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View Full Version : Firewall Software

11-25-2003, 07:30 AM
I need firewall software that can block my LAN pc from entering irc. i dont want my other user to use mIRC because they use for war and flood. is there any way i can block them from entering irc using my pc ? im using winxp pro SP1, internet connection sharing. and one more thing, i just want to block their pc, not mine :)

11-25-2003, 07:36 AM
so you want to keep having the option of flooding them but you want them not to be able to do it to you :-"

If you are only concerned for the inbound traffic and you know their ip you can set a rule in firewall (eg: Zonealarm) to block that ip. You can give a range etc. or set your settings to extra cautious and block anything suspicious. BlackIce is very good for these purposes where zonealarm skips. Keep the combination of both.

11-25-2003, 07:43 AM
i mean, i want to block them from entering irc or some server only, while i can enter all. i just want them to learn some lesson not to flood or do stupid stuff because i share the same ip with them.

11-25-2003, 07:46 AM
I don't think its possible unless you are an administrator ;) and they are limited users.

If you do block a port used by irc, you will be blocked out as well, unless you want to go through the hassle of opening the port each time you go.

11-25-2003, 07:49 AM
simple, require a administrator login

11-25-2003, 07:50 AM
*double post

11-25-2003, 11:49 AM
If you install a firewall, such as ZoneAlarm, you can define whatever rules you want, and then password protect the lot of them. Then, only you will be able to change any settings, rules, or even close down the firewall. That way, it does not matter whether or not the other users have administrator rights or not, although an admin could disable ZA from starting up by using msconfig.

11-25-2003, 04:49 PM
is there any way to control it from my pc ? i cant install anything to their pc, because if they found something wrong they will simply format it. if im not mistaken there is a software that can be control from my pc. since im the one doing the internet connection sharing, so i might have some advantages in blocking them. tried ZA, but no use, if block them it effect me also.