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View Full Version : Your Experincein Buying Cd's...

12-20-2003, 08:15 PM
ok, I made a really awful experience in august which make me really angry:

After desperately searching Kazaa and SlSk for "A thousand Acres" I decided to buy it to be a source for other people wanted to download it ;)

So I ordered in local shop "Media Markt" in Nuremberg - http://www.mediamarkt.de - and after waiting a whole week - why you can't get it faster? that is another reason why to search on Kazaa for getting it faster... - I got a damaged CD which first could not be played in my Audio CD Player in my Stereo.
Because I do not want to wait one more week on a new CD, I try to melt the part in the middle of the CD so that my CD Play it. And it worked.

After that I ripped it with Audiograbber ;)

12-21-2003, 07:39 AM
all that work just to fuck up an encode, eh?
gg :rolleyes:

my experience buying cds generally goes something like this:

walk in, adjust to the overplayed crap blaring in my ears.
browse the racks.
find nothing.
find a sales person, the dialog goes something like this:
me: "do you have anything by X"
them: "errrrrr....who?"
me: "nevermind. how about X?"
them: "ummmm...I can look in the book..."
(me making frustrated questioning gestures toward the 19 aisles of CDs)
be: "*sigh* OK, what about X?"
them: "eh...would you like to listen to to the new Justin Timberlake CD?"

/me knocks down several displays of Toby Keith, Alicia Keys, and Strokes merchandise.
/me walks out.

12-21-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Sparsely@21 December 2003 - 07:39
be: "*sigh* OK, what about X?"
them: "eh...would you like to listen to to the new Justin Timberlake CD?"

:D :P :lol:

know the situation only too well.

12-21-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by internet.news@20 December 2003 - 20:15
After that I ripped it with Audiograbber ;)
wut do rippers do

12-22-2003, 03:16 AM
a 'ripper' is an application that extracts the audio data from a compact disc to a waveform (.wav) file.
the resulting .wav file can be left as is, or can be compressed to another file type (mp3, ogg, ape, mpc....).

Aside from 'lossless' formats (ape, etc.) you lose some audio data when the .wav file is compressed. As the compression is gained
largly by 'dumping' audio data that the compressor/encoder program deems unnecessary.

12-23-2003, 03:20 AM
It's pretty easy to buy CDs I want over here because no one has my taste in music. If I can't find something I usually just buy something else I want.

12-25-2003, 12:05 PM
Why not use amazon?

12-26-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Sparsely@21 December 2003 - 01:39

/me knocks down several displays of Toby Keith, Alicia Keys, and Strokes merchandise.
/me walks out.
you sound violent :D i really hate the strokes though so fuck it
i still buy cds because i cant find any of the underground shit i like a lot of the times to download