View Full Version : Bit Torrent

12-09-2003, 11:13 AM
Hey guys, I have a couple questions.

1) Is it true that the more you allow people to upload the faster you can download?

2)I have seen people say they are downloading at speeds up 70-80 or even just like 40. Well I am dl at about 0-4, lol, so why I am dl so slow?

3) Am I using the program wrong?


12-09-2003, 11:16 AM
1) Yes. Or to be more specific - The faster your upload rate is, the faster your download speed can be.
2) It'll be slow near the beginning and speed up gradually, A as more people connect as well and B as you upload to more people. The mechanism is kinda like the speed of a car - I'd love for you to find a car that can go from 0-60 in .1 seconds :P
3) God knows :huh: Too little information, but if this is related to 2) then leave BT on for a bit and check the result. If it has gone faster, then the answer is no. If it is still slow, then feel free to come back but give us more info (e.g. Which BT client are you using).

12-09-2003, 11:28 AM
Hey thanks a lot man.

I am using Bit Torrent S-5.8.7 (Shadow's Ecpeiremental). I saw it on a "how to use" forum here on the boards. It is a pretty recent forum, considering I jsut downloaded it tonight, lol. I am not sure if that is the exact name, because I closed the link where I downloaded it from, but that is what my add/remove programs says it is.

In this particular bit torrent I am able to change my upload rate and max uploads. I have the max upload rate at 2000kb/s and hte max uploads at 100.

Right now 1 of my movies is dl at 1kb/s while I am uploading at 23kb/s. I have been trying to dl this movie for almost an hour now...so that is why I was wondering why the speeds were so slow.

All of my movies still have yellow lights, I have a router, and i even went to start>run>services.msc to try and turn off the internet firewall connector but I have none listed. So I figured it is yellow for some other reason.

Is this any more help?


12-09-2003, 01:14 PM
As Illuminati has said. The more you put in, the more you get out.

This is because, if you give say only 5kb upload then others are doing all of the work by supplying all the upload speed out there and dividing that between all the people downloading that file. If you are giving your max, then that frees up the upload speed of others for which they can contribute more to your download speed.

I don't think most people understand that and only harm the network by limiting their upload speed. You can however limit your bandwidth to just under your upload limits so that you still have a little cushion for using the net and sending receiving requests/info through bittorrent.

And my lights just went yellow also, I am using a proxy server and believe that is the reason. But so far, no problems. I am ul/dl'ing fine.


12-09-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by the302riddler@9 December 2003 - 04:28
Hey thanks a lot man.

I am using Bit Torrent S-5.8.7 (Shadow's Ecpeiremental). I saw it on a "how to use" forum here on the boards. It is a pretty recent forum, considering I jsut downloaded it tonight, lol. I am not sure if that is the exact name, because I closed the link where I downloaded it from, but that is what my add/remove programs says it is.

In this particular bit torrent I am able to change my upload rate and max uploads. I have the max upload rate at 2000kb/s and hte max uploads at 100.

Right now 1 of my movies is dl at 1kb/s while I am uploading at 23kb/s. I have been trying to dl this movie for almost an hour now...so that is why I was wondering why the speeds were so slow.

All of my movies still have yellow lights, I have a router, and i even went to start>run>services.msc to try and turn off the internet firewall connector but I have none listed. So I figured it is yellow for some other reason.

Is this any more help?

If you have the yellow lights and a router, it's pretty much obvious that you need to set 'Port Forwarding'. This has to been done through the website router configuration page. Either review your manual or go the the router website and find out about port forwarding. You should find out what web addy you need to enter the settings. Once forwarding is done you should see better results.

Useful sites -

BT Tweaking (http://userpages.umbc.edu/~hamilton/btclientconfig.html)
Brian's BT FAQ page (http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/)...........

You can also try changing your setting. I use DSL/Cable slow, althought my downlaod rate is faster than uplaod, I always allow others to complete to equal out what I take. It's only fair................. :)

12-10-2003, 02:26 AM
I think its cause my router. But I forget how to access my routers page and dont have the manual to consult it. Are there any other programs like this out there? Are there any other good programs out there?

12-10-2003, 02:30 AM
read my guide in the "how to port forward" topic

12-10-2003, 02:41 AM
I have tried atleast 3 diff people ways of going about the router, I think the problem is that we set-up the router to begin with on a different computer then the one I am on now. I am running windows 2000 NT and have a Netgear router, Ill try whatever way you have to offer, but I am beggining to lose hope. :(


12-10-2003, 02:43 AM
call up netgear and ask what the Gateway IP is

12-10-2003, 02:45 AM
lol, I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow since i am sure they are closed now. Do you use any other programs to dl movies FilePirater? If so which is your fav

12-10-2003, 03:05 AM
BT is my fav now, there are many other options...

mIRC, Direct Connect, Soulseek, Emule, Shareza...ect

12-10-2003, 03:06 AM
I may have just figured out the deal with my router....so I am gonna try and start dl/ul again. I will let you guys know how it goes down.

Thanks everyone

12-10-2003, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by the302riddler@9 December 2003 - 19:06
I may have just figured out the deal with my router....so I am gonna try and start dl/ul again. I will let you guys know how it goes down.

Thanks everyone
I set my upload as unlimited which is 0.
And the max i've even download is 100kb/sec.

Some people say 200kb or 600kb...Hard to believe..

I dont think the speed of upload affects your download speed..not sure though.