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Mr. Mulder
10-18-2019, 10:49 AM
If I ate say a large dominos pizza complete with sides or say even a large Chinese meal and then immediately threw up out of my asshole/violent diarrhea. Have I still consumed the thousands of calories or does that reset the clock and allow for more food to be consumed?

10-18-2019, 11:59 AM
You would need to vomit like any self respecting bulimic.

Mr. Mulder
10-18-2019, 12:06 PM
But what's the difference? You can throw up calories but you can't dump them out if it's right after? Then where do calories live if not the butthole... :unsure:

10-18-2019, 12:08 PM
Don't you know any teen girls who can explain this to you?

10-18-2019, 12:09 PM
Two thing teen girls are experts on is purging and cutting yourself.

10-18-2019, 12:11 PM
But what's the difference? You can throw up calories but you can't dump them out if it's right after? Then where do calories live if not the butthole... :unsure: Your poop is the remains of digested food. You need to get rid of it before it's digested.

Mr. Mulder
10-18-2019, 12:22 PM
Don't you know any teen girls who can explain this to you?

I've eaten teen girls before, they were definitely low in calorie except for one of them :ermm:

10-18-2019, 12:27 PM
definitely low in calorie except for one of them

Two ways that can be taken. Neither of them good.

Mr. Mulder
10-18-2019, 01:02 PM
I'm on a weight loss mission, I was 13 stone 8 two months ago down to 12 stone 11 now, trying to get to 12. I've been getting up at fuck off o'clock and getting on a treadmill for an hour most mornings. The problem is there's a monkey on my back and he really wants dominos. He claws at me constantly and has a theory involving poop but it sounds like it's not going to work :eyebrows:

10-18-2019, 01:08 PM
What is 12 stone in real weight? I'd look it up but then I'd probably find myself on some website populated by skinny drug addicts rambling on about football and Coronation Street.

Mr. Mulder
10-18-2019, 01:42 PM
I think it's roughly 50 times the weight of the full Due South DVD boxset

10-18-2019, 04:31 PM
Does that include Diefenbaker or not?

10-18-2019, 04:54 PM
But what's the difference? You can throw up calories but you can't dump them out if it's right after? Then where do calories live if not the butthole... :unsure: Your poop is the remains of digested food. You need to get rid of it before it's digested.


You had dinner and a snack and then you went to bed. You get up in the morning and have breakfast, now you brain and your body has triggered to go to the bathroom to do number 2, are you getting rid of the non digested food you ate the night before?? Or are is that broken down already and you are just pooping what you just ate for breakfast??

I will not get into any real personal things about my wife on the forum (as you know Idol), but this has always been a discussion with many doctors, about how much your brain has to do with your bodily functions?? So Mulder saying that what he ate triggered a disaster, with something he ate that just didn't agree with him, the real question is, if he did eat meals before that and didn't go to the bathroom?? Did that have enough time to break down ?? Really how much time does it take for someone to break down food, and how does the body know what to get rid of??
Interesting conversation for sure.....

10-18-2019, 06:24 PM
Really how much time does it take for someone to break down food, and how does the body know what to get rid of??
Interesting conversation for sure..... Dependent on the food. Obviously some things like bananas go right through you while stuff like meat or high fiber foods will take considerably longer, on the order of a couple of days.

Some like a pizza probably falls in the middle. For sure longer than a couple of hours because of the high fat content alone.

10-18-2019, 07:25 PM
Really how much time does it take for someone to break down food, and how does the body know what to get rid of??
Interesting conversation for sure..... Dependent on the food. Obviously some things like bananas go right through you while stuff like meat or high fiber foods will take considerably longer, on the order of a couple of days.

Some like a pizza probably falls in the middle. For sure longer than a couple of hours because of the high fat content alone.

Does metabolism come into play Idol?? And do you believe that everyone's metabolism is different?? Eating habits?? Or someone saying that eating certain items tends to make them gain weight?? Like hearing a comment that eating Chicken makes me gain weight?? Even know they are not overeating that protein??
Making a statement for everyone on the speed food is broken down in people just sounds strange??

Again interesting conversation, even know this actually started with the notion someone got food poisoning :idunno:...

It is like if they did a study with 10 people weighing exactly the same and feeding them all the same items, will they all have the same outcome?? And yes i will add they are all healthy as well.........

PS.. Again not to get into detail, my wife was given bags and bags of Potassium (Actually very dangerous and it is poison!!), afterwards she was told to eat bananas, but when you check your sugar content, it skyrockets!!!, so your body solves one thing yet it causes another?? So i did some more studying to try to find an alternative on something that would give you potassium without the side effect of high sugars...
Do you know what that alternative is??

10-18-2019, 07:53 PM
PS.. Again not to get into detail, my wife was given bags and bags of Potassium (Actually very dangerous and it is poison!!), afterwards she was told to eat bananas, but when you check your sugar content, it skyrockets!!!, so your body solves one thing yet it causes another?? So i did some more studying to try to find an alternative on something that would give you potassium without the side effect of high sugars...
Do you know what that alternative is?? Beans. There are many kinds so not hard to find something palatable. Also not all sugars are created equal. Fructose, the sugar in fruit is way down on the glycemic index scale and so doesn't raise your blood sugar much so they don't tend to promote weight gain. ie melons are high in potassium and good for you and bananas aren't that bad either. Mainly avoid processed food, sucrose and like the proverb says "all things in moderation".

10-18-2019, 07:56 PM
Metabolism varies but whether you are active or sedentary effects it way more. Your metabolism does slow significantly with age though.

Also words to live by are don't eat anything within two hours of bed.

10-18-2019, 08:04 PM
True story. I've only missed one day of working out in like ten years and that was because I was so sick I just lay cured up in a ball all day. Broke my wrist, never missed a beat.

In other news, I'm fairly sure I have a major mental problem.

10-18-2019, 09:13 PM
Beans. There are many kinds so not hard to find something palatable. Also not all sugars are created equal. Fructose, the sugar in fruit is way down on the glycemic index scale and so doesn't raise your blood sugar much so they don't tend to promote weight gain. ie melons are high in potassium and good for you and bananas aren't that bad either. Mainly avoid processed food, sucrose and like the proverb says "all things in moderation".

Avocado's buddy;), remember you also have to look at consumption you have to eat for the same dose of potassium...Plus the other things that intake may cause...

I have no doubt or disagree with anything you said , but in my dilemma/case, the person also has to want to eat/consume those choices as well....

Plus everything in moderation plus balanced helps. The same that i couldn't understand at all, that in a hospital the main vegetable given was corn!!. So people with very little or zero movement (never out of the bed!!!), they give tons of corn. Now speaking to the nutritionist, every single day, and ask her opinion, she looked at me and smiled and said not a good idea really!!!.. So i asked why do they give it?? Answer... Cheap !!!;)...

PS. I agree with you that if your Pancreas is working properly, your sugars will break down on anything you eat, but if you are diagnosed as a diabetic, it throws everything out of wack. Avocados per consumption seem to be a great alternative without causing other effects, also i see you didn't mention Spinach, also a good alternative, the downfall is how much you have to consume gives a problem;)

10-18-2019, 09:36 PM
In other news, I'm fairly sure I have a major mental problem.

Not really, and i don't think that at all, I do think everything does help, but funny you could say bloodline/genes also have factors, plus really Idol, and the truth, i do think that whatever is watching us from above has something to do with it:unsure:

To speak of something terrible!!!!.. How does a 13 year active, healthy, smart child get Brain Cancer?? Or a guy that eats right and jogs up-teen miles a day and goes to his house league baseball game and drops dead from a massive heart attack??
Really being in a dark room feeling hopeless and having all your emotions come to a head and the only thing you can do is look up and speak your case, to something, trying to get some sort of reply, but it never comes, but maybe in my case it came in a positive result. Again i just don't know Idol...

But i do know that getting food poison is not fun either.....

10-18-2019, 09:38 PM
Also words to live by are don't eat anything within two hours of bed.

Saying that, what happens if you only get 4hrs of sleep:unsure:. Really just reading what you posted i am fucked:)

10-18-2019, 09:54 PM


Way better...


10-19-2019, 12:20 AM
In other news, I'm fairly sure I have a major mental problem.

I was going to suggest the possibility, troo story.

Not about you, or course.

10-19-2019, 06:25 PM
Something to do with England and/or mental illness.


10-20-2019, 09:26 AM
True story. I've only missed one day of working out in like ten years and that was because I was so sick I just lay cured up in a ball all day.

Sounds like you swallowed a bad nut.

10-20-2019, 04:31 PM
I'm on a weight loss mission, I was 13 stone 8 two months ago down to 12 stone 11 now, trying to get to 12. I've been getting up at fuck off o'clock and getting on a treadmill for an hour most mornings. The problem is there's a monkey on my back and he really wants dominos. He claws at me constantly and has a theory involving poop but it sounds like it's not going to work :eyebrows:

Drink more liquids. Water, not alcohol or soda. Avoid meat and carbohydrates as much as you can. Be active. Weight loss can be done by starvation, but it is good not to overdo it otherwise you'll have stomach problems.

I lost 9 lbs in just one mounth doing this. I rode my bike about 250 km.

10-20-2019, 05:14 PM
I'm on a weight loss mission, I was 13 stone 8 two months ago down to 12 stone 11 now, trying to get to 12. I've been getting up at fuck off o'clock and getting on a treadmill for an hour most mornings. The problem is there's a monkey on my back and he really wants dominos. He claws at me constantly and has a theory involving poop but it sounds like it's not going to work :eyebrows:

Do drugs.I lost 9 lbs in just one month doing this. I rode my bike about 25000 km.Might be related to the drugs.

Plus you're Romanian so you need to stay in shape to fight vampires.

10-20-2019, 05:16 PM
True story. I've only missed one day of working out in like ten years and that was because I was so sick I just lay cured up in a ball all day.

Sounds like you swallowed a bad nut. You're a bad egg.

10-20-2019, 06:18 PM
Do drugs.I lost 9 lbs in just one month doing this. I rode my bike about 25000 km.Might be related to the drugs.

Plus you're Romanian so you need to stay in shape to fight vampires.

You devil!

10-21-2019, 02:09 AM
Name calling is no defense against Satan.

10-24-2019, 03:04 PM
PS.. Again not to get into detail, my wife was given bags and bags of Potassium (Actually very dangerous and it is poison!!), afterwards she was told to eat bananas, but when you check your sugar content, it skyrockets!!!, so your body solves one thing yet it causes another?? So i did some more studying to try to find an alternative on something that would give you potassium without the side effect of high sugars...
Do you know what that alternative is?? Beans. There are many kinds so not hard to find something palatable. Also not all sugars are created equal. Fructose, the sugar in fruit is way down on the glycemic index scale and so doesn't raise your blood sugar much so they don't tend to promote weight gain. ie melons are high in potassium and good for you and bananas aren't that bad either. Mainly avoid processed food, sucrose and like the proverb says "all things in moderation".

Sugar from fruit gets absorbed slowly because of the fiber in fruit. If you drink fruit juice (fiber is absent), your blood sugar will spike. The same as drinking soda.

Unfortunately a lot of the things we were taught about food and health over the last 70 years is wrong. The food industry spends a lot of money to keep it that way.

10-24-2019, 03:16 PM
In other news, I'm fairly sure I have a major mental problem.

Not really, and i don't think that at all, I do think everything does help, but funny you could say bloodline/genes also have factors, plus really Idol, and the truth, i do think that whatever is watching us from above has something to do with it:unsure:

To speak of something terrible!!!!.. How does a 13 year active, healthy, smart child get Brain Cancer?? Or a guy that eats right and jogs up-teen miles a day and goes to his house league baseball game and drops dead from a massive heart attack??
Really being in a dark room feeling hopeless and having all your emotions come to a head and the only thing you can do is look up and speak your case, to something, trying to get some sort of reply, but it never comes, but maybe in my case it came in a positive result. Again i just don't know Idol...

But i do know that getting food poison is not fun either.....

Unfortunately young kids get cancer. In most of those cases it was probably passed on from parents. If both parents have a recessive gene for a disease, there's a chance one of their offspring will get the disease.

The guy that eats right and exercises and drops dead of a heart attack... 1. He's probably not really eating "right". If he is, then 2. it could be drugs (legal or illegal), or 3. an oral hygiene problem. Check out the documentary "Root Cause".

10-24-2019, 03:26 PM
If I ate say a large dominos pizza complete with sides or say even a large Chinese meal and then immediately threw up out of my asshole/violent diarrhea. Have I still consumed the thousands of calories or does that reset the clock and allow for more food to be consumed?

Like Idol said, if you poop the food out, it has been digested and you have consumed the calories.

If you are looking to lose weight, stop consuming sugar and dairy. Unfortunately almost everything on the supermarket shelves has sugar in it. Sugar is cheap and addictive and most people like sweet foods/drinks. That's why food manufacturers put it in everything.

10-25-2019, 07:33 AM
Can't live forever, so you might as well enjoy yourself.

Anyway I heard a quote the other day - People aren't living longer, they're dying longer.

So there's something to look forward to...

10-25-2019, 11:02 PM
True, too.

10-28-2019, 02:34 PM
Can't live forever, so you might as well enjoy yourself.

Anyway I heard a quote the other day - People aren't living longer, they're dying longer.

So there's something to look forward to...

The problem with that thinking is by the time you get into your 40's and 50's you have the health of a 70-80 year old. Dying longer, indeed. People wonder why healthcare is so expensive in the US (besides the usual culprits).