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View Full Version : Requesting Font Family

12-02-2003, 09:03 PM
Seems like a weird request, but I thought that it would be better here than anywhere else :)

Some of you (unlikely though :lol:) may have been noticing that I was using a particular font a lot. It's called BankGothic, and I did have the whole font family. However, when I reformatted a couple of months back, I made the schoolboy error of backing up everything important bar my fonts. I haven't been able to remember which software installed the BankGothic font family in the first place and now I need to use it again in a couple of projects :(

The closest I've got to getting the family again is paying $20 for it - Seeing as I didn't pay anything for the software that installed BG ;) I have no intention of doing it now.

If anyone has it, I'd be more than happy if you tell us :D But if you can think of which softwares install it, that could help me a bit more :) But either way - I'm asking you's to track down the whole family in one! (not just fonts here and there ;)).

A reward may be given to whoever finds it, but that's open to negotiation (and it sure as hell isn't gonna be money or anyone that costs money ;))

12-02-2003, 11:32 PM
Ask Sharedholder. He is the daddy of links.