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View Full Version : How many percentage % of torrent users use/have enabled DHT?

02-20-2018, 10:56 AM
Hello, is there anywhere mentioned estimate market share on torrent clients and if these clients have DHT enabled by default?

Here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BitTorrent_clients#Features_I) is the list of torrent clients and whether they support DHT.

Any article on the market share of torrent clients or DHT? I found this one (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_BitTorrent_clients) where is said:

"Lifehacker, a software weblog, took a survey of 13,823 readers' preferred BitTorrent clients in May 2015"
"According to Lifewire in March 2017, the six most used BitTorrent clients with the most popular listed first were μTorrent, Transmission, Vuze, BitComet, Deluge, BitTorrent (original client)."
I checked and all these mentioned clients support DHT (according to earlier linked wikipedia comparison table), question is if it is enabled by default?

My aim is to discover how big importance i should give to adding trackers and how reliable is it to rely on DHT. It appears my torrent client may have issue with too many trackers.

02-20-2018, 04:28 PM
DHT is used by public trackers. Almost all private trackers recommend turning DHT off.

11-05-2018, 09:31 PM
DHT is enabled by a lot of clients by default. As mentioned private sites do not use it and recommend turning it off. However if the client is following the standards, and the torrent files were setup properly on the private site, a client configured with DHT enabled will show DHT disabled for those private torrents when loaded into it.

11-11-2018, 03:17 AM
i always disable it