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View Full Version : I am still an involuntary celibate

12-03-2016, 04:01 AM
Well, I still haven't had sex. I still have one hope though: maybe my former brother-in-law will get me a prostitute. (I can't afford to pay for a prostitute from my own pocket). But, oh God, I've been missing out on life so much! There are so many beautiful women, but I have no idea how to start a romantic relationship with any of them.

12-03-2016, 05:14 AM
Don't give up hope, Oleg- women make mistakes all the time. You could be one of them! :D

12-03-2016, 05:42 AM

12-03-2016, 08:35 AM
Wow,, Oleg. I remember about reading about this same problem like 7 years ago. I thought for sure you would have just "accidentally" walked in on your sister while she was showering or masturbating and gotten it over with by now.

Start saving them dollars. There's a stigma about paying for sex,, but trust me, running up in a pay-for-sex woman all bareback is a complete rush... Like playing Russian roulette I would guess.

About $40 is all it'll will take. You wouldn't believe the amount of self-esteem some females do not have.

12-03-2016, 10:13 AM
hey oleg,

the other day I saw funkins reply to a five year old post u made on some hush hush trackers advanced user forum, where u were happy to see some familiar faces. then someone else replied to point out you hadn't logged in in years and were probably never gonna see his reply. i was momentarily sad when i realized almost all those familiar faces stopped torrenting as well. i dont much care for private trackers anymore either but its sad to see these ghosts of when i was really involved, in a necro'd forum post 8(

but you're both still here! uwu

12-03-2016, 11:51 AM
Clawguy, TSOL are a pretty cool band, I really like that album you have as your avatar - but your posts are the most emo posts that ever have been written outside of Tumblr.
There's only so much leeway that av can buy you before people start assuming you cry yourself to sleep listening to MCR.

12-03-2016, 12:19 PM
Well, I still haven't had sex. I still have one hope though: maybe my former brother-in-law will get me a prostitute. (I can't afford to pay for a prostitute from my own pocket). But, oh God, I've been missing out on life so much! There are so many beautiful women, but I have no idea how to start a romantic relationship with any of them.

Which is surprising what with you being the big romantic and everything.

12-03-2016, 07:12 PM
Clawguy, TSOL are a pretty cool band, I really like that album you have as your avatar - but your posts are the most emo posts that ever have been written outside of Tumblr.
There's only so much leeway that av can buy you before people start assuming you cry yourself to sleep listening to MCR.

I actually cry myself to sleep listening to TSOL. o.o


12-03-2016, 07:33 PM
Well, I still haven't had sex. I still have one hope though: maybe my former brother-in-law will get me a prostitute. (I can't afford to pay for a prostitute from my own pocket). But, oh God, I've been missing out on life so much! There are so many beautiful women, but I have no idea how to start a romantic relationship with any of them.

If you're not against incest and nothing over all the time that I've known you makes me believe you might be, I hear that you're Mum will sleep with literally anyone.

12-03-2016, 07:42 PM
I am against incest, of course...
Look how beautiful she is: http://www.sex.com/pin/53612268-inocent-blonde . Unfortunately, I can't have her.

Mr. Mulder
12-03-2016, 09:21 PM
Her nips look ever so slightly strange and imperfect, you're a virgin not blind! Tell her to put her clothes back on and GTFO!!! :snooty:

12-04-2016, 01:52 AM

12-04-2016, 02:40 AM
Why did you post the picture of someone who committed suicide 2 years ago?

12-04-2016, 02:51 AM
Looks like you're well-acquainted with the event ;)

12-04-2016, 03:07 AM
Two years ago, I was curious about his case because he and I were similar in some way, but I still have no idea why that dude was so angry at the world and why he felt so detached from it.

12-04-2016, 10:10 AM
Well this has taken something of a weird turn.

12-04-2016, 10:50 AM
Good job

12-04-2016, 01:38 PM
Two years ago, I was curious about his case because he and I were similar in some way, but I still have no idea why that dude was so angry at the world and why he felt so detached from it.

Because he was mental.Next question.:coffee:

12-04-2016, 03:22 PM
Wow,, Oleg. I remember about reading about this same problem like 7 years ago. I thought for sure you would have just "accidentally" walked in on your sister while she was showering or masturbating and gotten it over with by now.

Start saving them dollars. There's a stigma about paying for sex,, but trust me, running up in a pay-for-sex woman all bareback is a complete rush... Like playing Russian roulette I would guess.

About $40 is all it'll will take. You wouldn't believe the amount of self-esteem some females do not have.

Shit, around here you could get a crack or heroin whore for 5 bucks.

Not that I would know anything about that :ermm:

12-04-2016, 04:23 PM
Shit, around here you could get a crack or heroin whore for 5 bucks.

Not that I would know anything about that :ermm:

You can get a tranny for $4 in my area, which basically means I win. I, uh... Idol told me.

12-04-2016, 05:44 PM
I told you a lot of things but strangely this seems to be the only one that stuck with you.

12-04-2016, 05:49 PM
I guess that since I'm white and don't own a bike, none of the other information was relevant :idunno:

12-04-2016, 05:57 PM
I guess that since I'm white and don't own a bike, none of the other information was relevant :idunno:

Was the Tranny on a bike?

12-04-2016, 06:06 PM
I guess that since I'm white and don't own a bike......

I find both of those statements difficult to believe, Miss. Thankfully I have an easy test for this. If you sing along then I know you are lying.


12-04-2016, 06:33 PM
Well, I still haven't had sex. I still have one hope though: maybe my former brother-in-law will get me a prostitute.

Wouldn't it be simpler and quicker if you had sex with your former brother-in-law?

Every time I pop in, you are banging on about not losing your vaginity, or is it virginity? I never know with you, Oleg.

Seems like you are just as sad today as you were all those years ago when I first had the misfortune to trip over one of your posts.

12-04-2016, 08:09 PM
Every time I pop in, you are banging on about not losing your vaginity, or is it virginity? I never know with you, Oleg.

Seems like you are just as sad today as you were all those years ago when I first had the misfortune to trip over one of your posts.

Thankfully, this "misfortune" can be easily overcome by ignoring it :wank:

12-04-2016, 09:10 PM
Well this has taken something of a weird turn.

I too thought so :unsure:

12-05-2016, 03:39 AM
Honestly, I am disappointed in the whole lot of you. When the problem was fresh, it was fun to pick on him, but after this much time, we've entered a crisis state. In this crisis state, you still pretend to offer advice or help. How insincere.

Oleg, dear Oleg, I will be a true friend. I will dress up like a pretty lady and let you have sex with me.

12-05-2016, 08:58 AM
If you're not against incest and nothing over all the time that I've known you makes me believe you might be, I hear that you're Mum will sleep with literally anyone.

I am against incest, of course...
Look how beautiful she is: http://www.sex.com/pin/53612268-inocent-blonde . Unfortunately, I can't have her.

Your mum's pretty hawt. You should be proud. :happy:

12-05-2016, 09:03 PM
Wow,, Oleg. I remember about reading about this same problem like 7 years ago. I thought for sure you would have just "accidentally" walked in on your sister while she was showering or masturbating and gotten it over with by now.

Start saving them dollars. There's a stigma about paying for sex,, but trust me, running up in a pay-for-sex woman all bareback is a complete rush... Like playing Russian roulette I would guess.

About $40 is all it'll will take. You wouldn't believe the amount of self-esteem some females do not have.

If I decide to pay for sex, does it mean I view other people as sexual objects? Is sexual objectification morally wrong? I wonder how I should view other people...

12-05-2016, 09:41 PM
Seeing how your posts here are basically one big testament to the objectification of women I think that ship might have already sailed.

12-05-2016, 10:48 PM
Seeing how your posts here are basically one big testament to the objectification of women I think that ship might have already sailed.



12-06-2016, 07:14 AM
hey oleg,

the other day I saw funkins reply to a five year old post u made on some hush hush trackers advanced user forum, where u were happy to see some familiar faces. then someone else replied to point out you hadn't logged in in years and were probably never gonna see his reply. i was momentarily sad when i realized almost all those familiar faces stopped torrenting as well. i dont much care for private trackers anymore either but its sad to see these ghosts of when i was really involved, in a necro'd forum post 8(

but you're both still here! uwu

Cheers claws. It was nice to come back to the internets and see some of the old familiar faces as well. :cool:

12-06-2016, 07:25 AM
I am against incest, of course... .

But... Why?

Because society has told you that it's "wrong"?

Pfft...fuck that. If I gave into societal norms I would be living the so-called typical life, wife/kids/thousands upon thousands in debt to a house and 3 vehicles... Just because that's how I'm supposed to live.

Nah. Soon I'll be getting me a nice rv and living wherever the fuck I want from week to week. Screwing whoever I want from week to week. And showering and brushing my teeth as little as I want from week to week

But not to stray from the topic. Have you ever REALLY thought about it? I mean, sex with a family member might be some of THE greatest sex you'll ever have because you've been taught that it's "naughty"...

Well isn't sex out of wedlock or not for creation supposed to be naughty anyways? So why not go ahead and have the naughtiest sex imaginable? I say if you're attracted to a member of the family, go for it Oleg. You never know, that same family member may be thinking the same of you...


12-06-2016, 10:01 AM
Not giving into societal norms doesn't mean that you have to aspire to the lifestyle of one of Negan's reavers.
I mean, the shops where you are right now will get restocked, and being clean feels good unless you've got a deviant French gene somewhere in your make-up.

Totally agree on the incest stuff.
Oleg should post pics of his mom's tits as this is a sharing forum and although unlikely, there may be someone among us who hasn't seen them yet.

12-06-2016, 07:17 PM
Wow,, Oleg. I remember about reading about this same problem like 7 years ago. I thought for sure you would have just "accidentally" walked in on your sister while she was showering or masturbating and gotten it over with by now.

Start saving them dollars. There's a stigma about paying for sex,, but trust me, running up in a pay-for-sex woman all bareback is a complete rush... Like playing Russian roulette I would guess.

About $40 is all it'll will take. You wouldn't believe the amount of self-esteem some females do not have.

If I decide to pay for sex, does it mean I view other people as sexual objects? Is sexual objectification morally wrong? I wonder how I should view other people...

Yes, yes and from behind bars.

12-07-2016, 07:13 AM
Eh. I've found being clean constantly is overrated. I used to gag in the past at my hippy friends cuz of their B.O. But now I've realized a little crust behind the ears and some vinegar'y balls combined with a slimy asshole is not as bad as I used to think it would be to have.

I can never give up deodorant though, so I guess I'm just a poser in the eyes of the hard core scumbags.

12-07-2016, 12:09 PM
I can never give up deodorant though, so I guess I'm just a poser in the eyes of the hard core scumbags.

You can try rubbing actual vinegar or lemon juice in those pits or other nether regions. I haven't tried it myself because who the fuck buys lemons? However, soaps are basic (alkaline or higher pH) due to sulfonates being the go-to micelle formers, and the raised pH promotes bacterial growth that leads to BO. Therefore, lowering the pH with acids (acetic, citric, etc.) should be a suitable prevention or maintenance method. Maybe even Coca Cola could work because of its phosphoric acid content, but I don't remember the pH or if it's low enough to be comparable to lemon juice.

12-10-2016, 08:58 AM
I can never give up deodorant though, so I guess I'm just a poser in the eyes of the hard core scumbags.

You can try rubbing actual vinegar or lemon juice in those pits or other nether regions. I haven't tried it myself because who the fuck buys lemons? However, soaps are basic (alkaline or higher pH) due to sulfonates being the go-to micelle formers, and the raised pH promotes bacterial growth that leads to BO. Therefore, lowering the pH with acids (acetic, citric, etc.) should be a suitable prevention or maintenance method. Maybe even Coca Cola could work because of its phosphoric acid content, but I don't remember the pH or if it's low enough to be comparable to lemon juice.

At this time of the morning, that didn't make much sense.

12-11-2016, 12:35 AM
I regret creating this topic. We all know there is no biological need for sex. We also know that all of us share one thing in common: we want others to care about us and we want to care about others. If I have sex with someone and then I'll never see that person again, will I be satisfied? I don't think so. People should have sex when they want to show their sexual partners that they truly care about them. This thread should have never been created.

12-11-2016, 12:39 AM
I regret creating this topic. We all know there is no biological need for sex.


12-11-2016, 01:02 AM
I regret creating this topic. We all know there is no biological need for sex.


Well, it's needed for the survival of the species, but not for the survival of an individual.

12-11-2016, 03:29 AM
You can try rubbing actual vinegar or lemon juice in those pits or other nether regions. I haven't tried it myself because who the fuck buys lemons? However, soaps are basic (alkaline or higher pH) due to sulfonates being the go-to micelle formers, and the raised pH promotes bacterial growth that leads to BO. Therefore, lowering the pH with acids (acetic, citric, etc.) should be a suitable prevention or maintenance method. Maybe even Coca Cola could work because of its phosphoric acid content, but I don't remember the pH or if it's low enough to be comparable to lemon juice.

At this time of the morning, that didn't make much sense.
Shut up and drink your vinegar, peasant.

12-11-2016, 03:40 AM
I regret creating this topic. We all know there is no biological need for sex. We also know that all of us share one thing in common: we want others to care about us and we want to care about others. If I have sex with someone and then I'll never see that person again, will I be satisfied? I don't think so. People should have sex when they want to show their sexual partners that they truly care about them. This thread should have never been created.
Consider the evolutionary path that brings the human population to its current existence. It is the drive to procreate, the ability to cope with hardship, the ability to avert danger and keep younglings alive until they can procreate, etc. that has become ingrained into the human psyche. Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that we feel a sense of emptiness without companionship and suffering.

Our individual constructs aren't completely molded from nature though, so nurture or environment can augment or reverse these natural imperatives.

Lastly, we are self aware. Mind over testicles is all you need to combat the despair of virginity. Furthermore, hands over testicles offer temporary relief every time you find yourself in a rut.

12-11-2016, 07:59 AM
People should have sex when they want to show their sexual partners that they truly care about them.


12-12-2016, 06:23 PM
I am just trying to say that since sexual objectification is morally wrong, it would be a good idea to have sex only in those circumstances when two people genuinely care about each other.

12-12-2016, 10:07 PM
I always genuinely care about my partner. The entire three min.. uhm, thirty minutes. On average. ;)

12-13-2016, 12:14 AM
I always genuinely care about my partner. The entire three min.. uhm, thirty minutes. On average. ;)


Three min sex , thirty minutes cuddle and cleanup, then right back to sports on the TV :D
Or for Meg 2 min on the internet with Young'ins, and 20min cuddling with the wife :P

On the Care about coitus with each other thing ..
If that were true, there would be no babies for LGBTQ2 adoptions :unsure:

12-13-2016, 07:39 PM
On the subject of gheys, I was watching Timeless on TV and now there's a lesbian character for literally no reason. Did somebody pass a edict that every single TV series must now contain at least one ghey character?

12-13-2016, 07:59 PM
On the subject of gheys, I was watching Timeless on TV and now there's a lesbian character for literally no reason. Did somebody pass a edict that every single TV series must now contain at least one ghey character?

I like better the boycott/complaints of African Americans/Canadians neglected on tv or movies, try to find a series on TV without one..

And this is not meant to be a racist thing/comment by any means, just an observation.....
As for Fudge Packers or Muff Divers, they have always been on or introduced in TV shows :yup:
Maybe you have become a wee bit more observant:D

Edit: Idol... What year did they go back to, and introduced a Rug Munch er??

12-13-2016, 08:13 PM
The woman who's in charge of something or other had whatsherface over to dinner to meet her family and it turns out that her Mr. is a Mrs.
I wouldn't care except it was just obvious pandering to the present social climate like with The Penguin suddenly discovering that he's ghey even though the entire history of that character says otherwise.

12-13-2016, 09:07 PM


12-17-2016, 06:56 PM
This thread should have never been created.

Some say the same thing about you, but you are here. So, if you are here, so is this thread.

12-18-2016, 07:16 AM
I regret creating this topic. We all know there is no biological need for sex. We also know that all of us share one thing in common: we want others to care about us and we want to care about others. If I have sex with someone and then I'll never see that person again, will I be satisfied? I don't think so. People should have sex when they want to show their sexual partners that they truly care about them. This thread should have never been created.

Right on Oleg. Now you're using your head. Honestly, I can usually get myself off better than any female could. Don't get me wrong, that warm, wet hug from their vagina around my penis is indeed great. Especially when you don't wear a condom. Not only does it feel better bareback but it's more exciting cuz you're basically playing Russian roulette. Don't know if she has an STD or not. And taking that risk is hot to me.

But...when it's all said and done all you're doing is getting your nut. Which you could probably do it better to yourself than any female could(well, that's how I am at least, I rarely climax when having sex nowadays, it sucks, I always have to listen to "are you not attracted to me").

The thing is is trying to find that one special bitch who you can completely be yourself around. Say whatever is on your mind, do whatever the fuck you want. And she would still love you no matter what dumbass shit you say or do.

Getting pussy is the easy part. Finding a "true partner"...well, that's a problem that will more than likely never happen to ya. You can literally walk down the street and run into a girl to fuck. Remember that they want it just as much as we do.

So I wouldn't care too much about the whole caring for each other part. It's incredibly hard to find a partner who you genuinely will care about. And I'm not talking about just love. I'm talking about the type of care that if she wanted to poop on your chest, you would let her because you care about her fucked up urges so much to let her. Or if she needed a kidney, and you're a match, you would actually give her one(lol, yeah fucking right).

Just go get your nut brother. If your actual "soul mate" pops up, then that's great! But I honestly don't believe in that shit anymore. Most females are just as self centered as I am. So finding "that one" I have given up on a long time ago. I thought I found "her" quite a few times already. All you can hope for is to find someone who you can actually tolerate being around on a daily basis. And vice versa...

Truthfully, I wish you the best.

05-17-2017, 08:10 PM
How does this work ?

05-20-2017, 08:20 PM
How does this work ?

Ask your mum. :P

05-26-2017, 02:02 PM
In the not so distant future