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12-15-2021, 08:59 PM
You may not not know this, you being as what we refer to it in polite society as an illegal but there was a baseball player named Gaylord Perry who played for the Texas Rangers. Great pitcher but a total fag.

Proof?? And i am figuring you have personal experience knowledge of this allegation :01:

12-15-2021, 09:04 PM


I figured :cheers:

PS. Anon Is the game section now giving you credit for posting??

You mean the section that doesn't exist anymore?


And if true posts will be credited ... Idols job is going to be easier now pissing them off and scaring them away making them feel welcome.......

12-15-2021, 09:12 PM
You may not not know this, you being as what we refer to it in polite society as an illegal but there was a baseball player named Gaylord Perry who played for the Texas Rangers. Great pitcher but a total fag.

Proof?? And i am figuring you have personal experience knowledge of this allegation :01: I'm in sales, I don't deal in true, pinko.

12-15-2021, 09:17 PM
Don't try to drag me down with you, Closet Gaylord :no:

Fixed, and you may be on to something, when the profile fits:whistling

Lots of hate crimes on this website. Sort of reminds me of the army.

12-15-2021, 09:29 PM
I'm in sales, I don't deal in true, pinko.

True Story....

When i worked selling Washing Machines, an egg roll asked me the question "Is this a good Washing Machine"?? And i responded by nodding my head and said "It Washes", after i finished the paperwork on the sale, i noticed my picture on the wall and under it said "Salesmen of the Month" :)..

And i guess you could say in your meaning of "Sales" , having signs around your neighborhood giving Selling blow-jobs for $5 bucks:unsure:, that could also make you a capitalist :O

12-15-2021, 09:31 PM
Lots of hate crimes on this website. Sort of reminds me of the army.

On the American side, or Canadian side:unsure:

12-15-2021, 09:44 PM
Don't make me regret my decision to marry your daughter.

12-15-2021, 10:28 PM

12-15-2021, 10:58 PM
You may not not know this, you being as what we refer to it in polite society as an illegal but there was a baseball player named Gaylord Perry who played for the Texas Rangers. Great pitcher but a total fag.

I thought "pitcher" was a code word for... you know.

12-15-2021, 10:58 PM
When i worked selling Washing Machines, an egg roll asked me the question "Is this a good Washing Machine"?? And i responded by nodding my head and said "It Washes", after i finished the paperwork on the sale, i noticed my picture on the wall and under it said "Salesmen of the Month" :)..


12-15-2021, 11:54 PM
You may not not know this, you being as what we refer to it in polite society as an illegal but there was a baseball player named Gaylord Perry who played for the Texas Rangers. Great pitcher but a total fag.

I thought "pitcher" was a code word for... you know. I think the word you are searching for is "euphemism". A code word is generally used to hide true meaning, not as a substitute for it.

12-16-2021, 12:51 AM
Don't make me regret my decision to marry your daughter.


Truth, i think she can do better;), but her twin brother may be available, and he's a giver not a taker, right up your anus alley:naughty:

12-16-2021, 12:58 AM
When i worked selling Washing Machines, an egg roll asked me the question "Is this a good Washing Machine"?? And i responded by nodding my head and said "It Washes", after i finished the paperwork on the sale, i noticed my picture on the wall and under it said "Salesmen of the Month" :)..


Why?? Is that all you got Fudge Packer, Anti Semitism :console:


12-16-2021, 04:41 AM
Just act as if they were mocking any other group, because it has zero effect on the joke.

12-16-2021, 05:18 AM
Just act as if they were mocking any other group, because it has zero effect on the joke.



Is this better:whistling


12-16-2021, 01:58 PM
An actual fight that doesn't involve me. Is this heaven?

12-17-2021, 02:13 AM


12-17-2021, 02:30 AM


:argue: :sadwalk:



12-24-2021, 09:41 PM
Well, merry Christmas y'all. 85 degrees around here; how are you supposed to get in the spirit?

12-24-2021, 09:52 PM
Rum and eggnog. I'm pretty sure they teach that in school.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all the puppies of the World.

12-25-2021, 09:49 PM
Anon, Meg says that every celebration in your country concludes with the traditional burning of the football stadium. Is this true or is Meg just being his usual racist self?

12-29-2021, 12:42 AM
Don't be silly. Stadium burning is the celebration.

12-29-2021, 01:30 PM
Don't be silly. Stadium burning is the celebration.

I hope none of this effects the annual Running of the Monkeys because I've already bought tickets.

Something Else
12-30-2021, 01:52 AM
Rod off, bar steward.

12-30-2021, 08:26 PM
Rod off, bar steward.

Mom, is that you?

12-30-2021, 09:41 PM
Don't be silly. Stadium burning is the celebration.

I hope none of this effects the annual Running of the Monkeys because I've already bought tickets.


12-30-2021, 09:45 PM
Rod off, bar steward.

Mom, is that you?

No it is "Fuck Face", and boy is he/she "Something Else" ;)

I know you were trying to be nice but the truth is the truth:yup:

Happy and Healthy New Year Dickhead:drunk: And to everyone else as well...........

12-31-2021, 01:29 PM
Happy and Healthy New Year Dickhead:drunk: And to everyone else as well...........

Happy New Year. May you continued cheating at golf never upset your friends so much that they decide to kill you. Although they would be justified in doing so. Obviously.

Also all the best to your wife and our children.

12-31-2021, 03:54 PM
Also all the best to your wife and our children.

Yup... 2021 goes out with a bang... of sorts. ;)

(Happy New Year's Everyone! 2022 is looking good... I'm optimistic!) :happy: :alien:

12-31-2021, 04:10 PM
Happy and Healthy New Year Dickhead:drunk: And to everyone else as well...........

Happy New Year. May you continued cheating at golf never upset your friends so much that they decide to kill you. Although they would be justified in doing so. Obviously.

Also all the best to your wife and our children.

:lol: :artist::artist: :lol:

True Dat:)

When it comes to golf the "ClubLink" motto, IF you are not cheating, you are only cheating yourself:lol:

The other day i almost got beaten up by a transgender midget :cry:

And the kids have tried to call you but they seem to have the wrong number, I know it is all Megs fault:unsure:

The wife?? Well after over 30 years of marriage, whenever you want her back, just let me know:whistling

01-01-2022, 01:18 AM
Last news that caught my eye for the year:

AOC thinks I want to fuck her.*

*With Shay's dick, maybe.;)

01-01-2022, 02:15 AM
Last news that caught my eye for the year:

AOC thinks I want to fuck her.*

*With Shay's dick, maybe.;)

:lol: :lol:

Well i can say Stehle has the best shot, the CUNT Sandy Cortez is celebrating the New Year in Florida not her own fucking state the Retard is supposed to be representing!!!!!

So good luck Stehle;)

Truth, i wouldn't fuck her with Idols vagina :01:

And a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family J2K4:cheers::yay::hug:

And again to everyone out there in FST Land a Happy and Healthy New Year:)

01-01-2022, 02:34 AM
Can't wait to see what 2022 brings in the great USA!!!!

01-01-2022, 12:45 PM
Happy 1822, Shay! :hny:

Idol, may you give nor receive any new diseases in the year ahead.

To everyone else, may your 2022 be memorable in all the good ways!!

Something Else
01-01-2022, 12:53 PM
Happy Birthday, January. Lift it up and slide it under.

01-01-2022, 01:30 PM
Last news that caught my eye for the year:

AOC thinks I want to fuck her.*

You in particular or the conservative male populace in general? If you then I'd say go for it and if it's awful then you at least have a basis for blackmail.

01-01-2022, 01:33 PM
Happy 1822, Shay! :hny:

Idol, may you give nor receive any new diseases in the year ahead.

To everyone else, may your 2022 be memorable in all the good ways!!

Some guy in the open signup section is trying to trick me into accepting something coming out of China. Like I'm ever going to fall for that again.

01-01-2022, 01:36 PM
I'd have a threesome with AOC and Ilhan Omar but only if they promised to talk dirty liberal to me during it.

01-01-2022, 01:40 PM
Happy 1822, Shay! :hny:

True fact, it's 5782 or something in Jewish years. At that rate I understand why they run everything.

01-01-2022, 08:07 PM
Last news that caught my eye for the year:

AOC thinks I want to fuck her.*

You in particular or the conservative male populace in general? If you then I'd say go for it and if it's awful then you at least have a basis for blackmail.

Me, in particular.

I interpret that as she wants to fuck me, but she doesn't know how much her teeth scare me.

She looks like a little barracuda.

If I ever laid eyes on her I'd cross the street.

01-01-2022, 08:17 PM
Hopefully the New Year begins with a rinse and no repeat.

The best to my board brethren present and past, especially those attending this thread.

Canucks are still my favorite aliens.

01-01-2022, 08:34 PM
Hopefully the New Year begins with a rinse and no repeat.

The best to my board brethren present and past, especially those attending this thread.

Canucks are still my favorite aliens.

;) :cheers: ;)

01-01-2022, 08:37 PM
You in particular or the conservative male populace in general? If you then I'd say go for it and if it's awful then you at least have a basis for blackmail.

Me, in particular.

I interpret that as she wants to fuck me, but she doesn't know how much her teeth scare me.

She looks like a little barracuda.

If I ever laid eyes on her I'd cross the street.

That's what happens when her mother cheated with Mr. ED:D


01-01-2022, 08:50 PM
Happy 1822, Shay! :hny:

True fact, it's 5782 or something in Jewish years. At that rate I understand why they run everything.

Does that interfere with your Fudge Packing sex life:unsure:

True Fact: Israel has the one and only biggest Homo Paloozas in all the Middle East and EU every year, that should make

you a big fan of the home of the Jewish people;):naughty:

PS. is 5782 year before or after Jesus:unsure:

01-01-2022, 10:19 PM
PS. is 5782 year before or after Jesus:unsure: Your Lord and Savior returned so do you mean after or after after?

01-01-2022, 10:31 PM
Not to badmouth any white Christians because we are already too persecuted but if I had to fuck any Congressperson, teeth or not, AOC would still be top three right after Mo Brooks and killing myself with a dull straight razor dipped in hot sauce

01-01-2022, 10:35 PM
Canucks are still my favorite aliens. I'm currently watching Rocky IV which basically makes me an American by default.


01-02-2022, 12:40 AM
I am thinking more like Rambo:)


01-02-2022, 01:41 PM
Not to badmouth any white Christians because we are already too persecuted but if I had to fuck any Congressperson, teeth or not, AOC would still be top three right after Mo Brooks and killing myself with a dull straight razor dipped in hot sauce

:lol: Faint praise...

"If i had a fuck a guy, if my life depended on it, Id Fuck Elvis"

01-02-2022, 03:18 PM
Not to badmouth any white Christians because we are already too persecuted but if I had to fuck any Congressperson, teeth or not, AOC would still be top three right after Mo Brooks and killing myself with a dull straight razor dipped in hot sauce

:lol: Faint praise...

"If i had a fuck a guy, if my life depended on it, Id Fuck Elvis"

Dead or Alive??:unsure:

01-02-2022, 08:19 PM
That's Bon Jovi, not Elvis, idiot. "I wash these sheets, something something around back...".

This is Elvis.


01-02-2022, 08:29 PM
I am thinking more like Rambo:)

The entire premise of Rambo was that he was abandoned by the government when he was no longer of any use. In five movies he never actually fought once for America. Even in Rambo 3 there are no lofty causes, he's only there because his friend Trautman needs him. By the third one he's even left the US. Not exactly recruitment poster material.

01-02-2022, 10:16 PM
:lol: Faint praise...

"If i had a fuck a guy, if my life depended on it, Id Fuck Elvis" I'm officially operating under the premise that Meg's account has been hacked by someone from whatever country besides Canada has the worst sense of humour. I'm thinking Iran. Isn't that right, mullah?

01-09-2022, 12:12 PM

In the end of '29? *sigh*

01-09-2022, 06:46 PM

Mr. Mulder
01-18-2022, 07:31 AM
The Righteous Gemstones is good.

Something Else
02-27-2022, 08:49 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8V9Nf-TZL8In tribute to Proper Bo

02-27-2022, 10:19 PM

02-28-2022, 08:51 PM

03-01-2022, 01:32 AM

03-01-2022, 01:54 AM
Kinda makes you wonder how all those Trump apologists are feeling now about him withholding those $400 million in military aid when Zelensky wasn't playing ball regarding all that manufactured Hunter Biden bullshit... Ukraine sure could use that money/material now...

03-01-2022, 04:44 AM
Kinda makes you wonder how all those Trump apologists are feeling now about him withholding those $400 million in military aid when Zelensky wasn't playing ball regarding all that manufactured Hunter Biden bullshit... Ukraine sure could use that money/material now...

Enough of your bullshit Cabby !!!!

And what you are saying that Hunter Biden is so innocent!!!!

Forget his shady dealings around the world with his father the now President of the United States was involved in!!!

The fucking guy is a Crack Head that fucked his dead brothers wife!!! And under indictment , Ya this is a really good guy Hypocrite!!!!!!

And what did Biden do when his son was going to be investigated in Ukraine Cabby?? Did you forget about that or Do i need to post that!!!!!

Trump was not even a candidate when that happened!!! , you blame him for that too right;)

And Your Left wing douchebags sent the Ukraine's blankets for fuck sakes, Trump sent military aid to protect the Ukrainian people , and was thanked for it!!!!

Why doesn't the EU and NATO and the US put sanctions on all of the oil exports in Russia you hypocrite !!!!

Why did it take this for all fucking NATO countries to finally pay there fucking share!!!!!??? Explain smart guy!!!!

Why did the EU and NATO and the US wait so long and wait til Putin actually invaded Ukraine??!!! When you saw Russian troops surrounding a supposed ally,

what the fuck were they waiting for!!!???

And i am trying to think in 4 fucking years of the Trump administration how many things like this happened ??? Fucking zero!!!!!!!

How much dominance does Russia have over energy??!!!!! How about When Trump was in the fucking White House!!!?? What is your answer

on that??!!!!

Again stop your Bullshit buddy.....

Just stop your bullshit and stay out of politics like you did say you would.....

The same now it seems that all the NATO fuckheads are now paying there share, and i do remember that Trump was the one that embarrassed all of them to do that...

Now you better start praying that Biden stops listening to the Left Wing fuckheads of the party and opens up the pipelines and starts drilling or they are going to fuck up

the world even worse!!!!

I do apologize to everyone else that actually has common sense and understand how the world really works for my outburst, but seeing stuff like that posted from a person that really is obtuse and only sees there view and not reality, should stay out of politics....

I gave my word to stay out of politics, but seeing stuff like that posted is just ridiculous...

Again i apologize ....

As a friend Cabby, and i really mean this:cheers::hug:

When they finally take cow farts and turn it into clean energy to supply the needs of the people,, then you can finally stop with drilling and have clean energy!!

Until then, and hopefully we will live to a 183 to see that....

Grow the Fuck up!!!!, Gas here now Reg. is $1.60 a fucking litre and said to go to $2!!!! your gas is skyrocketing !!!!!, cost of living (inflation!!), and security is in the toilet buddy, it needs to be fixed:hug:

And here is a hint for ya smart guy, buying oil/gas from Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran!!! and not producing your own is not going to save the fucking planet !!! Think about that!!!...

And China building clean coal factories/plants is not going to save the planet either!!!!!

Do you not see that in the media outlets you go to buddy;)

And Yes Covid is done buddy, it can't be used as an excuse anymore;), People that voted for Biden and not Bernie Sanders are catching on now, and they are not happy, just like the other half of the Country, you know , people like you forget about ....

Your friend regardless of politics:cheers:


03-01-2022, 01:04 PM
How the World actually works. Hint: It's rigged.


03-01-2022, 01:07 PM
Cars are important because without them there'd be little excuse to have car radios.

03-01-2022, 01:10 PM
Also my home is heated by love which is granted, more expensive at times than oil but it's a small cost so that Meg's grandchildren will still know the joy of dry land..

03-01-2022, 01:31 PM
Kinda makes you wonder how all those Trump apologists are feeling now about him withholding those $400 million in military aid when Zelensky wasn't playing ball regarding all that manufactured Hunter Biden bullshit... Ukraine sure could use that money/material now...

Loud screaming.


I'm not Clarence Darrow and I understand that you've been ordered to hate the Bidens but I don't think your best course is to attack Hitler by defending Stalin.

03-01-2022, 08:24 PM
This place wouldn't be so bad without other people posting if it allowed pets.

03-02-2022, 12:24 AM
This place wouldn't be so bad without other people posting if it allowed pets.



03-02-2022, 05:37 AM



03-02-2022, 10:56 AM
Woof. Politics divide people, but sexy things bring us together.


03-02-2022, 12:37 PM
Woof. Politics divide people, but sexy things bring us together.


:yup: :naughty: :yup:


Politics/Policies decides your vote not your friendship Anon, and if that is not the case, are they or were they really your friend in the first place :01:

Something to think about isn't it;)

03-02-2022, 08:49 PM
This place wouldn't be so bad without other people posting if it allowed pets.



As much as we are all turned on by cats, I'm pretty sure that your being deceptive and at least one of those is a person.

03-02-2022, 09:00 PM
Politics divide people.... Politics has been described as a way to wage war without the violence so, obviously.

03-02-2022, 09:11 PM

As much as I appreciate a good waif with no jaw pretending to be a dog or something, I'm really not attracted. I might be racist.

03-02-2022, 09:38 PM
Get ready for your mauling, rawr.


03-03-2022, 01:17 PM
Weird coincidence but that's exactly what shay wore for Halloween.

03-03-2022, 01:21 PM
Jesus Christ, Liam Neeson is almost 70. Just give it up already.


03-03-2022, 03:55 PM
Weird coincidence but that's exactly what shay wore for Halloween.


I was thinking i can look in my spare bedroom ceiling mirror and go fuck myself:01:

03-03-2022, 11:28 PM
I generally avoid this thread, but I was shocked to read there was anyone who thinks Hunter Biden is innocent of anything he's been accused of.

03-04-2022, 03:21 AM
Weird coincidence but that's exactly what shay wore for Halloween.

Nice try, but I have learned from George Michael's mistakes.

03-04-2022, 03:21 AM
Jesus Christ, Liam Neeson is almost 70.

So are Arnie and Sly, and yet... here we are.

03-04-2022, 03:39 AM
Weird coincidence but that's exactly what shay wore for Halloween.

Nice try, but I have learned from George Michael's mistakes.

Wait a minute!! Are you saying that Idol has been trying to fool us all along, and he really is Rickey Martin:unsure:

Gee i never saw the signs:sneaky:

03-04-2022, 03:48 AM
No, I'm saying you should have worn fox ears and a tail instead :kiss:

03-04-2022, 03:59 AM
No, I'm saying you should have worn fox ears and a tail instead :kiss:

I wouldn't want to take a chance, and have Idols reputation ruined, and have a video leaked of Idol masturbating to that image:fear:

Even if Cabby paid me to make it happen:sly:


03-04-2022, 01:01 PM
I generally avoid this thread, but I was shocked to read there was anyone who thinks Hunter Biden is innocent of anything he's been accused of.

I hope that you're not looking at me. The only caveat that I would place on the whole thing is that it's wrong to use his alleged misdeeds to attack his father. Also of course the hypocrisy of the whole situation.

03-04-2022, 01:04 PM
I was thinking i can look in my spare bedroom ceiling mirror and go fuck myself:01:

I second the thought that you can go fuck yourself.

03-04-2022, 01:06 PM
Gee i never saw the signs:sneaky:


I miss when English people posted here and this thread came by it's homosexuality honestly.

03-04-2022, 01:09 PM
If we're now attacking nuclear plants, there's one in Pickering that's been pissing me off.

03-04-2022, 01:13 PM
True story: I'm high on this Russian Power pre-workout (https://muscleplayers.com/products/the-russian-power/) right now and that probably has a lot to do with my previous statement.

03-05-2022, 08:05 AM
I generally avoid this thread, but I was shocked to read there was anyone who thinks Hunter Biden is innocent of anything he's been accused of.

I hope that you're not looking at me. The only caveat that I would place on the whole thing is that it's wrong to use his alleged misdeeds to attack his father. Also of course the hypocrisy of the whole situation.

I don't see what the big deal is... Hallie was feeling lonely and he was there, it's the power of love :wub:

03-05-2022, 08:05 AM
I'm high on this Russian Power

Then ride a bear and go die for Putin, you commie. :dry:

03-05-2022, 06:32 PM
I would invade your country but I already have enough overpaid football stars.

03-05-2022, 06:55 PM
I generally avoid this thread, but I was shocked to read there was anyone who thinks Hunter Biden is innocent of anything he's been accused of.

I hope that you're not looking at me. The only caveat that I would place on the whole thing is that it's wrong to use his alleged misdeeds to attack his father. Also of course the hypocrisy of the whole situation.

You're abusing your caveat.

Other than the activities which define him as a scumbag of the first order (the laptop, the contents of which are there because Hunter put them there), literally everything he did relative to Burisma, Russia, and China (he was a very busy boy), he did with his father's imprimatur, knowledge and status.

The "Big Guy" - Joe - made a shit-ton of money, as did his brother and other family members.

03-05-2022, 07:25 PM

Other than the activities which define him as a scumbag of the first order (the laptop, the contents of which are there because Hunter put them there), literally everything he did relative to Burisma, Russia, and China (he was a very busy boy), he did with his father's imprimatur, knowledge and status.

And you know this exactly how?


If you're going with a general "everyone remotely associated with politics besides Bernie Sanders is a crook", I'll accept that.

03-05-2022, 08:00 PM

Other than the activities which define him as a scumbag of the first order (the laptop, the contents of which are there because Hunter put them there), literally everything he did relative to Burisma, Russia, and China (he was a very busy boy), he did with his father's imprimatur, knowledge and status.

And you know this exactly how?


If you're going with a general "everyone remotely associated with politics besides Bernie Sanders is a crook", I'll accept that.

If you want a short course on Hunter Biden, read Abuse of Power, by Fred Lucas.

It's a pretty comprehensive recounting of the entire Trump impeachment effort, from pre-election start to end, with a special focus on Adam Schiff's committee hearings, the ones where he was having TV tryouts in the SCIF.

03-05-2022, 11:34 PM
No thanks, I'll stick to non-fiction. Btw I was trying to make point that it's OK for conservatives to call Hunter Biden whatever they want and most of it is probably true but it doesn't hold any weight as long as they seem utterly unwilling to call out all the obvious miscreants on the right.
Like that the bs book you just drew my attention to. The evidence was there to impeach, Republicans for political reasons, simply chose not to.

03-06-2022, 02:01 AM
No thanks, I'll stick to non-fiction. Btw I was trying to make point that it's OK for conservatives to call Hunter Biden whatever they want and most of it is probably true but it doesn't hold any weight as long as they seem utterly unwilling to call out all the obvious miscreants on the right.
Like that the bs book you just drew my attention to. The evidence was there to impeach, Republicans for political reasons, simply chose not to.

Here is some facts....

Donald J Trump is a billionaire piece of garbage!!! Again i have always said that and Cabby my friend knows it....

Idol is an Obtuse, instigating, lying, Anti Semitic, two faced Homo... Again everyone knows that too,,,

SO...........What say you;)

PS.. Here is something to think about Obtuse one.....

If Trudeau decided to change parties (Became Leader of PC or PCC), here in Canada, and now believes in those policies, here is a trick question for you moron...Do you now think i would now vote for the Liberal party because i can't stand Trudeau??

And another fact for you Idol... Donald J Trump was a supporting Democrat!!!! Until the policies became radical to his views.....

You may think you have morals, but in politics, what can that do for the way of life?? Or the cost of living?? Or security?? Or the future if you have children??

And did you notice that i didn't have to use the names Hitler and Stalin to show my viewpoint you Anti Semitic instigator;)

Something to think about obtuse one (saying with a quiet voice;)).......

03-06-2022, 02:22 AM
No thanks, I'll stick to non-fiction. Btw I was trying to make point that it's OK for conservatives to call Hunter Biden whatever they want and most of it is probably true but it doesn't hold any weight as long as they seem utterly unwilling to call out all the obvious miscreants on the right.
Like that the bs book you just drew my attention to. The evidence was there to impeach, Republicans for political reasons, simply chose not to.


How/why is it, then, the Democrats were calling for Trump's impeachment before he was even elected?

03-06-2022, 03:24 AM
I would invade your country

Please do, anything would be an improvement... why do you think the aforementioned soccer stars fucked off to overseas clubs as soon as they could :happy:

03-06-2022, 03:25 AM
Also, do I need to start posting sexy pictures again? Because I totally have more, trust me.

03-06-2022, 04:16 AM
I would invade your country

Please do, anything would be an improvement... why do you think the aforementioned soccer stars fucked off to overseas clubs as soon as they could :happy:

:) :gunsmilie :)

03-06-2022, 04:20 AM
Also, do I need to start posting sexy pictures again? Because I totally have more, trust me.

:yup: :naughty: :lips:


03-06-2022, 06:21 AM
Despite having used the Internet on 2013, I don't recall what the fox says... but here you go.


03-06-2022, 08:21 AM
Despite having used the Internet on 2013, I don't recall what the fox says... but here you go.



03-06-2022, 09:11 AM
I am awake and thinking....

I gave my word to stay away from politics and i am trying to keep my word.......

Here is a question tho....

What and how do you think a Democratic society/country could become equally split in ideals or policies??

The same do you really think the percentage is the same for a Socialist/Communist run country how the people really think??

Really is the mass in either system happy??

My one opinion is that the Hard Left or the Hard Right in a Democracy are not the majority of people that control the vote.....

Even know they will be targeted or accused of being that way from there choosing.............

In a socialists communists run society is that the same??

03-06-2022, 11:37 AM
No thanks, I'll stick to non-fiction. Btw I was trying to make point that it's OK for conservatives to call Hunter Biden whatever they want and most of it is probably true but it doesn't hold any weight as long as they seem utterly unwilling to call out all the obvious miscreants on the right.
Like that the bs book you just drew my attention to. The evidence was there to impeach, Republicans for political reasons, simply chose not to.


How/why is it, then, the Democrats were calling for Trump's impeachment before he was even elected?

I Googled the sources that spread that and surprisingly it came back stuff like Breitbart, The Blaze, The Washington Post and most tellingly RT.
The unmitigated truth is that a small handful of Democrats did call for impeachment before he was elected. It wasn't "Democrats" in general which though headlines pointedly make it seem like.
I'm sure that a handful of Republicans want to see Biden burned alive but at least I'm not yet brainwashed enough into believing that small group is "Republicans" in general.
Also and this for shay because I know he likes nothing better than a good Hitler reference, but would it have been OK to speak up against Hitler or was the polite thing to do was to wait until he had at least invaded Poland?

03-06-2022, 11:54 AM
Oh yeah, I conveniently forgot about the whole "Lock her up" campaign thing. Being consistent is one distinction between a belief and and excuse.

03-06-2022, 01:45 PM
I Googled the sources that spread that and surprisingly it came back stuff like Breitbart, The Blaze, The Washington Post and most tellingly RT. The unmitigated truth is that a small handful of Democrats did call for impeachment before he was elected. It wasn't "Democrats" in general which though headlines pointedly make it seem like.
I'm sure that a handful of Republicans want to see Biden burned alive but at least I'm not yet brainwashed enough into believing that small group is "Republicans" in general.

I will say you obtuse instigator, the Left Wing media outlets were still busy bashing Trump at the time for other things, they forgot to mention there own parties wrong doings...

As for the great probability of the Republicans getting back control of the house and depending on the numbers the senate , i hope and pray they are not stupid enough to try to impeach Binden for the next in line alternative will be way worse:fear:

The same again you forget that you blame the Republicans for the rejection of the Left Wing Agenda !!!

How many times did the Democrats filibuster when the Republicans had full power of the senate?? You are a smart guy right!!!

Look it up!!!! Did they ever talk about removing it for there agenda??

Now you have Democrats that also against the Left Wing agenda!!! What are they traders, or looking after there constituents they represent??

That will be seen what happens in November;)

Also and this for shay because I know he likes nothing better than a good Hitler reference, but would it have been OK to speak up against Hitler or was the polite thing to do was to wait until he had at least invaded Poland?

Now dealing with your consistent antisemitism..........

Using the reference with Hitler with any American president or Canadian prime minister is just bullshit, and actually shows your stupidity and propaganda intentions....

Now i really do know you are obtuse in many things Idol, and it shows quite often, but i will type it here for you now... Biden or Trump are nothing like Hitler nor are there agendas, so comparing them to Nazis or Hitler makes you a what?? Guess:D ???

Get It;)...

Now take Putin now with the Ukrainians, until now you can see he is a mad man and killing a lot of innocent people, but is it Genocide or attempted annihilation of a race of people??

Well obtuse one, you tell me???

And be it wrong what Putin and Russia is doing, is he really wrong what his reasons of doing it???

Here is a really good question that was talked about in a OPED on RT news and surprised i didn't see it anywhere else...

How many Times has the US invaded countries?? Again sovergn countries, and ever been sanctioned ?? Can you explain this Idol??

War is dirty and even Israel trying to protect itself, using the Geneva convention rules of combat and going further and dropping leaflets saying they are going to bomb a location.. Do you think Terrorists Countries or Communists countries have that same humanity ??

Or you get the Biden Administration, real fucking idiots send there actual agenda to China how and what they were going to do with Russia, and what happened there Idol???

It is amazing that Putin flew to China for the Olympics isn't it, and he waited til they were finished before his invasion;)

Did you actually read or see any of that posted where you get your media?? I doubt it very much...........

Now in 4 years!!! That piece of SHIT Trump was in the White House, what happened anywhere around the world during that time Obtuse One!!!??

Again we won't go into corruption proven what the Biden Family did and still is doing today!! And you Take China, Russian, Ukraine before Zelinsky, and Iran, What pattern do you see more?? And if any had something on Trump?? Why didn't they invade then???

Even North Korea, is getting bold!!!!

What is that saying keep your friends close your enemies closer and to be a super power make sure they all fear you !!!!!!

Interesting Questions Obtuse one;)

03-06-2022, 02:20 PM
Oh yeah, I conveniently forgot about the whole "Lock her up" campaign thing. Being consistent is one distinction between a belief and and excuse.

So wait, are you saying that was Fake News??

Forget Crooked Hillary was the one that did finance the whole Russian Collusion nonsense LOL!!!!

But all of July 6th is real right LOL!!!!!

Again if i keep calling you a Homo is it going to come true LOL!!!

Or maybe it is true and if you go on Fake News and deny being a Homo, it then will become true:lol:

Now i am confused if you are really a Homo or not:unsure:

03-06-2022, 07:40 PM
As a child of the 80s, what I want to know is how we got from this:


to this:


If we could harness the energy of Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave, we wouldn't need any Russian oil or gas...

03-06-2022, 09:39 PM
As a child of the 80s, what I want to know is how we got from this:

to this:
If we could harness the energy of Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave, we wouldn't need any Russian oil or gas...

You are 100% right Cabby, it is disgusting and people like that should not be nor ever be called Americans!!!!!!!!!

Period!!!!! Sick troublemakers and radical Right Wing SHITBAGS imbeciles what else can i say!!!! :cheers:

I do have a question Cabby....

Where did you find the images?? Where were they posted??

Was it from a site that showed it as a Right Wing Positive??

Or a Democrat site to spread more divide??

Again asking that for curiosity , and my views either way are still the same :hug:

03-06-2022, 10:21 PM
Google image search. No commentary. For everyone to see.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Oh, and for what it's worth: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/russian-than-democrat-shirts/

03-06-2022, 10:39 PM
Google image search. No commentary. For everyone to see.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Oh, and for what it's worth: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/russian-than-democrat-shirts/

The article is from 5 August 2018??

Truth or Fake, do you not find it strange that it suddenly pops up now/again?? Especially the propaganda meaning fits better??

Now Cabby either way it is disgusting but, does seem fitting for a side to instigate and cause more divide...

What do you think??

Now i think i can find some pics with T-Shirts that read "Deplorable's" on it from around the same time yet none of those are popping up:unsure:

PS. A cigar is not just a cigar :)

It you are ever in my neck of the woods buddy we can sit on my balcony and i will show you the difference between a cohiba vs montecristo;)

03-07-2022, 12:02 AM
Stop overthinking. It did not "pop up now/again". I specifically looked for that picture to make my point above. This is not a conspiracy.

03-07-2022, 12:53 PM
I think what Cabby is saying that if this was the movie Lifeboat then you would be Willi.

03-07-2022, 12:56 PM
Sorry, wrong forum. I thought I was posting on a site where everyone had a working knowledge of Hitchcock.

03-07-2022, 03:17 PM
Stop overthinking. It did not "pop up now/again". I specifically looked for that picture to make my point above. This is not a conspiracy.

Oh, ok:)

Your point is noted and I still think it is garbage and disgusting and ridiculous;).........


My point would be bringing up the past of some nutbags, makes it look like all of the group is, and that can work on both sides Cabby, if you know what i mean:yup:

Again disgusting.......


See my point:hug:

Never would my thoughts be that Trudeau is a racists!!!, he may be a fucking moron!!!, and nothing like his Father, but you put a few words underneath the picture and link a few radical NGO's/Groups/Political Parties, and BINGO!!! you start ruckus/divide/animosity towards others:frusty::sadwalk:..

Something I have never taught my kids nor do you do that to yours :)..

But someone is teaching this shit!!!!!

03-07-2022, 03:21 PM
Sorry, wrong forum. I thought I was posting on a site where everyone had a working knowledge of Hitchcock.

See..... HOMO

03-07-2022, 03:27 PM
I think what Cabby is saying that if this was the movie Lifeboat then you would be Willi.

I see something that causes more animosity towards others!!!!!

Don't you think being a HOMO, you should try to find the good things in others (If Possible), no matter there political views???

My point always, bashing a leader of a party, doesn't change if you agree with the party views/agenda/beliefs, moving the country forward....

Again Cabby and i have different views, but that has nothing to do with friendship and helping each other....

Can you understand that obtuse one;)


03-07-2022, 05:32 PM
I think what Cabby is saying that if this was the movie Lifeboat then you would be Willi.

I see something that causes more animosity towards others!!!!!

Don't you think being a HOMO, you should try to find the good things in others (If Possible), no matter there political views???

I really don't care what anyone calls me but you seem to be advocating one thing while doing the opposite.

And now this....

Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak criticized for 'shocking behavior' after wearing 'Z' symbol next to Ukrainian athlete
but the gymnastics federation is fine with holding the event in Qatar which has a very bad record on human rights and has been accused of habouring terrorists.

Gee, shay, you and the FIG should get together and compare notes.

And that is the last political thing I will post until someone makes me do otherwise.:)

03-07-2022, 07:08 PM
I see something that causes more animosity towards others!!!!!

Don't you think being a HOMO, you should try to find the good things in others (If Possible), no matter there political views???

I really don't care what anyone calls me but you seem to be advocating one thing while doing the opposite.

And now this....

Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak criticized for 'shocking behavior' after wearing 'Z' symbol next to Ukrainian athlete
but the gymnastics federation is fine with holding the event in Qatar which has a very bad record on human rights and has been accused of habouring terrorists.

Gee, shay, you and the FIG should get together and compare notes.

And that is the last political thing I will post until someone makes me do otherwise.:)

Idol, i saw that;)

Did you not see my comment on the US invading sovergn countries for there interests and i have never seen anywhere them being sanctioned ??!!!

They just had the Olympics in China didn't they?? And every major sponsor in the world still advertised and promoted it??!!!

If you live in a different part of the world does everyone agree with there actions including the people that live in a communist socialist country??

The difference may be that you will be shot for protesting peacefully or not...

When it comes to that Idol, why do we interfere with other countries that chose to live differently, why do we try to stick our nose in it??

Why not care about the country you do live in?? And the question is why doesn't elected political parties care??

You have people fleeing from countries Idol!!!, for a better life, yet a political party wants to change to the same these people are leaving??

Can you explain that??

Compare, Me Too, BLM, Antifa, Quanon, KKK, JDL, and on and on!!! If you peacefully protest, that is a right in Democracy countries no?? But in Socialists Communist countries.... Well?? Hens the comparison what happened to the Truckers here, were they terrorists Idol?? Is Me Too?? Is protesting for Abortions either for or against??

My point is.... Politics are Politics, killing innocents or trying to remove a race off the planet is that politics or madness?? I assume the people that are getting annihilated have something to say, as well as the party that is trying to do it....

We both live in Canada, and you being a HOMO do you think you could be open in Saudi Arabia or Iran being what you are?? Now there is Gay people that do live in those countries, but they would be closet HOMOS, or they will be hung in the streets!!! not like in Canada you can get any penis you want in your ass as long as they want too:naughty:

What gives us the right to say if it is right or wrong in a different country?? That is China's thinking!!! And we have to protect our way of living and not let them dictate to us, but protect our way of living!!!!

I will just say look at the Middle East??!!!

You get what i am saying buddy:)...

So the big problem here when we discuss politics, you don't like to hear there is another side...

Think about that for a second ;)

And then..... What ever is discussed has nothing to do with friendship between one another, meaning what is going to change if you argue about politics or disagreements??

If anyone asks me for a favor, do you think there political views bother me?? As long as they don't want to erase me off the planet,(a true anti Semitic!!!) who the fuck cares!!!!

I am not paying there bills, and they are not paying mine;)

And Just Remember..... There is two sides to every story, and in the middle you will find the truth or it will come out sooner or later:01:

Does that make sense???


PS.. I am not sure if this has happened yet??

Do you think there should be Transgender Men cycling with Women??

03-08-2022, 08:51 PM
I'm a big enough man to admit when you're wrong.

03-08-2022, 09:11 PM
Do you think there should be Transgender Men cycling with Women??

Fields should be split by sex, not gender which until some freak comes up with a way to alter chromosomes means you are stuck in the one you were born in.
The current not insane talk says that transgenders should have their own separate events like the way they have them for people with disabilities. That way everyone still gets to play but there isn't any argument about someone having an unfair advantage, wah, wah fucking wah, losers as much as I would love to enter blind tennis events and teach those visually impaired bastards a lesson.

03-08-2022, 10:00 PM
Wtf, Idol, a supremely sensible answer - well-done, that man.

Even Shay would be proud to be it's author. ;)

03-08-2022, 10:41 PM
I'm a big enough man to admit when you're wrong.

See... HOMO:yup:

03-08-2022, 10:42 PM
Wtf, Idol, a supremely sensible answer - well-done, that man.

Even Shay would be proud to be it's author. ;)

Exactly :hooray:

03-08-2022, 10:47 PM
Do you think there should be Transgender Men cycling with Women??

Fields should be split by sex, not gender which until some freak comes up with a way to alter chromosomes means you are stuck in the one you were born in.
The current not insane talk says that transgenders should have their own separate events like the way they have them for people with disabilities. That way everyone still gets to play but there isn't any argument about someone having an unfair advantage, wah, wah fucking wah, losers as much as I would love to enter blind tennis events and teach those visually impaired bastards a lesson.

:) :artist: :)



You may be a Fudge Packing Jehovah Witness after all Idol ;)

03-09-2022, 03:35 PM
I'm a big enough man to admit when you're wrong.

See... HOMO:yup:


03-11-2022, 05:05 PM
I won't be the last, but why not.

03-14-2022, 03:22 PM

03-15-2022, 10:42 PM
Is this Reddit?

03-16-2022, 09:10 AM

03-16-2022, 12:41 PM
It's Monday though, right?

03-17-2022, 04:22 AM

03-17-2022, 10:50 PM
I can see that you're a man of few thoughts words.

03-18-2022, 02:17 AM
Men with few thoughts have long dicks.

03-18-2022, 11:37 PM
Few thoughts have men with long dicks.

It's not some much the words as how they are arranged.

03-19-2022, 02:42 AM
Few thoughts have men with long dicks.

It's not some so much the words as how they are arranged.

Fixed :hug:

And the first sentence, i will leave that to your fantasy/imagination, but a hint, it will have something to do with your pooper:yikes:

03-19-2022, 10:46 AM
Few thoughts have men with long dicks.

It's not some much the words as how they are arranged.

I can see that you're a man of few thoughts words.

03-19-2022, 06:56 PM
Few thoughts have men with long dicks.

It's not some so much the words as how they are arranged.

Fixed :hug:

I figure that if words were really all that important then there wouldn't be so many of them.

03-19-2022, 11:34 PM
Fixed :hug:

I figure that if words were really all that important then there wouldn't be so many of them.

:lol: :artist::artist: :lol:

Very good Idol, and i didn't do the correction to mock you in any way buddy, I myself understood exactly what you meant :)

03-22-2022, 07:31 AM
Fixed :hug:

I figure that if words were really all that important then there wouldn't be so many of them.

So Chinese are not important?

03-22-2022, 02:17 PM
Life is cheap but gold is worth $1700 an ounce.

03-22-2022, 10:13 PM
I downvoted all of your stupid posts, now go read the sidebar.

03-22-2022, 11:23 PM
Life is cheap but gold is worth $1700 an ounce.

Life is cheap??

Where :unsure:

You would think Death would be and should be one cost and that is that...

Amazing how many people forget, cost of maintaining the burial plot, and if you are not a cheap cunt flowers every year!!!

Speaking of gold Idol, i just found a few ounce bars i had lying around the condo:whistling, minted silver ones as well:01:

PS. How are you liking the no mask thing (finally) HOMO?? Hope it is not harder for you to pick up young men when they actually see your face buddy:console:

Now it is strange going into places and seeing people still wear them, but hey there choice right;)

03-22-2022, 11:24 PM
I downvoted all of your stupid posts, now go read the sidebar.

Did they drop the mask mandate for you yet Anon??

03-23-2022, 02:18 PM
Speaking of gold Idol, i just found a few ounce bars i had lying around the condo:whistling, minted silver ones as well:01:

Typical Jew, having gold and silver bars lying around like they're old newspapers :turned:

03-23-2022, 02:18 PM
Did they drop the mask mandate for you yet Anon??

I don't (know|care) at this point *sigh*

03-23-2022, 02:46 PM
Life is cheap but gold is worth $1700 an ounce.

There are gold planets.

03-23-2022, 04:34 PM
Speaking of gold Idol, i just found a few ounce bars i had lying around the condo:whistling, minted silver ones as well:01:

Meg is always losing the location of bars. He says it's one of the consequences of his alcoholism.

03-23-2022, 04:36 PM
PS. How are you liking the no mask thing (finally) HOMO?? Hope it is not harder for you to pick up young men when they actually see your face buddy:console:

Now it is strange going into places and seeing people still wear them, but hey there choice right;)

Megs says that he appreciates the fact that the government has taken measures to make identifying the assholes in crowds that much easier. Meg, he's such a commie.

03-23-2022, 04:39 PM
For the record, most everyone where I pretend to live are still wearing masks or as Marjorie Taylor Greene calls them, "mask".

03-23-2022, 08:41 PM
For the record, most everyone where I pretend to live are still wearing masks or as Marjorie Taylor Greene calls them, "mask".

Well, i went to multiple places today, bank, costco, grocery stores, and Popeye's (to pick up lunch for wife and mother in-law day:)), it was a mixture of people wearing and not wearing....

In my Condo most people are not wearing them anymore......All the signs were taken down and a small sign was put up "Recommending" to keep 2 meters apart if you can, and be courteous to those who chose to wear one, basically covering there ass right!!...

My mother in laws condo, the board is forcing masks still (good thing i didn't buy my condo there, i can't imagine how many people i would have knocked out before ending up in jail :whistling), and my sister in-laws actually took all the signs down on friday...

And then i tried to observe the age or age group that were and were not???

Well i was surprised to see that more of the elder were not:01:..

And it was a mixture of employees also making there choice.....

And truth now it is easier to pick out the ones that voted for left wing moron Trudeau. and really where i go i didn't see that many;)...

So now the question that you avoided to answer??

Are you still wearing a mask??

You know my answer to that question;)

03-23-2022, 08:51 PM
Megs says that he appreciates the fact that the government has taken measures to make identifying the assholes in crowds that much easier. Meg, he's such a commie.


Ya i agree

03-23-2022, 08:53 PM
Speaking of gold Idol, i just found a few ounce bars i had lying around the condo:whistling, minted silver ones as well:01:

Typical Jew, having gold and silver bars lying around like they're old newspapers :turned:

I have diamonds, and a few newspapers around as well:snooty:

So where you live you probably keep barrels of Oil around!!! Whats the difference, other than space/storage :snooty:

Are you racially profiling me:sadwalk:

03-23-2022, 08:56 PM
Did they drop the mask mandate for you yet Anon??

I don't (know|care) at this point *sigh*

Well, do you ever go outside??, or you are afraid of getting arrested or shot:fear:??

So i assume if you do go out of your bunker Dwelling, you wear a mask??

03-23-2022, 09:18 PM
Speaking of gold Idol, i just found a few ounce bars i had lying around the condo:whistling, minted silver ones as well:01:

Meg is always losing the location of bars. He says it's one of the consequences of his alcoholism.

I thought one might reliably locate Meg behind bars?

Someone told me that, long ago. :huh:

03-24-2022, 03:57 AM
Word of the Day: Diplopia :blink:


Hey HOMO Idol, have you ever had a bad crash on your bicycle??

03-24-2022, 11:28 AM
I thought one might reliably locate Meg behind bars?

Someone told me that, long ago. :huh:

What they told you is that he was barred from being within 500 yards of a school :ninja:

03-28-2022, 04:47 PM

Hey HOMO Idol, have you ever had a bad crash on your bicycle??

I've crashed into women and children. I've crashed into literally everything that walks or crawls at one time or another.

Also define "bad". If by bad you mean fatal then, no. At least I think not unless life is pulling one of those Six Sense tricks on me and you are my Haley Joel Osment.

03-29-2022, 12:18 AM
I got speeding ticket on my bicycle once - 52 in a 25 mph zone. :rolleyes:

03-29-2022, 12:23 PM
Fifty-two mph is pretty fast on a bike even for a professional racer. Descending the big mountains they rarely top 60 mph. The UCI even recently banned something called the supertuck because going that fast downhill borders on the suicidal. Add a little moisture and things get really sketchy.

Face meet curb.


03-29-2022, 03:17 PM
That left a mark :yikes:

03-29-2022, 03:48 PM
I thought one might reliably locate Meg behind bars?

Someone told me that, long ago. :huh:

What they told you is that he was barred from being within 500 yards of a school

Shay has a self-imposed rule that he stays at least 500 yards away from any place engaging in higher learning.

03-29-2022, 03:51 PM
Adam Project with Ryan Reynolds is a fun watch with fantastic casting

03-29-2022, 03:54 PM
What they told you is that he was barred from being within 500 yards of a school

Shay has a self-imposed rule that he stays at least 500 yards away from any place engaging in higher learning.

That is true, i stay away from that Mary Jane :drummer:

And staying away from confrontation, all your education brought you tons of wealth and success didn't it buddy:huh:

But Hey!!! I am still proud of you, and Nice to see you are alive and kicking my friend:hug:

03-29-2022, 03:56 PM
For you Idol.......


03-29-2022, 04:00 PM
Adam Project with Ryan Reynolds is a fun watch with fantastic casting

Fell asleep twice trying to watch, and still haven't seen the whole movie yet:idunno:

Finally got through Nightmare Alley after 3 tries, look at that cast , and to me wasn't the greatest

Been watching Inventing Anna, it is interesting :)

03-29-2022, 05:04 PM
For you Idol.......


All war is stupid. I look at it and see men playing children's games only at huge monetary expense and the cost of human lives. Tango Echo go fuck yourselves.

Mr. Mulder
03-30-2022, 01:32 PM
I think all the good things are good and all the bad things are bad, don't judge me for it I'm just controversial that way :snooty:

03-30-2022, 09:00 PM
Always reserve judgement.

03-30-2022, 09:24 PM
I think all the good things are good and all the bad things are bad......

That's easy, the hard part is determining what is good and what is bad. There seems to be great disagreement on a lot of things, like say, pickles on chicken burgers.

Mr. Mulder
03-30-2022, 09:55 PM
White Jesus didn't eat them therefore they're bad. I had a chicken burger today from a van parked outside of work owned by a Romanian husband and wife. Chicken burger, chips and a can of tango - £6. I met their daughter once she has huge knockers :smilie4:

03-30-2022, 10:54 PM
Well, I feel productive today. Tax return done and filed. Should I be concerned that TurboTax flagged my audit risk as "medium" instead as "low" this year?

03-31-2022, 01:42 AM
Well, I feel productive today. Tax return done and filed. Should I be concerned that TurboTax flagged my audit risk as "medium" instead as "low" this year?

A man of your stature:hug:

What's a difference to you buddy, so if you have to pay a little more to help out the lazy fucks at home looking for handouts :01:

No problem right:)...

I would honestly think the answer is no, you don't have to worry

I am thinking... If Trump used Turbo Tax, it would pop up "High Alert Audit Immediately"!!!, and nothing would come of it:whistling

03-31-2022, 11:12 AM
.....and nothing would come of it:whistling Alex, what is the difference between a successful and and unsuccessful criminal?

03-31-2022, 02:20 PM
For you Idol.......


All war is stupid. I look at it and see men playing children's games only at huge monetary expense and the cost of human lives. Tango Echo go fuck yourselves.

War is not stupid. War is profitable. You don't have to be grumpy just because you aren't making money.

03-31-2022, 02:34 PM
.....and nothing would come of it:whistling Alex, what is the difference between a successful and and unsuccessful criminal?

Is that a trick question from you HOMO:lol:

First you have to be Indited/Charged to be a criminal, then you have to prove it and found guilty in a court of law;), accusations , media and fake news don't cut it anymore:01:..

Just like here HOMO, i am waiting for "Free Dental", but i hear on the streets it will only be available for Illegal Aliens HOMOS, and Trans-Genders:frusty:

So i guess your in:)

Plus I hear they are negotiating with Disney World for free trips as well.....

03-31-2022, 02:42 PM
All war is stupid. I look at it and see men playing children's games only at huge monetary expense and the cost of human lives. Tango Echo go fuck yourselves.

War is not stupid. War is profitable. You don't have to be grumpy just because you aren't making money.

Actually war is stupid, even know you are right in some cases;)

Now the question is, what profit do you get from giving arms to a country that can't pay for them??

Can influence in a country that doesn't want to change be considered profit?? For some reason i don't think so.........

Hens, the HOMO does have a valid point that war can be stupid....

Now a country purchasing munitions for Defense, now a conversation opens a different kind of worms :gunsmilie :tank:

03-31-2022, 04:00 PM
I've crashed into women and children. I've crashed into literally everything that walks or crawls at one time or another.

Then I hope you crash head-first on a bullet that was flying by, Canadian Elliot Rodger. :dry:

03-31-2022, 04:00 PM
Shay has a self-imposed rule that he stays at least 500 yards away from any place engaging in higher learning.

Well, at least he can count to 500 five and toppled eight.

03-31-2022, 04:00 PM
Should I be concerned that TurboTax flagged my audit risk as "medium" instead as "low" this year?

No and enjoy your trip to the only place in Cuba with a McDonald's.

03-31-2022, 05:20 PM
All war is stupid. I look at it and see men playing children's games only at huge monetary expense and the cost of human lives. Tango Echo go fuck yourselves.

War is not stupid. War is profitable. You don't have to be grumpy just because you aren't making money. Fear (of war) is where the real profit is. Make someone afraid of something - Muslims, the far left, the far right - it doesn't matter matter, and they can't line up fast enough to give you their money to protect them. You know the US defense budget is the only thing in that government that's not subject to audit. Of course hammers are going to cost hundreds of dollars if no one ever calls you on it.

04-01-2022, 07:54 PM
I just can't take a guy seriously who's last name sounds like Poopin'.

04-02-2022, 04:31 PM
War is not stupid. War is profitable. You don't have to be grumpy just because you aren't making money.

Actually war is stupid, even know you are right in some cases;)

I'll let you know that I'm always right :ermm:

04-02-2022, 08:18 PM
I just can't take a guy seriously who's last name sounds like Poopin'.

Vladimir Poutine.

04-02-2022, 08:18 PM
I'll let you know that I'm always right :ermm:

War does not determine who's right, just who's left :shutup:

04-02-2022, 09:36 PM
Actually war is stupid, even know you are right in some cases;)

I'll let you know that I'm always right :ermm:

Better than being "LEFT":01:

04-02-2022, 09:37 PM
I'll let you know that I'm always right :ermm:

War does not determine who's right, just who's left :shutup:


04-03-2022, 08:41 AM
Of course hammers are going to cost hundreds of dollars if no one ever calls you on it.

So why aren't you making hammers?

04-03-2022, 02:03 PM
So why aren't you making hammers?

Because his head is good enough for the task.

04-03-2022, 02:03 PM
Well, I feel productive today. Tax return done and filed. Should I be concerned that TurboTax flagged my audit risk as "medium" instead as "low" this year?

Maybe you conveniently forgot to mention this :sly:


04-03-2022, 05:41 PM
Ah, Christy... The good old days. When we were young and our testosterone levels went through the roof.

That is truly a classic.

04-03-2022, 06:46 PM
I know, nya. Modern porn is an assembly line at this point. Have another.


04-03-2022, 07:44 PM
Ah, Christy... The good old days. When we were young and our testosterone levels went through the roof.

That is truly a classic.

Young.... Dumb... And Full of CUM :naughty:


The difference between genius Nerds, and guys wanting to inject there baby juice in every women's orifice's....

04-03-2022, 07:51 PM
The Good OL Days.......


04-03-2022, 08:12 PM


04-03-2022, 08:18 PM

04-03-2022, 11:31 PM
Meg says that marriage hasn't changed his sex life much. He still only gets laid through pity fucks.

04-04-2022, 12:24 AM
Adam Project with Ryan Reynolds is a fun watch with fantastic casting

The only fun thing to watch during that flick was the hot girls sitting next to me. I watched them the whole time instead of the movie. :lol:

04-04-2022, 07:41 AM
I'll let you know that I'm always right :ermm:

Better than being "LEFT":01:


04-04-2022, 06:15 PM
Shay and I both look at things as either being right or being wrong just in totally different ways.:eyebrows:

04-04-2022, 11:17 PM
Shay and I both look at things as either being right or being wrong just in totally different ways.:eyebrows:

Well, we both agree you are a HOMO:01:

And I believe in facts, and you believe in distortion .....

I believe in reality, you believe in Narnia......

I believe in change, as long as there is a stable replacement for that change, that doesn't alter/backward the way of living.....

I truly believe that Russia is doing bad things, but i also believe there reasons are valid for doing something.....

I believe that America is not so innocent

I think Canada is fucked without the US.......

You judge what is "facts" and what is "reality" ;)

04-05-2022, 01:45 AM
I truly believe that Russia is doing bad things, but i also believe there reasons are valid for doing something.....

I believe that America is not so innocent

Stop watching Fucker Carlson.

But please, pray tell what are these "valid reasons" you speak of? Aside western inaction since 2014, of course.

Fun story -- one of my neighbors is Russian, has lived here for a couple of years as an expat for a Russian company. Asked him the other day what he was hearing from home, and was inundated with RT-style propaganda. Quite shocking if you think about it; if even he, who has access to western and presumably uncensored media, is buying into Putin's propaganda, what hope is there for Russians in Russia who only see what Putin wants them to see? And yes, he spouted some nonsense about NATO troops having been stationed in Ukraine and similar bullshit.

04-05-2022, 02:46 AM
I truly believe that Russia is doing bad things, but i also believe there reasons are valid for doing something.....

I believe that America is not so innocent

Stop watching Fucker Carlson.

But please, pray tell what are these "valid reasons" you speak of? Aside western inaction since 2014, of course.

Fun story -- one of my neighbors is Russian, has lived here for a couple of years as an expat for a Russian company. Asked him the other day what he was hearing from home, and was inundated with RT-style propaganda. Quite shocking if you think about it; if even he, who has access to western and presumably uncensored media, is buying into Putin's propaganda, what hope is there for Russians in Russia who only see what Putin wants them to see? And yes, he spouted some nonsense about NATO troops having been stationed in Ukraine and similar bullshit.

well Cabby, who should i believe??

Are you saying that Ukraine didn't want to join NATO??

PS.. I am not sure if you saw my longer post, but i just edited it, because what is the point to have a debate with you and get you upset???

So i will ask you the 2 question and see how you respond to that;)

PPS... And just think of this, You talked to one Russian, You know that i have moved into a Condo, I talk to floors of Russians and Ukrainians!!!, All with different views...

So... That makes you an expert on what is really going on and how each of the countries population really feels???

04-05-2022, 04:59 AM
No, I never said i was an expert. My point was that if someone who has access to the free press is still influenced by "his" state-run propaganda, I can't imagine what it would take to open the eyes of the common Joe(seph?) Sixpackofvodka to what is happening in Ukraine. Nothing more.

And seriously, are you going to tell me, too, that NATO troops were stationed in Ukraine before the invasion? If so, please tell me your sources.

And of course Ukraine was interested in joining NATO. Hell, wouldn't you want some protection if the neighborhood bully lived in the house next door and started taking your lunch money? In retrospect I suppose pushing back on that was one of the biggest policy blunders of Merkel and Sakozy back in the day. But please don't tell me that in your opinion that justifies invading the country and starting a full-blown war (sorry: special military operation)? What's next, Russia invading Sweden and Finland?

And who should you believe... unless you buy into the bullshit that what the world is now seeing in places like Bucha is staged and all the bodies are just actors, I think it's pretty clear who's lying. And if you do, maybe you have listened to Alex Jones for too long.

No offense, but I'd think that you for one would react slightly different to the atrocities that are being documented just now. Given the tactics we see, it would seem to me that there is just one regime involved that needs to be "de-nazified". And it ain't Zelenskyy.

04-05-2022, 06:01 AM
No, I never said i was an expert. My point was that if someone who has access to the free press is still influenced by "his" state-run propaganda, I can't imagine what it would take to open the eyes of the common Joe(seph?) Sixpackofvodka to what is happening in Ukraine. Nothing more.

Well just look at the US and there Main Stream Media LOL!!! Most of it looks like it is run by Left Democratic Party, and the few opposition media reporting is constantly being threatened to be taken off air or banned from Twitter, Facebook, etc

That is not Fact Cabby;)

So what are you trying to really say?? You want examples of "FAKE NEWS" and "FACTUAL NEWS" that was banned for a narrative i will fill pages here..

Not Fact Cabby??

And seriously, are you going to tell me, too, that NATO troops were stationed in Ukraine before the invasion? If so, please tell me your sources.

No that is "FAKE NEWS" , but Biden being a moron said to the media when he was with the Troops in Poland said they will see for there own eyes when the Polish military will be training Ukrainians in Ukraine , the administration had to go into damage control and walk it back!!!

Did you not see that??

And my question was was it out there that Ukraine wanted to join NATO?? That "FACT" was yes.. And the US instigated that!!!!

Instead of shutting the Fuck UP!!! and sending them Defensive weapons period!!! What do you need NATO for if you have your own military to protect yourself!!!!

Now i know you are a smart guy Cabby, Russia no matter if you like them or not has the right to protect there citizens as well!!!!

Again NO Americans or NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine Cabby....

Another question buddy, is Ukraine paying for those weapons ?? If not?? Is NATO splitting the bill?? Considering they don't pay there share now???

And of course Ukraine was interested in joining NATO


What happened to them when there was someone in America that was feared?? Really what happened anywhere in the world that was bad??

. Hell, wouldn't you want some protection if the neighborhood bully lived in the house next door and started taking your lunch money?

Learn to protect yourself:D

In retrospect I suppose pushing back on that was one of the biggest policy blunders of Merkel and Sakozy back in the day.

No the big mistake was getting in bed with Russia and being dependent on them Cabby, and Having a weak and stupid American president that no one fears.......

But please don't tell me that in your opinion that justifies invading the country and starting a full-blown war (sorry: special military operation)? What's next, Russia invading Sweden and Finland?

Well is Sweden and Finland ever been attacked by Russia in the Past?? Are they joining NATO and causing a threat to Russia's sovereignty?? Is any of them doing terrorist attacks in Russia??

Cabby How can you really answer that??...

Like i said what if Canada or Mexico had missiles pointed at the US?? Or you see your considered major enemy influencing a country on your border?? A threat??

Do you strike first, before it escalates further?? I mean look what happened in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, didn't America and Russia take turns and both failed??
Again what is the purpose of protecting/invading?? Don't you think that Russia has more in common with those countries?? ..

The funny and stupid questions Cabby, thinking that other countries have morals and ethics in fighting War LOL!!!

You know the answers to that buddy;) They are fucking animals and have zero care who dies!!!!!

And who should you believe... unless you buy into the bullshit that what the world is now seeing in places like Bucha is staged and all the bodies are just actors, I think it's pretty clear who's lying. And if you do, maybe you have listened to Alex Jones for too long.

No I believe Russia did everything!!!, Trying to bate or Mock me Cabby is not a debate, just ask me what i think and i will answer you:hug:

And as i said you are expecting morals in war/fighting from people like these communist/dictating countries, it is not going to happen my friend, that is why you have to be brutal back, like blowing up tanks shooting down planes if you can??
Even if 90% is true Cabby Russia is dirty animals, but they have interests in protecting there country, even if they strike first....

And Biden being a weak moron and whoever is pulling his strings is causing mayhem all over the world.. They don't fear him!!!!!

Again What is the US interests in Ukraine?? Why is it there responsibility to supply a European Country?? And the US taxpayers pay for all of it???!!! What is Europe/EU/ doing??

No offense, but I'd think that you for one would react slightly different to the atrocities that are being documented just now. Given the tactics we see, it would seem to me that there is just one regime involved that needs to be "de-nazified". And it ain't Zelenskyy.

Why use that word?? Russia is not killing or trying to annihilate races?? It is a dirty war Cabby, and many innocents are getting killed but Putin is not playing favourites on who he is killing, that is the way they fight!!!, they don't have any morals or ethics. but they are not trying to erase all Ukrainians.... But he does want a secure border without a NATO threat,
You agree with his point right???

Now if i am wrong, he would have to attack all neighbour countries, until then Cabby Ukraine is it.........

Now why didn't you ever care about the Syrians or Afghans Russia committed mass murders of innocents there too??

And truth so did the Americans?? But it was in the interests of protecting Democracy and threats to the people at home right??

So you strike first;)

What did America do when Russia was helping Cuba??

So again, Why no interests there??

Now really the big question Cabby...

Put yourself in Putin's shoes... What would you have done??

04-05-2022, 06:27 AM
I take ownership for this discussion.

04-05-2022, 07:02 AM
I take ownership for this discussion.


What do you mean??

04-05-2022, 11:35 AM
I'm proud of what little I contributed leading to two people arguing.

04-05-2022, 03:05 PM
I'm proud of what little I contributed leading to two people arguing.

We are not arguing Cabby and I:idunno:

We are both on the same page that Putin is a mad man when it comes to fighting wars....

But why now?? What is Really Putin's goal??

04-05-2022, 07:37 PM
He wants to remake the Soviet Union and make it strong like it was under Ivan Drago.

04-05-2022, 07:49 PM
Either that or worst case of penis envy ever.

04-05-2022, 08:15 PM
No, I never said i was an expert. My point was that if someone who has access to the free press is still influenced by "his" state-run propaganda, I can't imagine what it would take to open the eyes of the common Joe(seph?) Sixpackofvodka to what is happening in Ukraine.

Your Russian neighbor sounds like he'd make an excellent Democrat, US specie.

04-05-2022, 08:23 PM
I'm proud of what little I contributed leading to two people arguing.

We are not arguing Cabby and I:idunno:

We are both on the same page that Putin is a mad man when it comes to fighting wars....

But why now?? What is Really Putin's goal??

Putin thinks the only entity he has to get over on is the US.

He also thinks he can somehow outfox Xi.

He also-also thinks that's essentially all he has to worry about.

I think he's discovering he's in slightly over his head, because he didn't take proper care of the party apparatus - he planned poorly.

That's the short-hand.

04-05-2022, 08:47 PM
No, I never said i was an expert. My point was that if someone who has access to the free press is still influenced by "his" state-run propaganda, I can't imagine what it would take to open the eyes of the common Joe(seph?) Sixpackofvodka to what is happening in Ukraine.

Your Russian neighbor sounds like he'd make an excellent Democrat, US specie.

Only if he was that unicorn that'd always be watching Faux News... which would explain those views.

04-06-2022, 01:44 AM
Your Russian neighbor sounds like he'd make an excellent Democrat, US specie.

Only if he was that unicorn that'd always be watching Faux News... which would explain those views.

Since you keep knocking Fox News or any conservative outlet that has proven to be more truthful then any other news place SMART GUY I honestly thought if you like it or not Cabby, that facts and reality would be more important then fantasy land you dream about:unsure:, Hens Hunter Biden and the "BIG GUY" after 2 years and still Fake News with ties to Russia and Trump?? And like i said all the Left Wing Media is now reporting how bad Biden and the Lefties are doing in the Poles??
The policies whoever is controlling Biden's strings (He is not all there!!!), are making the US weak and costing the citizens more to live.....

So which news or media outlet should we watch to get the truth SMART GUY, please show us the links where you go to get your truthful news.......

And the same J2K4's comment you pointed out......

Why is the US so interested in the Ukraine, your friends in the EU/Europe is always looking for handouts from the US , and never pay there share!!! , nor did they care about Ukraine "FACTS COUNT" Cabby:hug:

So tell us what the big interests in the Ukraine to the US??

PS.. I still will tell the Truth/Facts that Putin is a monster on how he is fighting this war, but i will also tell "FACTS" that he felt threatened and acted first to protect his country... That is Facts that you can not dispute the same when the US goes into other countries for there interests, to protect there citizens......

What happened in Afghanistan that the Left Wing Media didn't report?? What's happening at your Border yet they are so interested in Ukraine???

Looks like Twitter is going to go through some changes isn't it Cabby:01:, and from a guy that builds Battery Cars LOL!!!!

The Lefties are scared shit now, and November will come faster than you think:hug:

Show me your places of News reporting that Cabby;)...

04-06-2022, 01:47 AM
Putin thinks the only entity he has to get over on is the US.

He also thinks he can somehow outfox Xi.

He also-also thinks that's essentially all he has to worry about.

I think he's discovering he's in slightly over his head, because he didn't take proper care of the party apparatus - he planned poorly.

That's the short-hand.

All "FACTS", and it is amazing why some people here just won't admit it:idunno:

04-06-2022, 07:35 AM
He wants to remake the Soviet Union and make it strong like it was under Ivan Drago.

So taking over Ukraine is going to achieve that Idol??

I don't get it:idunno:

04-06-2022, 07:41 AM
Either that or worst case of penis envy ever.


04-06-2022, 05:08 PM

........ but i will also tell "FACTS" that he felt threatened and acted first to protect his country... That is Facts that you can not dispute the same when the US goes into other countries for there interests, to protect there citizens......

Yeah Ukraine was a big threat to Russia just like Crimea was. If Canada operated on the same insane logic then Quebec would be speaking English right now.

04-06-2022, 07:01 PM
Yeah Ukraine was a big threat to Russia just like Crimea was. If Canada operated on the same insane logic then Quebec would be speaking English right now.

Well Idol, saying it nice to you, using that as your example you could say that having "FROG Language" as your primary is a really big threat:rolleyes:

And lets be factual here, Canada has no use for Quebec, but they owe Canada a ton of money!!, If they paid there debt or some other Country did, they would be gone already, but no one wants them;)

But having NATO or really the primary/majority financier, the US, on your border, really that is not a problem MORON........

And what was the majority of the population in Crimea?? And what country did they want to be part of?? And we won't get into details that no one came to Ukraine's rescue then!!!.....

So now the question again, why is the US doing it now??

Tell me Idol, what would Canada do if the US decided to take us over??

04-06-2022, 09:02 PM
Tell me Idol, what would Canada do if the US decided to take us over??

I thought they already did?

04-06-2022, 09:06 PM
A large part of both Ukraine and Crimea are of Russian descent so murdering a bunch of them is kinda like biting off your nose to spite your face then innit?

04-07-2022, 03:20 AM
Tell me Idol, what would Canada do if the US decided to take us over??

I thought they already did?

:lol: :artist: :lol:

04-07-2022, 03:22 AM
I'll let you know that I'm always right :ermm:

War does not determine who's right, just who's left :shutup:

Important question then. How can I change my signature?

04-07-2022, 03:28 AM
A large part of both Ukraine and Crimea are of Russian descent so murdering a bunch of them is kinda like biting off your nose to spite your face then innit?

Agree 100%

But speaking Russian and being Russian, are they not two different things:unsure:

And if you go back in time was Ukraine an ally to Russia?? I think not, but the rumour out there Ukraine was and still may be more corrupt than Russia...

Is that possible:unsure:


04-07-2022, 03:35 AM
Ukraine claims over 300 cases of rape, sexual violence by Russian forces


Left wing News/Media site, so read the comments to see if people agree or disagree If it is "Fake News".....

04-07-2022, 03:50 AM
War does not determine who's right, just who's left :shutup:

Important question then. How can I change my signature?

Top left of the page, Forum Actions, Edit Profile, Edit Signature.

04-07-2022, 12:50 PM

04-07-2022, 11:32 PM
Stop watching Fucker Carlson


04-09-2022, 07:19 PM
what little I contributed

That's how much it usually takes.

04-09-2022, 07:19 PM
Top left of the page, Forum Actions, Edit Profile, Edit Signature.

Uh, what is this? Your Texas Longhorn and chainsaw-wielding ferret avatars were the best :happy:

04-11-2022, 11:34 AM
Uh, what is this? Your Texas Longhorn and chainsaw-wielding ferret avatars were the best :happy:

I just remembered something that happened a long time ago.

04-12-2022, 06:40 AM
I just remembered something that happened a long time ago.

"Something that happened a long time ago? Like what?"

04-12-2022, 10:57 AM
I just remembered something that happened a long time ago.<br>
"Something that happened a long time ago? Like what?"

'Bated breath, and all that...:huh:

04-12-2022, 11:40 AM
In a galaxy far, far away?

04-13-2022, 04:37 AM
In a galaxy far, far away?


Lost a great comedian and so young:cry:


Rest in Peace Gilbert...........

04-14-2022, 12:01 AM
Lost a great comedian and so young:cry:

To be fair, he was ancient for a duck.

04-14-2022, 12:54 AM
Lost a great comedian and so young:cry:

To be fair, he was ancient for a duck.


Well, you achieved the goal of what the family requested Idol, "Never stop making people laugh" even in sad occasions/situations.....

Not bad even for a Homo like yourself;):hug:

04-14-2022, 11:04 PM

04-15-2022, 09:22 AM
Josey Wales: Dying ain't much of a living, boy.

04-15-2022, 11:46 AM
Julius Campbell: Who you calling boy, cracker?

04-19-2022, 03:32 AM
Top left of the page, Forum Actions, Edit Profile, Edit Signature.

Uh, what is this? Your Texas Longhorn and chainsaw-wielding ferret avatars were the best :happy:

I probably should not have changed it bc that image is likely long gone. I was telling that other duderino how to change stuff and figured I should change mine too. You don't like my inverted nip? :unsure:

04-19-2022, 03:42 AM
I probably should not have changed it bc that image is likely long gone.

You mean this?



You don't like my inverted nip? :unsure:

Well, at least now I know what it's supposed to be :turned:

04-19-2022, 05:40 AM
Uh, what is this? Your Texas Longhorn and chainsaw-wielding ferret avatars were the best :happy:

I probably should not have changed it bc that image is likely long gone. I was telling that other duderino how to change stuff and figured I should change mine too. You don't like my inverted nip? :unsure:

You are not using the right pronouns.

Something Else
04-19-2022, 07:33 AM
I probably should not have changed it bc that image is likely long gone. I still have the one of you standing next to the animal you proudly murdered. :smilie4:

04-19-2022, 11:54 AM
I'm Skiz's defense, served the deer right for living.

04-19-2022, 06:08 PM
Do not try that defense in court...

04-20-2022, 07:54 AM
You mean this?



You don't like my inverted nip? :unsure:

Well, at least now I know what it's supposed to be :turned:

Anon Archive