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12-11-2003, 09:02 PM
hello all

I just want to thank the "Elders" in this forum.... The amount of info about other P2P progz that has been added to this board recently is incredable.... I like the direction it has taken It's way more dangerous for the "MAN" :P now...

I seen mention to the appz that diferent users are downloading with... I mostly was wondering about the PL's or 1000 it appears most are leaching... If I'm watching trafic I'll cut them off to open slot's for people using there real PL...

cosmic doobie
12-11-2003, 09:05 PM
If they have the privacy patch switched on how do you know they are leeching??

12-11-2003, 09:11 PM
That rolls through my mind.... :blink:

Wondering 'bout the pl's over 1000, (12821) for example

I'd never cut off anyone showing there real PL... Even at Zero I've lost 40 points in one night.... I understand you can get wailed if you get lucky and hit a big pipe on a big file....

cosmic doobie
12-11-2003, 09:15 PM
Good point - but don't cut someone cos they have PL cheat or privacy patch on KaZaA Lite K++, Just share, there's plenty on the network for everyone!

12-11-2003, 10:38 PM
Closed folder is fine I only open mine a few hours a day I have way to many files in it to leave open all the time....

But searches are getting slower and conecting seems to be getting harder... I like to make sure (when I can) open a slot for people who will atleaest show there real PL...

Back to my main question... I just want to know alittle more 'bout peeps I'm sharing with.... :D

12-12-2003, 12:51 AM
Hardly anyone on k-lite shows their real PL, its mostly people on KMD who do.

12-12-2003, 10:58 AM
whats the big deal about using the kl master cheat. Why should any of us download at less than top speed on purpose. I didn't get broadband to be a low(0).

Surely this is another way of making Klite more desirable to normal KMD users?

What is your rating based on anyway? How many files in your shared folder? Surely the bandwidth you have given over to uploads is just as, if not more important. Filling my harddrive with rubbish just to increase my rating seems pointless.

I keep all the quality anime I've managed to download but its not that much yet. I have however forced my supernode option. Should I be made to crawl along untill I'm good/big enough to be in the "old boys club". Surely we should all be equal and stop worrying about someone else getting it easy. Isn't that the mentality of Sharmon?

Why would the software freedom fighters who gave us k++ have put the cheat in there if it contravined some ethos?

This concern about the KL(1000) cheat smacks of elistism/exclusion to me. Doesn't that go against the grain of k++.

12-12-2003, 12:03 PM
i agree...should be able to upload/download at whateva speed u can....

Rat Faced
12-12-2003, 01:13 PM
99% of K-lite users will have a PL1000 or above..........the PL system should never have been introduced, as it has we will continue to do everything in our power to discredit it.

People upload off us "1st come, 1st served" irrespective of PL........we would rather that was the same universaly, but until that day..we will continue to take advantage of the system ;)

99% of k-lite users also use the privacy patch, so they will appear to be leeching. They arent, just the "Search for more from same user" and similar searches wont work on them.

In essence, treat everyone as if they are sharing, as its impossible to tell for certain if they are or not....and life is just too short to sit in front of your screen canceling people that might be leeching.

cosmic doobie
12-12-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Rat Faced@12 December 2003 - 12:13
....and life is just too short to sit in front of your screen canceling people that might be leeching.
This is so true - I leave mine beavering away unattended for days sometimes.