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View Full Version : Torrent to Direct Link - Free Seedbox

05-15-2020, 04:13 AM
Website 1 (https://dash.sonicbit.net/reff?id=255) - Get extra 2GB space when you sign up using my link

Website 2 (https://www.loadbt.com/c/540812800) - Get extra 500MB space when you sign up using my link

Website 3 (https://www.seedr.cc/?r=2589) - Get extra 500MB space when you sign up using my link

Website 4 (https://www.torrentsafe.com/aff/leecher) - No registration required

05-16-2020, 11:50 PM
I will tolerate the referral links since these services seem pretty good :smilie4: Thanks for sharing!

05-18-2020, 12:36 AM
Website 1 (https://www.sonicseedbox.com/reff/?id=255) - Get extra 2GB space when you sign up using my link

Website 2 (https://www.loadbt.com/c/540812800) - Get extra 500MB space when you sign up using my link

Website 3 (https://www.seedr.cc/?r=2589) - Get extra 500MB space when you sign up using my link

Website 4 (https://www.torrentsafe.com/aff/leecher) - No registration required

Kal8, I'm new to this whole seedbox thing. I just signed up with your referral to SonicSeedBox. Seems nice, 6 GB, free.

What does one do now? E.g. i have torrent X on my local computer that is tracked by Tracker Y, what do I do to push that material to SonicSeedBox and how does it work? Unlimited traffic?

05-18-2020, 02:07 AM
What does one do now? E.g. i have torrent X on my local computer that is tracked by Tracker Y, what do I do to push that material to SonicSeedBox and how does it work? Unlimited traffic?

From the looks of it, you can only copy files in one direction, from them to you. To top it off, private torrents are not allowed in the free plan (haven't checked how this is enforced, if at all). For public uploads of your own, I suppose it would be possible to cleverly game the system by running your torrent locally, adding it to SonicSeedbox to copy it from yourself, stopping it in your computer and only then sharing the .torrent file with the world.

On a "real" seedbox running a well-known client with a remote interface, it would be a matter of FTPing the files from your computer to the box, then adding the torrent to the latter through the UI and doing a hash check before starting.

05-19-2020, 12:07 PM
What does one do now? E.g. i have torrent X on my local computer that is tracked by Tracker Y, what do I do to push that material to SonicSeedBox and how does it work? Unlimited traffic?

From the looks of it, you can only copy files in one direction, from them to you. To top it off, private torrents are not allowed in the free plan (haven't checked how this is enforced, if at all). For public uploads of your own, I suppose it would be possible to cleverly game the system by running your torrent locally, adding it to SonicSeedbox to copy it from yourself, stopping it in your computer and only then sharing the .torrent file with the world.

On a "real" seedbox running a well-known client with a remote interface, it would be a matter of FTPing the files from your computer to the box, then adding the torrent to the latter through the UI and doing a hash check before starting.

Funny, I was trying to do that exact thing. It wasn't working. I think the private tracker recognized that both client ID's were from my username - it was identifying that I had two bittorrent clients (SeedBox uses ruTorrent).

05-20-2020, 01:07 AM
I wouldn't recommend that trick for private trackers. It may get detected as cheating/fake upload depending on how stats are reported by both sides, plus you risk other people jumping on your torrent while you're in the process of "copying" it. And obviously, even in a perfect scenario, it's going to impact the stats on your account (although not your overall ratio), which would not occur with FTP.

Although I'm thinking it may be possible to work around all those issues by doing the following:

Create the torrent with your private tracker's announce URL, as if you were ready to post it there, but don't do that yet.
Load the torrent in SonicSeedBox. Naturally, the tracker will give an error message like "unregistered torrent" or similar.
Load the torrent in your computer, remove the announce URL, then start it.
Manually add the IP and port of the seedbox as a peer.
Wait until both connect and the files are copied to the box.
Stop the torrent on both, then readd the announce URL you removed before.
Finally upload the torrent to the tracker, then restart it on both clients.

This should nullify all the problems I mentioned before, since a torrent that was not valid (at the time) won't have its traffic counted nor be available for others to download. The question is, how do you know SonicSeedBox's IP and port in advance? There are some "BT IP checker" services out there, but they only show you the former. If these guys use ruTorrent, I'm sure you can get or at least see the listen port on the interface... otherwise, set up a dummy tracker to log it or do an Nmap service scan on the IP... I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader :P

05-22-2020, 02:33 PM
Haha, too much work for a free seedpeer with limited space. Appreciate the directions.

05-23-2020, 06:34 AM
Haha, you're welcome. I may give it a try with a small torrent these days just to see if my master plan actually works :happy: