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View Full Version : Call To All P2p Communities

12-08-2003, 06:14 PM
There's been a call out from P2P politics site TheBigHack (http://www.thebighack.com) to all the popular P2P communities that are out there. Some of the ones named include Gnutella, ES5...and Kazaa Lite.

TBH & ES5 have had their own feud (can ES5 not fight anyone? ;)) but members from each have agreed to put aside their differences for this. Considering the recent tragedy on our home soil, I'd have said that we can't afford to be picky on this.

This is not a pure K-Lite board and has always been more of a general filesharing board - Let's act like it.

I'll leave the rest of this post to the article, but one last thing - They only want a few good people to help out. It's your own personal choice if you help out, not the community's ;)

SOURCE - http://www.thebighack.com/modules.php?op=m...order=0&thold=0 (http://www.thebighack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=173&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0)

Originally posted by TheBigHack
Im sick of this sabotage shit. Im calling for a p2p allience.
As usual, I am working at after 2 am in the morning, going over code that has changed the second it leaves my internal network. I don’t know who and I don’t know how, but I do know that if this ever gets done allot of rich fucktards will lose everything, so I’m not surprised at the sabotage I am hearing as I go through the code and for the 15th time since I started working on OFF, add bits of code someone sniped out, or edit lines that have been edited in a attempt to destroy my work.

I’m sick of it; I even set up a secure server on my internal network for code dev, but once it leaves the safety of my network it seems to suddenly break.. and when I get the copies back I get pages of data from &#39;diff&#39;, as everything has changed.. and when I check, sure enough &#39;rb&#39; becomes &#39;r&#39;, &#39;<&#39; becomes &#39;>&#39; and &#39;)))&#39; becomes &#39;))&#39;.. and that’s not the full extent of it.

So far tonight I have heard many more instances of fuzzy logic then I would care to admit, and much of what I have been told doesn’t make sense to my years of experience, other then somone out there, maybe even a group of people, are activly working to make sure OFF is never done.

The only thing I’m really sure of now is that I know allot of people want this done, and I know a few very powerful people do not want it done.. so it seems to me that if development was done not just with me, but with many others, it would get done faster... not to mention that once it hits the open source community it will be impossible to destroy it.

The problem is simple; We don’t have the manpower we need, I’m understaffed and my ears hurt all the time from listening to code I cant see: So I ask you the people of kazza light, gnutella, yes even es5, and all the rest of you p2p sites to prove you are friends of p2p and send me at least one developer/helper I can check the creds of who knows php to help; If you don’t, then I will know in my heart that your site is not really for p2p freedom.. the sites that do send help to get this mit licensed project out there (that’s right OFF is open source) will be the ones to get the respect they deserve.. the ones who don’t will be seen by the public as what they really are, posers and users of the p2p community for there own ends and not the community at large as they should be.

The sites that send developers to get this info out there will be listed as they come, I will personally post a front page news story about it to let people know that the site in question is not just a poser.. and I will be very harsh on the sites that do not join the alliance as it only shows there true intentions.

I&#39;m waiting.. and not knowing of this is not a valid excuse for not joining, we get about 2000 hits a day, mostly from p2p sites around the world so I know this will get out there; I figure its either this or keep recoding OFF every single day, I have done it so many times now I’m starting to get sick at the thought of it.. If I have to do it too many more times... I may just not.

So if you don’t own a p2p site, let the people you respect who do know of this.. if you do own a p2p site, you need to join up before your compition in the p2p world does, and no matter what you need to remember that we are are all on the side of p2p, even if our motives are different.

So prove it.. not to me, but the world and the >2k hits a day that are watching this site.

12-09-2003, 11:24 AM
the es5 feud is over. :D

12-09-2003, 11:26 AM
;) Why don&#39;t you try to take this over to another Community and see how they take it.Not so good.I am all for this Illuminati.....good luck.You will need it.

12-10-2003, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by FuNkY CaPrIcOrN@9 December 2003 - 11:26
;) Why don&#39;t you try to take this over to another Community and see how they take it.Not so good.I am all for this Illuminati.....good luck.You will need it.
So far as I know, the response has been favorable from all the forums that we have visited Mr. Capricorn, may I call you Funky? Even at ES5, they are actually in favor of what we are trying to do and support us. Why? Because it’s one more group trying to be a thorn in a certain industries side and that is a noble cause in their eyes. If nothing else, we may make a few more people think deeper about what is happening to our legal rights as citizens, all in the name of big business. And that is not such a bad thing is it? ;)

12-10-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by FreakinWeasel@9 December 2003 - 21:12
So far as I know, the response has been favorable from all the forums that we have visited Mr. Capricorn, may I call you Funky?
:D People call me FC. :D

:lol: And take this over to the SoulSeek Forum.Lets see what they have to say about it. :lol:

12-10-2003, 02:34 AM
sounds dumb to me. :rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 03:35 AM
The concept sounds interesting, reading the forums there currently at alpha stage or at early beta stages.

Although that statement was hardly indearing,
sounds quite similar to George bushs "your with us or agaist us".

Dont get me wrong i support it, just maybe you should tone down the arrogance a little.

12-10-2003, 02:43 PM
This sounds like a great idea. Thanks Illuminati for bringing this here.

Is it possible for a mod to move this to the k-lite development section so that the people who can make a difference can see this?


Rat Faced
12-10-2003, 03:14 PM
Yep.......moving to the Development people..

They are the ones that can... however on this site, we&#39;re a bunch of individuals.

We cant send anyone.

On saying that, anything that helps p2p is good in my book.

12-10-2003, 03:20 PM
Thanks RF, I had a feeling it was either gonna get ignored or spammed. It&#39;s too important for either of those things to happen.


12-10-2003, 10:16 PM
Thank you for all the comments. It means that at least your thinking of The Big Hack, and thinking is good. I believe it is important to understand White Raven&#39;s rant in the proper context. He&#39;s been working on this whole hack thing night and day for the better part of 5 months. So when he blows, he blows. Sometimes for the good, sometimes not, but his heart is usually in the right place. Is his statement arrogant? Yeah, even abusive in some parts. Only he can truly understand his own level of frustration. I guess the boiled down version of what he is saying is, he can&#39;t understand how we can have so many p2p users out there floating around and we can&#39;t find a few good coders to finish what should be a fairly easy piece of code, once they get going. This shouldn&#39;t be a longterm gig, as the whole thing is supposed to be open source once they prove it works and is useful (remains to be seen). Anyway, I don&#39;t want to appear to be a spammer or fanboy, so I want thank you all again for the opportunity to add some commentary.


12-10-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by FreakinWeasel@10 December 2003 - 23:16
Anyway, I don&#39;t want to appear to be a spammer or fanboy
Well I invited any member of TBH to bring their side of the article over here.

So generally, such heat will be on me :)

12-12-2003, 05:17 PM
Is there really no interest in this? All of the people on this forum saying "we should build our own p2p app." and no one has looked into this?

Come on you guys with the knowledge, see what you can do to help this guy out.

Well whatever, just kinda suprises me that&#39;s all. Not even one comment from those of you with knowledge in this type of stuff. Guess we should have left it where it was, at least it would have gotten some attention by all the spammers ;)


12-14-2003, 04:25 PM
Just gotta try again :)

12-18-2003, 04:38 AM
I posted something there and I will post it again here. It&#39;s my opinion and suggestions, not the absolute truth about the meaning of the life ; )

Re: Im sick of this sabotage shit. Im calling for a p2p allience. (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Dec 17, 2003 - 09:38 PM
(This is knightmad, coldmail at bol dot com dot br, too lazy to register, maybe later)
Well, your project as your problem are both interesting. Unfortunetally, I cannot help you in PHP because I have no skill in Web languages, althought I can program in some other stand-alone languages (C/C++, Pascal/Delphi, some Assemblies, Fortran...) so, if you need help in not Web Languages, count on me :). And, I can help you with some suggestions.
First: even if you are only starting or planning your software, make it free software, under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) or any other free software license. I suggest you GNU GPL because 1) Nobody (even you) would be allowed to break the copyleft license, what means that what you made free is free forever and 2) if your product is as good as it seems, FSF will protect it from being un-freed (for lack of a better word) assigning lawyers to protect you and your product
Second: use PGP to ensure your messages to outside world are correct, signed and, if needed, encrypted
Third: use CVS system to allow updates from multiple developers, it works well with Linux, for example, and permits to expurge errors as fast as they get in
I hope this can be helpful in some way, and sorry for my bad english.

http://knightgina.sourceforge.net "