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12-06-2003, 09:46 PM
What is a Role Playing game? Is Lord of the Rings Return of the King a role playing game?

12-06-2003, 10:06 PM

12-06-2003, 10:26 PM
not really, there are many different types of RPG like action oriented like Diablo or much more detailed and longer like Morrowind where you can almost do whatever you want in the world.

Basically you control one or more characters, walk around and try to accomplish quests given by NPC in the game. When you've finished quests you get some kind of experience and you can advance your character in different skills. Though thats different in every game

if you want to try out some look for Morrowind or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic though i havent played that yet, but its supposed to be great :D

12-06-2003, 10:39 PM
And you can't go wrong with the final fantasy series either.
They have a cool battle system and other stuff.I'm not sure how different it is from other rpg's 'cause i only played FF. But the graphics are outstanding...the best graphics I've ever seen on PS2 anyway.
And the storyline is...euhm....quite good.

12-06-2003, 11:14 PM
Diablo is an RPG only because you level up and get stat points. ;)

A true role-playing game is more than just accumulating stats and items. It's not about watching your "experience" meter grow until you gain a level. Real role-playing allows you to genuinely step into another world, live out another life, create an alternate personality, make decisions with that character, and live out the consequences of your choices.
