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02-14-2003, 10:50 AM
If you really love children, why put them in a future hellhole?

1.Global warming..
The full effect of our disregard of the nature is still to come, but very serious climatic changes gonna happen, with flooding, dry, less food etc. etc.

2.old and not maintenated nuclear weapons
Russia and other countrys have wast amounts of nuclear material/bombs that they can´t affort to keep up to date.......WHEN does a nuclear bomb go launch or "go off" by accident?
WHEN is it time for a new and worse tjernobyl?

I´m waiting to see what the maniacs in N.Korea and especially tjetnien are cooking up next? - I really think that a full scale war between muslims countrys and the west is yet to come before year 2010 (just a thought---Nostradamous predicted that people/countrys from the middle east/asia would go to war on the rest of the world in the beginning of the new millenium) Religion is responcible for over 90 % of the worlds crises!

In a world where is never has been so easy to travel anywhere on the planet in so short time..I wonder what hanta, ebola virusses etc.etc. - impacts they will have on the world?

5. overpopulation
Did you know that in the 50´s, people had a average age of 43?....now a days we dont die before 72 years old... more and more people give birth to children thats only getting older. We are better than ever to rescue sick people, operate and generally pospone the death. We are already in short of fresh drinking water, enough food etc. etc... overpopulation only increase the effects of global warming, because they all need electricity, oil, cars etc, etc.

6. mankinds egotism
The only thing people care about is "me, me, me, myself first"...when does this egoism result in genocide by the millions?...If you are a superegoist and you don´t get your will, you are willing to go the distance to hurt everyone else... remember the 900 death in new guinea by a religios leader in the 1970´s. (or Wade,texas), Saddam Hussein speaks for him self, (bin laden). I ´ll bet anything that, when they find that asshole that made the anthrax letters, he is a worker that didn´t get his will <_< ...when does a superegoist use the chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons they work with, just because they are not happy at work?????

7. mankind in generel
people are (in my opinion) just housetrained animals...all through our evolution we have done practict everything to destroy our self....We call us civilized, but how do you explain the horror by the nazi´s only 60 years ago?...or the genocide in Rwanda, Jugoslavia in the 1990´s...we can´t help it...the more techinal proficiant we are the better are we to destroy ourself.... (sorry for the spelling, I´m not english) ;)

Have a nice weekend and REMEMBER to use birthcontrols&#33;&#33;&#33; <_<

02-14-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by nincompoop@14 February 2003 - 05:50
5. overpopulation
Did you know that in the 50´s, people had a average age of 43?....now a days we dont die before 72 years old... more and more people give birth to children thats only getting older. We are better than ever to rescue sick people, operate and generally pospone the death. We are already in short of fresh drinking water, enough food etc. etc... overpopulation only increase the effects of global warming, because they all need electricity, oil, cars etc, etc.

Have a nice weekend and REMEMBER to use birthcontrols&#33;&#33;&#33; <_<
;) Man brother you don&#39;t know how I feel about this...2 kids in your life should be enough...you need more go get a dog.I see people all the time with 4,5 even 6 kids and I am thinking why,why,why?It is the worst problem we have in this world.....learn to control yourself people.

I know somebody is going to say they have more then 2 kids and that offends them,I am sorry if it does,it is too late for you,but others should learn. ;)

02-14-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by nincompoop@14 February 2003 - 11:50
(just a thought---Nostradamous predicted that people/countrys from the middle east/asia would go to war on the rest of the world in the beginning of the new millenium) Religion is responcible for over 90 % of the worlds crises&#33;
Nostradamus didn&#39;t really predict anything. His "original" predictions have been twisted and translated so many times that they lost what little meaning they had, and if it&#39;s possible to find a semi-reliable translation, they&#39;re so entirely vague so that they&#39;re able to be twisted to apply to most any situations.

sim one
02-14-2003, 11:25 AM
@nincompoop : Are you not getting any sex?

02-14-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by sim one@14 February 2003 - 12:25
@nincompoop : Are you not getting any sex?
yes...but NO children B)

02-14-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by nincompoop+14 February 2003 - 06:31--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (nincompoop @ 14 February 2003 - 06:31)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--sim one@14 February 2003 - 12:25
@nincompoop : Are you not getting any sex?
yes...but NO children B) [/b][/quote]
:D Keep up the good work. :D

02-14-2003, 01:10 PM
I&#39;m a big fan of the zero population growth movement. :D

But that&#39;s mainly because I don&#39;t like to be crowded. :P

02-14-2003, 01:10 PM
Actually, the end of the world was supposed to occur on Sept 12, 2012.

A friend of mine actually studied the bible for years, and 1 1/2 years before 9/11, he predicted something was going to happen, and he told us to watch, "something is going to happen that is going to start it all." True Story. He reminded us the day before, my jaw hit the floor when I woke up the next morning, and I found out what happened.

His next prediction was the death of the pope...but....DUH&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; The pope is like 500 years old. :D

02-14-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by nincompoop+14 February 2003 - 12:31--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (nincompoop @ 14 February 2003 - 12:31)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--sim one@14 February 2003 - 12:25
@nincompoop : Are you not getting any sex?
yes...but NO children B) [/b][/quote]
Ahh Firing blanks? :D

02-14-2003, 03:27 PM
i have funny thoughts on the matter....

i myself am adopted.. and was adopted at the age of 2...

if i* choose to have kids it will be of the adopted kind why bring more into this world when theyre are kids without mom&#39;s and dad&#39;s already in the world...

personally i dont hink it is bad to have kids... but i do think we need to adopt the ones who dont have parents first...

* by i a mean myself and lucy loo :)

02-14-2003, 03:53 PM
nincompoop you&#39;re no nincompoop. I think this is a valid point of view. Mankind is doing everything it can to make it all end. Medicine is doing everything it can to &#39;save&#39; more people. Even create more&#33; (Cloning)

Great thread topic and welcome to the forum.

02-14-2003, 04:08 PM
why is everyone so gloomy. :ph34r:

we are just animals that have learned to talk, and nothinng more.

people have little concern for the future. when is the last time you though &#39;i wonder what i shall have to eat in 3 months time&#39; .never.

we are more concerned with the here and now. thats why things like global warming, overpopulation and drought will be of little concern to most people until it is too late.

there are no winners in life. some just lose better than others :D

02-14-2003, 08:14 PM
doom da doom doom.... doom doom doom....da doom da doom.........doom doom doom

02-14-2003, 08:17 PM
The more children we have, the more women there will be, and the more sex there will be for me&#33; Anyways, probably in the future we will start living in space. Then we will get wiped out by some fat mama... Anyways, if we have a no children law, then the world would be doomed right there. Plus how would the world agree on it?

02-14-2003, 08:35 PM
Insensitve comments I am seeing here.

I already have kids.

<sarcasm>oops my bad guys</sarcasm>

All you are on this planet to do is procreate, don&#39;t kid yourself about that. Nothng else matters in the long run.


02-14-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by SuperJude™@14 February 2003 - 15:35
Insensitve comments I am seeing here.

I already have kids.

<sarcasm>oops my bad guys</sarcasm>

All you are on this planet to do is procreate, don&#39;t kid yourself about that. Nothng else matters in the long run.

;) Nope the family name ends with me and my brother.

I mean what freak would bare our children? :blink:

02-14-2003, 08:44 PM
**Jude points to state FC is in**

Oh I&#39;m sure there are a few.

:lol: :D :lol: ;) :P


02-14-2003, 08:45 PM
:D Have you ever tried the Smurfette, FC? ;)

02-14-2003, 08:45 PM
This planet is FULL&#33;
Stop having childeren&#33;
If you want them, babysit or have a cat/dog instead, you&#39;ll be cured soon&#33;

02-14-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Bender@14 February 2003 - 15:45
This planet is FULL&#33;
Stop having childeren&#33;
If you want them, babysit or have a cat/dog instead, you&#39;ll be cured soon&#33;
:) You know what I will let you guys know something(FC opening up),I like babysiting for my freinds and family...little kids are a trip,really have fun spending time with some of them.But that is what I like....I only have them for the day or a few hours...then I can give them back. :D

02-14-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by FuNkY CaPrIcOrN+14 February 2003 - 21:48--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (FuNkY CaPrIcOrN @ 14 February 2003 - 21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Bender@14 February 2003 - 15:45
This planet is FULL&#33;
Stop having childeren&#33;
If you want them, babysit or have a cat/dog instead, you&#39;ll be cured soon&#33;
:) You know what I will let you guys know something(FC opening up),I like babysiting for my freinds and family...little kids are a trip,really have fun spending time with some of them.But that is what I like....I only have them for the day or a few hours...then I can give them back. :D [/b][/quote]
That&#39;s JUST what I meant, sorry if I wasn&#39;t clearly enough about it. :D

02-14-2003, 09:48 PM
The world is not going to end. Its just a load of crap some hippys came up with and has been carried on by sad people who spend way to long learning about aliens and starwars/startreck. If you had solid proof it was actually going to end everyone would go out into the street and... (thinking of what i would do) ... break stuff. As for terrorists, you could say that dude Ghandi was one because he stood up for things that the people in power didnt like.
Basically what im trying to say is screw hippys. Yes i watch South Park but not THAT much.

All your base are belong to us&#33; - GOD :D

02-14-2003, 09:54 PM
THE WORL IS GOING TO END IN THE NEAR FUTURE (near as in a couple billions of years... Maybe trillians...)

02-14-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by NeoShoyru@14 February 2003 - 21:54
make it seconds the D is all ready fallen of the WORL

02-14-2003, 11:08 PM
My genes are too fucking good to be wasted&#33; it&#39;s my god damn duty to spread them, at least 10 fold&#33;&#33;
yup, as soon as i meet the Woman i will father 10 cute strong healthy adorable little ugluks&#33; :D

bad world? bad planet? NOOO&#33; you fools&#33;&#33; this is the best time humanity has ever had&#33; not ever before has there been such good times. before people died of pest. they fought poitless wars. they starved. they had evil or just plain stupid kings or noble men. people still do, but not as often as before&#33; today there are more people than ever before. the average wealth of all these people are higher, much higher.
6 billion people&#33; sure a couple of millions starve or die of disease, but on average we are better off today than 100 years ago. not to mention 1000 years ago&#33; or 100 000&#33;&#33; so you think, hey&#33; what about the aztecs or the zulus or whatever tribe, they are now gone&#33; yes, but the Human Race is still stronger, healthier and wealthier than ever before.
overpopulation leading to collapse and starvation? No. this planet can support at least 50 billion people. in the 19th century many scientists believed that 1 billion people was an absolute maximum. later it was believed that 2 billion was an absolute limit. but here it is, more people can feed more people&#33; agriculture gets better and better, that&#39;s one reason why the old doomsday profets where wrong. and anyway the predictions now show that the population curve will flaten out at around 9 billion, since education makes people to have less children. most educated working women won&#39;t have more than 1-3 children. one reason is money. another career. and another the fact that people gets children later and later. no longer the first child at 16 but at 27-33. so SADLY we will most likley never even reach 10 billion&#33; :( (i hope this theory is wrong&#33; the more the merrier&#33;) just think about it... more people: more trade&#33; more money&#33; higher economic growth&#33; more people -> more smart people -> more inventions -> new business&#33; more wealth&#33;&#33;

religion? fortunatley as times goes by the power of fanatic religion has gone down. no more inquisition for example. and you think there are fanatic muslims today? Ha&#33; nothing compared to how it used to be&#33;

terror? nothing new under the sun... sure they can kill more numbers now, but then again, there are more people today. suicide bombers? nothing new... you don&#39;t even have to be a fanatic muslim, all you have to be is fanatic about something&#33; for example, during the last years of the Russian Tsar there were sucide terrorists, that believed in no God whatsoever.

poverty? yes even in our rich developed countries we have poor people. but at least most of them no longer starve to death. want to rid the 3rd world of starvation? help them develop democracy and rid themselves of corruption. No truly democratic country has ever had starvation. and the number of induviduals living under the joy of a democracy are greater for each passing decade. remember the Soviets? The only example that comes to mind that has turned the other way is Hong Kong. but even China is going more and more open.

and you know.. the meaning of Life? there is no meaning&#33; the only thing driving us forward is the sex drive, and thats the truth&#33; :D

02-14-2003, 11:15 PM
and another thing: we need more people&#33; sooner or later the time will come when we are ready to colonize the solar system, like Mars and the moon. and later to colonize other solar systems...

ah&#33; it&#39;s a brave new world&#33; the future is looking good, better for each day&#33; thank you Lord for giving me life and not having my parents being stupid selfish egoists not wanting to have children&#33; i am alive and i enjoy life&#33; this is a great time to be alive. B)

02-15-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by NeoShoyru@14 February 2003 - 16:54
THE WORL IS GOING TO END IN THE NEAR FUTURE (near as in a couple billions of years... Maybe trillians...)
actually it wouldnt take that long at all.
as our planets elliptical orbit gets more progressive...in a few thousand years it will become uninhabitable by the human race..period.
everything that has a beginning has an ending.
nothing is forever, blah blah.
all we have is now.
we are nothing more than soft bags of water, vulnerable and weak, jaded by our own sense of esteem and accomplishments.
overpopulation is real and true, and in my opinion people should have a more ecological point of view b4 br33ding. the alternative is our governments making that choice for us......and from the way its looking, thats exactly where we re headed.

02-15-2003, 11:12 AM
mean reason not to take children isn&#39;t given then...

It will be much more expensive changing wives then, cause off the high alimoney you have to pay :D

02-15-2003, 11:35 AM
Have you ever read Jonathan Swift&#39;s &#39;Modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick&#39; ?

If you haven&#39;t you should read it here (http://www.eng.as.fvsu.edu/swift.htm).
Have fun :D

sim one
02-15-2003, 12:08 PM
and another thing: we need more people&#33; sooner or later the time will come when we are ready to colonize the solar system, like Mars and the moon. and later to colonize other solar systems...

Scientists are already studying how we could colonise Mars and it&#39;s pretty extrodinary (sp?) the lengths that we will have to go through to prepare ourselves and the planet (Mars) for life as we know it.

02-15-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by ketoprak@15 February 2003 - 06:35
Have you ever read Jonathan Swift&#39;s &#39;Modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick&#39; ?

If you haven&#39;t you should read it here (http://www.eng.as.fvsu.edu/swift.htm).
Have fun :D
i dont know how much you like cartoons, but theres a show called sealab 2021 on cartoon networks adult swim that mentions a modest proposal..
its got to be one of the most hilarious episodes ever.

02-15-2003, 03:09 PM
If you really love children, why put them in a future hellhole?

1.Global warming..
Happens every 100 thousands years. Called the ICE AGE&#33;

2.old and not maintenated nuclear weapons
With human intellegence, comes disaster. Aknown fact of human nature.

Always has, and always will. Nature&#39;s way of thinning the herd.

Combination of #2 and #3 answer above.

5. overpopulation
Don&#39;t worry. Nature will prevail. Disease and Virus will kick in and correct that.

6. mankinds egotism
Through history, those voiceful assholes always made an impression, but fall down hard.

7. mankind in generel
Survival of the fittest. nothing new here.

Now Imagine this. The normal daily life of one of these terroristic rag-heads is famine, living in the stone age, starvation, terrorism, knowing that your entire country is going to become a glass fctory if you f*ck with the wrong people, no modern anything, guns, diease, virus, fighting at age 12 with rifles, having Sddam&#39;s 1st son rape you and steal your car, etc....

So yes, please. If you are a RAG-HEAD and live in a country like that. Then don&#39;t have kids&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

02-15-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by sim one@15 February 2003 - 13:08

and another thing: we need more people&#33; sooner or later the time will come when we are ready to colonize the solar system, like Mars and the moon. and later to colonize other solar systems...

Scientists are already studying how we could colonise Mars and it&#39;s pretty extrodinary (sp?) the lengths that we will have to go through to prepare ourselves and the planet (Mars) for life as we know it.
not at all. i read an article in Scientific American some time ago, (don&#39;t remember what issue) and it was clear that with todays technology Mars could be terraformed to support basic plant life in about 100 years. and another 2-300 years for higher animal and human life. of course the cost of such a project would be quite high... and it also assumes that you&#39;ll find water on Mars. (but even without water it is possible.)

02-15-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Spindulik@15 February 2003 - 11:09
Now Imagine this. The normal daily life of one of these terroristic rag-heads is famine, living in the stone age, starvation, terrorism, knowing that your entire country is going to become a glass fctory if you f*ck with the wrong people, no modern anything, guns, diease, virus, fighting at age 12 with rifles, having Sddam&#39;s 1st son rape you and steal your car, etc....

So yes, please. If you are a RAG-HEAD and live in a country like that. Then don&#39;t have kids&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
LOL@Spindulik :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol:
I agree...