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View Full Version : how to NOT proxy other transfers when using VPN Watcher for a different one?

10-28-2017, 02:45 PM
I'm using VPN Watcher only for a Proxy, and only to suspend one application (uTorrent) if the Proxy connection drops.

When I connect uTorrent using VPN Watcher, NON-uTorrent/non-Proxied transfers (with another torrent client [Vuze] and with my usenet client Newsbin) stop.

I don't understand how to connect uTorrent to my Proxy without stopping the other transfers (which I do not wish to be proxied).

Any help, please?

10-29-2017, 03:56 AM
A VPN and a proxy are two different things, which one are you exactly using here?

10-29-2017, 01:27 PM
A VPN and a proxy are two different things, which one are you exactly using here?
Thank you very much for your reply, anon!!

I am using a (Torguard) proxy, not a VPN.

The issue does not occur (by which I mean shutdown of my un-proxied usenet downloads, and of my un-proxied Vuze torrenting) if I'm only using uTorrent (without VPN Watcher configured to suspend it (by which I mean ONLY uTorrent) when/if the Proxy connection drops).

10-30-2017, 10:32 PM
I am using a (Torguard) proxy, not a VPN.

You don't need to use VPN Watcher at all then, newer versions of uTorrent include features to prevent leaks when using a proxy.


Note proxy type could be Socks4a or HTTPS (I don't know what Torguard uses), and obviously the hostname and port will be different.

10-31-2017, 01:33 PM
I am using a (Torguard) proxy, not a VPN.

You don't need to use VPN Watcher at all then, newer versions of uTorrent include features to prevent leaks when using a proxy.


Note proxy type could be Socks4a or HTTPS (I don't know what Torguard uses), and obviously the hostname and port will be different.
That's great anon, thank you very much. Just one thing:

I'm one those people who's never used a uTorrent version newer than 2.2.1 since I've read that newer versions are often discouraged or disallowed by trackers. But honestly I don't know why; could you please point me towards learning whether I should comfortable going ahead (and solve my issue by!) upgrading to a current version?

(Oh, and any trick to getting notified of replies here? I've checked and I'm subbed to this thread, my email address is correct, and my setting is for Instant email notification.)

11-01-2017, 03:23 PM
I've upgraded to the current version of uTorrent.
I see there was a cryptocurrency mining event, and issues that affected trackers. After disabling all uTorrent's adware (https://lifehacker.com/disable-ads-in-utorrent-via-settings-826283231), I do like the interface better.

11-27-2017, 09:12 AM
yep just updgrade the torrent version