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View Full Version : Hello Everybody

02-07-2021, 11:54 AM
Hi, I am new here and happy to write my greeting post. No-doubt, filesharingtalk is a great platform and there are numerous ideas to share. Hope my visit to this forum would be happy indeed. Thanks to all.:)

02-07-2021, 06:25 PM

02-07-2021, 06:54 PM

02-07-2021, 08:07 PM
A newb?

Wow - haven't seen one in years...

Something Else
02-09-2021, 01:06 AM
And nobody here to harsh it off the boreds. Sad thymes.

02-09-2021, 09:10 AM
Never mind, Shania is here to bore it off the boards :/

02-09-2021, 10:47 AM
Never mind, Shania is here to bore it off the boards :/

So you have something to say??

Go ahead, instead of coming here once every 3 months to complain, contribute something to the site...

OH ya whining and moaning is your contribution;)

No one is forced to respond to anything posted here are they, i know you won't get kicked off Facebook and Twitter will ya Lefty, enjoy there;)

02-09-2021, 10:52 AM
Never mind, Shania is here to bore it off the boards :/

So you have something to say??

Go ahead, instead of coming here once every 3 month to complain, contribute something to the site...

OH ya whining and moaning is your contribution;)

No one is forced to respond to anything posted here are they, i know you won't get kicked off Facebook and Twitter will ya Lefty, enjoy there;)

And oh ya welcome tanvirnabi, i hope you enjoy FST:)

02-09-2021, 12:35 PM
Never mind, Shania is here to bore it off the boards :/

So you have something to say??

Go ahead, instead of coming here once every 3 month to complain, contribute something to the site...

OH ya whining and moaning is your contribution;)

No one is forced to respond to anything posted here are they, i know you won't get kicked off Facebook and Twitter will ya Lefty, enjoy there;)
It's like that tale of loyalty about that Japanese dog Hachiko. Only in this instance it isn't heartbreaking, it's kinda stalky weird.

Something Else
02-09-2021, 02:27 PM
I don't think shiner realises that his inane drivel is what drives everyone to leave these boreds. Bless him.

02-09-2021, 02:36 PM
I don't think shiner realises that his inane drivel is what drives everyone to leave these boreds. Bless him.

Really FuckFace??

So FuckFace what do you suggest we discuss or talk about??

If you assume FucKFace it is myself that is scaring people away?? What have you contributed FuckFace to FST, that keeps them here??

If it really wasn't for myself and the obtuse one, really this place would be a ghost-town...

So FuckFace, you have the floor;)

02-09-2021, 02:54 PM
I don't think shiner realises that his inane drivel is what drives everyone to leave these boreds. Bless him.

Well FuckFace, I am waiting??

What would you like to discuss that you are so popular here and have so much to say??

You are such a big attraction every 3 months you show up here FuckFace, the posts here just go through the roof!!!

ROTFLMAO!! Like i have said many times FuckFace, your 3 word posts are such a draw.....

02-09-2021, 07:04 PM
I don't think shiner realises that his inane drivel is what drives everyone to leave these boreds. Bless him. Your timeline seems to be at odds with objective reality. Could you please explain your methodology in coming to this conclusion and have the report on my desk by no later than sometime Friday.

02-09-2021, 07:09 PM
I don't think shiner realises that his inane drivel is what drives everyone to leave these boreds. Bless him.

Well FuckFace, I am waiting??

What would you like to discuss that you are so popular here and have so much to say??

You are such a big attraction every 3 months you show up here FuckFace, the posts here just go through the roof!!!

ROTFLMAO!! Like i have said many times FuckFace, your 3 word posts are such a draw..... Fascists always think that other people have to do what they want.

Instead of ordering him to obey your wishes, may I suggest offering him a large bribe. He's English so I suggest a free lifetime supply of blood pudding. I'm sure that will work.

02-09-2021, 09:03 PM
Well FuckFace, I am waiting??

What would you like to discuss that you are so popular here and have so much to say??

You are such a big attraction every 3 months you show up here FuckFace, the posts here just go through the roof!!!

ROTFLMAO!! Like i have said many times FuckFace, your 3 word posts are such a draw..... Fascists always think that other people have to do what they want.

Instead of ordering him to obey your wishes, may I suggest offering him a large bribe. He's English so I suggest a free lifetime supply of blood pudding. I'm sure that will work.

You are right Idol, my wording was too direct....

So edit that and add in "May i suggest FuckFace"

Is that better, because if that is not to your satisfaction, and to be honest , when i say i have your back,that is not a 50% thing, you can remember that in the future as well. To me remember friendship here is important, and if people choose not to, then that is there choice and the great thing here is, you don't have to read someones posts, and even better you don't have to reply either......

And i wouldn't give that FuckFace sweat off my balls!!! , Do you get that or are you too young to understand it.. I am not interested to really have any discussions with that FuckFace!!,, til today, i can't remember ever replying to any of his posts, and any time i have it usually involves hostility because he is a FuckFace!!!!

That is the end of it!!!.. If i am bored and feel like posting here , and if someone decides to reply great!!! If not?? The same, great ;)

The question that would interests me more, if there was no prerequisite to post to get access to the NZB section?? How many really would??

I can tell you honestly there wouldn't be any posts from myself!... And if you take X amount of people that have joined in what the last 3 years!!!, how many of them are now regular posters in the forums today??

And really if anyone here that has confrontations with people , especially with any new posters who would be on the top of that list??

Yet the other person here seems to have his back doesn't he;)

02-09-2021, 10:10 PM
I don't have any luck with the blood pudding you could always try a beating. That seemed to work in Oliver Twist.

02-09-2021, 10:51 PM
I don't have any luck with the blood pudding you could always try a beating. That seemed to work in Oliver Twist.

I will repeat!!!!

"i wouldn't give that FuckFace sweat off my balls!"

Got it;)

Why is it you try to play mediator to a person that dislikes you more then me:lol:, haven't you said before your title here now reads "Retired";)...

I don't care, i will do what i want and FuckFace can either contribute more than 3 word post every 3 months and prove he is a asset here, anyone can start a tread and have conversations and ignore others or my opinion and facts he can go fuck himself, i don't reply to any 3 word conversations FuckFace tries to have, and it won't upset me if FuckFace does the same with my posts..Do your own thing!!!

If you want even more honesty!! Before Chalice started with the Anti-Semitic shit, i thought he was one of the better posters here, and the same Fox was also great to read his posts...

Now that is not in any internet jargon!!! It is straight forward that FuckFace should be able to comprehend........

I will tell you what Idol.... Where are all of those guys?? Again they don't have to read my posts nor do they need to reply, they can do there own thing can't they??

It is amazing that i can go back when i wasn't here for over 2 months posting, and really the only posts were you being ignorant and obtuse instigator to your own posts :lol:

And funny i do remember you didn't give a shit or have any concerns to the fact i wasn't here, but there was people here that did....

Here is a selfish thought you may relate too, i post here for me and if it starts a conversation great, if not oh fucking well....

And if i forget a comma or misspell a word or two, oh fucking well, I am here and this is where i post, and if you don't like the post don't fucking read it or reply....

What do you think??

Something Else
02-09-2021, 11:45 PM
A quarter past three :unsure:

You were trying to ask the time, or did you simply spill a jar of random words on the page again.

A man walks in to an iron bar and oops. He's hit his head.

Does being so consumed with rage not have an adverse effect on your day to day.

Perhaps the soporific nature of your ramblings mean you rest well.

What would I know. I'm just a doctor.

02-09-2021, 11:52 PM
A quarter past three :unsure:

You were trying to ask the time, or did you simply spill a jar of random words on the page again.

A man walks in to an iron bar and oops. He's hit his head.

Does being so consumed with rage not have an adverse effect on your day to day.

Perhaps the soporific nature of your ramblings mean you rest well.

What would I know. I'm just a doctor.

I don't have any rage FuckFace ,you misunderstand English by comparing your name FuckFace and rage, they have nothing to do with each other ..

I have said my piece and how i feel about you FuckFace, you do your thing and i will do mine. There is no need for me to ever respond to any of your FuckFace posts....

Be well and have a good life Fuckface;)

02-10-2021, 12:04 AM
Maybe this is why we already have the FST welcome thread... :sleep:
