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View Full Version : Anarchist Cookbook Movie

12-17-2003, 01:47 AM
any1 got it? it'd be nice if someone did, cant find it anywhere

12-18-2003, 12:37 AM
I don't think anyone cares about this movie. :lol:

The cookbook is so full of shit, and the people who seriously read it are newbs. Misguided, poor, unfortunate noobs.

I'm sure there will be some 'anarchy' group that will get it out there though. There's always people stupid enough to follow along with that shit.

12-18-2003, 01:37 AM
its not like i try making bombs and shit, i just wanna see other ppl do it :P

Evil Fish
12-18-2003, 02:25 AM
some of that stuff is a lot of fun if you have free time on the weekends. i didn't know there was a movie. i have it queued on irc now though.

12-18-2003, 02:38 AM
dude what server, tell me!!! please!! kids at school are willing to pay for this

Mr. Blunt
12-18-2003, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by GibboNet@17 December 2003 - 16:37
I'm sure there will be some 'anarchy' group that will get it out there though. There's always people stupid enough to follow along with that shit.
Yes, stupid anarchy groups. What stupid asses. :rolleyes: <_<

12-18-2003, 02:56 AM
dude lay off the anarchists, just because youre an anarchist doesnt mean you go around blowing shit up, it just means you are anti government, most of theose anarchist cookbook gys dont even know what anarchy means, thats what you call a poser

12-18-2003, 05:26 AM
Actualy and anachist is some one who has no respect for Authority, But that was back in the day of the Sex Pistols, maybe the deffinitan has changed over the years.

As for the cookbook well sure it fun to look at "other" people making shit. until those "other" people (who might have payed for that shit) end up blowing away a city block cause he didnt strawberry pop tarts that morning.

it might be your city block

D :egypt:

Mr. Blunt
12-18-2003, 05:47 AM

About the movie, when did it first come out? I haven&#39;t heard about one.

12-18-2003, 03:47 PM
search on www.imdb.com ,or just click here (http://imdb.com/title/tt0284850/). there was a thread i started a while ago in the main movie world forum but it just turned out into a flame war.

12-20-2003, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by mooseman2070@18 December 2003 - 02:56
dude lay off the anarchists, just because youre an anarchist doesnt mean you go around blowing shit up, it just means you are anti government, most of theose anarchist cookbook gys dont even know what anarchy means, thats what you call a poser
Unfortunately the thousands of 13 yr old nutcases that end up hurting themselves because they can&#39;t differentiate between anarchists cookbook crap and real information don&#39;t know that.

I&#39;m just sick of kids wanting to know how to "blow shit up" and wanting to be 1337 and all the rest of it. It&#39;s sad, and it always will be.

If they took the time to understand anarchist there might be some hope, but to most it&#39;s just an excuse, a word that sounds cool. Lamers. I&#39;d be interested in the movie to watch, just to see how wrong they get everything. :P

If anyone has a hash, please post it.

some of that stuff is a lot of fun if you have free time on the weekends

Some of that stuff isn&#39;t as fun after you blow your arm off taking advice from some dickhead on the net who makes shit up and calls it a &#39;cookbook&#39;

kids at school are willing to pay for this

Which just shows what a pathetic generation is being brought up. I&#39;m only 19, but even when I was younger, I had a serious interest in that stuff. Nowadays, it saddens me to see what people are like.

Yes, posers is a good word to use.

If anyone wants a SERIOUS site dedicated to true explosives information, feel free to PM me.

Evil Fish
12-20-2003, 04:50 AM
Originally posted by GibboNet+20 December 2003 - 02:43--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (GibboNet @ 20 December 2003 - 02:43)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-mooseman2070@18 December 2003 - 02:56
dude lay off the anarchists, just because youre an anarchist doesnt mean you go around blowing shit up, it just means you are anti government, most of theose anarchist cookbook gys dont even know what anarchy means, thats what you call a poser
Unfortunately the thousands of 13 yr old nutcases that end up hurting themselves because they can&#39;t differentiate between anarchists cookbook crap and real information don&#39;t know that.

I&#39;m just sick of kids wanting to know how to "blow shit up" and wanting to be 1337 and all the rest of it. It&#39;s sad, and it always will be.

If they took the time to understand anarchist there might be some hope, but to most it&#39;s just an excuse, a word that sounds cool. Lamers. I&#39;d be interested in the movie to watch, just to see how wrong they get everything. :P

If anyone has a hash, please post it.

some of that stuff is a lot of fun if you have free time on the weekends

Some of that stuff isn&#39;t as fun after you blow your arm off taking advice from some dickhead on the net who makes shit up and calls it a &#39;cookbook&#39;

kids at school are willing to pay for this

Which just shows what a pathetic generation is being brought up. I&#39;m only 19, but even when I was younger, I had a serious interest in that stuff. Nowadays, it saddens me to see what people are like.

Yes, posers is a good word to use.

If anyone wants a SERIOUS site dedicated to true explosives information, feel free to PM me. [/b][/quote]
you&#39;re a fuckin poseur, go away.

12-22-2003, 05:05 AM
hey well i did a search over night and its been searching for a day now.....theres one user, think its real?

Infested Cats
12-22-2003, 05:26 AM
From the author:

I have recently been made aware of several websites that focus on The Anarchist Cookbook. As the author of the original publication some 30 plus years ago, it is appropriate for me to comment.

The Anarchist Cookbook was written during 1968 and part of 1969 soon after I graduated from high school. At the time, I was 19 years old and the Vietnam War and the so-called &#092;223counter culture movement&#092;224 were at their height. I was involved in the anti-war movement and attended numerous peace rallies and demonstrations. The book, in many respects, was a misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in.

I conducted the research for the manuscript on my own, primarily at the New York City Public Library. Most of the contents were gleaned from Military and Special Forces Manuals. I was not member of any radical group of either a left or right wing persuasion.

I submitted the manuscript directly to a number of publishers without the help or advice of an agent. Ultimately, it was accepted by Lyle Stuart Inc. and was published verbatim &#092;226 without editing &#092;226 in early 1970. Contrary to what is the normal custom, the copyright for the book was taken out in the name of the publisher rather than the author. I did not appreciate the significance of this at the time and would only come to understand it some years later when I requested that the book be taken out of print.

The central idea to the book was that violence is an acceptable means to bring about political change. I no longer agree with this.

Apparently in recent years, The Anarchist Cookbook has seen a number of &#092;221copy cat&#39; type publications, some with remarkably similar titles (Anarchist Cookbook II, IIIetc). I am not familiar with these publications and cannot comment upon them. I can say that the original Anarchist Cookbook has not been revised or updated in any way by me since it was first published.

During the years that followed its publication, I went to university, married, became a father and a teacher of adolescents. These developments had a profound moral and spiritual effect on me. I found that I no longer agreed with what I had written earlier and I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the ideas that I had put my name to. In 1976 I became a confirmed Anglican Christian and shortly thereafter I wrote to Lyle Stuart Inc. explaining that I no longer held the views that were expressed in the book and requested that The Anarchist Cookbook be taken out of print. The response from the publisher was that the copyright was in his name and therefore such a decision was his to make &#092;226 not the author&#39;s. In the early 1980&#39;s, the rights for the book were sold to another publisher. I have had no contact with that publisher (other than to request that the book be taken out of print) and I receive no royalties.

Unfortunately, the book continues to be in print and with the advent of the Internet several websites dealing with it have emerged. I want to state categorically that I am not in agreement with the contents of The Anarchist Cookbook and I would be very pleased (and relieved) to see its publication discontinued. I consider it to be a misguided and potentially dangerous publication which should be taken out of print.

William Powell

12-22-2003, 06:02 PM
well i know the AC has been out of print since the 70s but i still wanna see stupid assholes blow their balls off