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View Full Version : Swf Editing

12-01-2003, 06:19 AM
I've created a few custom error pages in flash that redirect to another page or site.
I'd like to change the URL but didn't save the project.

How would I replace the URL using the tools below? Is there a better tool? Built into windows maybe?
I can remove the URL and save the flash using the binary editor but can't replace the URL.
The SWF decoder doesn't save in SWF I don't think.

Liatro SWF Decoder 4

Liatro Binary Explorer


All I want really is to be able to add an action at the end that opens another page instead of building a new flash for each site.

this is the flash >
error404.swf (http://members.shaw.ca/userkey/error404.swf)

12-01-2003, 06:30 AM
a lil too technical for the bunch of us....


i doubt u'll get much helpful response here