View Full Version : [Request] Ethor is dead, would like any other French torrent (le Saloon etc...)

11-24-2020, 04:51 PM

My most used torrent site to get French content for my wife and family is now dead... That sucks.
I'didn't have any other French site as it was perfect for me. Now I'm reading that there is a site called Le Saloon, anybody knows anything about it? Are invites easy to obtain?


11-24-2020, 10:26 PM
Xthor.tk is supposedly the best French tracker according to the internet. Unfortunately it's invite only. As for Le Saloon, I Googled it's address and it says maximum userbase reached. I read that some French sites are temporarily disabling sign up to avoid an expected huge influx of new members. The Quebecois on a reddit thread as suggesting FarWest but I can't find anything about it. If you're a member or reddit maybe you can find an invite to something worthwhile there in r/Invites.
Sorry, KFlint but that's the best I can do, mon frère.

11-24-2020, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the help Idol, appreciated! I've never heard of any of them really, but at least there are some options. I will have a look on reddit, so far I've looked at the invite forums of a few trackers I am a member of like BTN without success.

Will keep this open, we'll see!

11-25-2020, 08:54 AM
Got a source for eThor shutting down? Obviously I can't load ethor.net, and I know they showed up on a piracy watchlist recently (surprising for a relatively small, private and non-English site), but I can't find any more details. Just found https://old.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/jzjc0y/ethor_is_gone_whats_next/.

As for alternatives, I am told YggTorrent and Torrent9 are good, but have no idea what their invite policy is.

11-30-2020, 12:42 AM
Thanks anon, I registered on yggtorrent and it's working :) will look at Torrent9 later

12-02-2020, 12:02 AM
For those interested, sharewood.tv seems like a good one and is open signup.