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View Full Version : How Can I Request Some1 To Seed A File

12-12-2003, 07:13 PM
Is there anywhere I can request someone to seed a file on BT.
I was downloading The 51st State film and it got to 99.8% complete and since then there has been no seeds of it anywhere. Ive left it open for days but people just keep downloading of me and I get no where.


12-12-2003, 07:18 PM
Where did you get it from in the first place?
Perhaps that site has a forum or an IRC room.

12-12-2003, 07:43 PM
Sometimes you can get lucky and the movie will practically be complete even at 99.8%. Have you tried playing the movie and see if it works? A recommendation given to me since it happend once. Turned out I had the whole movie (-) a small freeze at the end (end credits), but hey no biggie, just edited that portion out. Not saying it will work 100% in all instances but it's a shot worth trying.

or refer to above by NB

12-12-2003, 08:45 PM
I got the movie form suprnova - their forum aint got much in it but i suppose I could ask.

Yes i've tried opening the movie with both media player and video lan but none of them will work.

12-12-2003, 08:50 PM
Last time I checked Suprnova's forum was down.

Perhaps you'll have more luck in their IRC channel:
irc://wikked.irchat.tv:6667/suprnova.org (copy-paste into your browser if you have mIRC installed)

12-13-2003, 01:13 AM
videolan will play it, but you have to cancle the download, it can't play if its being seeded or still downloading

12-13-2003, 01:31 PM
thanks, video lan is playing it now. Im sure it wasn't downloading last time I tried but nevermind.

Whats mIRC and where do you get it from? ive never heard of it before

12-13-2003, 01:36 PM
aha, well if you've never heard of it before you can check the mIRC section of this board.
It has a beginner's guide and all to start you up.

12-13-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by chris_lyon82@13 December 2003 - 13:31
thanks,  video lan is playing it now.  Im sure it wasn't downloading last time I tried but nevermind.

Whats mIRC and where do you get it from?  ive never heard of it before
mIRC (http://www.mirc.com/) is an Internet Relay Chat program.

Here are some links to information on IRC* What is irc and Why do you need it? (http://www.nur.ac.rw/irc1.htm)
How to use IRC? (http://www.nur.ac.rw/irc2.htm) (This talks specifically about mIRC
Talking, and entering commands (http://www.nur.ac.rw/irc3.htm)
IRC server list (http://www.nur.ac.rw/list.htm)
Symbol and Acronym help (http://www.nur.ac.rw/irc4.htm)
How IRC works? (http://www.nur.ac.rw/irc5.htm)
Useful IRC links (http://www.nur.ac.rw/irc6.htm)

Or have a look in the mIRC (http://klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showforum=67) subforum at this site.

*These links courtesy of Université Nationale du Ruwanda (http://www.nur.ac.rw/)

12-13-2003, 10:26 PM
On suprnova i always get to 99% and the it just dies. I have this one movie thats a .bin file and a .cue file so i cant really play it to see it. Also the .cue file is 0kb so i guess it needed to be downloaded just a little bit more.

12-14-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by CornerPocket@12 December 2003 - 19:43
Sometimes you can get lucky and the movie will practically be complete even at 99.8%. Have you tried playing the movie and see if it works? A recommendation given to me since it happend once. Turned out I had the whole movie (-) a small freeze at the end (end credits), but hey no biggie, just edited that portion out. Not saying it will work 100% in all instances but it's a shot worth trying.

or refer to above by NB
yes sometime but often at 98 or less it is too out of place for it to be even playble.
dont assume it is complete because its watchable, it's not.

12-15-2003, 01:52 AM
In fact avi files can play with far less data then 98%.
The problem is that the Codec header and file index at the begin of file need to be intact for even VideoLan or Avipreview to work. Without those the file can't be played.

With Kazaa a file would be downloaded starting at the beginning of the file, so you'll be able to play quite soon.
However the way Bittorrent works it grabs packets at randomn from different sources. This often results in you needing a large part of the file before you have the index complete and thus before you can play it.

This is also the reason you can have a bit missing in the middle of a movie if you have an incomplete bittorrent download.

This may seem as a major drawback to bittorrent, but it's also the reason it's one of the fastest p2p-programs around.