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10-29-2023, 03:41 PM
May 14, 1948

10-29-2023, 11:26 PM
May 14, 1948

A wee bit before Gaza, I think you'll find.

Your point?

10-30-2023, 05:08 AM
The problem began when the West decided to create a Jewish state (no problem) by forcing out the people who were already living there. British colonialism neglected to take in consideration what the current inhabitants had to say about the forced insertion.

The back and forth between Palestinians and Jewish settlers has been going on since that date. You can pick and choose who has enacted the greatest atrocities along the way, but Israel is taking advantage of this the same way the US did 9/11. "We're hunting for weapons of mass destruction Hamas." It's an excuse to obliterate as many Palestinian civilians as it takes to anex the land.

10-30-2023, 10:03 AM
So...have we taken sides in the Israel slaughter of Gaza? :unsure:

There isn't a "right" side.

Stop fucking killing people, you twats.

10-30-2023, 10:49 AM
I think it all dates back to religious text and Exodus and our god being better than their god.

10-30-2023, 08:06 PM
I think it all dates back to religious text and Exodus and our god being better than their god.

Noted, with coincidental note of all that's occurred between then and now.

Apparently everything DOES come down to religion, even after all this time.

Go ahead and ascribe all the evil intent you'd like to all Jewish trespasses ever committed - it seems Hamas, et al, are eager to surpass them in their own efforts, and in record time.

Please add to my summation if you find it lacking.

10-30-2023, 08:30 PM
Stop fucking killing people, you twats.

Is "twats" a Biblical term?

Hey, Barbs. :)

11-01-2023, 12:58 AM
So Israel destroyed a refugee center and killed scores of innocent people because supposedly one terrorist was hiding there. I'm pretty sure that makes them war criminals. Any minute now the U.S. is going to denounce them. No, wait.....

11-01-2023, 09:06 PM
Where, precisely, did you get that information?

How reliable is it?

Can you prove it?

Which version of the "hospital bombing" do you buy?

I have lots of questions...

11-01-2023, 09:53 PM
Israeli spokesmen has literally been on the news confirming it. There is also video, although the media did fool us with that moon landing thing.

11-01-2023, 10:06 PM
The spokesman is like "Yeah, we missiled the fuck out of them. The dead children are unfortunate but it's really their own fault for being Arab and in the general vicinity".

11-01-2023, 10:25 PM
And this?


11-02-2023, 06:19 AM
The refugee camp was blown to absolute rubble. I was able to find about a dozen sources all saying 50 civilian casualties, which seems pretty reasonable considering the camp is home to literally thousands of civilian refugees. I knew the dozen sources would not be acceptable to you, so I kept digging.

Fortune said that 50 Hamas had been killed. Amazing how no civilians were harmed in the right-wing reporting. Also incredibly precise with the all the civilians living there and the multitude of bombs that leveled the camp *somehow* missed every single civilian.

This Israeli have gone from being the victims to being the mass murderers. As if that wasn't sad enough, the US is sending them ~$100 Billion to help with the slaughter.

11-02-2023, 08:12 PM
You've missed my point, which was that nothing has appeared that absolutely cannot be discredited or verifed beyond a shadow of doubt.

Maybe we view these things according to different standards, but I've not seen or heard anything to push me off my defaults.

The difference seems only to be the times we're living and the pervasive desperation which seems to be gripping everyone and everything.

Also - I am no more-or-less demanding of proofs than anyone else here - I just ask tougher questions.

11-02-2023, 08:18 PM
To illustrate further:

Remember the hospital the IDF bombed - all the casualties, etc?

Do you remember subsequently hearing how the hospital's parking lot was blown to smithereens by defective Hamas weapons supplied by it's allies (whichever one or more it was), and the entire "hospital" story was concocted by Hamas?

Me, too.

11-03-2023, 10:47 AM
There was a very early Tweet from Israeli representatives claiming that attack on the hospital. It was only after public outcry occurred that the story was changed to zany bumbling of incompetent Hamas.

There was a large discussion with a screen capture of that Tweet on reddit. Doesn't the ultimate story just smell of propaganda? The pushback of Israel is vastly disproportionate (full-scale invasion and leveling of civilian areas and refugee camps). Oh...and the number of suspected Hamas members is just over 25k. Does that justify displacing 1.1 MILLION Palestinians? Why would Israel need 100 Billion in US aid when they have already enacted a successful full-scale invasion of that entire region?

It's possible to ask a lot of hard questions and miss the truly important ones.

11-03-2023, 12:40 PM
There was a very early Tweet from Israeli representatives claiming that attack on the hospital. It was only after public outcry occurred that the story was changed to zany bumbling of incompetent Hamas.

There was a large discussion with a screen capture of that Tweet on reddit. Doesn't the ultimate story just smell of propaganda? The pushback of Israel is vastly disproportionate (full-scale invasion and leveling of civilian areas and refugee camps). Oh...and the number of suspected Hamas members is just over 25k. Does that justify displacing 1.1 MILLION Palestinians? Why would Israel need 100 Billion in US aid when they have already enacted a successful full-scale invasion of that entire region?

It's possible to ask a lot of hard questions and miss the truly important ones.

I am not sure how "IGNORANT" how a supposed educated person can be on facts

Be it constantly mouthing 100 billion in funding!!!!

First off Israel pays all of that fucking money back you ignorant DRECK!!!, and it is 14 billion that yes you fucking idiot Israel pays all of that back!!!

And it is not for humanitarian assistance, it is for military equipment to protect its citizens including Christians, Arabs, Muslims and Jews as well as others (And i am not talking Homos, and there is a few of them) idiot!!!

Do you know how much has gone into Ukraine?? and the US has no fucking idea where that money is going!!??

Do you know what Egypt funding is yearly from the US??
Do you know what Jordan funding is yearly from the US??

And what does the US get back??

Israel pays there bills and thousands of fucking jobs in your fucking country are because of Israel, ya ignoramus!!!!!!

How ignorant you are!!! Why was the UN established?? When was it established?? How much has it changed now!!!

After fighting wars!!! Did Israel really get what was partitioned for the State??

What about Trans Jordon's partition??

You claim to be fucking educated ?? Well love to see you answer that??

Why and where did the so called Palestinians come from?? How far does there land attachment go back??

I know Jews have lived there the whole time Jerusalem existed??

How many Democracy countries are there in the world today!!! VS Communists Terrorist Dictator Countries??!!!

Is another Terrorists one going to help??

Do you know the condition Israel left GAZA when they handed it over??? There was not one fucking Jewish person in Gaza, Do

you know what the Terrorist turned it into??!!

Do you know that Egypt wants nothing to do with GAZA!!!, they threw all there garbage there!!!!. Israel gave it back to Egypt after they won it in war!!! They didn't want it!!! There was only 20 odd thousand Jews that were absorbed into Israel, the rest was the shit that Egypt or no fucking Arab country wanted!!! Hence HAMAS!!!!!


You make me laugh ya moron LOL!!! There is only 18 million Jews in all the fucking world LOL and you think they are pariahs??

You have how many Arab states/countries in the world???!!! Not one of them will take the Made up Palestinians!!!, not even for a short term!!!

They are in Syria, Lebanon, Jordon!!! They live in poverty and get funded by you ya fucking idiot!!! Those countries will not give them citizenship!!! Why??

And what return or benefit do you get ??

Israel takes everyone in and was made for a safe-haven for Jews around the world

You seem to have a problem with that???

If you go back to Palestinians short existence!!! There heritage is Syrian, Jordanian, Egyptian, look at there first leader!!

The fucking equipment you are using now to communicate with i guarantee was invented/designed in Israel!!!

I can go on but there really is no reason to have a conversation with an ignorant uneducated person on what goes on the ground of the Middle East!!!!

Stop with your nonsense garbage propaganda and ANTI ANTISEMITISM!!!, there is no need to add violence with Jewish American citizens and well as the ones spread around the world!!!

Got it dummy!!!!

And lets be real you deny that Saddam Husein was not trying to build nuclear bombs??!!! Do you think Assad in Syria was not trying to build nuclear bombs??

Well again ignorant one!!!! you better check history who stopped that in its tracks before the US stepped foot in either country ;)

Again, stop now while you think you are ahead Meg;)

And my opinion!!! There is no innocent people in Gaza!!! They voted in Hamas!!! If any sane person didn't like where they live!!

They pack there bags and leave to a better place to raise there families!!!, not wait for wet dreams of Iran Terrorists factions will destroy Israel and they can move back....

Never Again is that going to happen to the Jewish people or any Israeli citizen!!!!!

Edit: Happening now!!! The FAT RAT SEWER Living Hezbollah's Nasrallah is speaking!!!

Lebanon was a beautiful oasis and vacation destination in the middle east and Iran's proxy has turned that into a toilet!!!, and there economy is below poverty living!!!

And i will tell you from experience what will happen if Hezbollah threat level goes to a limit with Israel!! Like the last war, with Lebanon, they will not worry about civilian casualties, not drop leaflets, not call or text to get out!!! not drop knock bombs on buildings to get out!!!, THEY WILL JUST LEVEL LEBANON!!!!
And that will be the Lebanese peoples fault letting Terrorist Iran's proxy Hezbollah in and taking over there country ;)

And when Saudi Arabia was in control the place was a paradise....

11-03-2023, 03:07 PM
Well Meg:Interest On a topic you may and i do say may have some knowledge having some extra coin in you pocket:unsure:

How may years is SBF (Sam Bankman-Fried), going to get behind bars?? And how long did it take the jury to find him guilty??

Being a massive Left Wing Democrat Donator??

Is he going to get off on good behavior :lol:

By the time they are finished with Trump, he should get about a thousand years behind bars right:rolleyes:

11-03-2023, 04:50 PM
Good morning, Shay :wub:

I will make a redaction regarding the hospital. Times reported this morning that all indications lean towards a defective Palestinian rocket.

SBF is going to be hung out to dry. He's an outsider from Wall Street, cost a lot of big investors money. Every once in a while, someone in the financial world goes down hard. SBF is (rightfully) FUCKED.

11-03-2023, 06:11 PM
Good morning, Shay :wub:

I will make a redaction regarding the hospital. Times reported this morning that all indications lean towards a defective Palestinian rocket.

Afternoon Meg:hug:

See... Now that is not entirely accurate Meg, it was actually Islamic Jihad that fired the rocket and they are more Iranian then Palestinian;)
But hey, in Gaza its all Hamas to me;)

SBF is going to be hung out to dry. He's an outsider from Wall Street, cost a lot of big investors money. Every once in a while, someone in the financial world goes down hard. SBF is (rightfully) FUCKED.

Truth i was only following bits and pieces of what was happening, I know he was living high of the hog, and ya fucked a lot of people, thinking small investors got screwed as well.....

Reports say he is worse than Bernie Madoff?? Again what both of them did should never see the outside of a jail cell, I ain't losing sleep that Madoff is dead:)

The other question can this kid survive in prison??

Now i wonder if the people that did get fucked will go after the parents that did reap the benefits from there kid??

11-03-2023, 08:34 PM
I will make a redaction regarding the hospital. Times reported this morning that all indications lean towards a defective Palestinian rocket.

You do understand that's one side telling their story. I won't use the word "convenient" but that's exactly what "happened" with one of Russian missiles when a bunch of Russian civilians were killed.

11-03-2023, 08:37 PM
It's amazing how some unnamed individuals think that only bad people belong to one side of a conflict.

11-03-2023, 08:44 PM
Also, foreign aid isn't usually paid back. To paraphrase someone else on this forum, do you have the receipts?

11-03-2023, 08:47 PM
I'm pro people not killing each other. I think all our just wrath such be focused on alligators who eat puppies. Seriously, fuck those prehistorical reptile motherfuckers.

11-03-2023, 08:56 PM
Btw, I try to not cloud my mind with stuff like facts so don't bother trying to argue with me.

Said a large portion of the US population.

11-03-2023, 09:06 PM
I will make a redaction regarding the hospital. Times reported this morning that all indications lean towards a defective Palestinian rocket.

You do understand that's one side telling their story. I won't use the word "convenient" but that's exactly what "happened" with one of Russian missiles when a bunch of Russian civilians were killed.

So what do you think happened Idol??

Interesting... When you can only sum up 90% is factual, then there is always those people will be skeptical?? The problem is one side has proven to be liars in reporting anything for propaganda and getting public sympathy, and the left media seems to side with the underdog, be it evil or not...

Those days are done!!!!!

Do you think it was just what the US did after 911?? Do you think the US cared who died??

Well i can tell you Israel does!!!!!! Or Gaza would be rubble 300ft down in less than a hour!!!

Even know there is no innocent people in Gaza, hate is taught very early in life there buddy;)

11-03-2023, 09:10 PM
Also, foreign aid isn't usually paid back. To paraphrase someone else on this forum, do you have the receipts?

Yes they do , do you want me to show you the receipts;)

And Israel doesn't get foreign aid from the US!!!!!

Whats that egg roll saying "no ticky no laundry":)

But to your point, i agree there is times when countries will give aid if it is there best interest, knowing they will never get it back. And others do it to have there influence and want to increase there territory............

Not mentioning any specific countries...

11-03-2023, 09:14 PM
Btw, I try to not cloud my mind with stuff like facts so don't bother trying to argue with me.

Said a large portion of the US population.

I can tell you Idol, Canada is not really mentioned on any media supporting Israel??

Yet we send truckloads of cash to Ukraine and the Palestinians ?? Why do you think that is??

Plus did you see the photo on the net, with Trudeau and his costume??


Ya this was appropriate :rolleyes:

11-03-2023, 09:28 PM
It's amazing how some unnamed individuals think that only bad people belong to one side of a conflict.

I assume this is at me:sadwalk:

Well... l would have to say you are wrong!!!
There is always 2 sides to every story and you hope somewhere in the middle, there is some truth.....

Israel is far from perfect!!! , but it does have a right to exist and live in peace, and the Abraham Accords are proving that....

Peace was at its door with Saudi Arabia, do you not think Iran was threatened?? Do you believe the propaganda Hamas is spewing is the true reason for the massacre??

The Palestinians are dog crap when it comes to the Middle East, no one cares anymore, they see all the chances they got to make peace, you can't make peace with people that want your destruction??
Most of the Arabs now see Israel is an asset in the Middle East, and lots of them do business in the shadows:batman:

Gaza was the test, and it failed, that is the bottom line, an inch was given they want it all!!!

It is just not going to happen.....They pushed too far now!!!

If Israel put down there guns right now, what would happen??
If the Terrorist that has in there Charter "No Israel "put there guns down and gave back all the innocent hostages what would happen??

Sorry but now there is no two sides, only one...

And the truth whatever happens in Gaza once the animals are gone, will see what the future holds if you say there is innocents living there??

11-03-2023, 09:37 PM
Btw, I try to not cloud my mind with stuff like facts so don't bother trying to argue with me.
Said a large portion of the US population.


Not sure how to read this???

11-04-2023, 05:02 AM
Btw, I try to not cloud my mind with stuff like facts so don't bother trying to argue with me.
Said a large portion of the US population.


Not sure how to read this???

Sound out the big words...

11-06-2023, 12:25 AM
There is certainly one discernable fact in all this:

There is as much - if not more - animus in the world for the US as there is for Israel.

The weakness that has germinated in the Biden administration gives rein to anti-US actions and sentiment coincidental with the very bald anti-semitism on display everywhere - especially on our own soil.

This dynamic constitutes the biggest risk of most of our lifetimes.

11-06-2023, 09:31 AM
The bigger picture is this whole flare-up in the middle east was engineered by Russia and her allies to divert the world's attention away from Ukraine.

It's just a shame that innocent civilians on both sides are being slaughtered.

11-06-2023, 07:40 PM
There is certainly one discernable fact in all this:

There is as much - if not more - animus in the world for the US as there is for Israel.

The weakness that has germinated in the Biden administration gives rein to anti-US actions and sentiment coincidental with the very bald anti-semitism on display everywhere - especially on our own soil.

This dynamic constitutes the biggest risk of most of our lifetimes.

Sorry, I missed Fox 'news'. What is it they told you to say about Biden, weakness, and antisemitism?

Were they suggesting Biden directly insert troops into Ukraine to stop Putin's attempt at overthrowing one of our allies in that region? Or did Fox want Biden to boldly demand that Israel stop the invasion into Gaza and committing mass murder of Palestinian civilians, even to such a horrible level that they are carpet bombing refugee camps?

People around the world are speaking up against the horrific actions of Israel. That is not antisemitism. Israel is hiding behind the rhetoric of, "opposing us regardless of what we are doing is antisemitism". No, the actions of Israel are dehumanizing of the Palestinian civilians-- which are apparent even in Shay's comments.

College kids protesting the slaughter of Palestinian civilians is not antisemitism.

11-06-2023, 08:57 PM
There is certainly one discernable fact in all this:

There is as much - if not more - animus in the world for the US as there is for Israel.

The weakness that has germinated in the Biden administration gives rein to anti-US actions and sentiment coincidental with the very bald anti-semitism on display everywhere - especially on our own soil.

This dynamic constitutes the biggest risk of most of our lifetimes.

Sorry, I missed Fox 'news'. What is it they told you to say about Biden, weakness, and antisemitism?

Where did I mention anything about Biden, or his weakness?

Are you arguing there is no anti-semitism extant?

You're taking liberties, meg.

Were they suggesting Biden directly insert troops into Ukraine to stop Putin's attempt at overthrowing one of our allies in that region?

Not that I'm aware of - did I miss something?

You might keep in mind help for the Ukraine is not entirely - nor should it be - a burden for the US to shoulder entirely on it's own.

Russia's aggression against the Ukraine is to be considered in it's own right - China figures in as well.

The fact is (and don't dismiss this as rhetoric), if Trump was still President, none of this crap would be happening, and no one with the slightest acumen would dispute that.

Credible threats still carry weight.

Or did Fox want Biden to boldly demand that Israel stop the invasion into Gaza and committing mass murder of Palestinian civilians...

Biden doesn't "boldly" do anything, in case you hadn't noticed.

I have a question for you:

Do you think Israel should kow-tow to any US "demand", or should they be considered the arbitor of their own course of action?

Can you bring yourself to question the tactics of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or any of the other potential participants?

..even to such a horrible level that they are carpet bombing refugee camps?

If we can agree that the actions of Hamas initiated what has followed, what of that?

Did you find their tactics acceptable?

Have you firm proof (not anecdotal "testimony") the IDF has done the equivalent?

People around the world are speaking up against the horrific actions of Israel. That is not antisemitism. Israel is hiding behind the rhetoric of, "opposing us regardless of what we are doing is antisemitism". No, the actions of Israel are dehumanizing of the Palestinian civilians-- which are apparent even in Shay's comments.

"People around the world" are generally, if not antisemitic, anti-Israel, I think you'll find, and for no more reason than that the US is pro-Israel.

In a similar vein, what do you make of the fact "people around the world" are ultimately not willing to accomodate Palestinians?

If we speculatively simplify things by subtracting anti-Israeli sentiment, and leave Gaza to become Palestine, what do we do with/about Hamas, et al?

College kids protesting the slaughter of Palestinian civilians is not antisemitism.

When the chant of the "college kids" is "from the river to the sea...", well, that's antisemitism.

11-06-2023, 09:06 PM
Have you seen this?


11-06-2023, 09:55 PM
Or this?


11-06-2023, 10:27 PM
A couiple of things that bear on US politics you may or may not hear elsewhere:

Three years into the Biden administration, and the essential imperative of Democrats is to take down Donald Trump - to the detriment of any-and-everything else.

Coincidentally, there is no denying Biden's basically pro-Israel rhetoric; even if he favored a cease-fire out of concern for Palestinian innocents, domestic Muslims are only 17% pro-Biden, so I don't have to argue too hard to proffer that precise population constitutes the entirety of those who would tolerate the continued existence of Israel.

11-07-2023, 01:55 AM
Sorry, I missed Fox 'news'. What is it they told you to say about Biden, weakness, and antisemitism?

What should is say about this?? Sorry you are not intelligent enough to look/view all news outlets to find the truth in there somewhere??

So far i gurantee anywhere you go for news, they are jumping the gun on blame?? So now Israel has decided to do what is in there best interests for safety and security, Just like the US and any place that has there population in mind ??
In other words Go Fuck Yourself:hug:

Were they suggesting Biden directly insert troops into Ukraine to stop Putin's attempt at overthrowing one of our allies in that region? Or did Fox want Biden to boldly demand that Israel stop the invasion into Gaza and committing mass murder of Palestinian civilians, even to such a horrible level that they are carpet bombing refugee camps?

Where was there a carpet bomb in a refugee camp IGNORAMUS ??
They bombed the middle of the camp where they got at the tunnels underneath , and the rest was collateral damage from the tunnel structure underneath the buildings??

Why was anyone there other than Terrorists!!! Israel dropped leaflets, millions of phone calls, media!! Get the fuck out of the North!!!!, amazing so many claimed innocents were still reported allegedly killed?? Just like the the ambulance and hospital parking lot!!?? LOL you gullible ignoramus LOL!!!

Not going to work anymore;)

Tell me Meg... Who builds terrorists tunnels under there own population??
How many were truly killed be it tragic?? how many were innocent how many were Terrorists??
I know Israel has sent every type of deterrent to get them to move south towards the Egypt border??

If you have children what would you do??

I know when the sirens go off in Israel, there parents move there families to the nearest bomb shelters??

Why are Gazan's not moving to bomb shelters Hamas built?? or better yet to the tunnels underneath there homes??

Don't fucking tell me Hamas didn't have the raw materials to make safety facilities for there population!!!

What did they do with all of it!!!?? Watch Fucking Fox NEWS and Israeli news outlets media to find out the truth!!!!!

People around the world are speaking up against the horrific actions of Israel. That is not antisemitism. Israel is hiding behind the rhetoric of, "opposing us regardless of what we are doing is antisemitism". No, the actions of Israel are dehumanizing of the Palestinian civilians-- which are apparent even in Shay's comments.

No again my Ignorant friend........

I told you there are far less innocents in Gaza than you think!!! They voted Hamas in by a large amount of the population!! And if there was a election in Judea and Samaria today, they would win there as well!!!

So what now ??

And if you really read my posts!!! No one wants these made up Palestinians, yes made up people Meg!!!, Yet the Arab and Russian world made them!!!
Now as i said they have had enough of them...
Making Peace with Israel is looking easier and better yet more advantages, than going along with Terrorists Iran!!

So ending this nonsense Meg!!... How do you make peace with someone that doesn't want you to exist??

So If Iran or its proxies does a terrorists attack in your backyard (G-D Forbid!!!!!), like 911??

What would the US response be??

College kids protesting the slaughter of Palestinian civilians is not antisemitism.

The only fucking slaughter happened in Israel !!!!
What is happening in Gaza and Judea and Samaria is eliminating Terrorists that use innocents as human shields, not protect the people they claim to falsely represent and they are dumb enough to believe it!!!!

And it is 80% Antisemitism !! And the rest is just plain ignorance like you that don't really know what happens on the ground in the Middle East!!!

But you are entitled to your opinion, the same with Fake News outlets, and what happens sooner or later, you hope the truth prevails and educates ignorant people :hug:

Edit: Tell me Meg..... Has Israel made peace with Arab Countries?? Why do you think that is??

They claim that the Palestinians deserve there own State/Country?? What is the Abraham Accords??

Before the slaughter in Israel!!!! What was the biggest news happening in the Middle East??

Hopefully you are not that ignorant to figure that out and know why this really happened;)

And will not happen again!!!!!!

11-07-2023, 02:16 AM
The bigger picture is this whole flare-up in the middle east was engineered by Russia , China , Iran, North Korea
You are on to something here, just the wrong motive:)
Just remember Saudi Arabia has the most influence on the Middle East , so if you make peace with Israel who else are you making peace with:)

It's just a shame that innocent civilians on both sides are being slaughtered.

Yup!! , And fixes were going to be implemented, and that was stopped by Terrorists Iran now!!!!!

What discussions were made with every Terrorists, Dictator, Communists country that took place??

Well that is history now.......

11-07-2023, 02:59 AM
A couiple of things that bear on US politics you may or may not hear elsewhere:
Three years into the Biden administration, and the essential imperative of Democrats is to take down Donald Trump - to the detriment of any-and-everything else.
Coincidentally, there is no denying Biden's basically pro-Israel rhetoric; even if he favored a cease-fire out of concern for Palestinian innocents, domestic Muslims are only 17% pro-Biden, so I don't have to argue too hard to proffer that precise population constitutes the entirety of those who would tolerate the continued existence of Israel.

Sorry buddy, if you think i am leaving you out on responses
What can i say other than you are right!!!....

What really amazes me is the first thing you see posted from the ignorant is "Fox News"??
Yet i watch all news outlets and then speak to friends that have people on the Ground be it Ukraine and Israel , and it is amazing what media outlets ends up closest to the truth!!!.

I understand Underdog syndrome?? j
But when there is good and there is evil!!!... What do you do??

Now look and reverse that?? If you take the perspective of the other side?? Why the fuck are you living in the US or the UK or Israel?? Why not Russia or Iran?? or China?? or any Terrorist Socialist Communist place??
If you choose there way of life why don't you pack your bags and move?? Why try change another populace?? Especially if the majority are happy??

Do they call that Radicalism?? Do they call that Ignorance?? What the fuck do you call that??

Example.... TRUTH!!!!, my wife was in the hospital again, in the next bed was an 18 year old girl with issues, speaking to the parents, they were from Ukraine!!!(been in Canada a long time).. So how was there journey to end up in Canada??

Well from the Russian sector of Ukraine to Israel to Canada!!!!, And have not chosen to move anywhere else yet:)...

They saw me watching CNN because that was the only news outlet you could get on the tv other than CityPulse TV which is basically CNN!!!

And they called it all bullshit and Propaganda!!! Again where did they Live before Canada??!!!!

So what does that tell you??

11-07-2023, 06:01 AM
My wife is sleeping so i have a few minutes to make this post..........

This is to all the ignoramuses here and you know who you are......

The Gaza animal terrorists have been lobbing/shooting rockets into Israel since the second year they have taken control !!!

Israel has tolerated it and only t retaliated when it killed Israelis, now lets get this into your heads what goes on the ground in Israel!!!!!!

I have never heard a fucking peep from any of you nor did you give two shits about rockets being sent into Israel for fucking years!!!!??

And we are talking rockets that have no specific target meaning military ??!!! Theses rockets are sent into civilian areas period not knowing where they are going to land,

Hence bomb shelters and missile defense systems built/designed to keep Israeli citizens kind of safe again not everything is full safe proof!!!!!

What did the Animal Terrorists in Gaza build to protect there terrorists citizens??

All i hear is Israel was a bad mistake and blame Israel for everything LOL!!! And funny you have no fucking clue what Israel had done to your lives to make it better LOL!!! Hence you are an Ignorant Joke;)

Now you talk Annihilation!!, Extermination!!, End the Siege!!! (Yet Egypt there brothers don't let them in yet give a fuck about them!!), End the Genocide!!!!,

Now lets take a look at that??

These Animal Terrorists live on donated scraps that Hamas gives them and all they do is fuck like rabbits and make more Terrorists babies !!!, meaning there education taught by UNRAW is to hate hate hate!!!, and destroy Israel that they claim doesn't exists yet they want to destroy it:huh:..

Yet Israel thrives and builds and now and for years behind the shadows , Arab countries have done business with?? Strange huh??

Now the only genocide is what this Animal Terrorists just did to Israel period !!!!!

It is now coming out in the open even know it was known and ignored , that these Animals in Gaza store there military in Schools or next to, Mosques, Hospitals, Moving Aid vehicles, Civilian Areas, and all under!!!! Miles and Miles of Tunnels!!!! That no supposed civilians can use for safe haven!!!!!

So how do you fight Animals like this?? And keep your morals as a true Democratic Society after what they fucking did?? I can tell you that is not easy for sure but and i say but, war is war and any considered military target is open to save and protect civilian lives in Israel period, there is no proportion in war!!!! All the Terrorists Animals will be dead and deserved to be dead period!!!!...

And lets do some fun facts with the ignorant.... If Israel wanted to commit Genocide, they could level Gaza to complete rubble above and below in less than an hour !!!! Period!!!! and there would be no one living Period!!! and Israel would not lose over 300 soldiers (over 30 in Gaza) like they have:cry:

Think about the ignorant and how they interpret how and what a war should look like:lol:

End like this.......

Truth is i really do Blame Israel for all of this!!!, with the best intelligence than anyone else in the fucking world!!! Who the fuck let/ allowed all this armament into Gaza!!??? In the sky when they didn't see progress and kept allowing all the Cement!!! Building supplies!!! and zero progress on the ground???!!
That should have never happened period!!!!!!

And you fucking ignoramuses!!! With all the fucking bombing and destruction you claim in GAZA!!!! These Animals are still popping out of tunnels and shooting rockets into Israel to this fucking day!!!! 30 days of bombing !!! and this is still going on!!!!


Until every Animal Terrorists is fucking dead!!! There should be no fucking PAUSE!!! no fucking CEASE FIRE!!!! fucking nothing!!!
Until the Rockets stop or destroyed!!! and every Animal is gone!!! and i mean every one no matter where they hide!!!!
And that is Israel's specialty !!!!!!

Peace and quite........ !!!!!!!!!

Then we will see the future of GAZA and Judea and Samaria ;)

The END. and no more posts for me about this fucking subject!!!!!!

11-07-2023, 03:06 PM
Goodgawd that's a lot of words.

Unfortunately, none of those words changes the fact that on May 16, 1948 Jewish settlers were pushed into a land that wasn't theirs and literally everything that has resulted since has been because of how that was done.

Yes, there are 'terrorists' who oppose the taking of that land. They always will.

No matter how much good is done by Israel, it won't change that fact.

No matter how many people are dehumanized and murdered, that fact remains.

No matter how many bad regimes use Israel as an excuse for their own atrocities, that fact remains.

Being opposed to *how* Israel was 'created' is not antisemitic.

Being opposed to Israel's current murdering of Palestinians is not antisemitic.

The West betrayed the Arab world by the *way* Israel was 'created'. Endless death and tension has resulted ever since.

It seems like history is filled with people taking things they were militarily capable of taking then those who were wronged/murdered endlessly being angered by the murdering and/or subjecting and dehumanizing of those wronged.

11-07-2023, 03:39 PM
Let's keep it simple, then:

Hamas attacked Israel, in the most vicious and inhumane ways possible - not merely to take lives, but doing so in ways designed to outrage and disgust observers.

Israel responded with methods intended to address indiscriminate incoming rocket-fire, intending to take out these rockets - this response resulted in innocent Palestinian lives lost, this owing to Hamas' tactic of holding Palestinian civilians in the same locations from which Israeli-bound rockets were being launched.

This is a universally-favored tactic of TERRORISTS.

I am compelled to ask:

If somehow Israel managed to kill 100% of Hamas personnel without harming non-Hamas Palestinians, would that be acceptable?

11-07-2023, 05:50 PM
Further, how about we refer henceforth to Gaza as Palestine?

11-07-2023, 06:12 PM
Goodgawd that's a lot of words.

Unfortunately, none of those words changes the fact that on May 16, 1948 Jewish settlers were pushed into a land that wasn't theirs and literally everything that has resulted since has been because of how that was done.

So trying a History Lesson.....

So are you saying there was no attachment or Jewish people on the land now called Israel ??

Was that the same with Trans Jordan??

You think your words are correct in explaining what happened during the Holocausts??

Jewish people and others lived peacefully across the Middle East oh ignorant one:hug:

What happened to all of them?? Did they get any compensation for being removed forcefully of there land which they can prove today they owned??

Why don't you look up "Black September" oh ignorant one and see what happened then and what should be happening now, yet that is never used what happened in history and maybe if it did Israel wouldn't be looked at like propaganda ignorant people like you do;)

If Trump was still President the Middle East would look much different !!! 3 Years of Biden fucked it all UP!!!!

The 2 State solution is possible just not what the Made up Palestinians will agree to unless that is forced by other Arab nations!!!, How every you use ignorance history has Made Israel and now being accepted by now changing pragmatic Arab countries are now realizing it!!!!! Hate is not going to get you anything!!!
And name another place in the Middle East where you have every faith living in it?? Including LGBQ??

Keep this in mind....

Yes, there are 'terrorists' who oppose the taking of that land. They always will.

Again explain taking the land from who?? What was the true population there?? and who owned land and can prove it??

You do know the history of wars on that land right??

And the majority of those people that chose to leave and not fight for there land how many still live today??

Yet there are millions still living in poverty not given any rights in neighbouring countries waiting for Israel to be destroyed by Radicals thinking they can come back??
And that growth is what over 100 times of the supposed people that thought they were entitled for "Right of Return" which will never happen!!!! Remember poverty and fuck like rabbits!!!! and multiple wives per Man!!!!
And i will make you a deal ignorant one!!! You broker a deal that the eight hundred thousand Jews that were forcefully pushed out of there homes in all the Arab Countries, also have the entitlement to go back to there homes and live in peace!!!

Or did those people leave with the shirts on there backs and make better lives for there families elsewhere??

I will leave the Holocausts survivors out of it for there entitlement to move back to there homes!!!

If large amounts of people come legally to your country are they taking land from you?? That sounds ignorant to me??
Yes in the back of there minds i can agree, but the same as everywhere in the world, education, Peace, "Abraham Accords" , you have to have hope that will change... Propaganda, Ignorance, the wrong education, doesn't help does it.....

No matter how much good is done by Israel, it won't change that fact.

See again ignorance doesn't help this, but countries seeing peace makes there lives for the better will, The same they may not like you, but society should teach you that history you learn from and every human has the right to live in peace, the same where you live and the land that was stolen from someone else....

Hope is all you can have

No matter how many people are dehumanized and murdered, that fact remains.

Again twisted religion, Jealousy , Power , Educators, and weak minds, can manipulate and twists, having and putting new life on earth, it is your responsibility to raise without hate, everyone is different, and we should all get along...
My teaching to my kids was always what you do in your home is your business, when you are with others you treat them with respect and if they try to harm you, you harm them back!!!!! If there is no way of walking away with safety......

No matter how many bad regimes use Israel as an excuse for their own atrocities, that fact remains

So how did every other Country fix this including the US where you live??

Being opposed to *how* Israel was 'created' is not antisemitic.

Really so how about where you live ignorant one?? You keep saying this and it is now over 70 years!!!??
The US and Canada is how old?? Are indigenous people trying to shoot missiles at you and trying to take your land back??
Or did education and evaluation change how people think??
Do you think the new indigenous generations are plotting to kill you?? Funny how did war look like then vs today??
Do you think they took the care to save lives or is that evaluation, or maybe Israel is being forced to a different standard??

Being opposed to Israel's current murdering of Palestinians is not antisemitic.

Oh ignorant one..... Twisting words like most Antisemitic one do LOL!!!!, "I have Jewish Friends so how can i be Anti Semitic" LOL!!
That is how the propagandists and ignorant get around any racism LOL!!!, Of course i will say it a better way for you, There is no such people in history called "Palestinians", and they have no land that is rightfully there's period!!! Jordan was partitioned for Arabs/Muslims to prosper the same time Israel was formed!!!
And if you disagree with that, you are just plain Ignorant in history my friend!!!
Now murdering of any innocent people anywhere is not right!!!
But when you have people that are leading you that have no interest in protecting you and are brainwashed in HATE of others!!!, and that Includes Christians and anyone living different than there choosing!!!

What do you do then??

The West betrayed the Arab world by the *way* Israel was 'created'. Endless death and tension has resulted ever since.

First of all there has always been bloodshed in the Middle East you ignorant moron!!!hi sunni and shiite have always been fighting, just no one cared!!

And yet it doesn't pre date Jewish people living on the Land called Israel now you moron!!!!

Again uneducated people on real estate in the middle east twist history to fit there narrative, not the truth...
Do you think there was no relatives that lived in middle east had no relatives that died in the holocausts ??
Again grow the fuck up and think logically before you type propaganda garbage please!!!
Jewish people have more roots in the land of Israel then any other faith, including Jesus Christ!!!!!

seems like history is filled with people taking things they were militarily capable of taking then those who were wronged/murdered endlessly being angered by the murdering and/or subjecting and dehumanizing of those wronged.

So are you saying you live on stolen land and have no problems with it??

How many people were murdered to give you the peace and property to raise your family and enjoy life on your piece of stolen land??

So if there was a 2 state solution with the Made up people and Israel?? Do you know there will be no Jewish people in that said land ever!!!??

And will there charter or Dictators still want to destroy the Democracy next to it??

History is history now there and everywhere!!!

If you lived in Israel, would you feel safe after what just happened, and trust a 2 state solution??

Why do you think the UK closed it borders?? Do you have any idea what is going on in Europe with no borders between the Middle East and Europe??

You seem to stick on one Propaganda position or call it ignorance as i have called it??

What is going on now in all the world is not just because the Jewish people my Ignorant friend, it is the beginning of much more, and it is showing on the streets everywhere!!!!
Jewish be it radical, religious , or moderate blend into society, the same with Christians, and moderate Muslims/Arabs, but radical Muslims!!!, Iran!!!!, do you think there intentions are to blend in to society??
The same with Radical Sunnis !!! 911!!!, do you think they want to blend??
18 million Jews tolerated, even jealousy or disliked tolerated
Billions of Muslims everywhere!!! and go crazy and take 10% are radical?? How many is that??
Gaza growth of population?? All they do is fuck and make more Terrorists!!! No work if they want to get paid they have to join a Terrorists organization!!!!
So again your ignorance of history causes Antisemitism!!! , that is just reality my friend:hug:

And when i see you take your family and leave your beautiful home you built and hand it over to the indigenous person that was killed so you have that luxury, then we can have a educated conversation:hug:

11-07-2023, 06:13 PM
Your playback, while attempting to *seem* fact-based, completely neglects all of that history behind the Arab world's outrage and places the Arab world, once again, as the BAD guys.

If someone were to invade your personal home in the middle of the night, driving you out, then those invaders show that they are not only armed to the teeth, but also have friends who are willing to provide seemingly endless support and acts as 'authority' that those invaders are the 'rightful' owners of *your* home, the only tactics you would have would look a *lot* like terrorism.

The *only* historical course the killing of these 'terrorists' is to take-- as Shay has said numerous times now is to "kill them ALL", which is not only horrible but also HORRIBLY IRONIC considering the fact that The Holocaust is what gained the Jewish people the western world sympathy to insert them into the area in 1948...

11-07-2023, 06:17 PM
The above was meant to address Kevin's comments, but there are similar answers to some of what you said in meantime, Shay

11-07-2023, 06:22 PM
I have never been against the Jewish people. My arguments are always against the actions of the people in Israel.

I have never been against the creation of a Jewish homeland.

However, the 'creation' could not have been more horribly flawed. *THAT* is the root for all Israel (western)/Arab bloodshed since 1948.

11-07-2023, 07:19 PM
Further, how about we refer henceforth to Gaza as Palestine?

How and why??

What would be the purpose of that J2K4??

Palestine doesn't exist?? At least not from any Democratic countries?? It will never exists !!! If any name it should be Occupied Egypt for now??

The same Area A and B in Judea and Samaria should be called Occupied Jordan for now??

As i said what Trump his team and Son Inlaw was changing the Middle East for good and Biden/Obama and all the terrorists lovers of Iran are fucking everything up!!!!!
None of this would have happened under Trump, that is just FACT!!!!

11-07-2023, 07:34 PM
Further, how about we refer henceforth to Gaza as Palestine?

How and why??

What would be the purpose of that J2K4??

Just casting about for opinions, Shay.

Was wondering what others think.

I don't wonder what ​you think.

11-07-2023, 07:49 PM
Your playback, while attempting to *seem* fact-based, completely neglects all of that history behind the Arab world's outrage and places the Arab world, once again, as the BAD guys.

I will ask once again:

Do you - or, does anyone else - differentiate between (forgive the term) 'garden-variety' Palestinians and Hamas?

Or, for that matter, the rest of the Arab world?

Your stance implies nothing but empathy and complicity between Hamas/Hezbollah and the entirety of the Mideast, save Israel...

Also, why is the "Arab World" so unaccomodating to "Palestinians", while abetting Hamas?

If someone were to invade your personal home in the middle of the night, driving you out, then those invaders show that they are not only armed to the teeth, but also have friends who are willing to provide seemingly endless support and acts as 'authority' that those invaders are the 'rightful' owners of *your* home, the only tactics you would have would look a *lot* like terrorism.

Right, and precisely who perpetrated these acts and perpetuated the result?

Who initiated the aggression?

In answering, please forego any tenuous references to the "history" of the Jewish/Arab conflict.

We're referring to the events of 10/7.

*only* historical course the killing of these 'terrorists' is to take-- as Shay has said numerous times now is to "kill them ALL", which is not only horrible but also HORRIBLY IRONIC considering the fact that The Holocaust is what gained the Jewish people the western world sympathy to insert them into the area in 1948...

Again, you miss the strategic thrust of the Israeli effort, which is to end the random aggressions, once and for all.

If you see it differently, please elucidate.

11-07-2023, 07:55 PM
Your playback, while attempting to *seem* fact-based, completely neglects all of that history behind the Arab world's outrage and places the Arab world, once again, as the BAD guys.

Now your ignorance again is not realizing the change in the middle east, because you don't follow it, i do remember....
This was changing and it feared Iran!!!!, again if you make peace with Saudi Arabia , that is the majority of influence on the Middle East Meg, That will change the Middle East, and that threatens Iran and the fight for the control of everything...

Again knowing your ignorance of what is going on on the ground there, you have to be careful of your language and spread of propaganda..

Peace is happening in the background because Iran is the biggest threat to life and change of it in the Middle East for everyone that is not conforming to there agenda/beliefs

When you get that in your thoughts, Past is in the Past and now the future going forward should change..

Again hope Meg:)

If someone were to invade your personal home in the middle of the night, driving you out, then those invaders show that they are not only armed to the teeth, but also have friends who are willing to provide seemingly endless support and acts as 'authority' that those invaders are the 'rightful' owners of *your* home, the only tactics you would have would look a *lot* like terrorism.

Well are you talking about what happened in Israel that just started this war?? And still The Terrorist Animals are firing rockets at??

The *only* historical course the killing of these 'terrorists' is to take-- as Shay has said numerous times now is to "kill them ALL", which is not only horrible but also HORRIBLY IRONIC considering the fact that The Holocaust is what gained the Jewish people the western world sympathy to insert them into the area in 1948...

All of this ignorant nonsense......And what i said is how do you distinguish the difference?? Now the ones that did move to the south with there families?? Are they being put on buses and trains to gas chambers you ignoramus!!! NO, yes they are suffering, but they are fucking alive are they not??!!! Again there is no fucking Genocide in Gaza!!! So Ignorant Propagandist like you trying to spread this shit doesn't help, and trying to compare this to the Holocausts is just nonsense!!, and the ironic thing is the Terrorist don't even believe it happened !!!!!

Short for you, What is done is done, agree or not?? The same with any refugee going to any country!!, borders??
The best place was decided to move the Jewish people to a piece of land that they have attachments too...
Plus roots of Jewish people living there,

They didn't move them to Mecca??

Fighting back and forth about how it was done makes no difference now after over 70 years Meg!!! The same we can debate where you and i live and how it was formed??

It is done, now !!!

So solving the problem is now on the table to discuss??

Should the US monitor or control Gaza after the Israel kills every ANIMAL there!!!!??

I can tell you Israel is not interested in being in Gaza, but they will make sure there is no military presence that can harm it...

And we know that can work if the people that are there want to live in peace!!!!??

Is there not many European places that don't have a military and rely on others that protect them??

11-07-2023, 08:13 PM
How and why??

What would be the purpose of that J2K4??

Just casting about for opinions, Shay.

Was wondering what others think.

I don't wonder what ​you think.

Funny how ignorant people are!!! There are no Jewish people living in fucking Gaza or in Judea or Samaria area A and B??

So no government control on what they do or treat there people they are supposed to govern??

The only thing Israel does have is and wants is Military control period, and both Terrorists and made up peoples places get billions and billions of dollars in welfare aid materials to build an economy and live in peace and prosper with there neighbours...

Where is the fucking money!!!!??? Where was it spent?? Israel is not interested in running there economy!!! They want to live and peace and make sure there citizens are safe from harm that is fucking it!!!

Israel would be so much richer if they didn't have to spend more than 50% on military to protect itself!!!!

Again that does make you country rich LOL and gives them lots of jobs LOL :)

The rest of the garbage propaganda uneducated nonsense from Meg should now be irrelevant after over 70 years of existence!! That is my point!!!

History is History , learn from it and now move the fuck on!!!

11-07-2023, 08:53 PM
I have never been against the Jewish people. My arguments are always against the actions of the people in Israel.
Be more elaborate on this comment Meg...

I have never been against the creation of a Jewish homeland.

Show me one fucking post you have said this Meg??!!! "I have lots of Jewish friends and people i do business with"....

I know you are not Anti Semitic but you do come across as one that is the problem Meg......

However, the 'creation' could not have been more horribly flawed. *THAT* is the root for all Israel (western)/Arab bloodshed since 1948.

If you keep repeating this do you think it will become true?? That is what ignorant uneducated followers and Media do to get attention??

Now do you complain on all the money the US spends with zero benefits to Countries and to Terrorists in the Middle East??

I know you are ignorant and uneducated on those facts yet you seem to think you are so smart when it comes to Israel?? Why is that Meg??

You are so fixed on the making of Israel yet you never mention the positives of it either??

You know how that comes across right??;)

Again you can stick to the past and look like you are uneducated propagandist and pro Hamas and think what they did was justified, No matter if you look at both sides and really take apart what has been going on since Hamas took over Gaza, threw its oppositions off roofs, dragged innocents with motorcycles, and i am fucking talking there brother Muslims not fucking Jews!!! Again there is and was no Jews in Gaza once the peace deal was done with the PLO!!!!

What happened after that doesn't matter to you ignorant s, just what Israel does right, it is now the same in the UN and there affiliates.. All run by Dictator Communists Terrorists countries, that love the vacation and shopping in NY and don't give 2 shits about any Democrat run country LOL!!!!

Just the benefits they get when the visit;)

All i can do is try to educate and hope the majority in there minds don't think like you......

Peace would be nice if it is possible both sides want it......

11-07-2023, 11:14 PM
Meg: I have a fantastic idea for ya buddy

I know you feel so guilty and rooting for the underdogs....

So i think you should go to the nearest Indian reserve and let a family move in with you or better yet you have some coin in those pockets of yours, buy them the house next to ya:hug:

Even know they are not shooting rockets at ya, or coming to your sub division and doing unthinkable things to you your family (G-D forbid!!!!!), and your neighbours.....

It is only been 200 years plus since the United States has been a sovereign country...

And i can tell you without a fucking doubt, those Indian Fuck a Duckies hate your fucking guts what you did to there ancestors :no:

So saying that when do you think Israel may have a chance to be in the position that it may be hated but the surrounding countries will be civilized enough to just live in peace??

They got Egypt , Jordan, so far?? Lebanon would be in if they got rid of The Iran Terrorist Animal there?? Syria?? Well, you got a variety of trouble makers there so that is not an easy one?? But since Trump named the Golan Heights part of Israel it gave them the High Ground there to protect itself;)..
I know that may be something that was not broadcast on Left Wing media so i can understand ignorance may be involved??

But hey i know ignorance is bliss when it comes to people with a propaganda agenda:hug:...

Please Remember when you see an Indian living on the street you made him homeless:cry:

11-08-2023, 12:52 AM
I wonder how Texans would respond if a bunch of foreign types took over part of their State and declared it a sovereign country? Probably a lot like what's happening in the Middle East only worse because of the Southern accents. Also, please don't refer to people as animals because I know for a fact that animals are offended by the comparison. Anyway, scientifically speaking, I think everything started to go wrong when we started to allow people to live past 12. Twelve you're fine, after that the hormones kick in and all you can think about is sex and murder. Often at the same time.

11-08-2023, 01:00 AM

11-08-2023, 01:55 AM
I wonder how Texans would respond if a bunch of foreign types took over part of their State and declared it a sovereign country? Probably a lot like what's happening in the Middle East only worse because of the Southern accents. Also, please don't refer to people as animals because I know for a fact that animals are offended by the comparison. Anyway, scientifically speaking, I think everything started to go wrong when we started to allow people to live past 12. Twelve you're fine, after that the hormones kick in and all you can think about is sex and murder. Often at the same time.

Interesting thoughts:unsure:

Would the slave law be enacted again, and now it would be???

Question , if a 12 year old Trans Gender has a gun in its hand pointed at your family, is it old enough to vote Democrat :unsure:

And what is a worse term/word to substitute Animal??

11-08-2023, 02:23 AM
Taking a brief pause, but will return sometime tomorrow

It took me a while to fully embrace Jack Black. BTW, this is just a tribute.

11-08-2023, 11:52 AM
Question , if a 12 year old Trans Gender has a gun in its hand pointed at your family, is it old enough to vote Democrat :unsure:

Male transgenders can't hold up guns because their wrists are too limp.

11-08-2023, 02:33 PM
I think everything started to go wrong when we started to allow people to live past 12.

If mjmacky was alive, he would be hitting the like button right about now.

11-08-2023, 02:49 PM
If horror movies have taught us anything, it's that Asia and the American southeast are dangerous places.

11-08-2023, 02:53 PM
Also eastern Europe but we already knew that.

11-08-2023, 03:14 PM
It took me a while to fully embrace Jack Black. BTW, this is just a tribute. 1. I see what you did there. 2. The guy can sing and when he's not being manic, he's sort of tolerable.

11-08-2023, 04:25 PM
His name is Tom Black, but that wouldn't have gotten him noticed.

11-08-2023, 08:30 PM
His middle name is Jacob and it became just usual to call him Jack before he was even an attention whore.. I mean actor.

11-09-2023, 03:36 AM
Also eastern Europe but we already knew that.

Look, it got a movie adaptation.


11-09-2023, 09:33 AM
Also eastern Europe but we already knew that.

Look, it got a movie adaptation.


A deranged loner only known by his online alias "Webmaster" spends his days and nights operating an international sex trafficking ring on the dark web known as "Lolita Slave Dolls", where kidnapped victims have gruesome operations performed on them and are then sold to customers to be used to fulfill their most depraved desires. For his next operation, he enlists a group of corrupt and sadistic doctors to torture, degrade and humiliate a new victim at the behest of a customer. But when the media starts to catch on to The Webmaster's doings, his mind begins to work against him and paranoia slowly takes over his being. This violent and explicit film explores the seedy underbelly of the internet, where one man's fantasies, no matter how sick and depraved, can easily be carried out for the right price.

Is this the PG13 version of RealtY's life story?? :unsure:

11-09-2023, 12:32 PM
So basically Telegram.

11-09-2023, 12:34 PM
His name is Tom Black, but that wouldn't have gotten him noticed.

If you're going to be antisemitic like that then I'm going to have to report you to shay. And it just struck me- touché.

11-09-2023, 10:29 PM
Is this the PG13 version of RealtY's life story?? :unsure:

If so, he sure ain't sharing the profits and I'm disappointed. Everyone knows lolis should be protected, not turned into sex toys :(

11-09-2023, 10:29 PM
So basically Telegram.

That's antisemitic and some of my best friends are telegrams, Adolf :rolleyes:

11-09-2023, 10:43 PM
His name is Tom Black, but that wouldn't have gotten him noticed.

If you're going to be antisemitic like that then I'm going to have to report you to shay. And it just struck me- touché.

Do you know what a "JINO" is?? Look it up and that will explain Jack or Tom Black;)

There is quite of few of them, considering there is not a lot to start with:huh:

11-09-2023, 10:44 PM
So basically Telegram.

That's antisemitic and some of my best friends are telegrams, Adolf :rolleyes:


Very Good:)

Does Racist and Antisemitic have the same meaning??

I know Meg and Idol come across as both?? So does that make them immune/innocent from that stereotype, them being equal in there posts??

11-09-2023, 11:32 PM
Jewish is a religion not a race. See Sammy Davis Jr. for clarification. Also technically Meg is Nazi which is a political party.

11-10-2023, 12:11 AM

Do you know what a "JINO" is??

Of course, I'm not stupid.


11-10-2023, 01:50 AM


11-10-2023, 01:57 AM
Jewish is a religion not a race. See Sammy Davis Jr. for clarification. Also technically Meg is Nazi which is a political party.

So if you say "Jewish People"?? "Christian People"?? What is this then??

Judaism, Christianity?? What is this??

Hebrews, Latins, Pig Latins, What is this??

What Does Nazi translate to??

11-10-2023, 06:00 PM
Anyone who is sincerely interested in a reasonable conversation about this entire issue might want to give this a watch/listen.

It's just shy of an hour long, but think in terms of keyboard-time required to approach this level of discussion:


11-10-2023, 06:35 PM
I have to note one of the subjects discussed (about a half-hour in, I think) is the factor presented by internet/on-line commentary and the free-rein it seems to afford those who partake.

We've all been habituating this board for quite some time - long enough to be well-aware that things are said here - and elsewhere - that would never be uttered face-to-face.

I've thought on more than a few occasions that a cyber-baseball bat would be handy - things can get beyond civility and stay there.

I seek to control myself, and I hope others will as well.

None of us has all the answers, or a 360-degree point-of-view.

As mad as I used to get at Billy Dean (and quite a few others), I'd always have appreciated the opportunity to bend an elbow with him.

11-11-2023, 01:54 AM
I have to note one of the subjects discussed (about a half-hour in, I think) is the factor presented by internet/on-line commentary and the free-rein it seems to afford those who partake.

We've all been habituating this board for quite some time - long enough to be well-aware that things are said here - and elsewhere - that would never be uttered face-to-face.

I've thought on more than a few occasions that a cyber-baseball bat would be handy - things can get beyond civility and stay there.

I seek to control myself, and I hope others will as well.

None of us has all the answers, or a 360-degree point-of-view.

As mad as I used to get at Billy Dean (and quite a few others), I'd always have appreciated the opportunity to bend an elbow with him.

Well because of Meg and Idol really this is the only place i post anything on the internet.. Over 7,000 posts later.......

Anyone that has had a conversation in a PM here or anything i post , there would be no hesitation or holding back saying it right to there face...

And the bigger difference is if i am wrong i admit i am wrong period....

When it comes to any of this conflict, funny they think Gaza has suffered and fast to blame Israel, little do they forget there is another border of there supposed brothers that couldn't care a less about Gaza, they consider it a toilet and treat there tunnels as such by trying to drown them with sewer water!!!, yet no complaints on that LOL!!.. Plust how Israel has to spend gazillions on millatary defence systems from constant rockets daily since Hamas has had control of Gaza, count the years!!!, and really count how many times you see that in the media??!!!, but when an Israeli gets killed and they fight back!!!, OH Israel is bad bad bad LOL!!!...

And i don't want to compare but who cares about Syria?? Lebanon?? not a fucking sole!!! But if Israel bombs them in protection of there citizens BAD BAD BAD !!! LOL!!!

I can tell you this time it is done caring about any of them, you watch the media with pauses and bullshit!!
RELEASE ALL THE HOSTAGES, and i mean all of them , they are not all Jewish or better yet Israelis !!!!

Israel is doing what it needs to do to protect its Citizens!!! and if you don't like it...

Turn off the Media pertaining to the war...
Or just plain FUCK OFF;)

TYPED here or face to face that is what you will get from me.......

PS.. If i go back to the beginning, my first few posts or conversations late at night with my friend Meg (Idol it is usually early am because he is old and goes to bed early:hug:)...

My spelling sucks!!!
My punctuation sucks!!!
My posts can be long!!!!

But when you read my posts, they always come across as i am speaking with you face to face;)

Lets see if Meg and Idol agree with that as well as others !!!!

The same i am a good hearted person and has always tried to help others here if i can

But Antisemitism bullshit i will not tolerate nor will i attack any other faith based person here that has no intentions to harm me or my friends and family!!!!

Meg is a pedophile and Idol may like the same sex partner, and Cabby is a lefty, and Anon is not yet in the 21st Century in technology, Bigboab, (may he rest in peace), great guy in the games section and there is many others that don't post in the forums, but i do speak to them in PM 's and emails, there is a lot of nice people i have met here.. Gribley for sure is one of them....

I will not go after there faith or religion ever nor did i care period!!!!!

And i have always expected the same...........


11-11-2023, 12:00 PM

I'm not saying that Meg is a Nazi but I am saying that every Nov 11th he pauses a moment in respect for the memory of all the brave soldiers who died fighting the Allies.

11-11-2023, 03:44 PM

Well i think from now on i will highlight the areas of the post for you to pay attention too, and the rest well.....

I'm not saying that Meg is a Nazi but I am saying that every Nov 11th he pauses a moment in respect for the memory of all the brave soldiers who died fighting the Allies.

Do you think it was easier to hide Nazis in the US or Canada??

Knowing the years passing by, Truth is was hard to get many people that survived the Holocausts to speak about it?? But some did...

Do you think the Nazis that survived spoke to there offspring what they did?? That is really never spoken about in the public eye??

Today is my Sisters anniversary and my brothers birthday...

Truth it is my Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, 35 years!!!:yahoo::drunk::sadwalk:

11-11-2023, 05:59 PM
Truth it is my Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, 35 years!!!:yahoo::drunk::sadwalk: May you have 35 more in health and happiness.

I had a friend at university who was German and he told us that his grandfather was in the S.S. but only because this ensured that his family got better rations. I think that's like saying that sure you're a cannibal but only because it saves on trips to the grocery.

11-11-2023, 08:31 PM
Truth it is my Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, 35 years!!!:yahoo::drunk::sadwalk:

May you have 35 more in health and happiness.

Thank you:cheers::hug:

I had a friend at university who was German and he told us that his grandfather was in the S.S. but only because this ensured that his family got better rations. I think that's like saying that sure you're a cannibal but only because it saves on trips to the grocery.


That is the communists socialists dictator way.......

Do you remember why he told you?? Trying to figure out how this comes up in a conversation??

Sounds like a victim card was played in a sick way??

When it came to the Holocausts , i always think what if the Jews and others that were murdered knew what was really happening, could they have fought back to save more??

And the same the Germans and many others knew what they were told to do, why didn't they leave or say no to inhuman things they did??

Those questions Idol, are history right, and really did everyone learn from it to make good, or try to perfect it to do it again??.........

Humanity should have a meaning.....


11-11-2023, 10:39 PM
The ironic use of the term "Nazi" and the name "Hitler" recently is ironic, no?

Fun fact:

I used to know a Michigan State trooper named Annette Hittler, who swore she was related - her father had changed his surmane's spelling in the hope no one would tumble to the connection.

She was about 6'2", long black curly hair, built like a brick shithouse, and gorgeous.

She used to date one of my enforcement officers.

11-11-2023, 10:42 PM
Truth it is my Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, 35 years!!!:yahoo::drunk::sadwalk:

Congratulations to you and your Missus, Shay. :D

11-11-2023, 10:47 PM
The ironic use of the term "Nazi" and the name "Hitler" recently is ironic, no?

Fun fact:

I used to know a Michigan State trooper named Annette Hittler, who swore she was related - her father had changed his surmane's spelling in the hope no one would tumble to the connection.

She was about 6'2", long black curly hair, built like a brick shithouse, and gorgeous.

She used to date one of my enforcement officers.

Creepy and interesting? :unsure:

11-11-2023, 10:49 PM
Truth it is my Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, 35 years!!!:yahoo::drunk::sadwalk:

Congratulations to you and your Missus, Shay. :D

Thank you:cheers:

11-11-2023, 10:56 PM
Idol, and other Canadians:

Out of respect and being a Canadian citizen, i should have added Greetings on Remembrance Day:)

Does anyone have any suggestions of what the misses and i should have for supper tomorrow night..

Tonight i am cooking 2 USDA Prime NY steaks and baked sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar......

11-12-2023, 01:19 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions of what the misses and i should have for supper tomorrow night..

Meg says that you can't go wrong with anything that has lard as the main ingredient but then Meg's a Nazi.

11-12-2023, 01:50 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions of what the misses and i should have for supper tomorrow night..

Meg says that you can't go wrong with anything that has lard as the main ingredient but then Meg's a Nazi.

Meg doesn't give a Nazi vibe, plus i thought shit stiinkin potato farmers were more simpletons?? Even the supposed attempted educated ones, Nazis killed them kind of peeps too.....

Being a health nut that you are Idol....

what would be the best to worst??

Beef fat
Chicken fat
Vegetable stock
Lard (assume pig fat)

And not just health wise, you have to account for flavor as well.........

Back to watching UFC PPV fights;)

11-12-2023, 01:59 AM
I would assume that all fat is more or less equal and it's the quantity and matters.


11-12-2023, 03:17 AM

Dana White just arrived at UFC 295 PPV main event at Madison Square Gardens NEW YORK!!!!

Who is with him!!!!!

The 45th President Donald J Trump!!!:01::yahoo:
Tucker Carlson!!!:clap:
Kid Rock!!!!.:thumbsup:
Eric Trump

How do you like them APPLES LOL!!!!

And in case you don't watch the number one late show , Dana White was on Gutfield last night as well;)

Back to watching UFC!!!!!


All the headlines read...

"Donald Trump greeted by cheers upon arrival at UFC 295 in Madison Square Garden"

Go figure:)



11-12-2023, 11:43 AM
I get that not everyone thinks the same way but what I just can't understand is why YOU RIGHTY FUCKERS can't find some decent people to support. I'm sure that somewhere out here there is some smart, honest, middle-class right-wing lesbian black woman to get behind for President.

11-12-2023, 11:45 AM
Also I hate UFC so much that I would watch soccer over it.

11-12-2023, 02:46 PM
I get that not everyone thinks the same way but what I just can't understand is why YOU RIGHTY FUCKERS can't find some decent people to support. I'm sure that somewhere out here there is some smart, honest, middle-class right-wing lesbian black woman to get behind for President.

And who do the 'LEFTY FUCKERS' support?

11-12-2023, 04:40 PM
Corrupt politicians but ones not so obviously evil. This way we get to delude ourselves over our tofu.

11-12-2023, 04:55 PM
I hope I'm not giving the impression that I think that I'm better than anyone but shay here.

11-12-2023, 04:59 PM
I get that not everyone thinks the same way but what I just can't understand is why YOU RIGHTY FUCKERS can't find some decent people to support. I'm sure that somewhere out here there is some smart, honest, middle-class right-wing lesbian black woman to get behind for President.

And who do the 'LEFTY FUCKERS' support?

Corrupt politicians but ones not so obviously evil. This way we get to fool ourselves over our tofu.

Oh - well, sure.

Funny - I look all up-and-down the Lefty-bench-o-prospects, and all I see are white guys - unless you're suggesting Pete Buttigieg, Michelle Obama or (God forbid) Hillary Clinton, who is ​a rug-muncher, but only arguably female.

11-12-2023, 05:34 PM
I hope I'm not giving the impression that I think that I'm better than anyone but shay here.


Just woke up:huh:

Going to make French Toast with fresh blueberries and raspberries:)

11-12-2023, 08:35 PM
Does Racist and Antisemitic have the same meaning??

You once reported the following post for antisemitism so I'm not going to pretend I understand the concept, nya.

Uh, sorry to interrupt, but Hitler is alive, well and plotting his return to power in a military base in Antarctica, where he recently celebrated his 129th birthday. Just thought you ought to know.

11-12-2023, 08:35 PM
We've all been habituating this board for quite some time - long enough to be well-aware that things are said here - and elsewhere - that would never be uttered face-to-face.

If the outside world saw 10% of my post history, they'd be spraying me with holy water and lighter fluid, but only when the funny farm has visitation days... :bye:

11-12-2023, 08:36 PM
Anon is not yet in the 21st Century in technology

Any moron can get a new computer, all you need is money. Besides, those things don't even have a Jaz drive :rolleyes:

11-12-2023, 08:36 PM
I had a friend at university who was German and he told us that his grandfather was in the S.S. but only because this ensured that his family got better rations. I think that's like saying that sure you're a cannibal but only because it saves on trips to the grocery.

And the same the Germans and many others knew what they were told to do, why didn't they leave or say no to inhuman things they did??

Unfortunately, frustrating situations like that are pretty much guaranteed when you live under a not exactly democratic regime like Nazi Germany and don't agree with their rules, but also don't want you and your loved ones to be jailed and/or shot. It's a shitty scenario you can't really understand unless you've been there, which is why I hope none of us ever understands it.

Anyway, 'grats on your anniversary and not having to spend it in a concentration camp :happy:

11-12-2023, 08:37 PM

Figure A: megabyteme, apparently.

11-12-2023, 11:25 PM
I'm reporting you to yourself for racism. I sincerely hope that you give yourself a piece of your mind.

11-13-2023, 05:07 PM
Guilty as charged. I sentence myself to 4 hours of listening to trap music. This is expected to have a deterrent effect on anyone with good taste.

11-13-2023, 07:21 PM
Speaking of, I actually listened to Kid Rock's 1st album the other day.

I have a signed CD he gave me when I chatted with him and Ted Nugent, who used to hang out locally back in '90s and early '00s, before an idiot fucked him over by stealing the proceeds from a White Tails Unlimited fundraiser.

The 'idiot' is in prison where he belongs.

Anyway, I kinda liked ​Devil Without a Cause....

11-13-2023, 10:34 PM
I'm reporting you to yourself for racism. I sincerely hope that you give yourself a piece of your mind.


11-13-2023, 10:36 PM
Speaking of, I actually listened to Kid Rock's 1st album the other day.

I have a signed CD he gave me when I chatted with him and Ted Nugent, who used to hang out locally back in '90s and early '00s, before an idiot fucked him over by stealing the proceeds from a White Tails Unlimited fundraiser.

The 'idiot' is in prison where he belongs.

Anyway, I kinda liked ]​Devil Without a Cause.[/B]...



11-13-2023, 10:39 PM
You once reported the following post for antisemitism so I'm not going to pretend I understand the concept, nya.

Uh, sorry to interrupt, but Hitler is alive, well and plotting his return to power in a military base in Antarctica, where he recently celebrated his 129th birthday. Just thought you ought to know.

That is not true at all!!!

I reported it way more than once;)

11-13-2023, 11:44 PM

Speaking of, I actually listened to Kid Rock's 1st album the other day.

I have a signed CD he gave me when I chatted with him and Ted Nugent, who used to hang out locally back in '90s and early '00s, before an idiot fucked him over by stealing the proceeds from a White Tails Unlimited fundraiser.

The 'idiot' is in prison where he belongs.

Anyway, I kinda liked ]​Devil Without a Cause.[/B]...



11-14-2023, 01:04 PM
Ted Nugent like any true patriot, when asked to serve, took a deferment because he didn't want protecting freedom to interfere with his pursuit of underage girls. I stopped liking Cat Scratch Fever at that point.

11-14-2023, 02:02 PM

Ted Nugent like any true patriot, when asked to serve, took a deferment because he didn't want protecting freedom to interfere with his pursuit of underage girls. I stopped liking Cat Scratch Fever at that point.

11-14-2023, 02:45 PM
Ted Nugent like any true patriot, when asked to serve, took a deferment because he didn't want protecting freedom to interfere with his pursuit of underage girls. I stopped liking Cat Scratch Fever at that point.

But, but...he's mended his ways, Idol.

He was objecting to the Viet Nam war, like so many other cultural heroes of the 60s and 70s.

Remember Kent State?

11-14-2023, 03:05 PM
I do remember Kent State. Great song by Crosby, Stills etc

No one should take offense as everything I said is true. Similarly I won't take offense at anyone saying that Joe Biden is way too old and addle-brained to be President, let alone seek another term. Hunter's also a creep and worse btw. Lock him up etc.

11-14-2023, 08:38 PM
I do remember Kent State. Great song by Crosby, Stills etc

No one should take offense as everything I said is true. Similarly I won't take offense at anyone saying that Joe Biden is way too old and addle-brained to be President, let alone seek another term. Hunter's also a creep and worse btw. Lock him up etc.

Trying to be comedic while speaking truth to power...


11-14-2023, 09:01 PM
My mom said that if you can't say anything nice then say it a way that they won't understand. And that my friend is why I learned Mongolian.

11-14-2023, 09:14 PM
Ted Nugent like any true patriot, when asked to serve, took a deferment because he didn't want protecting freedom to interfere with his pursuit of underage girls. I stopped liking Cat Scratch Fever at that point.

But, but...he's mended his ways, Idol.

He was objecting to the Viet Nam war, like so many other cultural heroes of the 60s and 70s.

Remember Kent State?

I do remember Kent State. Great song by Crosby, Stills etc

No one should take offense as everything I said is true. Similarly I won't take offense at anyone saying that Joe Biden is way too old and addle-brained to be President, let alone seek another term. Hunter's also a creep and worse btw. Lock him up etc.

Trying to be comedic while speaking truth to power...


My mom said that if you can't say anything nice then say it a way that they won't understand. And that my friend is why I learned Mongolian.

Oh, my (pick-your-deity).

Was all that a communal effort at some old-time repartee?

Out-of-practice we are.

11-14-2023, 10:07 PM
My mom said that if you can't say anything nice then say it a way that they won't understand. And that my friend is why I learned Mongolian.

That sounds a bit racists:unsure:

I always thought the saying goes ... If you can't say anything nice , don't say anything at all??

At least that is what my parents taught me.....

It is this place that corrupted my thinking:sadwalk:

11-14-2023, 10:09 PM
Oh, my (pick-your-deity).

Was all that a communal effort at some old-time repartee?

Out-of-practice we are.

I don't get it:unsure:

11-15-2023, 12:55 AM
Who's on first?

11-15-2023, 03:20 AM
Oh, my (God).

Was that a flash(waaaaaaay)back?

We all used to crank out page upon page of mindless-but-elaborate banter.

I don't get it:unsure:

This was 20-odd years ago, Shay.

You'd have to go root around the archives to see what I mean.

11-15-2023, 03:43 AM
Who's on first?

What's on second??

11-15-2023, 03:46 AM
I don't get it:unsure:

This was 20-odd years ago, Shay.

You'd have to go root around the archives to see what I mean.

What is considered elaborate banter??

Can you show me an example??

I think i asked Idol a while back?? If i remember he said banter is some sort of cock or rooster, he did seem to bend over more to one butt...:unsure:

11-15-2023, 11:56 AM
You should consider identifying as female because you're really a bit of a cunt.

11-15-2023, 02:44 PM
You should consider identifying as female because you're really a bit of a cunt.


Good morning Idol....

A bit or a lot??

Whats that saying?? Ya, a cunt is useful :)

And boy am i seeing a lot of one, yet there is no enjoyment on my end, does that make me.....:unsure: :sadwalk:

11-16-2023, 12:27 PM
I saw this article about a Canadian-Israeli woman who was a peace activist and pro-Palestine and was murdered in the first Hamas attack. I think they should go into Qatar where the actual billionaire leaders of Hamas are living and hang them all by their balls and let pigs eat their faces off. This would both be just and avoid a lot of hospital destruction. So win/win.

11-16-2023, 12:32 PM
It would also give Meg something to watch besides the usual schoolgirl porn.

11-16-2023, 05:03 PM
I saw this article about a Canadian-Israeli woman who was a peace activist and pro-Palestine and was murdered in the first Hamas attack. I think they should go into Qatar where the actual billionaire leaders of Hamas are living and hang them all by their balls and let pigs eat their faces off. This would both be just and avoid a lot of hospital destruction. So win/win.


Are you ok:unsure:

Again the problem is with this world Idol, there are good people that have hope for peace, and there is others that just don't want it????

Funny the leaders old and new are spread all over in terrorist countries , again something you really love, they are billionaires !! from stealing all the donated money from the people of Gaza!!!

Israel will kill them all sooner or later, and i am hoping all that money they stole is found and given to the right people....


11-16-2023, 05:05 PM
It would also give Meg something to watch besides the usual schoolgirl porn.

Not sure, he does love his young porn:idunno:

11-16-2023, 07:00 PM
Ted Nugent like any true patriot, when asked to serve, took a deferment because he didn't want protecting freedom to interfere with his pursuit of underage girls.


11-16-2023, 07:00 PM
I always thought the saying goes ... If you can't say anything nice , don't say anything at all??

At least that is what my parents taught me.....

The bad news is this logic severely curtails the range of possible feedback you can give, the good news is you didn't follow it in the slightest :mushy:

11-16-2023, 07:01 PM
schoolgirl porn


11-16-2023, 07:19 PM
I always thought the saying goes ... If you can't say anything nice , don't say anything at all??

At least that is what my parents taught me.....

The bad news is this logic severely curtails the range of possible feedback you can give, the good news is you didn't follow it in the slightest :mushy:

Well lets see here....

Are you saying that truth and facts are bad to speak ov??..

There are many conversations here between the regulars, and i read them and choose not to reply or get involved??

Yet i do have my opinion on the truth or facts, and again choose not to get into it......

Again everyone is entitled to there opinions, and that can be dangerous if it is not facts??

But truth and facts should never be dangerous to speak or type on a screen....

It may be eye opening!!! but.......

Now i will see from you... Well what is truth?? what is facts?? Well for the lucky people that do have eyesight have an advantage, as well as people that experience it??
Again that is another problem How??

Well one side living great and prosperous vs other side claiming oppression and other things??

And admitting what is the cause?? And if it can not be fixed where you are ?? Options need to be considered??

The only way to prove those things is if you have the opportunity to see both sides and live them...

As an example Anon that i made, There are many people that survived tragedies and got out!!! , and there are people that make many moves in there lives to find a peaceful and better way of life for themselves and there families;)...

Using my experience.....

I have travelled to resorts , that are fully protected by police or military, and then travelled to there towns and sightseeing off the properties...
As well as US cities....

I can tell you i still end up back home in Canada:)...

Again i live in a condo now that has Many Russians as well as Ukrainians, the same they are now living in Canada for many years....

What can you say about that??

I assume you live in the country you were born in?? Did you ever travel and think of moving somewhere else??

PS.. I should say this as well and this is myself and my nature!!!

If we are kibitzing here and shooting the shit and making fun of each other, and i know that it is hurting that person, that type of insults will stop immediately from me period!!!!!..

11-16-2023, 07:24 PM
Eh, nevermind. And I even carefully decided which smilie to use in order to show how serious I was :smilie4:

11-16-2023, 07:42 PM
Eh, nevermind. And I even carefully decided which smilie to use in order to show how serious I was :smilie4:

No No!! Anon i get ya buddy...

I got your point my friend, and i should have divided the difference from shooting the shit and making fun of each other, and then talking about something serious like WAR:)....

How i started posting here Anon if you go back to my first few posts... I was actually asking for help, but how i worded it Meg and Idol found a way to make a joke about it??

And until i saw there replies, made me realize the post could be interpreted many different ways...

Again i get ya buddy:hug:

11-16-2023, 10:09 PM
This was 20-odd years ago, Shay.

You'd have to go root around the archives to see what I mean.

What is considered elaborate banter??

Can you show me an example??

Just some of the postage we managed back when we were sorting different issues.

Internet vocabularies were still developing, and we were figuring out how to sound smart enough to send each other in search of a dictionary or thesaurus.

The Drawing Room archive would render some stuff, I'm sure, but I can't point you at anything in particular.

11-16-2023, 10:59 PM


I was actually asking for help, but how i worded it Meg and Idol found a way to make a joke about it??

And until i saw there replies, made me realize the post could be interpreted many different ways...

Time to honor my signature...


11-16-2023, 11:28 PM
Ted Nugent like any true patriot, when asked to serve, took a deferment because he didn't want protecting freedom to interfere with his pursuit of underage girls.


More like....


Exactly like....


11-16-2023, 11:59 PM
I was actually asking for help, but how i worded it Meg and Idol found a way to make a joke about it??

And until i saw there replies, made me realize the post could be interpreted many different ways...

Time to honor my signature...


I don't get it:)

What is that supposed to mean??


I will tell you that Tread showed me a few things about people , that is for sure...

And funny Fox used to post some really interesting things, and they were long yet no complaints ever that i saw??And i enjoyed reading them...

Again broken record this is the first place i ever posted, and reading back seeing older posts intrigued me....

Looking back really Meg and some others calling me the "Chalice Killer", truth that again was never my intention, he also had some interesting posts, i did get very upset on the Faith attacks, but learned to ignore them the same thinking "Something Else".......

Amazing the love of verbal conversation vs punctuation :)

Thanks for the past Anon;)

PS..One of my original posts.....

"I don't even know who he is but I didn't come here to read a script for a soap opera that's for sure!!!
And I didn't come here to win trophies to upset the applecart either
I am here to see how twisted someone can really think and write it for others to enjoy"

Boy did my punctuation suck:lol:

I haven't heard from Gribley, in a while, but i always respected him and do miss him...
He was always a good guy.......

11-17-2023, 01:35 AM
Exactly like....

It could be worse.


11-17-2023, 01:35 AM
And funny Fox used to post some really interesting things, and they were long yet no complaints ever that i saw??And i enjoyed reading them...

RetroFoX is a legend :wub: piercerseth, Gribley and Vestibule were good people, too. I can only presume Bill Gates killed them all.

11-17-2023, 01:49 AM
Had them killed. Bill likes to keep his hands clean.

11-17-2023, 03:07 AM
And funny Fox used to post some really interesting things, and they were long yet no complaints ever that i saw??And i enjoyed reading them...

RetroFoX is a legend :wub: piercerseth, Gribley and Vestibule were good people, too. I can only presume Bill Gates killed them all.

I apologize if anyone does come back i didn't mention them, if "RetroFox" is the same as "TheFox" even his web page of www.arsebook.com LOL!!!
again great guy, and interesting posts here ,"Pireceseth" we have had discussions you and i about this real gentleman (Just like you:hug:), Gribley i speak to in the shadows, again Meg i did speak to the most, Idol here and shadows, and i am not sure where he is but him being mad at me Cabby {Caballero}, is really a good guy...
"Vestibule" i don't remember?? Before my time??

Watching "Dion09529" also came across as a crackpot, but watching the posts go back and forth with Idol was hilarious LOL!!!

And "Bigboab" (may he rest in peace), i had lots of fun in the games section with him, the days when i just stayed away from the open forums, and funny since i was here i never really saw him post in it?? He stuck to his best qualities;)

There used to be some really good guys that posted here and really nice...

Not like me Anon, I know you hang around on other sites, do you see any veterans posting still on the net somewhere??

11-17-2023, 03:18 AM
Had them killed. Bill likes to keep his hands clean.

And as i have always said about you Dickhead!!!, since i have been here, you are the only one consistent posting here, and some over time may not have liked it.....

Truth i can say fighting, arguing or disagreeing with you, i have never been one of those people:hug:.

Not it should go to your big head or little one, I have always said you are asset here;), and not seeing you posting here, i get worried........

TRUTH, and i hope you know that still to this day..........

Do you post anywhere else Idol??

11-17-2023, 12:07 PM
Do you post anywhere else Idol?? Dear lord I hope not.

11-17-2023, 04:37 PM
"Vestibule" i don't remember?? Before my time??

His profile is still there.


Not like me Anon, I know you hang around on other sites, do you see any veterans posting still on the net somewhere??

It's very rare for Internet communities of any kind to exist for over two decades like this one has, and even rarer for their members to remain active just as long. People lose interest, move on to other things, have families, or (in a few confirmed cases) die. It's the circle of life and shit.

11-17-2023, 04:37 PM
Do you post anywhere else Idol??

Dear lord I hope not.

He wants to know to avoid accidentally visiting those places. Reported you for spam :dry:

11-17-2023, 06:38 PM
Remind me to strike you out of my will.

11-17-2023, 11:22 PM
No can do. I really want your iPhone and 8-track player.

11-17-2023, 11:43 PM
Dear lord I hope not.

He wants to know to avoid accidentally visiting those places. Reported you for spam :dry:


11-17-2023, 11:46 PM
Remind me to strike you out of my will.

Alav ha-shalom you should live to be 150:)

Leave me in please, If there is any single malts left:hug:

Truth, i also had a ton of Obsolete Direct TV and Bell Express Vu receivers, i lost count after 50:yikes:

11-17-2023, 11:49 PM
No can do. I really want your iPhone and 8-track player.

More the 8-track player, IPhone too advanced for you buddy:)..

By the way, I didn't find a player in the move, but i did find some 8-tracks LOL!!! Black Sabbath and Toto are 2 i remember:happy:

11-18-2023, 01:30 AM
IPhone too advanced for you buddy:)..

i did find some 8-tracks LOL!!! Black Sabbath and Toto are 2 i remember:happy:

I've seen the future and I've left it behind. ;)

11-18-2023, 01:45 AM
Toto i remember:happy:


11-18-2023, 01:54 AM


RIP Jeff and Mike Porcaro.

11-18-2023, 06:48 AM
i did find some 8-tracks LOL!!! Black Sabbath and Toto are 2 i remember:happy:

I've seen the future and I've left it behind. ;)

Well i know you are still young dumb and full of cum, compared to me an old fuck:)..

You have a lot more time on earth than i do , like my kids you have the chance and hope to find a way to fix it , my days are done:sadwalk:

Truly i hope you never give up buddy:hug:

11-18-2023, 06:52 AM
Funny J2K4 the songs you picked to post:unsure:



RIP Jeff and Mike Porcaro.

11-18-2023, 12:07 PM
No can do. I really want your iPhone and 8-track player. Sorry but you'll have to make due with a Doobie Brothers Jesus is Just Alright with Me t-shirt and Betamax player. The phone's being buried with me just in case the coroner made a mistake.

11-18-2023, 12:57 PM
No can do. I really want your iPhone and 8-track player. Sorry but you'll have to make due with a Doobie Brothers Jesus is Just Alright with Me t-shirt and Betamax player. The phone's being buried with me just in case the coroner made a mistake.


11-18-2023, 05:17 PM
Toto left some brains down in Africa and held the line, but also made other songs.






11-18-2023, 05:17 PM
Sorry but you'll have to make due with a Doobie Brothers Jesus is Just Alright with Me t-shirt and Betamax player. The phone's being buried with me just in case the coroner made a mistake.

Maybe I can interest you on a trade.


This thing used miniature film rolls that were already hard to obtain at the time... basically a legal scam :dabs:

11-18-2023, 10:42 PM
Funny J2K4 the songs you picked to post:unsure:

Just a couple of my faves off their live stuff, which I prefer.

I have the Amsterdam, Paris and Lodz concerts on DVD.

11-18-2023, 11:03 PM
Toto left some brains down in Africa and held the line, but also made other songs.





I am trying to think if you were born with this band started:unsure:

Saying that, how many really hits Toto has, the younger generation never really took a shine like say Zeppelin, Sabbath,

I mean you go back Genesis vs King Crimson, David Bowie vs :unsure: Yes vs Guess Who, and how many tv series using music from "The Who", that said to retire and had how many return concerts...
And never forget the Stones and the influence or visual and music influence......

And my favourite no talent band Kiss :)



I think this is not your fav genre of music, out of that era what you be your favourite Anon?? Better an influence in your neck of the woods???

11-19-2023, 12:04 AM
And my favourite no talent band Kiss :)

This, it... existed.


out of that era what you be your favourite Anon??

Picking just one is unfair and also impossible. But I guess you can never go wrong with the 80s.




11-19-2023, 01:14 AM
This, it... existed.


Picking just one is unfair and also impossible. But I guess you can never go wrong with the 80s.




So you link a video game to the era instead of this:lol:


And the selection you picked be it great and other tunes the bands made were great....


But thinking those bands are in the same genre?? More alternative rock vs Heavy ??

Now you could come back and say the bands i speak of did change with the times, and some didn't get there recognition or become popular until them??
The issue with that is many heavy rock or metal bands were never really played on every day radio stations...

Metallica , Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Pantera, Scorpions, Anvil and so on..... Word of mouth and live concerts boosted there popularity....

Who knew Metallica before the black album?? I did!! I did!!!:)



How about this one Idol


Brings back memories of the hole in the wall bar in Bradford :)



Makes me want to join Telus....


11-19-2023, 10:20 PM
Who knew Metallica before the black album?? I did!! I did!!!:)

They didn't write this song, but sure made it theirs.


11-19-2023, 11:00 PM
Who knew Metallica before the black album?? I did!! I did!!!:)

They didn't write this song, but sure made it [Am IEvil]

As always, you are a man of great taste!

I remember searching so hard to find the import version of the album back when the US version did not have this song due to the legal issues surrounding it. Late 80's...bad haircut, worse air guitar, and absolutely dreadful lip syncing to this song...

If God turns out to be one of the actual rock gods (I suspect Billy Idol), I will be doomed to eternal damnation for my sins :sadwalk:

11-19-2023, 11:45 PM
Late 80's...bad haircut, worse air guitar, and absolutely dreadful lip syncing to this song...

Title related.


11-20-2023, 01:57 PM


11-20-2023, 04:37 PM
Late 80's...bad haircut, worse air guitar, and absolutely dreadful lip syncing to this song...

Title related.

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDN4awrpPQQ

So you look at the band now, after rehab etc....

Is there hair bad now or past??:unsure:


11-20-2023, 05:33 PM

So what happened in Argentina??

Is Javier Milei going to be good or bad??

Seems they claim he won by a landslide?? I don't see that?? But he did win 20 of 23 Argentine provinces??

What do you think??

This was interesting:)


11-20-2023, 05:35 PM


What you never liked Kiss??


11-20-2023, 07:20 PM

So what happened in Argentina??

Is Javier Milei going to be good or bad??

Milei has good ideas for the economy - dollarization could and should have done a long time ago, and taxes here are insane - but everything else about him makes Trump look sober and level-headed.


It remains to be seen whether he'll try to reach a compromise with the opposition (which remains strong in Congress), or just push onward and upward with his other campaign promises, which include privatizing schools, hospitals and prisons, open carry, and organ sales. I'm not holding my breath, but in a worst-case scenario, we'll just go to hell faster than we already were.

Sometimes it seems living in peace and having politicians that don't drive the country into the ground are just pipe dreams...

11-20-2023, 08:55 PM


What you never liked Kiss??



I cannot reconcile myself to their popularity.

11-20-2023, 08:57 PM
Milei has good ideas for the economy - dollarization could and should have done a long time ago, and taxes here are insane - but everything else about him makes Trump look sober and level-headed.



It remains to be seen whether he'll try to reach a compromise with the opposition (which remains strong in Congress), or just push onward and upward with his other campaign promises, which include privatizing schools, hospitals and prisons, open carry, and organ sales. I'm not holding my breath, but in a worst-case scenario, we'll just go to hell faster than we already were.

So you separated these policies?? You don't like any of them??

Sometimes it seems living in peace and having politicians that don't drive the country into the ground are just pipe dreams...

So was the alternative better??

By the voting there it would seem not??

And was it a legit election??

You know my problem Anon, you have your morals and some people may not agree with the issues that may be important to you personally.....

I see your point on problems on who you vote for today, no party overlaps on policies when they campaign on!!!!! ...

But i am noticing in the US, to make them reality, common sense kicks in, also with the courts, and the crazy ones never get implemented....And i will say crazy in my opinion and i think many others do agree:unsure:

I don't follow too much politics in Canada to be honest, all i can say is Trudeau is really a fucking moron :)...

Be interesting to see Idols opinion on that;)

11-20-2023, 11:56 PM
I predict Idol will waffle on Justin Trudeau, who is the illegitimate product of his mother's affair with Ted Kennedy.

11-21-2023, 01:10 AM
I predict Idol will waffle on Justin Trudeau, who is the illegitimate product of his mother's affair with Ted Kennedy.


Emojis based on the comedy, not Idols comment or opinion ......

11-21-2023, 02:30 AM

This can't be bad... :unsure:

Copied the link this way to avoid hijack thingy

11-21-2023, 12:04 PM
Be interesting to see Idols opinion on that;) Anon, I know that you live in a foreigner country. Does your country have trees? And are the trees made of wood or are they made of caramel? Because caramel would be really cool and I would probably have to visit.
Currently the furthest that I have travelled is Sudbury because I thought nothing could top that but caramel trees are pretty tempting.

11-21-2023, 12:08 PM
I predict Idol will waffle on Justin Trudeau, who is the illegitimate product of his mother's affair with Ted Kennedy.

I don't like Trudeau and I'm thinking about storming Parliament Hill to prove my point. If things get nasty I intend to fight the first female Mountie I see.

11-21-2023, 12:47 PM
I predict Idol will waffle on Justin Trudeau, who is the illegitimate product of his mother's affair with Ted Kennedy.

I don't like Trudeau and I'm thinking about storming Parliament Hill to prove my point. If things get nasty I intend to fight the first female Mountie I see.

Well, done that man.

BTW, I found this:


11-21-2023, 02:44 PM
The claim is that Nugent took a college deferment, not that he ran to Canada. Also, if a 14 year old is good enough for Mick Jagger and Michael Jackson then it's sure the fuck good enough for him and he should wear that pedophilia like a badge of honour because he's never going to write Wild Horses.

11-21-2023, 04:39 PM
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago." :D

11-21-2023, 06:20 PM
Be interesting to see Idols opinion on that;) Anon, I know that you live in a foreigner country. Does your country have trees? And are the trees made of wood or are they made of caramel? Because caramel would be really cool and I would probably have to visit.
Currently the furthest that I have travelled is Sudbury because I thought nothing could top that but caramel trees are pretty tempting.

If caramel trees were a thing, the US would have them. We'd mow down all other forests and replace them with caramel.

There's an Argentine Red Shrimp that tastes somewhat like a cross between shrimp and lobster. Not a tree, though :(

11-21-2023, 06:33 PM
So Ted made up a bunch of shit while talking to interviewers, then is mad/confused at the inaccuracies told about him. Also his close friends were dodging the draft-- but he wasn't.

He also has the same physical prowess as The Donald.

I didn't find his stories credible.

I do tend to like him for being pro-2A and being batshit crazy.

11-21-2023, 06:41 PM
There's an Argentine Red Shrimp that tastes somewhat like a cross between shrimp and lobster. Not a tree, though :(

Had to read this a few times......

Thought it was a secret penis comparison between you and Idol and who's taste better:unsure:

What is a scampi??


11-21-2023, 06:48 PM
So Ted Nugent made up a bunch of shit while talking to interviewers, then is mad/confused at the inaccuracies told about him. Also his close friends were dodging the draft-- but he wasn't.

He also has the same physical prowess as The Donald.
I didn't find his stories credible.

I do tend to like him for being pro-2A and being batshit crazy.

Seeing this in a post and trying to compare these 2 people??

Just shows you are one sick puppy:crazy:

11-21-2023, 09:38 PM
The rest of my Nugent story:

My Dad and I were big Rush Limbaugh fans (I talked to him a half-dozen times on his show, met him once); I had bought a copy of Rush's second book - 'See, I Told You So' - for his birthday.

I was on my way to the post office to send it to him when I spotted Nugent's striped Bronco pulled over talking to a state cop - I puilled over as well, and got Ted to personalize/autograph Limbaugh's book for my Dad - thought he would get a kick of of it; Ted laughed his ass off.

Anyway, a week later I get a call from my Dad to thank me for the book, and ask "BTW, who in the fuck is Ted Nugent?" :lol:

11-21-2023, 10:27 PM
There's an Argentine Red Shrimp that tastes somewhat like a cross between shrimp and lobster. Not a tree, though :( When did shrimps stop being trees and why wasn't I informed of this development sooner?

11-22-2023, 12:17 AM
Pretty sure scampi is when you have more than one scamp

11-22-2023, 12:24 AM
"BTW, who in the fuck is Ted Nugent?" :lol:

I was not expecting that ending :D

I was a fan of Limbaugh and Liddy for several years. Used to listen to their programs daily then irritate the heck out of my coworkers. :lol:

11-22-2023, 03:17 AM
I was a fan of Limbaugh and Liddy for several years. Used to listen to their programs daily then irritate the heck out of my coworkers. :lol:

So why the change in your brain/thinking:unsure:

11-22-2023, 04:44 PM
I'll get back to you on that, Shay. My wife is in the hospital. Apparently it has to do with electrolytes and possibly her kidneys.

11-22-2023, 05:00 PM
So you separated these policies?? You don't like any of them??

I think they'll range from ineffective to highly damaging. Open carry may be an exception, since there are some areas where police basically don't exist, and honest people have to suffer daily for it. If robbers go from being sent to cardboard prisons to risking their lives on every "job", they'll think twice before acting. Not sure putting a gun on every waist is a perfect solution, though...

So was the alternative better??

By the voting there it would seem not??

And was it a legit election??

No, Massa would have just continued the scheme that took us to this point. His tenure as Minister of Economy has only accelerated the country's downfall.

The measures to combat voter fraud are strong, so any accusations thereof are 99% likely to be bullshit (but still a fallback response for whoever loses nonetheless).

For what it's worth, I cast a blank vote, for the first time ever. None of the candidates convinced me, even as a lesser of two evils.

That's it from me for now - dark times lay ahead and I want to hang on to whatever mental health I have left :pinch:

11-22-2023, 05:00 PM
Anon, I know that you live in a foreigner country. Does your country have trees? And are the trees made of wood or are they made of caramel? Because caramel would be really cool and I would probably have to visit.

Why don't you buy the entire country and see for yourself, at the current exchange rate it should be about C$20.

If you call within the next 10 minutes, we'll throw in Marambio Base :happy:

11-22-2023, 05:00 PM


11-22-2023, 05:00 PM
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago." :D

"C'mon! I'm talking about something serious! You are so insensitive..."

11-22-2023, 05:00 PM
My wife is in the hospital. Apparently it has to do with electrolytes and possibly her kidneys.

Wow, that doesn't sound good... hang in there, both of you.

11-22-2023, 07:04 PM
I'll get back to you on that, Shay. My wife is in the hospital. Apparently it has to do with electrolytes and possibly her kidneys.

Prayers for Missus Megs, Megs.

Let us know soonest...

11-22-2023, 08:40 PM
I'll get back to you on that, Shay. My wife is in the hospital. Apparently it has to do with electrolytes and possibly her kidneys.

Shit buddy, i am really sorry to hear:hug:, i hope she is ok........

My wife has been in and out of the hospital, bladder issues,(MS related), which she is holding to much urine in her, and that is causing infections, and can affect and cause failure of her kidneys....

Be well and good luck buddy and i wish you both and family naches health and happiness:hug:

11-22-2023, 08:43 PM
...My wife is in the hospital. Apparently it has to do with electrolytes and possibly her kidneys.

My best thoughts go out to her my friend.

11-24-2023, 01:41 AM
My wife has been in and out of the hospital, bladder issues,(MS related), which she is holding to much urine in her, and that is causing infections, and can affect and cause failure of her kidneys....

Without our health we really are nothing, nya?

11-24-2023, 03:06 AM
My wife has been in and out of the hospital, bladder issues,(MS related), which she is holding to much urine in her, and that is causing infections, and can affect and cause failure of her kidneys....

Without our health we really are nothing, nya?

Oh, boy...we could have another thread about that.

When I think about my health travails and their chronology relative to my presence on this board, I get kind of depressed - I was a mere lad of 42 when all this began, now I'm a semi-decrepit 65.

Shay, your wife is henceforth included in my prayers.

11-24-2023, 04:36 PM
Shay, your wife is henceforth included in my prayers.

Right back at ya:hug:

11-25-2023, 10:41 PM
Hey guys, thank you for all the kind thoughts and support. Your absence is noted, Idol :dry:

She's home now, seems to have been the perfect storm of two medications, getting briefly sick and throwing up, being on the new weight loss drug (Monjourno) which was like a super hard-core crash diet, then each of the things she was eating/drinking all contained amounts of potassium. BOOM!! Electrolytes way out of balance.

I'm 52 and my thoughts are often pondering if I'm down to my last 5 years or my last 20. These thoughts have never been even a concern before. I believe it's a mix of a rough 15ish years and the seemingly endless celebrities who have always been in something or another passing away between the ages of 55 and 70. I find myself giving my daughter bits of hard-learned life lessons like I could be gone next week.

11-25-2023, 10:47 PM
Truly sorry the real (slim) Shay(dy) is having so many health issues. As a frequent gout sufferer, I have a decent idea of how much trouble not getting rid of urine can cause.

11-25-2023, 11:05 PM
Hey guys, thank you for all the kind thoughts and support. Your absence is noted, Idol :dry:

Glad to here she is doing better, and home:hug:

She's home now, seems to have been the perfect storm of two medications, getting briefly sick and throwing up, being on the new weight loss drug (Monjourno) which was like a super hard-core crash diet, then each of the things she was eating/drinking all contained amounts of potassium. BOOM!! Electrolytes way out of balance.


See with my wife potassium levels actually need to be higher than normal??

She has been pumped with bags of it through IV!!! I can tell you that is not fun, and it burns like fuck!!!! Worse than steroids!!!!!

The problem with that is not this thing you call "Electrolytes"?? It is that everything with higher potassium is loaded with SUGARS!!!!!!!??

Again everyone is different, and again glad they found the issues and fixed it;)

I'm 52 and my thoughts are often pondering if I'm down to my last 5 years or my last 20. These thoughts have never been even a concern before. I believe it's a mix of a rough 15ish years and the seemingly endless celebrities who have always been in something or another passing away between the ages of 55 and 70. I find myself giving my daughter bits of hard-learned life lessons like I could be gone next week.

Well you are ok then, you ain't no fucking celebrity:lol:

I am a few years older than you and have had a few issues, and really nothing started until i turned 50!!

Being in and out of the hospital with my wife, and praying a lot!!!, i have to say when G-D wants ya buddy, or in my case down below, that is it.....

I have seen a lot of people i am close with go early, and buried them Meg, meaning putting them in the hole shovelling the dirt and completely filling the hole!!! and the truth, none of them have come back to tell me why they were taken?? Or angry why i did it??

If one does i will let you know ok:)

Repeat..... Glad your better half is ok and doing better:hug:

PS. 70 doesn't sound that bad to me:unsure:, if i am healthy enough to still play golf;)

I have been using this term alot lately Meg "Quality of Life" , think about that?? and would be a good topic to discuss........

11-25-2023, 11:20 PM
Truly sorry the real (slim) Shay(dy) is having so many health issues. As a frequent gout sufferer, I have a decent idea of how much trouble not getting rid of urine can cause.

Well nurse has done the 8th self catheter (comes once a day to drain her) on my wife today, and she had 800 cc's (average so far) , and goes to the bathroom many times a day!!!!

She has no fucking idea nor does it bother her that she has that much!!???

I have a friend in Florida that used to get da Gout in his knees!!! Said it was brutal pain!!!!!

I asked him once if he should change to caulk?? Almost got punched in the face:)

11-25-2023, 11:55 PM
Glad to hear she's home, Megs.

Imbalances and bad reactions are a pure-D bitch.

I'm bloody lucky I'm not extraordinarily sensitive to such things; I've had my own problems with that type of thing, but only owing to my own ignorance or sloth, not on any "surprise" basis.

Issues with meds and their mis/mal-administration have landed me in the hospital on a few occasions, and gout has been a periodic problem, but, at 65, those have been the minor issues...:rolleyes:

11-26-2023, 12:58 AM
Your absence is noted, Idol :dry: I was too broken up to type and besides, it's not like she's one of those cute internet otters or anything. If one of those little darlings died I would take it hard I tell you, man. I'm crying now just thinking about it.

11-26-2023, 01:58 AM
Issues with meds and their mis/mal-administration have landed me in the hospital on a few occasions, and gout has been a periodic problem, but, at 65, those have been the minor issues...:rolleyes:


They don't have an emoji punching walls, so those will have to do....

You know my wife has the best doctor in Canada for MS.....

Now i talk to 10 other people with different doctors and they say they have the best MS doctor in Canada:huh:

Who is right??

11-26-2023, 01:59 AM
Your absence is noted, Idol :dry: I was too broken up to type and besides, it's not like she's one of those cute internet otters or anything. If one of those little darlings died I would take it hard I tell you, man. I'm crying now just thinking about it.

You may have a point there :lol:

11-26-2023, 02:07 AM
I was too broken up to type and besides, it's not like she's one of those cute internet otters or anything. If one of those little darlings died I would take it hard I tell you, man. I'm crying now just thinking about it.

Like i have always said, your sense of humour has always been twisted!!!

Good thing i know your heart is bigger than your mouth, that's why i will always back you up.....

11-26-2023, 02:12 AM
I was too broken up to type and besides, it's not like she's one of those cute internet otters or anything. If one of those little darlings died I would take it hard I tell you, man. I'm crying now just thinking about it.

You may have a point there :lol:

GEEEZ now i have a picture in my mind of a hot Otter and a FAT Walrus making love:yikes:

11-26-2023, 02:19 AM
Yes, very glad she is back home Meg. That sir, is good progress.

As we get older we can become more sensitive or can react adversely to any medications or supplements that we took before with no heed in taking them just a few years ago.

Case in point... a few months back I had an adverse reaction to an anesthetic given to me during some spinal surgery I was having... I felt like I was losing my bloody mind for sometime after... it took a quite a while to work its way out of my system.

I feel now my faculties are intact... well intact as they may have been before, which is not saying much.

You know more of my past health issues than most folks here, but after every experience we or a loved one goes through that whole "mortality" conflict arises in all of us. Its natural.

We both have a long while a head of us, just try to enjoy the journey.

11-26-2023, 05:39 AM
Issues with meds and their mis/mal-administration have landed me in the hospital on a few occasions, and gout has been a periodic problem, but, at 65, those have been the minor issues...:rolleyes:


They don't have an emoji punching walls, so those will have to do....

You know my wife has the best doctor in Canada for MS.....

Now i talk to 10 other people with different doctors and they say they have the best MS doctor in Canada:huh:

Who is right??

Well...my kid's the smartest in his special ed classroom

11-26-2023, 05:47 AM
Yes, very glad she is back home Meg. That sir, is good progress.

As we get older we can become more sensitive or can react adversely to any medications or supplements that we took before with no heed in taking them just a few years ago.

Case in point... a few months back I had an adverse reaction to an anesthetic given to me during some spinal surgery I was having... I felt like I was losing my bloody mind for sometime after... it took a quite a while to work its way out of my system.

I feel now my faculties are intact... well intact as they may have been before, which is not saying much.

You know more of my past health issues than most folks here, but after every experience we or a loved one goes through that whole "mortality" conflict arises in all of us. Its natural.

We both have a long while a head of us, just try to enjoy the journey.

It's wonderful to hear a bit of good news there! The last few updates were concerning. If only there was some way we could all transfer our bad luck and rough health to Idol!! Seems there no justice in the world...

11-28-2023, 06:56 PM
Yes, very glad she is back home Meg. That sir, is good progress.

As we get older we can become more sensitive or can react adversely to any medications or supplements that we took before with no heed in taking them just a few years ago.

Case in point... a few months back I had an adverse reaction to an anesthetic given to me during some spinal surgery I was having... I felt like I was losing my bloody mind for sometime after... it took a quite a while to work its way out of my system.

I feel now my faculties are intact... well intact as they may have been before, which is not saying much.

You know more of my past health issues than most folks here, but after every experience we or a loved one goes through that whole "mortality" conflict arises in all of us. Its natural.

We both have a long while a head of us, just try to enjoy the journey.

It's wonderful to hear a bit of good news there! The last few updates were concerning. If only there was some way we could all transfer our bad luck and rough health to Idol!! Seems there no justice in the world...

Fighting Nice, redefined.

11-29-2023, 06:17 AM
Idol's pretty much John Coffey without the heart and charm. I hear he really sucks the poison out of guys

11-29-2023, 11:57 AM
All I know is if you had done the intelligent thing and at the first sign of trouble taken you wife to a faith healer, then we would not be having this conversation, hillbilly.

11-29-2023, 12:05 PM
After all what is a doctor except just some guy with a nicer car than you.

12-02-2023, 01:31 AM
Noam Chompsky on Israeli rhetoric


12-02-2023, 04:36 PM
I understand that Noam Chomsky is considered to be something of an intellectual but what I really need is to hear Marjorie Taylor Greene's take on this.

12-02-2023, 06:46 PM
I tend to think of Noam Chomsky the way he thinks pf everything else.

12-05-2023, 07:16 PM
I was going to post something but then I thought , "No, why start a trend?"

12-06-2023, 12:30 AM
I was a mere lad of 42 when all this began, now I'm a semi-decrepit 65.

I'm 52 and my thoughts are often pondering if I'm down to my last 5 years or my last 20. These thoughts have never been even a concern before.

I am a few years older than you and have had a few issues, and really nothing started until i turned 50!!

I feel now my faculties are intact... well intact as they may have been before, which is not saying much.

There's still plenty of tape in your cassettes of life, so play them loud :smilie4:

12-06-2023, 12:30 AM
Well you are ok then, you ain't no fucking celebrity:lol:

Maybe not in the outside world ;)

12-06-2023, 02:16 AM
I am a few years older than you and have had a few issues, and really nothing started until i turned 50!!

There's still plenty of tape in your cassettes of life, so play them loud :smilie4:


12-06-2023, 02:18 AM
I was going to post something but then I thought , "No, why start a trend?"


12-06-2023, 02:19 AM
Well you are ok then, you ain't no fucking celebrity:lol:

Maybe not in the outside world ;)


12-06-2023, 04:36 PM
I understand that Noam Chomsky is considered to be something of an intellectual but what I really need is to hear Marjorie Taylor Greene's take on this.


On both:)

12-06-2023, 07:53 PM
I'm 52 and my thoughts are often pondering if I'm down to my last 5 years or my last 20. These thoughts have never been even a concern before.

I am a few years older than you and have had a few issues, and really nothing started until i turned 50!!

I feel now my faculties are intact... well intact as they may have been before, which is not saying much.

There's still plenty of tape in your cassettes of life, so play them loud :smilie4:

I'm no spring chicken either, but I just shopped around for term life insurance, and apparently nobody sees any issue to issue to insure me for a few million at very competitive rates for the next 15 years... So I am feeling pretty good. :)

Of course now I have to make sure the wife doesn't figure out that I am worth more dead than alive.

12-07-2023, 12:32 AM
life insurance

Making sure the day you die isn't equally sad for everyone, that's so considerate of you!

12-09-2023, 12:11 PM
We don't have a massive amount (not entirely miniscule, though), but enough that there'll be two reasons to celebrate when I'm gone

12-09-2023, 10:55 PM
Your wife told me that when you die she intends to hold an Irish wake for you so that the coppers don't get suspicious when they see her laughing. Dames, eh?

12-10-2023, 02:54 PM
Watching Jekalyn Carr sing O Holy Night.

Holy moly....

12-10-2023, 04:16 PM
Irish wake

You mean mourning the loss of a loved one by chugging whisky until you forget they're dead? It's what Meg would have wanted.

12-11-2023, 01:58 AM
Irish wake

You mean mourning the loss of a loved one by chugging whisky until you forget they're dead? It's what Meg would have wanted.

"Irish" would be 'whiskey', not "whisky", I think you'll find.

Merry Christmas and God Bless all my friends here...:D

12-11-2023, 02:58 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah, Seasons Greetings, and God Bless all my friends here...:D



12-11-2023, 05:23 AM
"Irish" would be 'whiskey', not "whisky", I think you'll find.

Screw that, we're in America :snooty:

12-11-2023, 05:24 AM


December is always a ton of fun, but well, so was the rest of the year.

12-11-2023, 05:35 AM


December is always a ton of fun, but well, so was the rest of the year.

:hug: :cheers:

12-11-2023, 09:16 PM
You mean mourning the loss of a loved one by chugging whisky until you forget they're dead? It's what Meg would have wanted.

"Irish" would be 'whiskey', not "whisky", I think you'll find.

Merry Christmas and God Bless all my friends here...:D

If you're not dead already the bill will kill you.


12-12-2023, 12:20 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah, Seasons Greetings, and God Bless all my friends here...:D



Thank you, Shay.

"Irish" would be 'whiskey', not "whisky", I think you'll find.

Screw that, we're in America :snooty:

I used to sell the stuff, so I'm picky.

12-12-2023, 04:12 AM
If you're not dead already the bill will kill you.


It's those angels taking their share and driving prices up, the president of Ireland should do something about this :dry:

12-12-2023, 07:41 AM
If you're not dead already the bill will kill you.


So can i assume you have a bottle Pistol Pete :hug: