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12-06-2003, 11:17 PM
Help i really need help
sry if this has been done b4 but i checked some of the other topics and it doesn't seem like its been done b4
anyways ive been using kazaalite some time and its always been fine
but lately when i unistalled kazaalite and then reinstalled it sumthin has been goin wrong
the installation and everything is fine but everytime i click on kazaalite to start it up i get this message saying "There was a error and kazaalite will be closed" and the only thing i can press in the ok button and then kazaalite shuts down
wats wrong
ive dled kazaalite from many sites and numbers of times but it still doesn't work
can sum1 help me plz?

12-06-2003, 11:28 PM
go here (http://kazaalite.tk/) and get an offical version of k-lite, then un-install the old one, delete everything u can find of it on ur pc..then install this one

12-07-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by TheFilePirater@7 December 2003 - 12:28
lol...3 words...dont use kazaa!! its good for somethings but most of the time it sucks...

start exploring other p2p, like bitorrent,emule,direct connect,mirc
Man you changed your tune quick :D

12-07-2003, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by DarkSephiroth@6 December 2003 - 19:17
Help i really need help
sry if this has been done b4 but i checked some of the other topics and it doesn't seem like its been done b4
anyways ive been using kazaalite some time and its always been fine
but lately when i unistalled kazaalite and then reinstalled it sumthin has been goin wrong
the installation and everything is fine but everytime i click on kazaalite to start it up i get this message saying "There was a error and kazaalite will be closed" and the only thing i can press in the ok button and then kazaalite shuts down
wats wrong
ive dled kazaalite from many sites and numbers of times but it still doesn't work
can sum1 help me plz?
stop reinstalling so much, why the hell do you keep reinstalling for?? it does not do anything!!!!

empty your shared folder to a tem and tell me if this is stil happening

12-08-2003, 06:00 AM
hmm cant seem to dl kazaa these couple days
the site has some type of problem
so some of the things aren't showing
i guess i have to wait until the sites good again to dl

12-08-2003, 07:22 AM
MAke sure you are not a supernode.

12-10-2003, 07:01 AM
wats a supernode
im pretty sure im not because i dont recall activating it anyways
i dont even kno wat it is
hmm im redownloading it right now and seeing if it works
i hope it does