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12-10-2003, 08:07 PM
Spoofing hole found in Internet Explorer
A BUG IN Internet Explorer has been discovered which allows ID spoofing.
Secunia describes the vulnerability as "moderately critical".

According to a bulletin, the hole allows users to be tricked into revealing information, or to download and run bad software on systems.

Because an arbitrary "fully qualified domain name" is displayed in the address bar, which differs from the real address.

That could lead people to think a site can be trusted.

It can't.

Yesterday Microsoft cancelled a monthly security check for its software, according to Neowin.

The Secunia bulletin is here:


12-10-2003, 08:27 PM
who uses IE now anyway? - it sucks!

12-10-2003, 08:40 PM
I do mate ..and it dont mate. :)

12-10-2003, 08:43 PM
I do mate ..and it dont mate.

I 2nd CK

IE rules

12-10-2003, 08:46 PM
all the updates to it must piss you off a bit though ;)

anyone know how this exploit works. id like to have a bit of a test of spoofing domain names.

12-10-2003, 09:01 PM
I use IE. Fast and reasonably reliable, and with a very useful favorites window that I now can't live without

12-10-2003, 09:07 PM
and with a very useful favorites window that I now can't live without

best thing about IE :)

12-10-2003, 09:32 PM
every other browser i have ever used has a very similar favourites window.

what makes ie's so special :huh:

12-10-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by RGX@10 December 2003 - 22:01
Fast and IE :huh: :huh:

And also whats so special about ie's favourites?

12-10-2003, 09:51 PM
cmon every1 stfu...les not start another fight will ya..... thx for the info SH :)

12-10-2003, 10:00 PM
Add poup cop to ie it adds a nice little drop down for one click of the mouse.


The Kiler
12-10-2003, 11:46 PM
Admuncher is better than that. It can do all of that.

I use MYie2. It's the same as IE but better.

12-11-2003, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by The Kiler@10 December 2003 - 22:46
Admuncher is better than that. It can do all of that.

I use MYie2. It's the same as IE but better.
Maybe mate..not imo thou. :)

And myie2 is not better than ie. :)

12-11-2003, 08:02 PM
I use IE because it's fast (it's going to be when it's part of the system), functional (apart from the print button sending straight to the printer) good looking, free and it's already there.
I used to use Netscape but their developers completely fucked it up by adding extra shit (hello AOL) without fixing drawbacks (only support one email server? Stooopiiid!) or problems. Now it's just a joke.

Popup? Not a problem for me as I have NIS2003 takng care of them, together with ads and dodgy code.