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08-17-2019, 01:00 AM
Bet it's me...

08-17-2019, 02:38 AM
You predate me for sure, sir.

Barbs has been lurking I believe and he has us all beat.

08-17-2019, 09:12 AM
Barbs has been lurking I believe and he has us all beat.

I just took a trip to the admin control panel to verify this because I'm that obsessive, and you're correct, he's the oldest member who's still active.

By the way, how come we have accounts from 2002 but (as far as I can see) no posts from back then? Were they lost when this was the K-Lite Forum or something? In any case, the fact this place has existed in one form or another for the last 17 years is insane, in a good way.

08-17-2019, 11:04 AM
17 years is a hell of a run, take a bow FST

08-17-2019, 04:45 PM
Bet it's me...

I thought you were referring to the person's age.

I used to visit FST for a long time before I registered. Other forums I belonged to have closed down so I ended up here.

08-18-2019, 11:12 AM
I thought you were referring to the person's age.

That would be bigboab... wherever he is now :(

08-18-2019, 04:13 PM
That would be bigboab... wherever he is now :(

I am thinking now he his is above us looking down from heaven. Speaking to him many times he really enjoyed posting in the Game Section here and his other passion was playing pool at a local pub (I think darts as well, and maybe a few pints with his son :happy:)... Him being the oldest or not, he was a really nice guy and Rest his Soul very well liked and respected, and missed, i will say especially from me;)

08-18-2019, 05:22 PM
I am thinking now he his is above us looking down from heaven. Pretty sure he was above the sorry likes of us even before he (possibly) died.

08-18-2019, 05:30 PM
Pretty sure he was above the sorry likes of us even before he (possibly) died.

That is an Interesting thought Idol, especially from a guy who disliked the "Word" section, it is actually quite nice:happy:

I am thinking that you finally visited the Wizard of Oz and received a new heart, lets see how long this one lasts before it needs replacement:whistling

As i can't repeat it enough, i myself thought he was a really nice guy......

08-25-2019, 12:58 PM
Boab was a sterling person all around.

I miss the old days, I surely do - been on a nostalgia trip the last week or so; circumstances have contrived to drop certain people right in my lap...it's enough to make me suspicious.

Got a PM from Mathea just now, too.

Anyone so inclined, say some prayers for our buddy Clocker, who is ailing; when I touch base with him I'll mention FST, see if he wants to poke around a bit.

I'd love to hear about/from anyone anyone else...

08-26-2019, 12:55 AM
This thread was at four pages before the recent server crash wiped out everything from the last week. From memory, Barbarossa answered the titular question, and Adster, DanB, lilmiss and Mathea had dropped by to say hello. :)

Wishing all the best for clocker here, every single post of his I've read indicated he was a top-notch fellow.

08-26-2019, 01:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Clocker.

08-26-2019, 02:27 PM
All my best and respect to Clocker. He's the best of us-- certainly not much of a benchmark considering, but would be among the best even among non-criminals and Canadians.

08-26-2019, 07:38 PM
I will pass wishes along to him and try to get him in here to post. :)

Sorry to hear we lost a bunch of postage - hope they all hit this thread again soon...

08-26-2019, 09:37 PM
I am touched by yall's concerns and opinions but would like to remind you that all my health issues were brought on by my own devices (actually, vices) and I have no regrets.
Ironically, after enthusiastically smoking (both weed and non-filtered cigarettes) for over 55 years, t'was an unrelated blood cell cancer that is trying to bring me low.
There is no known cause and no known cure, so it's just a waiting game.
Thankfully, there is no pain and the chemo is relatively benign, so whatever the endgame may be, I probably won't suffer.

I now have more time than ever to waste on the internet and since my physical condition has gone to hell- meaning I no longer work much on cars- my main hobby is cooking.
I take a lot of steroids and my they amp up my appetite although ironically my weight has dropped to an all time low.

But enough of my curtailed and pathetic existence...it was a pleasure to hear from Kev (with whom I've maintained tenuous contact) and surprising to see that FST is still around.
I still pirate material like a fiend although these days the process is so much easier (we all remember Kazaa, right?) and the choices so much more extensive that it's hard to compare the olden days to now.
I used to live on this (and several other) forum but rarely (read: "never") visit them today.
I was shocked that my auto log in was still functional...

08-27-2019, 12:47 AM
^^thar he blows...^^

08-27-2019, 03:04 AM
Heya clocker. Just wanted to send you some love. I’m sorry to hear about everything. Glad Kev got in touch and you came by (and glad I caught ya <3 )

You’re cooking lots? Any favorite recipes? (Bonus if they’re pressure cooker or slow cooker ones)

08-27-2019, 04:58 AM
Thanks, I'm accepting all the love that comes my way.
As far as recipes go...
I've discovered that techniques are more important/interesting than recipes themselves.
Sorry, but I haven't a slow cooker or a pressure unit, either.
Sous vide is an interesting technique I've used for steaks and fish and that's kinda close.
(You don't need all the equipment to get started- although it makes things a lot easier- just a digital thermometer, a way to boil water and some patience)

However, here are a few recipes I like (and pulled off successfully...)





A few caveats:
-All the steroids I take have not only amped up my appetite but totally screwed with my taste buds. Stuff I used to love is no longer appetizing at all and I tend to favor savory over sweet.
-"Eating healthy" is no longer a concern. High cholesterol isn't what going to kill me, so I don't give a fuck. Bring on the butter, lard, panchetta...whatever. YMMV.
-I've discovered that many Youtube videos just don't work as advertised or taste as "amazing" as billed. Follow the above recipes exactly, they work and taste great.

All that said, my absolute favorite food these days- one I make at least once a week- is grilled cheese sandwiches and Progresso tomato/basil soup.
I mix up the cheese mixture- gruyere, cheddar and brie tastes great and melts well, but use whatever is on hand- and use brioche bread.
The trick is low and slow heat. At first I was using too hot a pan and the bread was getting done long before the cheese melted. Use lots of butter (ghee works best) and low heat...it takes five or seven minutes per side.
Once the cheese starts oozing, if the bread isn't as browned as you'd like, you can always up the heat to finish.
It is the food of the gods.

If I got off track, sorry...but you did ask.

08-27-2019, 05:02 PM
I haven’t tried sous vide, but it looks intriguing (and intimidating). I’m definitely open to trying it.

And thanks for recipes, I’m always game to try something new (and my kiddo has an amazing palate so I try to encourage that as well)

I started making grilled cheese w mayo instead of butter, which sounded horrifying but is actually delicious.

08-27-2019, 06:55 PM
Sous vide is stupid simple, be ye not scared. There are dozens of youtube vids that will acquaint you with the process...start with something low stakes and cheap, like burgers, and see how it goes. It's almost impossible to screw up and I now use it exclusively on good steaks.

I've tried the mayo instead of butter hack and yeah, it doesn't taste obviously gross and it does brown well, but I don't see any decided advantage and since I don't use mayo on anything else, I stopped using it.

Try using ricotta instead of mayo in tuna, egg or potato salad. It's an excellent binder, doesn't have mayo's slightly greasy mouth feel and best of all, doesn't spoil in heat like mayo does.
This means you can take it on picnics without fear of food poisoning your family.
Unless that's the goal, in which case bring on the Hellman's.

By the way, here's another recipe that's very simple and surprisingly delicious...
Cabbage just transforms with heat.
I've only served this as a side but a big enough slab would make a fine vegetarian main course.

And, as a bonus, here's a desert that is very middle eastern and the easiest yet...slice an orange into disks and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. That's it. It's light, refreshing, probably good for you and remarkably tasty, much better than you'd expect.
How can you argue with a dessert that takes 10 seconds to prepare?

08-27-2019, 09:39 PM
Oooh I’m absolutely going to try the ricotta next grocery shopping!

08-27-2019, 11:25 PM
I just noticed Steve's 170-odd posts in front of me...

Nope, ain't got it in me.

There was a time I'd have caught him in a day.

Well, maybe not a day...

Jumping jacks are out...push-ups...no...

Maybe bourbon...

Yup, that was it...

Hey, where's Bigglesworth?




Echo much in here?

08-27-2019, 11:26 PM
How about all you people I'm forgetting?

Any of you about?

If I don't know you, you're to blame, because I haven't been here...

09-01-2019, 09:18 AM
Very cool to see retired staff still posting and can't believe this has been around since 2002. That's my mirc days.

09-02-2019, 11:13 PM
I collect things to retire from.

I've retired from the same job twice a few different times.


Me. too.

09-03-2019, 02:38 AM
Time marches on doesn’t it? Sorry to hear you’re not doing well Clocker. I hope we keep hearing from you as I’ve always enjoyed your help and discussions.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

09-05-2019, 01:25 AM

I just talked to that Clocker fella.

Stories and stuffs were told.

09-07-2019, 01:33 AM
So...no one else, eh?

09-07-2019, 01:24 PM
Well, my mom says hello and sends her best, if that counts?

09-07-2019, 07:38 PM

Give her a hug from me...I adore her, and you can tell her that. ;)

09-07-2019, 07:42 PM

Give her a hug from me...I adore her, and you can tell her that. ;)

Just a hug?? How about a kiss?? Especially if she is hot:naughty:

09-07-2019, 07:50 PM

Give her a hug from me...I adore her, and you can tell her that. ;)

Just a hug?? How about a kiss?? Especially if she is hot:naughty:

Married, here - traditional specie.

Gotta make hugs count extra.

09-07-2019, 08:09 PM
Married, here - traditional specie.
Gotta make hugs count extra.

Hey now so am i, and i never said anything about having man on top get it over with quick sex with her...I should have hinted like you did mention a great grope hug and small little peck on the lips, and then go home throw the kids out of the house to play outside and have a quickie with the better half:)... I am thinking you got a better shot j2k4, i have been happily married so long it doesn't work anymore :noes:

09-08-2019, 01:17 AM
Having women throw themselves at me is old hat, so I decided long ago to abandon myself to the hugs.

I'm borderline famous for my hugs, and women are willing to compete for them, instead.

Great hugs are great, and they don't leave me wanting.

09-08-2019, 03:22 AM
having women throw themselves at me is old hat, so i decided long ago to abandon myself to the hugs.
I'm borderline famous for my hugs, and women are willing to compete for them, instead.
Great hugs are great, and they don't leave me wanting.


09-08-2019, 12:33 PM
No, no, not like that, geez...

09-08-2019, 05:25 PM
She was quite pleased and sends some back to ya

09-08-2019, 08:12 PM

09-15-2019, 09:15 AM
Well, here's a bit of an update...
I spent four days in hospital with a collapsed lung.
The weird part is that I did not know how dire the situation was- it took a near hysterical pulmonologist to get me to the ER because I thought I just had fluid buildup again.
In fact, I felt surprisingly normal, so as it turns out, the last person to ask about my health is me.
Subsequent tests show everything back to (my) normal and breathing is so much improved (amazing what TWO FUCKING lungs will do...) that I've not used oxygen for nearly a week now.
No telling what the next medical disaster will be. I look forward to finding out as well as getting the inevitable mountain of medical bills from this last procedure.
I'm sure they will be hilariously unpayable.

Meanwhile, I continue to cook.
Recently discovered burrata. Used it in a mashup of a bloody mary (no vodka), shrimp, homemede croutons and burrata. Sounds weird, and it was experimental, but turned out delicious.
With a bit of tweaking, I'd make it again.
A neighbor is going out of town and dropped off a bunch of avocados that would spoil in her absence, so I whipped up a big batch of guac to nosh on.
Here's a tip I discovered and actually works...
To keep the top of your guac from turning brown, smooth the surface and pour about 1/4" of water on top. The water keeps oxygen from the mixture and pours off when desired with no residue or ill effect.
Try it, it works.

So, other than searching out new recipes to try as I await my body's inevitable betrayal, not much is going on.

09-15-2019, 11:59 AM

Now I've craving guacamole...

09-15-2019, 03:18 PM
After 55 years of smoking ( mostly non-filtered Luckies), I quit cold turkey.
There was no particular reason- this predated my medical issues- and no premeditation...one day I just stopped.
It was puzzling and weird but sure saved a lot of money.

These days (about a year and a half later), I rarely think about it and suffer no discernible cravings.
Although I have noticed that I smoke in my dreams. I'll wake up and realize that my dream self was puffing away just like the old days. It's not a focal point, just something I'm doing.
Which is odd.

09-15-2019, 09:50 PM
You know I do that a lot. Mine is from smoking weed, drinking and doing coke. It is like I was replaying my life all over again. Playing in bars and working on cars, chasing women.lol :D.. The good old days.:lol:

09-15-2019, 10:48 PM
After 55 years of smoking ( mostly non-filtered Luckies), I quit cold turkey.
There was no particular reason- this predated my medical issues- and no premeditation...one day I just stopped.
It was puzzling and weird but sure saved a lot of money.

These days (about a year and a half later), I rarely think about it and suffer no discernible cravings.
Although I have noticed that I smoke in my dreams. I'll wake up and realize that my dream self was puffing away just like the old days. It's not a focal point, just something I'm doing.
Which is odd.
Wow, good on you for quitting. And holy shit on the lung. I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better. Glad to see an update, been thinking of you.

10-02-2019, 07:40 PM
I checked back here a few days after posting last time & the place had crashed. Feeling like a bit of a jinx.

Sorry to hear of your ills Clocker. Well done on quitting smoking, especially cold turkey. I've given up on the ciggies but I'm kinda ashamed to say I still smoke weed daily. I'm interested if you have any ideas for a pesco pollo vegetarian who has gone off cheese. Yeah, I've always been awkward eejit.

Bo & I have now been married for over 4 years & haven't killed each other...as yet. It's scary that he already knows how he'd dispose of me, but I'm pretty sure I'll get him with a brick first. 😏

Kev! You may not be the oldest member but you're definitely a legend 😊

10-02-2019, 10:42 PM
Did you just call me a leg-end?

You know Bo?

Gollee, we got some catching up to do...

I've wondered about you, kiddo - everybody else, too. ;)

10-03-2019, 07:21 AM
Wow congrats!

10-03-2019, 10:07 PM
Wow congrats!

Thank you.
Do I get a medal? :smilie4:

10-03-2019, 10:10 PM
Did you just call me a leg-[I]end

Ah, don't be coy now. :happy:

10-04-2019, 01:57 AM
So...I'm a foot. :huh:

10-04-2019, 02:08 AM
lilmiss- grats on the 4+ years without a single brick to the head

J2k4- could be worse, no?

10-04-2019, 07:38 AM
Wow congrats!

Thank you.
Do I get a medal? :smilie4:

Go on then... :happy:


10-04-2019, 07:43 PM
Thank you, I'll take that even though it's a bit Savilley.

Does it come with a cash prize? :happy:

10-04-2019, 08:00 PM
lilmiss- grats on the 4+ years without a single brick to the head

My mem's a bit dim, but I remember Bo.

Any guy who can get more than a few weeks down the road with any female has only to resolve to stay forever, to, um, stay forever.

Props to Proper Bo.

And you, of course - it goes both ways.

J2k4- could be worse, no?

I suppose.

I'm a bit distracted, ATM, trying to let Friday sink in...:huh:

10-05-2019, 04:31 PM
Props to Proper Bo.

And you, of course - it goes both ways.

We've been together since about 2005/6 I think. He calls me his bag for life, such a charmer. :lol:

10-06-2019, 02:03 AM
We've been together since about 2005/6 I think. He calls me his bag for life, such a charmer. :lol:

This place has bred more than a few lasting relationships, hasn't it?

Clocker and I have been pals forever - visited cross-country several times - Nikki and Jonno are still an item (I have been told)...maybe we ought to start a thread to record these things?

I remember at one point we had semi-serious discussions about a big do on one side of the pond or another - even JP almost signed-on for that - I think it was gonna be Toronto or some pub in Glasgow...:idunno:

10-06-2019, 10:37 PM
Yes, yes, yes! I'm guessing you missed the big news from the September purge (that is not my business to talk about, but congrats again anyway!!) :pinch: :w00t:

Lovely that so many good things have came from this place. Not really sure what a piss-up in Glasgow with JP would be like, but I'd get a tetanus jab first. :ermm:

Where is he now anyhoo? And Biggles? Snee, Mr Chalice, Janey, Doobie, HPP, Billy Bats, Zero, Ben, Ad......
and that Welsh eejit too. �� Maybe we should ask Mr Barbs to do some "Missing Posters" for some certain peeps.:yup:

10-07-2019, 01:59 AM
Starting a thread...

10-07-2019, 12:58 PM
This place has bred more than a few lasting relationships, hasn't it?

:idunno: So you're saying that this place has led to some inbreeding. Not surprising, considering the membership.

10-07-2019, 03:19 PM
This place has bred more than a few lasting relationships, hasn't it?

:idunno: So you're saying that this place has led to some inbreeding. Not surprising, considering the membership.


10-10-2019, 05:23 AM
Older than most I am sure

10-12-2019, 05:12 AM
Still alive and still cooking.
My niece visited last week and we made two dinners together.
It is very pleasant to spend a leisurely afternoon in the kitchen with another person and have a great dinner to show for it.

We made braised short ribs with cabbage steaks:

Appetizer was marinated mozzarella balls stuffed in roasted red peppers:

The next night was Chicken Kiev with broken spaghetti/purple asparagus on the side:

And, just to prove she didn't do ALL the work, here is me, in all my dilapidated glory, pounding the chicken flat for the Kievs:

11-30-2019, 06:56 AM
/waves... and goes back to bed

11-30-2019, 09:06 PM
Hey, you. ;)

12-02-2019, 01:40 PM
Bet it's me...

Like your fine self, I'm not old enough to know and quite frankly since it's certainly not me so I don't give a flying fuck about it either. What I'm certain about is that IdolEyes787 is most definitely the oldest person alive.

Wut ? Don't believe me ? Just wait for the response and see the depth of the humour and judge for yourself, as far as ages go, you're not far behind either.

12-02-2019, 02:04 PM
Like your fine self, I'm not old enough to know and quite frankly since it's certainly not me so I don't give a flying fuck about it either. What I'm certain about is that IdolEyes787 is most definitely the oldest person alive.


12-02-2019, 06:15 PM
What I'm certain about is that IdolEyes787 is most definitely the oldest person alive.

Wut ? Don't believe me ? Just wait for the response and see the depth of the humour and judge for yourself, as far as ages go, you're not far behind either. Sorry but I don't associate with terrorists.

By that I mean Shay, obviously.

12-02-2019, 06:54 PM
Sorry but I don't associate with terrorists.
By that I mean Shay, obviously.

Now just imagine if i didn't understand your sense of humor ya old fuck.. :sadwalk:

12-02-2019, 07:41 PM
Sounds suspiciously like something a terrorist would say.

12-02-2019, 07:46 PM
Btw did you kill Meg?

I only ask because I remain ever hopeful.

12-02-2019, 10:29 PM
Sounds suspiciously like something a terrorist would say.


You know Idol thinking what you said may have had some truth/merit if i was a member of the JDL:happy:

12-02-2019, 10:42 PM
Btw did you kill Meg?

I only ask because I remain ever hopeful.


Meg is still mad at me, i am finding out that there is a few Americans, just don't like to hear the truth, it really upsets them:tease:

To answer your question, you grumpy old fuck, NO, i did not kill Meg, he is a nice guy a good father, a mediocre husband, and likes to have sex with farm animals, so it remains he is still needed on earth;)

12-02-2019, 10:48 PM
i am finding out that there is a few Americans, just don't like to hear the truth, it really upsets them:tease:

I know. They are called diehard Republicans.

12-02-2019, 10:59 PM
know. They are called diehard Republicans.

Ha Ha Ha Ha LOL LOL ROTFLMAO Ha Ha Ha LOL!!!, Look who came out of the Peanut Gallery LOL!!!!

I cant wait til the Green New Deal is implemented and the Democrats are going to win by a landslide 2020, then your wet dream got flushed down the toilet:01:

But i still luv ya Cabby:hug:..

PS. You know there is some truth to your comment, and really it is on both sides, i give you that. And even know i will never see you admit it on the Democrat side;). But most sane Americans are in the middle of both, and now you have to pick, which one is really more sane/realistic then the other.
I know you don't watch any news other than Left Wing shit :P:P, but it will be interesting if the reports are right and there is a movement of African Americans moving on the Republican side??

If we left it up to Idol, there would never be a President/Prime Minister , because he actually thinks there is someone truthful in politics. Talk about wet dreams....

12-02-2019, 11:57 PM
Rambo could be President. You'll try and tell be that he's a fictional character but then, what politician isn't?

12-02-2019, 11:59 PM
You know Idol thinking what you said may have had some truth/merit if i was a member of the JDL:happy: I'm imagining that JDL is sort of like the JLA only with bigger noses.

12-03-2019, 12:02 AM
know. They are called diehard Republicans.

Ha Ha Ha Ha LOL LOL ROTFLMAO Ha Ha Ha LOL!!!, Look who came out of the Peanut Gallery LOL!!!!

I cant wait til the Green New Deal is implemented and the Democrats are going to win by a landslide 2020, then your wet dream got flushed down the toilet:01:

But i still luv ya Cabby:hug:..

PS. You know there is some truth to your comment, and really it is on both sides, i give you that. And even know i will never see you admit it on the Democrat side;). But most sane Americans are in the middle of both, and now you have to pick, which one is really more sane/realistic then the other.
I know you don't watch any news other than Left Wing shit :P:P, but it will be interesting if the reports are right and there is a movement of African Americans moving on the Republican side??

I trolled a Right Wing YouTube channel and surprisingly only received 106 death threats.

Pretty disappointing considering I can get more than that simply by posting that BTS is kinda ghey.

12-03-2019, 12:11 AM

12-03-2019, 02:22 AM
Rambo could be President. You'll try and tell me that he's a fictional character but then, what politician isn't?


To tell you a true story, One of my wife's close family friend use to work with Stallone, and she told us many times personally he was one of the biggest Assholes!!!

So ya he would be a good pick, you may have a few things in common, and we ain't talking the honesty part;)..

With all the different parts/characters he has played and i personally think he is a good actor, Michael Douglas may be a better pick. You should give him a call....

12-03-2019, 02:31 AM
I trolled a Right Wing YouTube channel and surprisingly only received 106 death threats.
Pretty disappointing considering I can get more than that simply by posting that BTS is kinda ghey.

I can tell you seeing the lefties posts on Fox News are hilarious, but they still don't beat the ones on the Middle Easts sites i go too:lol:..

I think you would fit in as a good troll on RT news buddy, or actually you may blend;)

Speaking of Terrorists.......
Really and Truly Idol, there is going to be an exclusive report on Fox about Bethlehem, and the truth, the reporter was interviewed, the other day, and he said that he couldn't get any Christians (and there isn't many left there now!!), to speak on camera for fear of getting killed!!!
I think it is on Sunday?? That will be interesting to watch;)

12-03-2019, 04:44 AM
What I'm certain about is that IdolEyes787 is most definitely the oldest person alive.

Wut ? Don't believe me ? Just wait for the response and see the depth of the humour and judge for yourself, as far as ages go, you're not far behind either. Sorry but I don't associate with terrorists.

By that I mean Shay, obviously.


Two birds with one stone.

12-12-2019, 10:48 PM
I check in from time to time.... Shout out to the K++ life!!!!