosthesis penis:huh: The problem is i don't think the intentions are ever to use it on her, butt, and pardon the pun it will be used on you :naughty:

Again none of this completely remove the thoughts of gay tendencies..


I hope the Me-Too movement doesn't come after me for posting an animated chick chained up:fear:

03-12-2019, 09:07 PM
I bought a new diary today and i am calling it semester 6
It has a 2019 date in it
I can't believe i have reached the final semester

For what i hear about you Jdye, you have to be the first person propaganda bot that has gone to school for a decade and have nothing to show for it..

I thought i get that in before you are banned, or lose of power where you are...

03-12-2019, 09:19 PM
Wildlife video of a snake.

What i would say as a friend Idol... Stop while you are still behind looking like a fool:D

Hint: Do some research on the person giving the interview....

At least post something sexy with teeth!!!


03-12-2019, 09:49 PM
The answers are irrelevant as to the person who may be giving them is. :blink:

Btw I'm not clicking some Faux link so I'll just assume it has something to do with Tucker Carlson being on record as calling Iraqis "semiliterate primitive monkeys" or Jenine Pirro implying that while Jews can't suffer from dual loyalities it's impossible for Muslims to be loyal Americans or maybe how Faux News kills anti-Trump stories regardless of them being true or not.

Am I close?

03-12-2019, 10:13 PM
Btw Jared Kusher's family "donated" 2.5 million to Harvard and he got in despite "neither his GPAs or SATs warranting it" but that on the other hand is perfectly legal so I'm having a hard time getting properly righteous upset over these particular transgressions.

Maybe if no one rich had ever bought their kids way into any school before that might help.

03-12-2019, 10:34 PM
The reason this is even a story is that the schools got upset they got cheated out of their fair share of the bribes.

03-13-2019, 01:55 AM
The reason this is even a story is that the schools got upset they got cheated out of their fair share of the bribes.

So when every news station, and media outlet is posting/reporting about this story, late, it is not really important only on the basis Fox News reported it first...

Who rated them out?? How did they get caught??That is the million dollar question??

So are you saying donations are bribes?? Interesting?? What these women did was just ridiculous!!That is for sure!! Now i hear it is minimum 33 kids involved so far!! And where is all the movies stars comments?? They are all pretty quiet right now Idol. I mean they had other people doctor the SAT's ?? Even On Fox they said how are these kids going to handle the curricular?? My opinion the reality is they are going to flunk out?? The way this story sounds , there is no credibility to show they are capable of handling these schools?? How low really were there original SAT's marks??..
Remember this!!! In Canada we let the Asian population and they pay huge dollars for the opportunity to go to universities here, Yet!!! they all have to take mandatory English classes because the majority of them can't speak it!!. So now the Government is in charge of these funds not the schools, and no over-site on or if the schools see all of that money, let alone the clauses that allows the rest of the family to come here and get automatic Canadian Citizenship!!
And are they really qualified compared to a born Canadian Citizen?? Or the spot is taken in your eyes because of front loaded greed, and what is cost on our health care system later??

I rather a rich Canadian give a donation to the Ivy League School they want to send there kid too and hope or assume the child can handle the school curricular load?? Or the school just got a nice size donation for nothing... These women in the US, should have sleep with the Dean instead, or done what Kushner's parents did... And I do assume he graduated and got his diploma did he not?? Jealousy that someone has the wealth and faith in there child to handle an ivy league school and has the opportunity to and means to get in so be it.. Again i sent my kids to a private schools do you have a problem with that?? Well then they should have it legislated that i was allowed to allocate my taxes the same way you can to a Catholic School in your district, but that was not privileged to me so i had to pay everything out of my pocket (with a small deductible donation for my taxes) Did i find that fair?? Fuck No!!, but it was my choice and my money to do it...
If people don't like the laws of the land in Canada or the grey areas they are bent at times ,you always have the choice to go live somewhere else.. Like the Asians chose to pay through the nose to get there kids to Canada, and so many years later the family members can get all of there wealth out of Communist China!!! Repeat Communist China!!!

In the future i am going to treat your opinion posts the same way you treat mine, because you don't like the view......


Considering we are usually the only two consistent people that post here in the forums , and now to be honest i have found better spots on this site to actually have a conversations with a field of people;), better we talk about other non relevant things if trying to start a conversation , there may be a higher chance of a response, even hoping there still a chance of a different opinion . Again it is anyone's free right not to respond, but it is also disappointing that effort is tried to have a debate/conversation to get other peoples opinion, and there is no wrong answers on opinions right. Even how facts or politics are interpreted...

Again my 5 cent opinion considering we have taken penny's out of circulation here.........

PS. It will be interesting what is going to happen to the Professors that took the bribes?? I am thinking nothing if they are teaching far left ideology, but of course it will come out that the professors were colluding with Trump right ;)

Nothing on precious CNN yet , but goes around comes around, and there will be lots more, and i hope this kid gets every nickel !!!


This is it Idol..... I want you to name one News outlet out there that reports all news including Liberal/Center/Right side??
Now all the normal Liberal/Moderate news outlets are gone!!! When Ted Turner owned CNN is was never ever like it is now, and there was at least 10 Democrats that i saw on Fox News today, giving there views and opinions, even know they were Liberal/Moderates, all the other news outlets and the left are afraid of Fox News why?? Tons of Republicans go on CNN and knock there anchors around, and there is some good reporters on CNN, just the same as Fox News... Like if Ted Turner was the owner still i guarantee Jim Acosta would be looking for a new job. Now take John Roberts on Fox, he reports the news and if there was something Trump or the White House said wrong it is called out, and reported!!! Not a agenda or opinion, that is what a reporter is supposed to do right. How much reporting was done on the North Korean summit?? Vs how much reporting was done on the liar Michael Cohen?? Fox News always showed Obama or Kerry on any live summits etc. did they always agree no!!! But they gave the respect of the Democratic President...Just keep that in mind every time you knock the number one rated news station out there Fox News right;)

Again my opinion

03-13-2019, 04:11 AM
Btw Jared Kusher's family "donated" 2.5 million to Harvard and he got in despite "neither his GPAs or SATs warranting it" but that on the other hand is perfectly legal so I'm having a hard time getting properly righteous upset over these particular transgressions.

Maybe if no one rich had ever bought their kids way into any school before that might help.

You know you're a fuckup if it costs 2.5 million dollars to bribe your way into paying tuition.

03-13-2019, 05:46 AM
You know you're a fuckup if it costs 2.5 million dollars to bribe your way into paying tuition.

So you as well think giving a donation to an elite school is automatically a bribe??.

Last time i looked in the dictionary those 2 words do have completely different meanings, and i am not saying that didn't help/influence Kushner's admittance. But i will tell you that my sons good friend from school earned a full scholarship to Harvard. When he came back to visit i had a chat with him. He said the school's learning system is very unique and not really a set curriculum , it really is a self thinking (my word not his) school., and no walk in the park to keep up let alone pass/graduate. And he also did mention that there is a Ton of Royalty Middle Eastern kids going there, saying that, you don't hear anything about the handsome Donations that came from them?? Oh wait!!! They all got in from there intelligent merits :rolleyes:
What is that soap-opera called "As The World Turns" :yup: Flashback: Before Trump became President Who the Heck is Jared Kushner:huh: , And Jarred happen to Graduate Harvard with Honors, i guess that 2.5 million smack a roos!! was well spent. Mazel Tov!!!!

Go Joe Biden 2020!! :clap:

Edit: Anyone out there!! Who the heck ratted them out???

03-13-2019, 01:01 PM
Idol: For you:), and i think you can call this primitive Willy Wonka style......



03-13-2019, 06:46 PM

03-13-2019, 07:21 PM

Long time no see, how's it going Dion:)

03-15-2019, 06:23 AM
Word of the day: Chagrin........

03-15-2019, 04:50 PM
I'm sure Jarrod Kushner's parents would not have donated money to Harvard if he was going to a different college. And I'm pretty sure that money also made sure he graduated, with honors. Tr*mp made it through business school the same way. Daddy's money.

03-15-2019, 05:42 PM
I'm sure Jarrod Kushner's parents would not have donated money to Harvard if he was going to a different college. And I'm pretty sure that money also made sure he graduated, with honors. Tr*mp made it through business school the same way. Daddy's money.

Come on now!!!, Do you really think that the professors at Harvard would risk there reputation on doing that??, Again Harvard is not on the list of schools in this scam. Plus the real question?? Even in these other highly rated schools involved?? Not all the professors were involved, they will not ruin there reputations, and no matter what, most of these kids in the scam i guarantee won't be getting diplomas/graduate, or if they do it will be with low grades...

Yes Kushener did have an advantage , but he did prove himself, plus his younger schooling grades was not too shabby, just in a school that is not really recognized by the masses, He is a very smart guy. And remember his was a direct donation to the school not a scam, even know some people may think so:happy:

03-15-2019, 06:54 PM


Michelle and I send our condolences to the people of New Zealand. We grieve with you and the Muslim community. All of us must stand against hatred in all its forms.

Not normal.


My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!

Alexa has a better grasp of what norrmal human feelings look like.

To be completely fair to you though Shay, Elizabeth Warren's completely political response wasn't much better.


Bigotry and hate have no place in this country or anywhere around the world. We believe that all people have the right to live without fear – no matter who you are, where you’re from, how you pray, or who you love. We will not give an inch on this – not now, not ever.

Just say you feel bad for the people and leave the politicing til later, Liz.

In contrast, consistentally loathsome Mitch McConnell's was good. I wonder who wrote it for him?

03-15-2019, 09:10 PM
You know Idol he is not the biggest fan of any immigration, but could Trump been more blunt and condemn?? Ya i really do think he should have been more direct for sure!!! He did stretch out to NZ and any help they wanted he would be there!!.. It really is disgusting what these sickos did!!!. Again i am not sure you understand that the immigration that is basically building there structure of living in the EU is getting overwhelming. They still want to live like there are in the Middle East in more of an Domestic society. And before you go nuts on me!!!, I don't blame them for leaving, because there own countries living conditions are very very bad!!!. And really these people white supremacist is just crazy bad!!!! ..
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the good Muslims out there for this horrific tragedy.. And these animals that did this should pay with there lives!!!!!

But please please please stay away from CNN and look at all the news stations !!! Right now not to take away from this terrible tragedy.. BUt there is stuff also going on in Israel, and zero is being said on CNN!!! They shot rockets from Gaza to Tel Aviv . And every minute they blame Trump Trump Trump!!!. These sick white supremacist are from Australia !! No where near US or Canada!! but they are always put the blame on Trump, he is not anti-Semitic!! nor racists. But we all have things to say, and if that makes us racists?? Well then we all would be put in that category Idol...Plus CNN just hired a ton of people from Al Jazeera news, they are going completely Left wing news station!!!. Jeff Zucker is a radical left winger and getting all his funding from those parties....

Again i will repeat to take nothing away from this terrible Tragedy, that should never ever happen!!!

PS.. All the synagogues in the area are all closed as well in respect/solidarity for the Muslim Community, and any assistance is required. And it was really nice for you Idol to acknowledge your sympathy to the people of NZ (I was going too, but i am watching what is going on in Israel as well).......


03-15-2019, 09:55 PM
New things not being reported on the Manifesto Idol.....

The psycho is using Republic of China!, ideology, whatever the heck that means?? i have not read it?? Have you?? Plus you should read/see news all across EU, they are vandalizing all the Jewish cemeteries!!, with swastikas and stuff, but funny they are not taking any credit for it?? So really do you know it was them or just someone looking to put the blame on them??..
Again Idol the world has gone crazy everywhere !!!!.. I wish people would just live there lives, and stop teaching "Hate"!!!!..
But here is a real question.... If you were in a room with you and all Jewish people would you feel your life is in danger?? If you were in a room with all African Americans would you feel danger ?? If you were in a room with all Muslims would you feel danger?? If you were in a room with all white people would you feel danger??
Which ones do you think most people would say, and really they may be zero danger but all it take is one radical in the room, and really what will the other people do to avoid it?? Walking in a Yorkdale Mall and seeing a handful of women wearing full Burkas?? How do you not stare of have fear??
Seeing Gang colors?? The same?? That is just reality, and maybe in my racist opinion Idol, is why knowing we live in a moderate society, why do you want to wear a Burka?? Why do you want to live here?? Just like the sickos that joined ISIS from say here, now they are being defeated , they want to come back to Canada?? Well do they want to come back to Canadian style living?? Or do they want to live in a radical Muslim lifestyle ?? What are they really thinking?? Can a leopard really change it's spots?? I honestly say Idol I am a true!! patriotic loyal Canadian Citizen!!, and i live around many different cultures, and honestly we all get along.. Now when they go home and do there thing or say what they want fine, but i never feel threatened by anyone!! That is the truth. Now if i moved from where i live and have the same nature i do here and say at Jane and Finch?? Do you think it will be the same?? And is it my fault that i feel fear and the other side is aggression ??
Really if you want a melting pot?? Then everyone has to want the melting pot!. The question is when you see immigration today is it the same as decades ago?? I am a proud Jewish Liberal ,and i don't preach nor try to change anyone to my faith?? Can you say that about everyone else ??
Again when these bad sick!! Tragedies happen, it really makes you think?? What is going to change if you do things like that?? Retaliation for the other side?? Peace is such an easy word to say, but not always easy to do right....
The world can be really scary Idol....


Edit: This is how the world should be Idol;)


03-15-2019, 10:13 PM
Again more news reported......


With every single news station going after this guy and tried to ruin his life with zero credible evidence!!!! Where is Ford now?? Not an advocate for young women out there!!! She took the Go Me funds and ran!!! Never see Kavanaugh's name on any left wing news station!!
Very interesting?? Now Clinton is going to be in trouble again, still zero posted or reported on any Left wing outlet!! Yes Trump is a scumbag!! and did shady legal!! things, but Clinton was way more corrupt!! And the whole Obama clan was in on it, and got away with it as well!!..


PS. Right now John Roberts is reporting the news!!! Yes reporting the news negative and positive about the Buttered Popcorn Loud mouth President !!!
Not one opinion was said out of his mouth!!! Reported the News !! Say the same about Jim Acosta??

New Edit: Again Israel being reported on Fox News!!!, Zero on all the other robot stations Idol.. Now if there is any Palestinians killed, it will be plaster on every Left Station but if Israelis?? and remember there is 2 million Arabs that live in Israel, proper, plus Christians!!! ..... Why?? Canada and the EU is reporting it as well!! Not to take away from the terrible tragedy in NZ by any means!!
Sorry but that bothers me buddy... They are an ally to the Democratic Nations..

Go Biden 2020!!!

03-16-2019, 06:53 PM

Also if Faux seems to cover Israel more than other networks it's most probably because it neatly fits into their narrative that all Muslims are bad and so energizes it's racist base. Also the evangelicals are big on Irsael but not for actual sane reasons.

John Roberts. He'll always be JD to me.:happy:


03-16-2019, 08:06 PM
Also if Faux seems to cover Israel more than other networks it's most probably because it neatly fits into their narrative that all Muslims are bad and so energizes it's racist base. Also the evangelicals are big on Irsael but not for actual sane reasons.

Nope... Covered everything and completely condemned the NZ disgusting tragedy, and that can be reversed just a easily saying that Israel doesn't fit the narrative of all the Left wing news stations, and the Muslims that voted for them right?? Again News is supposed to be reported not how it fits a Narrative, and the links you showed was it , no updates or no condemnation of attacks on a sovereign state, and your comment does fit CNN's agenda, Who do Jewish people in the US vote for?? The same way they are nervous to let Fox News run any DNC primary debates?? I wonder why?? Reporters job?? Report news, Anchors Jobs?? Ask questions to guest or reporters, even try to spin on the news stations narrative (I will give you that being true), but not have and speak your own opinion, that takes away the credibility completely or shows bias/fake news, Opinion news reporters?? Use facts and spin them to your conclusion or how you see the facts, Hannity, Tucker, are Opinion reporters, All Anchors Reporters on CNN have taken that narrative now... Name one Reporter, Anchor on CNN that has a Republican/Right view?? How many on Fox News have Democratic moderate/liberal views?? Tons!!.. We can argue back and forth Idol all day, Look at City TV here now and Look at the way Global news has employed??

John Roberts. He'll always be JD to me.:happy:

Yup LOL!! and he really is a great reporter:D

Again i will ask the question you really try to avoid;), Is there a different meaning of the word "Anti" and "Hate" ??? How you use both words changes any narrative:happy: Say the " The Democrats are Anti" or say "The Democrats Hate" or reverse and use Republicans ,now plaster that on a news splash screen and see the affect it does ....Trump completely condemned the NZ attack!!!, but Trump was mentioned by name in the manifesto and yet not blamed and actually bashed for being a bad President, now spin it and there is just blame "It is his fault" , psycho has China influence no mention, not once!!?? Fox did, does it fit there narrative or is it facts??
How many pages is the manifesto ?? Pick out Trump mentioned once in the dam thing, surprised no mention of the Jewish people and Israel was to blame?? Or was it and no reporting on that??. 70 plus pages??.. The group that did this heinous (luv that work in Law and Order SVU) crime should be blamed they did it!! Interesting?? Guy gets stabbed with a steak knife, do you blame the knife?? even know they may have to change the name in the US if they ban cows:unsure:. And even more strange why no mention of Chickens or Pigs?? are they not considered dirtier animals than cows?? What are Bulls going to schtup??




Even more interesting, and i wonder who is going to get the blame here?? Blockade!!!! Occupation!!!!!;)


And oh ya this fits Fox News agenda to report this!!:rolleyes:


03-17-2019, 04:43 PM
I'm sure Jarrod Kushner's parents would not have donated money to Harvard if he was going to a different college. And I'm pretty sure that money also made sure he graduated, with honors. Tr*mp made it through business school the same way. Daddy's money.

Come on now!!!, Do you really think that the professors at Harvard would risk there reputation on doing that??, Again Harvard is not on the list of schools in this scam. Plus the real question?? Even in these other highly rated schools involved?? Not all the professors were involved, they will not ruin there reputations, and no matter what, most of these kids in the scam i guarantee won't be getting diplomas/graduate, or if they do it will be with low grades...

Yes Kushener did have an advantage , but he did prove himself, plus his younger schooling grades was not too shabby, just in a school that is not really recognized by the masses, He is a very smart guy. And remember his was a direct donation to the school not a scam, even know some people may think so:happy:

A direct donation doesn't matter. That's called a "legal" bribe. That's what all the people caught up in this scam should have done. And donating the money just as your kid is going to attend college. The professors might not have a choice in the matter. A large donation implies that the kid is going to do well and graduate. It's how things work. Kushner could of had other people take exams for him, write papers.

How do you know "he" is a smart guy? Do you know him personally? You sound like Tr*mp. Talking about something that you have no firsthand knowledge of.

I think all of the kids should be tossed out of the schools. Their parents can afford to pay for them to go somewhere else.

Just because Harvard was not listed as one of the schools doesn't mean that shit doesn't go on there.

03-17-2019, 06:36 PM
A direct donation doesn't matter. That's called a "legal" bribe. That's what all the people caught up in this scam should have done. And donating the money just as your kid is going to attend college. The professors might not have a choice in the matter. A large donation implies that the kid is going to do well and graduate. It's how things work. Kushner could of had other people take exams for him, write papers.
How do you know "he" is a smart guy? Do you know him personally? You sound like Tr*mp. Talking about something that you have no firsthand knowledge of.
I think all of the kids should be tossed out of the schools. Their parents can afford to pay for them to go somewhere else.
Just because Harvard was not listed as one of the schools doesn't mean that shit doesn't go on there.

I don't have to know him personally MacGyver, I know his is still personally very wealthy and successful so he must not be that obtuse ;)..
Do you think that skin color or ethnicity should give you an advantage to get into these elite schools?? Do you think there is not pressure there?? Again is that right?? If you see a school with all Jewish people or African Americans no one cares?? But if a elite school has all White people in it?? Everyone yells to the sky and says why can't we get in there?? Now remember i am you know what MacGyver:)..
I am now 52 years old!! I don't remember one practicing Muslim in any of my public schools i went too?? Are you telling me there was none that lived in Canada that many years ?? Never saw anything close to the Anti-Antisemitism you see today?? Nor anything towards Blacks!! Yes there was the odd person, but compared to media and news reporting today??
Was it there always in some states in the US but i would avoid?? Fuck ya!!!, but i never had the reason to stay in those places...

You can say what you want about anyone that gives donations direct to schools, but if it wasn't for those rich people that do give, there wouldn't be these schools to flourish and grow. Just like some people need to be educated in how hospitals are built !!, not by Government!!! but by wealthy and non wealthy people donating to build them;). You want to make rich people even more selfish and greedy?? Tax them more!!, and see if they won't help anyone but there own friends and family. Or move there money somewhere else, that is facts and reality buddy, And the socialists people in government don't give a shit!! they are set, now saying that how many of these new people in Government are going to get re-elected again?? That will be interesting.....
Education is very important and i do think everyone should be entitled to go, but if you think that there is no favoritism or in some cases influenced by donations or royalty or elite government jobs to get there kids into them?? Well time for an awakening, and the same do you think all these socialists newbies in politics wouldn't take advantage of there positions/status for friends or relatives for advancement?? Wakey Wakey !!!..Your pal Bernie owns 3 homes outright!! I don't see him selling any of his assets so fast!!.. Crap sells to the young-ins, and even some of the middle age... If i could see them making some realistic things they could change, maybe there would be some validity they are spewing!!.. Now when i see delusional people going on media afraid to have children because of climate change!!!, and the fear the world will end in 12 years!!, now i know how weak minded people really are!!, what was that famous book, that said the world was going to end how many decades ago??..
Of course there is shady shit that goes on in these elite schools, just like there is shady shit that goes on in everything!!, Most professors that teach in these elite schools want to keep there reputations intact, and take pride in that, so saying that even if you do pay to get your kids in these schools?? again they need to work hard to graduate, and most of these stars kids will not graduate, and really the only reason this scam is out now because one idiot got caught with nothing to do with the scandal, but squealed to reduce his jail time LOL!!! but if you think all of this is going to end with Socialism?? You really don't understand the meaning of it. And i suggest to you buddy that you become chummy with someone in politics now or you will be on the bottom of the totem pole:yup:.. Like i said, I don't see a line up of people trying to knock down the borders of Russia to get in?? And the funnier thing is all these immigrants trying to get into the US?? I wonder if they realize that they still will be no better if socialism is implemented?? Might as well stayed where they were, and kept there place in line.....

And you saying a Donation has the same meaning as a Bribe?? Well i can tell you that wealthy people gave donations and there kids still didn't get in!!, and what about parents that graduated or alumni?? Should there kids be admitted if there are people with higher grades waiting to get accepted?? That is it norm and tradition in some elite schools ?? should that be abolished?? What about kids coming from private elite schools with top grades vs a kid from a poor neighborhood public school that also has good grades ?? Should there be pressure on the elite colleges/universities that are forced to take these kids?? Are there not good professors teaching in the other colleges?? Why is there the stigma for everyone to go or get into the big rep colleges?? Maybe the thought to better themselves and get good jobs?? Become successful in there own start up business?? Really do you think all the rich people out there do have advanced educations or graduated from elite schools??
Democracies!!! Capitalism tells you different no ?? Trades schools can make you rich and better your life with hard work no??

I can ask you the same question that Idol likes to avoid?? Is there a difference using the words Anti vs Hate??
Putting Fear in people to sell your agenda or using facts, reality and progression and ya cost!! to prove your accomplishments or bettering peoples lives in a Capitalist Democratic built society??
Just the same how many middle class people complain/worry about the poor below them?? or do they complain about the rich?? The Rich ain't giving me any money!! But i am glad when i go into the hospital and look on the wall they donated 50 million dollars to it!!! Now i really like to know where that money went too?? and yes we have partial government socialist health care in Canada , with tons of hidden tiers and favoritism!!! (Proof in speaking to nurses and Doctors!!),and i asked some of the bosses there is there any civilian over-site on how the funds are implemented ?? Still waiting for a phone call from both a Critical Care hospital and a Government controlled Rehab Facility !!!!..


03-17-2019, 10:08 PM
Idol: Now the Democrats are worried and backing away/distancing from the few in the party ;)....


If you see this kind of report on CNN, there is some serious issues in the Democratic party, I am hoping this is not Fake news :lol:

Look what happened here??!!


Amazing how wording of things can really hurt, and even know you are thinking it?? Was she wrong in saying it??

These people want peace??


Amazing one of the First in the Middle East to Condemn!!!!!And has a population of almost 2 million living there!!!


03-17-2019, 11:18 PM
Give me a House full of Ilhan Omars over a few dishonest right-wing yahoos bought and paid for by the NRA, the oil industry and big pharma anyday.

The fact that you support people who have none of our best interests at heart over people who do both baffles and saddens me. Btw to speak against current US and Israeli policy is neither racist against the Jews nor anti-US.

There well may be real treason going on in Washington right now but it's by those who don't uphold their sworn duties because it doesn't serve them to do so.

03-18-2019, 12:52 AM
How do you know "he" is a smart guy? Do you know him personally? You sound like Tr*mp. Talking about something that you have no firsthand knowledge of.

I can deduct that he's not a smart cookie.

As Donald says, you need to be Einstein to fly these fandangled modern planes.

Kushner is not a pilot.

Ergo. :)

03-18-2019, 12:54 AM
I don't have to know him personally MacGyver, I know his is still personally very wealthy and successful so he must not be that obtuse ;)..

I think we can agree that if you are born with a platinum spoon in your mouth, wealth is no measure for either success or intelligence...

03-18-2019, 02:44 AM
I think we can agree that if you are born with a platinum spoon in your mouth, wealth is no measure for either success or intelligence...
Hilarious you use Platinum LOL!! ROTF!!!! I guess when you get to his level Silver doesn't taste good LOL!!!!! And only you would say that buddy LOL :drummer:
Well... Partially..... You would have to agree then that you still have to grow the wealth not deplete it right:D, so you have to have some good sense on who you trust and pick good investments not your nose :lol:. Again that does and may be done from schooling or being in a business at a young age or the biggest one of all Nachus!!!;). You do learn Cabby that if you do inherit wealth?? You become more cautious than maybe the original grower, that actually took the risk to make it. Especially if you are not as smart as the original maker of the wealth?? Caution and watching how you spend, and hopefully the next generation that inherits the wealth grows it as well, and you raise them not to have any bad habits that causes the bigger loses. I have seen tons of those kind and end up with nothing;)..I wonder what happened to the generations from the Guy that invented the Paperclip?? or a Safety Pin?? or Better yet scissors:D
So i will say i do agree with you partially, but not fully..My father was successful in retail, had one store and decided to take a shot and buy another one, and lost both of them in the 80's because of extremely high interests rates!!, then went to work for someone again saved money and worked part time in the end. Now My Father-In law was a self made millionaire at the age of 35, by the time he was 38 and bad investments he was broke. But taking risks again he became very wealthy in his 40's again, be it manufacturing and giving other people jobs, and also having a real estate portfolio that in theory never had to work again!!. But chose to work Half days!! That means from 5.30am til 6pm at night, his nature, and all of that with grade 9 education!!! Again with hard work and some Nachus!!! I also worked hard and made a good living (retired early), but i didn't have the luck of building myself personally to a millionaire?? And i have no guilt of inheriting money either, and have fun growing it so many generations have it......So saying that not always is education the maker of wealth in the old days, but today?? The jury is still out:happy: I can say one of my kids i spent a fortune educating him in private schools, and it took some time after he graduated, but now he is making a really good living and very happy, especially he is in the field he graduated with honors in... My daughter is still in school and studying to be in the Legal Field, and my other son works as an ECE now he is not going to get rich working for someone right?? But his goal is to open his own Daycare's. Did the private school teach him to think like that?? Or is it hereditary (in the blood)?? Who knows. But they are interesting in growing self wealth, they are not lazy kids!! But i can tell you without a doubt!!! If i can help them out in any way be it financial or positive motivation support i will and do!!!, I guess that comes with Nachus and wealth right;);), because to borrow money today is not so easy right. And always family comes first!!!
The same thing... Do you consider movie stars have to work hard to become famous and wealthy??

PS. Not sure if you every read the story about the Canary Wharf and the Reichmann Family. My sister works for one of the Brothers that has a Tile business in Toronto..
Interesting story and really really Ballsy !!!!!


Here is a family that is rich as shit!! And goes about it quietly, real estate in NY Canada, world wide ,in manufacturing, and importers gives to a bunch of charities!!

The same with Larry Tanenbaum, quiet and owns tons of shit and gives tons to charities as well, but i know Idol will have something bad to say about both, too rich!! Take it all from them:), I should add Ed Murvish to the list, he was not charitable enough and way too rich!!! some are Jewish !!!Persecute them!! Greedy and all about the "Benjamin's"!!! Here i will add E. P. Taylor for you;)
These guys are in a different League in Canada Cabby, is there any in your State that stand out???

And i should say that the Trump Tower here in Toronto was a flop even before it started!!. Now really Trump had nothing to do with construction, or financing, only his name was being used , but it was a disaster even before it started.....


Real amazing scam and Trump made millions and walked away with with zero investment of his money :shifty:

03-18-2019, 03:12 AM
Give me a House full of Ilhan Omars over a few dishonest right-wing yahoos bought and paid for by the NRA, the oil industry and big pharma anyday.
The fact that you support people who have none of our best interests at heart over people who do both baffles and saddens me. Btw to speak against current US and Israeli policy is neither racist against the Jews nor anti-US.
That is not what she did!!, and if you think that?? that is the problem......
Comments like this show a character of jealousy and resentment to people working hard, to be successful and succeeding and you are not:idunno: Having an idea and a agenda to change a way of life for the many is not always good, and some people saying things in public and then saying i don't believe or resent just doesn't fly, and if you read/watched the article/post you would see that if your own people don't agree with you then there is problems!!. Why do you say they don't benefit me personally?? Sometimes i don't understand your thinking?? Or better yet you resent people that are wealthy?? I guess i can only answer/reply that i am sorry you feel that way, and some people are lucky and some are not, and honestly no one has any idea what people have speaking in a forum nor they should!!, but being resentful for others especially successful people, i never would think you would be like that. Meg got a new job and i wished him a Mazel tov !!! I didn't ask him how much he is making nor did i care, all i hopped is he was happy healthy and his family was good?? If someone got a job that was making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and it benefits himself great!!, he has to pay his bills and we have to pay ours.. The biggest thing you don't get if you leave a country because of Socialism and Dictatorship to make a better life for yourself?? Why do you want to change it to the same thing?? Or not really understand the Constitution where you live?? Israel is an Ally to the US and Canada and all the Democracy countries..Considered Terrorist Countries are not?? There has never been a Jewish President?? And there are many in the senate that are not as well?? but the majority in US politics consider Israel an ally Why?? and there are of all Faiths and Races that live in proper Israel ?? And they share benefits of inventions and innovations to all man kind, Name somewhere else in the Middle East that does?? And not every bloody Company in Israel is owned by a Jewish person?? So why?? Funny how it is always Targeted by people?? Bill Gates, Warren Buffet , Jeff Bezos ?? Are they Jewish?? Jealousy is what always stands out?? It really makes me laugh:lol: Talk about Israels Governing!! Talk about Middle East peace, Make suggestions to help all people!!, But don't pick sides and slander one state without every talking about even your own Country that you left and try to fix that?? Especially you may still have relatives living there?? At least your bigotry and Anti-Antisemitism won't stand out as much !! People are suffering all across the Middle East talk about that?? Fix that?? Thinking peace between Israel and the Palestinians, is going to solve all the Middle East, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, is another laugh!!! If Israel said tomorrow the Arabs can have all of Israel?? There wouldn't be one Jewish or Christian person left!! Reality?? Say No I am wrong??;), The should have faith and trust!! The Chant!! "From the River to the sea Palestine will be free!!" Trust, and everything will be great!! Omar thinks Israel should exists :lol:, and i am now not sure you think it should??:unsure:
Jewish people bring Capitalism/Patriotism and self worth for the little of them there are, no one stops anyone else to succeed nor do they try to change everyone into there faith?? or push the agenda that everyone should be Jewish, can you say that for everyone else?? If you can't see that they you are blind. AIPAC NRA Big Pharma are for Capitalism and freedom of choice, just maybe not your ideals Who do you support Idol?? Talk of dislike and negative about everything but never speak your Likes/Supports?? Just Bash!!, A house full of Ilhan Omars, or OAC's?? Get real now!! Wrong Country wrong way of life for the Masses, Including your precious Unions ;), and of many many different faiths!!. Why don't you every hear them talk about the NGO's that support them?? CAIR?? PFLP?? BDS?? how good they are ??and lots more!! Never mentioned why?? They are good NGO's no?? They are in line with the US and Canada?? And help and benefit everyone?? AIPAC is sponsored by all Jewish people and only benefit them :lol: The NRA is really Pro Jewish:lol:, and Big Pharma yes needs to be shut down because the work they do doesn't save lives LOL!! Yes prices need to be regulated and negotiated the same with Alcohol here in my opinion!!, but that is not the complete fault of the Manufactures and Drug Pharmacy manufactures!!! It is the Government not negotiating the prices on drugs other then Generics!!! Blame The Government we vote in and get them to do something!! Always see that in there agenda, but never do anything why?? ,and shit every Jewish person wants to remove the 1st and 2nd amendment LOL!!!...And it is Israel's fault the same with NZ shooting!! Accosting Chelsea Clinton a pregnant woman because she spoke of Anti-Antisemitism!! It's her fault the shooting happened!! Trump!!! everyone but the actual shooter!!! And you bring up Omar!! That is not what she was implying nor her agenda!!, Don't single out something and then spin her true intentions, and being stupid on not knowing how the constitution/and fund raising works...but ya it was nice to see Israel and ally to Canada condemn the attack!! Again it shows the characteristics of people, and how they think??? "It's all about the Benjamin's Right"
Again i just wasted my time!!!! Enough garbage and everyone live there lives and be happy!!! Everyone can think and do what they want it is there right in a Democracy country:happy:

What is this!! Fake news propaganda!! LOL!!


Where is Omar on things like this?? Oh she didn't know?? If Israel is mentioned her eyes and ears are wide open!!! A country that threatens the US and Israel every day of destruction!! But use Israels not Egypt or Jordan LOL!!!! Not even sure if Lebanon is allowed travel there ?? Conspiracy!!Fake News!! Not reported on CNN not even Fox News!! What does Israel have to gain?? But the test that Iran can get away with it?? Gold!! If they could!!! And Iran won't even compete in sporting events with Israelis !! Christians, Muslims, Jewish citizens!!, but they will use and steal there Passports LOL!!! It is a really crazy world out there!!!

There well may be real treason going on in right now but it's by those who don't uphold their sworn duties because it doesn't serve them to do so.

Well i guess you can only have faith in the people you voted in to run the country to benefit and make your life in a free Capitalist Democracy society to grow and be happy?? Like i said many times!! no one is forced to live in a Country that they don't like or can grow to self prosperity, but the majority do in Canada and the US, they just complain because they want more!!! Human Nature buddy!!!;), and if you try to drastically change things without thinking and on a whim and no common sense because you think it is a good idea?? And of course if you are in Government i guarantee you won't know or care what really happens to the middle or lower class?? Again the Middle class always complains because of a bit of Jealousy of the wealthier and wanting better for there lives, so take a shot and do it yourself!! Not get the money from the Wealthy that either inherited it or worked hard for it, in your concept what kind of self gratifications does that give them??? Why in some areas does real estate go up exponentially, and some don't?? Is that the persons fault who bought in the area?? And i am talking it could be a few streets over?? Now really they are all going up, but maybe not as fast?? So that is the worlds fault... Come on Idol?? There is fear in socialism because there is nowhere that it has been successful!! That is reality!!!..
They all fail, but thinking it will give people equal self worth is really the debate!!! It doesn't work. Someone will always be richer and someone poorer that is it. You don't see Canada talking about that do you?? right now our biggest accomplishment is legalizing dope!!, Did that have any savings in the economy here?? Did you benefit from it or do any change to your life?? Did it drop the price of Tomatoes in the grocery store?? How about the most important to most people!! Did it reduce interests rates ?? raise wages?? do anything to the Economy ??and that should tell you the people that went out in masses to make sure the Liberals got in to implement that!! And do you think all of those voters cared about anything else the Liberals said??!! The majority want wealth to provide and happiness and benefits that help there lives, even in Communists/Socialists societies!! But the difference is the masses suffer and the small amount benefit, I should let you talk to the my Russian friend now that got out of Russia and made a life and education here in Canada (Does my wife's infusion she gets), we discuss this face to face!!, and he even said he has lived and seen Communism and Socialism, it just doesn't work!! Trump is on the path to make the majority prosperous and have happy lives, but you will never ever please everyone, the same here in Canada!!!. We pay taxes up the ass here and the cost of living is nuts?? Rent in prime commercial is insane , no start up or sole properer can afford to be in any major mall!!, our health care is mediocre!! even having clout and connections!! But i am happy and live here:), because where is a better alternative??
The rich are already taxed here 51-52%!! (Yes there is a tax scale!!), you want to take more?? So you are saying you want to see more creative legal accounting?? Or finding loop holes to benefit?? The Americans some make less than we do here and consider there middle class, do you think they want to take away there Private Health Care from there employer and pay more tax to get free health care??
And you want them to have to pay more business tax and increase employees wages and growth of employees?? If you can figure all that out you should run for Government. The same here how some companies can give better drug/Dental plan benefits based on age/employee permanent illnesses/job risk on injuries?? Etc... Not all are the same and someone has to pay for that?? You go to a mall 10 years ago and you saw tons of single store/owner operators, today?? zero!! Even some of the American big box stores are seeing it is not so easy to make it in Canada, and the cost for operating?? If you do that in the US it will be a bloodbath!!! Economics?? And you don't need schooling if you have experienced it!!! or worked for these sole proprietors?? Or had your own??
Obama Care worked for how much of the population in the US?? Insurance company underwriting premiums deductibles they are responsible for stockholders to profits?? Socialists Countries are said to have slightly better quality health care TRUE?? How many countries have a Military budget?? ZERO!! , rely on US and NATO to protect them, Now immigration is staggering in these countries and not enough jobs for them!! More stress on the Health Care system in time, now you want to tax the rich more that are already subsidizing the middle class and everyone else?? Say goodbye to the wealthy!!! They well leave!! And there is not one true successful full socialized country!! They are modified and still Capitalist, again i repeat ZERO Military Budget for protection!! Really in the US it is not needed?? Open all the borders forget anyone coming in on planes too and just let everyone in!! A big melting pot!! Put everyone in one bedrooms you know 7-8 people ;) no problem, that will work. Just tax the rich more so they work for cents and people that inherit won't have anything for there generation line, the way they choose to live and it is none of anyone's business!! Ask Bernie Sanders...If i lived in the US you don't know how fast i would be moving to Canada:), and they would be even richer because there dollar is stronger. I am also guessing you have not traveled to the the southern US states during March Break or Christmas break Idol, and see the so called wealthy South Americans have Carts and Carts full of clothes underwear and shoes in all different sizes, and the Flea Markets with buying how many suitcases and everything you can think off!! because the cost of living is just Crazy there!! and most people can't afford shoes!! Are they a socialized ?? How are they doing??
Very interesting debate, with the illusion that the majority of Americans middle class upper and wealthy and seniors are going to take one look at the cost of the conversion of Socialization and come out in droves to vote for Trump!!!! And yes the Democrats are trying to pass legislation to allow illegal immigrates to vote in the elections, why not LOL!!!
Will be very interesting. Better than watching As The World Turns, or even Young and the Restless.....

Here you go!! Is this a fake site??


There choices and there money!!! You try to dictate to wealthy where to give they will give nothing!! Just like Dictators steal wealth in countries and don't give a Fuck about there people!! Communists Socialists Dictatorships Government Control!! Cry and Scream about them not Democracy Countries!! Trump is not taking one penny in Salary!! Name another wealthy President that has done that?? Better the Ex Presidents make there salary in two private guest speakings , no matter how shit they were!! Good thing Trump doesn't have to do that, he is already Rich and probably do them for free just to shoot his mouth off LOL!!!

Again my opinions. Just as you have yours Idol;)

Good thing i was bored and really don't give a shit if you read this or not:)

03-18-2019, 03:37 AM
I can deduct that he's not a smart cookie.
As Donald says, you need to be Einstein to fly these fandangled modern planes.
Kushner is not a pilot.
Ergo. :)

You know Cabby it is funny... Think of all the good old boys that become Presidents, Look at Reagan, Bush do yo think the majority of the US really wants someone to talk down to them?? Or even know it may be 100% phony to talk to them and get them thinking?? The masses, that is how you win elections!! Sanders calling everyone a racists and bigot and say you well get everything for free!! 3 houses and a Millionaire himself, and the biggest closet Anti-Semitic guy out there That's how you try to win elections, Take from the rich and give to the poor!!, but again if you look at the rallies and see the age group is a ton of 16-17 year olds and now try to change the voting age?? Hmmmm!!! Everything free who the fuck wouldn't want that!! , But you my friend will be paying for it!!! And wait 8 months for an MRI or a CT scan!! or hopefully you know someone in the Medical profession that can get you in ahead of the line;) Or some may call that preferential treatment?? I call it hidden Tiers.......
Now Talk climate change and scare the shit out of young people!! Don't have families!! 12 years the earth will be gone!!! Everyone is going to have to move to China that will be gone first because of worse conditions!! How about the Middle East or the EU/UK!!!! Fuck Canada i forgot!!!
I can say honestly give the benefit of the doubt if things are not done to combat climate change?? Ya it will be bad!!, but to drastically change a way of life?? It just ain't going to happen!!! Too much fear and scare the shit out of the younger generation!! You and myself and our next 4 Generations will never have to worry about this crap!!!
Look at them Pump Handsey Beto O'Rourke:lol: The Democrats want diversity and a change in the White House now this guy comes along LOL!!!. I am telling you it is easy to debate here but really the only one that may have a chance to beat Trump in 2020 is Biden!! and really that may make me change my mind and go back to the Democratic side:idunno:.. Not sure what you think???

And OH!! Your comment on smarts?? How about a guy that knows how to make millions but doesn't know how to put wind shell washer fluid in his car?? Or know how to change a light or plug outlet?? Does that make him dumb?? Or a guy that doesn't know how to write with proper punctuation?? Is he incapable of being entrepreneurial and make money?? Again some people have skills in all kinds of things??
Kushner is a very bright guy and also very Lucky, and sometimes that what it takes to be successful and have self worth, and hang on to inheritance ;), You want the truth from me?? I think Trump has not grown his inheritance the way he brags, i do think he has added to it, but not the way he talks, and could be a reason why he doesn't want anyone to see his taxes, that is the Truth what i think, not the shady shit, which was all done legally. That will make him look more like a fool to the 1% if that ever came out!!. And you and i know he is an Ego Maniac!! I guess you could say the same thing about politics?? Some people are born for it, and some are born to be in the Financial/ Business/Real Estate sector or maybe in the Heinz Ketchup business and should have stayed away from politics :whistling.....

Biden 2020!!!

03-18-2019, 09:55 AM
Calling all Meg's :)

Meg i am figuring you are tired from working your ass off !!, but i do miss you and i will promise i will take a break and stop posting if you come back....

Hope all is well buddy :)

03-18-2019, 10:55 AM


I have a gummy bear in my fridge that someone gave me for my wife to try, but i still haven't given it to her yet:D

03-18-2019, 11:53 AM
Well... Partially..... You would have to agree then that you still have to grow the wealth not deplete it right:D, so you have to have some good sense on who you trust and pick good investments not your nose :lol:. Again that does and may be done from schooling or being in a business at a young age or the biggest one of all Nachus!!!;). You do learn Cabby that if you do inherit wealth?? You become more cautious than maybe the original grower, that actually took the risk to make it. Especially if you are not as smart as the original maker of the wealth?? Caution and watching how you spend, and hopefully the next generation that inherits the wealth grows it as well, and you raise them not to have any bad habits that causes the bigger loses.
Just how many times did Donald (or one of his ventures) declare bankruptcy? What does that say about his abilities and his "good sense" according to your yard stick?

Real amazing scam and Trump made millions and walked away with with zero investment of his money :shifty:
You make it sound like that's a good thing.

03-18-2019, 12:31 PM
Just how many times did Donald (or one of his ventures) declare bankruptcy? What does that say about his abilities and his "good sense" according to your yard stick?

Wait a minute Cabby?? Bankrupt?? Or Bankruptcy Protection?? A huge difference, especially if you are the main secured creditor( landlord and Bank usually first and the original owner all outstanding taxes )?? Everyone gets fucked and he walks away with a percentage of his money back to pay his debt to the banks;), I have seen that many times!!, I have even seen the actual owner of a retail store run the bankruptcy sale and get paid LOL!!! That is the law like it or not :)
True story!!. I am helping out a friend that took over a furniture store and his brother in law owned the building, the owner was shut down in default of rent. Now i got people coming in saying they left deposits on floor model furniture!! Those sales are nil and void, and the customers have to go after the original owner, which of course is going to declare bankruptcy?? I thought we were going to have to call the police!!!
Finally made a deal with him and he did have to pay a bit more than he did (Wasn't a big deposit thank G-D !!).. Better we were bringing in new products as well to fill the store up for more revenue(was an amazing location on a Furniture strip), and pocketing you know what!!!.
Again all legal!! well with some creative arithmetic :sly:
I can tell you i learned a lot around wealthy and savvy business people, some may call them crooked and unethical, but it is all up and up and legal;) Oh the good old days Cabby......

I should have been better on the response of Trump?? Cabby, no matter how good you think you are!!, you are going to make bad business deals in real estate projects, it is now how you protect yourself not to be on the hook or separating personal wealth and using other peoples money and the Banks?? It is like you have 10 projects and a few go bad, you can't help that, and no one is perfect......Did you read the risk the Reichman family took?? We used to have a very wealthy family here that owned major Department company Idol will know this , The Eaton's Family they went broke and at that time they were worth billions!!, now they are worth half that:), No tag day for the family.. The manufacturers didn't see the signs and kept selling them, and not that the Eaton's family stole, but paid rent and staff etc, and did screw a few manufacturers for sure, now manufacturers are more observant and to monitor late/term or stalled payments...Plus they make these Big Companies sign PPSA contracts giving them the legal right to seize any inventory if they wish.....

And i should update for my friend Idol that every year likes to see his name on the richest in Canada list!! David Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet and second Gale Weston (But there is a few people that choose not to be on the list)........

Real amazing scam and Trump made millions and walked away with with zero investment of his money :shifty:

You make it sound like that's a good thing.

Cabby it was all legal!!, and honestly with a project like that!! Everything in every contract should have been rock solid to protect every one!! I would have gone after my lawyers if it happened to me!!!
How many real estate developers are honest?? That is a hard thing to find anywhere buddy LOL!! Do i feel bad?? i am human Fuck Ya!!!, but Take these salesmen that knock on your door to sell you new driveways, landscaping, windows, and go to seniors that don't need any of them and swindle them!!! And sell the paper to finance companies that fuck them even more!! Here they get a slap on the wrist, but in the US they can go to prison for a long time if they are caught!! Again a big If they get caught!!!
Again i think it is disgusting!! but how do you stop it??

03-18-2019, 12:52 PM
... but in the US they can go to prison for a long time if they are caught!!
But only if they're black or lack connections. Also most white collar felons are sent to "country club" prisons under the pretense that they aren't a risk to others.

Like swindling someone out of their life savings somehow isn't more harmful to a person than selling them some weed.:mellow:

03-18-2019, 01:46 PM
... but in the US they can go to prison for a long time if they are caught!!
But only if they're black or lack connections. Also most white collar felons are sent to "country club" prisons under the pretense that they aren't a risk to others.
Like swindling someone out of their life savings somehow isn't more harmful to a person than selling them some weed.:mellow:

It is fucking ridiculous the laws in Canada for some things!!!, Even Murder and Rape charges!! And i am not really sure how Federal Crimes are treated here either?? Like Bernardo even know he got life, in the US he would have got 5 or more consecutive life terms with zero chance of parole..And i agree with you those fuckers that swindle people out of money for work they didn't need or overcharge should be sent to prison!!!!
And funny If you saw a Dark man at your door?? Do you even open it:unsure:, I never really had many Dark people solicit here to be honest Idol, but a lot with hats and beards and quite a few ladies trying to convert me to a Jehovah Witness, they always go to houses with Mezuzah's on the door, they think we are easy converters:D.
I fuck with a few of them and say I only have that on the door to fool my neighbors, really i am Progressive Agnostic;), they look confused and leave fast. The same with the Hebs that come to the door and say they are heading to Israel and do they want me to say an Alea at "Hakotel Hama'arvi" (Western Wall), so i hand them shekels (Israeli currency), so they ask me don't you have Canadian or American?? I tell them to fuck off!!!!(I figure it would be something you would do).....My neighbor bought some painting of the Rebbe (the considered grand puba of the Hebs), and now he has them coming in droves trying to sell him shit!!LOL!!!! If i see them with crap to sell i don't even open the door i speak to them through intercom and tell them i am not interested......
Just thinking when we had that bad wind storm a while back a ton of houses lost shingles on the roof (I had a couple but i called one of my friends to fix it), so roofers were knocking on the door, or caught me outside and stopped and asked if i need it fixed. and some were kind of tanned, but none really Dark?? and the big crews that do complete roofs are egg rolls now, fuckin 10 of them come and bang out a roof like shitting bananas!!!!

03-18-2019, 02:18 PM
OH OOH!!!!


The police named a person of interest as 37-year-old Gokman Tanis of Turkish origin.

Also reported..

According to eyewitnesses quoted in Dutch media, as many as four gunmen shot down at least seven people, and then escaped on foot towards the town's central train station. But again No Confirmation yet!!!
Thinking not Whites this time:idunno:

Reported some badly injured and a lest 3 fatalities..

My sympathies and condolences go out to all the families,and hope these wackos are caught and pay for what they did!!!!

On other tragedies Idol??.. These 737 MAX model planes all grounded?? Again terrible crashes, but my opinion, with the thousands of flights, by other pilots and airline companies?? Do you not think there is some sort of problem with Pilot Training or lack there of involved here??
Not saying there isn't a software issue on emergency cases?? but it is looking like pilot error training as well.. And shit there is a ton of orders with Boeing pending on this plane!!!

03-18-2019, 06:01 PM
OH OOH!!!!


The police named a person of interest as 37-year-old Gokman Tanis of Turkish origin.

Also reported..

According to eyewitnesses quoted in Dutch media, as many as four gunmen shot down at least seven people, and then escaped on foot towards the town's central train station. But again No Confirmation yet!!!
Thinking not Whites this time:idunno:

Reported some badly injured and a lest 3 fatalities..

My sympathies and condolences go out to all the families,and hope these wackos are caught and pay for what they did!!!!

On other tragedies Idol??.. These 737 MAX model planes all grounded?? Again terrible crashes, but my opinion, with the thousands of flights, by other pilots and airline companies?? Do you not think there is some sort of problem with Pilot Training or lack there of involved here??
Not saying there isn't a software issue on emergency cases?? but it is looking like pilot error training as well.. And shit there is a ton of orders with Boeing pending on this plane!!!

Each time there was a failure of the autopilot resulting in a steep dive. There are other recorded cases where the pilots were able to overcome this but in the fatal instintences it might have some that froze the system to the point it couldn't be recovered from.

As for the Netherlands, you really have to be a moron to decide to time your attack when sympathy for Muslims is likely at a all time high. Nothing like shooting your religion in the foot is there?

03-18-2019, 06:02 PM
I have changed my mind set because no one is with me Don't take it personally jdye. People don't respond well to assholes in general.

03-18-2019, 07:33 PM
Each time there was a failure of the autopilot resulting in a steep dive. There are other recorded cases where the pilots were able to overcome this but in the fatal instintences it might have some that froze the system to the point it couldn't be recovered from.
I actually thought they were saying the nose lifts up and puts the plane into a stall if they don't react on that action?? Again it sounds like you are saying the same result:). And so them saying it only needs a software update?? To me it is how the plane in balanced/designed, and really you need the training that if it does occur, you have to react and level the plane?? Still training and having the awareness that it is different design than an average plane. And by reporting they have a ton of these planes ordered everywhere?? Billions of dollars in contracts, and of course behind on production LOL!!
As i say it will be interesting, and really when they get them flying again no one gets hurt or defiantly no fatalities would be very nice....

As for the Netherlands, you really have to be a moron to decide to time your attack when sympathy for Muslims is likely at a all time high. Nothing like shooting your religion in the foot is there?

Do you really think any of these sickos have any brains!! Egypt is in Gaza trying to negotiating with Hamas for a Truce with Israel!! and the dummies shot 2 Iranian Rockets into Israel !! Read this...
How stupid are these rulers of 2 million people!!!!

Sorry to go off topic Idol.....
LOL!!! you got that right!!, and maybe if it was Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah , you can condemn the shit out of it!! and say it is expected from them, but From the Tyrant Dictator Erdoğan from Turkey, constantly condemning everyone on the planet like he is an Angle and control of the Terrorists Faction Muslims, it is sad to say Idol i can see the party leaders in Israel now very upset and condemning the brutal act of Terrorism!!,(And they did!!!) and having to hold in how Erdogan now looks like mud in the Democratic world.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people of the Netherlands, and hope justice is done for this Terrorists and anyone else involved!!!..

Now my 5 cents.... The Netherlands is the platform they want to introduce to the US?? So this terrorist from Turkey was living in Utrecht, does he benefit from all the socialist programs ?? Or does he have to become a legal citizen?? Again why is he living there?? What is wrong with his home Country?? The truth the beginning reports didn't flash this guy as a Terrorist ??
That will be interesting to see what comes out there??

And by the way did you see any of this on any Main Steam Media you watch/read??


I guess it is not worthy news anymore:cry:

03-18-2019, 07:47 PM
Above all else , why does it suck to be a human being , especially at night ?

Because where you live there is no power at night, hens the short span of spamming here and back to spewing your Terrorist crap for your real job.... This place is just filler for you, and what's with the 9?? Did you get a promotion??

Saying that you will probably be out of power when you get Banned, so i will goodbye to you now.....

03-18-2019, 08:09 PM
Jeez!! Idol!! I was watching Shepard Smith i had to look twice!! I thought CNN hired someone new that actually reports the news with no opinions:D. Now it is back to back with Neil Cavuto!!! What the heck happened to Fox News:angry:

The Democrat second coming Beto O'rourke already raised 6.1 million!!, out did Bernie!!!!:idunno: Fact... Trump spent half of what Clinton did and she still lost :cry:

03-18-2019, 08:21 PM
Fact. The free advertising that the media gave Trump exceeded what Hillary spent many times over so it's not as clear cut as some would like to think. Also Beto has already revealed himself to be a bit of a phoney and not someone who you'd be wise to put your complete faith in. He also thinks way too highly of himself.

03-18-2019, 08:23 PM
Shep Smith seems like a reasonable person. That's all I really ask of anyone.

03-18-2019, 10:04 PM
Fact. The free advertising that the media gave Trump exceeded what Hillary spent many times over so it's not as clear cut as some would like to think. Also Beto has already revealed himself to be a bit of a phoney and not someone who you'd be wise to put your complete faith in. He also thinks way too highly of himself.

I gotta give it to ya buddy, negative!! Bashing!! insulting!! free press was hands down more than double Clinton no question LOL!! So you can say any Press/Advertising is great!! And guess what it is still happening:). Without Trump 3 major news stations and how many news blogs/sites wiill be showing furry kittens blowing kisses all day LOL!!! . Or shit will have to actually report other news LOL!!!!
Now you got this white wholesome ass kissing suck boy, random apologist, morse code hand signing, stunt stage skateboarding (If i missed any Idol let me know) doofus , Beto that all the Late shows are just going to eat up and are!!, if Saturday night live is not all over it!! , they are proving that they are a biased Leftest Comedy Show!!. And he is going to get so much publicity it may help the true Democrat contenders out there. I mean you Got Biden out there saying he is more leftest than anyone out there!! I never laughed so hard in my life!!. If he thinks that?? I have to rethink myself and i could be a very big hypocrite!! and we know we can't have that now Idol. So far the only one that has a chance against Trump is Biden, and he will continue Obama's agenda, and i hope with some minor changes;), You put Trump and Sanders on a stage together and Trump will eat him for breakfast!!, Beto worse, any women?? stuffed!! Biden is it so far??
It is a long way away 2020, and we got comedy, shocking, dream land, embarrassing, things being said and it is not Trump:lol..
I miss Elizabeth Warren!! Where is the foul mouth Truck Driver, the Man side of a lesbian relationship gone?? I know she thought in another life she lived in a Tepee and smoked a Hanukkah pipe:unsure:, but come on a small mistake, that she doesn't have to worry about the Indians coming out and not supporting her LOL!!. They are too busy buying cars tax free and selling them for cash and manning the wholsale cigarette depots.. I would add the Casino's but they are usually hired to clean the toilets and emptying the heroin/diabetic needle boxes..

Shit i am on a roll:D Speaking of a roll of jelly?? Where the heck is Meg??? Telling him i would quite posting if he came back and didn't take advantage of it?? I really hope he is ok:unsure:

03-18-2019, 10:30 PM
Shep Smith seems like a reasonable person. That's all I really ask of anyone.

Really there is a lot of great news Anchors on Fox, kidding aside, and they are fair, but because it has always known as a Right leaning Conservative news channel, but really i don't see it?? I just like the Anchors have a really noticeable difference from the Majority news stations out there, they don't make Opinions!! They report the news, and let the reporters report. And don't bash because we all know Hannity and Tucker are not news Anchors and never say they are!!, but they are a laugh to watch, some stuff they come up with is crap!!, but things being said lately Idol if you put it together Clinton was really corrupt!!, and also got away with a lot of shit, and i do think the voters saw it.. Trump was a massageinist , but I think his show and pushing he had business sense and was giving tax breaks, he had a agenda and gimmicks, all Clinton did was bash, try to say togetherness but no new agenda, just a continuation of Obama.. And people ate him up and wanted more coin in there pockets, his voters didn't give a shit about unity..
Really if you look back that is the way it played out.The next questions?? What would have the Republicans done??Pretty much the same shit the Democrats are doing to Trump?? And really forget about Israel, they know how to take care of themselves, but i would have liked to see what she would have Done with Iran, Saudi Arabia , and North Korea and the Mexican borders ?? How do you think she would have handled it??

03-18-2019, 10:47 PM
Fortunately Republican talking points don't necessarily equate to truth.

I know that Warren made a mistake with the Native American bullshit but I'm sensing huge hypocrisy on your part by not at least as outraged by the much worse sins of Trump and his cronies. At least Warren's lie didn't hurt anyone but herself. You can't say the same about Trump or Mnuchin or Ross or Mulvaney etc. She's also measurably more intelligent than any of those people unless they also happen to be former Harvard Law professors and for reasons unknown are hiding that fact.

As for hand gestures, kettle black or something.


Btw Bernie would kill Trump in a debate simply because Bernie, agree with him or not knows the facts and would be prepared with answers whereas Trump knows nothing and wastes his time watching TV and playing golf.

03-18-2019, 10:50 PM
.... but things being said lately Idol if you put it together Clinton was really corrupt!!, and also got away with a lot of shit, and i do think the voters saw it.. Only thing is that it's 2019 not 2015 and anything Hillary did or didn't is now irrelevant and people should just let it go and stick to something that actually means anything.

03-18-2019, 11:01 PM
Another interesting thing was raised today Idol....

One thing the Left news stations are avoiding to talk about... Trumps agenda is to build this wall?? and say it does stop some illegals getting in?? Ok now it will push them to the border entrances, so way is no one talking about the cost Billions of dollars to keep them in these detention facilities!! all tax payers money, why are they not complaining about that?? The majority of them are not going to get in and are going to be sent back to Mexico, but if that takes months and months, it is costing billions!!.. Either let them in or send them back!!. Or now add tons of enforcement and vetting tools to screen them, and if they no information or true identity?? Back they go!!. And before they get status give them a date to appear and back they go!!. I mean i may sound evil and callus, but I will tell you being Canadian, and if i wanted to move to the US to work?? If i am taking a job away from an American citizen, i ain't getting in so fast, and my record is clean, my wife was going to run an Upholstery Company that her family actually owned, and that wasn't so easy, to even get Temporary status to live in the US, it took umpteen months with tons of forms and interviews..And then they went after me as well on what am i going to do?? And this was an established business majority owned by a Canadian, and documented. And they ask if you are going to give up your Canadian citizenship!!
Now if you want it and you are willing to come in Legal and give benefits to the Country really there should not be easy and no problem, but it isn't, now you are keeping all these people in detention centers that cost billions, really how do you fix it???
I myself would not let them in without vetting, and proof of something who you really are??

03-18-2019, 11:05 PM
.... but things being said lately Idol if you put it together Clinton was really corrupt!!, and also got away with a lot of shit, and i do think the voters saw it.. Only thing is that it's 2019 not 2015 and anything Hillary did or didn't is now irrelevant and people should just let it go and stick to something that actually means anything.
Now do you say the same thing should be done with Trump?? Let him run the Country, and forget about crap??

03-18-2019, 11:58 PM
Fortunately Republican talking points don't necessarily equate to truth.
I know that Warren made a mistake with the Native American bullshit but I'm sensing huge hypocrisy on your part by not at least as outraged by the much worse sins of Trump and his cronies. At least Warren's lie didn't hurt anyone but herself. You can't say the same about Trump or Mnuchin or Ross or Mulvaney etc. She's also measurably more intelligent than any of those people unless they also happen to be former Harvard Law professors and for reasons unknown are hiding that fact.
As for hand gestures, kettle black or something.
Btw Bernie would kill Trump in a debate simply because Bernie, agree with him or not knows the facts and would be prepared with answers whereas Trump knows nothing and wastes his time watching TV and playing golf.

No one would ever take away that Clinton is very intelligent, even know she was the first fuck up for Health Care in the US;), and very hungry for Power, and i am not sure if it was resentment being smarter than her husband the President or his sadistic cigar infidelity??
You don't give Trump credit on what he did to all of the True politicians to get the Republican nomination, and what he did to Clinton that bought hers Bernei had zero chance to win...And how many mock debates did she do to be prepared for him?? And she lost most of those ?? Trump can bullshit like any politician out there.. Yes he had shady and corrupt business men and lawyers , again Clinton having the DOJ and FBI in her back pocket, Two Presidents on her side, yes Obama knew it was documented and they were worried and trying to find anything to ruin Trump.. and a ton of that from unsealed depositions and fbi dossiers/documents coming out from people in the DOJ and FBI and the DNC,Hillary was far from an angel, and i keep saying she had a lot more power than Trump did....
And nothing these guys are charged with have zero to do with Trump, zero Russian Collusion, zero to impeach him, they put all there egges on the Muller report and that is going to be a dud, zero Russian Collusion , but they are trying to go after everyone.. And the question really?? If the whole Clinton clan being a sore loser til this day, put an end to all of this, and she has the power to do it.. And if this didn't start at all , this conspiracy of Russian Collusion not one of these people connected to Trump would be going to Jail let alone investigated.. If you don't think that is truthful, well honestly you got some issues :P. Why don't you ever say how is there no one on the DNC side being investigated?? They are all innocent Idol ?? Come on Idol the fix was in from the start tons and tons of money!! Complete backing from the President, and all the power of the US, all on her side and she still lost!!. I myself couldn't believe it Idol!!! I could never see Trump winning ?? Again he did, and the people voted him in and she lost Badly !!!

Trump is a really good speaker and a Master bullshit Debater:unsure:, Bernie will have his hands full, speaking of hands?? Trump was always made fun of with his small hands:), and his hair, his complexion, his mouth, but you know what he is the President and right now other than Biden there is no one that can beat him, the masses will come out even more knowing the left want to make the US a Communist country..If Bernie wins remember his crowds and 16-17 year olds and illegals can't vote;), Middle Class upper , wealthy, seniors do and of all races and ethnic backgrounds ;)..

It will be interesting my friend..........

03-22-2019, 12:38 PM
Considering John Wick 2 wasn't very good, I'm looking forward to this way more than I should.


03-23-2019, 12:31 AM
I'm loving that Matrix 4 trailer! :yup:

03-23-2019, 12:15 PM
Sure there is Keanu Reeves, fighting on motorcycles with swords and the line "Guns, lots of guns" but John Wick 3 seems to make some tiny bit of sense so it can't be The Matrix 4. :no:

03-23-2019, 07:44 PM
It's turning into Liam Neeson doing "Taken" movies (or similar theme). Beating a dead horse.

03-23-2019, 07:53 PM
Shut your homo mouth, homo.

It's attitudes like that that allow women to get the vote.

03-23-2019, 09:21 PM
Meg. :(


03-24-2019, 11:10 AM
It's turning into Liam Neeson doing "Taken" movies (or similar theme). Beating a dead horse.

So will there be chapter 4,5,6,...

And then Son of Wick ....

03-24-2019, 04:02 PM
But the Feud of Shiites and Sunnis, the US has some Allies to protect them from slaughter!!!. But it is funny that no one cares when there are millions of innocent Muslims are slaughtered by there own kind, it's really sad what radicalism and greed of power/dictatorship does:idunno:

You don't have to worry it will be destroyed whatever Iran tries in Iraq;). Either by the US,and it's allie force there, or by some unnamed other state. It really is too bad that the Mullahs are not happy taking care of there people in there own land/country, and prosper, even if they choose to live under radical Sharia law, that is there choice, but don't spread it and try to take over the middle east.. Someone tried to do that in Europe and look what happened to that plan. And think about this?? Muslims started off with how many practicing countries?? Now there is over 50 plus moving into the majority of the population?? And we are talking a lot of these countries had Majority Christians... Again if that is what the people choose to live like?? I don't have a problem with it, but don't make people change by force!! when that is not the law of the land, Then i got a problem with it!!!

What a mothetfuckin' disgusting piece of Jewish shit you are, aren't you. Is there some kinda program that all you Jewish maggots are required to attend where you are handed down the talking points to deceive the gullible goyim ? I've encountered the exact same lies by the Jewish speakers/posters on other forums too.
They are killing each other and has got nothing to do with us or the host, the US, we survive on ? May I ask where did you get this revelation from ? What's your source ? Any proof, motherfuckin Jewish bastard ? How convenient is it to kill and then blame the victims for it, no ?

I wonder how they lived with each other in peace for 1200 years and weren't killing each other before the Zionist showed up with the newly drawn maps of the Middle East for the Jewish homeland project. The apretheid most satanic identity of all, that is a scourge on the face of human notion of rights and value of life, commonly known as Israel. Recently declared the country for Jews.

I can't help but notice how you were feeling sad on the "millions of Muslims being killed" and then in the very same post you apparently were letting yourself of the worry that Iran still stands, indulging yourself in the hope that it will soon be destroyed. The persona of a compassionate person you wear is quite thin, you inbred fucking faggot.

Also, Russia's got to be the bad. You can't leave a fraction unsolved in an expression that might come back to haunt you. You figured out early in the days and and ended up killing 8 million of those democracy hating Russians. Your Bolshevik bloodlust for the goyim blood never satisfies, now does it ? World wars, revolutions, destruction of the goyim is all that your chosen fantasy is left with.

Lastly, you were asking about who would feel better with a room filled with Muslims, Whites, Jews etc ? Let me just ask you, why is there a need for us goyim, to identify human as something that would highlight our differences ? Anyways, why don't you undo the 60 years conditioning of the naive goyim through your MSM and Hollywood and then someone might be able to give you an answer that would be more beneficiary to the goyim then to the Jews.

03-24-2019, 04:14 PM
I wanted to share my insight on what's gonna unfold next but this I found this guy randomly on Internet who has put it more subtly then I could.


03-25-2019, 12:47 AM
What a mothetfuckin' disgusting piece of Jewish shit you are, aren't you. Is there some kinda program that all you Jewish maggots are required to attend where you are handed down the talking points to deceive the gullible goyim ? I've encountered the exact same lies by the Jewish speakers/posters on other forums too.
They are killing each other and has got nothing to do with us or the host, the US, we survive on ? May I ask where did you get this revelation from ? What's your source ? Any proof, motherfuckin Jewish bastard ? How convenient is it to kill and then blame the victims for it, no ?
I wonder how they lived with each other in peace for 1200 years and weren't killing each other before the Zionist showed up with the newly drawn maps of the Middle East for the Jewish homeland project. The apretheid most satanic identity of all, that is a scourge on the face of human notion of rights and value of life, commonly known as Israel. Recently declared the country for Jews.
I can't help but notice how you were feeling sad on the "millions of Muslims being killed" and then in the very same post you apparently were letting yourself of the worry that Iran still stands, indulging yourself in the hope that it will soon be destroyed. The persona of a compassionate person you wear is quite thin, you inbred fucking faggot.
Also, Russia's got to be the bad. You can't leave a fraction unsolved in an expression that might come back to haunt you. You figured out early in the days and and ended up killing 8 million of those democracy hating Russians. Your Bolshevik bloodlust for the goyim blood never satisfies, now does it ? World wars, revolutions, destruction of the goyim is all that your chosen fantasy is left with.
Lastly, you were asking about who would feel better with a room filled with Muslims, Whites, Jews etc ? Let me just ask you, why is there a need for us goyim, to identify human as something that would highlight our differences ? Anyways, why don't you undo the 60 years conditioning of the naive goyim through your MSM and Hollywood and then someone might be able to give you an answer that would be more beneficiary to the goyim then to the Jews.

I had a long response to your post Whatcdfan, and i decided that whatever i say wouldn't make a difference:idunno:

Israel is always been the "Jewish" state, and the first language is Hebrew, and every Israeli citizen no matter what faith or ethnicity has Equal rights. That is the fact.. The main language in Canada is English, second French, and if you want to learn Arabic/Farsi or Hebrew or Italian that is your choice is that a problem?? What is the first language in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia?? If the Palestinians choose to negotiate directly with Israel for there own state?? They can do what they want right, and i can tell you the majority of the 2 million Muslims in Israel proper don't give a shit about that, and would never leave even if there is a Palestinian state in the future. that is reality on the ground...
If you don't like that in any Country, you don't have to live there right??..And you are blaming Israeli people for the fighting of Sunni and Shiites in the Middle East, In Syria killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims?? China putting thousands in camps?? Turkey killing Kurds?? All Israels fault?? Well then Israel is not going anywhere so what now?? They are not trying to take over the Middle East?? How can you justify that knowing there are no Jewish people in any of the Muslim countries, But Iran seems to be all over the place?? You are ok with that?? and that is Israels fault?? I am sorry you feel that way Whatcdfan, and what do you think will solve the problem??
Again taking something out of context to fit your narrative doesn't work, I didn't mean anyone that is Liberal/Moderate in any faith, i was speaking of all Conservatives, or religious, again if you put a room of Orthodox Jews, in a room with what you said Goyim American's?? or Goyim American's with Religious Muslims with Niqab's ?? What do you think?? I can tell you it works in Israel Proper citizens without any discrimination or Antisemitism.. In the US?? And to finish Russia is an ally to Israel;), and most of the Arab world is changing towards Israel, maybe they are now figuring that they are not the threat but someone else is in the Middle East:idunno:


So calling me any profanity names and not just stating your opinion is why there will never be peace. As you can see by my reply to you?? I would never do that;)
And again.... Israel is not going anywhere, so it is time to face reality on the ground that it is a Democracy society with all faiths and ethnicity, and if people choose to live there by there laws in society, great!!!! If not?? They can go where ever they want.. And i hope you can appreciate that.....

OH!! And by the way!!...This again was just my opinion, and Nice to see you too Whatcdfan:happy:

03-25-2019, 12:49 AM
I wanted to share my insight on what's gonna unfold next but this I found this guy randomly on Internet who has put it more subtly then I could.182162

Nice Propaganda Whatcdfan:), Does that work if you substitute Syria and Iran ;)

Edit: Hamas just shot a rocket into Israel!!!! Now the response should be Milk and Cookies for all in Gaza?? Now you are going to see why they should leave Israel alone.........

Another Bullshit excuse that is going to cause lives!!!!!!

03-25-2019, 09:02 AM
Oh! look look the inbred Jewish prince got triggered.


Cut me the slack of 900 lines of "because God said so" bullshit and provide me the documented proof of "Muslims have been killing each other for centuries" Documented proof you motherfuckin' pigface. And while you're at it, also explain to me why those fuckers aren't killing themselves in the countries which are not the part of the Greater Israel project A.K.A Yinon Plan ? namely Morocco, Algeria, Bunch of Central Asian countries, Malaysia/Indonesia et al. If this sacatarian conflict as you you say is the center of Islamic thought, mind telling me why the fuck the the leader of the Shiites, Iran hasn't attacked anyone for the past 200 years ? How were the Syrians were living peacefully with each other f before the your army of headchopping mercenaries showed up fighting under US air cover ?

The Oded Yinon Plan for Greater Israel by Paul Stevenson


So the people you're currently engaged in the genocide of aren't allowed to throw back any rockets ? mind also tell me how many airstrikes did Israel carried out Syria ? Also, be warned, next post I'll provide you the documented proof how Israel triggers these rockets by shooting Palestinians in Gaza then using the rocket excuse to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. Wait for it pigface.

Lastly, I suggest you start working covertly and shoot some PM's to convince people that those savage Muslims are just falling and dying by themselves in millions while you're an eternal victim, Just the way you did last time.

03-25-2019, 09:07 AM

Is there some kinda lying ability enhancer serum that they inject to into your Jewish asses at birth ? Also tell me, is calling the truth, Propaganda as convenient as killing and then blaming the victim for it ?

03-25-2019, 09:16 AM
You seriously want me to form my opinion on the matter based on what the John Bolton says? :glag:

Israel's inside man: How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel's favourby Richard Silverstein


Zionist Organization of America gives John Bolton ‘Defender of Israel’ award


The same John Bolton who was on the team of the Zionists that instigated the Saddam's WMD's and caused 1.5 million deaths in the region by the Subsequent war.

03-25-2019, 12:09 PM
You seriously want me to form my opinion on the matter based on what the John Bolton says? :glag:
Israel's inside man: How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel's favourby Richard Silverstein
Zionist Organization of America gives John Bolton ‘Defender of Israel’ award
The same John Bolton who was on the team of the Zionists that instigated the Saddam's WMD's and caused 1.5 million deaths in the region by the Subsequent war.

You mean the reactor that Saddam did have and someone else allegedly blew it up before the US went in?? The same as Syria?? but hey they are both innocent right.. And did Israel instigate the Mullahs to try to take over the Middle East and EU as well?? I think Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan would think different, but hey they don't count;)
So all the garbage you choose to say in all of those posts including insults again, i assume you don't want peace, which is really sad but if that is the way you feel, what can i tell you,:idunno:

Good luck....

03-25-2019, 12:24 PM
Lastly, I suggest you start working covertly and shoot some PM's to convince people that those savage Muslims are just falling and dying by themselves in millions while you're an eternal victim, Just the way you did last time.

Why would i do anything like that?? I am not the one name calling or acting like a child ??

Again how do you answer that every news station out there is propaganda other than Al Jazeera :unsure:

Good luck Whatcdfan.........

03-25-2019, 01:04 PM
Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause.

It only makes sense that the US would support the genocide of an indigenious people by an invading force 'cause they have such a rich history of it themselves with the Native Americans.

Cereally though, maybe if Israel had been created by simply annexing Texas this all wouldn't have been such a massive fuck up.

03-25-2019, 01:08 PM
I'm saving my 30000th post to bash Buddhism, those fucking pacifists.

03-25-2019, 01:23 PM
Oh! look look the inbred Jewish prince got triggered.
Cut me the slack of 900 lines of "because God said so" bullshit and provide me the documented proof of "Muslims have been killing each other for centuries" Documented proof you motherfuckin' pigface. .

What is with all the name calling?? It doesn't make your points valid by doing that??
Why are Jewish people inbred ?? 17 million Jewish people to how many Muslims out there?? To me that makes zero sense?? And it is hard to find proof because most of the world that chose to live in the 21st century really don't care:idunno:


It is also funny and sad that most of the time Muslims getting slaughtered really don't make the news?? Especially that Martyrdom is part of Muslims religion is it not?? Human shields are not out of the question?? Sending out there children to die because they can make lots more and start the rotation again??
And the Zionist concept seem to want to live and prosper and provide and protect there children including the the non Jews that live in Israel , ?? They just don't multiply as fast as Muslims do?? Do i have that wrong?? Bomb Shelters Medical care (The best in the world, you deny that??), clean water and energy, Just ask Egypt and Jordan;)....And how many others that just don't advertise that they are using things invented and produced in Israel, do you deny that?? Some people choose to live in the the 17th century, and that is fine with me, but times are changing in the Middle East day by day, you deny that too?? And if you think Israel is cruel to all the recognized terrorist groups by most of the civilized countries out there?? Maybe you should help them out, and bring them to your Country?? Again Israel is growing and flourishing, for a tiny place in the Middle East and it is not going anywhere, so do you have any other suggestions that will help out your fellow Brothers?? That is that don't include insults??
You ask for proof of Muslims killing each other?? You mentioned Saddam, Assad, the Mullahs, Eradagon, ISIS Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram are a few that slaughter many of there own that is fake news reported out there?? Come on lets hear it it is the US and the Jews fault right LOL!!! Then you fight them and stop them from spreading throughout the world!!! I am thinking the Zionist way is looking a lot better than that Ideology :idunno:
Proof is on any news outlet that doesn't start with the word "Martyrdom", or a Muslim site in English "Taqiya" ,you see a lot of that at the UN and all of the worst human rights violators complaining about everyone but themselves :lol: i am thinking more on the lines of "Keeping Safe", and "Protection" would be the words i like to live by, is that wrong??
To be honest i think this is a lot of fun, you have "HATE" in your veins and really i don't care;)

Again i say good luck.......

03-25-2019, 01:52 PM
I'm loving that Matrix 4 trailer! :yup:

Hi Anon, my friend of old. Good to see you all still hanging out here.

Wow! news of the day. Matrix was one of the best franchises watching it as a child. When I first watched Matrix Reloaded back in 2003 I couldn't help but jumping off my seat, praying for the messiah to save the humans from those evil Androids.

I closely followed the directors of the movie, The Wachowski Brothers in their later works, Cloud Atlas, Jupiter Ascending etc but only to be disappointed as I expected the quality of the Matrix Trilogy. Those movies had the imagination but lacked the thrill of the Matrix and they way it captured the Good vs Evil battle.

03-25-2019, 02:27 PM
Now you are going to see why they should leave Israel alone.........

So no proof, no explanation, no text no nothing for your claims of Muslims kill each other. Okay let's move on.

So you want to be left alone, to do what exactly ? Multiply the number of genocides you're currently engaged in ? Steal more land ? Ain't it convenient to walk into someone's home, kill his family and then expect him to walk away without any repercussions . No wonder criminals who dream of the world domination, sitting on the graves of the innocent would want the whole thing to go away. You're not the only one, all the criminals in the world don't want investigations and litigation into their crimes.

And Insults ? Tell me, what kinda narcissistic psychopath first commit mass murders and then blame the victim for it ? Your kind, Jewish asshole. You shamelessly were accusing the most heinous lies on the victims as your tribe does, didn't think of how you were insulting those who were oppressed ? Consider yourself fortunate to be able to walk away with just the insults this time.

03-25-2019, 02:29 PM
You mean the reactor that Saddam did have and someone else allegedly blew it up before the US went in?? The same as Syria?? but hey they are both innocent right.. And did Israel instigate the Mullahs to try to take over the Middle East and EU as well?? I think Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan would think different, but hey they don't count;)
So all the garbage you choose to say in all of those posts including insults again, i assume you don't want peace, which is really sad but if that is the way you feel, what can i tell you,:idunno:

Good luck....

Will you not quit lying ? umm...You're Jewish so never mind.

I agree that Saddam had nuclear ambitions and was actively working to attain those ambitions. However, that reactor was destroyed in 1981 by Israel in operation Opera. The war later in 2003 was fought only to destroy Iraq and make way for Greater Israel. Members of your tribe Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Parle, Elliot Abrams and that motherfuckin' Jewish swine William Kristol were the main architects of the Iraq war with the rest of team based in Tel-Aviv on board.

Operation Opera (Hebrew: מבצע אופרה‎‎‎), also known as Operation Babylon, was a surprise Israeli air strike carried out on 7 June 1981, which destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor under construction 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) southeast of Baghdad.

That Richard Parle clown owns JINSA, on the cover it says "Jewish Institute for National Security of America" what it actually is the Israeli Military Industrial complex within the US with the of Motto : "Securing America, Strengthening Israel"

It's the same thing they did what they trying to do with Iran. With Mark Dubowitz, another Jewish rat that owns Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Mark Dubowitz is the CEO of the hawkish think-tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, where he co-founded its Center on Economic and Financial Power as well as its Center on Military and Political Power. He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran

03-25-2019, 02:30 PM
Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause.
It only makes sense that the US would support the genocide of an indigenious people by an invading force 'cause they have such a rich history of it themselves with the Native Americans.
Cereally though, maybe if Israel had been created by simply annexing Texas this all wouldn't have been such a massive fuck up.

Seeing what you posted, the British must have forgave Israel and is now one of the bigger allys, of Israel and i should say i never heard nor seen that in any historic books, but sure lets say that is true, also add that the land that was named Palestine by the British after winning it from Ottoman Empire, and was to be divided up and at that time there was No such indigenous people or back history with the name "Palestinian" , and the division of Palestine a Majority make up Jordan today, and of course Egypt was already there.. so with wars Israel was formed and recolonized as a sovereign state today.....
And all Jews that were threatened to the way they chose to live in all the other Middle East Countries also immigrated to Israel over 800 thousand, and because Israel is recognized, as a sovereign state, it has the right to do what it wants there...
And really Israel is not a Fuck UP?? It is power house surrounded by Crap!!, Jews have always lived in the Middle East, and more came so now they were threatened and fought wars and survived again and built up the Dessert so instead of moaning and complaining about it Just leave it alone and everyone around it Make Peace and don't keep threatening it (Like some have)... Everyone should live the way they want. Zionism has evolved and doesn't have the same meaning it did on conception...
Israel is a place that all Jews are welcome to live, and choose to live in a Democracy Capitalist society (with some socialized things), and other faiths and races are welcome to live there as well, so what is the problem?? If everything around it wants to live in the 17th century Idol?? why is it a threat?? Again if Israel does try to do what Iran is doing now, then i will be the first to say IT SHOULD FUCKIN STOP!!, but it is living in it's sovereignty lines and that is that.


03-25-2019, 02:41 PM

Leave the Jew pigs alone says the Jew.

03-25-2019, 02:48 PM
It only makes sense that the US would support the genocide of an indigenious people by an invading force 'cause they have such a rich history of it themselves with the Native Americans.

Cereally though, maybe if Israel had been created by simply annexing Texas this all wouldn't have been such a massive fuck up.

Hi, Idol good to see you again bud.

Thank you for the input. The truth is, majority of the Americans are not board for the devastation Jews have caused in the Middle East. That nation is being constantly lied to, through blanker cover of Israeli wars, and covert operations, controlling narrative to manipulate the truth in the favor of the Zionists.


03-25-2019, 05:56 PM
And Insults ? Tell me, what kinda narcissistic psychopath first commit mass murders and then blame the victim for it ? Your kind, Jewish asshole. You shamelessly were accusing the most heinous lies on the victims as your tribe does, didn't think of how you were insulting those who were oppressed ? Consider yourself fortunate to be able to walk away with just the insults this time.
What proof are you looking for?? Forget the past when Blacks were slaves Jews were slaves, this is the 21st century?? What about now?? Why can't everyone get along in there own Countries and be happy, Jordan has how many Palestinians in camps, Syria?? All on welfare and handouts?? It is now over 70 years and they have not given them Citizenship in those countries why?? Are they not your brothers?? Israel accepts all Jews in there tiny State??
What are they waiting for?? "Right of Return"?? Be real Not Going to Happen!! That's Real and what can anyone do?? Call Israel what ever you want, just remember there are your brother Muslims fighting for it and in hospitals saving lives as well, what do you say about that?? You don't mind killing them do you??
It is amazing that you use those words?? Do you know what mass murdering is?? What Assad does in Syria, What Hamas does to there own People, what Iran does if women don't wear a Headscarf in public..Advice on how to survive in Israel... Stop suicide bombs, stop trying to stab citizens, stop trying to run people over with your vehicles, stop trying to shoot people, stop trying to breach a sovereign State do you want me to go on?? go to your brothers in Egypt... And i can tell you without a doubt, If a Muslim decides not to wear a Headscarf in Israel they are not in any risk of losing there lives nor going to be put in jail..
Stealing Land?? How are they stealing land?? They fought and now control it, it is disputed land that i can tell you for the survival of Israel will never be given to the Palestinians, The Gaza experience i think was enough to put a stamp on that, now what are they going to do?? How many Christian and Jews that did live across the Middle East are gone in many Countries?? Muslims are now in control and that is Many Many countries!! What could anyone do?? Where is there one Muslim controlled Democracy country??
Israel is the home of the Jews, and anyone is welcome that chooses to live there, if you don't like it what can i say other than i am sorry you feel that way:idunno:..
I really don't know if you are joking around?? Or you are serious?? Anybodies meaning of "Mass Murder" would be a depletion of a population or extinction..
So i am not sure if the Palestinians have figured out a way using the Taqiya method or yourself?? But there population is actually growing not depleting so from now on i think anything you post here in English i will have to read between the lines.. And i said that without one derogatory word directed at you...
Good advice for your Brothers... Calm makes Calm, thinking realistic and cherish your children and don't put them in harms way, protect them with your life, not vice versa.. Tell your brothers not to promote reward for killing innocent people because you don't know how to build infrastructure for your own Country, your Rulers to take care of you first, not tell them dreams that will never happen, and will cost them there lives, Martyrdom is not a good thing!!!!!!

03-25-2019, 06:19 PM

Showing this ?? Are you jealous Whatcdfan of Jews being successful?? There are billions of Muslims, is it my problem a lot of them choose to live in the 17th century?? Not all Jews are Pro Israel?? and Bias?? What do you want to change Sharia Law in the US?? I am serious!! How many of those Jews do you think are orthodox?? Your are not that obtuse are you??
Thanking Idol is not knocking Jews, he is making an opinion. and you using Taqiya, is not going to change reality, but now you either have to accept it or become a news reporter and be happy... You complaining and blaming is not going to change anything, If you want to "Hate" and not accept, that is your problem not anyone else's....

03-25-2019, 06:32 PM
At least Fox News is owned by a facist.

Also clearly Jesus was wrong about the whole can't serve both God and Mammon as it seems the Catholic Church ain't above being bought off either that or Murdoch has done a lot of good service I'm not aware of. :) https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2014/12/18/rupert-murdoch-and-philanthropy-will-a-legendary-scrooge-cha.html

In January 1998, 3 months before the announcement of his separation from Anna, a Roman Catholic, Murdoch was made a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KSG), a papal honour awarded by Pope John Paul II. While Murdoch would often attend Mass with Torv, he never converted to Catholicism.

03-25-2019, 06:33 PM
Hi Anon, my friend of old. Good to see you all still hanging out here.

Wow! news of the day. Matrix was one of the best franchises watching it as a child. When I first watched Matrix Reloaded back in 2003 I couldn't help but jumping off my seat, praying for the messiah to save the humans from those evil Androids.

I closely followed the directors of the movie, The Wachowski Brothers in their later works, Cloud Atlas, Jupiter Ascending etc but only to be disappointed as I expected the quality of the Matrix Trilogy. Those movies had the imagination but lacked the thrill of the Matrix and they way it captured the Good vs Evil battle.

I was really excited about Reloaded too back in the day, and at the time I was only a wannabe with no high-speed Internet and no knowledge of where the cool pirates hung out, so I had to wait for the local video store to stock the VHS :(

People give the two sequels a lot of flak for being a massive letdown; they were okay as far as I'm concerned, it's just that the original was a classic and a very tough act to follow. The only unforgivable sin was the highway shootout in the second movie :sly:

03-25-2019, 06:46 PM
Leave the Jew pigs alone says the Jew.

Where do you get your facts Taqiya news:lol: , wherever they are building homes and infrastructure the Palestinians are never going to getThe same as Jerusalem they will never have control of it in any lifetime!!.. and a lot of the settlements are pending builds not built, and swaps were to be in a Negotiation if that ever happens, your propaganda doesn't work, what is really happening on the ground,and lets say your are right?? What are you going to do??!! Call Israelis land thieves LOL!! I think Muslims fit a bigger negativity in the Middle East LOL!! READ the POST to end this subject the Terrorists Hamas and PLO and the other Iran Proxie Islamic Jihad are not going to get one piece of land that could jeopardize the harm of Israeli citizens. You don't like it go live in the 50 other hostile takeover Muslim Countries, they should welcome them with open arms:happy: , But forget Egypt, because there borders are closed , and Jordan and Syria will give a lifetime of living in camps..
The charade is over for the poor welfare Palestinians, either the Rulers can take the money they steal for themselves and show they want to build infrastructure and an economy and not rockets and tunnels to try to get something they never will.. Is that enough what you think propaganda for you:)

03-25-2019, 07:02 PM
Will you not quit lying ? umm...You're Jewish so never mind.

You are kidding right LOL!! 17 million Jews and Billions of Muslims!!

So the ratio is 1 Jewish person lies to 1 million Muslims Taqyiya LOL!!!!!

I agree that Saddam had nuclear ambitions and was actively working to attain those ambitions. However, that reactor was destroyed in 1981 by Israel in operation Opera. The war later in 2003 was fought only to destroy Iraq and make way for Greater Israel. Members of your tribe Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Parle, Elliot Abrams and that motherfuckin' Jewish swine William Kristol were the main architects of the Iraq war with the rest of team based in Tel-Aviv on board.[/QUOTE]

The Jews wanted to take over Iraq, not free the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator LOL now the US fucked up and let Iran move in, and cause more trouble in the Middle East, ya that was Israel intentions LOL!!! You really are a funny guy Whatcdfan, this is really fun LOL!!!!

And you forgot the Reactor in Syria buddy..


I picked this news site just for you a good trustworthy site for your brothers;)

That's all the world needs is a Muslim with nuclear weapons !!!!

03-25-2019, 07:12 PM
At least Fox News is owned by a facist.

Also clearly Jesus was wrong about the whole can't serve both God and Mammon as it seems the Catholic Church ain't above being bought off either that or Murdoch has done a lot of good service I'm not aware of. :) https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2014/12/18/rupert-murdoch-and-philanthropy-will-a-legendary-scrooge-cha.html

In January 1998, 3 months before the announcement of his separation from Anna, a Roman Catholic, Murdoch was made a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KSG), a papal honour awarded by Pope John Paul II. While Murdoch would often attend Mass with Torv, he never converted to Catholicism.

Bigger news Idol.... Trump has now recognized Israels sovereignty of the Golan Heights;), now i can't wait for the Muslim controlled UN to condemn the US LOL!!.. They should be kissing Trumps Ass that all of these Dictator countries representatives are allowed in New York, and have a piece of the Great life compared to there own shit hole countries:).....


03-25-2019, 07:26 PM
That Richard Parle clown owns JINSA, on the cover it says "Jewish Institute for National Security of America" what it actually is the Israeli Military Industrial complex within the US with the of Motto : "Securing America, Strengthening Israel"

It's the same thing they did what they trying to do with Iran. With Mark Dubowitz, another Jewish rat that owns Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Mark Dubowitz is the CEO of the hawkish think-tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, where he co-founded its Center on Economic and Financial Power as well as its Center on Military and Political Power. He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran

Why is he a rat?? Because he wants to help protect an ally to the US as well as there own home?? Your jealousy is showing again:lips: Egypt or Jordan or Saudi Arabia don't have a problem with the sanctions on Iran, are they not your Brothers Whatcdfan??

You shoot one rocket into Israel!!! Now this is what you get!!!


There are going to be lives lost, and for stupidity!! I assume you have some brothers in Egypt?? Why don't you give them a shout out and see if they have some clout and can get the border open there?? Israels will be closed for a while after this:cry:

03-25-2019, 07:27 PM
Human shields are not out of the question?? Sending out there children to die because they can make lots more and start the rotation again??

The inbred Jew worm crawled out of sewer again. I see.

How many times will you make me say it Jew ? Kill in cold blood and blame the victims for it.

UN Council: Israel Intentionally Shot Children and Journalists in Gaza


And the Zionist concept seem to want to live and prosper and provide and protect there children including the the non Jews that live in Israel , ??

Let me get this straight, before Zionism, there was no bloodshed in the Palestine. With Zionism comes the bloodshed along with the need to protect the children from the very Zionism that was causing the mass killings of the children in the first place ?

Cut me the crap you motherfucking Jewish bastard. Your entire reasoning is constructed along the lines to evade the crimes of your tribe, FLAWED.

Allow me throw another curve for you to reason.

Israel using Palestinian prisoners and children as guinea pigs to test weapons and pharmaceuticals.


Also while you spin this, don't forget to elucidate why no MSM whores covers these stories ?

Wait, I forgot, they also forget to cover the ongoing Palestinian genocide so this shouldn't be news. Am I right Jew ?

03-25-2019, 07:33 PM
I'm glad you brought Taqiya into this Jew. Stay tuned, you're in for a treat.

Also, stay tuned for ISIS, Boko Haram and rest of the shit.

I'm going to give you the humping of the lifetime.

03-25-2019, 07:36 PM
Hi Anon, my friend of old. Good to see you all still hanging out here.

Seeing you are very observant Cdfan What:unsure:, since you haven't been around in a while, it would be nice to not only recognize that Anon is still around, he actually got a promotion as well :yup:

And thanks again Idol and Anon, one of the ways worked for my Son to get Jolly Phonics, thanks again to both:cheers:

03-25-2019, 07:40 PM
I'm glad you brought Taqiya into this Jew. Stay tuned, you're in for a treat.

Also, stay tuned for ISIS, Boko Haram and rest of the shit.

I'm going to give you the humping of the lifetime.

You are a joke and a child LOL!! what did i say that isn't true??Did i hit a sore spot or something:idunno:

03-25-2019, 07:44 PM
I was really excited about Reloaded too back in the day, and at the time I was only a wannabe with no high-speed Internet and no knowledge of where the cool pirates hung out, so I had to wait for the local video store to stock the VHS :(

People give the two sequels a lot of flak for being a massive letdown; they were okay as far as I'm concerned, it's just that the original was a classic and a very tough act to follow. The only unforgivable sin was the highway shootout in the second movie :sly:

Lol never imagined you of all people having no knowledge of piracy at any point you have Internet. Remember when we first met at SBI or whatever that thing called where you guided my baby steps into the realm of piracy ? It's much easier now with no hassles, the only downside being there's no thrill to get into High Level sites thus no e-peen to show off to lol

I'm in total agreement with you about the original. Kinda flick that should be saved to watch every now and then until forever. Let's hope this new one is going to be a kick ass.

Also, I'm kinda disappointed you still haven't beaten Idol in the post count. I'm still counting on you to take the 20$ reward. Work on it bud, we can't allow Canadian spammers to win now can we ?

03-25-2019, 08:01 PM
At least Fox News is owned by a facist.

Also clearly Jesus was wrong about the whole can't serve both God and Mammon as it seems the Catholic Church ain't above being bought off either that or Murdoch has done a lot of good service I'm not aware of. :) https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2014/12/18/rupert-murdoch-and-philanthropy-will-a-legendary-scrooge-cha.html

In January 1998, 3 months before the announcement of his separation from Anna, a Roman Catholic, Murdoch was made a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KSG), a papal honour awarded by Pope John Paul II. While Murdoch would often attend Mass with Torv, he never converted to Catholicism.

I'm glad Idol you brought this up. That rat Murdoch is also on board of directors of Genie Energy along side Dick Cheney and evil incarnate himself, the Jew swine Jacob Rothschild among others, all the architects of the Iraq war. Genie Energy has exclusive right to drill for the oil in Golan. They already have three sites running.

Jews have got entire US mainstream media covered along with some part of Hollywood. And the pathological liar who covers himself in the veneer of a compassionate person was questioning the the (dis)credibility of the MSM. I don't have much time, but even then I'm going to chop his chosen ass and hand it over to him.

03-25-2019, 08:07 PM
The inbred Jew worm crawled out of sewer again. I see.
How many times will you make me say it Jew ? Kill in cold blood and blame the victims for it.
UN Council: Israel Intentionally Shot Children and Journalists in Gaza

All crap and look who voted in favor for it LOL!! Infested with countries to hide all of the worst human rights violators :lol:

Great advice from a patriotic Canadian born Jew to a interesting Taqiya Muslim, stay away and don't send your children to a border with snipers protecting it's sovereignty, give them some advice and go to Egypt's border and shoot rocks and incendiary devices to them, or maybe a better idea!!!, Send your kids to the terrorist teaching UNRAW welfare school and try to get your brain to do the opposite of what they are teaching:idunno:..Spelled out!! Protest in the interior of Gaza and stay away and don't try to breach the barrier fence. There will be Zero people injured and or killed!!! Simple advice for any common sense human being in the 21st century;)..

What even more amazes me!!! They don't have money for food but they can spend money for burning toxic tires and sling shots,or if the young innocent child will only get 5 Shekels for becoming a propaganda Martyr, the parents should negotiate for more to put him in harms way to die:noes:

03-25-2019, 08:08 PM
You are a joke and a child LOL!! what did i say that isn't true??Did i hit a sore spot or something:idunno:

Can't you just be a little patient ? I Promise It'll worth the wait.

While I get back to you on ISIS, in the mean time recite this:


03-25-2019, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE=IdolEyes787;3810977]Bigger news Idol.... Trump has now recognized Israels sovereignty of the Golan Heights;), now i can't wait for the Muslim controlled UN to condemn the US LOL!!.. They should be kissing Trumps Ass that all of these Dictator countries representatives are allowed in New York, and have a piece of the Great life compared to there own shit hole countries:).....



03-25-2019, 08:24 PM
Jews have got entire US mainstream media covered along with some part of Hollywood. And the pathological liar who covers himself in the veneer of a compassionate person was questioning the the (dis)credibility of the MSM. I don't have much time, but even then I'm going to chop his chosen ass and hand it over to him.

Your jealousy is showing again CdfanWhat, so knowing you are obtuse, they are not all Pro Israel, but yes many Jews are educated and successful. There are a Billion of you guys out there!! And many with wealth!! Why can't you Muslims catch up:idunno:
There is always roles for Terrorists in a ton of new shows out there?? Oops i forgot there is a lot of Israeli Jews that can dumb down and play suicide bombers or Terrorist and everyone will be safe knowing that it won't be switched for a real bomb vest :drummer:

And that may save the Jews and the Goyim on the set from you never know a koo koo jealous Muslim....

Great Actor;)

03-25-2019, 08:32 PM
The Jews wanted to take over Iraq, not free the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator LOL now the US fucked up and let Iran move in, and cause more trouble in the Middle East, ya that was Israel intentions LOL!!! You really are a funny guy Whatcdfan, this is really fun LOL!!!!

And you forgot the Reactor in Syria buddy..


I picked this news site just for you a good trustworthy site for your brothers;)

That's all the world needs is a Muslim with nuclear weapons !!!!

See that's what I meant when I tell you that you can't help your lying abilities. It's in the genes.

Saddam's (under construction reactor) was destroyed in 1981 and after Iraq lived it's usefulness post Iran-Iraq war, the Zionists who had Saddam on their team, invaded and removed Iraq's all defending abilities in the war of 1991.

I can't blame these countries trying to build the nuclear warheads when the megalomaniac psychopaths have invaded and living next door destroying country after country. Especially in the scenario that the chosen meglomaniacs of the Satan posses 200-400 nuclear war head themselves. Only a Jew would blame the Arabs.

The State of Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons. Current estimates put the size of the Israeli nuclear arsenal at between 80 and 400 nuclear warheads,and the country is believed to possess the ability to deliver them in a variety of methods including: aircraft; submarine-launched cruise missiles; and the Jericho series of intermediate to intercontinental range ballistic missiles. Its first deliverable nuclear weapon is thought to have been created in late 1966 or early 1967; which would make it the sixth country in the world to have developed them

Also, quit calling me buddy, as I have heard the buddies will end on the same side of the divine judgement. I certainly can't afford to end up where you're going you see I'm not the chosen one.

03-25-2019, 08:37 PM
Israel doesn't follow the internationally recognized laws concerning occupied territories so there is that.

Also I hate to admit it but I'm afraid that all the public evidence to the contrary, I'm finding I can't believe the released info on the Mueller report nor the conclusion that there should be no further prosecutions. I do admit this may simply be bias against a bunch of life-long crooks on my part.

Btw I saw a couple of formerly high ranking prosecutors interview and both said that they wouldn't indict government officials for most crimes as it would be "bad for the country".

I thought justice was the one suppose to be blind and medicine was the one that was suppose to be about doing no harm. Maybe they need to reconsider the use of Lady Justice as a symbol.

30k. I rest my case.

03-25-2019, 08:39 PM


Some great comments CdfanWhat, now make a call to the Israeli Knesset and see if they give 2 shits what the UN thinks LOL!!!
Again the obtuse Taqiya showing the UN is the biggest farce out there!! As i said it gives all the worst criminal Countries (and not all Muslim believe it or not!!) out there a vacation in New York City, and the fix is always on 80% of the time spent bashing Israel by all the Terrorists countries and they all the hours spent the US blocks it LOL!!! The two biggest terrorist countries of the this age Iran and Syria seldom gets brought up and Russia blocks all of those it is Useless/Farce, so saying that so is your propaganda post of a comment section.. And after saying all of that!! Israel will never give up the Golan Heights, what are they going to do:)
And Israelis not kill anyone unless they pose a threat to there citizens, and usually in most of the reporting i never hear a Christian was killed, But i do see a few Muslim terrorists mentioned, not innocent ones.....

03-25-2019, 09:04 PM
How conveniently Jew swine has evaded all the accusations with proof and concluded or at least attempted to that Iran and Syria are the terror states, while Israel only acts in the self-defense.

The ISIS Conspiracy: How Israel and the West Manipulate Our Minds Through Fear


Where did the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) come from? How did this terrorist group go from an unknown phantom to seizing vast stretches of territory in Syria and Iraq in less than a year? Who is sponsoring ISIS and for what purpose? In a series of hard-hitting articles, Canadian writer Brandon Martinez uncovers the hidden hand of Israel and the West behind the meteoric rise of ISIS and the underlying Zionist destabilization agenda that it serves. Martinez cuts through mainstream media hype and disinformation which seeks to confound the masses about ISIS

10 Indications ISIS Is A US-Israeli Creation


IDF-linked Think Tank Admits Israel, ISIS Are Allies in Confronting Iran in Syria


PressTV-Israel finally admits supplying arms to militants in Syria


How America Armed Terrorists in Syria – Consortiumnews


03-25-2019, 09:06 PM
“Israel’s Secret Engagement”: UN Raises Alarm over “Contacts” Between Israeli Forces and Syrian Terrorists including ISIS-Daesh


More to come tomorrow.....How injured ISIS terrorists got treated in the Israeli hospitals.

MSM some how must have been blinded all this time eh ?

03-26-2019, 01:27 AM
How conveniently Jew swine has evaded all the accusations with proof and concluded or at least attempted to that Iran and Syria are the terror states, while Israel only acts in the self-defense.

I am not sure how much proof you need to get it through your thick obtuse head!! Israel is not trying to take over the Middle East!!! Iran is!!!, Jesus all you have to do is ask your Brothers from Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, I mean Lebanon is afraid to speak of it because they will be thrown of a roof from the proxies Hezbollah, and your other brother Assad is sucking everyone's dick to keep alive!!! Muslim Russian he is not picky!!!
And your comment would be incorrect my Taqiyya Brother From a Terrorist Mother;), The IDF does many preemptive strikes and to say they admit doing it all the time would be in your Taqiyya category so i won't stoop to your level.But it does usually come out sooner or later, like destroying many you know?? But i will give you an example... When your terrorists brothers Iran and there very fat and pale for he is afraid of sticking his head out of his bunker Nasrallah gang Hezbollah decide to get a shipment of rockets to Syria, and the building they are shipped and stored in seems to go BOOM!! without knowing how:idunno:, just theories and assumptions most of the time;)

And even for a Muslim, i think you may appreciate why Israel will never return the Golan Heights to terrorists.. And did you ever ask yourself that the only people that call Israel terrorists are Muslim terrorists?? Yet, and i do say Yet!!, Everyone in the world calls Muslims Terrorists?? and sometimes they add the word "Radical Islamic" for effect, and i will say because again Taqiyya is not in my blood thank G-D!!!, not all Muslims are for sure, but if even 10% are?? and we know that is kind of low?? That is more than the whole Jewish population on earth!!, Now that is mind boggling my Taqiyya friend , maybe you should try to convince them to be actors or maybe work for a News organization?? But i wold suggest somewhere outside North America?? I would think it would be tough for them to get enough viewers and believers what came out of there mouths in English :O

Oh and i just noticed this.."IDF-linked Think Tank Admits Israel, ISIS Are Allies in Confronting Iran in Syria"??

Now if you take that in perspective Everyone dislikes Iran and Syria!! I think the terrorists leaders of both look in the mirror and say the same thing!!! So if Israel and ISIS are fighting both of them ya that would make sense!! How do you see a problem with that?? How about this one obtuse one;)?? Take a hypothetical here, and say Hamas and the PLO start a in house war?? Now don't you think that Israel will help the least Terrorist one (and yes that will be a hard decision)That would benefit them in power?? And after there is only one Terrorist power left?? Then it is back to business focusing on one?? Do you see a problem in that?? Look at what is happening in Gaza now with Hamas and Islamic Jihad (One of Iran's disposable proxies)?? Hamas is the ruler of Gaza, if Islamic Jihad shoots rockets into Israel, Israel destroys parts of Hamas structure in Gaza, sooner of later Hamas will have to do something about Iran's stooges or they are fucked!!! Does that not make sense?? Sooner or later you are going to see Saudi Arabia and Israel fighting the same Enemy?? Does that mean they like each other or they have the same goals?? Do you think the US likes everyone they fight for?? Or there is an end interests there?? Russia doesn't give a fuck about anyone they play both sides of every war they are involved in!! The bombings in Syria from Israel are coordinated with Russia and the US (they have direct lines!!) for the Air space?? Russia only wants his interests achieved!! Putin doesn't give a fuck if everyone kills each other, just not his Army LOL!!, If you have rings on?? After you shake Putin's hand you have to count you still have them all?? But why make a enemy of someone if he is useful to you?? Again doesn't mean you will ever trust them fully?? North Korea a perfect example China??
I know i call you obtuse, but..........

Truce Ok Whatcdfan.... Peace for a minute and really watch this and tell me what you think?? Every faith is ridiculed/critiqued in it, so really tell me what you think about any faith?? I am being sincere here ok....


03-26-2019, 01:42 AM
[B]“Israel’s Secret Engagement”: UN Raises Alarm over “Contacts” Between Israeli Forces and Syrian Terrorists including ISIS-Daesh[/B

All you had to do is show the report came from the UN LOL!!!!!, and what Terrorist reported and wrote it :lol:
More Taqiya out of your English Print LOL!! Yes Israel did set up portable hospitals for helping Syrian allies to the US that is fact, but i know in your belief they should die with Martyrdom right?? But i can tell you my obtuse friend they were very happy to be alive and grateful that Jews with education and skills saved there lives;)

In the future, it would be recomened not to quote or use anything that comes out of the UN against Israel obtuse y:clown: It doesn't look good with your Taqiiyya
Thobe is showing:bag:

What a laugh this is LOL!!!!


See what is more important than a terrorists ranting LOL!!!


What is this???


03-26-2019, 08:09 AM
Hay pigface we'll get to Iran. Let's just cover Syria first.


03-26-2019, 08:14 AM
Lavon Affair

The Lavon affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood


Read again Hebrew fag, terror attacks planned by Israel to be blamed on Muslim Brotherhood.

Hebe fags only got better.

03-26-2019, 08:23 AM
ISIS Commander Revealed as Mossad Agent by Whitney Webb - MintPress News

Here has long been speculation regarding ties between the Israeli government and the terror group Daesh, otherwise known as the Islamic State. Such speculation has been fueled by Israel’s reference to Daesh as a “useful tool” and its acknowledgment that it views a Syria under complete Daesh control as preferable to the continuation of the current Syrian government. It is supported as well by the extensive aid and even medical treatments that Daesh militants have received from Israel. However, allegations have recently emerged that could suggest that the connection is even deeper than previously believed.


03-26-2019, 08:30 AM

US aircraft have evacuated 22 ISIS field commanders from Deir Ezzor to “safer regions” as government forces are advancing against the terrorist group in this strategic city, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported on Thursday citing a military and diplomatic source.

On August 26, a “US Air Force helicopter” reportedly evacuated 2 ISIS field commanders of “European origin” with members of their families from an area northwest of Deir Ezzor city. On August 28, US aircraft evacuated 20 ISIS field commanders and militants close to them from an area southeast of Deir Ezzor city to northern Syria.


At this point I'm thinking that the US and Jews secretly practice some kinda Islam that is different from the one Muhammad founded, why else their terrorist proxy army called "Islamic State" ? created precisely to destroy the Muslims who practice the version of Islam founded by Muhammad.

Blame it all on the victims, Banjamins.

03-26-2019, 12:05 PM
Maybe they need to reconsider the use of Lady Justice as a symbol. 30k. I rest my case.

:lol: I miss your humor Idol. Congratulations on the 30k. I'm supposed to keep this a secret but since I don't think it's going to work, let me just say it anyway. I and Anon have made a deal that he will help me beat you for the last post. Now before you start pointing fingers or anything, let me tell you that like everything else in the universe, Anon is solely responsible for this too. He shouldn't have trusted anyone but himself in the first place.

I wish I could stay but got married last year. Misses and her demands keeps me on foot. When I'm not busy spending money on the things she wants, I'm busy making money. Sometimes I feel like I'm being taken advantage of :noes:

03-26-2019, 12:33 PM
Read again Hebrew fag, terror attacks planned by Israel to be blamed on Muslim Brotherhood.
Hebe fags only got better.

Are you allow to even use the word "Fag" which is very Fopaux in the LGBTQ community without getting both your heads chopped off Bara,:unsure: Oh Ya!! Taqiyya jeopardy kicks in right Bara:lol:

Again all crap LOL!! Next......

03-26-2019, 01:08 PM
I wish I could stay but got married last year. Misses and her demands keeps me on foot. When I'm not busy spending money on the things she wants, I'm busy making money. Sometimes I feel like I'm being taken advantage of :noes:

Mazel Tov on getting Married Whatcdfan:cheers:
Wait a minute here!!! This is a Jewish thing is it not?? Muslims beat and treat there women like shit!! Jeez!! I may have to rethink this!!, a Moderate Jew, and a Moderate Muslim are bickering about. Israel and Muslim countries, and really Whatcdfan would have a better chance living a better life in Israel knowing he can treat his wife with dignity there?? But in a Muslim country he would have to do the opposite?? And yet this Moderate Muslim is knocking Israel vs Iran?? I am thinking now everything he tries to post knocking Israel the one and only Jewish State and accepts all faiths and equality and LGBTQ community as well!!!, i am thinking hypercritical :yup:

Hmmmm.... Now if i go to a Orthodox or Conservative synagogue and want to pray there, i will be accepted with open arms, If you go to a radical Mosque, and say you your are treating your wife proper and with dignity and not beating and treating your wife like shit, would you have the fear you may not make it out of that Mosque alive and be considered an Infidel ??


A wee bit of Hollywood added:), and didn't Lucas convert to Judaism:unsure:

03-26-2019, 02:20 PM
Israel doesn't follow the internationally recognized laws concerning occupied territories so there is that.
Actually that would be a false statement, considering there are not worded as "occupied territories", that is made up crap!!, they are "disputed territories", to be negotiated between the parties that were captured by war from Jordan rule, and never considered fictional Palestinian people .... And it has always been known that Israel would do land swaps of equal size for strategic military safety;), and that was never accepted either way in the Useless Nation or the other party.. Plus year to year there has always been an exaggeration on the actual disputed settlements built vs pending (In area C, that will never be negotiated with and where the IDF is based), for propaganda purposes, and keep the narrative of UN funding/welfare for the Palestinians and not actually build a state. Hens the US cutting off the funding directly and given the option to get the two parties to negotiate a 2 state solution, and actual fund the infrastructure including other Countries contributing, and stop wasting funds with zero results....

Also I hate to admit it but I'm afraid that all the public evidence to the contrary, I'm finding I can't believe the released info on the Mueller report nor the conclusion that there should be no further prosecutions. I do admit this may simply be bias against a bunch of life-long crooks on my part.

At this point, who cares what you think anymore knowing you have bias and don't like Trump/Republican parties policies, so knowing that, your vote for the party would be considered mute in any election;)

Btw I saw a couple of formerly high ranking prosecutors interview and both said that they wouldn't indict government officials for most crimes as it would be "bad for the country".

Nice recovery on this point and i would agree with you, and add that yes there would have been lots of Indictments issued if there was Russian collusion against the Trump and Republican party,But!!, if there was proof no matter what on a serious/treasonous issue of Russia collusion!!, and in the report it actually showed that?? I have no doubt Mueller and Rosenstein (both Democrat leaning), would have sent down Indictments, and now that is put to bed and there is zero evidence there, and the Presidents exemption was also not needed, or can be used as an excuse for the Democrats to proceed in impeachment on that matter. But again i will add that there is no dispute in my opinion that there was Russian collusion to disrupt the election!!, but it backfired now on the Democratic party (Clinton) with this farce......

I thought justice was the one suppose to be blind and medicine was the one that was suppose to be about doing no harm. Maybe they need to reconsider the use of Lady Justice as a symbol.

I personally would just take this comment and say again it is your bias/opinions on the President and the Republican party..
I just hope you actually still don't think that now and deserved Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh gang raped women:unsure:
I wonder where Ford and Swetnick are and hope they are getting the help they needed, it looks like Avenatti better purchase a few tubes of good quality lube or he is going to have some serious ass tearing in prison

30k. I rest my case.

Mazel Tov buddy on this great accomplishment here:unsure:

03-26-2019, 03:53 PM
Showing this ?? Are you jealous Whatcdfan of Jews being successful?? There are billions of Muslims, is it my problem a lot of them choose to live in the 17th century?? Not all Jews are Pro Israel?? and Bias?? What do you want to change Sharia Law in the US?? I am serious!! How many of those Jews do you think are orthodox?? Your are not that obtuse are you??

Ah shit, I really don't want to get roped into this, but I'd just like to point out that the BBC, for example, has a board that consists of 15 members (https://www.bbc.co.uk/corporate2/insidethebbc/managementstructure/bbcboard). Aside from the fact that the Agius guy apparently is not on the board anymore (just how old is that graphic?), I don't think a sample size of One is meaningful in that context... I suspect it's similar with the other entities.

But hey, let's have fun with numbers...

03-26-2019, 04:03 PM
Also I hate to admit it but I'm afraid that all the public evidence to the contrary, I'm finding I can't believe the released info on the Mueller report nor the conclusion that there should be no further prosecutions. I do admit this may simply be bias against a bunch of life-long crooks on my part.

I still have faith in the SDNY legal system. :)

03-26-2019, 04:46 PM
OK but.....


Not that I doubt that Avenatti is a sleazeball totally capable of this but the timing is incredibly suspect.

You do understand that it's possible for someone to be both a criminal and set-up?

03-26-2019, 04:48 PM
I'm filing under laughable that some people are saying it's good we found out about this because at one point he was talking about running for President and the last thing anyone wants is a crook in the White House.

03-26-2019, 04:56 PM
Actually that would be a false statement, considering there are not worded as "occupied territories", that is made up crap!!, they are "disputed territories", to be negotiated between the parties that were captured by war from Jordan rule, and never considered fictional Palestinian people .... And it has always been known that Israel would do land swaps of equal size for strategic military safety;), and that was never accepted either way in the Useless Nation or the other party.. Plus year to year there has always been an exaggeration on the actual disputed settlements built vs pending (In area C, that will never be negotiated with and where the IDF is based), for propaganda purposes, and keep the narrative of UN funding/welfare for the Palestinians and not actually build a state. Hens the US cutting off the funding directly and given the option to get the two parties to negotiate a 2 state solution, and actual fund the infrastructure including other Countries contributing, and stop wasting funds with zero results....

Also I hate to admit it but I'm afraid that all the public evidence to the contrary, I'm finding I can't believe the released info on the Mueller report nor the conclusion that there should be no further prosecutions. I do admit this may simply be bias against a bunch of life-long crooks on my part.

At this point, who cares what you think anymore knowing you have bias and don't like Trump/Republican parties policies, so knowing that, your vote for the party would be considered mute in any election;)

Btw I saw a couple of formerly high ranking prosecutors interview and both said that they wouldn't indict government officials for most crimes as it would be "bad for the country".

Nice recovery on this point and i would agree with you, and add that yes there would have been lots of Indictments issued if there was Russian collusion against the Trump and Republican party,But!!, if there was proof no matter what on a serious/treasonous issue of Russia collusion!!, and in the report it actually showed that?? I have no doubt Mueller and Rosenstein (both Democrat leaning), would have sent down Indictments, and now that is put to bed and there is zero evidence there, and the Presidents exemption was also not needed, or can be used as an excuse for the Democrats to proceed in impeachment on that matter. But again i will add that there is no dispute in my opinion that there was Russian collusion to disrupt the election!!, but it backfired now on the Democratic party (Clinton) with this farce......

I thought justice was the one suppose to be blind and medicine was the one that was suppose to be about doing no harm. Maybe they need to reconsider the use of Lady Justice as a symbol.

I personally would just take this comment and say again it is your bias/opinions on the President and the Republican party..
I just hope you actually still don't think that now and deserved Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh gang raped women:unsure:
I wonder where Ford and Swetnick are and hope they are getting the help they needed, it looks like Avenatti better purchase a few tubes of good quality lube or he is going to have some serious ass tearing in prison

Hence and moot but hey who the fuck gives a crap about right and wrong anymore?

As for Palenstine not being occupied territorty, try telling the Irish that.

Also Kavanaugh might well be innocent but a proper investigation into the matter was never allowed or as they say in right wing forums "aloud" so we shall never know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

03-26-2019, 04:59 PM
Hey, Whatcd. If shay could be swayed by facts he wouldn't support the current US administration now would he?

03-26-2019, 06:11 PM
The homo kikeroach is now calling the legitimacy of Islam and the behavior of the Muslims in the household so I believe he's reaching the end of the tunnel. I don't have the IQ as high as the Jewish scum so it takes time for me to catch up.

Again for the convenience of the Jews, the civilization they are trying to flip from it's position on the food chain just happens to be the nasty savages that beat their wives. Jeez. How fortunate for the orcs. This, for me makes an interesting topic to touch, the Jewish campaign of demonetization of Islam and biggest beneficiaries of the subsequent US wars. Then again it will take me some time to get there, you know looking into Pamela Geller (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Geller) MEMRI, Breitbart etc etc. Not that Talmudic Judaism is any evil or anything and as claimed by the Jew worm not all Jews are faithful believers rather an atheist but somehow the entire ethnicity of the orcs is organized to fulfill the dream of Third Temple, obviously Muslims need to go into oblivion before that dream could be realized. Not that it's a big issue, they beat their wives remember and the only way to live with dignity was to live in Israel under Jews as a second class, sub-human.

Pompeo Video Tour Omits Mosque on Holy Site, includes 'Third Temple'


That Mosque was build in 7th century at the place where second Jewish temple stood and was destroyed by the Romans following the great Jewish revolt in 66 A.D

What are these satanic Pharisees trying to accomplish after all.

The Nomadic Parasites will shift out of London and into Manhattan. And this will be presented under a camouflage of national slogans. It will be represented as an American victory. It will not be an American victory. Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles. —Ezra Pound

that’s the intro to this book “ THE NEW BABYLON THOSE WHO REIGN SUPREME by Michael Collins"
The Rothschild Empire: The Modern-Day Pharisees and the Historical, Religious and Economic Origins of The New World Order

Free pdf http://www.christianovercomers.com/pdf_files/New_Babylon.pdf

those khazarian tribe, from the Pale of Settlement, who plans to control a “New World Order” ... where goyim’s only purpose in life is to serve their Talmudic masters.

In order to understand what the Talmud is about without reading the massive volumes, here’s a short summary excerpt from the book,
The New Babylon, pp 61-62:
Dr. Auguste Rohling, a professor at the University of Prague in the late 19th Century was a student of Hebrew and assembled a translation of the Talmud. This is what Rohling described as the basis of the Talmud:

1) The soul of the Jew is part of God Himself; the souls of the other peoples come from the Devil and resemble those of brutes;

2) Domination over other peoples is the right of Jews alone;

3) Awaiting the coming of the Messiah, the Jews live in a con- tinsel state of war with other peoples;

4) When the victory of the Jews is won, other peoples will accept the Jewish religion; however the Christians will not be given this privilege, but will be exterminated because they belong to the Devil.

5) The Jew is the substance of God; a Gentile who strikes him deserves death;

6) Non-Jews are created to serve Jews;

7) A Jew is forbidden to show mercy to his enemies;

8) A Jew may be a hypocrite to a non-Jew;

9) To despoil a non-Jew is permitted;

10) If anyone returns to a Christian something he has lost, God will not pardon him;

11) God has ordained that the Jew shall take usury from the non-Jew in order to injure him;

12) The best of the non-Jews should be exterminated; the honest life of a Gentile should be the object of hate;

13) If a Jew can deceive a Gentile by pretending to be a non-Jew, he is permitted to do so.

03-26-2019, 06:18 PM
Now before the kikesucker rejects Michael Collins and his work let me just quote the Talmud directly anyway.

"A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl." -&ad. Shas. 2:2

"A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat." -Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan 9ruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348

"A Jew may misuse the non-Jewess in her state of unbelief." -Maimonides, Jak. Chasaka 2:2

"IF a goy kills a goy or a Jew he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy he is NOT responsible." -Tosefta. 9boda Za,-a 8, 5

"We beg Thee, 0 Lord, inflict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee. Take away, 0 Lord, all hope from them. Destroy all foes of Thy nation." -Synagaga Judaica, p. 212. Minhagen, p. 23. Crach Chain, 480 Magah.

"The teachings of the Talmud stand above all other laws. They are more important than the laws of Moses." -Rabbi Issael, Rabbi Chasbar, et. al.

"It is more wicked to question the words of the rabbis than those of the Torah." -Michna Sanhedryn 11:3

"It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the law. He who would do it would be as guilty as though he destroyed the whole world." -Jektat Chadasz, 171, 3

"Every goy who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die." -Sanhedryn, 59a, aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga 13

"To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly." -Libbre David 37

"If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death." -Libbre David 37

"A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them." -Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Via 17

"The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts..." -Saba Mecia 114, 6

"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." -Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated." -9boda Sarah 37a

"It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces." -Schuichan Qruch, Choszen Hajpiszpat jog

"A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself; but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer." -Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia

"A Jew may rob a goy - that is,.he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him." -Schalchan Arach, Choszen Hamiszpat 348

"Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets must be killed. Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly with the sword. if not, let them use artifices, till they are done away with." -Schulchan Qruch. Choszon Haviszpat 425.5

"All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general' " -Schalchan arach. Choszen Hasisxpat 348

03-26-2019, 06:28 PM
I don't know about any of that but I'm firmly against anyone who doesn't go along with my way of thinking including WASPs.

Irrational bordering on lunacy, yes. Racist, no.

03-26-2019, 06:33 PM

I'm sure hateful right-wing fucktards accusing them of being crisis actors had absolutely nothing to do with any of this.

03-26-2019, 06:33 PM
I haven't even touched the Jewish money manipulation, debt finance, private banking monopoly. Jews learned the manipulation of money during their captivity in Babylon and used the same tactics everywhere they went. Goyim are not so dumb after all, kicked them out of almost everywhere.

History proves Jews have been ran out of every country they’ve ever inhabited in numbers and it was always for being charged for doing the same things which include; usury, taxation, theft, deceit, devil worshiping, pedophilia, child sacrifices and mass infections of non-jews with poisons and plagues. (genocides)

List of 109 countries Jews got expelled from:


03-26-2019, 06:42 PM
Hey, Whatcd. If shay could be swayed by facts he wouldn't support the current US administration now would he?

Mr. Trump gave them Jerusalem. Terminated the JCPOA which is the first step in the invasion of Iran. Now recognized Israel's sovereignty over Golan. Now they're lobbying Trump to give west bank as well.

After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli”

Not to mention it's the family affair now. Jarod the son in law and recent convert to Judaism Ivanka.

It can only get better if they have the Jew as a president himself.

03-26-2019, 09:52 PM
Shay: I would like to ask you some questions if that is ok....

-Do you think Muslim Countries should exist?? Yes

-Do you think Muslims should live the way they choose?? Yes

-Do you think that Sharia Law should be implemented or made law In Canada or the US?? No

-Do you think that Judaism should influence Law in the US or Canada?? NO!!

-Do you think Christianity should influence of Law in the US or Canada?? NO

-Do you think any religion should have influence of Law?? No!!!!

=Do you think Muslims should exists?? Yes

-Do you think faiths actually give advantages in a democratic society?? No

-Do you believe all faiths have a right to believe and follow?? Yes

-Do you think that religion should be kept in your place of worship and home?? Yes

-Do you think religion should not intimidate or threaten other people?? Yes

-Do you think any bigotry should be acceptable anywhere??No

I may have follow up questions or the audience may have some for you in the future is that ok?? Yes

Whatcdfan/Idol: I would like to ask you some questions....

-Do you think Muslims can say that Sharia Law is above Canada and US laws??

- Do you think Sharia Law should be Law in Canada and US??

-Do you think Israel should and has the right to exists ??

-Do you think Israel has the right with any borders in the Middle East??

-Do you think Israel has the right to protect itself from threats and attacks??

-Do you think Israel has the right to call it the "Home of the Jewish People"??

-Do you think Jews have the right to exists??

-Do you think all Israelis have the right to exists??

-Do you think Jews alone influence the Laws in the US and Canada??

-Do you think Antisemitism should be accepted anywhere??

I may have or others may have questions later is that ok??

03-31-2019, 01:23 PM
Word of the day: Reticence

04-02-2019, 01:13 AM
Whatcdfan/Idol: I would like to ask you some questions....

-Do you think Muslims can say that Sharia Law is above Canada and US laws?? No

- Do you think Sharia Law should be Law in Canada and US?? No

-Do you think Israel should and has the right to exists ?? *see below

-Do you think Israel has the right with any borders in the Middle East?? *see below

-Do you think Israel has the right to protect itself from threats and attacks?? *see below

-Do you think Israel has the right to call it the "Home of the Jewish People"?? *see below

-Do you think Jews have the right to exists?? Yes

-Do you think all Israelis have the right to exists?? *see below

-Do you think Jews alone influence the Laws in the US and Canada?? No

-Do you think Antisemitism should be accepted anywhere?? Not outside the battlezone region

I may have or others may have questions later is that ok??

* This all came about because there was sympathy for the Jews after WW2. Nobody saw the Muslims as a viable threat, so their land was carved up and literally given to an outside, invading force. *All* the trouble, hostility, death came as a result of the disrespect shown to the people of that area. Had it not been for oil, we still wouldn't give a fuck about the inhabitants, but as it turned out, those people had a much-needed resource.

Had the Jewish homeland been given by Americans on American land (like Arizona or Nevada-- apparently you guys like it miserable and dry) there would not have been bloodshed. Instead, millions have been needlessly killed over a bunch of fucking sand.

I've never been able to justify the creation of Israel(where it stands) because the US/UN gave away lands it had no right to give away. We actually fucked some allies who supported us in that area. Yay US...

04-02-2019, 08:16 AM
* This all came about because there was sympathy for the Jews after WW2. Nobody saw the Muslims as a viable threat, so their land was carved up and literally given to an outside, invading force. *All* the trouble, hostility, death came as a result of the disrespect shown to the people of that area. Had it not been for oil, we still wouldn't give a fuck about the inhabitants, but as it turned out, those people had a much-needed resource.
Had the Jewish homeland been given by Americans on American land (like Arizona or Nevada-- apparently you guys like it miserable and dry) there would not have been bloodshed. Instead, millions have been needlessly killed over a bunch of fucking sand.
I've never been able to justify the creation of Israel(where it stands) because the US/UN gave away lands it had no right to give away. We actually fucked some allies who supported us in that area. Yay US...

So i can assume your "See Below" explanation is all "No" of those questions :yup:...
Now that is the greatest laugh i have heard in decades:lol::lol: "This all came about because there was sympathy for the Jews after WW2Nobody saw the Muslims as a viable threat". They too were involved in WW2!!, and were always considered a threat, Really read history and see. Again there were always Jews scattered across the Middle East and elsewhere. Once Israel was seen as a safe place for Jews to go they flocked!!! Some places in the Middle East everyone except a certain faith was considered second class citizens, now there is a place where things have changed they don't like that either;)

Now decades later and seeing what is happening all over the world , now the US and Canada and the rest of the EU, decide to open there borders and let everyone in LOL!!! You say sympathy!!! There was actually zero sympathy compared to today!!!, the difference was a solution then not sympathy!!, at least interpret that correctly Meg. Now what is happening is the opposite Sympathy without worrying about the strain or consequences of a Democratic Society.. If you go back in time and look at true Zionism, Democracy was never ever part of it!!! But it is now!!!Hens the closeness Israel has to most Democratic societies... Again times have changed and that is the bigger threat to places in the Middle East, any influence of more a domesticated society and removing Dictatorship and faith based rule!!! But you can sure say they all like the US handouts and give zero back in any contribution to the US people... That is reality my friend ;).. Let me say this, Israel gives ZERO threat to anyone in the world or the Middle East!!, saying that!!, if you stop threatening there existence and leave them alone, that would be more transparent....

Meg: I had a longer post i written in response to what you have replied and decided to remove and save it on my PC...

I can sum my opinion with just few more words......

Now we just go round and round again and again ever having a solution without removing Israel out of the equations ??
But that is never going to happen , So?? Now use this scenario Meg, many different faiths are fighting for the sovereignty of Israel, now the other side is killing there own people!!, will the rest of the world condone or look at that?? Forget about the Jewish people?? What about the 3 million others (2 million plus Muslims/Arabs, and Christians etc..), is that acceptable for the destruction of Israel?? That would be an interesting Debate:)

I should also add the Reporter thanks you for participating in the interview if you have any other ideas or suggestions Meg :D:idunno:

04-02-2019, 12:33 PM
Now we just go round and round again and again ever having a solution without removing Israel out of the equations ??
But that is never going to happen , So??........

Take a step back, that is indeed going to happen if you infer with reality instead of your Talmudic ambitions. Israel, like the Crusader kingdoms, is heavily dependent on the support from the outside. You take that support out and Israel is rendered defenseless. The host that this Jewish parasite thrives on can only take so more. Just wait for the Petro-Dollar to fall which is looking even more possible with every passing day. As for the Jews in general, their interests as an ethnic group are always at the odds with the interests of the human race as one organic whole. That is why system beat the shit out of their chosen asses far more then any other group/nation. This is why the system is going to cut you off. But hey, the root cause of the issue, that is the "Talmudic declaration" of Jews being the God's chosen people kills the argument. This belief of my having a divine right over all what is on offer, in time, creates the culture based on psychopathy where "everything bad that has happened is someone else fault" and "my right over this is absolute"

This might surprise you but I choose my ideals over my loyalties. Before the Syrian invasion, I was fully aware of the brutal oppression of the indigenous people but still I was the most vocal supporter of the 2 state solution. I believed the Jews who were born and raised in Palestine, it's their home too. Sometimes it's just better to forgive and move on and allow the time to sort it out. But that forgiveness can't be infinite. If everything is forgiven, it's something else but not Justice. For the very essence of Justice, criminals, beyond a certain threshold, must be punished. Anyhow, no one needs half a brain to figure out that Israel is on it's way not just sucking the entire Palestine but the entire Middle East. And the population residing there has no place in the Jewish world order. Their only fate is to fade into oblivion.

04-02-2019, 12:43 PM
This pretty much sums it up.

"Remember, hatred of Islam and Muslims, the ‘clash of civilizations’ and the ‘war on terror’ is Judea Inc’s BABY. It conceived it, allowed it to gestate in her diseased Judaic womb, birthed it, nursed it and now has handed it off to the nanny, meaning the white Christian West, so that the blame for all the murder and mayhem will fall anywhere and everywhere except on where it should, which is with those organized Jewish interests who lit the match and set the inferno ablaze in the first place."

04-02-2019, 12:52 PM
Other groups that called themselves "God's chosen people": Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate, Jonestown, People's Temple, Waco.

Not bashing. Just saying nothing good ever comes from habouring that sort of delusional arrogance.

Also The Knights Templar. They didn't mass off themselves, they were just a bunch of incredible dicks.

04-02-2019, 12:54 PM
Whatcd is probably a terorist but at least if I die at his hands I know he's killing me for a higher purpose than just a new Bentley.

04-02-2019, 01:12 PM
This pretty much sums it up.

"Remember, hatred of Islam and Muslims, the ‘clash of civilizations’ and the ‘war on terror’ is Judea Inc’s BABY. It conceived it, allowed it to gestate in her diseased Judaic womb, birthed it, nursed it and now has handed it off to the nanny, meaning the white Christian West, so that the blame for all the murder and mayhem will fall anywhere and everywhere except on where it should, which is with those organized Jewish interests who lit the match and set the inferno ablaze in the first place."

So interpreting that, that means if you live in a Democratic society and if a Non Muslim believer owns something and you make a transaction with them you have sinned?? Funny that you are quoting from a man made book and not the laws of HasHem that in reality all end up at??
That is why and i have always said i will never live in a place where any Faith rules!!! Including my own, will you say the same Whatcdfan??

So i am to understand that Christianity and Judaism is based on evil intentions and the Quran is not?? Reading that makes it sound like everyone should turn Muslim or will be dammed ?? We are now in the 21st century?? Do you think the majority of Christians and Jews have not evolved ?? I think the world should tell China that has how many millions of Muslims in Camps for so called rehabilitation that they are all nuts and crazy wrong!!!!! The small population of Jews tho are fine :idunno:

04-02-2019, 01:20 PM
Other groups that called themselves "G-d's chosen people": Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate, Jonestown, People's Temple, Waco.
Not bashing. Just saying nothing good ever comes from habouring that sort of delusional arrogance.
Also The Knights Templar. They didn't mass off themselves, they were just a bunch of incredible dicks.

Funny this comes up now that phrase the "G-d's Chosen People"?? It is a phrase that can be interpreted in many different ways, and funny that every faith seems to go to the same result, how they get there is different, but is not ever used to put harm on any other faith, again you can read into any faiths text and see there is bloodshed and there is always going to be wack jobs that want to use it for there mental agenda!! That is every single faith.. But i will say that most faiths can function in a Democratic environment without a threat to others....

04-02-2019, 01:28 PM
Whatcd is probably a terorist but at least if I die at his hands I know he's killing me for a higher purpose than just a new Bentley.

See saying that, i don't believe nor have i ever insulted CdfanWhat.. I make my opinions and points and try to see how other people feel about things?? It is trying to make conversation with some sort of middle agreement, that's all!!

And seeing a post from CdfanWhat, knowing he is a moderate just like me, arguing back and forth about nonsense doesn't solve anything and that would go for some of your Hate Monger posts as well, to try to get a negative reaction from someone.. Now saying that, i am not sure if you do it on purpose or you that really is how you think...
"HATE" and "NEGATIVITY" will have zero gain in a Democratic society, what happens in most of the socialists and other countries i really don't give 2 shits!!, I just don't want it here in Canada or the US where i like to visit;)

04-02-2019, 02:03 PM
Take a step back, that is indeed going to happen if you infer with reality instead of your Talmudic ambitions. Israel, like the Crusader kingdoms, is heavily dependent on the support from the outside. You take that support out and Israel is rendered defenseless. The host that this Jewish parasite thrives on can only take so more. Just wait for the Petro-Dollar to fall which is looking even more possible with every passing day. As for the Jews in general, their interests as an ethnic group are always at the odds with the interests of the human race as one organic whole. That is why system beat the shit out of their chosen asses far more then any other group/nation. This is why the system is going to cut you off. But hey, the root cause of the issue, that is the "Talmudic declaration" of Jews being the God's chosen people kills the argument. This belief of my having a divine right over all what is on offer, in time, creates the culture based on psychopathy where "everything bad that has happened is someone else fault" and "my right over this is absolute" .

Bla Bla Bla more crap to justify bloodshed out of fiction you choose to believe, Judaism, Christianity, and Muslims, and remember all Muslims not the puppets used the Palestinians for propaganda purposes ok they all have attachments to the land of Israel , now Israel and Jordan are in charge of making sure all faiths can enjoy all of it.. Funny that is the truth!! Jerusalem or Israel is not mentioned once in the Quran?? How many times in the Torah?? Lots!!!, How many in the Christian Bible?? Tons!!! Explain that??
If Hamas or the PLO were in charge would that still happen?? You keep saying things like entitlement where do you see Israel stopping anyone from praying in peace?? So what if the Jews are the Chosen people by HaShem?? Why do you care?? You have Mohammad an others?? I don't give two craps about any of that!! There is an attachment to Judaism in Israel, time to accept it:idunno: Wishing that doesn't exist is not going to change that?? If they start taking over Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and so on then talk!!! til then, look at other peoples agendas and goals and speak up about those?? Or that doesn't fit the narrative of bashing Israel:idunno:
Because they choose to stop radicals s on all sides?? Is that the wrong approach?? I can tell you there will never be a Muslim control over anything in Jerusalem, it was tried and didn't work for everyone?? So that is out?? And yes the Christians agree with that as well!!...
2 State solution?? How many were offered to the Palestinians and were rejected?? Did you ever read the agreements and what they were offered?? I would say if i was in charge they wouldn't have got that good of an offer, especially Israel having the higher ground. "Right of Return"?? Never going to happen!! "Jerusalem the Capital or the Palestinians"?? Never going to happen!! "Area C evacuated"?? Never going to happen!!, But if you read some of the Peace plans some of those things were in there and refused!! Now in the 21st century kiss all of them goodbye:cry: I will tell you what?? You get Saudi Arabia to build synagogues and churches there and let other faiths live in peace you got a leg to stand on, Have Gaza build all the synagogues and churches they destroyed to show solidarity you got a leg to stand on!! Lets get all of those Middle East countries that used to have a large Christian population and a small Jewish population , now all Muslim!!, give them "The Right of Return"?? Again not asking for Jews to rule in either just live in peace there?? I don't think i am asking a lot;), We all know not going to happen....
Now would you accept that if Egypt took over Gaza and Jordan took over part of the disputed territories in Judea and Samaria?? Why in that small of land should there actually be another Muslim State?? I am in no way being a smart ass Whatcdfan , just being realistic?? The same once there is an approved/recognized place called Palestine?? And it tries to attack Israel?? What will it look like after?? Look at Gaza now?? Even look at Lebanon!! It was a beautiful place Hamas/Iran is turning it into a toilet!!!!. Jordan and Egypt are at peace with Israel?? What is wrong with that type of deal?? All funded with everyone to build up both of there economies??
Instead of the illusion that has been said Israel won't work, and it's economy is growing bigger than any other in the Middle East?? It is now 70 years plus in existence, do you have a better solution?? Funny just saying that there will have to be some force from other Nations for what i suggest because no one wants the Palestinians, they use them as ponds, feed them billions with no oversight of the funds and none of it goes to help the people that do want a better life!!, especially when they do see the ones that live in Proper Israel.. Why is there no blame there always puzzled me??

I really look forward to your Ideas Whatcdfan..


04-02-2019, 02:48 PM
Funny, thinking of interpretations....

The Ten Commandments:

Thou Shall not Kill: But someone that tries to harm your family or way of life?? Serve them Milk and cookies...

Honor thy Mother and Father: Your father has beaten you all of your life and your mother is fucking Idol next door?? Ya ok!!!

Honor thy Neighbor? Ok while Idol is fucking the Mother and blows his load in her face, after decides to rob the other neighbors house?? No problem!! they will buy more things!!


Taqiyya is ok to fool your enemies?? What the heck does that mean??!!

You can have many wives not to worry on there age (9 is ok yes age not how many!!)?? Well ??!!

Jihad is good and should be obeyed?? Ok sure!!!!

It is ok to beat your wife anytime you want?? Right ON!!!!


Jesus is the son of G-D?? Well why the heck wouldn't you want to go direct?!!!

Jesus is going to come back and save the world?? Still waiting...

And you can go on and on!!! Religion can never rule a human society period!!

Anyone that wants to add on go for it!!!!!!

04-02-2019, 05:04 PM
Here's the thing about my position: I am entirely for the existence of *a* Jewish state-- I just don't condone the way in which the Palestinian people were betrayed. That is the source of the perpetual bloodshed.

Something Else
04-02-2019, 05:31 PM

Racialist smileys. Who would have thunk it. Genious.

Something Else
04-02-2019, 05:40 PM
shay said that there is a black emoji but not a jewish one so reality is obviously an anti-semite of some kind.

i was always under the impression that realty is a jew of some kind... :idunno:


Something Else
04-02-2019, 05:46 PM
https://i.fststatic.com/misc_fst/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 https://i.fststatic.com/buttons_fst/viewpost-right.png (https://filesharingtalk.com/showthread.php?p=3808736#post3808736)
Call me old fashion but I still prefer my Miss Universe to not have a dick.

Which wizard of a wandering wordsmith weaves these wonderfulnesses.

We will wonder and wither while we wait.

04-02-2019, 06:24 PM
Here's the thing about my position: I am entirely for the existence of *a* Jewish state-- I just don't condone the way in which the Palestinian people were betrayed. That is the source of the perpetual bloodshed.

Ok so lets go with that it is a start....

So in 1948 Israel was created as a sovereign nation?? At that time there was no such people "Palestinians" zero lineage!! or roots to show any evidence of that race ??Israel was made of Christians, Jordanians and Egyptians and other Arab origins that came to Israel looking for work and also lived?? What happened in 1967?? Israel was attacked !!, the Jews wanted everyone to fight for it including the Arabs that lived there, but they didn't for the reason they were told that Jews had a zero survival rate and will be concord and they could go back and take over?? Am i wrong somewhere yet?? History now Israel won the war , now you have a new leader Arafat , who uses the propaganda name "Palestinians", Arafat was "Egyptian." .. Now you have Syria, Jordan, Lebanon , Muslims now being called Palestinians waiting for some sort of right of return ??Living in camps!! Growing generations for over 70 years!! being brainwashed that it is going to happen, instead of taking them into there countries and becoming citizens there.Name one place in the world that recognizes keeps refugees for 70 years??, But there has always been a fear if they did they would try to take over those countries?? That happened a few times in Jordan...
Meg i feel sorry for all people!!, And you say bloodshed?? That works on both sides!! And Israel is partially at fault for sure!!, but being blamed for all!!
The Palestinians have land in area A and B that is under there control ?? Gaza is under Hamas control?? Billions in aid going into both!! I mean Billions Meg!! For years paid zero for electricity Israel paid and supplied!! They have shown zero intent for infrastructure??. Scream Blockade?? Cry to Egypt!! Why have they shut the border on Gaza, that is easy to google search why!!. Tons and Tons of trucks go into Gaza from Israel, how much concrete and food and hospital supplies, more than enough for infrastructure and building an economy !! What happened to all the concrete?? Why do they need permits to go to Israel's hospitals, they hate Jews !!! Why are they not building hospitals and infrastructure to show they can be self sustaining??
Why is there no democratic or free news media in Gaza or the disputed territories?? I can go on and on..

The bottom line!!! I feel bad for the Arabs/Muslim people that do want peace but there Rulers choose not too?? It is in there Charters in plain sight!! Destroy Israel!!!
In Israel there is a Democratic election in April, When was the last election in Gaza or the Disputed territories?? You feel sorry?? Well there is no way to fix anything if you have no one to fix it with:cry:

You say you are for a Jewish State?? I am not!!!!! I am for a State or a Country that Jews will always be welcome and as well anyone else that chooses to live there in peace!!!! That is Eretz Israel today "A home for Jewish people are welcome";) Find me somewhere else in the Middle East with those same morals?? In Israel, all citizens have equal rights to live there lives , vote , work in any field they chose!!, All faiths protect it in the Military (IDF not JDF!!!) If you walk around in Tel Aviv it is the same as you walking around in your City, mixed faiths walking around with each other, I mean my sister in law was just there visiting her daughter that is going to school there and took her out for a Lobster dinner!!, In a supposed place where it is all Jews and you would expect Kosher!! Wrong!!! My sister in law said it is like downtown Toronto!! only they speak Hebrew:lol: All the malls there have the same stores as the US and Canada, with a few that are Middle Eastern, It is like a extension of Canada or the US with the bonus of world faith heritage!! where is there any threat to anyone else?? But it is threatened every minute of the day!!!, And they just live there lives like any normal country, What else can i say:idunno:

04-02-2019, 07:55 PM
Palestinians = people who were living there.
Jewish state = homeland.

Call these what you will.

There's no way this is going to be solved here or elsewhere. The British made promises to both parties, didn't plan to honor them. They were desperate for allies during the wars.

04-02-2019, 08:08 PM
Palestinians = people who were living there.
Jewish state = homeland.
Call these what you will.
There's no way this is going to be solved here or elsewhere. The British made promises to both parties, didn't plan to honor them. They were desperate for allies during the wars.

If you really wanted to get technical like that, before Israel was formed the term Palestinians was actually used for Jews that lived in the territory not Muslims, and there is a ton of proof for that as well:D

Interesting?? Now you say the British have fault in this?? Do you think Arab countries would agree with you?? You better be careful you may be attacked by not keeping the narrative It is always Israels fault !!:fear: And the British today still play both sides as well:yup: "Two State Solution" "Israel has the right to defend itself", sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians and UNRWA. No one is forcing the Palestinians to the table other than the US at this point, Russia did have a few things to say but nothing you would say forceful......

So do you think there is a way to Influence both Israel and the Palestinians to actually sit at a table and face reality on both sides??
I know on the Palestinian side there is too many that think they are the Chiefs ?? PLO, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Fata etc...and they are fighting with each other?? Who do you negotiate with??

04-02-2019, 08:17 PM
Speaking of Borders.... Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican Border??, and he cut funding to 3 Central American Nations.. I mean i say the same thing here, the US is giving tons of dough to all of these countries and the money is never used for the people suffering?? Plus i hope you Yankees Meg are keeping track of all the funds not being paid out?? Now it should go to your fellow Americans:01:

I can tell you our Prime Minister just contributed to our Environment adding a Carbon Tax, and (fucked us!!) added more tax onto our gas which will do the square root of cock, but piss off people that are going to pay and drive there cars anyways!!!

Great Job Liberals:no2:

04-02-2019, 09:24 PM
The trouble with you , Shay is that you seem to think that everyone that shares your conservative viewpoint is somehow your friend and everyone that disagrees with you is somehow your enemy.

04-02-2019, 09:54 PM
"We're the nice guys!"-- the Jews, apparently

04-02-2019, 10:19 PM
The trouble with you , Shay is that you seem to think that everyone that shares your conservative viewpoint is somehow your friend and everyone that disagrees with you is somehow your enemy.

No that is absolutely incorrect, even know it is well known that conservatives are more open minded and flexible, the now new and improved Left well Hippies and wearing tin foil recycle hats come to mind :P

I am open to any opinions and take everything with a grain of salt;), but i can say truthfully i don't like slander crap!!! And learned now that Trump won the Presidency and Trudeau became a Prime Minister, anything is possible, and don't look for conspiracy theories why they did happen. I have always said i thought Clinton had it in the bag!! , and after say that Trump was brilliant on his campaigning to win, Trudeau won campaigning on Mary Jane!!, and won pretty easy:blink:

What say U Mr. Opinion :idunno:

Edit: I should add that i am pretty sure that everyone wants to pay less for things if they can ,and you don't have to be Jewish to say that, even know people will find a way to blame them , you should remember that;)
And truthfully again... Some of your posts are worded in a manner to cause trouble, so wording does matter Friends or not?? Being dark one thing?? Literately wording something to get again a negative response becomes unfunny, that is usually not your nature. But....

Still waiting for your replies on the Reporters questions?? What are you afraid of?? I wonder how Oleg would answer?? What do you think of the Carbon Tax??

04-02-2019, 10:20 PM
"We're the nice guys!"-- the Jews, apparently


04-02-2019, 11:37 PM
Now the Left is going after the "Hugger" Biden:lol: , they see a threat that a Moderate Liberal has the best chance to win the Democratic Nomination, so they find a way to slander him LOL!!! But they soon will find a way to Blame Trump too LOL!!!! And Sanders campaign funds are Bigly!!! off the charts!!!

For you Idol, Juicy hot of the Press!!:

Our great license plate slogan 'Yours To Discover' is now in jeopardy the Premier wants a fresh new slogan 'Open For Business' :lol:, everyone is in chaos/crisis mode!! and don't know what to do!!!! Also want to remove the front plate???

I am figuring you are against anything with a combustible engine including ride lawn mowers :yikes: I know nothing will beat a manicured lawn like using a Scythe ;)

But what do you think??

04-03-2019, 12:19 AM
it is well known that conservatives are more open minded and flexible

Thanks to you I just spit my soda all over my keyboard.

Methinks you need to look up the definition of "conservative" in a dictionary...

04-03-2019, 12:27 AM
Edit: I should add that i am pretty sure that everyone wants to pay less for things if they can ,and you don't have to be Jewish to say that, even know people will find a way to blame them , you should remember that;)

Your problem is that you don't price in externalities that other, more enlightened members of society do. Believe it or not, some people are willing to "pay more" because they recognize that they will still pay in some way, form or fashion for expenses that are being socialized anyway (think hospital ER costs due to the uninsured or insurance payouts/premiums due to the effects of climate change).

I told you the other day: you can't eat, drink or breathe money.

Something Else
04-03-2019, 12:35 AM


04-03-2019, 01:41 AM
it is well known that conservatives are more open minded and flexible
Thanks to you I just spit my soda all over my keyboard.
Methinks you need to look up the definition of "conservative" in a dictionary...

Look i brought out my good buddy Cabby LOL!! i have now taken the Dictionary and thrown it out the window LOL!!
Because 3 years ago who would think i need a straight jacket to say how far Left the Democrats have gone LOL!! Now i would say and expect to see a Moderate Liberal Democrat i can Ra!! Ra!! for and there own party is going out there and calling him a sexual Hugger!!! Biden is the Trump of the Democrats but with Tact and Respect for the people, yet the New Socialist Democrats are killing this guy!!!!
I am by far a Democrat value person, but now to me that party is gone on in way left field!! Again my opinion and not everyone, and you know i will always respect your opinion Cabby!! But i am saying my comment in perspective of the Republican party, and there agenda, and a lot of the things there are doing would have been done in the Dem party, now they have gone nuts, and you can see they are being laughed at and there approval ratings are shit!! AOC is just a joke now and gone way too far!! Bedo you can't take seriously!! Just look at him!!, and killing Biden and moderate Liberal and really can be considered a conservative on the Democratic side LOL!! I mean Obama would be laughed at by these new Democrats, and he is in hiding !!! Where the heck is Clinton?? And Sanders now is flush with cash, and i can't wait what the DNC will do to him figuring they don't want him as the Democrat nominee, he has 2 strikes He is White and Jewish, but if you want me to say he is Jewish as much as the Fat Rat Leader of Hezbollah is;)
Come on Cabby it is crazy out there and the norms of word meanings are out the door at this point!!! But i am always glad to see you on the Dark side of FST, and get you a break from the NZB side:D

I add this comment for Idol and say this is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to there own.....

Edit: I should add it is a treat to now watch Fox news and they have lots to talk about all the wack jobs on the Dem side, and then i can get a good laugh and turn it to CNN every 3 hours and still see they are bashing Trump and have zero feedback on any Democratic running in the primaries;). I really need Biden to run to turn me back to the Dark side:lol:

Call me a Huggy guy Cabby :hug:

Biden 2020!!!!

04-03-2019, 01:55 AM
told you the other day: you can't eat, drink or breathe money.

But i like it in my pocket buddy i can't help that;) , it is always hard to teach an old dog new tricks.Make no mistake Cabby if they implement Socialized anything you will be paying!!! To a point that the Middle Class won't be able to live your government doesn't control your Liquor or your Tobacco , if it did you would see your American brothers out for blood!!!, your middle class that do like to live it up a wee bit will be pulling there hair out!!! The Wealthy will never give a crap!! They will always find loopholes even if some are plugged;), The seniors are not going to pay more!! the poor?? well they are poor you can't do anything more to affect them. Things cost money that is just reality, and you can't think growing more tress is going to pay for it.. A health care plan is needed as i have always said to you, but not at the complete expense of the Middle Class..
Here other things are taxed and used for Socialized things, Gas/Fuel, Lottery Tickets, Liquor, Tobacco Wealthy donations to there choice, our HST, etc, not just personal tax or business tax., you say people are willing to pay more Cabby?? How about a lot more?? Sorry to say Cabby most Americans no dick about tax!! Us here in Canada are used to it Once it really comes out in your Media what it costs?? Then we can have this conversation again :hug:Here i mentioned they added a Carbon Tax, how about they just increased all Public Transit fees as well!!!, So driving your car and saving time and aggravation becomes a plus again over Transit ..

It is hard enough for people in the US and Canada to actually say they will be able to afford to retire and enjoy life?? Keep taking money away and it becomes even more reality,they can't!!! you will start to see more illnesses and suicides if that happens, forget they may only have 12 more years to live:idunno:

I will add this for Idol, and say i hope i am wrong and the all of this can be solved and the cost will be little for all the American People

Real question Cabby?? If you have Employer Private Insurance?? Do you pay for that or your employer is?? And i assume it is broader adding Dental and Drug plans as well??

04-03-2019, 02:54 AM
Ok now i have seen it all :lol:

Don Lemon (CNN), is going to have a guest on that wrote a book about Trumps Golf game and says he cheats LOL LOL ROFL!!!! That is really bigly news!!!

I am guessing most people have seen CaddyShack


04-03-2019, 07:21 PM
If you really wanted to get technical like that, before Israel was formed the term Palestinians was actually used for Jews that lived in the territory not Muslims, and there is a ton of proof for that as well:D

Interesting?? Now you say the British have fault in this?? Do you think Arab countries would agree with you?? You better be careful you may be attacked by not keeping the narrative It is always Israels fault !!:fear: And the British today still play both sides as well:yup: "Two State Solution" "Israel has the right to defend itself", sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians and UNRWA. No one is forcing the Palestinians to the table other than the US at this point, Russia did have a few things to say but nothing you would say forceful......

So do you think there is a way to Influence both Israel and the Palestinians to actually sit at a table and face reality on both sides??
I know on the Palestinian side there is too many that think they are the Chiefs ?? PLO, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Fata etc...and they are fighting with each other?? Who do you negotiate with??

Hamas was the Israeli creation to counter the PLO. And subsequently Islamic Jihad too.

Israel Created Two of Its Own Worst Enemies--Hamas and Hezbollah


And that lineage question, so everyone who doesn't have the lineage going back to 3000 years should be removed, oppressed or killed ? Why just the Palestinians ? Why not Americans, Australians, kiwis, Turks too ? While we are at it, why shouldn't we restore the great empires of the old too ? Do you even realize how absurd you sound ? The truth of the matter is the people these Bolshevik pigs stole the land from are still there and fighting for it. Personally speaking, I think (((they))) forced this lie way to early in the road map but then again, Israel is not going to last another decade, so probably they were right too.

04-03-2019, 07:25 PM
And that Democracy thing, another lie to feed the gullible goyim. Not so much though if it's for the Jewish settlers. But Palestinians are not humans, so no democracy for them.

Israeli Army Vet’s Exposé - “I Was the Terrorist”

In a rare, candid conversation, Abby Martin interviews a former Israeli Army combat soldier who served as an occupier in Palestine’s Hebron City.


Watch the video about how the aprethied status is maintained, Palestinians are oppressed, their land is stolen by an Ex IDF soldier.

04-03-2019, 07:30 PM
Israel Used Depleted Uranium Munitions During Gaza Offensive


Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes


Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza civilian areas.


Just wait for the Palestinians to get democracy too, you will not like it then.

04-03-2019, 07:34 PM
ISIS Apologizes To Israel


Israel and state-sponsored terrorism


You don't bite the hands that feed you ?

04-03-2019, 07:41 PM
Hay Jew, you were sayin' something about the Palestinian territories being disputed not occupied.

Amnesty International: Israel Remains the Occupying Power in Gaza and is Thus Bound By the Law Of Occupation.


04-03-2019, 07:46 PM
Some more on the rights Palestinians enjoy under Israeli Democracy

Israeli Soldiers’ Testimonies from the Occupied Territories 2000-2010


Reference to the book collectively wrote by the ex IDF soldiers is also linked on the page, if anyone is interested to read.

04-03-2019, 08:04 PM
Israel Created Two of Its Own Worst Enemies--Hamas and Hezbollah

Nice try Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad all Iran's proxies, and all recognized as Terrorists groups....

PLO Is Arafat's a born Egyptian creation..

The rest of your post more Crap , and Israel is not going anywhere, so just keep buying your wife nice things and be happy;)

04-03-2019, 08:18 PM
Palestinians = people who were living there.
Jewish state = homeland.

Call these what you will.

There's no way this is going to be solved here or elsewhere. The British made promises to both parties, didn't plan to honor them. They were desperate for allies during the wars.

Hay MBM, good to see you again.

I'm in total agreement with you. You just can't reason when everything that you say against Israel is propaganda, and everything (((they))) say is truth, nothing but the truth and the whole truth. Every discussion starts with the default position that all the Palestinian land belong to the Jews and Palestinians are terrorists. And then the discussion rotates around all the inconsequential points without ever touching the real issues residing in the center. Petit psychological games to discredit the opponents by attacking their character. Add blatant lies, propaganda, demonetization campaign and you have the conclusion.

It's sad really where it's all heading but for what is going to unfold next, blame rests entirely with the Jews. If they wanted a state in Palestine, they should have approached it diplomatically prior to invasion and immediate ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians that continues to this day.

There's infact a group op Jews who wants to do this exactly how this should have been done. They are called True Torah Jews. https://www.truetorahjews.org/

04-03-2019, 08:29 PM
Whatcd is probably a terorist but at least if I die at his hands I know he's killing me for a higher purpose than just a new Bentley.


I only wish I could use the sarcasm the way you do.:cool:

04-03-2019, 08:37 PM
Hay Jew, you were sayin' something about the Palestinian territories being disputed not occupied.

Hey Taqiyya..

There is no Israeli in the Gaza or in "Disputed A and B", it is controlled by the PLO (A and B) and Recognized Terrorists (Because they threw all the PLO governance of roofs and killed them, yes there own brothers they murdered !!), and yes Gaza is blockaded to let zero Terrorists in, give your brothers a call like i said and go to Egypt ;)and the Disputed area A and B has checkpoints if they have a permit to get into Israel Proper, and i an Glad you realize there is no place called Palestine, thank you for that;)...

Again more crap and propaganda haters of Israel, you are going to have to try better;)

04-03-2019, 08:40 PM
Nice try Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad all Iran's proxies, and all recognized as Terrorists groups....

PLO Is Arafat's a born Egyptian creation..

The rest of your post more Crap , and Israel is not going anywhere, so just keep buying your wife nice things and be happy;)

My crap against your reasoning just goes to show your honesty, empathy and integrity as a person.

Also, I understand your obstinance is just a measure against any thought of Israel not existing. Can't allow that thought to penetrate the consciousness eh ?

Reality is bitter. Deal with it.

Also, don't chicken out yet. You said Muslims kill each other and conveniently leave the space for the Jews to occupy. That's like a pack of wolf saying the flock of sheep ate each other. Now ain't that convenient ?

04-03-2019, 08:57 PM
There's infact a group op Jews who wants to do this exactly how this should have been done. They are called True Torah Jews. https://www.truetorahjews.org/

I really don't know why you just keep saying Jews?? There are 2 million of your brothers in all different fields in Israel, really i think it is time to talk like an adult, and say Israel is not going anywhere and Palestinians must have true elections and have a single Government to actually direct negotiations with?? I am sorry for the people that do want peace and there is a lot of them, but you can see the world is just tired of this already including a lot of the Arab world..
That is reality right now!! And if it wasn't for Egypt negotiating with the Terrorists in Gaza those leaders would be dead!!, and a news flash for you, Egypt wouldn't give 2 shits if that happened, they would be even more Excited if Israel killed them all and took over Gaza again ;), They don't mind being neighbors with Israel.........

So instead of posting 17th century propaganda crap, move up to the 21st century and try to keep up CdfanWhat:D

04-03-2019, 09:10 PM
Also, don't chicken out yet. You said Muslims kill each other and conveniently leave the space for the Jews to occupy. That's like a pack of wolf saying the flock of sheep ate each other. Now ain't that convenient ?

I am not sure why you keep denying that Muslims don't kill each other?? They do unless your own people lie??

And chicken out?? It is now 70 years plus Israel is sovereign and flourishing, How are most of the hostel takeover Muslim Countries doing?? So i don't understand what chickening out means??

Personally i have said everyone should live peacefully in there own Countries, you seem to think one is not entitled to that so some can accomplish that and some can't?? It is amazing when you watch or view on the net world news , there always seems to be a pattern for that, and i should say coverage of some places now are not even considered news worthy anymore because people are just tired of the same crap...:idunno:

So now have some Tea and think of what you are going to buy your wife,;)

04-03-2019, 11:04 PM
Good to see you again, WhatCD!

I've tried to take a non-biased view of the situation in the middle east. It's a VERY difficult topic, but the endless fighting started directly after the creation and arming of Israel. Literally millions of lives have been lost over this. And it won't end peacefully-- too many generations (short lives) have lost loved ones.

While Trump has been 'beloved' (blindly supported) for his seemingly supportive stance on Israel, he's been double-dealing by secretly making deals to sell nuclear reactors to the Saudis (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-saudi-nuclear/us-approved-secret-nuclear-power-work-for-saudi-arabia-idUSKCN1R82MG). It takes no deep-thinking to discern what their intentions are-- they have an endless supply of oil and solar for their power needs. They are going to make nuclear weapons. Israel has been recently abandoned in the area with US withdrawal from Seria (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/20/world/middleeast/syria-us-withdrawal-iran.html).

I came very close to calling bullshit on your link to the True Torah Jews. Each post on the page read as if it were part of an Arab propaganda machine. Then I read further. It is interesting to see a non-unified voice of Jews regarding Israel. As things are, the only voices we hear are adamant on the existence of Israel. I'm uncertain if this is a modern mindset, or one more lost in the past (what else guides them?)-- but this stance at least shows that not all Jews agree with the creation of Israel or its need to be continued.

Palestinians = people who were living there.
Jewish state = homeland.

Call these what you will.

There's no way this is going to be solved here or elsewhere. The British made promises to both parties, didn't plan to honor them. They were desperate for allies during the wars.

Hay MBM, good to see you again.

I'm in total agreement with you. You just can't reason when everything that you say against Israel is propaganda, and everything (((they))) say is truth, nothing but the truth and the whole truth. Every discussion starts with the default position that all the Palestinian land belong to the Jews and Palestinians are terrorists. And then the discussion rotates around all the inconsequential points without ever touching the real issues residing in the center. Petit psychological games to discredit the opponents by attacking their character. Add blatant lies, propaganda, demonetization campaign and you have the conclusion.

It's sad really where it's all heading but for what is going to unfold next, blame rests entirely with the Jews. If they wanted a state in Palestine, they should have approached it diplomatically prior to invasion and immediate ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians that continues to this day.

There's infact a group op Jews who wants to do this exactly how this should have been done. They are called True Torah Jews. https://www.truetorahjews.org/

04-04-2019, 02:25 AM
Good to see you again, WhatCD!I've tried to take a non-biased view of the situation in the middle east. It's a VERY difficult topic, but the endless fighting started directly after the creation and arming of Israel. Literally millions of lives have been lost over this. And it won't end peacefully-- too many generations (short lives) have lost loved ones.

You know Meg i see your view and everyone is entitled to there own opinion,, but it is like beating a dead horse, and again wording is not always perceived as "Non-Biased, especially that it is not factual. The difference is no one focused or cared about the Middle East until an Ally Israel was formed, If they did kill each other it was not news worthy in main steam tv then and to add you weren't even in your dads nut sack yet, but really who the heck would care!!, and no one armed Israel , the US chose to sell Israel arms and Israel shares there technology to make American made products better, and really blaming everything that happens in the Middle East on Israel is just ridiculous;), maybe there is a few other countries that fight battles and cause effects;) but they won't be mentioned . So wording and facts do matter in this touchy topic. And If you know people that actually live breath and work there and listen to there views, on both Proper Israel and disputed territories (Area "C"). People that have to live what goes on especially ones that are close to hostel areas, or the ones that live in the main cities know what goes on but don't live it Plus it is always easy to blame and criticize, Again the 21st century,Israel has the higher ground and is not going anywhere, so how about solutions.:idunno:

Anyways i did send you a PM of what i was going to post here, you can read it and or not it doesn't really matter, but remember is it always easy to talk when you don't know anyone actually living and experiencing it, and i will say that works on both sides....

I know April fools is past, but when i see a post like this, it feels like i am being sucked in:unsure:


04-04-2019, 06:46 PM
Interview of the day


04-04-2019, 07:06 PM
Interview of the day


That was Hilarious Dion :lol: So far, best find/post of the day buddy:yup:

Without a doubt that is a Democratic voter :lol:

04-04-2019, 07:58 PM
And now the rest of the story......


04-04-2019, 09:00 PM
And now the rest of the story......


"That’s when Kai, who was 24 at the time, grabbed a hatchet he had tucked away in his backpack and clobbered the driver repeatedly."

Was there another interview ?? He refused to tell the Fox reporter how old he was?? Just saying:idunno:

And i am still sticking that he is a Democrat:yup:

04-04-2019, 10:36 PM
Ditched the big sound system and bought a soundbar. Samsung HW-MS650. It’s pretty tite although it lacks some bass. Been watching the fk out of some shows lately.

Sex Education is pretty decent if you can get past all the gay angsty shit which is pretty much the entire show. Theres some solid tits in it tho.

S9 of Shameless is pure garbage.

A Star is Born has some fantastic acting but the story is overly simple. Should have had more depth and 30 mins longer.

Leaving Neverland is just...wow. Dude was a fking pedo.

New Predator movie sucks.

People vs OJ Simpson was solid. Super cheese beginning and acting but ended up being rather good.

04-05-2019, 12:10 AM
New Predator movie sucks.

Pretty awe insprising how badly they can screw up something that should be a lay-up.

Haven't watched Shameless for two or three years so I wouldn't know. The other stuff you mentioned doesn't really appeal to me although I did like the Shallows song apart from the chorus.

04-05-2019, 07:26 AM
And now the rest of the story......


"That’s when Kai, who was 24 at the time, grabbed a hatchet he had tucked away in his backpack and clobbered the driver repeatedly."

Was there another interview ?? He refused to tell the Fox reporter how old he was?? Just saying:idunno:

And i am still sticking that he is a Democrat:yup:

He's from Canada. Enough said. ;)

04-05-2019, 01:03 PM
He's from Canada. Enough said. ;)

Strange i heard 70 "Bra's" and how many "Like" and a few "Dude" thrown in Not one "Eh":yup:, now i take a look at your Avatar MacGyver?? And think that Beavis and Butthead were actually more intelligent than the majority of Americans:unsure:, Are you really sure that "Dude" was born in Canada :lol:

Plus the Kicker Idol will tell you they don't let Fox news reporters into Canada, Only CNN affiliates:01:


Something Else
04-05-2019, 03:08 PM
Leaving Neverland is just...wow. Dude was a fking pedo.

Yes. This has been common knowledge for over 25 years now. That's a quarter of a century.

04-05-2019, 04:13 PM
Leaving Neverland is just...wow. Dude was a fking pedo.

Yes. This has been common knowledge for over 25 years now. That's a quarter of a century.

Now he is a Deceased pedo,that can't defend himself, even know i am on the fence on that issue. Millions and Millions of people have had some sort of relationship/interaction with Jackson?? And he has done lots of good.. But really it is like any narrative, depending who does it, will lean to there opinion, non-bias things don't make interesting viewing:unsure: And to this day i think OJ was 100% guilty, really what did that do??

I am thinking that you can't even help a woman put there coat on anymore for the risk of being accused of sexual assault:fear: Or opening a door in the car and helping her in:unsure:

04-05-2019, 04:31 PM
A couple of things that were on my mind today:

If you make a text or post on the internet and type "lol" or "LOL" is there a different meaning?? Is using all caps for courtesy for people with hearing disabilities??

And if you get rid of Cows??, What would happen to the Millions of McDonald's Restaurants all around the world :unsure:



04-05-2019, 05:03 PM
And that lineage question, so everyone who doesn't have the lineage going back to 3000 years should be removed, oppressed or killed ? Why just the Palestinians ? Why not Americans, Australians, kiwis, Turks too ? While we are at it, why shouldn't we restore the great empires of the old too ? Do you even realize how absurd you sound ?

No i have never used the lineage of 3000 years?? I said there is a connection just like Saudi Arabia is to Muslims?? Israel fought many wars and won, now in the 21st century it is a thriving sovereign State, and will protect itself just like every other Country/State/Nation would??

And really looking at your comment, and if you think about what you said, you just answered it for me:idunno:..

The truth of the matter is the people these Bolshevik pigs stole the land from are still there and fighting for it. Personally speaking, I think (((they))) forced this lie way to early in the road map but then again, Israel is not going to last another decade, so probably they were right too.

I think Israel has heard that for over 69 years now (It is now 70+ and thriving), How many enemies of the US say it won't survive?? and it is interesting that if you look at many failures or Countries in the 21st century??
They were never in a position to survive?? Economics usually and suffering of the population usually has something to do with that, and not mentioning first trying to dominate or kill millions of there non believers for power and spread there ideological interpreted beliefs;)..

And all kidding aside, If there was any attempt or threat Israel really sees as such, there would be zero linage of Muslims in the Middle East left to celebrate, I think you should always keep that in mind every time you try to post propaganda crap here to warrant the destruction of most powerful and respected and feared Sovereign State in the Middle East;)

Now saying that.... Do you actually have a solution for peace for Israel, Palestinian issues??

Here is one that makes sense from an actual News Site, not your propaganda crap;)


Now we can finish all of this easy...

I will give you all of your propaganda!!! Jews invented ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Al-Nusra Front,Hamas, Hezbollah, Daesh, and on and on and i apologize if i missed a few!! How many Jews and Christians are in those groups?? They all believe in the sacred Quran!!, not the Torah or the Bible!! or Statues/Idols!!, They kill everyone including there own non believer Muslims, and in masses, Yet you go on every main stream media forget the propaganda ones loving them!!,and the so called good faith Muslims never condemns them ?? Can you explain that?? Every other faith and actual Human being wants them gone off the earth!! Yes your brothers no matter how you try to spin it!! And to finish this!! How many of those main stream Muslim Islamic Extreme Terrorists ever attack Israel?? Why is there zero growth of those Cults growing in Israel, but seem to be growing everywhere else, spreading worse than the KKK or radical Jews!! or you can say any other faith!!??..

Now if you have a solution for that CdfanWhat?? And in this open forum are willing to condemn your bad brothers ??, and if that is done in masses there may be a chance for world peace, because all the blame you want to put on Israel or the 17 million Jews on this earth!! I really hope you are not that obtuse to think that your terrorists brothers are just going to decide they are satisfied, stop, and not murder everyone else that doesn't want to live in a 7th century society:idunno:, and really your Quran would never allow any non believers, it is the nature of the beast;)..

A great loss of Christopher Hitchens, he is missed:cry:

04-05-2019, 05:05 PM
Having a mind and buying into the neo-con bullshit about cows are mutually exclusive so which one is it going to be, shay?

Also when did doing something good start preventing someone from turning around and then doing something truly reprehensible? That question is to all the Catholic priests out there. Also Michael Jackson fence sitters.

04-05-2019, 05:07 PM
I don't understand the Middle East. I mean what's with all the sand?

04-05-2019, 06:38 PM
Having a mind and buying into the neo-con bullshit about cows are mutually exclusive so which one is it going to be, shay?

Also when did doing something good start preventing someone from turning around and then doing something truly reprehensible? That question is to all the Catholic priests out there. Also Michael Jackson fence sitters.

You know you have a really good point Idol, and now i have to say that myself being on the fence is wrong, but you have to look at how everyone thinks and say seeing proof and then being proven innocent in a court of law, the system is flawed?? And really was there any real evidence on Jackson that he sexually assaulted children??
If he slept with a strange child and hugged him, is that sexual assault?? and in my opinion yes i do think that is fucked up!!, but what really amazes me that when the first allegation against Jackson in court and was found innocent??, it never stopped parents from sending there kids to the Jackson Ranch?? Now who do you blame the sicko or the parents?? or are they mutually the same:unsure:. Saying the same the Priests that assault Children?? Do you think if they didn't become Priests they would have been Pedophiles?? Or did the Job/Profession make them do it??
I think there is always going to be wackos out there Idol, i think all you can do is try to keep your love ones safe??, and that is bad things are not actually happening in your own household right?? And that is a completely different topic to discuss that could fill up this forum for years:happy:. So please stop hugging anyone because there may be a chance you can go to jail:fear:. Just the same when you are in a restaurant with a group it is now forbidden to actual have a verbal conversation!!, You now have to type in your phone and Facebook them or Twitter to communicate, we should modify the gene that vocal chords are redundant :sadwalk:..

What is even more strange Idol, i would think that when it comes the the environment Cows are more clean than other Mammals us humans eat?? Why are Pigs and Chickens not mentioned ?? Fuck Moose?? What none of them Fart??!! Are there studies that they are actually cleaner animals?? Or the fucking Idiot that wrote this Green New Deal doesn't like a juicy porterhouse :idunno:
I tell you Idol i am 52 years old, over a half a century!! , Going back to my younger days and thinking of some of the changes politicians spewed out, the way the media speaks of this Green New Deal has to be one of Dumbest ever!!!. Before you hammer me again!!!, I should have added that there may be some good things in the GND, but because there is some things that had no real thought of a progressive society, should have been removed, before the draft was used/seen....
Have you actually read it ??

04-05-2019, 06:50 PM
I don't understand the Middle East. I mean what's with all the sand?


You can say the same i don't understand the Antarctica or Nunavut:unsure:

I guess an answer would be what you do with the sand?? What was Canada before Dinosaurs :lol:. Really if you think about it and to me is actually dumb!!, If you put a Temple of your faith it becomes sacred and the place to be?? Fuck me Idol i just need a big ol Costco near by
and i am good to go;)

04-05-2019, 11:54 PM
I am thinking that you can't even help a woman put there coat on anymore for the risk of being accused of sexual assault:fear:

It *greatly* depends on where you put your hands...

04-06-2019, 01:28 AM
I am thinking that you can't even help a woman put there coat on anymore for the risk of being accused of sexual assault:fear:
It *greatly* depends on where you put your hands...

I don't get the question :unsure:

How about if blow your wad you give a girl a pearl necklace, is that sexist :idunno:

Special Green New Deal Mascot, his name is Binky :wub:

04-06-2019, 03:10 AM

04-06-2019, 08:15 AM
Yeah, it's pure insanity to improve the lives of Americans when we can just bomb the fuck out of 3rd world countries.

"According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money."

04-06-2019, 09:29 AM
Yeah, it's pure insanity to improve the lives of Americans when we can just bomb the fuck out of 3rd world countries.

"According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money."

Yeah, China.

04-06-2019, 12:59 PM
I am thinking that you can't even help a woman put there coat on anymore for the risk of being accused of sexual assault:fear:

It *greatly* depends on where you put your hands...

Like women are incapable of putting on their own coats.

Next thing they'll be expecting you to pay for their dinner and drinks with no expectation of any sexual recompense involved.

04-06-2019, 01:08 PM
Special Green New Deal Mascot, his name is Binky :wub:

If you want actual crazy.


And there's zero possiblity that when she uses words like " treasonous" and "true justice" that some wackjob on the receiving end isn't hearing it as a literal call to arms.

Honestly don't know how stuff like this is allowed on the air even by Fox.

04-06-2019, 02:44 PM
f you want actual crazy.
And there's zero possibility that when she uses words like " treasonous" and "true justice" that some wackjob on the receiving end isn't hearing it as a literal call to arms.
Honestly don't know how stuff like this is allowed on the air even by Fox.

You can't be more right Idol!!!, But the Left is doing the same,
This is what you can find on Propaganda Sites, but sex sells today, and it is disgusting!!, if a Left wing gets into the White House you haven't seen nothing Yet;). You should have watched Hannity the other day, he as worse than that, and he is the number one show on any News Network...

I don't have to post any specific link on Rachel Maddow's on MSNBC, all of them are nuts!!! Trump Trump Trump!!!!. So many other things happening in the world but bashing Trump and ratings go together i guess.. And now they can't stop!!

Ever since the Mueller [report came out, the Main Left or Liberal news/media sites ratings went to the toilet!! zero credibility.And really the biggest problem is you can't tell between Anchors and Opinion reporters anymore!! Not all but most :yup:

04-06-2019, 06:36 PM
This is what you can find on Propaganda Sites, but sex sells today, and it is disgusting!!, a a Left wing gets into the White House you haven't seen nothing Yet;). You should have watched Hannity the other day, he as worse than that, and he is the number one show on any News Network...

I don't have to post any specific link on Rachel Maddow's on MSNBC, all of them are nuts!!! Trump Trump Trump!!!!. So many other things happening in the world but bashing Trump and ratings go together i guess.. And now they can't stop!!

On this I agree.

As someone pointed out, the release of the report didn't change Trump's polling one iota to either the good or bad. Anyone who is for or against Trump is basically locked in at this point and nothing short of unquestionable absolution or smoking gun against is not going to make a whit of difference. And maybe not even that as people will probably mesh the facts with conspiracy theories. :ermm:

Personally as I've said ad infinitum, as I ask for is a government a little lot less subject to such rampant corruption and maybe someone who is objectively not such a terrible human being in charge.

04-06-2019, 06:39 PM
Meg wants all that plus weirdly he says they need to have nice feet too.:unsure:

04-06-2019, 07:04 PM
Meg wants all that plus weirdly he says they need to have nice feet too.:unsure:

LOL feet are icky-- especially yours, gecko toes... :sick:

04-06-2019, 07:09 PM
Trump could eat a newborn baby on live television (I hear he only eats them in private) and Shay would still support him blindly-- back him by citing 'facts' of it being 'a good alternative to cattle and a necessary way to counteract overpopulation.' Fox would sing praises of how brave he is for defying the liberal vegan pussies.

04-06-2019, 07:25 PM
Trump would only eat a baby if it was deep-fried first.

04-06-2019, 07:34 PM
Weird YouTube algorithm decided I should watch JLH's boobs entering a scene a good two seconds before the rest of her does.


04-06-2019, 08:17 PM
Weird YouTube algorithm decided I should watch JLH's boobs entering a scene a good two seconds before the rest of her does.

I suspect it's those damn Christians trying Conversion therapy on you.

04-06-2019, 09:00 PM
I thought it was because YouTube likes me.:(

Mr. Mulder
04-06-2019, 09:12 PM
Hewitt rhymes with pooitt. I want her to poo on my chest, coincidence? :eyebrows:

04-06-2019, 09:36 PM
:Personally as I've said ad infinitum, as I ask for is a government a little lot less subject to such rampant
corruption and maybe someone who is objectively not such a terrible human being in charge.

How can anyone with human decency not agree with you (I sure as fuck do!!!)?? Is there such a thing or possible today Idol??, that also depends on the views of a person and if he is a Hugger or not:slap:
With media access today Twitter , Facebook, Camera Phones , accosting people, entitlement over reality, and how they can twist a narrative and now actual fact checking before anything is really released is gone!! Now it is spread the lies and don't even apologize who you are hurting/slandering!!. Next if you really go through all the US 24hr news outlets, it is easy to see there is only one that broadcast some Left but mainly Liberal/Moderate/Center/Right/Conservative news and that is Fox News because they have Reporters that just report the news and not opinions, and you have Anchors that just report the news, and then you have nutjob Opinion reporters or a narrative right??
Take any other News Station out there?? They are all Left!! not even Liberal/Moderate anymore!!, because Fox is the biggest out there with affiliates but if you switch to MSNBC, CNN, and you can do every 2 ours and not miss a thing because you know if G-D forbid there is a plane crash, it will get 3 minutes of air time and then right back to Bashing Trump!!, and even if there is something they have reported was way off wrong!! they just keep going!!, and there ratings are down Idol and you saying that no one has Left Trumps base is true, but now he is going to get more because of the Crap already??
Now the back and forth with rhetoric of the DNC nominees is just internal to get a candidate to try to beat Trump, and we know that will mellow out on there crazy policies!!, But i will give you some predictions :D Bernie is going to get fucked again!!, and that will be a good thing for the country, and Left will try everything to bash Biden not to jump into the race, but he may be a guy that really all they got is he is a hugger so far;), I think he is a pretty honest and straight shooter guy?? But can he beat Trump with Obama's agenda with a few Left wing policies?? That would be the question??

Now hopefully this will bring Cabby out of the woodwork and add his 2 cents:), and i will add that depending on what state you live in the US, everyone has there leaning views?? So you do have to take that with a grain of salt;)

And Idol common sense tells you why they want the full Mueller report!!, they want to hurt anyone that is connected to Trump!!, even if they can't get him.,, I just don't understand how people can close there eyes and think that Clinton was an angel compared to Trump??

04-06-2019, 09:44 PM
Trump could eat a newborn baby on live television (I hear he only eats them in private) and Shay would still support him blindly-- back him by citing 'facts' of it being 'a good alternative to cattle and a necessary way to counteract overpopulation.' Fox would sing praises of how brave he is for defying the liberal vegan pussies.


04-06-2019, 10:32 PM

04-07-2019, 10:32 AM

04-08-2019, 09:51 PM
Hewitt rhymes with pooitt. I want her to poo on my chest, coincidence? :eyebrows:

You are one open minded guy Mulder, what is your preference on golden showers:unsure:


04-09-2019, 02:45 AM
Hewitt rhymes with pooitt. I want her to poo on my chest, coincidence? :eyebrows:

You are one open minded guy Mulder, what is your preference on golden showers:unsure:


I don't believe he's ever expressed any interest in Canadian Jews. :noes:

04-09-2019, 03:26 AM
I don't believe he's ever expressed any interest in Canadian Jews. :noes:


04-09-2019, 03:37 AM
I don't believe he's ever expressed any interest in Canadian Jews. :noes:

What do Golden Showers have to do with Canadian Jews:unsure

Occasionally i do get play time with Mulder,does that make you a wee jealous :console:

04-10-2019, 06:36 PM
Word of the day: Prescient.......

04-12-2019, 07:53 AM
lol! If there is any particular Quota-limit for posting in a thread, then the last one would be a winner.

Something Else
04-13-2019, 04:27 PM
lolboys. There seems to be a never ending supply of them. Could we use them for something useful, or something else.

04-13-2019, 06:31 PM
How about j-dye is mental?

Mr. Mulder
04-13-2019, 07:36 PM
My aim in life is to crack your mum.

Mr. Mulder
04-13-2019, 07:48 PM
You are one open minded guy Mulder, what is your preference on golden showers:unsure:


I don't believe he's ever expressed any interest in Canadian Jews. :noes:

I'll tell you a true story. A girl once pissed on me in the shower at her mum's house. Something she had always wanted to do, I didn't feel a thing. Not because I'm dead inside but instead because the shower water was hot anyway so I didn't really feel it squirting. Position wise we were both standing so it was only splashing my legs anyway. The piss it's self wasn't even yellow but clear. It was 9 or 10 years ago and my memory is shit but it's the only time someone has literally pissed on me, I remember it all. It's the sort of memory I'll be jerking off to on my death bed while my family looks down on me confused and horrified wishing they'd pulled the plug 2 to 10 minutes earlier.

04-14-2019, 01:52 AM
The piss it's self wasn't even yellow but clear. It was 9 or 10 years ago and my memory is shit but it's the only time someone has literally pissed on me, I remember it all.

Well Mulder, myself knowing many excellent Jewish Urologist :D, they will tell you most healthy people piss clear, i guess you can say that is a positive:yup:, but no matter how dehydrated you were, i will say it is still not drinkable;)

It's the sort of memory I'll be jerking off to on my death bed while my family looks down on me confused and horrified wishing they'd pulled the plug 2 to 10 minutes earlier.

I guess you could look at this as an alternative of them walking into the room while a hot nurse is blowing you and then you finishing her off with solid anal cream-pie, i am thinking that is not a bad way to go either :whistling

04-14-2019, 09:21 PM
Well Mulder, myself knowing many excellent Jewish Urologist :D, they will tell you most healthy people piss clear, i guess you can say that is a positive:yup:, but no matter how dehydrated you were, i will say it is still not drinkable;)

It's the sort of memory I'll be jerking off to on my death bed while my family looks down on me confused and horrified wishing they'd pulled the plug 2 to 10 minutes earlier.

I guess you could look at this as an alternative of them walking into the room while a hot nurse is blowing you and then you finishing her off with solid anal cream-pie, i am thinking that is not a bad way to go either :whistling

Clear pee doesn't always mean you are healthy, just well hydrated. That's why the first pee in the morning is yellow (unless you get up in the middle of the night and drink a gallon of water).

04-15-2019, 12:27 AM
Clear pee doesn't always mean you are healthy, just well hydrated. That's why the first pee in the morning is yellow (unless you get up in the middle of the night and drink a gallon of water).

I was actually just making some humor out of a situation that urine should usually end up in a toilet or a tree on a golf course :). The same i didn't add that if the chick decided to have asparagus for lunch and the next day Mulder colleagues at work would be puzzled on his new choosing of deodorant :idunno:

Again having no doubt on your wisdom MacGyver, being hydrated is also a good sign of health ,myself being a guy that has had kidney issues would kind of know ;)