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11-28-2003, 10:04 AM
This might be interesting and fun, though not as much as the Fetish thread ;)

The only thing I ask everyone does is don't just say "It'll never happen" or word's to that effect. Try to give it some thought and how you would react to the situation plz :)

Ok, the first (I may do more if I can think of some and peep's like this thread) Q is -

What would you do, and how would you react if it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Aliens (not of this Earth, just to clarify thing's a bit :P) !DO! actually exist?

- My reaction would be both of shock, yet at the same time i'd not be surprised as I find it hard to believe that Earth is the only planet in the Universe with any form of intelligent life on it :) I'd also be affraid of what they'd be like, yet i'd not be one of these peep's that alway's want to destroy what they're affraid of.

So, how would you react and feel? :)

Sniper. (Alien hunter extrordinair lol ;))

11-28-2003, 10:07 AM
I wouldn't be too surprised. I honestly wouldn't. I'd be studying my old X-Files episodes for pointers on what not to do or say to them.

11-28-2003, 10:57 AM
Never happen!!................ :lol:

OK, i would'nt be at all shocked. Mind you, i would'nt open my arms like those nerds in Independence Day and get my ass blown away either. I would be very cautious about trusting them, because for one thing, those dudes would have to be wayyyyy advanced in techy stuff to be able to traverse the known universe at such speeds so as to reach us without us knowing before hand.

They could also be some race on the border of extinction looking for a new planet...."hmmm...that nice planet looks good, look at all that food guys, lets eat 'em up and take over" :unsure:

It would most certainly cause havoc on this planet if they turned up. Most people would probably behave like assholes and start worshiping them. Others would say its doomsday or some other nerdy stuff. I'm not looking forward to it.

Why do you insist on spoiling my day?? :(


11-28-2003, 11:09 AM
I wouldn't be surprised you know why??

we are the aliens Dinosaur's where here before us and owned this earth then us aliens came and took it over

no religious person has an answer to that

11-28-2003, 11:31 AM
Well considering I believe they exsist anyway (our tiny little planet is the only one that harbours life??.........yearight) I would'nt be at all suprised but I would think it was cool and get really excitied :D

Trouble is, the army would kill them and the scientists would cut them up to see how they work :(

Jonno B)

11-28-2003, 11:32 AM
No, I wouldn't be suprised...If you would count all the sand-corns on this earth, that's how many planets you would find out there and even more.
We are talking about billions... and the only one that has got some sort of life is this one!! Highly unlikely...

If the theory of big-bang is correct, those "aliens" somewhere out there must be at the same stage of technology as we are. ;)

11-28-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by UKMan@28 November 2003 - 11:57
look at all that food guys, lets eat 'em up and take over[/i]"

Have you seen Bad Taste?


11-28-2003, 12:28 PM
i wouldnt be surprised... in fact id be surprised if there wasnt!.. :huh:

i remember watching Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Danniken (sp?) a few years ago... that convinced me!...

we are not alone..... :unsure: :unsure:

11-28-2003, 12:36 PM
I'll don a costume and pretend I'm one of them :P Nah kidding.I wouldn't be surprise if Aliens do exist but I definitely wouldn't want to bump into It.

Hi <span style='color:red'>Sniper,How you&#39;re doing? :D <span style='color:red'>UKMan thanks for the welcome note :) Ozbabe,I&#39;ve been drooling on the pics you posted in Football and Pusher-I&#39;m a horror mania too and yes not Godzilla.lol. :P </span></span>

11-28-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@28 November 2003 - 12:31
Well considering I believe they exsist anyway (our tiny little planet is the only one that harbours life??.........yearight) I would&#39;nt be at all suprised but I would think it was cool and get really excitied :D

Trouble is, the army would kill them and the scientists would cut them up to see how they work :(

Jonno B)
Yepp, look it moves "shoot it".
A motto we had in the army (yes i did service wayyyyy back) was, if it moves kill it and if it dos&#39;nt, paint it green&#33;

@benno: no, but it looks quite funny :)


11-28-2003, 03:15 PM
I would be sooo happy to finally have my friends back...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ever since the abduction from yogilium i felt soo alone....


11-28-2003, 03:43 PM
It&#39;s a Q that usualy peep&#39;s just won&#39;t even consider and will just say "No, they don&#39;t exist", so it&#39;s nice to see some open mind&#39;s where people will consider the possibility of other life form&#39;s beside&#39;s ourselves in the Universe :)

Thank&#39;s to everyone that&#39;s replied :)

@ Yogi - I knew those eye&#39;s in your sig weren&#39;t your&#39;s, but I never thought you were hiding such a big secret you Alien you&#33;&#33; lol :P ;)

@ Red Queen - Hi again :) Not doing to bad thank&#39;s :) How you doing? :)

@ :wub: Ozbabe :wub: - The name of that film sound&#39;s familiar, but I can&#39;t for the life of me remember it lol

@ Benno - Bad Taste? Don&#39;t think i&#39;ve seen it, don&#39;t know about who you were asking, what&#39;s it about plz?

@ Alucard1475 - I don&#39;t know about the technological level theory, as they could either be a race that hasn&#39;t progressed beyond that of Cavemen/women, or they could be a race that has finaly stopped fighting amongst themselves and live in peace and have discovered cures for diseases that we&#39;re still in the dark about? :)

@ Jonno - I would not be surprised at all if the Army did that :(

@ Adster - I&#39;m unsure about your line of thinking, as I thought that we Human&#39;s evolved into what we are now and that we were around at the same time as Dinosaurs?

@ UKMan - You couldn&#39;t resist could you&#33;? lol :P

You&#39;ve made a good point about how it would cause havok, as if they did come to Earth then it would throw so many religious believes into chaos, and we would have to reconsider alot of what we believe we know about the Universe at present.

I didn&#39;t have the intention of spoiling your day, that was just an added bonus heh rofl ;) :P :lol: J/K&#33;

@ pusher - Knowing already that your an X-Files fan i&#39;m not surprised by your comment relating to the show ;) :P

The general concensous (i&#39;ll be surprised if i&#39;ve spelt that right lol) is that everyone believes Alien&#39;s do exist :) Thank&#39;s again to all that gave their opinion&#39;s and views on this :)

Ok, i&#39;ll post an extension to this Q in a minute, so consider this Q finished :)


11-28-2003, 03:53 PM
Ok, Alien&#39;s exist, but -

What do you believe they look like, and what level of intelligence do you believe they would have?

- To be honest, I wouldn&#39;t like to take a guess at what they look like as if you look at all the various species on our own planet how can we say that those are the only possible form&#39;s a life can have?

They could be Humanoid, or they could be more like a cat or dog (meaning they travel on 4 leg&#39;s), or something totaly different (Oil pusher? ;)), that&#39;s if they have any real kind of form to them :)

As for intelligence, well, if they&#39;ve been visiting the Earth for holiday&#39;s or something then they can&#39;t be that intelligent given the state were in with war&#39;s and such lol ;) However, if they&#39;ve learnt how to travel across vast distances of space fast then they must be more advanced than us, unless they&#39;re more barbaric than us and have just taken from other&#39;s&#33; Then again, they could still be mindless organism&#39;s that just exist and don&#39;t do anything but exist :)

As before, plz give it some consideration about the possibilities :)



11-28-2003, 04:15 PM
OK Sniper, you asked for it........:

If they exist and if they came here, i believe they would very intelligent techo wise anyways. I also believe that if there intentions were good, they would also have the technology to be able to at least look similar to us so as not to scare the living daylights out of SG - in other words, they would look like his avatar :lol:

I also believe they would do the same if their intentions were not good, so as to trick us into liking them - which is why i am very wary of SG ;)

There is some truth behind my somewhat bad attempt at humour :unsure: