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View Full Version : Ultima Online

11-30-2003, 11:26 PM
;) hi ppl, i have a few questions about uo. can u answr em plz :D

1. If i dl it it off bittorrent or kazza do i still gotta pay 10$ a mth?

2.Is there any sites that offer a dmeo of it?

3. Any other addtional things about the game

thx :rolleyes:

Raped Ape
11-30-2003, 11:37 PM
1) you probably cant play it online...its a mmorpg i belive and you need to make an account and the security is too hard to bypass

2) look at www.pcgameworld.com for demos or try their site!

3)i duno anyting about game lol

11-30-2003, 11:38 PM
k thx man! :lol:

Raped Ape
11-30-2003, 11:48 PM
yea np erm runescape ....it says in ur sig grr that game sucks! lol how can u like it :S

11-30-2003, 11:52 PM
i dont any more, im lookin for new mmorpgs got any good ones p2p or f2p?

Raped Ape
12-01-2003, 12:00 AM
the best mmorpg in the world...which is free! priston tale www.pristontale.com

12-01-2003, 12:07 AM
can you own your own house???

Raped Ape
12-01-2003, 12:48 AM

12-01-2003, 04:07 PM
with uo, if you have the software you could always change the server files, lots of people are hosting free "shards".

eg. uo top 200 server list (http://www.gamesites200.com/ultimaonline/)

12-01-2003, 04:47 PM
if you go for the private shard,use runuo emu its probably the best out there ,runs off the .net framework and uses C# scripts
but give the pay for play a go and get a feel for the real game b4 you start playing with yourself
nothing like OSI lag to make your day
and pking some dolt with a power scroll who thinks no one noticed him slipping outta the champ spawn to bank his shit >=]