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View Full Version : Given The Circumstances...

12-09-2003, 04:31 PM
This is not meant to be confrontational or combative, so allow me to get that out of the way right up front.
I have recently seen the closure of several file sharing communities, on the surface at least, and I am wondering, how secure is Kazaalite...not the dumb ones that seem to be members of the "community-at-large", who seem to be in the pockets of the RIAA and the MPAA, and are allowed to occupy web space only because they, like Sharman networks, are "kicking in" to the coffers of the powers that be.
I trembled when I saw Kazaalite shut down the other day...I am sick and tired of the Man always winning out over us. I came into this forum to see what was up, and I see an 18 year old kid as the spokesman for all of us, and I have to wonder just how quickly he too will cave when pressured by the RIAA or even the bully down the street. Can this person be an asset, or are we just riding it out until older heads prevail?
Seriously, I am not being combative, I just hate it that Kazaa was rendered impotent so suddenly, to be figureheaded by a self-acclaimed "hormonebomb"...that in itself should be a warning to us about the stability involved here.
I pray that the loyal members, the die-hards, don't give up what is an entirely winnable fight here. Just stick around, folks, and remember, we ARE the consumers here, not them, and we have a voice if we don't fold as soon as the winds shift.
Power to the P2P

[email protected]
I will never give up or roll over to the pukes.
Don't you!

12-09-2003, 04:38 PM
I see an 18 year old kid as the spokesman for all of us,

to be figureheaded by a self-acclaimed "hormonebomb"

Where did you get that idea? He isn't our spokesman. :blink:

12-09-2003, 04:40 PM
I suppose the 18 year old kid you're talking about got to be Lamsey.
He is neither the spokesmen of k-lite nor is he our figurehead. He is a moderator of the board, that means that he has been an active and constructive member who now helps to keep the board clean. :)

Sorry but I dont have time now to go into your othe rpoints atm. Im sure someone will hapialy do it :P , in the mean time have a look around the board. You will find many answer there.

vivitron 15
12-09-2003, 04:47 PM
and the main website to which you refer is nothing to do with anyone here - the only link is that this forum originally was for the site, but now it has nothing in common whatsoever

12-09-2003, 04:51 PM

*emails '[email protected]' to the RIAA

Oh, btw - little tip: 18-year-olds ain't kids ;) And they seem to know a lot more about forums than you do :rolleyes:

12-09-2003, 04:57 PM
@slaverunner_2002, maybe you should talk with Paul. He is the one who has access to the main site for kazaalite. It also appear like he has given up on k-lite. :(

Originally posted by Paul@7 December 2003 - 08:21
A chatbuddy of mine ran/runs the 'main' website. He has removed the info about KL because he doesn't want to get in trouble. Maybe I can convince him to put at least a little bit of info about it on the website. But I respect his decision anyway. He said he will now use the website to promote other programs because he thinks those are better (which I totally agree on). It's time to move on.

I myself have also lost interest in KL. Actually already some time ago. I haven't actively used it for a long time. But I think the same applies for many other forum members here. I am totally addicted to eMule. It's open source, clean, lots of users, lots of great files and almost no fakes. We have to face facts that FastTrack is slowly dying and that the current KL will probably never be surpassed as the best FT client. But I will continue to help people with their problems here on the forum, because it is a great community.

I have been sick the last couple of days (39 degrees fever) so you probably won't see me on the forum much and it prevented me from posting this sooner. I hope to be back on my feet within a few days.


(P.S. Has any of you got any grandma tips for a sore throat? It hurts like hell.)

That quote can be found in this thread: http://klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showtopic=86484

12-09-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Lamsey@9 December 2003 - 17:51

*emails '[email protected]' to the RIAA

Bad, bad Lamsey

I always thought kids are so innocent and nice :angel2:

oh well maybe I should know better :D

12-09-2003, 06:39 PM
Lamsey isnt our spokesperson, as already mentioned, but he is a very good moderator, the most active at the current time

Its sad to see people jump ship on Kazaa so easily....It has so much potential, do we really roll over and admit defeat, switch to one of the alternatives and give up? What happens then, when that eventually gets anti-piracy measures? Do we just fall back further and further?

I say the line should be drawn here. Kazaa-lite is a fantastic idea, surely something can be done to protect it?