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View Full Version : [Request] Hey, buddy...can you spare an IPT invite...

08-16-2022, 10:59 PM
I haven't downloaded in days...

I have references, but unfortunately, they're all shady ne'er-do-wells... :sadwalk:

08-16-2022, 11:06 PM
Ahaha, I suppose you fell victim to their stupid inactivity policies? Anyway, PM me your e-mail and I'll be pleased to give you one.

08-17-2022, 02:32 PM
Idol should be by any time now... :sadwalk:

08-17-2022, 03:24 PM
I don't give out invites to the radical left. Go tear down something somewhere else, socialist.

08-17-2022, 03:43 PM
Don't listen to this yankee. Here's a quadrillion bolívars to get your new account started, comrade.

08-17-2022, 04:04 PM
I pray for the day that some fundamentalist takes over your government and teaches you proper respect for money, pinko.

No I take that back, right-wing death squads would be letting you off too easy.

08-17-2022, 04:34 PM
I pray for the day that some fundamentalist takes over your government and teaches you proper respect for money, pinko.

Q: What do Russians, Chinese and Arabs have in common?
A: They hate Americans but love their dollars! :stuart:

No I take that back, right-wing death squads would be letting you off too easy.

Pfft. Guess who drives their vans.

08-17-2022, 06:12 PM
I guess we can rule Anne Heche out at this point.

08-17-2022, 09:06 PM
Q: What do Russians, Chinese and Arabs have in common?
A: Trump sold them our nuclear secrets

No I take that back, right-wing death squads would be letting you off too easy.

Shouldn't Shay be here writing single posts that rival War and Peace in size, but fall short of a Kardashian in sense and clarity?

Latest word is that Trump 'declassified' those documents when he was president. Can't one of his Secret Service agents just club him like a baby seal and end this madness?

08-17-2022, 10:31 PM
Leave Shay alone. He's been busy supporting atrocities against Arab civilians.

Shay says that the Palestinians need to be keep in their place or else they might start getting uppity like the Negros have.

To be fair to the israelis, if all my neighbours were looking to blow me up then I'd probably just murder them all with the covert help of the CIA instead of moving too.

08-18-2022, 12:40 AM
Q: What do Russians, Chinese and Arabs have in common?
A: Trump sold them our nuclear secrets

Nice attempt to smear the former president of the Earth, but if that were true we would have heard it through a Whatsapp chain. :dry:

08-18-2022, 06:00 AM
We're definitely going to get Trump 2: Trump Harder. After these espionage charges go away, he's going to feel completely invincible. He's filled both House and Senate with puppets. So we'll get sequels far longer than the franchise should run.

08-18-2022, 11:52 AM
Don Jr waits patiently for his chance to rule while the monarch refuses to step aside. I wonder how long before Kimberly Guilfoyle turns up dead in a tunnel?

08-18-2022, 02:36 PM
We're definitely going to get Trump 2: Trump Harder. After these espionage charges go away, he's going to feel completely invincible. He's filled both House and Senate with puppets. So we'll get sequels far longer than the franchise should run.

Or maybe it will bomb after Trump 3: A Trip to Belize :shifty:

08-18-2022, 03:56 PM
Once the ascension is complete, the boys will go full Uday and Qusay. You never go full Uday...

I wonder how long before Kimberly Guilfoyle turns up dead in a tunnel?

Absolutely no one is going to testify against Trump. They all know he's going to be president dick-tater soon and whatever charges they face will be pardoned for holding the line. Roughly 80% (NY Times) of Trump's lackeys won in recent Senate and House elections. Almost everywhere there were 'polling discrepancies' are now controlled by Trump. Mix in gerrymandering and it's checkmate.

Worst thing that will happen to Kimberly Guilfoyle is that she'll get pissed on during a private meating with Trump.

08-18-2022, 05:24 PM
Everything is now telling me that for my own safely I should turn on two step verification. Before I go to all that trouble, the criminals can fucking have my money. Criminals 1, Annoying nerds 0.

08-22-2022, 12:57 AM
Worst thing that will happen to Kimberly Guilfoyle is that she'll get pissed on during a private meating with Trump. I'm open to the possibility that Trump might have kept those secret documents to sell to the enemy but I'm completely sure that there is a pee tape. It's not some random thing that you just come up with and no one's ever been accused of something like like before or since.

08-22-2022, 01:04 PM
A while back he was giving some speech to a room full of RNC donors or some equally non-hostile group and he just brought that up completely out of the blue to deny it.

Then Shay mentioned that he doesn't like peeing on hookers too.

08-22-2022, 05:21 PM

08-22-2022, 11:25 PM
If Shay watches that, he's going to get stuck in a self-destruction logic loop and explode like the robot on Star Trek.

'Everything Tucker Carlson says is TRUE. Tucker Carlson said that everything on Fox is a lie. Tucker Carlson is on Fox...How can i believe Tucker Carlson if he is on Fox???'

It's a good thing Shay has never relied on logic.

In related gnus...

Seems the judge overseeing Trump's lawsuit regarding search warrant was appointed by Trump in 2020. She's deciding if poor Trump has been picked on. I don't see how this could end on the side of justice.

"It has been assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump in 2020." (CNN)

08-23-2022, 12:17 AM
Yeah I read how they filed with a judge 70 miles away instead of the local court because they thought.....


08-23-2022, 10:39 AM
I never watch Tucker Carlson because Tucker Carlson. But one of his recent clips popped up and I thought I would hear what the 'other' side had to say about Trump's current predicament.

I cannot fucking believe anyone gives him two fucking seconds. He spent two fucking minutes breaking down what Top Secret meant and focused in on invisible ink from WW1 that was declassified. Then tried to convince the audience that the papers that Trump stole were the equivalent to invisible ink.

Just going out on a limb here...he didn't steal the recipe for invisible ink. He took things that others would buy/trade/shelter for.

08-23-2022, 03:51 PM
It must be tough living in a country where half the people are traitors. In Canada, we really only have to worry about throwing the populations of Quebec and Alberta in jail.

08-23-2022, 04:52 PM
Pretty sure those traitors patriots will be unleashed to kill us for wanting Healthcare, living wage, safe schools, education based on fact and equality, voting rights, a liveable planet Antifa and godlessness.

Since you can't have guns, and I assume literally everyone has multiple chainsaws, would you please murder euthanize everyone from Alberta. They come down here and drive 15mph under the speed limit while also doing so like drunk kamikaze. At least the ones from BC are stoned out of their minds and just want lunch and to visit the mall. Thank you.

08-23-2022, 09:44 PM
Euthanasia is currently a big issue in Canada among people who unwisely believe Rupert Murdoch media.


Btw as I have a Microsoft news feed as the homepage on my laptop, I find there is a real harmony of message between the Russian/Chinese bots in Canadian comment sections and Russian/Chinese bots in American comment sections.

Also the veteran is an ingrate because every time I come on this board I wish I was lucky enough to have someone willing to help me kill myself.

08-24-2022, 03:55 AM
"Veteran was outraged by the inappropriate suggestion" :lol:

...so can we have your liver then?

08-24-2022, 03:48 PM
Thanks for that year of community college tuition, Joe. Good thing there was no 2-year build-up on that, some might be a little disappointed. :mellow:

08-24-2022, 03:58 PM
Hey, if you don't want your $10K or $20K, I'll take it. Given that half the people who owe student debt owe less than $20,000, I'd say this has quite a significant impact on a lot of people.

People who owe $100K or more probably went to medical or law school, or have other advanced degrees. I kind of feel that they should be in a pretty decent position to pay off the rest of what they owe...

08-24-2022, 05:48 PM
While all those people like Meg were slacking off earning useless BA degrees and attending keg parties I was busting my butt selling drugs. Where's my 10k, huh?
Liberal fucks. Not respecting the working man.

08-24-2022, 06:05 PM
Those 'half with student debt under $10k' most likely dropped out and were defaulting anyway.


For most people earning a 4-year degree, it isn't possible to earn enough to pay living expenses, tuition, books, computer lab fees, parking fees, etc.

There's literally nowhere in America that someone earning minimum wage 40 hours a week can pay rent. $100k in debt is far more common than you think. And jobs are requiring a 4-year degree without compensating employees for having one. Not many of us are doctors. $10k is like a bird hitting a car windshield at 70mph-- it'll make a sound, but not a dent.

08-25-2022, 02:35 PM
Not respecting the working man.

Having worked for myself for 40+ years I take note of that statement, even though it was made in jest. I was however respected. Not only by my peers, but my community. That and about $5 will probably buy you a nice espresso coffee now a days. ;)

Did I attend college. Yes, and as many of you know, I majored in "Spherical Physics" (9 Ball) and later hustled my way across to the West Coast... but I digress...

The point here was all this was paid for by me... well and me and my cue stick, but at this point I'd probably be in Cab's camp... yeah send it to me. I'll put it good use if you don't want it.

My concerns now are probably with the drought stricken farmers on the West coast and it seems the government will perhaps pay them not to plant. Good for them too.

I've always found water in life is quite essential.

08-25-2022, 03:23 PM
The Vietnam War was fought mostly by the poor and uneducated who lacked the ability to get a college deferment from the draft. As injustices go, I think some getting 10k and some not is a very lesser one.

08-25-2022, 07:49 PM
The biggest problem with student loan debt is the fact that we were all told we'd prosper if only we worked hard through university and earned our degrees. Corporate greed has greatly diminished those promised benefits. Yet we still have to cover those costs. It's a double-edged sword. High cost for the education/low wages.

$10k doesn't do shit.

08-25-2022, 09:37 PM
If you want to complain because you've been lied to then you're going to have to stand in line.

08-26-2022, 11:17 AM
Fine...but I'm cutting ahead of minorities and immigrants because America. Naturally.

08-31-2022, 11:13 AM
Thank you for the invite, Anon!

08-31-2022, 05:08 PM
Don't mention it. Will do a FileList.io giveaway as soon as I get my trillion pesos from Biden :w00t: