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View Full Version : Interesting. Have at it Meg and Idol.....

01-19-2019, 08:05 AM
No system has been more successful at pulling people out of poverty than capitalism. Socialism puts more people into poverty. The more socialism in the country the more poverty there is.....


Agree or disagree?? Really read some of the comments and debates they have (of course you may have to go through some spammers in between).......

01-19-2019, 08:21 AM
Perfect example of Fake News that is picked up by every Left Wing media outlet and not long after Debunked and proven fake right out of the horses mouth!!.....


Nothing better than a good long day of Trump bashing and find out that you have to stick you head back in the sand, and speaking of sand this is plastered all across the Middle East and local news sites Left, Right, Center, you can choose for yourself:)
One thing to add, I guarantee that Putin is really getting a good laugh on all of this........

01-19-2019, 01:52 PM
Every news site in reporting the orginal Buzzfeed story prefixed it with " in a story yet to be substantiated by any other news organization". I'm pretty sure that is what you call being responsible.

Unlike say your beloved Faux.

01-19-2019, 01:53 PM
No system has been more successful at pulling people out of poverty than capitalism. Socialism puts more people into poverty. The more socialism in the country the more poverty there is.....


Agree or disagree?? Really read some of the comments and debates they have (of course you may have to go through some spammers in between).......

I disagree with anything the Huffington Post writes so do I really still need to subject myself to that video?

01-19-2019, 02:00 PM
No system has been more successful at pulling people out of poverty than capitalism. Socialism puts more people into poverty. The more socialism in the country the more poverty there is.....

Odd thing but none of the supposed socialist countries are actually socialist but more along the line of dictatorships.

Canada, the Netherlands and most of the Nordic countries on the other hand are socialistic, which we are more or less refering to here and none of them seem too bad. I mean except for Finland, it's a shithole.

01-19-2019, 03:20 PM
Socialism puts more people into poverty. The more socialism in the country the more poverty there is.....

Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.

01-19-2019, 06:19 PM
No system has been more successful at pulling people out of poverty than capitalism. Socialism puts more people into poverty. The more socialism in the country the more poverty there is.....

Odd thing but none of the supposed socialist countries are actually socialist but more along the line of dictatorships.

Canada, the Netherlands and most of the Nordic countries on the other hand are socialist, which we are more or less refering to here and none of them seem too bad. I mean except for Finland, it's a shithole.

Curious how you think Canada is a socialist country?? Do you mean partial?? Full??

Reading some of the comments on the article, comparing a socialist platform to communist dictatorship, does that make sense??
Also a question asked is anyone that has a Billion dollars, everything over that should be taxed 100%?? So someones self worth or success should be shut down and penalized for it?? Is that a motivation ?? Or beca
I mean people used to think a millionaire was unfair?? now that is ok but a Billionaire should be restricted?? What happens when you want to live in a city and a average house cost is a million?? Should socialism kick in and say no that shouldn't happen that an average person can't afford it??
Or the hard working person with some luck and success should be entitled?? Capitalism??
If we are a socialist Country here Idol?? Why is there inflation and the cost of living increases?? Why is there no one dictating the cost of food or rent or Gas prices?? In a socialist country do they have casinos or race tracks?? Do they dictate how much you gamble?? Or the local people can't gamble and it is for tourist to have fun, because they live in a Capitalists place and can choose what they do with there income??
Or do they have lotteries there to give someone hope to become a wealthy person?? Does Socialism allow that?? Or is that for the corrupt and people in power to play because they are allowed to live as a Capitalist and keep there people at the level of living they choose ??
All interesting how you take a simple word like socialist and how many people define it differently???

01-19-2019, 06:40 PM
I meant socialistic and made the correction because I'm stupid.

Anyway US tax rates.

Historical top federal income tax rates, 1915-2010: 35 percent: The top federal income tax rate for the 2010 taxes due April 15.
39.6 percent: Top tax rate in 2000.
31 percent: Top tax rate in 1991.
50 percent: Top tax rate in 1986.
70 percent: Top tax rate in 1980.
91 percent: Top tax rate in 1963.
84.4 percent: Top tax rate in 1950.
94 percent: Top tax rate in 1945.

And immense wealth is usually not a result of hard work as statistically most people with fortunes are born into them. They may add to them but that's not the same as starting with nothing.

Seriously though and I've already mentioned it, people making this much money aren't really doing it for the money after a certain point so it would not be a burden to use some of that excess to help the country that gave them all that wealth out. Not to mention maybe having some compassion for say all the children that have to go hungry. What's that, no and it's "their" money and fuck everyone else and I'm buying another house I never use.

01-19-2019, 06:43 PM
Socialism puts more people into poverty. The more socialism in the country the more poverty there is.....

Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.

If they starve that is good for us since the probablility of hawt Swedish women being forced into prostitution goes up. Simple economics.

01-19-2019, 07:06 PM
Unlike say your beloved Faux.

Funny you keep knocking only one news station?? Ya i think because of myself:D
But using Hanity or Tucker?? They are not news reporters and never say they are, they are guys that look at other news that is reported and make people think if it is true or factual, and that is from all news being reported out there, and sometimes they do have new things to report, but not usually...
They never call themselves News Reporters, more News Informers ??
Just as we agreed on the Newsroom show, and too bad when you hear Fox News, or CNN news, or MSNBC news or City TV news, you should be able to watch and see unbiased reporting without an opinion from the person telling you it, and it should be truthful....

I had my son and girlfriend over last night for dinner , and i brought up the discussions i was having in this site, and his comment was they don't believe any news that is reported on any of theses main stream places or even the radical ones, they look and see what is happening in reality or on the ground if that makes sense??
And the reasoning?? His girlfriends comment was what has always sold the most?? Tabloid news crap!! How many real news stations have financial interests in some sort or smut or tabloid media?? Most of them, so if they lose money on the real news stations and make large on fake, propaganda, crap!!, time to change how we tell/show/sell the news. To make money!!!! Socialism or Capitalism???
Then it was hard to explain, ya in a Democracy almost all news media is privately owned or public, not government, so how about places like Russia, Middle East, Asia?? Usually funded and Government controlled right?? Socialist?? How much truth are you going to get or expect out of that?? Or better yet are your Democracy enemies ever going to tell the truth??
Very interesting how the younger generation think today, and they did also mention they listen to pod casts of things?? Not sure if you do?? (I don't), but to me that sounds like a Hannity cult thing to do:lol:
One actually talked about how corn is so cheap why are corn chips Doritos so expensive to buy?? Well shortening up... Doritos are owned by Pepsi, and because of Trump and the tariffs on China aluminum it is costing more on making the cans so they are loosing money so if they raise the price of colas they will loose more, because of completion but everyone is still going out to buy Doritos, so raising the price had zero effect!!. Yet everyone on the planet knows corn is so cheap!!!!
Now hearing that you would figure this left wing pod caster would say boycott Doritos right?? Not a chance!!! Ends the pod cast by saying he is now going out to buy and enjoy his Cheesy Doritos :lol:. Now a socialist thinking guy feeding Capitalistic thinking?? Hmmmmm...
And it is too bad the pod caster didn't mention that Pepsi just purchased Soda Stream for Billions (Gee where is that invented and made :D).......
Socialist or Capitalism even in the Middle East .....

01-19-2019, 08:08 PM
Seriously though and I've already mentioned it, people making this much money aren't really doing it for the money after a certain point so it would not be a burden to use some of that excess to help the country that gave them all that wealth out. Not to mention maybe having some compassion for say all the children that have to go hungry. What's that, no and it's "their" money and fuck everyone else and I'm buying another house I never use.

"I meant socialistic and made the correction because I'm stupid". You are far from stupid Idol;), I knew that was a point there and it is true we are in Canada and do have socialistic things, but do we want to stretch them out to more government control?? Are they really doing a good job??
Is there really any civilian oversight, on what they are doing?? Well i can tell you Fuck NO!!!! I have experienced it personally on our health care!!!
If there was a 2 tier system implemented here ?? I am in!!!! Because the fact is the Government doesn't give a shit on my opinions on what could be saved and what could be corrected in our health care system!!!!, and the first would be the hundreds of employees on a board that is supposed to be correcting the problems, paying out huge!!! salaries to these people and it could be cut t down to nothing and put that money where it is needed!!!
And let them sit at home and do fuck all instead of getting paid and doing nothing!!! That is fact!!!
If you ever really want to have a discussion on what goes on in a Hospital and Rehab centers here you let me know!!!! A 2 tier system would be fine with me!!!!!! Socialism or Capitalism??

Looking at the stats Idol, not sure if i can look at that and say ya the rich get richer and find loop holes to pay less tax?? But you can't blame them for that right??
Or is the population growing faster and producing more middle class, or in some cases if the parents that hold the wealth and live to be in there 90's the transfer of the wealth to kids doesn't show in the middle populous?? That is they do inherit it and not donated to the humane society or something:unsure:...
It is like a parent that owns a company or practice, and brings the children in as employees not owners?? The bulk wealth is not transferred yet but it is shared to save tax at the top?? Been there seen that.......
Your last comment, i can look at it in many ways, Yes i agree with you whole heartily!!, people should give back, and it is funny the real rich are stingy that way unless there is a way to make more money out of it?? Tax Breaks!!! Ahhhh!!, so even if they pay less taxes but give to charities or fund things is that not incentive to do it??. Now if you forcibly tax the wealth, they will find ways to hide and funnel it elsewhere just out of spite!!!. Call it Greedy Human Nature.......
The biggest problem Idol , is some rich are just not built to help anyone except family, it may be wrong in some eyes but it is just how they are built, and fear that what happens if there is a chance to loose money?? Providing for family comes first. So taking into account the cost of living today how much is enough?? And the problem is to have it grow as fast as it is spent?? So if you take a philosophy of say having 3 children, educating them feeding them clothing them etc. and now do they ever leave your pocket?? Say Yes?? But as a parents nature(or at least mine), even if they don't need it now if i can help them for there kids future that comes first...
Example... You said buying a house/condo somewhere warm and it stays empty for say the summer you live in Canada. Do you consider that a waste?? Where is the line drawn??
What happens if i buy 2 condos and one is for my kids and grandchildren and they can only use it for 2 months a year?? Is that a waste?? Instead should i have given that money to a needy person?? Am i wrong i want my kids and grandchildren to enjoy life even know they never!!! asked or wanted it?? It was my choice., What happens if you take your assumption and ya the wealthy owner buys a house but never uses it himself?? But he lets employees or friends or rents it out?? What now?? He/She is not allowed to do that??And yes the loophole!!!! real estate investment!!! and fuck i am pissed i wasn't invited to use it knowing it was empty at the time:D lets sick Socialism on them!!!!!
The same and it has happened... What happens if you give your millions and your surplus that you have left is dwindled because the market losses or bad investments, or your companies go bad!!. Are other people going to feel sorry for me and help myself or just say oh too bad for you??
Again how much is enough?? you have a million, now you want two, now ten, so if i make it by hard work or grow it because of the original hard work, who is to tell me what i buy or do with it?? What happens if i have a Billion and i give away 10 million and someone says well you still have so much why don't you give more?? Not thank you for giving??
Should a billionaire give it all away and live in a 1 bedroom apartment ?? Socialism???
Yes!!!! Rich people should give to help others, but dictating how much they give away or what they are allowed to keep will never work, especially if they want to avoid corruption and chaos.....

Edit: Funny doesn't Socialism really give government control?? Who the heck wants that!!! Freedom with laws of the Land is what i want, not dictations!!
I would think if you take that meaning of the "LEFT" freedom of choice, they are marching everywhere causing violents and chaos!! , to me they don't understand the concept of having free things without government control, is that not Hypocritical or just plain stupidity!!!!!

01-19-2019, 08:52 PM
Not sure Idol if you read this.....


Again read the comments. More horseshit that will never work!! Amazon moving, what it is costing the city ?? In your thought and agreeing with you Why was that approved?? and how long will it take to get back??? Bringing Jobs or not?? Amazon was going there and would have paid for it all itself!!! Stupidity!!!!!
All in all i can say De Blasio is a retard!!!!!!

01-19-2019, 09:11 PM
Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.

What are you trying to say?? Socialism is going to stop slums?? Come on Meg, be real here., It will make it worse!!!

You keep letting unemployable immigration in the country, that will solve all the problems:yup: Open boarders are going to Make America Great!!!

Socialism/Dictatorship/Communism.. Nordic countries tried and all failed, again all these movements , rallies, in a socialists country, do they work?? Are they allowed?? do you have a better chance of getting killed or jailed even if it is peaceful :yup: ...

01-19-2019, 09:14 PM
Was this socialist Idol....




01-20-2019, 12:44 AM
Happy to hear you have it all figured out, Shay.

*Edit* But you might want to consider the other like-minded individuals mobs who think we're on the path to 'recovery'


01-20-2019, 01:07 AM
Happy to hear you have it all figured out, Shay.

Anyone that says they have it all figured you buddy, can call themselves a true socialist...

If i became an American tomorrow Meg, i would have to say i am a Republican Middle Conservative Pragmatist :boxing:

I used to think you could sum that up in one word, Democrat, but not anymore :sadwalk:

I have to say in Canada i would still have faith in calling myself a Progressive Conservative, not sure if you follow politics here or not....

How about yourself Meg?? How would you word your devotion as being as being a True Yankee??

01-20-2019, 01:12 AM
Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.

What are you trying to say?? Socialism is going to stop slums?? Come on Meg, be real here., It will make it worse!!!

You keep letting unemployable immigration in the country, that will solve all the problems:yup: Open boarders are going to Make America Great!!!

Socialism/Dictatorship/Communism.. Nordic countries tried and all failed, again all these movements , rallies, in a socialists country, do they work?? Are they allowed?? do you have a better chance of getting killed or jailed even if it is peaceful :yup: ...

First no one is calling for open borders lest of all the Democrats as they see that it's currently an untenable position if you are trying to get elected. Second, I'd take my chances any day in a Nordic country over hardcore right wing places where "freedom" equates to being allowed to own unlimited guns.

01-20-2019, 01:24 AM
*Edit* But you might want to consider the other like-minded individuals mobs who think we're on the path to 'recovery'

I can really take the positives out of it and say it is nice to see it peaceful and consider it a good cause, but the negative is i have no idea what it is about nor it is going do the square root of cock!!!!
I think they had better results in Cleveland


Kind of like Gaza without the violence and deaths, and again will accomplish the square root of cock!!. Oh wait... nothing positive here:idunno:


I could see this photographer winning a Pulitzer, but the protest/march/cause zilch...

Another note: UFC first time live broadcast on ESPN on right now!!!!

01-20-2019, 01:34 AM
First no one is calling for open borders lest of all the Democrats as they see that it's currently an untenable position if you are trying to get elected. Second, I'd take my chances any day in a Nordic country over hardcore right wing places where "freedom" equates to being allowed to own unlimited guns.

Well it is a good thing there is not enough far left Democrats voted in that you may have a chance to say they don't want open boarders, but that is growing in the party... And truly agree with you on making sure the guns don't end up in bad hands, but saying not having laws to have guns i don't.And i could say with confidence as of now i wouldn't own one if i lived in the US..
Really we should be discussing how the fuck our borders are not doing more to keep the guns coming in from the US!!!
Every minute you hear of a gun incident here now!!! Whats up with that!!! for sure Meg has something to do with it!!!

What do Democrats want Idol/Meg???


01-20-2019, 01:45 AM
Did you see this shit!!!, Not sure if it made it to North American Media....


People take this as a Joke?? Art?? I don't!!! It was taken down!!!


01-20-2019, 01:50 AM
How about yourself Meg?? How would you word your devotion as being as being a True Yankee??

Following Obama, America missed it's opportunity to elect Sanders. Call me a Socialist, I don't see a negative to that word unless it is being slandered by people who are afraid of equality and a healthy society that serves the needs of all.

01-20-2019, 01:59 AM
Following Obama, America missed it's opportunity to elect Sanders. Call me a Socialist, I don't see a negative to that word unless it is being slandered by people who are afraid of equality and a healthy society that serves the needs of all.

Ok, interesting, now who do you want/think should be in control of this to actually work for the people?? If you were actually thinking Bernie Sanders if he won?? Well being real he knew he could never win!! But the people running his camp were excellent in putting unrealistic ideas out there better word "brainwash" the weak. And all been debunked and impossible to implement..
Just saying:idunno:, but it was interesting watching Bernies Flock, sometimes i tried to count how many illegals were at his rallies, or better yet how many were actually old enough to vote??.Or the one that should be the most important had actual jobs!! Again just saying:whistling

Who should be making the decisions on what is fair and just and boundaries and standards?? Who is going to judge what state gets what?? Or you think they should all be treated the same??

Question for Idol?? Do you think if we didn't have healthcare here (even know it is shit!!!), do you think minimum employees wages/salaries would be lower??

01-20-2019, 08:29 AM
Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.

If they starve that is good for us since the probablility of hawt Swedish women being forced into prostitution goes up. Simple economics.

And the starving ones are nice and thin!

01-24-2019, 01:13 PM
For old times sake :)

01-24-2019, 01:50 PM
For old times sake :) Were you always this boring or is it a relatively new thing?

01-27-2019, 11:20 AM
Following Obama, America missed it's opportunity to elect Sanders. Call me a Socialist, I don't see a negative to that word unless it is being slandered by people who are afraid of equality and a healthy society that serves the needs of all.

Ok, interesting, now who do you want/think should be in control of this to actually work for the people?? If you were actually thinking Bernie Sanders if he won?? Well being real he knew he could never win!! But the people running his camp were excellent in putting unrealistic ideas out there better word "brainwash" the weak. And all been debunked and impossible to implement..
Just saying:idunno:, but it was interesting watching Bernies Flock, sometimes i tried to count how many illegals were at his rallies, or better yet how many were actually old enough to vote??.Or the one that should be the most important had actual jobs!! Again just saying:whistling

Who should be making the decisions on what is fair and just and boundaries and standards?? Who is going to judge what state gets what?? Or you think they should all be treated the same??

Question for Idol?? Do you think if we didn't have healthcare here (even know it is shit!!!), do you think minimum employees wages/salaries would be lower??

Bernie had a small fanatical faction, he could never have gained enough popular vote because he wasn't mainstream enough. If the democrats forerunner had been someone else other than Clinton he would have gone out earlier too. Have politicians learnt from the trump-factor, the rise of populism, otherwise we could see a repeat for his reelection.

01-27-2019, 12:20 PM
Bernie had a small fanatical faction, he could never have gained enough popular vote because he wasn't mainstream enough. If the democrats forerunner had been someone else other than Clinton he would have gone out earlier too. Have politicians learnt from the trump-factor, the rise of populism, otherwise we could see a repeat for his reelection.

To be honest NQQ, you could almost look at both campaigns of Trump and Sanders, between the rallies and there followers it looked the same in a matter of speaking.....
What really amazed me til the end is the majority of the Media never picked up the strength of the votes for Trump, and was that because of bad data or just plain denial of the journalist reporting of what the people of the US were looking for in there new President?? Bashing Trump and saying he didn't have a chance on winning?? I am just not sure what the goal is on some media outlets today??
Well you can say heads rolled with Buzzfeed and Huffington Post, lots of staff and reporters canned!!
And now looking how the Democratic party is being built?? and the candidates for the next President? I can't see really how Trump can lose??
Next if you call it pressure from the Democrats or a strategy Trump has opening the government, lets see if he gets his wall or now called barrier:01:

01-27-2019, 01:40 PM
Bernie had a small fanatical faction, he could never have gained enough popular vote because he wasn't mainstream enough. Not entirely true. The fact that he was kneecapped by the DNC right up to the line of criminal conduct at every turn also didn't help.

01-27-2019, 03:00 PM
[QUOTE=nQQ;3809561]Not entirely true. The fact that he was kneecapped by the DNC right up to the line of criminal conduct at every turn also didn't help.

Good points Idol, but again Sanders doesn't really have Democratic values/ideas, he reeks independent fundamentals,or the saying "Left", but going forward now he has opened up new generation of running Democrats and changed the agenda of the party.
I have said that using the name Democrats or Republicans don't have the same meaning anymore, now you have to do more research on actual policies, each party is promoting/pushing.....

01-27-2019, 03:41 PM
I think people should be celebrating the fact that a candidate doesn't have coporate Democractic values as those values often tend to fly in the face of actual democracy. You can use Hillary as an example of coporate Democrat if you want.

01-27-2019, 05:12 PM
I think people should be celebrating the fact that a candidate doesn't have coporate Democractic values as those values often tend to fly in the face of actual democracy. You can use Hillary as an example of coporate Democrat if you want.

Ok, your point is noted buddy. So if i was an American and i say she was too far right for the Dem party and now you have tons of new candidates looking for the goal line to beat out Trump, as long as they actually have a plan out there and not just babble and unrealistic views that can never happen, or better yet just don't go on TV or Media and bash Trump, with zero agenda to help the country??, i really hope there is someone that will be backed financially and exist..
There is always hope.......
But what i am seeing now, in my opinion not a single one of them exist:sad1:. They are all living in fantasy land....

05-13-2019, 12:03 PM
It is good to learn about and focus on Business Leaders and also other SOCIETY members that want to progress even Better Life styles in SOCIETY!

05-16-2019, 10:38 AM
In secondary school I couldn't get enough of Meg Cabot. didn't generally recall Teen Idol the manner in which I completed a group of Meg Cabot's different books, and it's amusing in light of the fact that

05-17-2019, 06:20 PM
Trump pardons Conrad Black the veritable definition of human refuse while much better men, which is to say anyone, languish in prison for crimes they actually aren't on videotape committing.

05-19-2019, 05:54 PM
People keep banging on about socialism, capitalism, realism, buggerism and all sorts of other ism's, but what is the real difference between being poor in a rich country and being poor in a poor country.

Well, when you live in a rich culture where there is money, you complain about not having the breaks in life, being subject to a drug culture, living at the ends of your means, suffering at the hands of those with wealth, and finding out that your invite to the 'Jeremy Kyle Show' has been rescinded due to the show being taken off air.

When you live in a poor culture, you don't give a shit about politics, beaurocracy or any of the other shit that people complain about, such as poor broadband speed. The only thing you are concerned about is where your next meal is coming from, whether you have enough water to stay hydrated, and whether the Red Cross will get you that life saving medicine to keep your family alive.

Fuck me!!! We first world countries have got it real tough haven't we.

05-21-2019, 07:49 PM
Their are plenty of poor people in a rich culture that are concerned about where their next meal is coming from, will have clean drinking water to stay hydrated, will have a roof over their head, will be warm in the winter. Many people have a misconception of what poor is (or that it even exists in first world countries, which it does).

05-21-2019, 09:46 PM
Their are plenty of poor people in a rich culture that are concerned about where their next meal is coming from, will have clean drinking water to stay hydrated, will have a roof over their head, will be warm in the winter. Many people have a misconception of what poor is (or that it even exists in first world countries, which it does).

They obviously haven't heard of food banks, tap water or cardboard boxes.

05-22-2019, 12:04 AM
There aren't that many food banks around, especially in rural areas. Hard to have tap water (which is terrible in many places and undrinkable) if you don't have a home.

05-22-2019, 12:35 PM
I'm pretty sure that being desperately poor is equally horrible no matter the country. The only possible difference are there are some mechanisms in place in richer countries to help people a bit. These mechanisms sadly aren't a viable option for eveyone though even where they exist.

The commie in me says the best solution is to eat the rich.

05-22-2019, 01:54 PM
The commie in me says the best solution is to eat the rich.



05-22-2019, 02:42 PM
There are that many food banks around, especially in rural areas. Hard to have tap water (which is terrible in many places and undrinkable) if you don't have a home.

Would you consider downtown Florida or downtown Toronto "Rural"?? Or Central where most of the homeless are, and tons of food banks and shelters??

The same would go with tap water... If you live in Mexico, they are used to the water there, the same when i go to Florida sometimes even brushing my teeth with tap water i notice a big difference, that is also because of the treatment plants and the quality standards of the cities or states??, and of course the pipes:)..
And my understanding are you trying to say gas station or a hotel or poor/subsidized housing that is piped from the city water is different?? News to me:idunno:

Fox's comments are right on the money, and my two cents to add to him is what is considered poor today?? And saying that, a lot of the middle class is considered poor because of there spending habits and trying to act or keep up with the upper rich!!. Saying that (Idol:happy:), if you really look at a lot of the middle class that lived in there means and could retire at the standard age, live pretty dam good:yup:..
And really the socialists morons out there thinking that the rich should help out the world by force instead of funding or donating to there choosing are in for a rude awakening and it will never happen;). If you don't like how a Democratic society functions?? There is lots of other places you can move/live.....


PS. Do you really think Socialism/Communists countries are so good?? Why don't you ask the tons that live in your Country now or are trying to get citizenship there?? Yes the new low life's coming because your retarded Democrats want to treat the Immigrants better than the poor and homeless/veterans that are true citizens of the Country!!!. But most of the older immigration came to work hard and provide for there families/children on there own not hand outs!!!!! Vetting is Something to think about MacGyver....

05-22-2019, 03:29 PM
I vote to impeach Shay.

05-22-2019, 04:30 PM
I vote to impeach Shay.

Seems pretty corrupt to me.

05-22-2019, 09:45 PM
I vote to impeach Shay.


I can say my bags would be packed even before i sold my house if any Party in Canada won,which we no is only the Green Party here that is trying and spewing the shit the Democrats are today, it really is a Joke:lol:...

I know sometimes i may be blunt and truthful Idol and it is bothersome to some people, but really there is Zero!! successful socialists countries out there!!!, and to add more truth, ya the people spewing this shit in politics will never be affected and are all Hippocrates!! Sanders and AOC are the biggest bullshitters!! and not far behind is the lying fake so called Indian.. Truth be told if you are in the inner circle of the leaders in any socialist or communist country you never see the affects, only the millions of other that are trying to flee the countries do:).. And again the truth be told!!!, the middle class can live very nicely in a democratic society, and really if they want to live like the Kennedy's?? Get into politics or make more fucking money!!!, or stay and live to your means, so 2 70" flat screens instead of 5 will have to do;)

Biden maybe in 2020:idunno:

Your pal always

05-22-2019, 09:46 PM
I vote to impeach Shay.
Seems pretty corrupt to me.

I am not sure how to respond seeing a comment like that posted from you Meg?? You are a born and raised full blooded American :lol:

05-23-2019, 12:15 AM
Enlighten me but I fail to see the difference between socialism and a traditional kibbutz. Also and this is the last time I'm going to tell you, almost every country is combination of captialism and socialism already so that boat has already left the dry dock.

Fuck, the army is about as socialist as it gets. So if conservatives want to send in the army to deal with the socialists then they will need to order all the troops to shoot themselves. Or should they start with the teachers and the police my facist friend because both of those are socialism in action as well?

05-23-2019, 12:29 AM
Btw I fine with murdering a select few socialists if McConnell is one of them. See Mitch is a public servant and draws a public wage so essentially socialist.


Theh entire story is that McConnell pretty much personally lifted sanctions on Deripaska. The oligarch then in the matter of a few (5) months announced plans to open a major plant in McConnell's district. Furthermoe the wife of the man who acted as intermediary to the deal suddenly got confirmed as a federal judge as Mitch fast tracked her appointment even though she was so inept that at her original confirmation hearing she was basically taken off the list of those being considered. But fuck obviously all of this is on the up and up and it's just good luck, incredible coincidence and being humble before God.

Btw and I'm not even joking, I'd take a German Shepard as Senator before Mitch McConnell. At least a dog has some admirable qualities and is less likely to rip your throat out when your back is turned .

05-23-2019, 01:46 AM
Btw I fine with murdering a select few socialists if McConnell is one of them. See Mitch is a public servant and draws a public wage so essentially socialist.


Theh entire story is that McConnell pretty much personally lifted sanctions on Deripaska. The oligarch then in the matter of a few (5) months announced plans to open a major plant in McConnell's district. Furthermoe the wife of the man who acted as intermediary to the deal suddenly got confirmed as a federal judge as Mitch fast tracked her appointment even though she was so inept that at her original confirmation hearing she was basically taken off the list of those being considered. But fuck obviously all of this is on the up and up and it's just good luck, incredible coincidence and being humble before God.

Btw and I'm not even joking, I'd take a German Shepard as Senator before Mitch McConnell. At least a dog has some admirable qualities and is less likely to rip your throat out when your back is turned .

As soon as i saw the name "Adam Schiff" in your link i stopped reading it immediately, all crap and Democrat propaganda, and still waiting for the proof he said he had on Trump and Russian Collusion!!, again enough already and time to move on :).. The same with Biden and his kid and foreign crap!! Trump is doing very well for Americans and even Left wing media outlets have to give him credit for that....

Where i will always agree with you Idol is your honesty on trying to find honest and truthful politicians, when you do let me know k :hug:
So after saying that now myself personally how i would judge a politician/president/prime minister/premier is when he/she runs for office and wins, they bloody do what they marketed/said/promised the rest you have to block out and not give two shits!!. With media today what is considered truth you can just throw out the window;). Being real Obama being said was the most honest,was actually the most corrupt and dishonest.. And pretty boy Trudeau the same, balance the budget by 2019?? All Crap!! and Unrealistic as well!!, but hey he legalized Mary Jane!! Can't forget that...
Now what would be a leap in society is actually see homo's in the in the White House and seeing one sitting in the Oval Office!!, and honestly i wouldn't give two shits if he/she polices are what i believe in and want to see my country move forward on it, now that is the truth!!!. But and i do say But!!!, if i see two guys kissing in the Oval Office?? That may turn me off a wee bit :sick:
The same what i am seeing with the abortion crap!!! Roe vs Wade is fine, now the right wants it completely gone and the left wants to kill babies that come out of the womb in 9 months!!, yet never a mention of the spouses/partners rights!!!. There is something wrong with both sides there!!!!.....

05-23-2019, 02:16 AM
Enlighten me but I fail to see the difference between socialism and a traditional kibbutz. Also and this is the last time I'm going to tell you, almost every country is combination of captialism and socialism already so that boat has already left the dry dock.
Fuck, the army is about as socialist as it gets. So if conservatives want to send in the army to deal with the socialists then they will need to order all the troops to shoot themselves. Or should they start with the teachers and the police my facist friend because both of those are socialism in action as well?;)
if you want the truth from me!!, i think the US should stay away from most of the fights they get into!!, and let those countries either crash and burn but we all know there is interests in them, and being a world power they are competing with Russia and there big Debt holder China.. Canada is just a weak country when it comes to political wars and basically just sided with the US that really is our biggest ally and protector....
Really reading your posts many times over?? Calling any army socialists is strange?? yes they do have to obey orders and conform?? other than that i don't get your view/point... Saying that the most successful mock socialists countries don't have military's?? They actually rely on the US and Nato to protect there ass!!! second!!, those countries are in very deep trouble now because there are getting a flock of immigration masses in there countires and i am talking the worst of the worst just draining there economy and social services , something the Republicans are trying to avoid/stop in the US and Trudeau has really fucked up here!!!!..
Again i will agree with you that the US gives the impression that they are sticking there nose in places they shouldn't, but the agenda is always a vested interest, and when you are a super power you can do it, weather you/we agree with it or not;)..

Now Teachers and Police??
If you are considering Laws and Curriculum/Freedom of Speech socialism?? I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed and don't get it??

Again just let me know if you every!!! and i mean EVER!! know of a politician that is honest wholesome and truthful:)

05-23-2019, 02:21 AM
[...] but really there is Zero!! successful socialists countries out there!!!

Scandinavia. There's two and a half for you right there.

05-23-2019, 02:47 AM
This is something interesting as well Idol...

The DNC leader refused to let Fox News host any Democratic Debates right. But yet every Democratic running for Presidential that has had a Question/Answer on Fox has blown away ratings of CNN and MSNBC combined, even if they had some Democrat QNA on there network at the same time. Now i am going to give the raw truth!! Right now if you put any Democrat on stage with Trump he will bury them!!! They can go after his character but they are fucked on going after him on policies or how the US is doing right now!!! And the American people can see that..
The majority of Americans do not want a Socialists agenda, that is reality and arguing back and forth is not going to change that. Look what happened today at the White House!! Pelosi and Schumer have a meeting an hour before meeting with Trump and talk about Impeachment!! Trump said enough and Pelosi said you are hiding something!! That was the end of that meeting, and Trump will do what he wants under executive order, and the Democrats just look like morons after 4 plus investigations that Trump or any American did collude with the Russians!!, Again the Truth!! Do i think Trump is a shady fuck!!! Fuck Ya!!, but he is doing everything he said if he was elected and the Democrats and Clinton is still crying they lost badly!!!
So the Democrats in the house are all getting paid and doing the square root of cock!!! And Trumps wall is getting built and the Immigration being financed by the Democrats are not getting in at the border, and it is chaos as well, and they don't give a shit about the people other than using them as propaganda!!!. And really why the fuck are those people leaving Socialists countries??!!! It should be great there NO!!!!. And if you really take a look at those immigrants!!, they are way better dressed that you are Idol:lol:, and band new fancy shoes as well!!!
So now it is shit or get off the pot!!! Try to Impeach and fail or move on and start helping the lives of the American People..Again being real now!! you still will have just under 6 more years of Trump!!, Elected Democrats now have to actually work for a living and start helping the people that voted them in to there jobs!!

Edit: I am guessing you didn't watch the QnA with your communist friend Sanders on Fox (just kidding on the friend thing Cabby;)) It was right out of Sanders mouth that it is not free Health Care!!! you guys will be paying for it!!! Just like Mexico will be paying for the wall, if you take the new Canada Mexico deal:).. I know you complained about the tax rebate even know you did get one and didn't pay more!!! You will be paying Bigly!!! because remember the socialist party will not be taxing the lower poorer class at all!!!, you will be making it up, and remember the rich know how to avoid paying more;), or better yet you may not have any true rich American residents anymore because there is no benefit for them to be there, and trust me that will happen. And they will loose all the manufacturing and big businesses as well, and Amazon can have a head office anywhere in the world;).......

05-23-2019, 03:08 AM
[...] but really there is Zero!! successful socialists countries out there!!!

Scandinavia. There's two and a half for you right there.
They are not fucking Socialist Countries Cabby and you know it!!! They are Capitalist with social programs and high tax rates!! And again they have no Military, The US are expected to protect Scandinavia ASS!! along with Nato, and lets see them in another 5 years with the immigration they are getting..

Nice try tho buddy;),What next?? You going to call Canada a Socialist country because we have Free Health Care?? With the average salary in the US and what you guys are going to be taxed it won't work!! And it is not just your personal tax buddy, your gas and other things will be taxed up the wazzo!! Your Liquor is not Government controlled in the US but here in Canada we are not only taxed but pay way more,plus you won't accept the standards of the care compared to you employee paid or personal paid health insurance...

It is like we go in circles all the time and you use the same props but it still is not going to make it real..The same if the Democrats get in and let every immigrant gets in, that will put huge stress on any social service!!, I can tell you it is really bad here!! And the immigrants are getting everything here for free, more than a Canadian Citizen does!!, and we are paying for it in costs and huge wait times for procedures/tests/operations and emergency waiting rooms!! There is no fucking way that an American is going to wait 9 months for a CT scan or longer!!!...

Again time for both parties Dems and Reps start helping the people that voted them in and not fighting who is President!!!

05-23-2019, 05:47 AM
Scandinavia. There's two and a half for you right there.
I like socialism, but refuse to recognize it because I am wealthy and don't give a fuck about anyone else. Mine. Mine. MIIIINEEEE!!!

I like you Shay, but your brainwashed mind hurts mine.

05-23-2019, 12:19 PM
Calling any army socialists is strange?? yes they do have to obey orders and conform?? other than that i don't get your view/point...
Now Teachers and Police??
If you are considering Laws and Curriculum/Freedom of Speech socialism?? I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed and don't get it??

Again just let me know if you every!!! and i mean EVER!! know of a politician that is honest wholesome and truthful:)

Socialism definition. A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ie the government and it's agencies.

A capitalist army on the other hand would be privately owned like Blackwater or whatever name those wank mercenaries are hiding under now. Ironically where the US military really fails is by not in-housing it's own arms production and allowing for the bloat and greed of defense contractors to do it "capitalistically" instead. $22000 hammer anyone?

A private police force would be this. So...cool.


A private school would be like Appleby College so there would be no girls but still a lot of buggery.

05-23-2019, 12:32 PM
It is like we go in circles all the time and you use the same props but it still is not going to make it real..The same if the Democrats get in and let every immigrant gets in, that will put huge stress on any social service!!, I can tell you it is really bad here!! And the immigrants are getting everything here for free, more than a Canadian Citizen does!!, and we are paying for it in costs and huge wait times for procedures/tests/operations and emergency waiting rooms!! There is no fucking way that an American is going to wait 9 months for a CT scan or longer!!!...

Also you really do buy into all the insane scare tactics of the Right don't you? No one in any position of responsiblity basically anywhere is espousing letting every immigrant in or doing away with capitalism.
Basing your whole belief system on a lie is standing on pretty shaky ground.

05-23-2019, 12:42 PM
Also you really do buy into all the insane scare tactics of the Right don't you? No one in any position of responsiblity basically anywhere is espousing letting every immigrant in or doing away with capitalism.
Basing your whole belief system on a lie is standing on pretty shaky ground.

Yes and no, and the same here in Canada Idol, they do let a lot of crap in, and to your point the media outlets only pick out the bad cases or things that will make you weary of things, but ya there is a ton of crap that gets in and tries to start a ruckus!!.. And there really is border issues and it is being funded by Left wing parties to stir the pot. It is amazing on some of the riches brain function, and how they think and do things, some like to do good and some are really fucked up!!!

The other real issue is the affects of things are not always immediate, meaning the worst of the issues more or less affect the future more...

Just saying

05-23-2019, 01:06 PM
I like socialism, but refuse to recognize it because I am wealthy and don't give a fuck about anyone else. Mine. Mine. MIIIINEEEE!!!

I like you Shay, but your brainwashed mind hurts mine.

You are wrong and you have no idea who i help or choose to what charity i give too!!, but you wouldn't understand that because i highly doubt you would think of giving to anyone else the way i see a comment like that;)..
The bottom line is even if i am wealthy, it is my money and i get to choose who and what i do with it, fi you can't understand that well ??
I have been poor and i have had some good fortune in my life, i guess if you haven't experienced both sides of a coin, it will make you have only one sided view... Just remember you can always pack your bags and move out of America and go where you feel will benefit your family!!. What is that saying?? "Talk is Cheap", and having a conversation on FST, and seeing someone else's perspective and not really knowing what the person does on the other side to help others or there loved ones is just pure speculation..
You taking care and building a sanctuary for farm animals in your backyard and putting joy on kids faces (and probably pissing off your wife big time!!), is your way of expressing yourself, if i choose to donate X amount of dollars to the Hospital that my children were born at to help other kids in the future is mine!!. Making comments like you did makes zero perspective of the distinction of either of those things?? To me any good deed that brings joy to others is a good thing, but it will always be my choice and not one fucking person is going to force me on my choices!!, That is your biggest problem, If i worried about all the people wealthier than me, it just brings misery!! and it is time for you to get over that and enjoy life because it is very very short;)..

And as you know i like you too Meg.....


05-23-2019, 02:05 PM
Socialism definition. A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ie the government and it's agencies.
A capitalist army on the other hand would be privately owned like Blackwater or whatever name those wank mercenaries are hiding under now. Ironically where the US military really fails is by not in-housing it's own arms production and allowing for the bloat and greed of defense contractors to do it "capitalistically" instead. $22000 hammer anyone? A private police force would be this. So...cool.
A private school would be like Appleby College so there would be no girls but still a lot of buggery.

I am no sure what response you want from this post Idol, but seeing it makes me think of a mind of a Radical Dictator choosing to spin and twist something to allot for his misdoings:unsure:...
If you consider Loyalty and Patriotism, to be some sort of socialism?? Well ok great?? Or you been playing and watching too many movies/video games that have mercenaries, and spies in it, that we should deal with when we do meet in person some day buddy:)...
Really seeing both yours and Megs perspective, having an open mind is good, and yes the only way to learn is to have some failures along the way, that is human nature i suppose??. But drastic change in a society or a major overhaul with millions of lives to me is just way more devastating!!.. Gradual change may be an option, to test out waters in anything?? But to reverse a way of living to people will never fly in a Democratic Society....
As Fox said what is the difference if you are poor in a socialists country or a democracy country?? Well i know one thing for sure!!! In a socialists country poor will always be poor for reasons of Government control!!!. In a democracy society and a open market, anyone has a shot for success, there is no one to stop you!!!. Again if you feel you want to live in a poor socialist's society?? There are lots of places for you to go!!. If you see others and you are jealous how they are living where you are?? You can move!!!, If you had some success and want to move to a different neighborhood you can in a Domestic society, can you in a socialist one??...I mean did anyone watch the Stalone's movie "Demolition Man":unsure:
Again right now i am very happy in Canada even with the higher taxes and cost of living, could social controlled things be improved and made better?? I would hope so!!. But like in any society!!, things will always be out of reach for some, but in a socialists controlled one they will never be reached!!, in a democratic one, there is always dreams, success, self reliance, goals, and a better chance of getting them:01:..

If you don't agree with anything i said well?? I am not sure what else i could say?? If would be interesting to hear a response from Fox??


PS. I have always said this......
If you know a guy and he lives and rents an apartment, but chooses to drive a brand new 100 thousand dollar Mercedes, instead of buying a small house and driving a Honda accord ?? What is that going to do to change your life??!!!! Well in a Democratic society, you have those choices and opportunities, or better yet motivated goals!!!. A few Democrats want to give away free money to people sitting on there asses at home smoking weed!! Is That is ok with you??!! Well!!, not me!!!

05-23-2019, 09:13 PM
PS. I have always said this......
If you know a guy and he lives and rents an apartment, but chooses to drive a brand new 100 thousand dollar Mercedes, instead of buying a small house and driving a Honda accord ?? What is that going to do to change your life??!!!! Well in a Democratic society, you have those choices and opportunities, or better yet motivated goals!!!. A few Democrats want to give away free money to people sitting on there asses at home smoking weed!! Is That is ok with you??!! Well!!, not me!!!

It would be easy to dismiss people's shitty lives as 'irresponsible' and 'unmotivated' (you do), but there's so much more to the system than that. Are you suggesting that 69% of the population is simply careless, wasteful, and lazy?

Here's the 'Commie' rag Forbes with a breakdown... https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2016/09/23/survey-69-of-americans-have-less-than-1000-in-savings-infographic/#1383c61f1ae6

I was reminded of this today when I went to Costco, spent $400+ on miscellaneous things without even asking my wife if we had the money in the account-- I just knew things were fine. More than 1/2 of America couldn't buy groceries/household items like that. Personally, I think that's abysmal.

05-24-2019, 12:07 AM
It would be easy to dismiss people's shitty lives as 'irresponsible' and 'unmotivated' (you do), but there's so much more to the system than that. Are you suggesting that 69% of the population is simply careless, wasteful, and lazy?

No Meg i am not saying that completely, what i am saying is and Idol will i think agree with this is there are a lot of unnecessary purchases and spending that are causing massive credit card debt, remortgaging etc. and the cause and effect, someone needs to be blamed and it seems like it is easy to blame everyone except the actual impulse purchasers. So who do you blame??

I was reminded of this today when I went to Costco, spent $400+ on miscellaneous things without even asking my wife if we had the money in the account-- I just knew things were fine. More than 1/2 of America couldn't buy groceries/household items like that. Personally, I think that's abysmal.

Not to be nosey by any means Meg, and i know from experience that walking around in Costco or BJ's or Sam's money disappears like water!!..
And you saying you didn't know if you had the money in your account?? Well if you paid Debit Card you were going to learn fast!! And if you paid Credit Card well you have a deferred month to pay the bill, or carry a balance and pay it off when you can, Or you have an overdraft on your bank account and carrying a lower interest rate owing balance?? I have been there and done that Meg!!, and most Canadians live like that, even if they make a great salary, there spending habits are not always the most intelligent:01:...
You want a ridiculous story that i have done Meg... I will give you one..... I was trying to figure out if there is savings actually using dishes and the dishwasher instead of using chinet paper plates that i was buy by the bag full at Costco!! because at one time i thought my kids were actually eating them how they were used and disappearing!:lol:, i can tell you how the fuck can you really do that math:lol:, so how did i solve the issue?? I stopped buying paper plates and forced my kids to use real plates, because i was just too lazy to constantly go to costco to buy them , and it also saved me money from the impulse buying every time i walked around the store;)...
Then i started to look at the purchases that i was doing at costco and seeing how much i was actually throwing out because of the bulk purchases as opposed to going to a regular Walmart and buying it either on sale or there regular price?? Again i didn't have to do this by any means for financial savings!!, but i did it anyways.. Now just saying that how many middle class people really do that?? Look at what they are spending?? Well the Credit Card debt numbers tell me that!!, and it is not the poor racking up all this debt!!...
Next and really think about this because it is fact!!!!.. How many people have cell phones and buying the latest!!??, and i am talking 13 year old kids walking around with IPhones?? What is the cost monthly for that?? How many poor kids do you see walking around in a mall with $150 running shoes?? Fancy designer Jeans?? I walk around with a $5 Fruit of the Loom pocketed T-Shirt:), can you tell which one is well off or poor today?? Or what media outlet you decide to believe?? Again i am not begrudging anyone or telling people how to spend there money, but what is more important good healthy food or Technology/toys.. Yes i am saying the middle class sees how wealthier people live and want the same things...
Most of American's/Canadians will always have debts as long as there is wants;)


PS. What food produce did you buy, and how much was actually crap?? Steaks?? or Hamburger meat?? Pasta?? Prepared food??How long will it last what you bought/how many meals??

Now i am done with this subject because you will never agree with my view, and i only agree with you partially, because i lived both sides of the coin, and i will tell you i am more conscience in the position i am in now and better off than spending money like water that i didn't really have or should have!!, and life will move forward and nothing is going to change....

05-24-2019, 12:54 AM
I guess my point was more obscure than I expected. My family has reached enough just far enough into comfort that I didn't have to ask *if* we had the money. In the past, we struggled and there were set limits. We're both working, our house has half equity, vehicles are paid off and maintained. Everyone has health insurance, dental, etc. I believe we have 2 active credit accounts, but those are more just f-around expenditures than *needing* credit for daily living.

What I find sad is that is FAR from the norm in this country. Those people in the bottom half won't ever have it that good. Ever. And that is what's wrong with the system. No house to build equity. No money in savings.

I've made the journey from *poor* to not-so-bad. Very few do.

People do waste money on *some* things. Many more things take advantage of their difficult circumstances. Rent. Low wages. Cost of living. Healthcare.

05-24-2019, 01:41 AM
I've made the journey from *poor* to not-so-bad. Very few do.
People do waste money on *some* things. Many more things take advantage of their difficult circumstances. Rent. Low wages. Cost of living. Healthcare.
Lots do if they are motivated and want too, and what is nice is living in a Democratic society gives you the opportunity to better yourself....
I am glad you are doing well and the most important is you are happy and healthy and the same with your family;)

Again people waste more money than you really can think of, but it is irrelevant, and one thing the Democrats did think of that was great in my eyes was to try to lower interests rates on credit cards!!!, and i hope both Dems and Reps can sooner or later come up with some sort of relief for health care, that will work for the people that don't have private insurance, it is really important and paying rent you do get taxable benefits for lower incomes..

But always remember and even Sanders said this, you can't have tons of immigration and solve the Health Care issues/cost, that is why i laugh at thinking Open Borders is good for any country...

Another True story......

I went with my Mother inlaw the other day shopping a grocery store, (I get a deal from the Butcher when i buy chuck roasts that i have him ground up for my hamburgers:D). so before i walk in the store there is a female immigrant standing in front with a sign made out of cardboard saying "I just lost my job and have 3 kids at home", I was fucking disgusted!! I know she gets housing food, full health care (better than i get!!!), all her drugs paid for!!! on my taxes!!!, yet she is still begging for money!!!! I was livid!!! I yelled out where are your kids that you are here begging for money that my taxes and government is paying everything for you to be here!!!, She didn't answer!!, I know she is sending the money back home to other parts of her family, and she has never worked a day in her life !!!!, Then i thought her kids must be in daycare that the Government and taxes pay for!!! , And she was supposed to be looking for a job!!!! Not begging for cash that she can steal on top of the shit she is getting !!! A ton more than a true Canadian Citizen that may have hard luck or trying to make ends meet!!!!

Sorry that bothers me beyond belief!!!... Vetted immigration is good for any country Meg, but keep putting stress on services, and believe me if you get Socialized health care there (I doubt that will ever happen tho) if people get a small cut on there finger they run to the hospital!!!! and you have the potential to sit in emergency for fucking hours till you are seen!!!, I have never spoken to anyone in Florida that has private health insurance ever waiting like that!!! They thought that was fucked up!!!! And how many empty beds in the hospital because there is not enough nurses because of funds to monitor them, so the ward stays empty, while you can sit in the emergency for hours!!! to get admitted if needed. Even some friends i have have American Divisions for there job and cross the border because they are covered there, and get service right away(one had gastric bypass surgery there, had to wait over a year in Canada!!)...

Edit: What i don't get is there may be some instances that warrants sympathy, but if the Democrats take more from the Middle Class in taxes etc. and you know it is going to happen!! what happens then?? Again there will always be poor people Meg, but in a Democracy society, they do have a chance to get out of it if they want too, it is proven that in any socialists or communists country/concept the poor have zero chance of bouncing back or bettering themselves, i mean i don't see lineups trying to get into Russia or other socialist countries?? There is no handcuffs on any American or Canadian that can't move somewhere else in the world??

Just saying.....

05-24-2019, 02:20 AM
Where the Heck is Idol??

05-24-2019, 02:29 AM
200 MILLION people don't have $1000 to their name.

05-24-2019, 02:58 AM
200 MILLION people don't have $1000 to their name.

Sorry buddy but you i just have to say it is not the fault of the Economy nor the Government , nor your are not showing any stats on how many of them live beyond there means;), you can say the same thing here in Canada, now you are telling me none of those 200 million own homes/pay mortgages, have families to provide for, i mean good credit if they need funds, putting money towards pension?? Your exaggeration is just not believable, and it goes back to people living beyond there means, buying/ leasing fancy cars, buying a house they really can just pull off, and so on...
If you own a house in Toronto here most have mortgages between $500 thousand to a million dollars and have a1 credit and paying there bills, the same if you even make payments on a credit card or line of credit you will still have a+ credit ratings, Interest rates are low to borrow money and build equity if you have a stable job and especially if both spouses work, so i don't get the point you are trying to make Meg?? There are many many people that are investment/real estate rich and liquid cash poor, and you have over 330 million people that are legal citizens in America, and 200 million are cash poor?? And knowing for facts 190 million have private health insurance which means they have decent jobs. You do know illegals don't count , only maybe in the media outlets you choose to believe..
Again a debate that will go nowhere;), And i hope the Democrats try to use those stats, Trump will win even faster:)

Edit: And maybe i should really add, that really when a there is a Democratic nominee , everything you hear now policies and all will be gone and more realistic policies will be voiced to compete and have a chance against Trump, i hope we are on the same page there?? I mean the removal of Farting cows won't exists anymore:lol:

Pure White wholesome Geritol Oboma clone Democrat Biden 2020 :lol:

05-24-2019, 03:47 AM
I will finish the night with these moron Democrat Left wing blunders....

You have Amazon willing to build a satellite office in New York and requests tax rebate incentives to build. Now you have a stupid bartender thinking that the money/rebates requested is paid out by the city!!.. Now you fuck it all up and not gain the Billions in Taxes you will get from all the employees that make great incomes and buy housing, eat at restaurants, buy hard good and soft goods (Furniture etc), transportation revenues, tons of money that will go into the economy!!, Just a retarded bartender!!!!, with zero idea/vision of growth/infrastructure!!, now cities are begging and lining up to get Amazon to build in there cities:happy:

It is like going into a dealership to purchase a car and see the sticker price(MSRP), and just paying that price:lol:, who has the leverage the consumer or the retailer/dealership LOL!!!, Capitalism 101!!!...

Another new Left wing Democrat didn't understand how a commission salesmen could have fluctuating income and she is part of the finance house committee LOL!!! you just have to laugh your ass off!!!!

And you talk about Republicans screwing up the country!! You have to give Pelosi credit when she said a cup of piss could have been voted in to some districts LOL!!! zero competition especially in prominent Democratic areas and one person to choose from. The irony is Pelosi is now afraid of these dummies, and she has more brains in her left tit than these morons!!!

05-24-2019, 06:11 AM
You're consistent. Not by any means a good way, but *consistent*.

05-24-2019, 11:40 AM
No Meg i am not saying that completely, what i am saying is and Idol will i think agree with this is there are a lot of unnecessary purchases...

Non fitness related?

Well true I have this idea that unnecessary purchases are what largely fuel the ecomony as well as create a whole ton of jobs for people who don't want to be farmers.

If life has taught me anything it's that in the end all you really need is a good sword and a strong arm to wield it.

05-24-2019, 11:51 AM
I will finish the night with these moron Democrat Left wing blunders....

You have Amazon willing to build a satellite office in New York and requests tax rebate incentives to build. Now you have a stupid bartender thinking that the money/rebates requested is paid out by the city!!.. Now you fuck it all up and not gain the Billions in Taxes you will get from all the employees that make great incomes and buy housing, eat at restaurants, buy hard good and soft goods (Furniture etc), transportation revenues, tons of money that will go into the economy!!, Just a retarded bartender!!!!, with zero idea/vision of growth/infrastructure!!, now cities are begging and lining up to get Amazon to build in there cities:happy:! Forgive her for having the affront to let coporate blackmail leave a bad taste in her mouth.

As for the Democrats, the thing I find most egregious about the current lot is that their failure to open impeachment hearing on Trump only because it might end up hurting them politically. Your consititutional duty doesn't give a fuck if you get re-elected or not, you sniveling cowards.

05-24-2019, 11:59 AM
Also I think there is a lot of confusing of motivation with opportunity in this thread. I'm only saying that because I don't believe someone who works 2+ shit jobs 60+hrs a week just to get by is any less motivated(lazy) to succeed than your average Fortune 500 executive living the high life.

05-24-2019, 12:08 PM
If life has taught me anything it's that in the end all you really need is a good sword and a strong arm to wield it.

:artist: :boxing: :artist:

Hope all is well buddy and always good to see you;)

05-24-2019, 12:22 PM
Forgive her for having the affront to let coporate blackmail leave a bad taste in her mouth.

That would be disgusting if it were true!!, Amazon made an offer for incentives to build and any time the New York counsel could have made counter offers or accepted.. That is 101 in a Capitalist society, and a great one to boot;). It was the same here in Aurora Township when Magna (Frank Stronach) negotiated for incentives fo build infrastructure here, Plants, Golf Course, Housing, Condos, And Millions and Millions of dollars in charitable donations!!! It worked just perfect:yup:

As for the Democrats, the thing I find most egregious about the current lot is that their failure to open impeachment hearing on Trump only because it might end up hurting them politically. Your consititutional duty doesn't give a fuck if you get re-elected or not, you sniveling cowards.

I luv if they did, again there is zero evidence to Impeach, they will loose badly with Moderate Democrats voting against and my repeat will just get Trump elected faster!!
Ya they should go for it;), And i also Remember saying Pelosi has a great set of Boobs!!, there were in real action yesterday when she did shaky hand gesture Beto impersonation:)

05-24-2019, 12:42 PM
Also I think there is a lot of confusing of motivation with opportunity in this thread. I'm only saying that because I don't believe someone who works 2+ shit jobs 60+hrs a week just to get by is any less motivated(lazy) to succeed than your average Fortune 500 executive living the high life.

At least there is 2 jobs to get, and second the illusion of someone working 2 jobs is only getting by in cases is also false, and there is a few Wants, or expenses to better the lives of there family (children or expected children), for a better future (Been there and done that as well)...Again you just don't know what life can throw you Idol, the same with Tech or Inventive ideas today, again there is opportunities out there...

As for the CEO's etc out there.... To be honest i have always been puzzled about that, in it is like a cult or small club that just move from Corporation to Corporation even know they Almost Bankrupt or put them is a Bad situation the first one they worked at?? Then they are hired to the next one to fuck up without actually giving a young hungry outsider the opportunity?? They only seem to have that chance if it is something they started themselves???
Just saying
Funny it also really seems in a lot of cases that even disabled or mentally challenged people are more motivated than educated ones to work??
Also speaking with my kids and there friends, and looking at a 4 year University education or a 2-4 year College education and seeing which one is actually more beneficial today?? Meaning in Cost and actually Getting a steady well paying job today (That is if you are not going into a family business:D), it was a very interesting Debate/Conversation, and i am not sure what you think about that???

05-24-2019, 04:35 PM
Also I think there is a lot of confusing of motivation with opportunity in this thread. I'm only saying that because I don't believe someone who works 2+ shit jobs 60+hrs a week just to get by is any less motivated(lazy) to succeed than your average Fortune 500 executive living the high life.

At least there is 2 jobs to get, and second the illusion of someone working 2 jobs is only getting by in cases is also false, and there is a few Wants, or expenses to better the lives of there family (children or expected children), for a better future (Been there and done that as well)...Again you just don't know what life can throw you Idol, the same with Tech or Inventive ideas today, again there is opportunities out there...

As for the CEO's etc out there.... To be honest i have always been puzzled about that, in it is like a cult or small club that just move from Corporation to Corporation even know they Almost Bankrupt or put them is a Bad situation the first one they worked at?? Then they are hired to the next one to fuck up without actually giving a young hungry outsider the opportunity?? They only seem to have that chance if it is something they started themselves???
Just saying
Funny it also really seems in a lot of cases that even disabled or mentally challenged people are more motivated than educated ones to work??
Also speaking with my kids and there friends, and looking at a 4 year University education or a 2-4 year College education and seeing which one is actually more beneficial today?? Meaning in Cost and actually Getting a steady well paying job today (That is if you are not going into a family business:D), it was a very interesting Debate/Conversation, and i am not sure what you think about that???

Wise words, Shay!

Arbeit macht frei

05-24-2019, 05:20 PM

Freddie should have thought it through better and left AIDS out of the request.

05-24-2019, 08:45 PM
Wise words, Shay!
Arbeit macht frei

I come back from my wife's monthly MS Infusion and check out the new posts and see this.......
Do you think that a Holocaust Nazi slogan in any post addressed to me is appropriate Meg?? It would be like me going after your family!!!! I don't think you would appreciate that!!!! And think that 2 actual friends would never!!! use a phrase like that ever!! unless it has "NEVER AGAIN" in the post!!!Disgusting and Disgraceful and you really should be ashamed of yourself!!

I recommend you avoid doing that in the future..And i think it is time to remove the out of context splash screen and start acting like a adult .....


PS. Not only am i disappointed and Angry, I know that anything i type on this site i would say it right to the persons face!!, if you said that to me in person!!! you wouldn't be standing very long!!!! That's how angry i am seeing that in a post from you Meg a supposed friend......

05-24-2019, 08:50 PM
Freddie should have thought it through better and left AIDS out of the request.

Were prophylactic's not invented then:unsure:

05-25-2019, 01:47 PM
Wise words, Shay!
Arbeit macht frei

I come back from my wife's monthly MS Infusion and check out the new posts and see this.......
Do you think that a Holocaust Nazi slogan in any post addressed to me is appropriate Meg?? It would be like me going after your family!!!! I don't think you would appreciate that!!!! And think that 2 actual friends would never!!! use a phrase like that ever!! unless it has "NEVER AGAIN" in the post!!!Disgusting and Disgraceful and you really should be ashamed of yourself!!

I recommend you avoid doing that in the future..And i think it is time to remove the out of context splash screen and start acting like a adult .....


PS. Not only am i disappointed and Angry, I know that anything i type on this site i would say it right to the persons face!!, if you said that to me in person!!! you wouldn't be standing very long!!!! That's how angry i am seeing that in a post from you Meg a supposed friend......

Here's the thing, Shay... when your feverish, neo-con, white nationalist bullshit Fox regurgitations gets to the point where your argument for how the poor (literally half the population) just need to 'work harder, be less "wasteful", apply themselves (because they're just lazy screwups) mirrors famous Nazi propaganda, I'm either going to call you a fucking idiot OR reference your stupid idea in hopes you'll clue in on it.

05-25-2019, 03:16 PM
I come back from my wife's monthly MS Infusion and check out the new posts and see this.......
Do you think that a Holocaust Nazi slogan in any post addressed to me is appropriate Meg?? It would be like me going after your family!!!! I don't think you would appreciate that!!!! And think that 2 actual friends would never!!! use a phrase like that ever!! unless it has "NEVER AGAIN" in the post!!!Disgusting and Disgraceful and you really should be ashamed of yourself!!

I recommend you avoid doing that in the future..And i think it is time to remove the out of context splash screen and start acting like a adult .....


PS. Not only am i disappointed and Angry, I know that anything i type on this site i would say it right to the persons face!!, if you said that to me in person!!! you wouldn't be standing very long!!!! That's how angry i am seeing that in a post from you Meg a supposed friend......

Here's the thing, Shay... when your feverish, neo-con, white nationalist bullshit Fox regurgitations gets to the point where your argument for how the poor (literally half the population) just need to 'work harder, be less "wasteful", apply themselves (because they're just lazy screwups) mirrors famous Nazi propaganda, I'm either going to call you a fucking idiot OR reference your stupid idea in hopes you'll clue in on it.

Half the population is poor?? How do you know??!! Are you friends with them??, Do you speak to them?? Or you just believe the media outlets you choose to go to?? How are you affected?? Do you consider you are in the 50%?? Or you just feel sorry for them if your numbers are even right?? And if you are right?? over 50% are poor and the other is split up between Upper/Middle Class and Well Off and Rich?? Do your really think you are making sense?? Where do seniors fit into your stats??
That is your Garbage excuse for using any type of phrase like that for a friend!!! Own up to it!!, and if you don't agree with my view of anything don't respond!!, but don't look at excuses for garbage you posted!!! And if you are personally frustrated in your life then that is what PM's are for if you don't want to talk about it in a open forum!!. A great way for long distance friends to talk in a personal way!!!

The same with your garbage splash screen!! You took something out of context and think you are smart, if everyone did that here what legitimacy do you think you have?? is it to stir up shit??!! Or piss off your long distance friend!!! Or better yet own up to it and say ya Shay i think Jews did?? Have the balls to do that!!!.....
And the bottom line is you can have your left wing views and i really don't give two shits!!! The same you can vote for who you want in the next election!!!, again your right living in a Democracy country!!! And saying "Neo Con"!! (And i am Jewish:rolleyes:)That is your view not everyone and your economy is doing better than it has in decades!! If it hasn't trickled to you?? What do you want me to say "SORRY"!!, you seem to have the privilege of the internet, to voice your views to i would hope i am your friend and seem to be doing what the fuck you want to do!!!, I worry about others as well but no matter where you are there will be poor people Meg!!, and taking from the Rich that either did earn or inherited is not the solution!!, and if you actually use your brain and think!!! It is the MIDDLE CLASS!! and your so called poor that are making those other people rich by purchasing or using there services to better there lives!! Where do you think the evaluations come from the Rich??!!!!That's Capitalism is it not?? I really don't understand what your goal is Meg?? Do you want to take from the rich and make the Middle Class and the Poor equal?? do you want to make the Rich poor?? Wrong country!!, and Wrong concept of Democracy and Capitalism!!.. Or if i am way off base here Meg!!?? Explain what your concept should be living in a Democracy society??
You are smart or have enough common sense forget about your education that you don't have to use something to hurt your friends or others!!!!! And if you were smart enough!!! "Stupid" or "Dumb" would have been better than what you posted!!!! Again it would have been your view/opinion....
And you think my ideas are stupid maybe a lot of others think yours are!!!Republicans did win the White House, And if Trump gets back in 2020 i guess that can be debated right!!!!
What you posted was 100% wrong!!! and i always thought you were better than that!! And i never say your views are stupid!! They are your Views!!! And i can agree/ignore/or say my view that is what a conversation/debate is all about!!! Not Slander or wish harm on others!!! That is how "HATE" and "VIOLENCE" happens!!!..

You were wrong and it is your choice to own up to it or not, but things like that i don't forget....

Shay (J)

PS. So far 99% what Fox News has said has been true!! Do you dispute that??!!. CNN MSNBC for 2 years has lied??!! Do you dispute that!!!!??
Fox News has many news anchors that are Conservative and Liberal what about all the places you go?? Is it one sided to just fit your views?? Again all your choice and you have that luxury to have that choice in a Democracy society!!! You don't like that Move somewhere else!!! We have a Liberal Government here in power!!, Do you think i really see a difference in life??!! My kids go to work!!! They get paid!! I go eat in restaurants!! No Difference!!!, I buy Groceries !! Some things are expensive and it is my choice if i want to buy them or not!!! Do i notice some effects that happened?? Ya but it is not really affected my everyday life......
You talk cost Meg!! you have no idea what it costs to be Religious Jews!!! Meat and Fish are 3 Times the Price to buy!! , but they survive!!! (Not me of course being a bacon lover;)), if they have meat or fish twice a week that is there choice or pasta??!!!, my point is your are not going to be able to please everyone and it doesn't matter where you choose to live!!!! I could tell you a true story on a couple that was at the clinic (Wife's Infusion) that i had a conversation in person and held my tongue to be polite!!! Telling me they were finding it tough with 2 kids, Brand New IPhones Iwatch on!!! Fancy Clothes and saw they got into a fairly nice car!!! Again not my business how people live!!, but seeing that makes me think how i lived when i was young. And i won't get into speaking with my friend now a male Russian nurse who lived across Europe and Russia on him agreeing with my views on Socialist Countries, and it comes from him first before i even tell him my views;)
That's all.....
Again all my opinion...........And you can have yours hopping without garbage to hurt your friends ;)

05-25-2019, 04:14 PM
PS. So far 99% what Fox News has said has been true!! Do you dispute that??!!. CNN MSNBC for 2 years has lied??!! Do you dispute that!!!!??

As I have eyes, ears and a semblence of a brain I'm going to have to give that an affirmative, breaker breaker.

I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind. Btw I fail to see how some people having more money is a positive when it comes at such a terrible cost to things like democracy, integrity and the environment.

PS. I don't dispute that MSNBC is bias in their editorial opinions. I don't see them airing doctored videos of anyone and promoting them as the truth though. Likewise I don't see CNN disseminating racist viewpoints.

05-25-2019, 04:23 PM
I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind. As God is my witness, I'll take Sarah Sanders with me though.

05-25-2019, 04:26 PM
Her orphan children can be raised by rats who will at least teach them better values.

05-25-2019, 05:06 PM
PS. So far 99% what Fox News has said has been true!! Do you dispute that??!!. CNN MSNBC for 2 years has lied??!! Do you dispute that!!!!??

As I have eyes, ears and a semblence of a brain I'm going to have to give that an affirmative, breaker breaker.

I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind. Btw I fail to see how some people having more money is a positive when it comes at such a terrible cost to things like democracy, integrity and the environment.

PS. I don't dispute that MSNBC is bias in their editorial opinions. I don't see them airing doctored videos of anyone and promoting them as the truth though. Likewise I don't see CNN disseminating racist viewpoints.

Sorry Idol, as i will always if i am wrong admit it!! I meant to say the 2 years plus of the Russia collusion crap that you saw 24/7...

And as of now there is no one to beat Trump, and i don't in any way wish you any harm buddy......

And no they did air doctored viewpoints of videos many many times to suit the Left Wing views/agenda/narrative, and got caught and are now being sued!! and never apologized, they just tried to spin it in other ways, and really you can't tell the difference on MSNBC and CNN who is actually news anchors or opinion commentators. The best and the biggest laughs i had is when they had the Porn star lawyer Avenatti on every minute, and now look like idiots!!!

Lets see if i can make it short and get your opinion Idol.....

Lets take Trump Trump Trump out of the picture and put Pence's face as the president..
You will still have the same direction/agenda of the Republican party running the country, meaning yes you have the figure head and advisers and specialized people in there jobs, advising and giving the direction of what needs to be done, do you like the policies and the way the Republicans want to run the country?? That is and should be the only debate. As i will tell the truth i think Trumps mouth is his Bigly downfall!!!.. Because the States as a whole obviously liked the policies/agendas right?? You can't tell me that the American people are that stupid and actually voted for President because they like Trumps face:unsure:
I would think an intelligent person votes for there leaders in a Democracy Country because of there Agenda and there view where the country should move forward or have a pitch or gimmick like legalizing weed here and having the biggest young person turnout at the poles?? Is that wrong thinking??

So Meg... You don't like my views or opinions because i like/agree with the agenda of the Republican party, and i am not fond of Trump at all even know i do think he is funny at times, seems to me you don't?? Is that right?? Do you agree with all of the Democrats policies they are spewing?? Abortion?? Borders/Immigration ?? Socialized Health Care?? Raising Taxes (which will without a doubt affect the middle class the worst as always!!)?? Getting rid of Cows?? No more Planes?? and on and on!!!
Lets see if you can actually reply without a "Hate" or Anti Semitic comment because you don't like someone else's view;)

And really another funny thing... When a lot of Left wing interviews are done, it is in places like New York or Blue States with huge populations, that will give you zero accuracy of what the country really thinks, or the other problem is how the population is spread in the US, that is why you could never have the popular vote to choose the President....

And Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all the Yankees:D...

Seems like Fox News Cares about American Veterans/People, and CNN and MSNBC doesn't want to take a break on Bashing Trump;)

05-25-2019, 05:16 PM
I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind. As God is my witness, I'll take Sarah Sanders with me though.


What about Kellyanne Conway??

05-25-2019, 05:21 PM
Her orphan children can be raised by rats who will at least teach them better values.

You have to admit, S Sanders or anyone no matter what president/party is in power,it is a very tough job.....

05-25-2019, 06:50 PM
What about Kellyanne Conway?? Looking at her cryptkeeper face I always assumed she was already dead. :unsure:

05-25-2019, 06:58 PM
Going to Vent, because my wife dislikes politics:D...

I am on a few sites and live news for the Middle East... And i am watching and reading what is going on at the Israel/Gaza barrier, and they get these kids to run up to it try to cut through streaghten barb wire fence and they start running with a kitchen knife/knife or a pair of scissors or some sort of explosive device, so saying that lets compare the border at Mexico/US and they have a small bag full of change of clothes and maybe some beef jerky from there journey?? Which one actually has a better chance of looking like they actually want to get help and hopefully better there life??. Now by no means am i saying that the person at the Mexican border is innocent and doesn't have the intention to do harm to Americans, but i think it is right in your face if someone has a knife or an explosive and is approaching you :idunno:.. Now depending on which web site or news i watch, it amazes me that some will not report that person has a weapon or explosive (And yes i saw it live that they did!!), and how people will react to the reporting..
Really makes you think eliminating facts can really spin a narrative.......

05-25-2019, 07:13 PM
What about Kellyanne Conway?? Looking at her cryptkeeper face I always assumed she was already dead. :unsure:
That is hilarious Idol!!!
Not sure if she has to work 24hrs dealing with Trumps Mouth!!! but she always looks exhausted for sure, and boy can she spin shit to get him out of trouble!!, and i am not saying she is lying by any means, but again what comes out of his mouth!!, never comes across as the actual agenda:)..
I am not sure if i ever said this before.. But before the 2016 election i never!! watched Fox News, mainly CNN and before Trump became president i know there was someone else that ran CNN and it was never like it is now!!, MSNBC was always a crackpot news outlet!! but wow!! Idol how things have changed since Trump won CNN is nuts!!!!! and honestly i am not sure if it is the Republican policies or is it just Trump?? You just can't see it if you know what i mean.....

Here is my prediction even this early on 2020.. If the Democrats go on the platform they are spewing now they will get the popular vote and lose the election Badly like they did last time 2016!!!!! You got the few big states with large population will go Democrat (hens the popular vote) and the rest of the country wants noting to do with that crap!!! Again my opinion right or wrong, that is what i think;)
And all the polls have at least 3 Democrats that would beat Trump right now Biden, Bernie, and I think they said Warren (LOL!!)??, amazing all white and two of them ready for the grave:lol:, but we all no polls are full of shit, it is like no one tells the truth on who they are really going to vote for when polled/asked;)..

Again just my opinion.......

05-26-2019, 02:42 AM
The gerrymandering republicans put in place is still there. The crazy voter registration laws. Incorrect voting location info. Closed voting locations ("funding issues"). I expect Tr*mp to win again. Republicans can't win a legitimate election.

05-26-2019, 03:22 AM
The gerrymandering republicans put in place is still there. The crazy voter registration laws. Incorrect voting location info. Closed voting locations ("funding issues"). I expect Tr*mp to win again. Republicans can't win a legitimate election.

So i am to understand that there was more voting locations for Obama?? And what is so crazy about the voter registration law MacGyver?? And are you saying if you have the proper ID required to prove you are an American citizen and of age to vote, you can't go to any voting location to do that?? I mean you can mail in your vote if you are an American Citizen and not in the Country right??

Wasn't it proven that in Georgia there was people that were not American Citizens trying to vote and refused?? And actually some did vote and proven after they they were fake ID's?? I do know every election you hear the same accusations on the losing party?? And i watched every media station out there Left/Right it didn't matter, the reporting was if you were in line at the time the voting stations/places were closed you got to vote, was that false?? Do you have legitimate sites proof of that?? I know there is a few sore losers out there that think they should have or did win but that was all proven fake?? Including the Democratic presidential nominee for 2016....
I think we went through this a while back??

The truth really is the differences in the states there is more Conservative/Moderate people,spread out , and the Democrats used to be more of a middle line party and the Republicans were considered nutbag Christian extreme Conservative Rightest!!!! Times have changed and so has the parties. Again just my opinion, and you can look at it that fuck Trump is going to win!!! or for me it is more Yes i am happy the Republicans won because i like there agenda/policies;). Again i will repeat my previous comment, forget about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!, and say you know i like the Democrat parties agenda/policies better that is why i would like them to win:D, again, if it was Pence or Willie Lump Lump that was the Republican presidential nominee, you wouldn't want them to win right MacGyver;)?, And where you live?? I would be surprised to see the Democrats win?? And buddy illegal votes don't count ok, that is only allowed in socialist countries :D

05-26-2019, 12:41 PM
The gerrymandering republicans put in place is still there. The crazy voter registration laws. Incorrect voting location info. Closed voting locations ("funding issues"). I expect Tr*mp to win again. Republicans can't win a legitimate election.

So i am to understand that there was more voting locations for Obama?? And what is so crazy about the voter registration law MacGyver?? And are you saying if you have the proper ID required to prove you are an American citizen and of age to vote, you can't go to any voting location to do that?? I mean you can mail in your vote if you are an American Citizen and not in the Country right??

Wasn't it proven that in Georgia there was people that were not American Citizens trying to vote and refused?? And actually some did vote and proven after they they were fake ID's?? I do know every election you hear the same accusations on the losing party?? And i watched every media station out there Left/Right it didn't matter, the reporting was if you were in line at the time the voting stations/places were closed you got to vote, was that false?? Do you have legitimate sites proof of that?? I know there is a few sore losers out there that think they should have or did win but that was all proven fake?? Including the Democratic presidential nominee for 2016....
I think we went through this a while back??

The truth really is the differences in the states there is more Conservative/Moderate people,spread out , and the Democrats used to be more of a middle line party and the Republicans were considered nutbag Christian extreme Conservative Rightest!!!! Times have changed and so has the parties. Again just my opinion, and you can look at it that fuck Trump is going to win!!! or for me it is more Yes i am happy the Republicans won because i like there agenda/policies;). Again i will repeat my previous comment, forget about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!, and say you know i like the Democrat parties agenda/policies better that is why i would like them to win:D, again, if it was Pence or Willie Lump Lump that was the Republican presidential nominee, you wouldn't want them to win right MacGyver;)?, And where you live?? I would be surprised to see the Democrats win?? And buddy illegal votes don't count ok, that is only allowed in socialist countries :D

You are blithely oblivious to the facts. I suggest you Google voter supression and gerrymandering. While you are at it you may also want to try and make a case for the electoral college denying the will of the majority of voters time and time again.

Btw as MacGyver stated, the Republicans have long known that they can't win many fair elections so they cheat and have fallen to running on outright lies and racism. If you actually cared to see the truth you would see that Trump and the Republicans view power not as a means to an end but as an end in itself. Whatever your political leaning you shouldn't want people like that running things.

05-27-2019, 03:26 AM
You are blithely oblivious to the facts. I suggest you Google voter supression and gerrymandering. While you are at it you may also want to try and make a case for the electoral college denying the will of the majority of voters time and time again.

Blithely Facts.... Both sides have this fight every time either wins an election Democrats, Republicans equal, so again who cares at any point knowing it is going to happen or not, it makes news for a week or so after an election and then it is over;)

Btw as MacGyver stated, the Democrats have long known that they can't win many fair elections so they cheat and have fallen to running on outright lies and racism. If you actually cared to see the truth you would see that Obama and the Democrats view power not as a means to an end but as an end in itself. Whatever your political leaning you shouldn't want people like that running things.

Works both ways with a few simple changes in your wording Idol , and you really can add that the Democrats are way bigger cry babies when the outcomes don't go there way;)
Same shit different day....

To Finish.... I don't like the Democratic Platform nor how they want to run the country. That is my view, Pence, Trump, Pamela Anderson!!, i don't care what figure head there is, i like the Republican platform and the way they want to run the country for there future.And of course anyone can choose or have any opinion they want except you Idol :lol:
It is that simple, the rest is just all crap!!!!;)

05-27-2019, 12:19 PM
Interesting quote is saw posted today....

“This is objectively a completely ludicrous quote. And yet kinda plausible. Especially on twitter, where people automatically support whatever political position they have. That's the point.”

Very interesting in a world we choose to live in today, Democracy Yes , and people love living in it, but the people that came and left from other Countries that were unlivable and not Democracies want to drastically change it to what they had to leave for various reasons??

That is something i really don't get.....

Again my opinion right or wrong.....


05-27-2019, 10:41 PM
People that come to the United States don't want to change the country from a democracy to a monarchy/dictatorship. That is just republican propaganda. Make the naive white people scared of immigrants.

BTW, In the United States, you can't vote at any voting location you want. Everyone is assigned a voting location and that is the ONLY place you can vote at. republicans have a habit of giving people incorrect voting locations to people that lean democrat. republicans pass strict voter registration laws to prevent people that typically vote democrat from registering. I had trouble renewing my driver's license last year because of new laws (making it much harder than before to renew driver's license/ID) created by republicans "to protect the integrity of our voting system". I am a white guy born in this country. They know that many people will just give up (usually people with little means that typically vote democrat). As long as republicans keep getting away with it, they will never stop. Look at what Tr*mp does and has done his entire life. Why play fair if you don't get punished for cheating.

I know Democrats have employed gerrymandering. But, republicans go to the extreme. They just push it as far as possible to see if anyone will notice. Then, even when everyone finds out it's going on, nothing happens to stop it. So they keep doing it. Same shit they are doing with abortion laws. Simple solution is to just get rid of the electoral college. Whomever gets the most votes, wins. That's how ALL other elections are done. Works just fine.

05-27-2019, 11:57 PM
I know Democrats have employed gerrymandering. But, republicans go to the extreme. They just push it as far as possible to see if anyone will notice. Then, even when everyone finds out it's going on, nothing happens to stop it. So they keep doing it. Same shit they are doing with abortion laws. Simple solution is to just get rid of the electoral college. Whomever gets the most votes, wins. That's how ALL other elections are done. Works just fine.

At least you admit that they both cheat, whoever cheats more is in the eye of the beholder:)....

You could never have the popular vote in the US MacGyver because 3 states will be the outcome, for the migrations of those states, and being the population, in other areas doesn't have the same migration or popularity.. (As i think i have said before). So being a Democracy and giving every citizen in every state a reason to vote it has to stay the way it is, that is why it was actually changed. To my understanding you could go anywhere with the proper ID in most states and vote, you can here in Canada. It is interesting to know that you can't....

And the Democratic parties agenda they are spewing out and even take B Sanders out of the picture, it is not just on Conservative news outlets, it is said everywhere MacGyver, the Democrats want a Socialized agenda and more Government Control of the people?? And i am not saying everything is bad in that perspective, just freedom of choice is on the line in some of there ideas.....

What is this??!! And it is on every news site Left or Right!!


06-07-2019, 06:51 AM
I am disagree with this because there are so many people are there who are very successful also very social in their life.

06-09-2019, 11:10 AM
Since I last visited this thread, I have discovered that there is a news channel named after me. !!!WOW!!!

06-09-2019, 11:52 AM
I'd prefer it was you who has taken over Shay's brain.

06-09-2019, 12:27 PM
Since I last visited this thread, I have discovered that there is a news channel named after me. !!!WOW!!! I take it then that your pet name for your dick must be Tucker Carlson and for your asshole it must be Sean Hannity.