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View Full Version : Save Half Download In Other Partition B4 Format

12-04-2003, 11:57 PM

I am downloading a movie in Kazaa Lite K + + . The size is just under 900000 Kb.
I am at halfway point. But as a matter of priority I have to format my hard disk and reinstall the o/s before the download completes.

It will take another three days to complete the download. How can I save the half download which is currently in My Shared Folder to another folder in a different partition. Because when I format the hard disk Kazaa Lite will be deleted along with My Shared Folder. After renistalling the operating system I want to resume download from the halfway point.

So how can I bring the incomplete download back into Kazaa Lite K + + to resume the downloading. Thank you.


12-05-2003, 12:28 AM
What I would do: I would save the *.dat file of the movie on a CD or DVD,
depends on which possibilities you are having :) then reinstall everything and kazaa, and put the *.dat file from CD/DVD back into shared folder - then it should resume....

12-05-2003, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by internet.news@5 December 2003 - 00:28
then reinstall everything and kazaa, and put the *.dat file from CD/DVD back into shared folder - then it should resume....
Just be sure that your shared folder is in the same partition it was before you formated, and that the files are not "read-only"