View Full Version : Joe Biden: Just an utter disaster, or 'worse than Jimmy Carter'

01-21-2022, 03:06 AM
It helps to be old enough to remember Jimmy Carter.

01-21-2022, 04:51 PM
It helps if you free your mind from the thought that the other party is working to ensure that nothing gets done. I mean like the Republicans blocked even government appointments being filled for months.

If you disagree with this contention or can give any good reason for them doing this other than a transparent attempt for things to go as poorly as possible for the country so that they stand a better chance to regain power, then by all means have at it. For concrete example merely look at the recently defeated voting rights Bill which historically found bi-partisan support.

Btw Biden isn't a great/good President but then again neither were the last several GOP Presidents is you discount Reagan. It's one thing to have to play the hand you are given but it's another thing trying to play that hand when the other person refuses to even come to the table.

01-21-2022, 05:55 PM
I hate to say it, but I'm with Idol on this one.

And now pardon me while I take a ht shower... ;)

01-22-2022, 01:51 AM
I For concrete example merely look at the recently defeated voting rights Bill which historically found bi-partisan support.

"recently defeated"..."historically"?

What means this?

What do you think about non-citizens voting, which is a Democrat imperative?

Voting, no identification required?

Also, the question is simple, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump.

If you don't want to answer it, don't take liberties.

01-22-2022, 01:56 PM
Sorry, American is my third language after Canadian and English.

I never mentioned Trump.
The national Party isn't in favour of the new New York voting rights and even notable NY Progressives like AOC haven't spoken up in favour of it. In this shrinking world, I think the distinction between "legal resident" and "citizen" continues to grow ever murkier so on this I really can't say absolutely although I personally side with staying with citizenship cause it's an easier line to draw in the sand .
I like Carter. He's proven himself to be a good man. We are often slave to circumstance and Carter's circumstance unfortunately involved Iran. I think Biden tries to be a good man but decades in Washington have clouded his judgement on what "being good" actually involves. I also think that if there is a minimum age that one can be President then it's only reasonable that their should also be a maximum one.

Sorry if this post is a bit addled but it's early and I do my best thinking after a few drinks.

01-22-2022, 05:44 PM
Sorry, American is my third language after Canadian and English.

I never mentioned Trump.
The national Party isn't in favour of the new New York voting rights and even notable NY Progressives like AOC haven't spoken up in favour of it. In this shrinking world, I think the distinction between "legal resident" and "citizen" continues to grow ever murkier so on this I really can't say absolutely although I personally side with staying with citizenship cause it's an easier line to draw in the sand .
I like Carter. He's proven himself to be a good man. We are often slave to circumstance and Carter's circumstance unfortunately involved Iran. I think Biden tries to be a good man but decades in Washington have clouded his judgement on what "being good" actually involves. I also think that if there is a minimum age that one can be President then it's only reasonable that their should also be a maximum one.

Sorry if this post is a bit addled but it's early and I do my best thinking after a few drinks.

"The last several GOP presidents" surely includes Trump.

If you can find it within yourself to comment positively about Carter, well, that puts you in a very, very (very) special minority.

Also - "addled" is okay - I do that myself.

01-22-2022, 06:30 PM
On further thought, legal residents pay taxes, have social security numbers and presumably their fortunes are tied to their current country of residence. Compare that to (American) citizens living abroad who are less tethered both physically and financially to their country of origin and yet retain their voting rights.
I mean in the end, the argument for citizenship over legal residency is basically a white supremacy thing isn't it? Btw the answer is yes.

01-22-2022, 06:36 PM
What is more important to ensure everyone who qualifies has the opportunity to vote or to set up barriers against certain people voting because there possibly maybe might be some tiny chance of voter fraud?

Seriously, do you honestly believe that a large number of illegal votes wouldn't be noticed by someone as things previously stood?

01-23-2022, 01:13 AM
I'll set the standard for 'utter disaster' at coup d'etat. Based on that standard, I score the current administration as not so bad.

Former administration and co-conspirators are still trying to accomplish that.

Personally, I'd rather have a few (nonexistent) fraudulent/illegal votes counted than have none matter at all.

Democracy sucks when your side can't get enough legal voters...votes...thrown out to stay in power.

Heavily armed white supremacists groups intimidating legal voters, the entire mail system dismantled, repeated insane claims that the election was 'stolen' that NOBODY with an IQ over the temp of ice water ever believed...

And what idol said. Biden isn't great, but he's facing nothing but obstructionism when there's a lot that needs to be done for the good of the entire country.

01-23-2022, 10:42 PM
I'll set the standard for 'utter disaster' at coup d'etat. Shay said that he had a Coup DeVille once. I told him that's Coupe and it's a totally different thing. He said then that explains why it never tried to overthrow him. He then added " But you gotta admit, that Cecil B. DeVille, hell of a director. Hell of a director".

01-24-2022, 03:10 AM
Sicker than a dog, but when I recover...

01-24-2022, 12:38 PM

Fiduciary like ponzi.

01-25-2022, 08:42 PM
If you don't having any allergies, name one sane reason not to get vaccinated for Covid.


We live in really strange times. Thank God there was no social media when polio was being eradicated.

01-25-2022, 09:14 PM
Two kids, and another one on the way... I bet they'll feel good knowing that he literally died for his convictions...

--> https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hospital-refusing-heart-transplant-for-man-who-wont-get-vaccinated/ar-AAT7wyP

01-25-2022, 09:53 PM
They won't take the vaccine but then if they get it they run to the doctor wanting something to cure them. Chicken/egg, dumbfucks. Also at least be consistent, if body autonomy then that would also include you know, abortion rights.


It is a fucking cult just like Qanon.

01-26-2022, 10:56 PM
So apparently Meat Loaf died of Covid after saying he'd rather die than get vaccinated. Wish fulfilled, atheists


01-27-2022, 06:24 PM
Apparently, Meatloaf wasn't even his real name. :idunno:

01-27-2022, 07:09 PM
I wonder if the last thing he saw was his heart breakin' out of his body and flying away like a bat outta hell?

01-28-2022, 04:15 AM
His last thought was, "If only the doctors could have done something..."

First thought of the afterlife: "WTF??! I still have bitch tits???!"

Something Else
02-19-2023, 11:43 PM
He's simply the figurehead of a terrorist organisation. I don't know if it's fair to blame the actor, playing the part.

03-07-2023, 08:55 PM
He's simply the figurehead of a terrorist organisation. I don't know if it's fair to blame the actor, playing the part.


Anyone have any fresh thoughts on the Chinese lab, and/or the intent of the Chinese in all this?

03-07-2023, 10:01 PM
It's like the Kennedy assassination(s).The truth is so mixed in with lies at this point that the public will never truly know what happened.

03-08-2023, 09:55 PM
It's like the Kennedy assassination(s).The truth is so mixed in with lies at this point that the public will never truly know what happened.

True enough; we can know nothing for sure.

Let me ask you, then:

What/when was the last time you knew anything for sure?

I mean recently, in your lifetime, or even in all of history?

Remember as well that many reserve the prerogative to label any consensus as 'group-think'.

We are left with naught but our own powers of discernment and whatever logic we possess.

Mine tell me Biden is the worst President ever, China has successfully achieved it's ends, and the US - as well as it's allies, if any are left - are as compromised as we/they have ever been.

Something Else
03-13-2023, 12:04 AM
He's simply the figurehead of a terrorist organisation. I don't know if it's fair to blame the actor, playing the part.


Anyone have any fresh thoughts on the Chinese lab, and/or the intent of the Chinese in all this?

Yes. The Chinese would clearly like peace and diplomacy, while the other side seem to want war with everyone. Let's hope the Chinese position prevails.

07-10-2023, 11:05 PM
Anyone willing to weigh-in on the side of Biden anymore?

Everyone still behind the vaccines/boosters, etc?

Everyone still big China fans?

07-13-2023, 01:27 AM
don't even like chinese food

07-20-2023, 11:15 PM
don't even like chinese food

On another note, isn't it curious how much we enjoy other countries' peasant food?