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View Full Version : eMule still alive?

10-22-2017, 02:36 AM
haven't used eMule since wayyy back in the day. i'm thinking of jumping on again. i poked around the eMule FAQ sticky but even there everything is a few years old. is eMule still alive and well and is there a server list you guys recommend? there used to be a preferred set of settings as well, any updates on that?


10-22-2017, 03:35 PM
Just yesterday I was cleaning out my closet and came across old cds with old programs like Kazaa and other similar sharing progrms. I wondered if any one was still using these for file sharing. Last I looked and this was years ago IIRC they seemed loaded w/ spam and malware.

I never used them. But I had young nephews who did and I think ended up d/ling viruses onto their parents' computers. Which then I was called on to clean up.

10-22-2017, 04:44 PM
lol. the mistake there was using kazaa. eMule was clean if had the right server lists.

10-23-2017, 03:28 PM
For a good server list, see http://www.emule-security.org/e107_plugins/faq/faq.php?0.cat.6.5

You still have to configure good settings for your connection and run eMule 24/7 if you want to get anywhere, that hasn't changed. The good news is that you now have the possibility of getting a $20 router with OpenWrt and USB support, plug an external hard disk to it, install the aMule package and leave it running all the time, with minimal power consumption and without having to keep your computer turned on.

10-23-2017, 09:42 PM
cool beans.

i seed 24/7 with a NAS anyway so, no issues there.

thanks for the link

10-27-2017, 05:35 AM
Blast from the past, however wouldn't you be better of with P2P or Usenet? Just askin :-)

10-27-2017, 06:00 AM
Emule is slow as a mule. There was only one time when i needed it when i was searching for something which was nowhere to be found , not on torrents , usenet . And it took me 1 week for some MB of file

11-14-2017, 11:16 PM
Is there really anyone out there who uses Emule. last time I recall using Emule was at least 10 years ago. Especially the download speed sucks big time.

11-15-2017, 04:54 PM
To be fair, Emule was a stepping stone to better things. It was where the likes of Kademlia was first implemented into a sharing network as a forerunner of other serverless/decentralised protocols. As with any other sharing network it relies on enough people out there doing enough sharing to keep the files viable. As soon as it goes out of fashion and user numbers drop, it becomes harder for the network to supply the files you want, and people move to other, newer products with better sharing protocols.

It may be still be noodling along in some corners of the internet for historical reasons, but it's been superseded a long time ago for modern P2P users.

11-15-2017, 07:51 PM
Thumbs up if you downloaded "matrix2.avi" from eMule in 2002 :turned:

11-19-2017, 09:41 AM
You can still use eMule for small files like PDF or epub, but it's too painful for large files if you don't run it 24/7

11-25-2017, 02:03 AM
Thumbs up if you downloaded "matrix2.avi" from eMule in 2002 :turned:

hehe ;)

soooo what's the best current alternative? Usenet? like the great thing about emule was you could find the most obscure s***, cuz only one or two people had to have it burried somewhere on their hdd.